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35 Recettes Délicieuses Que Vous Auriez Aimé Que Votre Mère Vous Fasse
by Dan AlatorreVoici certaines des recettes les plus délicieuses et appétissantes récupérées auprès des membres de ma famille au fil des années. Nous avons rassemblé ces 35 recettes de famille délicieuses pour les partager avec vous. Certains de ces plats délicieux sont rapides et facile, certains, plus élaborés, demandent un peu plus de temps, mais ils sont tous excellents. D'une simple sauce équilibrée aux boulettes de viande, en passant par la pizza parfaite, vous adorerez découvrir ces trésors de famille. Laissez-moi vous raconter un secret à propos des recettes de qualité restaurant : certaines nourritures sont faites pour être appréciées. Utilisez des ingrédients frais et suivez la recette complètement la première fois que vous la réalisez. Prenez votre temps. Sirotez un verre de vin et profitez de votre famille alors que tout le monde se rassemble aux alentours de la cuisine pour bavarder et jouer, comme dans vos souvenirs d'enfance. La raison pour laquelle les grands-mères passaient leur journée à cuisiner est que cela signifiait qu'elles allaient passer toute la journée avec leur famille ! La nourriture était faite avec amour : c'est le secret ! La deuxième fois que vous faites ces recettes, expérimentez ! Amusez-vous, car dans la cuisine, nous sommes tous amis, et cuisiner chez soi est sensé être amusant.
36 Healing Herbs: The World's Best Medicinal Plants
by Rebecca L. JohnsonNational Geographic's guide to 36 "super" herbs such as aloe, echinacea, ginkgo, and peppermint includes a wealth of essential information on the history, culture, folklore, and science of traditional and contemporary herbal medicine in all major culture areas of the world. Emphasizing current research and therapeutic uses, the volume provides an A-Z listing of 36 of the more than 80,000 known medicinal plants around the world. Information about each plant includes traditional and current medicinal uses, common and Latin names, description, habitat, cultivation and preparation, research, and caution alerts. Additional essays on the healing plants of Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Central and South America, China, Europe, India, North America, the Middle East, and Oceania provide insightful glimpses into the fascinating range and diversity of local health practices while also revealing the multifaceted roles that herbalists, healers, and herbal-medicine practitioners play in the lives of their patients.
36 Healing Herbs
by Rebecca L. JohnsonNational Geographic's guide to 72 "super" herbs such as aloe, echinacea, ginkgo, and peppermint includes a wealth of essential information on the history, culture, folklore, and science of traditional and contemporary herbal medicine in all major culture areas of the world. Emphasizing current research and therapeutic uses, the volume provides an A-Z listing of 72 of the more than 80,000 known medicinal plants around the world. Information about each plant includes traditional and current medicinal uses, common and Latin names, description, habitat, cultivation and preparation, research, and caution alerts. Additional essays on the healing plants of Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Central and South America, China, Europe, India, North America, the Middle East, and Oceania provide insightful glimpses into the fascinating range and diversity of local health practices from around the world while also revealing the multifaceted roles that herbalists, healers, and herbal--medicine practitioners play in the lives of their patients.
The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias, and Memory Loss (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)
by Nancy L. Mace Peter V. RabinsAfter 35 years, still the indispensable guide for countless families and professionals caring for someone with dementia.Through five editions, The 36-Hour Day has been an essential resource for families who love and care for people with Alzheimer disease. Whether a person has Alzheimer disease or another form of dementia, he or she will face a host of problems. The 36-Hour Day will help family members and caregivers address these challenges and simultaneously cope with their own emotions and needs.Featuring useful takeaway messages and informed by recent research into the causes of and the search for therapies to prevent or cure dementia, this edition includes new information on• devices to make life simpler and safer for people who have dementia• strategies for delaying behavioral and neuropsychiatric symptoms• changes in Medicare and other health care insurance laws• palliative care, hospice care, durable power of attorney, and guardianship• dementia due to traumatic brain injury• choosing a residential care facility• support groups for caregivers, friends, and family membersThe central idea underlying the book—that much can be done to improve the lives of people with dementia and of those caring for them—remains the same. The 36-Hour Day is the definitive dementia care guide.
The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer Disease and Other Dementias (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book)
by Nancy L. Mace Peter V. RabinsWith over 3.5 million copies sold, the bestselling guide to understanding and caring for people with dementia is now completely revised and updated!For 40 years, The 36-Hour Day has been the leading work in the field for caregivers of those with dementia. Written by experts with decades of experience caring for individuals with memory loss, Alzheimer's, and other dementias, the book is widely known for its authoritativeness and compassionate approach to care. Featuring everything from the causes of dementia to managing its early stages to advice on caring for those in the later stages of the disease, it is widely considered to be the most detailed and trusted book available. Highlighting useful takeaway messages and informed by recent research into the causes of dementia, this new edition has been completely updated. It features • brand-new content on everything from home care aides to useful apps to promising preventative techniques and therapies• practical advice for avoiding caregiver burnout—plus tips for when and how to get additional help• a completely new two-column design that allows readers to quickly access what they needThe central idea underlying this indispensable book—that much can be done to improve the lives of people with dementia and of those caring for them—remains the same. The 36-Hour Day is the definitive dementia care guide.
The 36 Stratagems of Personal Growth: The genius and beauty of the ancient Chinese Art of War applied to your everyday challenges.
by Yamada TakumiTranslation from Italian to English of the 36 Stratagems of Personal Growth by Yamada Takumi.
360 Degrees of Your Star Destiny: A Zodiac Oracle
by Ellias Lonsdale• Explains how each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has 30 degrees, and each degree, like every star, is the center of a whole system of meanings • Provides detailed write-ups for each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac • Details how to use the degrees for personal chart interpretation and as an oracle for guidance and inspiration In this extraordinary synthesis of 50 years in star work, astrologer Ellias Lonsdale explains how each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has 30 degrees, and each degree, like every star, is the center of a whole system of meanings. Inspired by the Chandra Symbols, evocative images for each degree channeled by John Sandbach nearly 40 years ago, as well as his studies with master astrologers Dane Rudhyar and Marc Edmund Jones, Lonsdale explores the deeper story, or Star Spark, of each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac, providing detailed write-ups for each degree. The author explains how to determine the degree of your Sun sign and other planets from your birth chart and how to use this information for personal chart interpretation. Offering a way to tune in to your future star cycles as well as analyze a past event, he discusses how you can learn about personal cycles from studying the degree of a transiting or progressed planet at a specific time, such as Mercury Retrograde, or by following the degree meanings for successive New Moons or Solar Returns, revealing collective as well as personal timings. He also details how to use the 360 Star Sparks as an astrological oracle to consult when you need guidance or support for your awakening process as well as how they can be used as a source for daily contemplation by following the Sun through each degree day by day throughout the year. Providing an astrological tool to help you see deeply inside your life, your shadow, what you are questioning, and where you are being guided, this key to the symbolic power of the 360 degrees of the zodiac shows that by embracing our star cycles, we can discover our unique life path and light up the stars within.
365 प्रेरणादायक विचार: अधिक खुशी, सफलता और संतुष्टि के लिए दैनिक प्रेरक वचन। (Dinner For Two 365 Ser. #Vol. 1)
by ज़ेबियर के. फर्नाओक्या यह सच नहीं है कि हमें पूरी तरह से प्रेरित होने और कुछ सार्थक करने के लिए पूरी किताब की आवश्यकता नहीं होती, आवश्यकता होती है शायद सिर्फ कुछ विचारों की, जो हमें कुछ बड़े कार्यों को करने के लिए प्रतिबद्धता देते हैं। यह वास्तव में आश्चर्यजनक है कि जब हमारे बुरे दिन चल रहे होते हैं, तो विचार हमें सकारात्मकता पर पुन: केंद्रित करने में मददगार हो सकते हैं। एक अच्छा विचार जो हम अपनी कॉफी के लिए लाइन में खड़े-खड़े देखते हैं या जिसे हम शॉपिंग मॉल के आसपास घूमते हुए पढ़ते हैं वो हमारी भावना को आंदोलित कर सकता है और हमारे अंदर सकारात्मक विचारों और भावनाओं को ट्रिगर कर सकता है। प्रेरणादायक विचार इतने गहन और अर्थपूर्ण होते हैं क्योंकि उनके न केवल गहरे अर्थ हैं, उनके पास हर अलग-अलग व्यक्ति के लिए अलग-अलग अर्थ हैं। इन विचारों का कोई संदर्भ नहीं है, सिवाय आपके अपने जीवन के
365 Citações da Bíblia: Citações Diárias da Bíblia Para Empoderar Seu Sucesso e Felicidade com Fé
by Xabier K. FernaoA Bíblia diz para amar Deus de todo o coração, com toda sua alma e toda sua mente. Em 1995, a Bíblia vendeu mais de 5 bilhões de cópias, como relatado no Livro dos Recordes Guinness. Nem todos nascem seguidores de Cristo, mas aqueles que viram a luz, raramente voltam atrás. A Bíblia é provavelmente o livro mais importante já criado. Ensina amor, espiritualidade, sabedoria e gentileza como nenhum outro livro. As Citações da Bíblia são tão profundas e marcantes porque têm significados profundos, e cada citação é tão importante para cada indivíduo porque todas significam coisas diferentes. Talvez uma citação que lerá nos próximos 365 dias ofará lembrar do por que começou a adotar os ensinamentos da Bíblia. Talvez o ajudará a lembrar algo que está no fundo do seu coração... na sua vida atribulada.
365 Citações Inspiradoras: Citações Inspiradoras Diárias Para Ter Mais Felicidade, Sucesso e Realizações
by Xabier K. FernaoNão é verdade que não precisamos de um livro inteiro para ficarmos inspirados a fazer algo realmente significativo, mas talvez umas poucas citações que nos movam a fazermos grandes ações? É incrível como citações podem nos ajudar a focar no positivo quando estamos tendo um dia ruim. Uma boa citação que vemos enquanto esperamos na fila por um café ou quando andamos no shopping pode elevar nosso espírito e produzir pensamentos positivos e emoções fortes. Citações inspiradoras são tão profundas e significativas porque não apenas possuem profundidade, elas também possuem significados diferentes para pessoas diferentes. Não há contexto para as citações, exceto aquele das suas próprias experiências de vida. Talvez uma citação que o faça ler nos próximos 365 dias te faça lembrar de um evento importante que aconteceu na sua vida. Talvez lhe faça lembrar de uma dificuldade que passou para chegar até aqui. Talvez lhe dará permissão para lembrar-se que você é uma dádiva e o hoje é precioso, não importa o que acontecer, a vida acontece para você e não com você.
365 Citações Para Boa Forma Física: Citações Diárias Para Boa Forma Física e Estimular Seu Dia Com Motivação, Energia e Força
by Xabier K. FernaoCentenas de anos atrás, “boa forma” não era um termo que existia. Contudo, nos tempos de hoje de gratificações imediatas, comidas com muito açúcar, fast food e sentar no sofá assistindo Netflix, a boa forma está se tornando um problema mais e mais urgente. Quando se trata de boa forma física, o que a maioria das pessoas não entende é que 80% da fórmula é mentalidade e somente 20% são a parte física/estratégias. Veja. Perder peso e ficar em forma não é ciência de foguetes. A fórmula é simples assim: Comer Menos, Mover Mais. Por quê algo tão simples é tão desconsiderado na sociedade atual? Saúde & Boa Forma Física são os verdadeiros pilares da nossa vida. Saúde é o número 1. Para cada coisa que é importante para você, acrescente um zero depois do 1… estes são seus Rolexes, Mansões, Sapatos Gucci, Bolsas Luois Vitton, Lamborghinis etc… Você acrescentou zeros suficientes e agora é um bilionário. Ótimo! Agora, retire o 1, o que você tem agora? Nada restou. Sem aquilo que importa de verdade, que é sua saúde, nada mais importa. Citações de Boa Forma Física são mais profundas e poderosas do que imaginam. Cada uma significa coisas diferentes para pessoas diferentes com experiências diferentes de vida. Isto quer dizer que cada citação neste livro é única. Realmente são.
365 Citas Bíblicas: Citas bíblicas para tener más exito y felicidad en tu día a día con fe
by Xabier K. FernaoLa Biblia dice que hay que amar a Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente. En 1995, la Biblia batió el récord Guinness al vender más de 5 000 millones de copias. No todo el mundo nace siguiendo a Jesús, pero aquellos que han visto la luz no se suelen arrepentir. Seguramente, la Biblia es el libro más importante jamás creado. Enseña amor, espiritualidad, sabiduría y cariño como ningún otro lo hace. Las Citas de la Biblia son tan profundas y cambian tanto la vida porque tienen significados que tocan en lo más hondo. Cada cita es tan importantes porque a cada uno llama a cosas diferentes. Quizás una cita que leas durante los próximos 365 días te recordará por qué empezaste a seguir las enseñanzas de la Biblia. Quizás te ayude a recordar algo que está en lo profundo de tu corazón... algo por lo que estás muy agradecido y que habías olvidado por culpa de tu ajetreado ritmo de vida. Las siguientes páginas son una recopilación de mis citas favoritas de la Santa Biblia. Esas que tienen para mi un significado muy profundo. Las puedes leer como y cuando quieras. No obstante, leer rápido un "Libro de Citas" no surte el mismo efecto que disfrutar al completo de una cita analizándola, reflexionándola y ponderando lo que significa para TI. Gracias, Xabier K. Fernao
365 Citas Inspiradoras: Citas Inspiradoras Diarias para Tener Más Alegría, Éxito y Realización
by Javier K. Fernao¿No es cierto que no necesitamos un libro completo para inspirarnos y hacer algo realmente significativo, pero tal vez solo unas pocas citas que nos obligan a comprometernos a tomar algunas medidas profundas? Es realmente sorprendente cómo las citas nos pueden ayudar a enfocarnos en lo positivo cuando estamos teniendo un mal día. Una buena cita que vemos mientras hacemos cola para nuestro café o mientras caminamos por los centros comerciales pueden elevar nuestro espíritu y desencadenar pensamientos y emociones positivas en nosotros. Las citas inspiradoras son tan profundas y significativas no solo porque tienen significados profundos, sino porque tienen significados diferentes para cada individuo. No hay contexto para cada cita, excepto la de tus propias experiencias de vida. Tal vez una cita que leerás en los próximos 365 días desencadenará un evento importante que ha ocurrido en tu vida. Tal vez podría recordarte las dificultades que has tenido para llegar tan lejos. Tal vez te dé permiso para recordarte que eres un regalo y hoy es precioso y no importa lo que pase, recuerdas que la vida sucede para ti y no a ti.
365 Daily Meditations for On and Off the Mat: A Year in Hot Yoga
by Scott GinsbergPresenting a year's worth of daily meditations inspired by the challenges and graces of a hot yoga practice, this guide highlights the connections between life as experienced both on and off the mat. Each inspirational meditation draws from the principles of the hot yoga system, offering jewels of wisdom and perspective that can be easily applied to everyday life. In his tender and often hilarious style, Scott understands that the hot room is where we confront our weaknesses as well as celebrate our strengths. The wisdom we learn in those exchanges, from our own bodies, our instructors, and our classmates, is never finished evolving and deepening. The more we practice, the more we learn a new mindset of openness and acceptance, one that we strive to incorporate into our daily lives outside of the studio.
365 Days of Buddha Wisdom: Quotes from Buddhist Thinkers to Bring You Daily Inspiration
by Summersdale PublishersDiscover daily peace and wisdom with this pocket-sized collection of quotes from Buddhist teachers, writers and philosophers. Inside you will find 365 quotes from some of the greatest Buddhist thinkers of all time, including Thích Nhất Hạnh, Pema Chödrön, Alan Watts and, of course, the Buddha himself. Dive in and begin your own spiritual journey.
365 Days of Calm: Daily Guidance for Inner Peace
by Robyn MartinFind calm 365 days of the year with this little book of tips and quotes. It’ll transport you to a peaceful place, where you can focus on being present and reap the rewards of a more relaxed life. Staying calm is about how you deal with your emotions, and this little book is here to help you pinpoint what makes you stressed so you can stay in charge of your feelings. Within these pages are simple but effective tips on how to:Use breathing techniques and meditation to help you feel groundedPractise mindfulness to avoid catastrophizingImprove your health and well-being for a happier mindAs well as its many practical ideas, 365 Days of Calm includes a range of insightful quotes, from Lao Tzu to Cara Delevingne, to help restore the peace in your day.Learning how to create calm in your life will boost your well-being, mental health and inner strength, helping you to become a happier and healthier person.
365 Days of Calm: Daily Guidance for Inner Peace
by Robyn MartinFind calm 365 days of the year with this little book of tips and quotes. It’ll transport you to a peaceful place, where you can focus on being present and reap the rewards of a more relaxed life. Staying calm is about how you deal with your emotions, and this little book is here to help you pinpoint what makes you stressed so you can stay in charge of your feelings. Within these pages are simple but effective tips on how to:Use breathing techniques and meditation to help you feel groundedPractise mindfulness to avoid catastrophizingImprove your health and well-being for a happier mindAs well as its many practical ideas, 365 Days of Calm includes a range of insightful quotes, from Lao Tzu to Cara Delevingne, to help restore the peace in your day.Learning how to create calm in your life will boost your well-being, mental health and inner strength, helping you to become a happier and healthier person.
365 Days of Divine Feminine Wisdom: Daily Guidance for the Goddess Within
by Morgan MigliorisiA devotional-style book for the modern seeker, intended to help them remember the divine wisdom they carry within and utilize it to create a life that is authentic.Are you ready to activate your inner goddess?365 Days of Divine Feminine Wisdom is a devotional-style book for today's spiritual seeker. In it, you will learn how to deepen your connection with yourself and your spirituality, discover who you really are, and find the courage to create a life you love by using your innate gifts and power.Each daily entry reflects upon the different aspects of Divine Feminine energy that are always active within us, regardless of age or experience: the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. These aspects are linked to the milestones that we experience throughout our lives as we get in touch with the goddess within us. These aspects are also connected to the phases of the moon, as well as to the seasons.Each daily entry draws wisdom from the three-part feminine archetype, according to the time of year: January to April provides inspiration from the Maiden aspect; May to August offers guidance from the Mother aspect; and September to December reveals knowledge from the Crone aspect. This helps readers gain a full understanding of their innate gifts and wisdom, as well the phases they naturally go through each year as they continue to grow, evolve, and live their best life
365 Days Of Healing
by Mark BrazeeMark Brazee gives readers a powerful collection of devotions and prayers for every day of the year.
365 Days of Healing: Daily Guidance for Finding Inner Peace
by Quinn ClarkWhen you are ready to take the first step to understand your past pain, the practical guidance in this book will support you on your healing journey, helping you to find your way back to yourself, come to terms with the past and look to the future with hope and positivity.
365 Days of Mindful Meditations: Daily Guidance for a Calmer, Happier You
by Karen EdwardsAll we have is now Find time for mindfulness every day with this calming little book. With a raft of inspiring quotations and simple ideas to help you savour each moment and find joy in little things, it will help you to live well all year round.
365 Days of Mindful Meditations: Daily Guidance for a Calmer, Happier You
by Karen EdwardsAll we have is now Find time for mindfulness every day with this calming little book. With a raft of inspiring quotations and simple ideas to help you savour each moment and find joy in little things, it will help you to live well all year round.
365 Days of Play: Activities for Every Day of the Year
by Megan Hewes ButlerWith an activity for every day, any day is a great day to explore, learn, and create something new!It's time to start your ULTIMATE year of games with 365 Days of Play! This go-to activity book for kids ages 4-8 includes an activity for every day of the year. An encyclopedia of play, it's everything you need to keep little minds and hands entertained--pages on pages of games, crafts, recipes, experiments, projects, jokes, songs, guides, skills, tricks, hacks, challenges, and everything else in the canon of kid. Follow the step-by-step instructions and illustrations to create a game wherever you are and with whatever you have--swing a pendulum, launch a parachute, shoot a confetti cannon, or throw a boomerang. Tie a square knot or untangle a human knot. Make an egg you can float, bounce, or keep forever. The hardcover book looks stunning on the shelf, toy chest, and coffee table, but will be well-loved by kids everywhere."This breezy compendium of simple ideas for solitary and group entertainment offers something for nearly everyone...an appealing reprieve from screens for families dealing with travel, rainy days, or simply needing to redirect attention...cheerfully designed and clearly presented...lots of great possibilities for fending off boredom." --Kirkus Reviews
365 Days of Self-Care for New Mums: Advice for Surviving (and Thriving) in Baby’s First Year
by Zeena MoollaSelf-care for new mums is a necessity, not a luxury, so make sure you factor in me-time throughout baby’s first year with the help and advice in this bookMotherhood is a life-changing, magical experience, but it’s also a time in your life that’s emotionally charged and physically exhausting. Not only that, but you’re trying to care for a tiny human being who needs you 24/7. Self-care couldn’t be more important to you than it is right now.As you experience your first year of motherhood, let this little book be your helping hand from the early days to your child’s first birthday. Packed with tips and quotes, it offers quick, simple ways to help you look after yourself, covering a number of topics such as: Recovering from birthFeelings and relationshipsSleep deprivationConfidence and self-kindnessHealthy living for you and babyAvoiding the comparison trapYou deserve as much love and attention as you give, so let the advice in this book help you boost your well-being and feel like a fully functioning, confident new mum.
365 Days of Yoga: Daily Guidance for a Healthier, Happier You
by Summersdale PublishersInhale calm, exhale your cares…Find inspiration for your yoga practice every day with this book of uplifting quotations, mindfulness techniques and step-by-step guidance on the best-loved yoga poses to engage and energize both mind and body all year round.