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Las guerras de los miércoles / The Wednesday Wars

by Joanna Weaver

Novela ganadora del Newbery Honor Holling Hoodhood está en problemas. Acaba de comenzar el séptimo grado con la señora Baker, y presiente que la maestra tiene algo en su contra. ¿Por qué otra razón lo haría leer a Shakespeare fuera del horario de clases? Es el año 1967, y todo el mundo tiene cosas más importantes de qué preocuparse. Por un lado, está Vietnam, y por otro está el negocio familiar. Según el padre de Holling, nada es más importante que el negocio familiar. De hecho, todos los Hoodhood tienen que comportarse siempre lo mejor posible: el éxito de Hoodhood y Asociados depende de ello. ¿Pero cómo puede Holling evitar los problemas si tiene que lidiar con la señora Baker?

Guerras del siglo XXI: El imperio contra Irak

by Ignacio Ramonet

Un valiente análisis de las amenazas y miedos que provienen de la mundialización y del desequilibrio entre las naciones tras el 11 de septiembre de 2001. Ignacio Ramonet presenta un retrato del nuevo mundo tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre: la ofensiva de Estados Unidos contra el terrorismo internacional, el recrudecimiento del conflicto israelí-palestino y el ascenso de la ultraderecha en el paisaje electoral europeo. Este nuevo orden viene condicionado por otro fenómeno central, la globalización, cuyos protagonistas no son estados colonizadores, sino empresas y multinacionales privadas dispuestas a dominar el planeta invadiendo mercados en lugar de países. Lo que se traduce en un agravamiento de las desigualdades y en la reiterada destrucción de la naturaleza. Ante esta situación, los ciudadanos reclaman nuevos derechos colectivos que defiendan un medio ambiente a salvo de la contaminación, una ciudad humana, una información no manipulada, así como la paz y el desarrollo de los pueblos. Las sociedades civiles deben reclamar su protagonismo en las grandes negociaciones internacionales. Para cambiar este mundo, hay que soñar un futuro diferente. Reseña:«Junto a la gran cantidad de información que proporciona esta obra en su análisis de la realidad más actual, Ramonet crea, como en las utopías, horizontes inesperados.»Bernabé Sarabia, El Cultural de El Mundo


by John Rust Mark Gardner

1898: i tripodi marziani devastano le città della Terra. Gli eserciti di tutto il mondo sono incapaci di fermare l'ondata di distruzione. Quando ogni speranza sembra perduta, dei comuni batteri uccidono gli invasori alieni. Risorgendo dalle proprie ceneri, la razza umana usa la tecnologia lasciata dai marziani per costruire nuove e più avanzate armi. 1924: armate di astronavi, tripodi e caccia, le nazioni della Terra sono pronte a combattere contro Marte. George Patton, Erwin Rommel, Charles de Gaulle e Georgy Zhukov guidano le loro truppe in battaglia sul pianeta rosso, per porre fine alla minaccia aliena una volta per tutte. Ma i marziani hanno un ultimo, disperato, piano per cercare di vincere; se ci riuscissero, sarebbe la fine per il genere umano.

Guerrera Halcón

by Malcolm Archibald

Navegando hacia el oeste a través del Atlántico, Melcorka la Mujer Espadachín y Bradan el Errante, se encuentran con una extraña mujer enterrada dentro de un iceberg. En ella hay una diadema decorada con el símbolo de un halcón. Poco después, se encuentran con una flota de barcos nórdicos y zarpan con ellos hacia Groenlandia, Vinland y, finalmente, el Nuevo Mundo. Luchando a través de hordas de skraeling (Indígenas nativos) y enfrentando al misterioso Gigante de Hielo, descubren la antigua ciudad piramidal de Cahokia... y descubren el secreto del extraño artefacto con la figura del halcón. Guerrera Halcón es una novela independiente y se puede disfrutar incluso si no has leído otros libros de la serie.

El guerrero (La guardia de los Highlanders #Volumen 1)

by Monica McCarty

El primer libro de la serie de La Guardia de los Highlanders. Las mejores alianzas nacen entre las sábanas... Nadie en toda la nación maneja la espada como Tor MacLeod. Es un hombre independiente, que se debe a su clan y jamás ha rendido cuentas a nadie... y mucho menos a su nueva esposa, fruto de un pacto para atraerlo a la unidad de guerreros más letal de Escocia. La muchacha que se ha colado en su cama quizá haya obtenido su mano, pero nunca tendrá su corazón. Christina Fraser está convencida de que bajo el brutal caparazón de Tor se esconde una persona amable. Por ahora, el único calor está en los momentos de pasión y gloria que comparten en la cama y desaparecen al alba. Sin embargo, cuando esté a punto de estallar la guerra contra Inglaterra, Christina caerá en una trampa mortal y Tor se enfrentará a la batalla definitiva: salvar a su esposa y abrir su corazón antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

El guerrero (La guardia de los Highlanders #Volumen 1)

by Monica McCarty

El primer libro de la serie de La Guardia de los Highlanders. Las mejores alianzas nacen entre las sábanas... Nadie en toda la nación maneja la espada como Tor MacLeod. Es un hombre independiente, que se debe a su clan y jamás ha rendido cuentas a nadie... y mucho menos a su nueva esposa, fruto de un pacto para atraerlo a la unidad de guerreros más letal de Escocia. La muchacha que se ha colado en su cama quizá haya obtenido su mano, pero nunca tendrá su corazón. Christina Fraser está convencida de que bajo el brutal caparazón de Tor se esconde una persona amable. Por ahora, el único calor está en los momentos de pasión y gloria que comparten en la cama y desaparecen al alba. Sin embargo, cuando esté a punto de estallar la guerra contra Inglaterra, Christina caerá en una trampa mortal y Tor se enfrentará a la batalla definitiva: salvar a su esposa y abrir su corazón antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

El guerrero a la sombra del cerezo

by David B. Gil

Una historia de venganza y redención en el Japón de los señores samuráis. El guerrero a la sombra del cerezo fue finalista al Premio Fernando Lara del Grupo Planeta y ganadora del Premio Hislibris de Novela Histórica. Japón, finales del siglo XVI. El país deja atrás la Era de los Estados en Guerra y se adentra en un titubeante periodo de paz. Entre las víctimas del largo conflicto se halla Seizo Ikeda, único superviviente del clan regente de la provincia de Izumo, huérfano a los nueve años tras el exterminio de su casa. Hostigado por los asesinos de su familia y condenado al destierro y al olvido, inicia un largo peregrinaje al amparo de Kenzaburo Arima, último samurái con vida del ejército de su padre, convertido ahora en su mentor. En el otro extremo del país, Ekei Inafune, un médico repudiado por aplicar las artes aprendidas entre los bárbaros llegados de Occidente, se veimplicado en una conjura urdida a la sombra de los clanes más poderosos del país. Una conspiración capaz de acabar con el frágil periodo de calma que da comienzo. Una novela cruda y bella, cargada de matices, que nos hace viajar a través de un Japón devastado por más de dos siglos de guerra, entre cuyas cenizas, sin embargo, florecen los más hermosos cerezos. Reseña:«Un viaje inolvidable a una época llena de poesía, misterio y crueldad.»Toni Hill Los lectores opinan...«Uno de esos libros que dejan huella en tu vida y a los que recurres cuando todo lo demás falla.» «Te hace recuperar el placer de las novelas de aventuras inolvidables.» «Hay detalles en la trama llenos de elegancia y con una sutileza exquisita. Un libro excelente.» «Te transporta a otra época y otro mundo, no quieres que acabe nunca.» «Precioso, conmovedor, con una prosa como hacía tiempo que no encontraba.» «Desde que leí Shogun, de Clavell, no había vuelto a encontrar un libro de samuráis que me gustase.» «Una historia conmovedora e intrigante que no puedes parar de leer. De las novelas que apetece recomendar.»

El Guerrero Decapitado

by José Leon Machado

Siglo I de nuestra era. Un joven desciende de su pueblo y va a trabajar a un pueblo cerca de Brácara Augusta, la ciudad que los romanos construían en una colina. En la villa, el señor leía a Cicerón durante los intervalos de su siesta, la señora pasaba horas frente al espejo, disfrazando las arrugas con ungüentos fenicios, el hijo iba para el lado del Catavo encontrarse con su amada - una indígena que conocía las artes para encantar bueyes -, y la hija daba paseos con el joven brácaro por los límites de la villa seguida por los perros de aquella casa, que buscaban madrigueras de conejos. ¿Podría un brácaro aprender latín, enamorar a la hija de un romano y servir en las legiones del emperador sin olvidar su origen? Historia de amor y desesperación salpicada con condescendientes sonrisas a las cosas que el cielo cubre bajo la impasible mirada de los dioses.

El Guerrero del Trueno

by Kathryn Le Veque

El Guerrero del Trueno: La Hermandad de los de Shera libro 2 por Kathryn Le Veque El Trueno ataca en el Libro Dos de trilogía de la Hermandad de los de Shera [El Guerrero del Trueno: La Hermandad de los de Shera libro 2] Bienvenido a la Tribología de los Señores del trueno – Libro Dos Mayo 1258 D.C. - Ahora, Simon de Montfort está amasando un parlamento con lo que el Rey Henry y Simon tendrán una representación igualitaria. Como las políticas de este tiempo difícil empiezan a apresurarse, Maximus de Shera, el guerrero consumado y hermano del medio del trio de hermanos de Shera, le sucede bastante inesperado. En medio de la agitación política, el encuentra el amor en la hija de un partidario de de Montfort. La Señora Courtly Love de Lara no es una mujer ordinaria – ella es fuerte, sabia, razonable, e ingeniosa además de ser deslumbrantemente hermosa. Como los hermanos de Maximus son succionados aún más profundamente en la intriga de de Montfort, el hermano más fuerte de todos es distraído por una hermosa mujer. El padre de la Señora, sin embargo, se opone a la proposición de Maximus y hace todo los esfuerzos por mandar a su hija muy lejos donde Maximus no pueda encontrarla. Cuando Maximus es más necesitado en la lucha en contra de Henry III, El Guerrero del Trueno está afuera en una búsqueda propia de localizar, y casarse, la mujer que el ama y lucha en contra del hombre que alguna vez el considero un aliado. Profunda pasión, traición familiar, honor familiar, dolor, y una ponderosa historia de amor culmina en el Libro Dos de la trilogía de Los Señores del Trueno.

El guerrero y el sufí

by César Vidal

En vísperas de una de las batallas más célebres de la historia de Occidente, cinco vidas confluyen irremediablemente. Ahmad, el joven almohade procedente del Magrib, sueña con las recompensas que recibirá por llevar el yihad contra los infieles. Alfonso VIII, rey de Castilla, intenta encontrar una forma de evitar los ataques por la espalda de los otros reyes cristianos y enfrentarse a los almohades con perspectivas de éxito. Rodrigo abandona sus tierras para enfrentarse a aquellos a los que considera peligrosos invasores. Raquel piensa en la manera de ayudar a los otros judíos a sobrevivir en medio de un choque entre pueblos distintos del suyo. Y Abdallah redacta, tranquila y meticulosamente, un libro dedicado a un tema extraño, desconocido y esotérico que, a su juicio, resulta esencial en los tiempos que le ha tocado vivir. César Vidal nos sumerge en un mundo marcado por la intolerancia religiosa, el afán de conquista, la búsqueda de la sabiduría y el amor a la belleza, al tiempo que explora aspectos muy poco conocidos del pensamiento islámico.

Guerrilla: A Historical And Critical Study

by Walter Laqueur

This book deals with guerrilla warfare; it does not aim at presenting a universal theory, for such a theory would be either exceedingly vague or exceedingly wrong. The present volume is the first part of a wider study which, the author believes, has not been attempted before - a critical interpretation of guerrilla and terrorist theory and practice

Guerrilla Aesthetics: Art, Memory, and the West German Urban Guerrilla

by Kimberly Mair

The violent operations performed in the 1970s by West German urban guerrillas – such as the Red Army Faction (RAF) – were so vivid and incomprehensible that it seemed to be more urgent to produce spectacle than to be politically successful. In Guerrilla Aesthetics, Kimberly Mair challenges the assumption that these guerrillas sought to realize specific political goals. Instead, she tracks the guerrilla fighters’ plunge into an avant-garde-inspired negativity that rejected rationality and provoked the state. Focusing on the Red Decade of 1967 to 1977, which was characterized not only by terrorism and police brutality but also by counterculture aesthetics, Mair draws from archives, grey literatures, popular culture, art, and memorial and curatorial practices to explore the sensorial aspects of guerrilla communications performed by the RAF, as well as the 2nd of June Movement and the Socialist Patients' Collective. Turning to cultural and artistic responses to the decade and its legacy of raw public feelings, Mair also examines works by Eleanor Antin, Erin Cosgrove, Christoph Draeger, Bruce LaBruce, Gerhard Richter, and others. Reconsidering an enigmatic period in the history of terrorism, Guerrilla Aesthetics innovatively engages with the inherent connections between violence, performance, the senses, and memory.

Guerrilla Auditors: The Politics of Transparency in Neoliberal Paraguay

by Kregg Hetherington

Guerrilla Auditors is an ethnographic account of the rise of information, transparency, and good governance in the post-Cold War era, and the effects of these concepts on Paraguay's transition to democracy. Kregg Hetherington shows that the ideal of transparent information, meant to depoliticize bureaucratic procedures, has become a battleground for a new kind of politics centered on legal interpretation and the manipulation of official documents. In late-twentieth-century Paraguay, peasant land politics moved unexpectedly from the roads and fields into the documentary recesses of state bureaucracy. When peasants, bureaucrats, and development experts encountered one another in state archives, conflicts ensued about how bureaucracy ought to function, what documents are for, and who gets to narrate the past and the future of the nation. Hetherington argues that Paraguay's neoliberal democracy is predicated, at least in part, on an exclusionary distinction between model citizens and peasants. Despite this, peasant activists have found ways to circumvent their exclusion and in so doing question the conceptual foundations of international development orthodoxy.

The Guerrilla Factory

by Tony Schwalm

THE NAVY HAS THE SEALS, and the Army has the Green Berets. They are masters of asymmetrical warfare, trained to immerse themselves in hostile territory, sleeping near their enemies and building relationships with people who may want to kill them. Retired lieutenant colonel Tony Schwalm knows this group well, because he is one of them and he trained them. In The Guerrilla Factory, he provides an unbelievably gripping inside look into the grueling training that every Army officer must endure to become one of America's elite Green Berets. The Special Forces Qualification Course, also known as the Q Course, is infamous in U.S. Army lore. It transforms conventional soldiers, through blood, sweat, and tears, into unconventional guerrillas. As a young soldier, Schwalm earned his own Green Beret there. Later, he was the commander of Special Forces officer training at Fort Bragg, evaluating and redesigning the crucible in which leaders face brutal tests of physical strength, stamina, and wits. The Guerrilla Factory is the engaging and compelling story of Schwalm's experience there as a student (from selection to graduation) and his time as the commander of training at Fort Bragg. It is a story of young soldiers striving to become the elite of the elite--of their trials, physical and emotional, and of their triumphs and losses. In this dramatic account of the challenges faced by these young soldiers, Schwalm describes how men are forced to demonstrate ingenuity under intensely adverse conditions as they are pushed to the point of hallucination, walk until their feet are bloody, and fight off packs of angry dogs with nothing but a rubber rifle. Soldiers today face an entirely different kind of warfare and must be schooled to deal with unusual circumstances. They must have intricate knowledge of how to gather information in a dangerous, unstable atmosphere, and they need to be able to adapt quickly to differences in their surroundings. Schwalm's book takes readers deep into this world, showing exactly how soldiers acquire the necessary skills. Revealing details never before shared outside military circles, Schwalm provides a rare and rousing look inside the courageous hearts and souls of soldiers who put their lives on the line for duty, honor, and our country.

The Guerrilla Girls' Bedside Companion to the History of Western Art

by Guerrilla Girls

Taking you back through the ages, The Guerrilla Girls demonstrate how males have dominated the art scene and discouraged or obscured women's involvement. Their sceptical and hilarious interpretaions are augmented by other feminists.

The Guerrilla Hunters: Irregular Conflicts during the Civil War (Conflicting Worlds: New Dimensions of the American Civil War)

by Andrew Lang Earl J. Hess Lisa Tendrich Frank Kenneth W. Noe Daniel E. Sutherland Brian Steel Wills Barton A. Myers Brian D. Mcknight Aaron Astor Matthew M. Stith Scott Thompson Adam Domby Andrew Fialka Joseph Beilein Laura J. Davis Matthew C. Hulbert Stephen Rockenbach

Throughout the Civil War, irregular warfare—including the use of hit-and-run assaults, ambushes, and raiding tactics—thrived in localized guerrilla fights within the Border States and the Confederate South. The Guerrilla Hunters offers a comprehensive overview of the tactics, motives, and actors in these conflicts, from the Confederate-authorized Partisan Rangers, a military force directed to spy on, harass, and steal from Union forces, to men like John Gatewood, who deserted the Confederate army in favor of targeting Tennessee civilians believed to be in sympathy with the Union. With a foreword by Kenneth W. Noe and an afterword by Daniel E. Sutherland, this collection represents an impressive array of the foremost experts on guerrilla fighting in the Civil War. Providing new interpretations of this long-misconstrued aspect of warfare, these scholars go beyond the conventional battlefield to examine the stories of irregular combatants across all theaters of the Civil War, bringing geographic breadth to what is often treated as local and regional history. The Guerrilla Hunters shows that instances of unorthodox combat, once thought isolated and infrequent, were numerous, and many clashes defy easy categorization. Novel methodological approaches and a staggering diversity of research and topics allow this volume to support multiple areas for debate and discovery within this growing field of Civil War scholarship.

Guerrilla Hunters in Civil War Missouri (Civil War Series)

by James W. Erwin

The guerrillas who terrorized Missouri during the Civil War were colorful men whose daring and vicious deeds brought them a celebrity never enjoyed by the Federal soldiers who hunted them. Many books have been written about William Quantrill, "Bloody Bill" Anderson, George Todd, Tom Livingston and other noted guerrillas. You have probably not heard of George Wolz, Aaron Caton, John Durnell, Thomas Holston or Ludwick St. John. They served in Union cavalry regiments in Missouri, where neither side showed mercy to defeated foes. They are just five of the anonymous thousands who, in the end, defeated the guerrillas and have been forgotten with the passage of time. This is their story.

Guerrilla Leader: T. E. Lawrence and the Arab Revolt

by James Schneider

Reclaiming T. E. Lawrence from hype and legend, James J. Schneider offers a startling reexamination of this leader's critical role in shaping the modern Middle East. Just how did this obscure British junior intelligence officer, unschooled in the art of war, become "Lawrence of Arabia" and inspire a loosely affiliated cluster of desert tribes to band together in an all-or-nothing insurgency against their Turkish overlords? The answers have profound implications for our time as well, as a new generation of revolutionaries pulls pages from Lawrence's playbook of irregular warfare.Blowing up trains and harassing supply lines with dynamite and audacity, Lawrence drove the mighty armies of the Ottoman Turks to distraction and brought the Arabs to the brink of self-determination. But his success hinged on more than just innovative tactics: As he immersed himself in Arab culture, Lawrence learned that a traditional Western-style hierarchical command structure could not work in a tribal system where warriors lead not only an army but an entire community. Weaving quotations from Lawrence's own writings with the histories of his greatest campaigns, Schneider shows how this stranger in a strange land evolved over time into the model of the self-reflective, enabling leader who eschews glory for himself but instead seeks to empower his followers. Guerrilla Leader also offers a valuable analysis of Lawrence's innovative theories of insurgency and their relevance to the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East.This exhaustively researched book also provides a detailed account of the Arab revolt, from the stunning assault on the port city of Aqaba to the bloody, Pyrrhic victory at Tafileh, the only set-piece battle Lawrence fought during the Great Arab Revolt. Lawrence emerged from the latter experience physically and mentally drained, incapable of continuing as a military commander, and, Schneider asserts, in the early stages of the post-traumatic stress disorder that would bedevil him for the rest of his life. The author then carries the narrative forward to the final slaughter of the Turks at Tafas and the Arabs' ultimate victory at Damascus.With insights into Lawrence's views on discipline, his fear of failure, and his enduring influence on military leadership in the twenty-first century, Guerrilla Leader is a bracingly fresh take on one of the great subjects of the modern era.Foreward by Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas E. RicksFrom the Hardcover edition.

Guerrilla Marketing: Counterinsurgency and Capitalism in Colombia (Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning)

by Alexander L. Fattal

Brand warfare is real. Guerrilla Marketing details the Colombian government’s efforts to transform Marxist guerrilla fighters in the FARC into consumer citizens. Alexander L. Fattal shows how the market has become one of the principal grounds on which counterinsurgency warfare is waged and postconflict futures are imagined in Colombia. This layered case study illuminates a larger phenomenon: the convergence of marketing and militarism in the twenty-first century. Taking a global view of information warfare, Guerrilla Marketing combines archival research and extensive fieldwork not just with the Colombian Ministry of Defense and former rebel communities, but also with political exiles in Sweden and peace negotiators in Havana. Throughout, Fattal deftly intertwines insights into the modern surveillance state, peace and conflict studies, and humanitarian interventions, on one hand, with critical engagements with marketing, consumer culture, and late capitalism on the other. The result is a powerful analysis of the intersection of conflict and consumerism in a world where governance is increasingly structured by brand ideology and wars sold as humanitarian interventions. Full of rich, unforgettable ethnographic stories, Guerrilla Marketing is a stunning and troubling analysis of the mediation of global conflict.

Guerrilla Metaphysics

by Graham Harman

In Guerrilla Metaphysics, Graham Harman develops further the object-oriented philosophy first proposed in Tool-Being. Today's fashionable philosophies often treat metaphysics as a petrified relic of the past, and hold that future progress requires an ever further abandonment of all claims to discuss reality in itself. Guerrilla Metaphysics makes the opposite assertion, challenging the dominant "philosophy of access" (both continental and analytic) that remains quarantined in discussions of language, perception, or literary texts. Philosophy needs a fresh resurgence of the things themselves-not merely the words or appearances themselves. Once these themes are adapted to the needs of an object-oriented philosophy, what emerges is a brand new type of metaphysics-a "guerrilla metaphysics."

Guerrilla Nation: My Wars In and Out of Vietnam

by Michael Maclear

A celebrated journalist finds himself reporting on the savage war in Vietnam while in combat with his own network. In September 1969, Michael Maclear, the first Western television journalist allowed inside North Vietnam, was in Hanoi for major Canadian and U.S. networks. He recounted in gripping detail how an entire population had been trained for generations in guerrilla combat. His reporting that the North was motivated more by nationalism than Marxism was highly controversial.Later Maclear was taken blindfolded to a Hanoi prison for captive U.S. pilots, some of whom condemned the war. Nixon’s White House said the Canadian reporter was duped, and Maclear’s own network questioned him in those terms on air. Later, the network found reason to dismiss Maclear as a foreign correspondent.Recently, Maclear returned to Vietnam and interviewed surviving key figures from the war. In this book he includes startling new information on guerrilla tactics and delivers an impassioned argument for the necessity of journalistic impartiality and integrity.

Guerrilla Operations in the Civil War: Assessing Compound Warfare During Price’s Raid

by Major Dale E. Davis

One of the most significant areas of guerrilla warfare during the American Civil War occurred along the Missouri-Kansas border. Many of these guerrilla forces had been active during the Bleeding Kansas period and continued their activities into the Civil War supporting the Confederacy. The guerrillas attacked Federal forces and disrupted their lines of communications, raided settlements in Kansas, and attempted to support Confederate conventional forces operating in the area. In 1864, Major General Sterling Price led a raid into Missouri in a final attempt to bring the state into the Confederacy. This thesis explores the nature of guerrilla warfare in the Missouri-Kansas border area and explains how Price and the guerrillas failed to employ the elements of Compound Warfare to bring Missouri into the Confederacy.

Guerrilla Prince: the Untold Story of Fidel Castro

by Georgie Anne Geyer

A flashy, gossipy journalistic biography for those as interested in Castro's paramours as his policies.

Guerrilla Surgeon

by Dr Lindsay Rogers

Dr. Rogers was a New Zealander who, after duty with British troops in North Africa during the early years of the war, made the decision to enter guerrilla warfare in the Balkans and was accepted for training to join the Jugoslav partisans. The account of his experiences, written a decade ago after he had just left the country, has the freshness of recently known people and events and the detachment of a thoughtful mind which could pause to analyse and indicate their meaning for the course of victory and for future Balkan politics. On one level the narrative is full of the scenes of daily life. There are conversations with his aids Bill and Ian (important people in the book), the work in makeshift hospitals, the dangers of movement and escapes and the developing friendships with many of the partisani. But these last, for example, are also geared to show their tendency towards Russian sympathies and the unfortunate handling of British propaganda which made the partisansi think that Britain's main contribution to the war was in helping Mikhailovich. We see too Dr. Rogers' concern with medical methods. He was appalled at the rough and unsympathetic operation room techniques he found among German trained doctors; he saw the possibility for a system of evacuating the wounded to Italy. Eventually he became so valuable that Tito commandeered him from the base in Croatia, where Rogers was beginning to feel at home, to start a medical school in Bosnia. A personal history which is exciting and perceptive enough to hold its own in the war annals market.--Kirkus Book Review

Guerrilla USA: The George Jackson Brigade and the Anti Capitalist Underground of the 1970s

by Daniel Burton-Rose

"We are cozy cuddly/armed and dangerous/and we will/raze the fucking prisons/to the ground." In an attempt to deliver on this promise, the George Jackson Brigade launched a violent three-year campaign in the mid-1970s against corporate and state institutions in the Pacific Northwest. This campaign, conceived by a group of blacks and whites, both straight and gay, claimed fourteen bombings, as many bank robberies, and a jailbreak. Drawing on extensive interviews with surviving members of the George Jackson Brigade, Guerrilla USA provides an inside-out perspective on the social movements of the 1970s, revealing the whole era in a new and more complex light. It is also a compelling exploration of the true nature of crime and a provocative meditation on the tension between self-restraint and anger in the process of social change.

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