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An Emotional State: The Politics Of Emotion In Postwar West German Culture

by Anna M. Parkinson

This literary-historical study seeks to dismantle the prevailing notion that Germany, in the period following the Second World War, exhibited an "inability to mourn," arguing that in fact the period experienced a surge of affect. Anna Parkinson examines the emotions explicitly manifested or addressed in a variety of German cultural artifacts, while also identifying previously unacknowledged (and under-theorized) affective structures implicitly at work during the country's national crisis. Much of the scholarship in the expanding field of affect theory distrusts Freudian psychoanalysis, which does not differentiate between emotion and affect. One of the book's major contributions is that it offers an analytical distinction between emotion and affect, finding a compelling way to talk about affect and emotion that is informed by affect theory but that integrates psychoanalysis. The study draws on the psychoanalytic writings of Freud, Margarete and Alexander Mitscherlich, and André Green, while engaging with interdisciplinary theorists of affect including Barbara Rosenwein, Lauren Berlant, Ann Cvetkovich, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, among many others.

Emotional Trauma in Greece and Rome: Representations and Reactions (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies)

by Andromache Karanika Vassiliki Panoussi

This volume examines emotional trauma in the ancient world, focusing on literary texts from different genres (epic, theatre, lyric poetry, philosophy, historiography) and archaeological evidence. The material covered spans geographically from Greece and Rome to Judaea, with a chronological range from about 8th c. bce to 1st c. ce. The collection is organized according to broad themes to showcase the wide range of possibilities that trauma theory offers as a theoretical framework for a new analysis of ancient sources. It also demonstrates the various ways in which ancient texts illuminate contemporary problems and debates in trauma studies.

Emotionally Disturbed: A History of Caring for America's Troubled Children

by Deborah Blythe Doroshow

Before the 1940s, children in the United States with severe emotional difficulties would have had few options for care. The first option was usually a child guidance clinic within the community, but they might also have been placed in a state mental hospital or asylum, an institution for the so-called feebleminded, or a training school for delinquent children. Starting in the 1930s, however, more specialized institutions began to open all over the country. Staff members at these residential treatment centers shared a commitment to helping children who could not be managed at home. They adopted an integrated approach to treatment, employing talk therapy, schooling, and other activities in the context of a therapeutic environment. Emotionally Disturbed is the first work to examine not only the history of residential treatment but also the history of seriously mentally ill children in the United States. As residential treatment centers emerged as new spaces with a fresh therapeutic perspective, a new kind of person became visible—the emotionally disturbed child. Residential treatment centers and the people who worked there built physical and conceptual structures that identified a population of children who were alike in distinctive ways. Emotional disturbance became a diagnosis, a policy problem, and a statement about the troubled state of postwar society. But in the late twentieth century, Americans went from pouring private and public funds into the care of troubled children to abandoning them almost completely. Charting the decline of residential treatment centers in favor of domestic care–based models in the 1980s and 1990s, this history is a must-read for those wishing to understand how our current child mental health system came to be.

Emotionen im Bildungsverlauf: Entstehung, Wirkung und Interpretation

by Matthias Huber

Das Buch widmet sich in systematischer Weise der Bedeutung von Emotionen für Bildungsverläufe und Bildungslaufbahnentscheidungen. Im Anschluss an einen fundierten theoretischen Überblick historischer und aktueller Perspektiven auf Bildung und Emotion wird auf der Grundlage einer multimethodischen und partizipativen Studie der zentrale Stellenwert von Emotionen im Bildungsverlauf veranschaulicht. Dabei wird erstmals deutlich, welche emotional konnotierten Vorstellungsbilder Schülerinnen und Schüler in ihrer Bildungslaufbahn maßgeblich leiten und was die zentralen Einflussfaktoren für die Entstehung jener Vorstellungsbilder sind. Überdies wird gezeigt, welche Emotionen und emotionalen Qualitäten im Bildungskontext aus subjektiver Perspektive die Bedeutendsten sind und welche Funktionen und Wirkungen Emotionen in der eigenen Bildungsbiografie zeitigen.

Emotions and Architecture: Forging Mediterranean Cities Between the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time (Routledge Research in Architectural History)

by Francesca Lembo Fazio Valentina Tomassetti

Emotions and Architecture: Forging Mediterranean Cities Between the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time explores architecture as a medium to arouse or conceal emotions, to build consensus through shared values, or to reconnect the urban community to its alleged ancestry. The chapters in this edited collection outline how architectonic symbols, images, and structures were codified – and sometimes recast – to match or to arouse emotions awakened by wars, political dominance, pandemic challenges, and religion. As signs of spiritual and political power, these elements were embraced and modulated locally, providing an endorsement to authorities and rituals for the community. This volume provides an overview of the phenomenon across the Italian region, stressing the transnationality of selected symbols and their various declinations in local contexts. It deepens the issue of refitting symbols, artworks, and structures to arouse emotions by carefully analysing specific cases, such as the Septizodium in Rome, the Holy House of Loreto in Venice, and the reconstruction of L'Aquila. The collection, through its variegated contributions, offers a comprehensive view of the phenomenon: exploring the issue from political, social, religious, and public health perspectives, and seeking to propose a new definition of architecture as a visual emotional language. Together, the chapters show how the representation of virtues and emotions through architecture was part of a symbolic practice shared by many across the Italian context. This book will be of interest to researchers and students studying architectural history, the history of emotions, and the history of art.

The Emotions and Cultural Analysis

by Ana Marta González

Amidst prevailing debates that construe rationality and emotionality as polar opposites, this book explores the manner in which emotions shape not only prevailing conceptions of rationality, but also culture in general terms, making room for us to speak of an 'emotional culture' specific to late-modern societies. Presenting case studies involving cultural artefacts, narratives found in fictional and non-fictional literature and television programs, speech patterns and self-talk, fashion, and social networking practices, The Emotions and Cultural Analysis sheds light on the relationship between emotion and culture and the ways in which emotion can be harnessed for the purposes of cultural analysis. An interdisciplinary volume containing the latest research from sociology, philosophy, literary studies, linguistics, and communication, this book will be of interest to those working on the sociology and philosophy of emotion, cultural studies, and cultural theory.

Emotions and Everyday Nationalism in Modern European History (Routledge Studies in Modern European History)

by Andreas Stynen

This volume examines how ideas of the nation influenced ordinary people, by focusing on their affective lives. Using a variety of sources, methods and cases, ranging from Spain during the age of Revolutions to post-World War II Poland, it demonstrates that emotions are integral to understanding the everyday pull of nationalism on ordinary people.

Emotions and Mass Atrocity: Philosophical and Theoretical Explorations

by Thomas Brudholm Johannes Lang

The study of genocide and mass atrocity abounds with references to emotions: fear, anger, horror, shame and hatred. Yet we don't understand enough about how 'ordinary' emotions behave in such extreme contexts. Emotions are not merely subjective and interpersonal phenomena; they are also powerful social and political forces, deeply involved in the history of mass violence. Drawing on recent insights from philosophy, psychology, history, and the social sciences, this volume examines the emotions of perpetrators, victims, and bystanders. Editors Thomas Brudholm and Johannes Lang have brought together an interdisciplinary group of prominent scholars to provide an in-depth analysis of the nature, value, and role of emotions as they relate to the causes and dynamics of mass atrocities. The result is a new perspective on the social, political, and moral dimensions of emotions in the history of collective violence and its aftermath.

Emotions and Religious Dynamics

by Nathaniel A. Warne

We all feel emotions and are moved to action by them. Religious communities often select and foster certain emotions over others. Without understanding this it is hard to grasp the way groups view the world and each other. Often, it is the underlying emotional pattern of a group rather than its doctrines that either divides it from, or attracts it to, others. These issues, so important in today's world, are explored in this book in a genuinely interdisciplinary way by anthropologists, psychologists, theologians and historians of religion, and in some detailed studies of well and less well known religious traditions from across the world.

Emotions and Surgery in Britain, 1793–1912

by Michael Brown

In this innovative analytical account of the place of emotion and embodiment in nineteenth-century British surgery, Michael Brown examines the changing emotional dynamics of surgical culture for both surgeons and patients from the pre-anaesthetic era through the introduction of anaesthesia and antisepsis techniques. Drawing on diverse archival and published sources, Brown explores how an emotional regime of Romantic sensibility, in which emotions played a central role in the practice and experience of surgery, was superseded by one of scientific modernity, in which the emotions of both patient and practitioner were increasingly marginalised. Demonstrating that the cultures of contemporary surgery and the emotional identities of its practitioners have their origins in the cultural and conceptual upheavals of the later nineteenth century, this book challenges us to question our perception of the pre-anaesthetic period as an era of bloody brutality and casual cruelty. This title is also available as open access.

Emotions and Temporalities (Elements in Histories of Emotions and the Senses)

by Margrit Pernau

This Element brings together the history of emotions and temporalities, offering a new perspective on both. Time was often imagined as a movement from the past to the future: the past is gone and the future not yet here. Only present-day subjects could establish relations to other times, recovering history as well as imagining and anticipating the future. In a movement paralleling the emphasis on the porous self, constituted by emotions situated not inside but between subjects, this Element argues for a porous present, which is open to the intervention of ghosts coming from the past and from the future. What needs investigating is the flow between times as much as the creation of boundaries between them, which first banishes the ghosts and then denies their existence. Emotions are the most important way through which subjects situate and understand themselves in time.

Emotions and the Making of Psychiatric Reform in Britain, c. 1770-1820 (Palgrave Studies in the History of Emotions)

by Mark Neuendorf

This book explores the ways which people navigated the emotions provoked by the mad in Britain across the long eighteenth century. Building upon recent advances in the historical study of emotions, it plots the evolution of attitudes towards insanity, and considers how shifting emotional norms influenced the development of a ‘humanitarian’ temperament, which drove the earliest movements for psychiatric reform in England and Scotland. Reacting to a ‘culture of sensibility’, which encouraged tears at the sight of tender suffering, early asylum reformers chose instead to express their humanity through unflinching resolve, charging into madhouses to contemplate scenes of misery usually hidden from public view, and confronting the authorities that enabled neglect to flourish. This intervention required careful emotional management, which is documented comprehensively here for the first time. Drawing upon a wide array of medical and literary sources, this book provides invaluable insights into pre-modern attitudes towards insanity.

Emotions as Commodities: Capitalism, Consumption and Authenticity (Routledge Studies in the Sociology of Emotions)

by Eva Illouz

Capitalism has made rationality into a pervasive feature of human action and yet, far from heralding a loss of emotionality, capitalist culture has been accompanied with an unprecedented intensification of emotional life. This raises the question: how could we have become increasingly rationalized and more intensely emotional? Emotions as Commodities offers a simple hypothesis: that consumer acts and emotional life have become closely and inseparably intertwined with each other, each one defining and enabling the other. Commodities facilitate the experience of emotions, and so emotions are converted into commodities. The contributors of this volume present the co-production of emotions and commodities as a new type of commodity that has gone unseen and unanalyzed by theories of consumption – emodity. Indeed, this innovative book explores how emodity includes atmospherical or mood-producing commodities, relation-marking commodities and mental commodities, all of which the purpose it is to change and improve the self. Analysing a variety of modern day situations such as emotional management through music, creation of urban sexual atmospheres and emotional transformation through psychotherapy, Emotions as Commodities will appeal to scholars, postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers interested in fields such as Sociology, Cultural Studies, Marketing, Anthropology and Consumer Studies.

Emotions as Engines of History (Routledge Studies in Cultural History #113)

by Rafał Borysławski Alicja Bemben

Seeking to bridge the gap between various approaches to the study of emotions, this volume aims at a multidisciplinary examination of connections between emotions and history and the ways in which these connections have manifested themselves in historiography, cultural, and literary studies. The book offers a selected range of insights into the idea of emotions, affects, and emotionality as driving forces and agents of change in history. The fifteen essays it comprises probe into the emotional motives and dispositions behind both historical phenomena and the ways they were narrated.

Emotions, Communities, and Difference in Medieval Europe: Essays in Honor of Barbara H. Rosenwein

by Maureen C. Miller Edward Wheatley

This book of eleven essays by an international group of scholars in medieval studies honors the work of Barbara H. Rosenwein, Professor emerita of History at Loyola University Chicago. Part I, “Emotions and Communities,” comprises six essays that make use of Rosenwein’s well-known and widely influential work on the history of emotions and what Rosenwein has called “emotional communities.” These essays employ a wide variety of source material such as chronicles, monastic records, painting, music theory, and religious practice to elucidate emotional commonalities among the medieval people who experienced them. The five essays in Part II, “Communities and Difference,” explore different kinds of communities and have difference as their primary theme: difference between the poor and the unfree, between power as wielded by rulers or the clergy, between the western Mediterranean region and the rest of Europe, and between a supposedly great king and lesser ones.

Emotions, Community, and Citizenship: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives

by Constantine Vassiliou James Mckee Kiran Banerjee Rebecca Kingston Yi-Chun Chien

Emotions are at the very heart of individual and communal actions. They influence our social and interpersonal behaviour and affect our perspectives on culture, history, politics, and morality. Emotions, Community, and Citizenship is a pioneering work that brings together scholars from an array of disciplines in order to challenge and unite the disciplinary divides in the study of emotions. These carefully selected studies highlight how emotions are studied within various disciplines with particular attention to the divide between naturalistic and interpretive approaches. The editors of this volume have provided a nuanced and insightful introduction and conclusion which provide not only an overarching commentary but a framework for the interdisciplinary approach to emotion studies.

Emotions, Ethics, and Cinematic Experience: New Phenomenological and Cognitivist Perspectives

by Robert Sinnerbrink

Since the early 1990s, phenomenology and cognitivism have become two of the most influential approaches to film theory. Yet far from being at odds with each other, both approaches offer important insights on our subjective experience of cinema. Emotions, Ethics, and Cinematic Experience explores how these two approaches might work together to create a philosophy of film that is both descriptively rich and theoretically productive by addressing the key relationship between cinematic experience, emotions, and ethics.

Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914: Volume IV: Transformations, 1789-1914

by Katie Barclay; François Soyer

This volume of primary sources focuses on the history of emotions in Europe and its empires between 1789 and 1914. The study ends with WW1, by which point psychology and modern frameworks for the self had become standard knowledge. The study examines the subjects of the self, family and community, religion, politics and law, science and philosophy, and art and culture. Sources include letters, diaries, legal papers, institutional records, newspapers, science and philosophical writings, literature and art from a diversity of voices and perspectives. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students of history and literature.

Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914: Volume I: Reformations,1517-1602

by Katie Barclay; François Soyer

This volume of primary sources focuses on the history of emotions in Europe and its empires between 1517 and 1602. The Reformation in 1517 was a key transformative moment in European history that required people to rethink the self, belief, and scientific knowledges – all of which shaped and were shaped by emotion. The study examines the subjects of the self, family and community, religion, politics and law, science and philosophy, and art and culture. Sources include letters, diaries, legal papers, institutional records, newspapers, science and philosophical writings, literature and art from a diversity of voices and perspectives. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students of history and literature.

Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914: Volume III: Revolutions, 1714-1789

by Katie Barclay; François Soyer

This volume of primary sources focuses on the history of emotions in Europe and its empires between 1714 and 1789. The study examines the subjects of the self, family and community, religion, politics and law, science and philosophy, and art and culture. Sources include letters, diaries, legal papers, institutional records, newspapers, science and philosophical writings, literature and art from a diversity of voices and perspectives. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students of history and literature.

Emotions in Europe, 1517-1914: Volume II: Explorations, 1602-1714

by Katie Barclay; François Soyer

This volume of primary sources focuses on the history of emotions in Europe and its empires between 1602 and 1714. The study examines the subjects of the self, family and community, religion, politics and law, science and philosophy, and art and culture. Sources include letters, diaries, legal papers, institutional records, newspapers, science and philosophical writings, literature and art from a diversity of voices and perspectives. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students of history and literature.

Emotions in Non-Fictional Representations of the Individual, 1600-1850: Between East and West

by Malina Stefanovska Yinghui Wu Marie-Paule de Weerdt-Pilorge

This book addresses the distinct representations of emotions in non-fictional texts from the seventeenth to the mid-nineteenth century (1600-1850). Focusing on memoirs, autobiographies, correspondences and conduct manuals, it argues that in those writings, passions and emotions are differently expressed than in fiction. It also offers a comparative study of texts from cultures as diverse as English, French, Korean and Chinese, and of emotions in relation to genre, identity, and morality during significant cultural transformation of the early modern period. This book is distinctive in its choice of non-fictional genres, its period, and its cross-cultural approach. It can benefit scholars interested in exploring emotion as a historical and cultural product, and in enriching their knowledge of an emerging scholarly direction: studies in self-narratives (autobiography, memoirs, dream narratives, letters, etc.) often insufficiently explored in earlier historical periods.

Emotions in Yiddish Ghetto Diaries: Encountering Persecutors and Questioning Humanity (Routledge Studies in Second World War History)

by Amy Simon

This book uses an empathic reading of Yiddish diarists’ feelings, evaluations, and assessments about persecutors in the Warsaw, Lodz, and Vilna ghettos to present an emotional history of persecution in the Nazi ghettos. It re-centers the daily experiences of psychological and physical violence that made up ghetto life and that ultimately led victims to use their diaries as a place of agency to question and attempt to maintain their own beliefs in pre-war Jewish and Enlightenment ethics and morality. Holocaust scholars and students, as well as people interested in personal narratives, interpersonal relations, and the problem of dehumanization during the Holocaust will find this study particularly thought-provoking. Essentially, this book highlights the benefits of reading with empathy and paying attention to emotions for understanding the experiences of people in the past, especially those facing tragedy and trauma.

Emotions, Language and Identity on the Margins of Europe

by Kyra Giorgi

When a word describing an emotion is said to be untranslatable, is that emotion untranslatable also? This unique study focuses on three word-concepts on the periphery of Europe, providing a wide-ranging survey of national identity and cultural essentialism, nostalgia, melancholy and fatalism, the production of memory and the politics of hope.

Emotions, Protest, Democracy: Collective Identities in Contemporary Spain (Routledge Advances in Democratic Theory)

by Emmy Eklundh

With the rise of both populist parties and social movements in Europe, the role of emotions in politics has once again become key to political debates, and particularly in the Spanish case. Since 2011, the Spanish political landscape has been redrawn. What started as the Indignados movement has now transformed into the party Podemos, which claims to address important deficits in popular representation. By creating space for emotions, the movement and the party have made this a key feature of their political subjectivity. Emotions and affect, however, are often viewed as either purely instrumental to political goals or completely detached from ‘real’ politics. This book argues that the hierarchy between the rational and the emotional works to sediment exclusionary practices in politics, deeming some forms of political expressions more worthy than others. Using radical theories of democracy, Emmy Eklundh masterfully tackles this problem and constructs an analytical framework based on the concept of visceral ties, which sees emotions and affect as constitutive of any collective identity. She later demonstrates empirically, using both ethnographic method and social media analysis, how the movement Indignados is different from the political party Podemos with regards to emotions and affect, but that both are suffering from a broader devaluation of emotional expressions in political life. Bridging social and political theory, Emotions, Protest, Democracy: Collective Identities in Contemporary Spain provides one of the few in-depth accounts of the transition from the movement Indignados to party Podemos, and the role of emotions in contemporary Spanish and European politics.

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