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Yoga: cos'è?

by Valeria Bragante Aimar Rollan

Chi non ha sentito parlare dello yoga? Molte persone praticano, o vogliono iniziare a praticare questa antica disciplina proveniente dall’India, però non sanno bene di cosa realmente si tratta né quali sono i suoi principi generali. In questa opera, amena e divertente, ti spieghiamo chiaramente tutto ciò che devi sapere per iniziare a praticare yoga, sia per un praticante abituale o uno che vuole iniziare questa pratica. Questo libro non insegna tecniche concrete, dà solo alcune conoscenze per orientarti ed incoraggiarti a praticare. Ogni informazione pratica la potrai trovare nel blog di YOGA in CASA e nel canale YouTube dell’autore. Questa è un’opera informativa e divulgativa sullo yoga, da un punto de vista molto occidentale e aggiornato per la nostra epoca, tenendo conto delle nostre principali inquietudini.


by Emmanuel Carrère

This is a book about yoga. Or at least, it was.Emmanuel Carrère is a renowned writer. After decades of emotional upheaval, he has begun to live successfully—he is healthy; he works; he loves. He practices meditation, striving to observe the world without evaluating it. In this state of heightened awareness, he sets out for a ten-day silent retreat in the French heartland, leaving his phone, his books, and his daily life behind. But he’s also gathering material for his next book, which he thinks will be a pleasant, useful introduction to yoga.Four days later, there’s a tap on the window: something has happened. Forced to leave the retreat early, he returns to a Paris in crisis. Life is derailed. His city is in turmoil. His work-in-progress falters. His marriage begins to unravel, as does his entanglement with another woman. He wavers between opposites—between self-destruction and self-control; sanity and madness; elation and despair. The story he has told about himself falls away. And still, he continues to live. This is a book about one man’s desire to get better, and to be better. It is laced with doubt, animated by the dangerous interplay between what is fiction and what is real. Loving, humorous, harrowing and profound, Yoga hurls us towards the outer edges of consciousness, where, finally, we can see things as they really are.

¡Yoga!: 50 Poses Para Principiantes Para Empezar Tu Viaje

by Alex Carroll

Comienza hoy tu viaje de yoga de por vida Primero que nada, tengamos algo claro. No debes ser prefecto para practicar cualquier tipo de yoga. El yoga es el equilibrio entre la mente y el cuerpo. Todos tenemos cuerpos muy únicos. Nadie es igual. Tu práctica de yoga es exactamente eso – una práctica a hecha para encajar con las necesidades de tu mente y cuerpo. Puede que te sientas con sobrepeso, muy alto, muy bajo, no flexible, muy flaco, etc. Trata de dejar a un lado cualquier tipo de inhibiciones que puedan evitar que des el salto a tu primera rutina. Mucha gente asocia inmediatamente la palabra yoga con apoyarse de cabeza y poses enredosas. Aunque esas actividades avanzadas son ciertamente una pieza del rompecabezas, eso no define al yoga. En "¡YOGA! Aprenderás: ✓ 50 Poses de Yoga Principiante Para Ti ✓ Los Diferentes Tipos de Yoga: Hatha, Iyengar, Bikram, Ashtanga ✓ Más Tipos de Yoga: Vinyasa, Yin, Restaurativo ✓ Tipos de Poses: Meditación, Pose de Árbol Reclinado, Pose de Ángulo Reclinado ✓ Reclined Twist, Supported Fish, Reclined Side Bend, Locust ✓ Torsión Bocabajo, Pose del Niño, Inlinado Frontal - Piernas Abiertas, Apoyo de Pierna ✓ More Poses: Cara de Vaca, Piernas Arriba/Savasana ✓ Pose de Gato y Vaca, Árbol, Doble Paloma, Cuervo ✓ Perro Bocabajo, Plancha, De Cabeza ✓ Pez, Cobra, Perro Bocarriba ✓ Aprovacha tu poder empático Más Poses Que Encontrarás Incluyen: ★ Vasisthasana ★ Paschimottanasana ★ Sirsasana ★ Virabhadrasana III ★ Supta Matsyendrasana

Yoga: Pierda Peso, Alivie el Estrés y Sientase Más Sereno Con Yoga

by Andrea Cutin Nicole Evans

Ya sea que quiera aliviar su estrés, sentir más paz, o disminuir de peso, ¡"Pierda Peso, Alivie el Estrés y Sientase Más Sereno Con Yoga" puede ayudarlo! Aquí hay un poco de lo que aprenderá... Historia del Yoga Práctica del Yoga Estilos de Yoga Beneficios de la práctica del Yoga Posturas de Yoga para descender de peso Posturas de Yoga para aliviar el estrés Yoga y Chakras Errores comunes y como evitarlos ¡Y mucho, mucho más!

Yoga: Mastering the Secrets of Matter and the Universe

by Alain Daniélou

Based on original Sanskrit sources, this book gives an authentic account of the methods of yoga in its different forms, including the challenging "left-hand" paths, as well as practices best suited to Western students.

Yoga: Perdez du poids, réduisez le stress et vivez plus serein grâce au yoga

by Nicole Evans Vincent Torres

ÉGALEMENT DISPONIBLE EN LIVRE DE POCHE ET EN VERSION AUDIO !!! DÉCOUVREZ LA MEILLEURE FACON DE PRATIQUER LE YOGA ! Que vous souhaitiez réduire le stress, vous sentir plus en paix ou perdre du poids, Yoga - Perdez du poids, réduisez le stress et vivez plus serein grâce au yoga est fait pour vous !! Voici un petit aperçu de ce vous apprendrez... L'histoire du yoga Les pratiques du yoga Les styles de yoga Les bienfaits de la pratique du yoga Les postures de yoga permettant de perdre du poids Les postures de yoga pour réduire le stress Le yoga et les chakras Les pièges courants et les erreurs à éviter Et bien plus encore !

Yoga: The Greater Tradition

by David Frawley

Yoga: the Greater Tradition introduces the reader to the greater universe of Yoga and to the principles that animate this rich tradition. Yoga, according to its Indian origins, is not just a physical practice but an ancient and comprehensive sacred science of right living and higher awareness. This holistic practice encompasses physical health and well-being, psychological and emotional harmony, and general balance in life. More importantly, Yoga is a spiritual quest to know the inner truth of the universe - the Divine, God, the Absolute or whatever other name one may use to refer to this highest value. Providing an overview of this traditional way of life, Yoga: The Greater Tradition is a primer for all thoughtful readers interested in embarking on this spiritual quest.

Yoga (Idiot's Guides)

by Sarah Herrington

For a person who has never attempted yoga before, it can seem downright daunting. Not anymore! No one is watching, so now is the perfect time to begin your at-home yoga practice.With full-color, step-by-step illustrations for the absolute beginner, The Idiot's Guide to Yoga teaches dozens of basic yoga poses. In these pages, you will see clearly see how every aspect of a pose is executed. You don't have to be the most flexible or coordinated person out there--this book eases you into poses with instructions on how to modify so it works for your ability.Poses are grouped in small sections, with a practice sequence at the end to show how to connect the poses into a flow (that's yoga talk for routine). This book grows with you: when you've mastered the basic poses and become more flexible, you can move on to more advanced techniques and more challenging modifications. Best of all, you'll also learn how to string together poses into full flows that target particular issues such as stress and flexibility.Features include: • Clear, comprehensive color step-by-step instructions for dozens of basic yoga poses. • Handy "Keeping It Easy" sidebars show ways to modify the poses for the less flexible. • Advanced techniques show you how to go further into poses after you have mastered them. • Illustrated flows found in yoga classes, each targeting a particular area (stress relief, flexibility, meditation, etc.).

Yoga: The Indian Tradition

by Ian Whicher; David Carpenter

The popular perception of yoga in the West remains for the most part that of a physical fitness program, largely divorced from its historical and spiritual roots. The essays collected here provide a sense of the historical emergence of the classical system presented by Patañjali, a careful examination of the key elements, overall character and contemporary relevance of that system (as found in the Yoga Sutra) and a glimpse of some of the tradition's many important ramifications in later Indian religious history.


by Donald Moyer

Written by an author who has practiced Iyengar-style yoga since 1971, and who studied it with B. K. S. Iyengar himself, Yoga: Awakening the Inner Body is a thorough, up-to-date resource for students and teachers. Using questions such as "Do you have sloping shoulders or square-set shoulders?" and "Are the muscles at the back of your upper arms weak?" the book allows readers to tailor the instruction to fit their needs. Eight chapters cover everything from balancing the sternum to aligning the shoulder blades to exploring the relationship among the collarbone, kidneys, and groin. The book also features an introduction in which the author defines the inner body and the various stages of awakening and gives suggestions for using the book.

Yoga: Awakening the Inner Body

by Donald Moyer

In Yoga: Awakening the Inner Body, Donald Moyer draws on over thirty years of yoga teaching and practice experience. His groundbreaking work is designed for yoga students and teachers to develop a home practice and to deepen their understanding of all aspects of yoga--the anatomical, the physiological, the mental, and the spiritual.In Part One, "Finding Inner Balance," he offers a comprehensive guide for the practice of yoga's two most important inverted poses. These two chapters help you select props according to your body type, and suggest ways to check your alignment once you are in the pose.Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand), including variations and alternativesSalamba Sirsasana (Headstand), including variations and alternativesPart Two, "Themes and Variations," consists of six chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of the upper body. Each chapter begins with an anatomical introducation that establishes the theme to be explored in the subsequent practice sequence. The sequences include standing poses, backbends, twists, inverted poses, forward bends, pranayama (breathing practice), and relaxation.The Three Diaphragms: balance your three diaphragms (pelvic, respiratory, and thoracic) to facilitate movement and improve breathingBalance Your Sternum: align your sternum--the manubrium (upper sternum), the sternal body, and the xiphoid process--to free your upper spineCollarbones, Kidneys, and Groins: discover an effortless way to stabilize the pelvis, open the shoulders, and lengthen the spineAlign Your Shoulder Blades: work with a circular movement of your shoulder blades to create space in your shoulder jointsStabilize Your Elbows: learn how to strengthen your arms by stabilizing your elbow jointsStrengthen the Base of Your Neck: activate the deeper muscles of your neck for a strong and healthy cervical spine

Yoga: Awakening the Inner Body

by Donald Moyer Susan Leigh Foster

Written by an author who has practiced Iyengar-style yoga since 1971, and who studied it with B. K. S. Iyengar himself, Yoga: Awakening the Inner Body is a thorough, up-to-date resource for students and teachers. Using questions such as "Do you have sloping shoulders or square-set shoulders?" and "Are the muscles at the back of your upper arms weak?" the book allows readers to tailor the instruction to fit their needs. Eight chapters cover everything from balancing the sternum to aligning the shoulder blades to exploring the relationship among the collarbone, kidneys, and groin. The book also features an introduction in which the author defines the inner body and the various stages of awakening and gives suggestions for using the book.

Yoga: per una vita sana

by Krishna S Swapnil M

Lo yoga è un'antica pratica fondata su un metodo di sviluppo che equilibra il corpo, la mente e l'anima. Lo yoga è una filosofia, una passione e uno stile di vita per le persone che lo praticano. Lo yoga è ora ampiamente praticato nei centri ricreativi, nei centri benessere, nelle scuole, negli ospedali e negli ambulatori. Rilassa la mente. La linea di base è che devi imparare a prestare attenzione. Riuscirai a perfezionare la tua attenzione, prima con il corpo e progredendo verso l'intelletto. Durante la tua pratica, vedrai vantaggi mentali e spirituali. Yoga per una vita sana è un libro per principianti che sono sinceramente interessati a imparare e praticare lo yoga.


by Elizabeth Silas Diane Goodney

For centuries, people around the world have practiced yoga to develop flexibility and build strong muscles. However, yoga is more than just stretching and bending your limbs -- it is also about exercising your mind. Discover what it really means to be a yogi, from learning challenging poses such as Mountain and Warrior, to improving your self-confidence. Yoga offers a basic introduction to this popular practice, including step-by-step instructions.

Yoga: A Complete Practice And Lifestyle Guide:

by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre

Achieve a healthy body, mental alertness, and inner serenity through the practice of yoga.Combining step-by-step asanas, detailed illustrations, programmes, mindfulness techniques, diet advice, and recipes, Yoga: Your Home Practice Companion is the complete practice and lifestyle guide for students of all abilities.Master breathing and mindfulness techniques to recharge your energy levels and combat stress. Embrace a healthier more yogic way of eating with diet advice and more than 40 nutritious plant-based recipes. Written by the experts from the world-renowned Sivananda Yoga Vedana Centres, Yoga: Your Home Practice Companion has everything you need in one complete package.

Yoga: The Practice of Myth and Sacred Geometry

by Rama Jyoti Vernon

In Yoga: The Practice of Myth and Sacred Geometry, master teacher Rama Jyoti Vernon shares techniques and knowledge suitable for all levels, from beginners to experienced students and teachers ready to explore the deeper aspects of this ancient system. <p><p>Discover Rama's unique approach to the breath, a deeply therapeutic method that places the practitioner in a space of being rather than doing. Explore the hidden meanings behind yoga postures, along with their physiological, psychological, and spiritual effects. Learn how the fruits of this deep practice can inform personal choices and relationships.

Yoga – Anticolonial Philosophy: An Action-Focused Guide to Practice

by Shyam Ranganathan

Providing a decolonial, action-focused account of Yoga philosophy, this practical work from Dr. Shyam Ranganathan, pioneering scholar in the field of Indian moral philosophy, focuses on the South Asian tradition to explore what Yoga was like prior to colonization. It challenges teachers and trainees to reflect on the impact of Western colonialism on Yoga as well as understand Yoga as the original decolonial practice in a way that is accessible. Each chapter takes the reader through a journey of sources and traditions, beginning with an investigation into the colonial -Platonic and Aristotelian- approaches to pedagogy in colonized yoga spaces, through contrary, ancient philosophies of South Asia, such as Jainism, Buddhism, Sankhya, and various forms of Vedanta, to sources of Yoga, including the Upanisads, Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita and Hatha Yoga Pradipika. With discussions of the precolonial philosophy of Yoga, its relationship to social justice, and modern postural yoga's relationship with colonial trauma, this is a comprehensive guide for any yoga teacher or trainee to activate and synergize their practice. Supplementary online resources bring the text to life, making this the perfect text for yoga teacher trainings.

Yoga 365: Daily Wisdom for Life, On and Off the Mat

by Susanna Harwood Rubin

Yoga 365 presents a year's worth of daily readings that invite yoga lovers of every skill level to bring the inspiration they experience on their mats into their everyday lives. Each entry explores a mind-body theme such as balance, strength, and resilience in a short, illuminating paragraph that can be enjoyed in the morning or at bedtime, incorporated into a yoga session, or read on the go. Featuring a serenely beautiful hardcover and a spacious, color-washed interior, the package is as calming in the hand as the readings are to the eye. Yogis will find it to be a motivating tool for personal growth and a lighthearted way to share the joys of their practice with others.

Yoga 7 Minutes a Day, 7 Days a Week: A Gentle Daily Practice for Strength, Clarity, and Calm

by Gertrud Hirschi

This little book provides basic 7-minute yoga exercises for each day of the week. The exercises are organized by the mythological and planetary significances of each particular day. For example, Monday is the day of the moon and its focus is on cleansing, introspection, and planning. The gentle daily exercises, each including a mantra and a meditation, focus on various parts of the body—from the heart and shoulders to the pelvis and the digestive tract. By the end of the week, the practitioner will have experienced full-body yoga, and every part of the body will feel energized and strong. <P><P>This is more than a book for the body; Hirschi has constructed a simple step-by-step program that aims to heal and energize the soul and spirit.

Yoga à la maison: Cours pour débutants

by Aimar Rollán

Vous voulez apprendre à faire du yoga à la maison? Si vous avez un tapis et quelques mètres d’espace libre, vous pouvez commencer facilement et en toute sécurité avec ce cours pour débutants. Vous allez apprendre les bases du yoga, la respiration abdominale et trois routines très faciles à faire chez soi le matin, l’après-midi et le soir, avec les exercices expliqués étape par étape et les vidéos enregistrées sur Youtube comme support visuel. Ceci est un cours de yoga depuis le début, pour tout le monde.

Yoga Abs

by Judith Hanson Lasater

Drawing on her experience as a yoga teacher and physical therapist, author Judith Lasater presents an innovative and easy-to-follow program of exercises, asana, and breathing practices. They will help you to: understand the meaning of abdomen and belly learn the anatomy and kinesiology of the abdomen develop and maintain abdominal strength honor your gut feelingsIn addition, she has created a special section called "Everyday Abs," where you will experiment with moving mindfully through your activites, such as driving, cooking, sweeping the floor, and more.

Yoga Abs

by Judith Hanson Lasater P. T.

Drawing on her experience as a yoga teacher and physical therapist, author Judith Lasater presents an innovative and easy-to-follow program of exercises, asana, and breathing practices. They will help you to: * understand the meaning of abdomen and belly * learn the anatomy and kinesiology of the abdomen * develop and maintain abdominal strength * honor your gut feelings In addition, she has created a special section called "Everyday Abs," where you will experiment with moving mindfully through your activites, such as driving, cooking, sweeping the floor, and more.

Yoga Abs

by Judith Hanson Lasater P. T.

Drawing on her experience as a yoga teacher and physical therapist, author Judith Lasater presents an innovative and easy-to-follow program of exercises, asana, and breathing practices. They will help you to: * understand the meaning of abdomen and belly * learn the anatomy and kinesiology of the abdomen * develop and maintain abdominal strength * honor your gut feelings In addition, she has created a special section called "Everyday Abs," where you will experiment with moving mindfully through your activites, such as driving, cooking, sweeping the floor, and more.

Yoga Adjustments: Philosophy, Principles, and Techniques

by Mark Stephens Shiva Rea

The quintessential guide to yoga assisting and hands-on teaching, Yoga Adjustments introduces the art and practice of providing yoga assists to yoga students. Addressing one of the most important topics in the yoga field, expert yoga instructor and best-selling author Mark Stephens covers the philosophy of yoga practice, the sensibilities of touch in teaching yoga and improving alignment, the seven principles of hands-on yoga teaching, and the twenty-five most effective methods of tactile cueing. An invaluable resource for all yoga teachers, teacher trainers, and serious yoga students, this book includes a foreword by yoga star Shiva Rea as well as over 850 unique instructional photos and explanatory captions demonstrating precise ways of guiding a variety of flowing sequences.Opening with an in-depth discussion of the philosophy of yoga assisting, Part I--Foundations describes the methods and techniques of giving yoga assistance, with detailed discussions of all of the elements of yoga assisting including communicating with students, qualities of touch, the five basic steps of providing hands-on cues, hands-on positioning and stance. Part II--Applications demonstrates how to assist students in each of over 100 postures in the seven families of asanas (poses). Each chapter begins with background on an asana family and close consideration of its foundation asana. Each asana is presented in a two-page spread with photos that show how to give students effective guidance and support. Part III--Evolution offers thoughts on the further development of yoga in the twenty-first century.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Yoga After 50 For Dummies

by Larry Payne

Improve balance, flexibility, and overall well-being Yoga is a terrific way to stay fit and improve mental clarity, balance, agility, and flexibility. Written by the founding president of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, this book takes the guesswork out of starting or continuing yoga at 50 and beyond. You’ll learn how to adapt stances and breathing to your changing body to reap the benefits of this ancient practice and use it to calm your mind and body—one pose at a time. - Discover step-by-step instructions for more than 45 poses - Relieve stress - Leverage your breathing - Target weak spots, avoid injury, and deal with pain and chronic conditions - Discover yoga popular apps Larry Payne, Ph.D, is the founding president of the International Association of Yoga Therapists and coauthor of Yoga for Dummies. Named “one of America’s most respected yoga teachers” by the Los Angeles Times, he also developed the yoga program at UCLA School of Medicine and Loyola Marym

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