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Zen and the Art of Dealing with Difficult People

by Mark Westmoquette

This is a unique guide to coping with challenging people using practical Zen and mindfulness tools. It helps readers explore their reactions, break free from knee-jerk response patterns and see if these people may in fact prove to be useful teachers in life – troublesome Buddhas.This is a guide to applying the teachings of mindfulness and Zen to the troublesome or challenging people in our lives. Perhaps you can see there&’s often a pattern to your behaviour in relation to them and that it often causes pain – perhaps a great deal of pain. The only way we can grow is by facing this pain, acknowledging how we feel and how we&’ve reacted, and making an intention or commitment to end this repeating pattern of suffering. In this book, Mark Westmoquette speaks from a place of profound personal experience. A Zen monk, he has endured two life-changing traumas caused by other people: his sexual abuse by his own father; and his stepfather&’s death and mother&’s very serious injury in a car crash due to the careless driving of an off-duty policeman. He stresses that by bringing awareness and kindness to these relationships, our initial stance of &“I can&’t stand this person, they need to change&” will naturally shift into something much broader and more inclusive. The book makes playful use of Zen koans – apparently nonsensical phrases or stories – to help jar us out of habitual ways of perceiving the world and nudge us toward a new perspective of wisdom and compassion.

Zen and the Art of Quilting: Finding Peace Through Piecework

by Sandra Detrixhe

Bring balance to your life in the marriage of beauty and function!From selecting fabrics to threading the needle to piecing together your project, the steps you take to create a beautiful quilt will allow you to calm your mind and bring harmony to your life. Master quilter Sandra Detrixhe shares what she's learned through years of creating art out of scraps of cloth: Quilting is a type of meditation. It's both absorbing and mind-freeing. Sandra and several of her colleagues relate stories about the quiet, mindful experience of quilting--choosing fabrics with a purpose in mind, adding pieces with special meaning, and finding a community of quilters.Each chapter includes a suggested activity that will show you how to find peace in the process. You'll soon be able to turn every minute you spend patterning, basting, and binding into enjoyable, mindful moments. With Zen and the Art of Quilting, you'll learn your wonderful, handmade quilt isn't the craft's only reward. The meditative practice of making your lovely new piece is something to be treasured as well.

Zen and Tonic: Savory and Fresh Cocktails for the Enlightened Drinker

by Jules Aron

Green drinks gone boozy Green drinks gone boozy!Create your own delicious cocktails using ingredients you can find in your own backyard, windowsill, or local farmer's market. Learn to make your own simple syrups and infusions with immune boosting fruits, herbs and veggies that will leave you feeling refreshed and energized. Lavishly illustrated with full-color photographs and offering over 100 fun, simple, and delicious cocktail recipes, Zen and Tonic lets you infuse your life and drinks with healthy, wholesome, revitalizing ingredients.Complete with a thorough introduction to today's producers of organic and quality spirits, and a spotlight on the wholesome herbs, spices and super foods featured in the recipes, Zen and Tonic, brings a fresh twist to the classic toast: "Let's drink to your health!"

Zen Beyond All Words

by Wolfgang Kopp Barbara Wittenberg-Haenauer

Zen Beyond All Words contains a selection of talks given by MasterWolfgang Kopp at the Tao Ch'an Center in Wiesbaden, Germany, during the summer of 1992. In the spirit of the ancient Chinese Ch'an masters, Wolfgang Kopp teaches a direct and powerful Zen. He conveys neither a theoretical system nor a one-sided dogmatism of sitting, and he neither wears customary robes nor holds a traditional title.

Zen beyond Mindfulness: Using Buddhist and Modern Psychology for Transformational Practice

by Jules Shuzen Harris

An effective new approach to Buddhist practice that combines the rigor of traditional meditation and study with the psychological support necessary for practice in modern life.Zen teacher Jules Shuzen Harris argues that contemporary American Buddhists face two primary challenges: (1) “spiritual bypassing,” which means avoiding or repressing psychological problems in favor of “pretend Enlightenment,” and (2) settling for secularized forms of Buddhism or mindfulness that have lost touch with the deeper philosophical and ethical underpinnings of the religion.Drawing on his decades of experience as a Zen practitioner, teacher, and psychotherapist, Harris writes that both of these challenges can be met through the combination of a committed meditation practice, a deep study of Buddhist psychological models, and tools from a psychotherapeutic method known as “Mind-Body Bridging.” Using this unique approach, students can do the real work of awakening without either denying their embodied emotional life or missing out on the rich array of insights offered by Buddhist psychology and the Zen practice tradition.

Zen Body-Being: An Enlightened Approach to Physical Skill, Grace, and Power (Zen Buddhism Ser.)

by Peter Ralston Laura Ralston

In this inspiring guide, Peter Ralston presents a program of "physical education" for anyone interested in body improvement. Using simple, clear language to demystify the Zen mindset, he draws on more than three decades of experience teaching students and apprentices worldwide who have applied his body-being approach. More of a transformative guide than a specific list of exercises devoted to any particular physical approach, Zen Body-Being explains how to create a state of mental control, enhanced feeling-awareness, correct structural alignment, increased spatial acuity, and even a greater interactive presence. Exercises are simple, often involving feeling-imagery and meditative awareness, which have a profound and sometimes instant effect. Where similar guides teach readers what to do, this book teaches readers how to be.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Zen Book

by Daniel Levin

The zen mind is the beginner’s mind, which sees everything as if for the first time. It is in this zen mind that realization comes. People sit for many years in meditation to find that suddenly in hearing something again for the first time, they’re lifted to a state of understanding that’s far beyond anything they’ve ever experienced. This is why the sayings in this book were written. They’re not meant to teach, but rather to remind you of things you already know.

Zen-Brain Horizons: Toward a Living Zen (The MIT Press)

by Austin James H.

In Zen-Brain Horizons, James Austin draws on his decades of experience as a neurologist and Zen practitioner to clarify the benefits of meditative training. Austin integrates classical Buddhist literature with modern brain research, exploring the horizons of a living, neural Zen. When viewed in the light of today, the timeless wisdom of some Zen masters seems almost to have anticipated recent research in the neurosciences. The keen attentiveness and awareness that we cultivate during meditative practices becomes the leading edge of our subsequent mental processing. Austin explains how our covert, involuntary functions can make crucial contributions to the subtle ways we learn, intuit, and engage in creative activities. Austin begins by looking back at ancient Buddhist narratives. He then weaves together the major themes of self, attention, emotion, language, and insight. He goes on to examine Zen and psychology as cultural developments, including recent information about how a clear, calm awareness can change the meditating brain. He considers the pathways through which intuitions develop on their way to becoming realized, exploring the phenomena of the spontaneous color imagery that arises during meditation. Looking out even further into the future, Austin discusses the universal themes of creativity, happiness, openness, and selflessness. Along the way, he bows in homage to William James, explores "Buddhist Botany" and "Avian Zen," demonstrates why living Zen means much more than sitting quietly indoors on a cushion, and provides simplified advice that helps guide readers to the most important points.

Zen-Brain Horizons: Toward a Living Zen (The\mit Press Ser.)

by James H. Austin

A neurologist and Zen practitioner clarifies the benefits of meditative training, drawing on classical Buddhist literature and modern brain research.In Zen-Brain Horizons, James Austin draws on his decades of experience as a neurologist and Zen practitioner to clarify the benefits of meditative training. Austin integrates classical Buddhist literature with modern brain research, exploring the horizons of a living, neural Zen. When viewed in the light of today, the timeless wisdom of some Zen masters seems almost to have anticipated recent research in the neurosciences. The keen attentiveness and awareness that we cultivate during meditative practices becomes the leading edge of our subsequent mental processing. Austin explains how our covert, involuntary functions can make crucial contributions to the subtle ways we learn, intuit, and engage in creative activities. He demonstrates why living Zen means much more than sitting quietly indoors on a cushion, and provides simplified advice that helps guide readers to the most important points.

Zen Bridge: The Zen Teachings of Keido Fukushima

by Barbara Ruch Grace Schireson Keido Fukushima Peter Schireson

A funny, poignant, and illuminating masterclass on Zen philosophy and practice from a beloved teacher.Zen Bridge collects Dharma talks given by the Zen master Keido Fukushima Roshi. Fukushima Roshi's anecdotes on his own training are humble, hilarious, and full of wisdom. His reflections on classical teachings intermingle with personal stories, allowing them to be accessible to all readers while at the same time transcendent. The power and authenticity of this true Zen master shines through in his words. This book includes black and white illustrations of basic sitting and hand posture for meditation as well as selections of Fukushima Roshi's calligraphy.

Zen Cancer Wisdom: Tips for Making Each Day Better

by Suzaanne Friedman

With a much-needed sense of levity, Daju Suzanne Friedman teaches the art of keeping one's body, mind, and spirit together while living with cancer."Layman Wang once asked his attendant,'What would you do if a dragon suddenly arrived here?' His attendant answered, 'I wouldn't pay attention to anything else.' This is how it feels when you've been diagnosed with cancer. Your attention and focus shift dramatically towards just this one thing. While single-minded focus can be beneficial, it is also important to remember that you are more than your diagnosis, and that there is more to life than being a patient." --from the introduction In Zen Cancer Wisdom, Daju Suzanne Friedman--Zen teacher, Chinese medicine doctor, and Qigong specialist--shares the inspirations, insights, and humor that helped her to continue to live fully in the face of cancer. With sections devoted to soothing the spirit, harnessing the mind, nourishing the body, and qigong stretches for soothing aches and pains, Friedman provides thoughtful guidance on topics ranging from hair loss and constipation to coping with stress and learning to laugh again. Each chapter begins with an anecdote drawn from the Zen tradition, followed by personal reflection, and a brief guided practice specifically for cancer patients. Pocket-sized, with short, buoyant chapters, and meditation exercises designed to be practicable anywhere in only a few minutes time, Zen Cancer Wisdom is the perfect companion book for cancer patients.

The Zen Diet Revolution

by Martin Philippa Faulks

The zen diet is no ordinary diet, in fact, it isn't just a diet, it is a way of life, based on spiritual principles and small but permanent changes.

Zen e a Arte de Salvar o Planeta

by Thich Nhat Hanh

O livro mais recente de um dos mais respeitados líderes espirituais do mundo. Não podemos mudar o mundo se não formos capazes de mudar a nossa forma de pensar. Atualmente, enfrentamos uma poderosa interseção de crises: destruição ecológica, colapso climático, aumento da desigualdade, injustiça racial e os impactos duradouros de uma pandemia devastadora. Para enfrentarmos estes desafios, precisamos de encontrar formas de fortalecer a nossa lucidez, compaixão e coragem para agir. A mensagem de Thich Nhat Hanh é muito clara: existe algo que temos o poder de mudar, que fará toda a diferença, e esse algo é a nossa mente. A nossa forma de olhar e de pensar as coisas determina as ações e decisões que tomamos ou evitamos, como nos relacionamos com aqueles que amamos ou de quem discordamos, e como reagimos numa crise. O mindfulness e as visões decisivas da meditação podem ajudar-nos a criar um mundo regenerativo em que todas as vidas sejam respeitadas. Zen e a Arte de Salvar o Planeta mostra-nos uma nova forma de viver e de trazer harmonia a nós próprios, aos nossos relacionamentos e à Terra. «Precisamos de despertar juntos e, se despertarmos juntos, teremos uma hipótese. A nossa forma de viver e planear o futuro conduziu-nos a esta situação. E agora precisamos de olhar profundamente para encontrarmos uma solução, não apenas como indivíduos, mas como um coletivo, uma espécie.» — Thich Nhat Hanh «Thich Nhat Hanh mostra-nos a íntima ligação entre uma pessoa, a sua paz interior e a paz no mundo.» Dalai Lama «Pode ser difícil manter uma atitude positiva e sentir esperança. Neste livro, o monge vietnamita, professor, autor, poeta e ativista da paz, Thich Nhat Hanh, aplica a sabedoria budista à vida quotidiana, ajudando os leitores a fazerem as pazes com o seu lugar no mundo e dando-lhes as ferramentas para aceitarem as circunstâncias que fogem de seu controlo.» Booklist

Zen Heart

by Hozumi Gensho Roshi

This collection of 28 teachings by Zen Master Hozumi Gensho reads like an eloquent Dharma chapbook complete with original works of Zen calligraphy. Hozumi Roshi gently leads the reader through some of the major themes of Buddhism as presented in the Heart Sutra, the Mumonkan (Gateless Gate), the Hekigan-roku (The Blue Cliff Record), and other Zen texts. Ancient and modern masters are also cited along with passages from the Kansan-shi (Poems from Cold Mountain) and the Nanporoku (a handbook on the Way of Tea). Hozumi Roshi's work has long been available in Japan and Germany. This is the first time his teachings are available in English.These are things we need to know:•What is Gratitude•How to Live in the Present, Realizing Wisdom•Reverence for Life•Zazen•The Way of Zen,/ul>Readers are sure to be inspired by Hozumi Roshi's simple but penetrating texts to discover their own Zen Hearts.

Zen in the Age of Anxiety: Wisdom for Navigating Our Modern Lives

by Tim Burkett Wanda Isle

Zen wisdom for identifying the causes of mental and emotional anxiety epidemic in today's world and for finding the path to a peaceful heart in the midst of them--a path that leads directly though the center of the anxiety we're trying to escape.Wrestling with fear doesn’t have to be a negative experience. This book offers an approach to life that unlocks a new way of thinking and being in the world, one that leads directly through the center of the anxieties we seek to avoid.Written in the style of an owner’s manual, a guide to being human, Burkett focuses on areas of pain and anxiety as they tend to manifest for modern people: feelings of unworthiness, and issues surrounding sex, money, failure, and even death. Providing wisdom from Zen (channeled through his many experiences as a psychotherapist) and using language and metaphors from popular culture, he takes anxiety and teaches us to turn those fears into the building blocks of a fulfilling life.

Zen in the Vernacular: Things As It Is

by Peter Coyote

• Shows how Zen offers a creative problem-solving mechanism and moral guide ideal for the stresses and problems of daily life• Shares the author&’s secular, vernacular interpretations of the Four Noble Truths, the Three Treasures, the Eightfold Path, and other fundamental Buddhist ideasDuring the nearly 3,000 years since the Buddha lived, his teachings have spread widely around the globe. In each culture where Buddhism was introduced, the Buddha&’s teachings have been pruned and modified to harmonize with local customs, laws, and cultures. We can refer to these modifications as &“gift wrapping,&” translating the gifts of Buddha&’s teachings in ways sensible to particular cultures in particular times. This gift-wrapping explains why Indian, Tibetan, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, and Indonesian Buddhism have significant differences.In this engaging guide to Zen Buddhism, award-winning actor, narrator, and Zen Buddhist priest Peter Coyote helps us peer beneath the Japanese gift-wrapping of Zen teachings to reveal the fundamental teachings of the Buddha and show how they can be applied to contemporary daily life. The author explains that the majority of Western Buddhists are secular and many don&’t meditate, wear robes, shave their heads, or believe in reincarnation. He reminds us that the mental/physical states achieved by Buddhist practice are universal human states, ones we may already be familiar with but perhaps never considered as possessing spiritual dimensions.Exploring Buddha&’s core teachings, the author shares his own secular and accessible interpretations of the Four Noble Truths, the Three Treasures, and the Eightfold Path within the context of his lineage and the teachings of his teacher and the teachers before him. He looks at Buddha&’s teachings on our singular reality that appears as a multiplicity of things and on the &“self&” that perceives reality, translating powerful spiritual experience into the vernacular of modern life.Revealing the practical usefulness of Buddhist philosophy and practice, Zen in the Vernacular shows how Zen offers a creative problem-solving mechanism and moral guide ideal for the stresses and problems of everyday life.

Zen Is a Revolution

by Osho Osho International Foundation

In this talk Osho takes his audience into the world of ZEN. "There are a few essential things which make Zen absolutely different from any kind of teaching. The most important of these essentials is that Zen is a revolution. All other religions are servants to the vested interests. The rich people and the powerful people, the politicians, have dominated all the religions. The priests have been nothing but servants to these criminals. It is such a worldwide conspiracy that no one recognizes it. It is so obvious and so simple that we are from the very beginning, from our very childhood, being programmed." From an original series: Rinzai: Master of the Irrational, by Osho.

The Zen Koan: Its History and Use in Rinzai Zen

by Isshu Miura Ruth Fuller Sasaki

The first scholarly examination in any language of the historical development and traditional method of koan study in Zen Buddhism. Foreword by Ruth Fuller Sasaki; Index; ink drawings by Hakuin Ekaku.A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book.

Zen Koan as a Means of Attaining Enlightenment

by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

Zen Koan as a Means of Attaining Enlightenment Presents the history and application of the koan exercise--the means for realizing enlightenment--with depth and clarity.<P><P>The koan system has effected a special development in Zen Buddhism, and is a unique contribution to the history of religious consciousness. When the importance of the koan is understood, it may be said that more than half of Zen is understood.

Zen Light

by Stefano Mui Barragato

The Denkoroku, or "Record of Transmitting the Light," contains the enlightenment stories of the earliest Zen ancestors. In Zen Ught, the author comments on this Buddhist classic, which he studied as part of his own advanced Zen training. Sensei Barragato brings the varied experiences of his life and his studies in Catholicism and Quaker practice to the teachings of Zen Buddhism, making these commentaries at once off-beat, refreshing, and revealing. He touches on the major issues that affect our lives, making thisbook of interest to both the beginning as well as the advanced student of Zen.

Zen Living: A Simple Explanation of the Meaning of Zen and What It Offers (Idiot's Guides)

by Domyo Sater Burk

In today's fast-paced, technology-laden society, it's easy to become overwhelmed. People seek calm and simplicity, but have a hard time realizing a "Zen" life. Monk and sensei Domyo Sater Burk illustrates how to get started on the path to peace and enlightenment, regardless of cultural or religious affiliation. You'll learn the foundation and essential teachings of Zen practice, how to engage in meditation and mindfulness, and how to live daily within a Zen moral code.

The Zen Mama: Your guilt-free guide to raising brave, kind children

by Sarah Ivens

Let go of parenting expectations and fears to raise courageous, confident children.The Zen Mama philosophy is that mother and child complement each other in adventures and experiences, always putting safety first but without getting caught up in the anxieties, drama, impossible expectations and mental baggage that too often comes along with modern parenting. Learning to become a Zen Mama will help you grow and nurture a Zen Child - someone who isn't afraid to be different, who can stand up for himself or his friends, and can travel the world and experiment with new things without being overwhelmed with self-doubt or being scared. Full of facts, actionable advice and practical tips, this book will be about combining the heart and the head with what works for you and your family, not comparing yourselves to others or meeting a societal standard. It will support and nurture the mother's journey like a wise and sympathetic friend and offers ideas and experience rather than judgement.The Zen Mama will help you to find your purpose as a mother. It will instil the self-belief you need to help create a resilient, creative, caring and smart child - and help to survive the journey.

The Zen Mama: Your guilt-free guide to raising brave, kind children

by Sarah Ivens

Let go of parenting expectations and fears to raise courageous, confident children.The Zen Mama philosophy is that mother and child complement each other in adventures and experiences, always putting safety first but without getting caught up in the anxieties, drama, impossible expectations and mental baggage that too often comes along with modern parenting. Learning to become a Zen Mama will help you grow and nurture a Zen Child - someone who isn't afraid to be different, who can stand up for himself or his friends, and can travel the world and experiment with new things without being overwhelmed with self-doubt or being scared. Full of facts, actionable advice and practical tips, this book will be about combining the heart and the head with what works for you and your family, not comparing yourselves to others or meeting a societal standard. It will support and nurture the mother's journey like a wise and sympathetic friend and offers ideas and experience rather than judgement.The Zen Mama will help you to find your purpose as a mother. It will instil the self-belief you need to help create a resilient, creative, caring and smart child - and help to survive the journey.

The Zen Mama Guide to Finding Your Rhythm in Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond the: Finding Your Path Through Pregnancy, Birth, And Beyond

by Teresa Palmer Sarah Wright Olsen

Being Zen(ish) is what we call it--and it&’s the ish that we endorse!Teresa Palmer and Sarah Wright Olsen, two moms from opposite sides of the world, are doing their best to raise happy, empathetic children while working, traveling, and maintaining their sanity. With seven kids between them, the founders of the much-loved Your Zen Mama blog know as well as anyone that motherhood doesn&’t exist in the highlight reel of life, and that finding even a fleeting semblance of calm among the epic ebbs and flows of parenting is usually all you can hope for!So forget perfection and prepare to get real, vulnerable, and dirty (mostly from guacamole) with Sarah and Teresa, as they share knowledge they&’ve collected over the years, from the Your Zen Mama community and expert mentors, as well as being in the trenches of parenthood themselves.Whether it&’s dealing with fertility challenges or pregnancy loss, riding out a long and complicated labor, or juggling multiple kids (and work!), these mamas have been through it--and have written this gorgeous book to help you find your own glimpses of Zen along the way.Readers of The Zen Mama Guide to Finding Your Rhythm in Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond will benefit from . . . Important questions to ask and decisions to make before and during pregnancyEssential guidance from a woman&’s point of view for conception, pregnancy, and childbirthNutritional and dietary advice to support the complete health of both mother and babyPractical education about the mother&’s body before, after, and during pregnancyScience-based methods to promote a mother&’s healthy body and mindExpert advice from medical professionals, chiropractors, and pediatriciansEngaging, accessible advice for every step of the newborn&’s journeySuggestions and tips for creating a birthing planComforting language to address fertility challenges, pregnancy loss, and complicated laborTips to celebrate the parenthood journey, in all its complexity and beautyEarned and lived wisdom collected and shared by real mothers in the Your Zen Mama communityAccess to the Your Zen Mama resource guide<p class="Paragraph SCXW144633115 BCX0" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left; color: windowtext; text-indent: 0px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; user-select: text; -webkit-user-drag: none; overflow-wrap: break-wo

Zen Masters of Japan

by Richard Bryan Mcdaniel

Zen Masters of Japan is the second book in a series that traces Zen's profoundly historic journey as it spread eastward from China and Japan, toward the United States. Following Zen Masters of China, this book concentrates on Zen's significant passage through Japan. More specifically, it describes the lineage of the great teachers, the Pioneers who set out to enlighten an island ready for an inner transformation based on compassionate awareness.While the existing Buddhist establishment in Japan met early Zen pioneers like Dogen and Eisai with fervent resistance, Zen Buddhism ultimately perservered and continued to become further transformed in its passage through Japan. The Japanese culture and Japanese Buddhism practices further deepened and strengthened Zen training by combining it with a variety of esoteric contemplative arts-the arts of poetry, the tea ceremony, calligraphy, and archery. Zen Masters of Japan chronicles this journey, and shows how the new practices soon gained in popularity among all walks of life-from the lowly peasant, offering a hope of reincarnation and a better life; to the Samurai warrior due to its casual approach to death; to the ruling classes, challenging the intelligentsia because of its scholarly roots. A collection of Zen stories, meditation, and their wisdom, Zen Masters of Japan also explores the illusive state of 'No Mind' achieved in Japan that is so fundamental to Zen practices today.

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