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EHI01 Sangathit Rashtravaad ka Uday - IGNOU

by Ignou

This section traces the effort of britishers to strengthen them after revolt of 1857. The emergence of of various movements are also covered in this part. This unit explores the causes of the rise of congress. this unit will also make the readers aware of swadeshi movement.

EHI02 Bharat-Chhthi Se Chauthi Shatabdi Eesa Purv Tak - IGNOU

by Ignou

This unit will enable the student the understand the society before six b.c.. It also we help the student to understand the rise of new groups including janpad and maha janpad. The growth of city centers, social and economic condition has been elaborated in detial. This was the time when we see the rise of buddha as spiritual guru.

EHI02 Hadappa Ki Sabhyata - IGNOU

by Ignou

The excavation done during 20th century in harappa and mohan jodro changed to the way we look at indian history. It forced the historians to go way on six century b.c.. The chapters tell us how an entire civilisation. Although the script has not been read by us but lot of information are found through others sources. Their trade, communication, religon, are discussed for the benefit of students.

EHI02 Pracheen Bhartiya Samaj Ka Vikas - IGNOU

by Ignou

This unit discusses the fall of copper and stone age in Indian sub continent the chapters will tell the students how the village culture grew with agricultural as the focal point. With this we see rise of iron age. initial vedic society and the changes it saw have been discussed in detail.

EHI07 Bisvin satabadi ka sankat(7) - IGNOU

by Ignou

This is 7th Part Of the History Book of EHI07 with emphasis on these topics.Unit 25 Udaaravaadee Janatantra Unit 26 Pratikraanti-(i) Phaaseevaad Se Anudaar Taanaashaahee Tak Unit 27,Pratikranti-II: Jarmani mein Raṣṭriya samajavada,Unit 28 Samajavadi visva - I Unit 29 Samajavadi visva - II

EHI07 Rashtra-Rajya Vyavastha - IGNOU

by Ignou

This is 5th Part Of the History Book of EHI07 with emphasis on these topics.Unit 16 Raashtravaad Aur Raashtr-Raajya, Unit 17 Raashtr Raajyon Ka Nirmaan-1: British Aur Phraanseesee, Unit 18 Raashtr-Raajyon Ka Nirmaan (2): Jarmanee aur Italee, Unit 19 Saamraajya Aur Raashtra-Raajya (1): Automan Aur Haibsabarg Saamraajya

EHI07 Upniveshvaad Aur Samrajyavaad - IGNOU

by Ignou

This is the History Text Book Of EHI07 with emphasis on these topics.Unit 21. Upniveshwaad And Samajwaad, Unit 22 Aupaniveshik Aadhipaty Kee Paddhatiyaan (i): Pratyaksh Shaasan , Unit 23 Aupaniveshik Aadhipaty Kee Paddhatiyaan(ii) : Apratyaksh Shaasan Unit 23 Saamraajyavaadee Pratidvandvita.

Eichelberger In Mindanao: Leadership In Joint Operations

by LTC Dan K. McNeill

General Robert L. Eichelberger was an extraordinary and brilliant leader. He was a selfless man who loyally and diligently served an egocentric task maker in General Douglas MacArthur. Eichelberger was the American version of the British Field Marshal William Slim of Burma fame. In a six-month period in World War II, Eichelberger's Eighth US Army made 52 amphibious landings in the Southwest Pacific Theater. In each of those operations, Eichelberger skillfully used US and Allied ground troops, naval forces, and aircraft. While his Army was normally assigned a supporting or mopping-up role, the Mindanao campaign was solely Eichelberger's. The purpose behind this study is to explore Eichelberger's leadership in the joint operations on, Mindanao Island in the Philippines.

Eichelberger - Intrepidity, Iron Will, And Intellect: General Robert L. Eichelberger And Military Genius

by Major Matthew H. Fath

There are currently two contradictory schools of thought in the historiography of General Robert L. Eichelberger's generalship. One group of authors, John Shortal and Jay Luvaas, consider Eichelberger a brilliant World War II commander. Another author, Paul Chwialkowski, believes Eichelberger to be good, but not distinguished. This study attempts to develop a concise judgment of Eichelberger's leadership. The research analyzed Eichelberger's generalship using Clausewitz's theory of military genius as a model. The first step was to define military genius and to determine its components and subcomponents. Next, Eichelberger's pre-World War II education, mentorship, and training experiences were evaluated. The third step was to analyze Eichelberger's generalship during the Papua New Guinea, Netherlands New Guinea, and Philippines Campaigns of World War II to determine if he consistently demonstrated the qualities of military genius. This study concluded that Eichelberger definitively displayed the components of courage and determination but a judgment on his coup d'œil required a more detailed examination and warranted further research. Eichelberger's leadership is relevant to today's military officer because he successfully defeated an enemy who employed many asymmetrical tactics of potential enemies in the contemporary operating environment: anti-access denial, defense in complex terrain, and fanatical fighting abilities.

Eichmann And The Destruction Of Hungarian Jewry

by Randolph L. Braham

The capture of Adolf Eichmann and the subsequent dispute between Israel and Argentina before the Security Council of the United Nations have aroused new interest in the history of Nazi Germany in general and of its anti-Jewish policies in particular. This interest gained momentum as the preparations for Eichmann's trial progressed.The 15 years that have elapsed since the end of World War II have brought to light a plethora of new material and made possible a more objective evaluation of the Nazi design to liquidate the Jews of Europe, euphemistically referred to as "the final solution of the Jewish question."This study has a modest aim. Its primary purpose is to present a succinct, though informative, account of the destruction of the Hungarian Jewish community during World War II, with special emphasis on the role of Eichmann and his collaborators. Its scope and coverage are limited, for, indeed, volumes would be required to write the definitive history of Hungarian Jewry during the Nazi era on the basis of the recently discovered documentary and archival material alone. Such a larger project is now under consideration.-Preface

Eichmann and the Holocaust

by Hannah Arendt

Inspired by the trial of the bureaucrat who helped the Holocaust, this radical work on the banality of evil stunned the world with its exploration of a regime's moral blindness and one man's insistence that he be absolved of all guilt because he was 'only following orders'.

Eichmann Before Jerusalem: The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer

by Ruth Martin Bettina Stangneth

A total and groundbreaking reassessment of the life of Adolf Eichmann—a superb work of scholarship that reveals his activities and notoriety among a global network of National Socialists following the collapse of the Third Reich and that permanently challenges Hannah Arendt’s notion of the “banality of evil.”<P> Smuggled out of Europe after the collapse of Germany, Eichmann managed to live a peaceful and active exile in Argentina for years before his capture by the Mossad. Though once widely known by nicknames such as “Manager of the Holocaust,” in 1961 he was able to portray himself, from the defendant’s box in Jerusalem, as an overworked bureaucrat following orders—no more, he said, than “just a small cog in Adolf Hitler’s extermination machine.” How was this carefully crafted obfuscation possible? How did a central architect of the Final Solution manage to disappear? And what had he done with his time while in hiding?<P> Bettina Stangneth, the first to comprehensively analyze more than 1,300 pages of Eichmann’s own recently discovered written notes— as well as seventy-three extensive audio reel recordings of a crowded Nazi salon held weekly during the 1950s in a popular district of Buenos Aires—draws a chilling portrait, not of a reclusive, taciturn war criminal on the run, but of a highly skilled social manipulator with an inexhaustible ability to reinvent himself, an unrepentant murderer eager for acolytes with whom to discuss past glories while vigorously planning future goals with other like-minded fugitives. <P> A work that continues to garner immense international attention and acclaim, Eichmann Before Jerusalem maps out the astonishing links between innumerable past Nazis—from ace Luftwaffe pilots to SS henchmen—both in exile and in Germany, and reconstructs in detail the postwar life of one of the Holocaust’s principal organizers as no other book has done.

Eichmann en Jerusalén

by Hannah Arendt

El gran estudio sobre el Holocausto, un ensayo de lectura imprescindible e inolvidable. A partir del juicio que en 1961 se llevó a cabo contra Adolf Eichmann, teniente coronel de la SS y uno de los mayores criminales de la historia, Hannah Arendt estudia en este ensayo las causas que propiciaron el Holocausto y el papel equívoco que desempeñaron en tal genocidio los consejos judíos -cuestión que, en su época, fue motivo de una airada controversia-, así como la naturaleza y la función de la justicia, aspecto que la lleva a plantear la necesidad de instituir un tribunal internacional capaz de juzgar crímenes contra la humanidad. Poco a poco, la mirada lúcida y penetrante de Arendt va desentrañando la personalidad del acusado, analiza su contexto social y político y su rigor intachable a la hora de organizar la deportación y el exterminio de las comunidades judías. Al mismo tiempo, la filósofa alemana estudia la colaboración o la resistencia en la aplicación de la Solución Final por parte de algunas naciones ocupadas y expone problemas cuya trascendencia sigue determinando la escena política de nuestros días. Más de cincuenta años después de su publicación, Eichmann en Jerusalén sigue siendo uno de los mejores estudios sobre el Holocausto, un ensayo de lectura inaplazable para entender lo que sin duda fue la gran tragedia del siglo XX. Reseñas:«Un libro fundamental que levantó muchas ampollas. [...] Eichmann en Jerusalén es historia, es pensamiento y es advertencia -aún hoy- sobre las consecuencias de la banalidad del mal, de la que a pesar de lo vivido, no estamos vacunados.»Laura Barrachina, RNE «Un ensayo imprescindible. [...] Arendt no se olvida de nadie.»Marta Michel, El Mundo - Yo Dona «La interpretación de Hannah Arendt del juicio a Adolf Eichmann continúa siendo un clásico, una piedra angular del pensamiento moraly político del siglo XX.»Adam Kirsch y Rivka Galchen, The New York Times «Brillante y perturbador.»Stephen Spender, The New York Review of Books «Un libro destinado a revolver nuestras mentes y nuestras conciencias.»Chicago Tribune «Se enfrenta al gran problema de nuestro tiempo: el problema del ser humano en un sistema totalitario moderno.»Bruno Bettelheim, The New Republic «Una pensadora formidable [...]. Por desgracia, Eichmann en Jerusalén es una obra maestra cada vez más relevante, ya que nos enfrentamos a un mundo gobernado por tiranos banales capaces de perpetrar grandes males con sus pequeñas manos.»Maria Popova, Brainpickings «En vez de defender la causa de su pueblo de manera incondicional, Arendt se puso a reflexionar, investigar y debatir. En palabras de Aristóteles, en vez de limitarse a ser una "historiadora", Arendt se convirtió en "poeta".»El País «Una teórica política brillante que se negó a que la denominaran filósofa, una mujer que nunca consideró su género un obstáculo en su vida, una judía que fue (y todavía es) llamada antisemita por su retrato controversial de Eichmann, una pensadora rigurosa que escribió y enseñó apasionadamente sobre el amor y el odio.»Kathleen B. Jones, LA Review of Books

Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil

by Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt's authoritative report on the trial of Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann includes further factual material that came to light after the trial, as well as Arendt's postscript directly addressing the controversy that arose over her account.

Eichmann in My Hands: A First-Person Account by the Israeli Agent Who Captured Hitler's Chief Executioner

by Harry Stein Peter Z Malkin

The true story behind “one of history’s great manhunts” and the film Operation Finale by the Mossad legend who caught the most wanted Nazi in the world (The New York Times). 1n 1960 Argentina, a covert team of Israeli agents hunted down the most elusive war criminal alive: Adolf Eichmann, chief architect of the Holocaust. The young spy who tackled Eichmann on a Buenos Aires street—and fought every compulsion to strangle the Obersturmführer then and there—was Peter Z. Malkin. For decades Malkin’s identity as Eichmann’s captor was kept secret. Here he reveals the entire breathtaking story—from the genesis of the top-secret surveillance operation to the dramatic public capture and smuggling of Eichmann to Israel to stand trial. The result is a portrait of two men. One, a freedom fighter, intellectually curious and driven to do right. The other, the dutiful Good German who, through his chillingly intimate conversations with Malkin, reveals himself as the embodiment of what Hannah Arendt called “the banality of evil.” Singular, riveting, troubling, and gratifying, Eichmann in My Hands “remind[s] of what is at stake: not only justice but our own humanity” (New York Newsday). Now Malkin’s story comes to life on the screen with Oscar Isaac playing the heroic Mossad agent and Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley playing Eichmann in Operation Finale.

The Eichmann Kommandos [Illustrated Edition]

by Rear-Admiral Michael A. Musmanno

Includes 204 photos, plans and maps illustrating The Holocaust“Fourteen officers of the SS (Elite Guard) were sentenced today to hang for at least a million killings. The sentences wound up the biggest murder trial in history.The men were leaders of the “Einsatz Kommandos”...special extermination squads do away with peoples classified by the Nazis as racially undesirable.”—NUREMBERG, APRIL 10 (1948)—(ASSOCIATED PRESS)After the first Nuremberg trials of the remaining Nazi leaders in 1945-6, the Allies spent much time and effort in searching out the men responsible for the Holocaust, the full scale of which was only then becoming apparent. In the most important case of his career, Judge Michael A. Musmanno (Captain USN), presided over the trial of the leaders of the Einsatz Kommandos, death squads trained to hunt and kill “Untermenschen” or those deemed undesirable by Hitler. Blazing a bloody trail across the conquered areas of Poland, the Ukraine, White Russia and the Baltic states, the Einsatzgruppen shot innocent men, women and children by the tens of thousands. Finding that shooting was an inefficient way to complete their horrendous executions, the Einsatz Kommando leaders pioneered the use of mobile poison gas trucks which would lead to the evolution of the death camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor and the industrialised murder of the Holocaust. In this riveting and horrifying book the author looks back on a trial that serves as a testament to the depths of man’s inhumanity; at times almost surreal in its horror it is a story that should be read and re-read.

Eichmann, The Man And His Crimes: The Man And His Crimes

by Comer Clarke

Eichmann’s crimes, so monstrous that the first accounts were dismissed as anti-German propaganda, resulted in the death of 6,000,000 men, women and children. To maintain secrecy, the Nazis gave him the rank of sergeant at the very time when he was supervising the murder of Austria’s Jews. Speaking Yiddish fluently, Eichmann often disguised himself as a Jew and deceived Jewish leaders into giving him the names of his future victims. In his extermination camps, Jews were forced to aid in the slaughter of their people. To those who cooperated he promised “decent burial.” Human life meant nothing to Eichmann; instead, he prided himself on the efficient operation of his death camps and spent months searching for a low-cost poison for his gas chambers.Comer Clarke, British correspondent, has spent much of the last two years in Germany and Austria, questioning war criminals and men behind the Nazi plans and terror. He has had access to secret S.S. dossiers and Nazi documents captured after the war. He has met men who knew Eichmann intimately, and traced the Nazi butcher’s activities in a blood-stained trail of murder that leads across Europe. Out of his investigations he has written EICHMANN: THE MAN AND HIS CRIMES, a full account of Eichmann’s monstrous past, his mysterious disappearance.

The Eichmann Trial (Jewish Encounters Series)

by Deborah E. Lipstadt

***NATIONAL JEWISH BOOK AWARD FINALIST (2012)***Part of the Jewish Encounter seriesThe capture of SS Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann by Israeli agents in Argentina in May of 1960 and his subsequent trial in Jerusalem by an Israeli court electrified the world. The public debate it sparked on where, how, and by whom Nazi war criminals should be brought to justice, and the international media coverage of the trial itself, was a watershed moment in how the civilized world in general and Holocaust survivors in particular found the means to deal with the legacy of genocide on a scale that had never been seen before. Award-winning historian Deborah E. Lipstadt gives us an overview of the trial and analyzes the dramatic effect that the survivors' courtroom testimony--which was itself not without controversy--had on a world that had until then regularly commemorated the Holocaust but never fully understood what the millions who died and the hundreds of thousands who managed to survive had actually experienced. As the world continues to confront the ongoing reality of genocide and ponder the fate of those who survive it, this trial of the century, which has become a touchstone for judicial proceedings throughout the world, offers a legal, moral, and political framework for coming to terms with unfathomable evil. Lipstadt infuses a gripping narrative with historical perspective and contemporary urgency.From the Hardcover edition.

The Eichmann Trial and The Rule of Law

by Yosal Rogat

The Eichmann Trial and The Rule of Law by Professor Yosal Rogat is one of a series of pamphlets concerning issues that are fundamental to the maintenance of a free society. These pamphlets and related materials were first published in 1961 by the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions at Santa Barbara, California. The work of the Center was directed at clarifying basic questions of freedom and justice, especially those constitutional questions raised by the emergence of twentieth century institutions. Among the areas that were studied were the economic order, the political process, law, communications, the American character, war as an institution.

The Eichmann Trial Diary

by Robert Miller Sergio Minerbi

Written in 1961 during the trial, offers a factual and timely description of a major event of the Holocaust. The trial of a major war criminal who cheated justice at Nuremberg. Translated for the first time from the original Italian. Perfect for the general public as well as schools and colleges.

The Eichmann Trial Reconsidered (German and European Studies)

by Ed. Wittmann Rebecca, Ed. Wittmann Rebecca

The Eichmann Trial Reconsidered brings together leading authorities in a transnational, international, and supranational study of Adolf Eichmann, who was captured by the Israelis in Argentina and tried in Jerusalem in 1961. The essays in this important new collection span the disciplines of history, film studies, political science, sociology, psychology, and law. Contributing scholars adopt a wide historical lens, pushing outwards in time and space to examine the historical and legal influence that Adolf Eichmann and his trial held for Israel, West Germany, and the Middle East. In addition to taking up the question of what drove Eichmann, contributors explore the motivation of prosecutors, lawyers, diplomats, and neighbouring countries before, during, and after the trial ended. The Eichmann Trial Reconsidered puts Eichmann at the centre of an exploration of German versus Israeli jurisprudence, national Israeli identities and politics, and the conflict between German, Israeli, and Arab states.

Eichmann y el Holocausto (Serie Great Ideas #Volumen 14)

by Hannah Arendt

Ideas que han cambiado el mundo. A lo largo de la historia, algunos libros han cambiado el mundo. Han transformado la manera en que nos vemos a nosotros mismos y a los demás. Han inspirado el debate, la discordia, la guerra y la revolución. Han iluminado, indignado, provocado y consolado. Han enriquecido vidas, y también las han destruido. Taurus publica las obras de los grandes pensadores, pioneros, radicales y visionarios cuyas ideas sacudieron la civilización y nos impulsaron a ser quienes somos. Inspirada por el juicio a un burócrata que contribuyó a provocar el Holocausto, esta obra fundamental sobre la banalidad del mal asombró al mundo con su análisis de la ceguera moral de un régimen y de la insistencia de un hombre en ser absuelto de toda culpa porque «sólo cumplía órdenes». Comentarios sobre la colección Great Ideas: «De veras que la edición es primorosa y pocas veces contenido y continente pueden encontrarse mejor ensamblados y unidos. ¡Qué portadas! Para enmarcar. [...] Ante las Great Ideas, solo cabe quitarse el sombrero. ¡Chapeau!»ABC «Taurus propone un doble envite con este lanzamiento. Por un lado aumenta su compromiso con el ensayo; por otro, recupera el gusto por la estética. A los volúmenes se les ha proporcionado una portada delicada y cuidada (copian el original británico) que invita a la lectura.»La Razón «Un fenómeno editorial.»The Guardian «Aparte de los contenidos, en general muy bien elegidos, son tan bonitos que si los ven seguro que cae alguno.»El País «Ideas revolucionarias, crónicas de exploraciones, pensamientos radicales... vuelven a la vida en estas cuidadísimas ediciones, muy atractivas para nuevos lectores.»Mujer Hoy «Grandes ideas bien envueltas. De Cicerón a Darwin, esta colección entra por los ojos.»Rolling Stone «Original y bella iniciativa la emprendida por Taurus con su colección Great Ideas.»Cambio 16 «Hay libros inmortales, libros únicos que contienen pensamientos y reflexiones capaces de cambiar el mundo, tesoros en miniatura reagrupados en la colección Great ideas.»Diario de León Comentarios sobre la colección Great Ideas:«De veras que la edición es primorosa y pocas veces contenido y continente pueden encontrarse mejor ensamblados y unidos. ¡Qué portadas! Para enmarcar. [...] Ante las Great Ideas, solo cabe quitarse el sombrero. ¡Chapeau!»ABC «Taurus propone un doble envite con este lanzamiento. Por un lado aumenta su compromiso con el ensayo; por otro, recupera el gusto por la estética. A los volúmenes se les ha proporcionado una portada delicada y cuidada (copian el original británico) que invita a la lectura.»La Razón «Un fenómeno editorial.»The Guardian «Aparte de los contenidos, en general muy bien elegidos, son tan bonitos que si los ven seguro que cae alguno.»El País «Ideas revolucionarias, crónicas de exploraciones, pensamientos radicales... vuelven a la vida en estas cuidadísimas ediciones, muy atractivas para nuevos lectores.»Mujer Hoy «Grandes ideas bien envueltas. De Cicerón a Darwin, esta colección entra por los ojos.»Rolling Stone «Original y bella iniciativa la emprendida por Taurus con su colección Great Ideas.»Cambio 16 «Hay libros inmortales, libros únicos que contienen pensamientos y reflexiones capaces de cambiar el mundo, tesoros en miniatura reagrupados en la colección Great ideas.»Diario de León

Eichmann's Executioner: A Novel

by Astrid Dehe Achim Engstler

This acclaimed novel imagining the life of Israeli soldier Shalom Nagar explores the legacy of the Holocaust: &“A fascinating book that doesn&’t let you go&” (Neue Deutschland, Germany). In May 1962, twenty-two men gathered in Jerusalem to decide by lot who would be Adolf Eichmann&’s executioner. These men had guarded the former Nazi SS lieutenant colonel during his imprisonment and trial, and with no trained executioners in Israel, it would fall to one of them to end Eichmann&’s life. Shalom Nagar, the only one among them who had asked not to participate, drew the short straw. Decades later, Nagar is living on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, haunted by his memory of Eichmann. He remembers watching him day and night, the way he ate, the way he slept—and the sound of the cord tensing around his neck. But as he tells and re-tells his story to anyone who will listen, he begins to doubt himself. When one of his friends, Moshe, reveals his link to Eichmann, Nagar is forced to reconsider everything he has ever believed about his past. In the tradition of postwar trauma literature that includes Günter Grass&’s The Tin Drum and Bernhard Schlink&’s The Reader, Eichmann&’s Executioner raises provocative questions about how we represent the past, and how those representations impinge upon the present. &“Both curiously transparent and full of secrets, a simultaneously dense yet airy fabric of cryptic threads and references. . . . Nothing is gratuitous in this book, nothing coincidental; all is intricately interlaced.&” —Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany


by Michael Flynn

Over the centuries, one small town in Germany has disappeared and never been resettled. Tom, a historian, and his theoretical physicist girlfriend Sharon, become interested. By all logic, the town should have survived. What's so special about Eifelheim? Father Dietrich is the village priest of Eifelheim, in the year 1348, when the Black Death is gathering strength but is still not nearby. Dietrich is an educated man, and to his astonishment becomes the first contact person between humanity and an alien race from a distant star, when their ship crashes in the nearby forest. It is a time of wonders, in the shadow of the plague. Flynn gives us the full richness and strangeness of medieval life, as well as some terrific aliens. Tom and Sharon, and Father Deitrich have a strange destiny of tragedy and triumph in this brilliant SF novel.


by Michael Flynn

The alien world of medieval Europe lives again, transformed by the physics of the future, by a winner of the Heinlein AwardOver the centuries, one small town in Germany has disappeared and never been resettled. Tom, a historian, and his theoretical physicist girlfriend Sharon, become interested. By all logic, the town should have survived. What's so special about Eifelheim? Father Dietrich is the village priest of Eifelheim, in the year 1348, when the Black Death is gathering strength but is still not nearby. Dietrich is an educated man, and to his astonishment becomes the first contact person between humanity and an alien race from a distant star, when their ship crashes in the nearby forest. It is a time of wonders, in the shadow of the plague. Flynn gives us the full richness and strangeness of medieval life, as well as some terrific aliens. Tom and Sharon, and Father Deitrich have a strange destiny of tragedy and triumph in Eifelheim, the brilliant science fiction novel by Michael Flynn.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

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