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Enamorada del diablo (Saga de los Knight #Volumen 5)

by Gaelen Foley

La electrizante historia de un hombre y una mujer que huyen del amor. Quinta entrega de la Saga de los Knight. Rebelde, aventurero, jugador y libertino... Ocultando su verdadera naturaleza, Devlin Kimball se ha creado una reputación que le abrirá las puertas del círculo más disoluto de la alta sociedad londinense. Es el último peldaño de una venganza largamente soñada, pero una carta de la dama de compañía de su tía le obliga a aplazar por el momento sus planes. Y a su llegada a la mansión familiar conoce a una mujer que, como él, rehúye el compromiso. En su nuevo empleo con la vizcondesa viuda de Strathmore, Lizzie Carlisle está recobrando la serenidad e independencia que había perdido. Ha logrado poner distancia entre ella y lord Alec Knight, el hombre de quien siempre ha estado enamorada, que más la ha desengañado y al que todavía no ha podido olvidar. Hasta que Devlin entra en su vida... Una de las mejores novelas de Gaelen Foley y su saga de los hermanos Knight, la serie que ha consagrado a esta autora dentro del género romántico histórico.

Enamorar a un escocés (Los Gresham #Volumen 6)

by Nieves Hidalgo

Un deseo prohibido por la traición. Una pasión dominada por oscuros secretos. Un amor capaz de vencer todos los obstáculos. Samuel Meller ha pedido matrimonio a Geraldine para protegerla de las amenazas recibidas debido a su antiguo trabajo para la Corona, sin querer aceptar que, en realidad, está enamorado de ella desde que la conoció. Abandonado el servicio secreto, se trasladan a Aislingean, en Stirling, donde pretende comenzar una nueva vida. Ella, a quien también han llegado notas intimidatorias, accede a la boda para salvaguardar el futuro de su hijo, en el caso de que la persona que le está dando un ultimátum acabe con su vida. Lleva años suspirando por el hombre que la captó como agente, se ha jugado la vida por él, incluso ha puesto en riesgo su honor por cumplir sus órdenes. Y está dispuesta a conseguir que la ame. Lo que desconoce es el secreto por el que Samuel se resiste a confiar en ninguna mujer. En tierras escocesas, a la sombra del castillo de Stirling, la vizcondesa Marble deberá enfrentarse no solo a la frialdad de un esposo que parece no desearla, sino al misterio que encierran los ennegrecidos muros de la torre. Mientras, un despiadado asesino está dispuesto a acabar con la vida de ambos. ¿Podrá el amor vencer el recuerdo de una traición?

Encantada por el Conde

by Amanda Mariel Samantha Priego

¿Podrán Rose y Hunter superar sus diferencias y aceptar el amor verdadero? Rose Woodcourt, una costurera pobre, es demasiado orgullosa como para aceptar ayuda, aun cuando su hogar y su libertad son amenazados por el nefario señor Wolfe. Especialmente no de Hunter Thorne, un caballero con título muy por arriba de su clase. Los Condes solo cortejan señoritas comunes por una razón, y Rose no tiene interés alguno de ser la amante de un hombre adinerado, por muy guapo y encantador que este sea. Hunter es un hombre honorable; se niega a darle la espalda a la belleza valiente a pesar de lo fuerza con que ella lo rechaza. Conforme las amenazas del señor Wolfe se van convirtiendo en acciones, a Rose no le queda opción más que acudir a Hunter. ¿Podrá el par ponerle un fin a las nefastas acciones de Wolfe antes de que Rose pierda todo lo que más quiere, incluyendo su libertad?

Encantado por Lady Elianna

by Éli Assunção Amanda Mariel

Uma mulher que perdeu tudo e o homem determinado a salvá-la enfrentam circunstâncias que estão além do seu controle. Uma mulher que perdeu tudo... Depois da morte do pai, Lady Elianna foi forçada pelo primo e sua família à uma vida de servidão. Por anos ela fez o que mandavam e assumiu várias funções: de criada pessoal a dama de companhia. Fez tudo sem reclamar. Mas isso foi até Lorde Sinclair aparecer na propriedade fazendo-a se atrever a sonhar mais uma vez. Um homem determinado a salvá-la… Lorde Sinclair fica intrigado com Elianna depois de um breve encontro no Hyde Park. Ele está convencido de que a mulher esteja escondendo algo e ele está determinado a descobrir os seus segredos. Quando a lady que Elianna está acompanhando lhe convida para uma festa no campo, ele aceita. Circunstâncias além do controle… A paixão ganha vida enquanto Elianna trabalha para esconder seus segredos, mas Lorde Sinclair faz tudo que está em seu poder para descobri-los. Uma noite fatídica muda tudo, trazendo seus segredos à luz e forçando uma atitude. Seria o amor deles a chave para superar o passado?

La encantadora de Florencia

by Salman Rushdie

Entreverando la Historia con la ficción, Salman Rushdie reconstruye un apasionante periodo histórico que narra la formación del imperio Mongol y las luchas que finalmente darían lugar a la India. A finales del siglo xvi, un extranjero llega a la corte de Akbar el Grande, emperador del Imperio mongol, en la fastuosa ciudad de Fatehpur Sikri. Es el portador de un secreto que podría proporcionarle la mayor de las fortunas o costarle la vida. Un secreto digno solo de los oídos del emperador: la historia de una mujer misteriosa, dueña de una belleza cautivadora y versada en las artes del encantamiento y la brujería, y de su viaje imposible a la lejana Florencia. La crítica ha dicho...«El mejor Rushdie desde Hijos de la medianoche.»La Vanguardia

Encantadora De Picaro (Colección / Serie: Legado perdurable Volumen: 10 #10)

by Dawn Brower

Solo el tiempo dirá si su destino es estar juntos, o si finalmente servirán para un propósito más elevado. Lady Catherine Langdon es especial, y no porque sea la hija de un duque. Ella proviene de una larga lista de individuos nacidos con regalos extraordinarios, y es una de las pocas que tiene una variación de los tres. Al borde de la guerra, toma una decisión que alterará irrevocablemente el curso de su vida: el amor o el deber. Asher Rossington, el marqués de Seabrook, decidió desde muy temprana edad que no viviría una vida ociosa. Su padre le prohibió ser un espía de la corona, pero optó por ignorarlo. Ash nunca lamentó su elección, pero deseó haber reparado su relación con su padre antes de morir. Ahora, con la suerte del mundo en crisis, tiene que tomar otra decisión difícil: seguir siendo un espía para el rey y el país, o ir a casa y honrar el título de su padre. La Gran Guerra trae a Catherine y Asher a la vida del otro. Solo el tiempo dirá si su destino es estar juntos, o si finalmente servirán para un propósito más elevado. Género: FICCIÓN / Romance / Histórico Idioma Original: inglés Idioma Traducido: Español

El encanto de un bribón (Bribón #Volumen 1)

by Loretta Chase

¿Sucumbirán a los peligros de la venganza o de su propio deseo?... A Esme Brentmor no le importa lo más mínimo que el deseo de venganza no sea un sentimiento adecuado en una mujer. Está decidida a vengar el asesinato de su amado padre, un enigmático aristócrata que vivía en un exilio autoimpuesto. Preservar el honor de la familia requiere que nada ni nadie se cruce en su camino. Y eso incluye al guapo caballero que acaba de enredarse en su vida, cuyo encanto no es capaz de ocultar su carácter perezoso e irresponsable. Varian St. George, lord Edenmont, ha malgastado toda la fortuna familiar y ahora vive de su ingenio, preferiblemente entre las sábanas de alguna mujer rica. Lo último que desea es verse envuelto en la cruzada de una mujer temperamental. Pero obligados a viajar juntos a través de una tierra exótica, la extraña pareja pronto descubrirá que el roce puede producir sentimientos peligrosos...

El encanto de un bribón (Bribón #Volumen 1)

by Loretta Chase

¿Sucumbirán a los peligros de la venganza o de su propio deseo?... A Esme Brentmor no le importa lo más mínimo que el deseo de venganza no sea un sentimiento adecuado en una mujer. Está decidida a vengar el asesinato de su amado padre, un enigmático aristócrata que vivía en un exilio autoimpuesto. Preservar el honor de la familia requiere que nada ni nadie se cruce en su camino. Y eso incluye al guapo caballero que acaba de enredarse en su vida, cuyo encanto no es capaz de ocultar su carácter perezoso e irresponsable. Varian St. George, lord Edenmont, ha malgastado toda la fortuna familiar y ahora vive de su ingenio, preferiblemente entre las sábanas de alguna mujer rica. Lo último que desea es verse envuelto en la cruzada de una mujer temperamental. Pero obligados a viajar juntos a través de una tierra exótica, la extraña pareja pronto descubrirá que el roce puede producir sentimientos peligrosos...

La encargada de vestuario

by Patrick McGrath

La última novela del prestigioso autor británico, Patrick McGrath, es un homenaje al mundo del teatro. Una atmosférica novela ambientada en un Londres de posguerra amenazado por el espectro del fascismo. Enero de 1947. Londres está en ruinas y los víveres escasean. Bajo el cielo encapotado de este invierno especialmente crudo, la voz omnisciente de un coro teatral de mujeres nos traslada al funeral de uno de los actores de teatro más célebres de la época. Nos cuentan que su extraña muerte ha dejado desolada a su esposa Joan, encargada de vestuario de un importante teatro londinense; que no halla consuelo ni en su hija, una frágil actriz en ciernes, ni en su yerno, productor teatral de intenciones dudosas. Nos cuentan que cada noche Joan busca a su difunto marido en el tacto y el olor de sus trajes, hasta el día en que percibe el espíritu del esposo dentro del actor que le ha sustituido como Malvolio en Noche de reyes y, sintiendo que pierde el juicio, se encapricha de él. Mientras, el coro que nos acompaña en este drama nos lanza a una espiral de locura, intriga y traición que conduce a un devastador secreto. En este maravilloso homenaje al mundo del teatro, Patrick McGrath erige un fascinante thriller de terror psicológico con tintes góticos y de intriga posbélica, ambientado en un Londres lúgubre y que sigue amenazado por los reductos del fascismo. Críticas:«Uno de los escritores que mejor bucea en la psique humana [...] magistral.»John Banville «Los fantasmas del teatro y el espectro del fascismo persiguen al Londres frío y sucio de este atmosférico relato, escrito por un maestro de lo grotesco.»The Guardian «Una brillante evocación del mundo del teatro y su sórdido glamour, pero también un retrato enternecedor de una mujer que lucha por dar sentido a su pasado e imaginar un futuro para sí misma.»The Sunday Times «Espléndido [...], espeluznante, elegante e intelectualmente muy hábil.»The Telegraph «Como es bien sabido, McGrath es un narrador brillante.»The Observer «Maravillosamente siniestro [...] una delicia [...] uno se enfrenta a un viaje apasionante.»The Spectator «McGrath es algo raro pero imprescindible, un escritor con la capacidad de exponer nuestros más oscuros miedos sin hacer que huyamos de ellos.»New Statesman «Un festín de novela, rica y altamente sazonada incluso antes de llegar al clímax gótico típico de McGrath.»Reader's Digest «Un thriller inquietante.»Stylist

The Enceladus Crisis: Book Two Of The Daedalus Series (The Daedalus Series #2)

by Michael J. Martinez

Two dimensions collided on the rust-red deserts of Mars-and are destined to become entangled once more in this sequel to the critically acclaimed The Daedalus Incident.Lieutenant Commander Shaila Jain has been given the assignment of her dreams: the first manned mission to Saturn. But there's competition and complications when she arrives aboard the survey ship Armstrong. The Chinese are vying for control of the critical moon Titan, and the moon Enceladus may harbor secrets deep under its icy crust. And back on Earth, Project DAEDALUS now seeks to defend against other dimensional incursions. But there are other players interested in opening the door between worlds . . . and they're getting impatient.For Thomas Weatherby, it's been nineteen years since he was second lieutenant aboard HMS Daedalus. Now captain of the seventy-four-gun Fortitude, Weatherby helps destroy the French fleet at the Nile and must chase an escaped French ship from Egypt to Saturn, home of the enigmatic and increasingly unstable aliens who call themselves the Xan. Meanwhile, in Egypt, alchemist Andrew Finch has ingratiated himself with Napoleon's forces . . . and finds the true, horrible reason why the French invaded Egypt in the first place.The thrilling follow-up to The Daedalus Incident, The Enceladus Crisis continues Martinez's Daedalus series with a combination of mystery, intrigue, and high adventure spanning two amazing dimensions.


by Claire Delacroix

Cursed to spend his days as a wolf, at night Rolfe de Viandin was under a different enchantment. One woven by the beauteous Annelise de Sayerne—-the woman fated to be his doom and his salvation! Vowing to marry solely for love seemed to Annelise the only way to escape her family's legacy of violence. Yet now she was oathbound to the mysterious Rolfe de Viandin, a man who denied her his trust though he'd managed to capture her heart!

The Enchanted April

by Elizabeth Von Arnim

Drawn by a promise of "wisteria and sunshine," four English ladies exchange their damp and dreary surroundings for a month on the Italian Riviera. They're different from each other in age and attitude, but all are bewitched by their rented medieval castle and the natural beauty of the Portofino peninsula. Their holiday not only refreshes their spirits but also reintroduces them to their true natures and reopens their hearts to love and friendship.Hilarious and romantic by turns, the novel provides a piquant satire on British society of the 1920s as well as the human foibles of every era. It's also a tale of women coming into their own and finding the courage to be true to themselves and others. This bestselling tale of self-discovery ― recounted with warmth, wit, and charm ― was adapted several times for stage and screen. Not everyone can spend a month in the Italian countryside, but the spell cast by The Enchanted April offers the next best thing.

The Enchanted April (Vmc Ser. #541)

by Sarah Dunant Elizabeth Von Arnim

A discreet advertisement in 'The Times', addressed to 'Those who Apppreciate Wisteria and Sunshine...' is the impetus for a revelatory month for four very different women. High above the bay on the Italian Riviera stands San Salvatore, a mediaeval castle. Beckoned to this haven are Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs Arbuthnot, Mrs Fisher and Lady Caroline Dester, each quietly craving a respite. Lulled by the Mediterranean spirit, they gradually shed their skins and discover a harmony each of them has longed for but never known.First published in 1922 and reminscient of 'Elizabeth and her German Garden', this delightful novel is imbued with the descriptive power and light-hearted irreverence for which Elizabeth von Arnin is renowned.

The Enchanted April (Virago Modern Classics #399)

by Elizabeth von Arnim

'An enchanting novel, witty, touching and very perceptively written, which will sweep you into wisteria and sunshine' Santa MontefioreA discreet advertisement in 'The Times', addressed to 'Those who Apppreciate Wisteria and Sunshine...' is the impetus for a revelatory month for four very different women. High above the bay on the Italian Riviera stands San Salvatore, a mediaeval castle. Beckoned to this haven are Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs Arbuthnot, Mrs Fisher and Lady Caroline Dester, each quietly craving a respite. Lulled by the Mediterranean spirit, they gradually shed their skins and discover a harmony each of them has longed for but never known.First published in 1922, this delightful novel is imbued with the descriptive power and light-hearted irreverence for which Elizabeth von Arnin is renowned.'Filled with hazy hills and fragrant flora, the novel is a dreamily sensuous description of the glories of Italian spring' Adam Nicolson, Mail on Sunday'Elizabeth von Armin's most charming novel in every sense: it casts a spell...a sun-washed fairytale' Observer

Enchanted by Cinema: Wilhelm Thiele between Vienna, Berlin, and Hollywood (Film Europa #29)

by Jan-Christopher Horak and Andréas-Benjamin Seyfert

William Thiele is remembered today as the father of the sound film operetta with seminal classics such as Drei von der Tankstelle (1930). While often considered among the most accomplished directors of Late Weimar cinema, as an Austrian Jew he was vilified during the onset of the Nazi regime in 1933 and fled to the United States where he continued making films until the end of his career in 1960. Enchanted by Cinema closely examines the European musical film pioneer’s work and his cross-cultural perspective across forty years of filmography in Berlin and Hollywood to account for his popularity while discussing issues of ethnicity, exile, comedy, music, gender, and race.

Enchanted by the Highlander

by Lecia Cornwall

Gillian MacLeod is shy and quiet, the least likely of all her sisters to seek out excitement and adventure. But on a moonlit night at a masquerade ball, Gillian steals a kiss from a mysterious stranger, knowing she’ll never see him again. John Erly, disowned by his noble English father, started a new life in Scotland. Most people are suspicious of the foreign mercenary and he does everything is his power to avoid romantic entanglements. But he can’t forget the bewitching beauty who kissed him in the dark, and stole his heart, even though he has no idea who she might be. A year later, John is given the duty of escorting Gillian to her wedding and immediately recognizes her as the temptress he’s dreamed of for months. There’s not much he can do when she's promised to another man, but fate intervenes and this time, passion—and adventure—can’t be denied. Honor demands he stay away from the MacLeod’s enchanting daughter, but love has a very different ending in mind...

Enchanted By Your Kisses

by Pamela Britton

His Plan Was Seduction... Proud and beautiful Lady Ariel D'Archer bravely bears the cruel disdain of society -- all the while wondering if her sullied reputation will prevent love from ever entering her heart again. But then she meets Nathan Trevain, whose breathtaking gaze inflames her passion and whose softest touch sets her heated blood racing. This is a man unwilling to take "no" for an answer -- nor is Ariel certain she could deny him anything. But he is also a man who harbors a dangerous secret -- one that places Ariel in grave danger once she uncovers it. His Destiny Was Surrender The secretive future Duke of Davenport has his own hidden reasons for wanting to help the exquisite fallen rose restore her good name -- and for taking her prisoner once she discovers his true identity. For his lovely captive holds the key to the fate of his lost brother. And it will take every ounce of Trevain's fabled seductive powers to win her help. But the closer he holds her -- the deeper he kisses her -- the more completely the lady Ariel takes possession of his soul. Will she be the one to seduce him with true love -- the sweetest, most succulent magic of all?

The Enchanted Clock: A Novel

by Julia Kristeva

In the Palace of Versailles there is a fabulous golden clock, made for Louis XV by the king’s engineer, Claude-Siméon Passemant. The astronomical clock shows the phases of the moon and the movements of the planets, and it will tell time—hours, minutes, seconds, and even sixtieths of seconds—until the year 9999. Passemant’s clock brings the nature of time into sharp focus in Julia Kristeva’s intricate, poetic novel The Enchanted Clock. Nivi Delisle, a psychoanalyst and magazine editor, nearly drowns while swimming off the Île de Ré; the astrophysicist Theo Passemant fishes her out of the water. They become lovers. While Theo wonders if he is descended from the clockmaker Passemant, Nivi’s son Stan, who suffers from occasional comas, develops a passion for the remarkable clock at Versailles. Soon Nivi is fixated on its maker. But then the clock is stolen, and when a young writer for Nivi’s magazine mysteriously dies, the clock is found near his body. The Enchanted Clock combines past and present, jumping back and forth between points of view and across eras from eighteenth-century Versailles to the present day. Its stylistically inventive narrative voices bring both immediacy and depth to our understanding of consciousness. Nivi’s life resembles her creator’s in many respects, coloring Kristeva’s customary erudition with autobiographical poignancy. Part detective mystery, part historical fiction, The Enchanted Clock is a philosophically and linguistically multifaceted novel, full of poetic ruminations on memory, love, and the transcendence of linear time. It is one of the most illuminating works of one of France’s great writers and thinkers.

Enchanted Creatures: Our Monsters and Their Meanings

by Natalie Lawrence

The hydra rears its many heads in a flurry of teeth and poisonous fumes. The cyborg lays waste to humanity with a ruthless, expressionless stare.From ancient mythology to modern science fiction, we have had to confront the monsters that lurk in the depths of our collective imagination. They embody our anxieties and our irrational terrors, giving form to what we don't wish to know or understand. For millennia, monsters have helped us to manage the extraordinary complexity of our minds and to deal with the challenges of being human.In Enchanted Creatures, Natalie Lawrence delves into 15,000 years of imaginary beasts and uncovers the other-worldly natural history that has evolved with our deepest fears and fascinations. Join Lawrence on a tour of prehistoric cave monsters, serpentine hybrids, deep-sea leviathans and fire-breathing Kaiju. Discover how this monstrous menagerie has shaped our minds, our societies and how we see our place in nature.

Enchanted Forest, The: Memories of Maryland's Storybook Park (Landmarks)

by Janet Kusterer Martha Anne Clark

The history of the Enchanted Forest is one of magical beginnings. When it first opened in 1955, Ellicott City's storybook land became the first children's theme park on the East Coast. Young visitors could climb aboard rides like the Little Toot tugboat, Mother Goose and Ali Baba or encounter animals like peacocks and burros. Upon its closing in 1989, Marylanders who cherished memories of the Enchanted Forest were deeply disappointed. However, many of the park's beloved figures were moved to nearby Clark's Elioak Farm, where they were restored and displayed to the delight of new generations. Even today, the farm is a popular destination that evokes the whimsical spirit of the iconic park. Local author Janet Kusterer and Martha Anne Clark of Elioak Farm trace the park's history through vintage images and interviews with the Harrison family, former employees and visitors. Join Kusterer and Clark to rediscover the magic of the Enchanted Forest.

Enchanted Island

by Denise Robins

He transforms her quiet world into a dazzling realm of money and success...but can she know what is really in his heart?Young Nicole loves her beautiful Mediterranean island paradise - until dashing composer Paul Quest looks deep into her eyes and promises to carry her away to his London penthouse. And so shy, tender Nicole tradesher blue jeans and rope-soled sandals for high fashion and the dizzying sophistication of Paul's elite social whirl. But even as her young heart thrills at the romance, the question burns: will Paul's love stand the test, or is she destined to become just another of his brief affairs?

Enchanted Island

by Denise Robins

He transforms her quiet world into a dazzling realm of money and success...but can she know what is really in his heart?Young Nicole loves her beautiful Mediterranean island paradise - until dashing composer Paul Quest looks deep into her eyes and promises to carry her away to his London penthouse. And so shy, tender Nicole tradesher blue jeans and rope-soled sandals for high fashion and the dizzying sophistication of Paul's elite social whirl. But even as her young heart thrills at the romance, the question burns: will Paul's love stand the test, or is she destined to become just another of his brief affairs?

Enchanted Islands: A Novel

by Allison Amend

Inspired by the midcentury memoirs of Frances Conway, Enchanted Islands is the dazzling story of an independent American woman whose path takes her far from her native Minnesota when she and her husband, an undercover intelligence officer, are sent to the Galápagos Islands at the brink of World War II. Born in Duluth, Minnesota, in 1882 to immigrant parents, Frances Frankowski covets the life of her best friend, Rosalie Mendel, who has everything Fanny could wish for--money, parents who value education, and an effervescent and winning personality. When, at age fifteen, Rosalie decides they should run away to Chicago, Fanny jumps at the chance to escape her unexceptional life. But, within a year, Rosalie commits an unforgivable betrayal, inciting Frances to strike out on her own.Decades later, the women reconnect in San Francisco and realize how widely their lives have diverged. While Rosalie is a housewife and mother, Frances works as a secretary for the Office of Naval Intelligence. There she is introduced to Ainslie Conway, an intelligence operator ten years her junior. When it's arranged for Frances and Ainslie to marry and carry out a mission on the Galápagos Islands, the couple's identities--already hidden from each other--are further buried under their new cover stories. No longer a lonely spinster, Frances is about to begin the most fascinating and intrigue-filled years of her life.Amid active volcanoes, forbidding wildlife and flora, and unfriendly neighbors, Ainslie and Frances carve out a life for themselves. But the secrets they harbor from their enemies and from each other may be their undoing.Drawing on the rich history of the early twentieth century and set against a large, colorful canvas, Enchanted Islands boldly examines the complexity of female friendship, the universal pursuit of a place to call home, and the reverberations of secrets we keep from others and from ourselves.From the Hardcover edition.

Enchanted Islands: Picturing the Allure of Conquest in Eighteenth-Century France

by Mary D. Sheriff

In Enchanted Islands, renowned art historian Mary D. Sheriff explores the legendary, fictional, and real islands that filled the French imagination during the ancien regime as they appeared in royal ballets and festivals, epic literature, paintings, engravings, book illustrations, and other objects. Some of the islands were mythical and found in the most popular literary texts of the day—islands featured prominently, for instance, in Ariosto’s Orlando furioso,Tasso’s Gerusalemme liberata, and Fénelon’s, Telemachus. Other islands—real ones, such as Tahiti and St. Domingue—the French learned about from the writings of travelers and colonists. All of them were imagined to be the home of enchantresses who used magic to conquer heroes by promising sensual and sexual pleasure. As Sheriff shows, the theme of the enchanted island was put to many uses. Kings deployed enchanted-island mythology to strengthen monarchical authority, as Louis XIV did in his famous Versailles festival Les Plaisirs de l’île enchantée. Writers such as Fénelon used it to tell morality tales that taught virtue, duty, and the need for male strength to triumph over female weakness and seduction. Yet at the same time, artists like Boucher painted enchanted islands to portray art’s purpose as the giving of pleasure. In all these ways and more, Sheriff demonstrates for the first time the centrality of enchanted islands to ancient regime culture in a book that will enchant all readers interested in the art, literature, and history of the time.

The Enchanted Lies of Céleste Artois

by Ryan Graudin

In this lush and lyrical fantasy debut, Ryan Graudin transports readers to the hidden magical pockets of early 1900s Paris, a place of enchanted salons, fortune tellers who can change your stars, and doorways that can take you to the most unexpected places—and introduces readers to the delightful Céleste Artois, a con artist who will make a deal with the devil in exchange for her life...and change the fate of the world. Once, Céleste Artois had dreams of being an artist. But when the creative elite of Paris dashed those plans, she turned her talents to forgery and cons. She and the Enchantresses—her two fellow thieves and best friends—see Paris as a rich hunting ground for marks. Yet even though their hideout in Père Lachaise cemetery is bursting with francs, Céleste cannot rest. There is always more to take. And the blood she has begun to cough into her handkerchief means her time is running out. But everything changes when she encounters Rafe, a mysterious and beautiful stranger who leads her to an enchanted salon—a place where artists can bring wondrous imaginations to life. Céleste is captivated by this establishment, and learns of the existence of magical Paris, hidden in the pockets and alleys of the ordinary world, if one only knows where to look. Rafe offers Céleste an irresistible deal: the gift of time in exchange for lending him and his benefactor her forging talents. But one must be careful making deals with devils, and there's more to this hidden world than meets the eye. Shadows have begun to circle Paris. And soon, the Enchantresses will find that true magic is far more powerful, and deadly, than they ever imagined.

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