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Hmong Means Free: Life in Laos and America

by Sucheng Chan

This collection of evocative personal testimonies by three generations of Hmong refugees is the first to describe their lives in Laos as slash-and-burn farmers, as refugees after a Communist government came to power in 1975, and as immigrants in the United States. Reflecting on the homes left behind, their narratives chronicle the difficulties of forging a new identity. From Jou Yee Xiongs Life Story: ""I stopped teaching my sons many of the Hmong ways because I felt my ancestors and I had suffered enough already. I thought that teaching my children the old ways would only place a burden on them. ""From Ka Pao Xiongs (Jou Yee Xiongs son) Life Story: ""It has been very difficult for us to adapt because we had no professions or trades and we suffered from culture shock. Here in America, both the husband and wife must work simultaneously to earn enough money to live on. Many of our children are ignorant of the Hmong way of life. . . . Even the old people are forgetting about their life in Laos, as they enjoy the prosperity and good life in America. ""From Xang Mao Xiongs Life Story: ""When the Communists took over Laos and General Vang Pao fled with his family, we, too, decided to leave. Not only my family, but thousands of Hmong tried to flee. I rented a car for thirty thousand Laotian dollars, and it took us to Nasu. . . . We felt compelled to leave because many of us had been connected to the CIA. . . . Thousands of Hmong were traveling on foot. Along the way, many of them were shot and killed by Communist soldiers. We witnessed a bloody massacre of civilians. ""From Vue Vangs Life Story: ""Life was so hard in the Thai refugee] camp that when we found out we could go to the United States, we did not hesitate to grasp the chance. We knew that were we to remain in the camp, there would be no hope for a better future. We would not be able to offer our children anything better than a life of perpetual poverty and anguish. ""

HMS Belfast: Cruiser 1939 (Seaforth Historic Ships)

by Richard Johnstone-Bryden

HMS Belfast, originally a Royal Navy light cruiser, is now permanently moored on the Thames in London. One of ten Town-class cruisers she saw service on the icy Arctic convoys during the Second World War and was also present for the bombardment of the D-Day beaches in 1944. Later, she saw service during the Korean War.As is the case for many historic ships, however, there is a surprising shortage of informative and well illustrated guides, for reference during a visit or for research by enthusiasts—ship modellers, naval buffs, historians or students. This new series redresses the gap. Written by experts and containing more than 200 specially commissioned photographs, each title takes the reader on a superbly illustrated tour of the ship, from bow to stern and deck by deck. Significant parts of the vessel for example, the gun turrets and engine rooms are given detailed coverage both in words and pictures, so that the reader has at hand the most complete visual record and explanation of the ship that exists. In addition, the importance of the ship, both in her own time and now as a museum vessel, is explained, while her design and build, and her career prior to exhibition are all described.No other books offer such superb visual impact and detailed information as the Seaforth Historic Ship Series a truly groundbreaking concept bringing the ships of our past vividly to life.As seen in Discover Britain Magazine.

HMS Bellerophon

by Colin Pengelly

The story of HMS Bellerophon is a record of the many and varied duties which the Royal Navy had to carry out in the period 1793 1815. It was involved in the first great fleet action of the War and was involved in the last moments of the struggle with the surrender of Napoleon.The 74-gun ship was the standard unit in the line of battle, Bellerophon was one of the most distinguished with a fine fighting record. Having fought at 'The Glorious First of June'; the battle of the Nile and at Trafalgar the ship saw more than her share of fierce ship-to-ship encounters. In between there were the varying duties of blockade and escort carried out with service in the Channel, the Mediterranean, the North Sea, the Baltic and the West Indies. The ship saw every type of service which fell to the Navy in that period.All the many and various aspects of the ship's life are covered from construction through maintenance and refits to final disposal. Sadly the ship could not be been saved like Victory and the ship and her fine record were confined to the history books.

HMS Fearless: The Mighty Lion 1965-2002: A Biography Of A Warship And Her Ship's Company

by Ewen Southby-Tailyour

The Seventh ship to bear the name, the Assault Ship and Commando Carrier HMS Fearless was first commissioned in 1965. Over the next 37 years she was seldom far from the actions in which British forces were engaged world-wide, be they in Aden, Malaysia and Borneo, Northern Ireland, the Cold War (Norway), South Rhodesia, Falklands, the Gulf, Afghanistan and so on. Thousands of sailors, Royal Marines and soldiers served on board over her 19 commissions. Now paid off, Fearless has a great story to tell and the Author, a former senior Royal Marine who knows her well, is superbly qualified to tell it.

HMS Gannet: Ship & Model

by William Mowll

HMS Gannet, beautifully restored today at Chatham Historic Dockyard, is a fine example of the small colonial schooners that were built and deployed in the second half of the nineteenth century to police Britains great empire and enforce the peace of Pax Britannica. Launched at Sheerness in 1878 with her white Mediterranean livery and elegant clipper bow, she was the epitome of the colonial gunboat.In this new book by the well-known ship modeller Will Mowll, the design and history of _Gannet_ is outlined before the author takes the reader on a detailed photographic step-by-step exposition of the building of his 1/48 scale model of the ship. A particular feature of the model is the inclusion of a static representation of the 2-cylinder compound steam engine with its three cylindrical boilers. Exquisitely detailed, with even the bunkered coal beautifully modelled, all the machinery is made visible by means of the removable deck. The author has therefore reconstructed a major feature of the ship which is no longer extant on the prototype at Chatham.All the information that a ship modeller might need is included here hull construction and the coppering of the ships bottom, the making of the ships steam propulsion systems, the decks and decking, armament, steering gear, mast and yards and rigging, and even the furniture in the wardroom. No part of the ship is left hidden. Inspiring with the sheer quality of his workmanship, the author has brought beautifully to life another of Britains great museum ships.

HMS Gloucester: The Untold Story (Brassey's Almanack Ser.)

by Ken Otter

On 22 May 1941 the cruiser HMS Gloucester (The Fighting 'G') was sunk by aircraft of the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Crete. Of her crew of 807 men, only 83 survived to come home at the end of the War in 1945. It is unknown how many men went down with the ship and how many died in the sea clinging to rafts and flotsam during the many hours before the survivors were finally rescued by boats searching for German soldiers who were victims of a previous British naval attack. The fact that Allied destroyers were in the proximity and were not sent to the rescue was a result of poor naval communications and indecision by the local fleet commanders. Gloucester had been low on antiaircraft ammunition and her crew exhausted before being dispatched from the main fleet to search for the stricken destroyer HMS Greyhound. With only HMS Fiji as company, she came under attack from German bombers and when Gloucester's ammunition was finally exhausted she suffered several direct hits and was set ablaze from stem to stern and left out of control.This book looks at the ship's history and operational successes from her launching in 1937 to her final demise. It includes many firsthand accounts from the surviving crew and the author's painstaking research has revealed the awful truth about one of the Royal Navy's greatest disasters during World War Two.

Hms Inflexible: The war in the Pacific is reaching its climax…

by A E Langsford

1945. The battle against Japan in the Pacific is reaching its climax. One way or another, Inflexible will be Captain Thurston's last command of the war.Captain Thurston VC is a navy man to his bones. Offered a cushy office job to see out the last months of the war, he resists: instead he's handed command of HMS Inflexible, a proud and powerful aircraft carrier.It is no easy task. The overwhelming determination of the Japanese fighters and the cruel weather conditions make Thurston's command fraught with difficulties, but the struggle to provide air support for the US and Commonwealth troops must continue.Home is on the other side of the world, barely a reality, and Thurston finds that he is striving to do the right thing, not only as the Captain of the Inflexible but also in his private life. For a while he and his men are under daily attack from a deadly enemy, Thurston is plagued by feelings of guilt and remorse for the woman he has left behind.A. E. Langford's compelling naval adventure is an evocative account of life at sea during one of the most perilous and hard-fought battles of this century.

HMS London: Warships of the Royal Navy

by Iain Ballantyne

A fascinating and lively account of the lives of British warships named London, looking at history from the perspective of the men who were there. There is no current warship in the Royal Navy called HMS London, but vessels carrying the name have featured in some of the most controversial episodes of British naval history. For example, the wooden wall battleship HMS London of the late 18th century could be called &“the ship that lost America&” while the heavy cruiser of WW2 was command vessel for the escort force that failed to safeguard the controversial convoy PQ17. Examining the stories of HMS Londons all the way from the English Civil War, through the Battle of Copenhagen in 1801—where Nelson famously ignored signals to break off the action displayed by HMS London—we also learn of the pre-dreadnought London&’s participation in the ill-fated Dardanelles campaign of WW1. Among the people Iain Ballantyne interviewed for this book were veterans of the Arctic convoys of WW2, the Yangtse Incident and warriors of the Cold War and 1991 Gulf War. It all adds up to a thoroughly researched and exciting narrative of naval history. Adding to the authenticity of the tale, Iain even sailed to Russia in the last HMS London, a Type 22 guided-missile frigate, in August 1991. During a WW2 convoy re-enactment the ship was almost hit by a practice torpedo launched from a Soviet submarine and had to take evasive action.

Hms Marathon

by A E Langsford

1942: The Mediterranean. The war at sea is at its most intense. Operation Stonehenge gets under way - a convoy laden with desperately needed fuel, food and ammunition for the besieged island of Malta sets sail. Captain Robert Thurston commands the cruiser HMS Marathon, one of the escort vessels on this Malta run. Thurston is a career officer with a record of conspicuous gallantry under fire, from Jutland to the North Atlantic convoys. But he is also a man under stress - in the last three years he has seen one ship go to the bottom, leaving pitifully few survivors; he has seen his closest friends and shipmates killed and maimed; he has carried the impossibly heavy burden of responsibility for his men's welfare in the bloody destruction of war at sea.And soon another cause for concern is added to his worries - Marathon is crippled by enemy action and forced to limp towards Alexandria, a constant target for attack by sea and air, vulnerable to the weather and to the enemy alike. Men and machines are stretched to their limit - but the most deadly threat to Thurston's own life and career is yet to be faced.

HMS Rodney: The Famous Ships of the Royal Navy Series

by Iain Ballantyne

The Second World War battleship HMS Rodney achieved lasting fame for her role in destroying the pride of Hitlers navy, the mighty Bismarck, in a thrilling duel. This splendid book traces not only this mighty battleships career in detail but describes the careers of all the ships carrying the name.

HMS Royal Sovereign and Her Sister Ships: Battleships At War (Battleships at War)

by Peter C. Smith

This is the wartime history of the battleship HMS Royal Sovereign, along with the story of her four sister ships HMS Revenge, HMS Resolution, HMS Royal Oak and HMS Ramillies. These ships were built and launched during World War I and although old and slow, and bitterly criticised by Churchill and others as being "Coffin Ships", the Royal Sovereign class battleships in fact played a valiant and doughty role in World War II. The Royal Oak was an early loss, thanks mainly to pre-war Government parsimony, the other four ships played a full part, at Norway, bombarding the German invasion fleet in the Channel; escorting North Atlantic convoys; in the Mediterranean, in the Indian Ocean, the occupation of Madagascar and at Normandy and the South of France invasions. HMS Royal Sovereign herself, was handed over to the Soviet Union for several years and her service there is also detailed along with their final demise post-war. Many original eyewitness accounts and photographs enhance the book.

HMS Trenchant: From Chatham to the Banka Strait (Military History Ser.)

by Vice Admiral Arthur Hezlet

The decorated Royal Navy submariner documents the history of the submarine he commanded during World War II.This is both the war memoir of a distinguished naval officer and the history of HMS Trenchant, a T Class submarine. Admiral Hezlet was appointed to command Trenchant from her completion in early 1944 until mid–1945 during which time she and her crew worked up, voyaged to the Far East and carried out five highly dangerous and successful operational patrols. On their arrival at Freemantle in July 1945, Trenchant had been at sea for eighty-two out of the last ninety-four days and covered 15,000 miles. More than that, she had sunk the Japanese cruiser Ashigara, the largest warship sunk by a British submarine, as well as a minesweeper, a submarine, and a mass of miscellaneous enemy shipping. The crew’s achievements were honoured by the award of seven DSCs, eleven DSMs and nine Mentioned-in-Despatches.

HMS Trincomalee: 1817, Frigate (Seaforth Historic Ships)

by Wyn Davies Max Mudie

HMS Trincomalee belonged to a class of 38-gun Fifth Rates which can claim to have been the Royal navy's standard frigate type for the whole of the Napoleonic Wars. Built in India of teak, she is now beautifully restored at Hartlepool, and can justly claim to be the last of Nelson's frigates. As is the case for many historic ships, however, there is a surprising shortage of informative and well illustrated guides, for reference during a visit or for research by enthusiasts—ship modellers, naval buffs, historians or students. This new series redresses the gap. Written by experts and containing more than 200 specially commissioned photographs, each title takes the reader on a superbly illustrated tour of the ship, from bow to stern and deck by deck. Significant parts of the vessel for example, the gun decks, her mast, spars and rigging, and her aft accommodation are given detailed coverage both in words and pictures, so that the reader has at hand the most complete visual record and explanation of the ship that exists. In addition, the importance of the ship, both in her own time and now as a museum vessel, is explained, while her design and build, and her career prior to restoration and exhibition are all described.No other books offer such superb visual impact and detailed information as the Seaforth Historic Ship Series a truly groundbreaking concept bringing the ships of our past vividly to life.

HMS Victory: First Rate 1765 (Seaforth Historic Ships)

by Jonathan Eastland Iain Ballantyne

&“A first-rate visual guide to the most famous preserved warship on the planet. The imagery has the &‘wow&’ factor . . . a brilliant showcase.&”—Warships International Fleet Review HMS Victory is probably the best-known historic ship in the world. A symbol of the Royal Navy&’s achievements during the great age of sail, she is based in Portsmouth and seen by tens of thousands of visitors each year. In this new series written by experts and containing more than 200 specially commissioned photographs, each title will take the reader on a superbly illustrated tour of the ship, from bow to stern and deck by deck. Significant parts of the vessel for example, the capstan, steering gear, armament, brody stove, cockpit, stern cabins are given detailed coverage both in words and pictures, so that the reader has at hand the most complete visual record and explanation of the ship that exists. In addition, the importance of the ship, both in her own time and now as a museum vessel, is explained, while her design and build, her fighting career and her life prior to restoration and exhibition are all described. No other books offer such superb visual impact and detailed information as the Seaforth Historic Ship Series—a truly groundbreaking concept bringing the ships of our past vividly to life. Nominated for the 2011 Mountbatten Awards &“In a precise and careful treatment, they cover the evolution of naval architecture, maritime warfare, and British strategy that led to the construction of the 100-gun ship-of-the-line . . . A valuable book for students of the age of fighting sail.&”—New York Military Affairs Symposium

HMS Warrior: Ironclad Frigate 1860 (Seaforth Historic Ships)

by Wyn Davies Geoff Dennison

&“A well-illustrated tour of the ship as she is today, deck by deck . . . includes a historical introduction looking at the ship and her significance.&”—Ships Monthly HMS Warrior, launched in 1860, was the first iron-hulled, sea-going armored ship, and for many years was the most powerful warship in the world. Rescued a century later from her role as a refueling hulk, she became the object of the most ambitious ship restoration project ever mounted and is now afloat and open to visitors at Portsmouth. As is the case for many historic ships, however, there is a surprising shortage of informative and well-illustrated guides, for reference during a visit or for research by enthusiasts, ship modelers, naval buffs, technical historians or students. This book—second in the Seaforth Historic Ship Series—redresses the gap. Written by experts and containing more than 200 specially commissioned photographs, each title in the series takes the reader on a superbly illustrated tour of the ship, deck by deck. Significant parts of the vessel for example, the steering gear, armament and armor, engine-room and gundeck are given detailed coverage so that the reader has at hand the most complete visual record and explanation of the ship that is at present available. In addition, the importance of the ship, both in her own time and now as a museum vessel, is explained, while her design and build, her service career and her life prior to restoration and exhibition are all described. The Seaforth Historic Ship Series is a truly groundbreaking concept, bringing the ships of our past vividly to life. &“A beautiful publication.&”—Ships in Scale

Ho Chi Minh

by William J. Duiker

Scholarly biography of the Vietnamese leader.

Ho Chi Minh: A Life

by William J. Duiker

To grasp the complicated causes and consequences of the Vietnam War, one must understand the extraordinary life of Ho Chi Minh, the man generally recognized as the father of modern Vietnam. Duiker provides startling insights into Ho's true motivation, as well as into the Soviet and Chinese roles in the Vietnam War.

Ho Chi Minh (Routledge Historical Biographies)

by Peter Neville

Ho Chi Minh explores the life of this globally important twentieth-century figure and offers new insights into his lengthy career, including his often-forgotten involvement with British intermediaries in 1945–46 and with the United States in 1944–45. Ho was the father of his nation, a major protagonist in the Cold War and anti-colonial struggle, and the promoter of a distinctive Vietnamese form of communism. This biography charts his life from his early years and education in Europe to his establishment of the revolutionary pro-communist movement, the Viet Minh, and his subsequent rise to power. Placing important emphasis on his role as a military organizer while stressing his preference for diplomatic solutions, this book contains detailed analysis of the complex talks with France and failure to prevent the Franco-Viet Minh war in 1946. It also follows Ho’s complex relationships with America, China, France, and Russia, and explores the Vietnam War and his legacy. In addition to providing extensive coverage of the 1954 Geneva Conference, the rivalry between Ho and First Secretary Le Duan, and the 1968 Tet Offensive, Ho Chi Minh is also the first English-language biography of Ho to pay close attention to his attitude to women and their role within the communist party. It is the perfect introduction for students of Vietnamese history and twentieth-century history more broadly.

Ho Chi Minh in Hong Kong: Anti-Colonial Networks, Extradition and the Rule of Law

by Geoffrey C. Gunn

It was the trial of a century in colonial Hong Kong when, in 1931–33, Ho Chi Minh - the future President of Vietnam - faced down deportation to French-controlled territory with a death sentence dangling over him. Thanks to his appeal to English common law, Ho Chi Minh won his reprieve. With extradition a major political issue in Hong Kong today, Geoffrey C. Gunn's examination of the legal case of Ho Chi Minh offers a timely insight into the rule of law and the issue of extradition in the former British colony. Utilizing little known archival material, Gunn sheds new light on Ho Chi Minh, communist and anti-colonial networks and Franco–British relations.

Ho tshela tsela

by Kurt Ellis; Kate Boyes

Hoarding Memory: Covering the Wounds of the Algerian War

by Amy L. Hubbell

Hoarding Memory looks at the ways the stories of the Algerian War (1954–62) have proliferated among the former French citizens of Algeria. By engaging hoarding as a model, Amy L. Hubbell demonstrates the simultaneously productive and destructive nature of clinging to memory. These memories present massive amounts of material, akin to the stored objects in a hoarder&’s house. Through analysis of fiction, autobiography, art, and history that extensively use collecting, layering, and repetition to address painful war memories, Hubbell shows trauma can be hidden within its own representation.Hoarding Memory dedicates chapters to specific authors and artists who use this hoarding technique: Marie Cardinal, Leïla Sebbar, and Benjamin Stora in writing and Nicole Guiraud and Patrick Altes in art. All were born in Algeria during colonial French rule but in vastly different contexts; each suffered personal or inherited trauma from racism, physical or psychological abuse, terrorist or other violent acts of war, and exile in France. Zineb Sedira&’s artwork is also included as an example of traumatic memory inherited from her parents. Ultimately this book shows how traumatic experience can be conveyed in a seemingly open account that is compounded and compacted by the volume of words, images, and other memorial debris that testify to the pain.

Hoarding New Guinea: Writing Colonial Ethnographic Collection Histories for Postcolonial Futures (Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology)

by Rainer F. Buschmann

Hoarding New Guinea provides a new cultural history of colonialism that pays close attention to the millions of Indigenous artifacts that serve as witnesses to Europe&’s colonial past in ethnographic museums. Rainer F. Buschmann investigates the roughly two hundred thousand artifacts extracted from the colony of German New Guinea from 1870 to 1920. Reversing the typical trajectories that place ethnographic museums at the center of the analysis, he concludes that museum interests in material culture alone cannot account for the large quantities of extracted artifacts. Buschmann moves beyond the easy definition of artifacts as trophies of colonial defeat or religious conversion, instead employing the term hoarding to describe the irrational amassing of Indigenous artifacts by European colonial residents. Buschmann also highlights Indigenous material culture as a bargaining chip for its producers to engage with the imposed colonial regime. In addition, by centering an area of collection rather than an institution, he opens new areas of investigation that include non-professional ethnographic collectors and a sustained rather than superficial consideration of Indigenous peoples as producers behind the material culture. Hoarding New Guinea answers the call for a more significant historical focus on colonial ethnographic collections in European museums.

Hoax: The Inside Story of the Howard Hughes- Clifford Irving Affair

by Stephen Fay Lewis Chester Magnus Linklater

How those expectations were shattered and by what means.

Hoax: The Popish Plot that Never Was

by Victor Stater

The extraordinary story of the Popish Plot and how it shaped the political and religious future of Britain In 1678, a handful of perjurers claimed that the Catholics of England planned to assassinate the king. Men like the &“Reverend Doctor&” Titus Oates and &“Captain&” William Bedloe parlayed their fantastical tales of Irish ruffians, medical poisoners, and silver bullets into public adulation and government pensions. Their political allies used the fabricated plot as a tool to undermine the ministry of Thomas Lord Danby and replace him themselves. The result was the trial and execution of over a dozen innocent Catholics, and the imprisonment of many more, some of whom died in custody. Victor Stater examines the Popish Plot in full, arguing that it had a profound and lasting significance on British politics. He shows how Charles II emerged from the crisis with credit, moderating the tempers of the time, and how, as the catalyst for the later attempt to deny James II his throne through parliamentary action, it led to the birth of two-party politics in England.

Hoax: Hitler's Diaries, Lincoln's Assassins, and Other Famous Frauds

by Edward Steers Jr.

Did a collector with a knack for making sensational discoveries really find the first document ever printed in America? Did Adolf Hitler actually pen a revealing multivolume set of diaries? Has Jesus of Nazareth's burial cloth survived the ages? Can the shocking true account of Abraham Lincoln's assassination be found in lost pages from his murderer's diary?Napoleon famously observed that "history is a set of lies agreed upon," and Edward Steers Jr. investigates six of the most amazing frauds ever to gain wide acceptance in this engrossing book. Hoax examines the legitimacy of the Shroud of Turin, perhaps the most hotly debated relic in all of Christianity, and the fossils purported to confirm humanity's "missing link," the Piltdown Man. Steers also discusses two remarkable forgeries, the Hitler diaries and the "Oath of a Freeman," and famous conspiracy theories alleging that Franklin D. Roosevelt had prior knowledge of the planned attack on Pearl Harbor and that the details of Lincoln's assassination are recorded in missing pages from John Wilkes Booth's journal.The controversies that Steers presents show that there are two major factors involved in the success of a hoax or forgery -- greed and the desire to believe. Though all of the counterfeits and conspiracies featured in Hoax have been scientifically debunked, some remain fixed in many people's minds as truth. As Steers points out, the success of these frauds highlights a disturbing fact: If true history fails to entertain the public, it is likely to be ignored or forgotten.

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