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Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy (12th edition)

by George C. Edwards III Martin P. Wattenberg Robert L. Lineberry

Government in America illustrates the impact that government has on the daily lives of each and every American, motivating students to become active participants in all aspects of our political culture, and helping overcome student apathy towards American Government.

Government in the Future (Open Media Series)

by Noam Chomsky

In this classic talk delivered at the Poetry Center, New York, on February 16, 1970, Noam Chomsky articulates a clear, uncompromising vision of social change. Chomsky contrasts the classical liberal, libertarian socialist, state socialist, and state capitalist world views and then defends a libertarian socialist vision as "the proper and natural extension . . . of classical liberalism into the era of advanced industrial society."In his stirring conclusion Chomsky argues, "We have today the technical and material resources to meet man's animal needs.We have not developed the cultural and moral resources or the democratic forms of social organization that make possible the humane and rational use of our material wealth and power.Conceivably, the classical liberal ideals as expressed and developed in their libertarian socialist form are achievable. But if so, only by a popular revolutionary movement, rooted in wide strata of the population and committed to the elimination of repressive and authoritarian institutions, state and private. To create such a movement is a challenge we face and must meet if there is to be an escape from contemporary barbarism."

Government in West Africa (Routledge Library Editions: Colonialism and Imperialism #29)

by W.E.F. Ward

Government in West Africa (1968) examines the practical working of modern government and the constitutional history of West Africa. It looks at various political thinkers and their application to the issues of civil government in West Africa; modern constitutional struggles on the continent; and problems associated with different political systems in the region.

The Government Next Door: Neighborhood Politics in Urban China

by Luigi Tomba

Chinese residential communities are places of intense governing and an arena of active political engagement between state and society. In The Government Next Door, Luigi Tomba investigates how the goals of a government consolidated in a distant authority materialize in citizens' everyday lives. Chinese neighborhoods reveal much about the changing nature of governing practices in the country. Government action is driven by the need to preserve social and political stability, but such priorities must adapt to the progressive privatization of urban residential space and an increasingly complex set of societal forces. Tomba's vivid ethnographic accounts of neighborhood life and politics in Beijing, Shenyang, and Chengdu depict how such local "translation" of government priorities takes place. Tomba reveals how different clusters of residential space are governed more or less intensely depending on the residents' social status; how disgruntled communities with high unemployment are still managed with the pastoral strategies typical of the socialist tradition, while high-income neighbors are allowed greater autonomy in exchange for a greater concern for social order. Conflicts are contained by the gated structures of the neighborhoods to prevent systemic challenges to the government, and middle-class lifestyles have become exemplars of a new, responsible form of citizenship. At times of conflict and in daily interactions, the penetration of the state discourse about social stability becomes clear.

The Government of Beans: Regulating Life in the Age of Monocrops

by Kregg Hetherington

The Government of Beans is about the rough edges of environmental regulation, where tenuous state power and blunt governmental instruments encounter ecological destruction and social injustice. At the turn of the twenty-first century, Paraguay was undergoing dramatic economic, political, and environmental change due to a boom in the global demand for soybeans. Although the country's massive new soy monocrop brought wealth, it also brought deforestation, biodiversity loss, rising inequality, and violence. Kregg Hetherington traces well-meaning attempts by bureaucrats and activists to regulate the destructive force of monocrops that resulted in the discovery that the tools of modern government are at best inadequate to deal with the complex harms of modern agriculture and at worst exacerbate them. The book simultaneously tells a local story of people, plants, and government; a regional story of the rise and fall of Latin America's new left; and a story of the Anthropocene writ large, about the long-term, paradoxical consequences of destroying ecosystems in the name of human welfare.

The Government of Chance: Sortition and Democracy from Athens to the Present

by Yves Sintomer

Electoral democracies are struggling. Sintomer, in this instructive book, argues for democratic innovations. One such innovation is using random selection to create citizen bodies with advisory or decisional political power. 'Sortition' has a long political history. Coupled with elections, it has represented an important yet often neglected dimension of Republican and democratic government, and has been reintroduced in the Global North, China and Mexico. The Government of Chance explores why sortation is returning, how it is coupled with deliberation, and why randomly selected 'minipublics' and citizens' assemblies are flourishing. Relying on a growing international and interdisciplinary literature, Sintomer provides the first systematic and theoretical reconstruction of the government of chance from Athens to the present. At what conditions can it be rational? What lessons can be drawn from history? The Government of Chance therefore clarifies the democratic imaginaries at stake: deliberative, antipolitical, and radical, making a plaidoyer for the latter.

The Government of Childhood

by Karen M. Smith

Grounded in the Foucauldian literature on governmentality and drawing on a broad range of disciplines, this book examines the government of childhood in the West from the early modern period to the present. The book deals with three key time-periods and examines shifts in the conceptualization and regulation of childhood and child-rearing.

The Government of China (China: The Emerging Superpower)

by Yu Bin

Since its founding in 1949, the People's Republic of China has been a one-party state in which the Chinese Communist Party holds a monopoly of political power. Many Western students are unfamiliar with the structures, institutions, and ideologies by which the Party exercises this power. The Government of China examines those issues in depth. It also details the historical development of China's Communist government and explores recent trends, including signs that a more responsive, open system may be developing. This volume is essential reading for students who wish to understand one of the world's most important countries.

The Government of Desire: A Genealogy of the Liberal Subject

by Miguel de Beistegui

Liberalism, Miguel de Beistegui argues in The Government of Desire, is best described as a technique of government directed towards the self, with desire as its central mechanism. Whether as economic interest, sexual drive, or the basic longing for recognition, desire is accepted as a core component of our modern self-identities, and something we ought to cultivate. But this has not been true in all times and all places. For centuries, as far back as late antiquity and early Christianity, philosophers believed that desire was an impulse that needed to be suppressed in order for the good life, whether personal or collective, ethical or political, to flourish. Though we now take it for granted, desire as a constitutive dimension of human nature and a positive force required a radical transformation, which coincided with the emergence of liberalism. By critically exploring Foucault’s claim that Western civilization is a civilization of desire, de Beistegui crafts a provocative and original genealogy of this shift in thinking. He shows how the relationship between identity, desire, and government has been harnessed and transformed in the modern world, shaping our relations with others and ourselves, and establishing desire as an essential driving force for the constitution of a new and better social order. But is it? The Government of Desire argues that this is precisely what a contemporary politics of resistance must seek to overcome. By questioning the supposed universality of a politics based on recognition and the economic satisfaction of desire, de Beistegui raises the crucial question of how we can manage to be less governed today, and explores contemporary forms of counter-conduct. ?Drawing on a host of thinkers from philosophy, political theory, and psychoanalysis, and concluding with a call for a sovereign and anarchic form of desire, The Government of Desire is a groundbreaking account of our freedom and unfreedom, of what makes us both governed and ungovernable.

The Government of Emergency: Vital Systems, Expertise, and the Politics of Security (Princeton Studies in Culture and Technology #28)

by Stephen J. Collier Andrew Lakoff

The origins and development of the modern American emergency stateFrom pandemic disease, to the disasters associated with global warming, to cyberattacks, today we face an increasing array of catastrophic threats. It is striking that, despite the diversity of these threats, experts and officials approach them in common terms: as future events that threaten to disrupt the vital, vulnerable systems upon which modern life depends.The Government of Emergency tells the story of how this now taken-for-granted way of understanding and managing emergencies arose. Amid the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, an array of experts and officials working in obscure government offices developed a new understanding of the nation as a complex of vital, vulnerable systems. They invented technical and administrative devices to mitigate the nation’s vulnerability, and organized a distinctive form of emergency government that would make it possible to prepare for and manage potentially catastrophic events.Through these conceptual and technical inventions, Stephen Collier and Andrew Lakoff argue, vulnerability was defined as a particular kind of problem, one that continues to structure the approach of experts, officials, and policymakers to future emergencies.

The Government of France (Routledge Revivals)

by Jean Blondel E. Drexel Godfrey, Jr.

First published in 1968, The Government of France is a guide for students of politics to learn about the eventful history of French democracy and the often startling role of France on the international scene. In conveying information, the authors never fail to relate the structure to the social and economic background, and their commentary is enlivened by amusing asides. By the time he has reached the end of the book the reader will not only have much information on France, but he will also understand how the machinery of government has evolve and in what direction it is likely to move in the future.

The Government of Life: Foucault, Biopolitics, and Neoliberalism

by Vanessa Lemm Miguel Vatter

Foucault’s late work on biopolitics and governmentality has established him as the fundamental thinker of contemporary continental political thought and as a privileged source for our current understanding of neoliberalism and its technologies of power. In this volume, an international and interdisciplinary group of Foucault scholars examines his ideas of biopower and biopolitics and their relation to his project of a history of governmentality and to a theory of the subject found in his last courses at the College de France. Many of the chapters engage critically with the Italian theoretical reception of Foucault. At the same time, the originality of this collection consists in the variety of perspectives and traditions of reception brought to bear upon the problematic connections between biopolitics and governmentality established by Foucault’s last works.

The Government of Manitoba

by Murray Donnelly

This contribution to the Canadian Government series continues the study of provincial government made, with varying approaches, by Frank MacKinnon for Prince Edward Island, Murray Beck for Nova Scotia, and Hugh Thorburn for New Brunswick. Professor Donnelly describes the political institutions of Manitoba, viewing them also in historical perspective and singling out the particular forces that have shaped them. He traces the development of the party system in Canada, its decline under the farmer-dominated Progressive governments of the twenties and under the coalitions that followed, and its resurgence under the Conservative government of Premier Roblin. (Canadian Government Series, No. 14)

The Government of No One: The Theory and Practice of Anarchism (Pelican Books)

by Ruth Kinna

'The standard book on anarchism for the twenty-first century. Written with brio, quiet insight and clarity' Carl LevyA magisterial study of the history and theory of one of the most controversial political movementsAnarchism routinely gets a bad press. It's usually seen as meaning chaos and disorder -- or even nothing at all. And yet, from Occupy Wall Street to Pussy Riot, Noam Chomsky to David Graeber, this philosophical and political movement is as relevant as ever. Contrary to popular perception, different strands of anarchism -- from individualism to collectivism -- do follow certain structures and a shared sense of purpose: a belief in freedom and working towards collective good without the interference of the state. In this masterful, sympathetic account, political theorist Ruth Kinna traces the tumultuous history of anarchism, starting with thinkers and activists such as Peter Kropotkin and Emma Goldman and through key events like the Paris Commune and the Haymarket affair. Skilfully introducing us to the nuanced theories of anarchist groups from Russia to Japan to the United States, The Government of No One reveals what makes a supposedly chaotic movement particularly adaptable and effective over centuries -- and what we can learn from it.

The Government of Northern Ireland: A Study in Devolution

by Nicholas Mansergh

Originally published in 1936, The Government of Northern Ireland examines the practical operation of devolution which was granted to Northern Ireland in 1920. The later phases of the Ulster Question, interacting with a theoretic conception of devolution, provide the historical background in the light of which early 20th Century government in Ireland is analysed. The political, administrative and financial relations between the (then Imperial) and subordinate Parliament, the powers and personnel of the local legislature and the character of the local government are all discussed. The achievement of self-government in Northern Ireland is summarized with special regard to the desirability of a similar grant of devolution to Scotland and Wales.

The Government of Nova Scotia (Canadian Government Series #8)

by James Murray Beck

Here is a well-documented study of the structure, historical development, and present condition of the government of Nova Scotia. It deals with one of the oldest constitutions in Canada, one which was not created by statute but by the prerogative of the Crown. Nova Scotia has two major claims to priority in the history of Canadian politics: she was the first province to be granted representative institutions and the first to win responsible government. <P><P>Owing in large measure to Joseph Howe's inspired leadership, the latter was achieved through peaceful, constitutional means. It is obvious that a study of the government of Nova Scotia must dig deep into the past, and Dr. Beck has investigated this early history with great care and thoroughness. This is followed by a study of the more recent period and the working of the government of our own time. <P>The author demonstrates that the important changes, the interesting practices, and the colourful incidents have not all been in the distant past. There was, for example, the Legislative Council, that travesty on democratic institutions which lasted until less than thirty years ago. There was the odd phenomenon of a Liberal government in power for seventy out of ninety years since Confederation. There was the constant need to adapt parliamentary practices and institutions, developed under quite different conditions to the needs of a much smaller community, and one which was keenly aware of its heritage and very jealous of any serious interference.<P>As a native of Nova Scotia and a political scientist, Dr. Beck has had a special interest in seeing how the Nova Scotian institutions of government evolved and how they work today. He has done a great deal of original research among primary sources and covered a field as yet uninvestigated by any other scholar. <P>An admirable addition to the Canadian Government Series, of which it is the eighth volume, this is a book for serious students of political science and for students of Nova Scotia history.

Government of Our Own

by William C. Davis

For four crucial months in 1861, delegates from all over the South met in Montgomery, Alabama, to establish a new nation. Davis (Jefferson Davis: The Man and the Hour, LJ 11/15/91) tells their story in this new work, another example of Davis's fine storytelling skill and an indispensable guide to understanding the formation of the Confederate government. Among the issues Davis examines are revising the Constitution to meet Southern needs, banning the importation of slaves, and determining whether the convention could be considered a congress. Also revealed are the many participating personalities, their ambitions and egos, politicking and lobbying for the presidency of the new nation, and the nature of the city of Montgomery itself.

The Government of Social Life in Colonial India

by Rachel Sturman

From the early days of colonial rule in India, the British established a two-tier system of legal administration. Matters deemed secular were subject to British legal norms, while suits relating to the family were adjudicated according to Hindu or Muslim law, known as personal law. This important new study analyses the system of personal law in colonial India through a re-examination of women's rights. Focusing on Hindu law in western India, it challenges existing scholarship, showing how - far from being a system based on traditional values - Hindu law was developed around ideas of liberalism, and that this framework encouraged questions about equality, women's rights, the significance of bodily difference, and more broadly the relationship between state and society. Rich in archival sources, wide-ranging and theoretically informed, this book illuminates how personal law came to function as an organising principle of colonial governance and of nationalist political imaginations.

The Government of the Roman Empire: A Sourcebook (Routledge Sourcebooks for the Ancient World)

by Dr Barbara Levick Barbara Levick

This book reveals how an empire that stretched from Glasgow to Aswan in Egypt could be ruled from a single city and still survive more than a thousand years. The Government of the Roman Empire is the only sourcebook to concentrate on the administration of the empire, using the evidence of contemporary writers and historians.Specifically designed for students, with extensive cross-referencing, bibliographies and introductions and explanations for each item, this new edition brings the book right up-to-date, and makes it the ideal resource for students of the subject.

The Government of Things: Foucault and the New Materialisms

by Thomas Lemke

Examines the theoretical achievements and the political impact of the new materialismsMaterialism, a rich philosophical tradition that goes back to antiquity, is currently undergoing a renaissance. In The Government of Things, Thomas Lemke provides a comprehensive overview and critical assessment of this “new materialism”. In analyzing the work of Graham Harman, Jane Bennett, and Karen Barad, Lemke articulates what, exactly, new materialism is and how it has evolved. These insights open up new spaces for critical thought and political experimentation, overcoming the limits of anthropocentrism. Drawing on Michel Foucault’s concept of a “government of things”, the book also goes beyond new materialist scholarship which tends to displace political questions by ethical and aesthetic concerns. It puts forward a relational and performative account of materialities that more closely attends to the interplay of epistemological, ontological, and political issues.Lemke provides definitive and much-needed clarity about the fascinating potential—and limitations—of new materialism as a whole. The Government of Things revisits Foucault’s more-than-human understanding of government to capture a new constellation of power: “environmentality”. As the book demonstrates, contemporary modes of government seek to control the social, ecological, and technological conditions of life rather than directly targeting individuals and populations. The book offers an essential and much needed tool to critically examine this political shift.

A Government Out of Sight

by Brian Balogh

While it is obvious that America's state and local governments were consistently active during the nineteenth century, a period dominated by laissez-faire, political historians of twentieth-century America have assumed that the national government did very little during this period. A Government Out of Sight, first published in 2009, challenges this premise, chronicling the ways in which the national government intervened powerfully in the lives of nineteenth-century Americans through the law, subsidies, and the use of third parties (including state and local governments), while avoiding bureaucracy. Americans have always turned to the national government - especially for economic development and expansion - and in the nineteenth century even those who argued for a small, nonintrusive central government demanded that the national government expand its authority to meet the nation's challenges. In revising our understanding of the ways in which Americans turned to the national government throughout this period, this study fundamentally alters our perspective on American political development in the twentieth century, shedding light on contemporary debates between progressives and conservatives about the proper size of government and government programs and subsidies that even today remain 'out of sight'.

Government Paternalism

by Bill New Julian Le Grand

Should governments save people from themselves? Do governments have the right to influence citizens' behavior related to smoking tobacco, eating too much, not saving enough, drinking alcohol, or taking marijuana--or does this create a nanny state, leading to infantilization, demotivation, and breaches in individual autonomy? Looking at examples from both sides of the Atlantic and around the world, Government Paternalism examines the justifications for, and the prevalence of, government involvement and considers when intervention might or might not be acceptable. Building on developments in philosophy, behavioral economics, and psychology, Julian Le Grand and Bill New explore the roles, boundaries, and responsibilities of the government and its citizens.Le Grand and New investigate specific policy areas, including smoking, saving for pensions, and assisted suicide. They discuss legal restrictions on risky behavior, taxation of harmful activities, and subsidies for beneficial activities. And they pay particular attention to "nudge" or libertarian paternalist proposals that try to change the context in which individuals make decisions so that they make the right ones. Le Grand and New argue that individuals often display "reasoning failure": an inability to achieve the ends that they set themselves. Such instances are ideal for paternalistic interventions--for though such interventions might impinge on autonomy, the impact can be outweighed by an improvement in well-being.Government Paternalism rigorously considers whether the state should guide citizen decision making in positive ways and if so, how this should be achieved.

Government, the Railways and the Modernization of Britain: Beeching's Last Trains (British Politics and Society)

by Charles Loft

More than 40 years after its publication, the 1963 Beeching Report on British railways remains controversial for recommending the closure of a third of Britain’s railways. In this book, Charles Loft examines: why the nationalized railways were in such dire financial straits by 1963 how government work on future transport needs led to conclusions which would have cut Britain’s railways down by thousands of miles what difficulties eventually halted attempts by Conservative and Labour governments to implement these cuts. This book will be invaluable to anyone interested in how transport policy is made or how it has arrived at its current state and sheds fascinating new light on the working of government, the economy and the mood of the times under Churchill, Eden, Macmillan and Wilson.

Government Translation in South Korea: A Corpus-based Study (Routledge Studies in Empirical Translation and Multilingual Communication)

by Jinsil Choi

Government Translation in South Korea: A Corpus-based Study is the first book to investigate and discuss translation processes and translation products in South Korean government institutions, employing a parallel corpus-based approach. Choi identifies different agents and procedures involved in institutional translation practices, discusses linguistic and genre features of translations, and investigates changes made in translations compared to the original documents, during the two Korean presidencies of Lee Myung-bak (2008–2013) and Park Geun-hye (2013–2017). Choi’s book explores important facets of Korean government translation in the belief that practices associated with the normative meaning and concept of government translation have to be displaced into the wider understanding of the concept of translation as a social construct. Drawing on the theoretical frameworks of institutional translation and critical discourse analysis–informed corpus-based translation studies, the chapters discuss the practice, process and products of Korean government translation. The Korean–English parallel corpus methodology used introduces a systemic way to analyse changes in Korean government translations, based on a personally built sentence-level tagged corpus, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This volume will be of great interest to scholars and students of translation studies as well as Korean studies.

Government versus Markets: A Contemporary and Historical Perspective

by Vito Tanzi

Vito Tanzi offers a truly comprehensive treatment of the economic role of the state in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries from a historical and world perspective. The book addresses the fundamental question of what governments should do, or have attempted to do, in economic activities in past and recent periods. It also speculates on what they are likely or may be forced to do in future years. The investigation assembles a large set of statistical information that should prove useful to policy-makers and scholars in the perennial discussion of government's optimal economic roles. It will become an essential reference work on the analytical borders between the market and the state, and on what a reasonable 'exit strategy' from the current fiscal crises should be.

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