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The Heretic's Apprentice (The Chronicles of Brother Cadfael #16)

by Ellis Peters

Charges of heresy and murder are complicated by the contents of a mysterious treasure chestIn the summer of 1143, William of Lythwood arrives at the Benedictine Abbey of St. Peter and St. Paul, but it is not a joyous occasion—he&’s come back from his pilgrimage in a coffin. William&’s body is accompanied by his young attendant Elave, whose mission is to secure a burial place for his master on the abbey grounds, despite William&’s having once been reprimanded for heretical views. An already difficult task is complicated when Elave drunkenly expresses his own heretical opinions, and capital charges are filed. When a violent death follows, Sheriff Hugh Beringar taps his friend Brother Cadfael for help. The mystery that unfolds grows deeper thanks to a mysterious and marvelous treasure chest in Elave&’s care.

The Heretic's Daughter

by Kathleen Kent

After a bout of smallpox, 10-year-old Sarah Carrier resumes life with her mother on their family farm in Andover, Mass., dimly aware of a festering dispute between her mother, Martha, and her uncle about the plot of land where they live. The fight takes on a terrifying dimension when reports of supernatural activity in nearby Salem give way to mass hysteria, and Sarah's uncle is the first person to point the finger at Martha. Soon, neighbors struggling to eke out a living and a former indentured servant step forward to name Martha as the source of their woes. Sarah is forced to shoulder an even heavier burden as her mother and brothers are taken to prison to face a jury of young women who claim to have felt their bewitching presence. Sarah's front-row view of the trials and the mayhem that sweeps the close-knit community provides a fresh, bracing and unconventional take on a much-covered episode.

Heretic's Heart: A Journey Through Spirit and Revolution

by Margot Adler

Starting in 1964, writes Margot Adler in this dazzling memoir, "I found myself mysteriously at the center of extraordinary events." Now a correspondent for National Public Radio, Adler was a young woman determined to be taken seriously and to be an agent of change--on her own terms, free from dogma and authoritarian constraints. From campus activism at the University of California at Berkeley to civil rights work in Mississippi, from antiwar protests to observing the socialist revolution in Cuba, she found those chances in the 1960s. Heretic's Heart illuminates the events, ideas, passions, and ecstatic commitments of the decade like no other memoir. At the book's center is the powerful--and unique--correspondence between Adler, then an antiwar activist at Berkeley, and a young American soldier fighting in Vietnam. The correspondence begins when Adler reads a letter the infantryman has written to a Berkeley newspaper. "I've heard rumors that there are people back in the world who don't believe this war should be. I'm not positive of this though, 'cause it seems to me that if enough of them told the right people in the right way, then something might be done about it. . . . You see, while you're discussing it amongst each other, being beat, getting in bed with dark-haired artists . . . some people here are dying for lighting a cigarette at night." Heretic's Heart also explores Adler's attempt to come to terms with her singular legacy as the only grandchild of Alfred Adler, collaborator of Freud and founder of Individual Psychology, and as the daughter of a forceful beauty who bequeaths her spunk and adventurousness to her daughter, but whose overpowering personality forces Adler to strike out on her own. Adler's memoir marks an initiatory journey from spirit through politics and revolution back to spirit again. Revealing, funny, joyful, and often wise, Heretic's Heart will restore the spirit of the 1960s: the passion, the confusion, the sense of social transformation and limitless possibility, and the ecstatic feeling that the world is on the cusp of change.

The Heretic's Mark: The Fourth Novel In The Jackdaw Mysteries From Bestselling S. W. Perry, Perfect For Fans Of Rory Clements And Cj Sansom's Shardlake Series (The Jackdaw Mysteries #4)

by S. W. Perry

From the bestselling, CWA Historical Dagger Award-nominated author of The Angel's Mark (2019) and The Serpent's Mark (2020) The Elizabethan world is in flux. Radical new ideas are challenging the old. But the quest for knowledge can lead down dangerous paths... London, 1594. The Queen's physician has been executed for treason, and conspiracy theories flood the streets. When Nicholas Shelby, unorthodox physician and unwilling associate of spymaster Robert Cecil, is accused of being part of the plot, he and his new wife Bianca must flee for their lives. With agents of the Crown on their tail, they make for Padua, following the ancient pilgrimage route, the Via Francigena. But the pursuing English aren't the only threat Nicholas and Bianca face. Hella, a strange and fervently religious young woman, has joined them on their journey. When the trio finally reach relative safety, they become embroiled in a radical and dangerous scheme to shatter the old world's limits of knowledge. But Hella's dire predictions of an impending apocalypse, and the brutal murder of a friend of Bianca's forces them to wonder: who is this troublingly pious woman? And what does she want?

The Heretic's Wife: A Novel

by Brenda Rickman Vantrease

From the bestselling author of The Illuminator comes a magnificent tale about the power of love and the perils of faith Tudor England is a perilous place for booksellers Kate Gough and her brother John, who sell forbidden translations of the Bible. Caught between warring factions—English Catholics opposed to the Lutheran reformation, and Henry VIII's growing impatience with the Pope's refusal to sanction his marriage to Anne Boleyn—Kate embarks on a daring adventure that will lead her into a dangerous marriage and a web of intrigue that pits her against powerful enemies. From the king's lavish banquet halls to secret dungeons and the inner sanctums of Thomas More, Brenda Rickman Vantrease's glorious new novel illuminates the public pageantry and the private passions of men and women of conscience in treacherous times.

Hereward the Last of the English (Classics To Go)

by Charles Kingsley

Hereward, the Last of the English is an 1866 novel by Charles Kingsley. It tells the story of Hereward, a historical Anglo-Saxon figure who led resistance against the Normans from a base in Ely surrounded by fen land. It was Kingsley's last historical novel, and was instrumental in elevating Hereward into an English folk-hero. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

Heridas de agua

by Claudia Marcucetti Pascoli

Una novela de amor y desamor, traiciones y lealtades en la que la historia se repite cíclicamente. Tras conquistar la mítica Tenochtitlan y fundar la que llegaría a ser la esplendorosa Ciudad de los Palacios, Hernán Cortés mandó a construir el molino de Santo Domingo, uno de los primeros del continente americano. Levantado sobre las ruinas de un antiguo templo prehispánico, el molino se convirtió en testigo de los secretos, los sueños y las ilusiones de quienes lo habitaron. En el siglo XIX, Gioconda Cattaneo, una joven italiana con espíritu rebelde, inquieto e independiente, se casa con un conde mexicano y viaja a la Ciudad de México, que ella imagina exótica, llena de colorido, vida y paisajes fantásticos. Cuando conoce el molino de Santo Domingo, Gioconda siente que ha encontrado el sitio de sus sueños, así que decide vivir en él; en ese mismo lugar, ella muere en circunstancias poco claras que despiertan sospechas. ¿Se trató de un suicidio o fue un asesinato? Desde entonces, el fantasma de Gioconda se apropia del lugar con más fuerza de lo que lo hizo en vida, mientras intenta aclararse a sí misma cómo terminaron sus días. Del lado de los vivos, encontramos a los personajes que se entrelazan con la historia de Gioconda: su esposo José Crescencio, un noble venido a menos que se convierte en un yugo que ella debe quitarse de encima para cumplir con lo que anhela; José Yves Limantour, el flamante ministro del gobierno de Porfirio Díaz, con quien sostiene una relación en la que tienen igual relevancia la pasión y la conveniencia; Fortunato Immana, un entrañable migrante italiano a quien Gioconda conoce azarosamente, de clase trabajadora, que participa en los movimientos obreros y las huelgas que sacudieron al país en aquella época de grandes cambios sociales.

Heritage: A Novel

by Miguel Bonnefoy

A dazzling family saga, brimming with poetry and passion, that skillfully weaves together the private lives of individuals and major historical events in South America and Europe. The house on Calle Santo Domingo in Santiago de Chile, with its lush lemon trees, has sheltered three generations of the Lonsonier family. Having arrived from the harsh hills of France&’s Jura region with a single grape vine in one pocket and a handful of change in the other, the patriarch put down roots there in the late nineteenth century. His son, Lazare, back from World War I&’s hellish trenches, would live there with his wife and build in their garden the most beautiful aviary in the Andes. That&’s where their daughter Margot, a pioneering aviator, would first dream of flying, and where she would raise her son, the revolutionary Ilario Da. Like Lazare before them, they will bravely face the conflicts of their day, fighting against dictatorship on both sides of the Atlantic. In this captivating saga, Miguel Bonnefoy paints the portrait of an endearing, uprooted family whose terrible dilemmas, caused by the blows of history, reveal their deep humanity.

The Heritage: Black Athletes, a Divided America, and the Politics of Patriotism

by Howard Bryant

Following in the footsteps of Robeson, Ali, Robinson and others, today's Black athletes re-engage with social issues and the meaning of American patriotism <P><P>It used to be that politics and sports were as separate from one another as church and state. The ballfield was an escape from the world's worst problems, top athletes were treated like heroes, and cheering for the home team was as easy and innocent as hot dogs and beer. “No news on the sports page” was a governing principle in newsrooms. <P><P>That was then. <P><P>Today, sports arenas have been transformed into staging grounds for American patriotism and the hero worship of law enforcement. Teams wear camouflage jerseys to honor those who serve; police officers throw out first pitches; soldiers surprise their families with homecomings at halftime. <P><P>Sports and politics are decidedly entwined.But as journalist Howard Bryant reveals, this has always been more complicated for black athletes, who from the start, were committing a political act simply by being on the field. In fact, among all black employees in twentieth-century America, perhaps no other group had more outsized influence and power than ballplayers. The immense social responsibilities that came with the role is part of the black athletic heritage. <P><P>It is a heritage built by the influence of the superstardom and radical politics of Paul Robeson, Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Tommie Smith, and John Carlos through the 1960s; undermined by apolitical, corporate-friendly “transcenders of race,” O. J. Simpson, Michael Jordan, and Tiger Woods in the following decades; and reclaimed today by the likes of LeBron James, Colin Kaepernick, and Carmelo Anthony.The Heritage is the story of the rise, fall, and fervent return of the athlete-activist. <P><P>Through deep research and interviews with some of sports' best-known stars—including Kaepernick, David Ortiz, Charles Barkley, and Chris Webber—as well as members of law enforcement and the military, Bryant details the collision of post-9/11 sports in America and the politically engaged post-Ferguson black athlete.

The Heritage: A Daughter’s Memories of Louis Bromfield

by Ellen Bromfield Geld

First published in 1962, in this lively, outspoken and affectionate memoir are all the things Louis Bromfield loved and hated, fought for or against, in a life marked by surging vitality and gusto. He came of an Ohio family whose roots once were in the land, before the land was lost. He knew early that the life of a small town was not for him. He had from his father a love of the land, and from his wilful mother a hunger to know the world. So he went off to taste of the world, first briefly in college, then in France during the First World War. When it ended and he returned to New York, he was quickly immersed in a life compounded—simultaneously—of several jobs, theaters, concerts, parties, courtship and marriage, good living and the writing of novels that brought quick success.It was a rapid and fantastic success in many ways, and he was able to move his family to France and live there in a way that marked his life always, surrounded by opinionated helpers, independent-minded children, raucous pets, and hordes of visitors who converged upon Senlis for Sunday lunch and bellowed their way through in setting, but not in kind. Again he drew into his orbit people of all kinds and all convictions, refusing acceptance only to the dull of spirit. As his family grew up and the years went by, he gave them all his passionate conviction of the reality of the land above all, and this is the heritage Ellen Geld carries on today in Brazil.

Heritage after Conflict: Northern Ireland

by Elizabeth Crooke Thomas Maguire

The year 2018 marks the twentieth anniversary of the signing of the Belfast Agreement that initiated an uneasy peace in Northern Ireland after the forty years of the Troubles. The last twenty years, however, has still not been sufficient time to satisfactorily resolve the issue of how to deal with the events of the conflict and the dissonant heritages that both gave rise to it and were, in turn, fuelled by it. With contributions from across the UK and Europe, Heritage after Conflict brings together a range of expertise to examine the work to which heritage is currently being put within Northern Ireland. Questions about the contemporary application of remembering infiltrate every aspect of heritage studies, including built heritages, urban regeneration and planning, tourism, museum provision and intangible cultural heritages. These represent challenges for heritage professionals, who must carefully consider how they might curate and conserve dissonant heritages without exacerbating political tensions that might spark violence. Through a lens of critical heritage studies, contributors to this book locate their work within the wider contexts of post-conflict societies, divided cities and dissonant heritages. Heritage after Conflict should be essential reading for academics, researchers and postgraduate students engaged in the study of the social sciences, history, peace studies, economics, cultural geography, museum heritage and cultural policy, and the creative arts. It should also be of great interest to heritage professionals.

Heritage and Community Engagement: Collaboration Or Contestation?

by Emma Waterton Steve Watson

This book is about the way that professionals in archaeology and in other sectors of heritage interact with a range of stakeholder groups, communities and the wider public. Whilst these issues have been researched and discussed over many years and in many geographical contexts, the debate seems to have settled into a comfortable stasis wherein it is assumed that all that can be done by way of engagement has been done and there is little left to achieve. In some cases, such engagement is built on legislation or codes of ethics and there can be little doubt that it is an important and significant aspect of heritage policy. This book is different, however, because it questions not so much the motivations of heritage professionals but the nature of the engagement itself, the extent to which this is collaborative or contested and the implications this has for the communities concerned. Furthermore, in exploring these issues in a variety of contexts around the world, it recognises that heritage provides a source of engagement within communities that is separate from professional discourse and can thus enable them to find voices of their own in the political processes that concern them and affect their development, identity and well-being. This book was published as a special issue of the International Journal of Heritage Studies.

Heritage and Festivals in Europe: Performing Identities (Critical Heritages of Europe)

by Ullrich Kockel Cristina Clopot Baiba Tjarve Máiréad Nic Craith

Heritage and Festivals in Europe critically investigates the purpose, reach and effects of heritage festivals. Providing a comprehensive and detailed analysis of comparatively selected aspects of intangible cultural heritage, the volume demonstrates how such heritage is mobilised within events that have specific agency, particularly in the production and consumption of intrinsic and instrumental benefits for tourists, local communities and performers. Bringing together experts from a wide range of disciplines, the volume presents case studies from across Europe that consider many different varieties of heritage festivals. Focusing primarily on the popular and institutional practices of heritage making, the book addresses the gap between discourses of heritage at an official level and cultural practice at the local and regional level. Contributors to the volume also study the different factors influencing the sustainable development of tradition as part of intangible cultural heritage at the micro- and meso-levels, and examine underlying structures that are common across different countries. Heritage and Festivals in Europe takes a multidisciplinary approach and as such, should be of interest to scholars and students in the fields of heritage studies, tourism, performing arts, cultural studies and identity studies. Policymakers and practitioners throughout Europe should also find much to interest them within the pages of this volume.

Heritage and Hoop Skirts: How Natchez Created the Old South

by Paul Hardin Kapp

Winner of the 2023 John Brinckerhoff Jackson Book PrizeWinner of the 2023 UMW Center for Historic Preservation Book PrizeWinner of the 2023 Fred B. Kniffen Award from the International Society for Landscape, Place, & Material CultureWinner of the 2023 Michael V. R. Thomason Book Award from the Gulf South Historical AssociationFor over eighty years, tourists have flocked to Natchez, Mississippi, seeking the “Old South,” but what they encounter is invention: a pageant and rewrite of history first concocted during the Great Depression. In Heritage and Hoop Skirts: How Natchez Created the Old South, author Paul Hardin Kapp reveals how the women of the Natchez Garden Club saved their city, created one of the first cultural tourism economies in the United States, changed the Mississippi landscape through historic preservation, and fashioned elements of the Lost Cause into an industry. Beginning with the first Natchez Spring Pilgrimage of Antebellum Homes in 1932, such women as Katherine Grafton Miller, Roane Fleming Byrnes, and Edith Wyatt Moore challenged the notion that smokestack industries were key to Natchez’s prosperity. These women developed a narrative of graceful living and aristocratic gentlepeople centered on grand but decaying mansions. In crafting this pageantry, they created a tourism magnet based on the antebellum architecture of Natchez. Through their determination and political guile, they enlisted New Deal programs, such as the WPA Writers’ Project and the Historic American Buildings Survey, to promote their version of the city. Their work did save numerous historic buildings and employed both white and African American workers during the Depression. Still, the transformation of Natchez into a tourist draw came at a racial cost and further marginalized African American Natchezians. By attending to the history of preservation in Natchez, Kapp draws on a rich archive of images, architectural documents, and popular culture to explore how meaning is assigned to place and how meaning evolves over time. In showing how and why the Natchez buildings of the “Old South” were first preserved, commercialized, and transformed into a brand, this volume makes a much-needed contribution to ongoing debates over the meaning attached to cultural patrimony.

Heritage and Identity

by Thor Heyerdahl J. M. Fladmark

Was the shaping of nation states in Northern Europe governed by military might, or by Christian and democratic ideals? How has trade and cross-cultural exchange between Scandinavia and the British Isles shaped our historic identities, and what about the impact of global politics and marketing in recent times? These are some of the questions explored by the contributors in the context of forces that shape national identities today. Their analysis highlights the need for historical awareness when developing future cultural policy, brand profiles and marketing strategies. Looking back, Jesse Byock tells how democracy was first embraced in the north by the early settlers of Iceland, Bjorn Myhre delves into the unpredictability of historical interpretation, Edward Cowan discusses the role of 'battles and beddings' in relations across the North Sea, John Purkis writes about William Morris' fascination with Nordic culture, Stephen Harrison presents the 'winning ways' of product development and marketing by Manx National Heritage, whilst Chris Powell looks at 'Cool Britannia' today and Simon Anholt at national branding strategies. This is an inspirational book that sheds new light on old subjects, equally relevant for both public and private sector policy makers alike.

Heritage and Memory of War: Responses from Small Islands (Contributions To Global Historical Archaeology #1)

by Gilly Carr Keir Reeves

Every large nation in the world was directly or indirectly affected by the impact of war during the course of the twentieth century, and while the historical narratives of war of these nations are well known, far less is understood about how small islands coped. These islands – often not nations in their own right but small outposts of other kingdoms, countries, and nations – have been relegated to mere footnotes in history and heritage studies as interesting case studies or unimportant curiosities. Yet for many of these small islands, war had an enduring impact on their history, memory, intangible heritage and future cultural practices, leaving a legacy that demanded some form of local response. This is the first comprehensive volume dedicated to what the memories, legacies and heritage of war in small islands can teach those who live outside them, through closely related historical and contemporary case studies covering 20th and 21st century conflict across the globe. The volume investigates a number of important questions: Why and how is war memory so enduring in small islands? Do factors such as population size, island size, isolation or geography have any impact? Do close ties of kinship and group identity enable collective memories to shape identity and its resulting war-related heritage? This book contributes to heritage and memory studies and to conflict and historical archaeology by providing a globally wide-ranging comparative assessment of small islands and their experiences of war. Heritage of War in Small Island Territories is of relevance to students, researchers, heritage and tourism professionals, local governments, and NGOs.

Heritage and Museums

by J. M. Fladmark

Papers from the 1999 conference by the Museum of Scotland. Aims to generate international comparison and debate about interpretation and presentation of heritage assets, and to examine the role of museums in shaping national identity.

Heritage and Religion in East Asia (Routledge Research on Museums and Heritage in Asia)

by Yujie Zhu Michael Rowlands Shu-Li Wang

Heritage and Religion in East Asia examines how religious heritage, in a mobile way, plays across national boundaries in East Asia and, in doing so, the book provides new theoretical insights into the articulation of heritage and religion. Drawing on primary, comparative research carried out in four East Asian countries, much of which was undertaken by East Asian scholars, the book shows how the inscription of religious items as "Heritage" has stimulated cross-border interactions among religious practitioners and boosted tourism along modern pilgrimage routes. Considering how these forces encourage cross-border links in heritage practices and religious movements in China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan, the volume also questions what role heritage plays in a region where Buddhism, Taoism, and other various folk religious practices are dominant. Arguing that it is diversity and vibrancy that makes religious discourse in East Asia unique, the contributors explore how this particularity both energizes and is empowered by heritage practices in East Asia. Heritage and Religion in East Asia enriches understanding of the impact of heritage and religious culture in modern society and will be of interest to academics and students working in heritage studies, anthropology, religion, and East Asian studies.

Heritage and the Cultural Struggle for Palestine (Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Societies and Cultures)

by Chiara De Cesari

In recent decades, Palestinian heritage organizations have launched numerous urban regeneration and museum projects across the West Bank in response to the enduring Israeli occupation. These efforts to reclaim and assert Palestinian heritage differ significantly from the typical global cultural project: here it is people's cultural memory and living environment, rather than ancient history and archaeology, that take center stage. It is local civil society and NGOs, not state actors, who are "doing" heritage. In this context, Palestinian heritage has become not just a practice of resistance, but a resourceful mode of governing the Palestinian landscape. With this book, Chiara De Cesari examines these Palestinian heritage projects—notably the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee, Riwaq, and the Palestinian Museum—and the transnational actors, practices, and material sites they mobilize to create new institutions in the absence of a sovereign state. Through their rehabilitation of Palestinian heritage, these organizations have halted the expansion of Israeli settlements. They have also given Palestinians opportunities to rethink and transform state functions. Heritage and the Cultural Struggle for Palestine reveals how the West Bank is home to creative experimentation, insurgent agencies, and resourceful attempts to reverse colonial violence—and a model of how things could be.

A Heritage At Risk: The Canadian Militia As A Social Institution

by T. C. Willett

In this comprehensive study of Canada's reserve army, the Militia, the author focuses on the regiment as both a civic and a triilitary institution that has declined in status and visibility since the country's armed services were unified in 1967. .

Heritage Building Conservation: Sustainable and Digital Modelling

by Mohamed Marzouk

This book provides a holistic perspective on the sustainable conservation of heritage buildings through outlining the factors that influence the preservation, operational performance and maintainability of heritage buildings and the application of new methodologies and technologies. Using real cases from Egypt, a country which comprises a vast number of unique heritage structures, each of which is deteriorating at its own pace, this book presents a systematic, data-based approach to manage aging and deteriorating heritage assets in a cost-effective way. The authors initially provide an overview and history of conservation and maintenance work as well as the current codes and standards that regulate the preservation of these buildings. Further chapters then cover: The technology used to digitally document heritage buildings, including LIDAR, photogrammetry, Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM), and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies Introducing a Maintainability Index of Heritage Buildings (MIHB) to support the decision-making and prioritization process for the maintenance of heritage buildings The adaptive reuse of heritage buildings Modelling embodied and operational energy performance Using Chatbot and Blockchain technology to support the management and preservation of heritage buildings Ultimately, this book presents a useful tool for use in heritage management and highlights how the reusability of heritage buildings is critical to the creation and survival of sustainable communities. It will be useful reading for researchers, architects, engineers and especially those involved in the management of heritage buildings.

Heritage Building Information Modelling

by Yusuf Arayici John Counsell Lamine Mahdjoubi Gehan Ahmed Nagy Soheir Hawas Khaled Dweidar

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is being debated, tested and implemented wherever you look across the built environment sector. This book is about Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM), which necessarily differs from the commonplace applications of BIM to new construction. Where BIM is being used, the focus is still very much on design and construction. However, its use as an operational and management tool for existing buildings, particularly heritage buildings, is lagging behind. The first of its kind, this book aims to clearly define the scope for HBIM and present cutting-edge research findings alongside international case studies, before outlining challenges for the future of HBIM research and practice. After an extensive introduction to HBIM, the core themes of the book are arranged into four parts: Restoration philosophies in practice Data capture and visualisation for maintenance and repair Building performance Stakeholder engagement This book will be a key reference for built environment practitioners, researchers, academics and students engaged in BIM, HBIM, building energy modelling, building surveying, facilities management and heritage conservation more widely.

Heritage Building Information Modelling for Implementing UNESCO Procedures: Challenges, Potentialities, and Issues

by Ahmad Hamed Baik

The main aim of this book is to develop and explore the value of new innovative digital content to help satisfy UNESCO’s World Heritage nomination file requirements. Through a detailed exploration of two BIM case studies from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the book uniquely connects the use of Heritage BIM to the documentation methods used by UNESCO and demonstrates how this provides a contribution to both countries with heritage sites and UNESCO as an organisation. The research and practical examples in the book seek to address both the lack of a comprehensive method of submitting a nomination file to UNESCO and the lack of authentic engineering information in countries where extensive heritage sites exist. It looks at answering the following questions: How can Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) be used to better maintain, protect, and record the updated information of historical buildings? How can HBIM provide innovation in creating the missing information for the assignment of UNESCO's World Heritage status? What additional value can a sustainable update of HBIM data provide for such sites? How can HBIM improve the cultural value of heritage buildings in the short, medium, and long term, as well as provide a better future for historical buildings? This book will be useful reading for researchers and practitioners in the areas of heritage conservation, archaeology, World Heritage nomination, HBIM, digital technology and engineering, remote sensing, laser scanning, and architectural technology.

Heritage, Conflict, and Peace-Building (ISSN)

by Lucas Lixinski Yujie Zhu

Heritage, Conflict, and Peace-Building examines the possibilities arising from, and challenges associated with, transforming heritage from a casualty of conflict into an opportunity for peacebuilding.The contributors to this book, who hail from academia and practice, present case studies that shed light on the multifaceted factors and conditions influenced by diplomacy, nationalism, victimhood, and the roles of diverse institutional actors in fostering peace. They demonstrate the possibilities and pitfalls of the work heritage does for local communities, the nation-state, and the international community, when these different actors and their peace aspirations and agendas intersect. Looking at heritage and peace processes on all continents, the contributions in this volume amount to a compelling analytical account of how the discourses of heritage and peace connect, overlap, and diverge. They also emphasise that our shared aspiration for peace should not be taken for granted in a heritage context, and that it is incumbent upon heritage scholars and practitioners to be more intentional about the work they wish to do to promote peace.Heritage, Conflict, and Peace-Building will be of interest to scholars and practitioners working in heritage studies, transitional justice, museum studies, international relations, education, history, and law.

Heritage Conservation and Japan's Cultural Diplomacy: Heritage, National Identity and National Interest (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)

by Natsuko Akagawa

Japan’s heritage conservation policy and practice, as deployed through its foreign aid programs, has become one of the main means through which post-World War II Japan has sought to mark its presence in the international arena, both globally and regionally. Heritage conservation has been intimately linked to Japan’s sense of national identity, in addition to its self-portrayal as a responsible global and regional citizen. This book explores the concepts of heritage, nationalism and Japanese national identity in the context of Japanese and international history since the second half of the nineteenth century. In doing so, it shows how Japan has built on its distinctive approach to conservation to develop a heritage-based strategy, which has been used as part of its cultural diplomacy designed to increase its ‘soft power’ both globally and within the Asian region. More broadly, Natsuko Akagawa underlines the theoretical nexus between the politics of heritage conservation, cultural diplomacy and national interest, and in turn highlights how issues of heritage conservation practice and policy are crucial to a comprehensive understanding of geo-politics. Heritage Conservation and Japan’s Cultural Diplomacy will be of great interest to students, scholars and professionals working in the fields of heritage and museum studies, heritage conservation, international relations and Asian/Japanese studies.

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