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I Parenti Nobili di Mr. Darcy

by Irene Aprile Abigail Reynolds

C'è solo un fatto su cui il famigerato libertino Lord Charles Carlisle e suo cugino, Fitzwilliam Darcy, si trovano d'accordo: un ricevimento dato dalla Marchesa di Bentham è destinato ad essere intollerabile. Per alleviare la sua noia, Lord Charles, accetta di scommettere che sarà in grado di sedurre la graziosa amica di sua sorella durante il loro soggiorno a Bentham Park. Dopo tutto, sono soldi facili per un seduttore di esperienza. Perchè dovrebbe importargli se il suo serio cugino Darcy disapprova? Ma quando Darcy scopre che il nuovo obiettivo di Lord Charles è nient'altro che Elizabeth Bennet, la donna che ha rifiutato la proposta di matrimonio di Darcy, non può stare in disparte e guardare la donna che ama ancora mentre viene spietatamente rovinata. Quello che non sa è che Lord Charles ha un oscuro segreto e che le sue attenzioni verso Elizabeth potrebbero non essere quello che sembrano. Dopo un salvataggio di mezzanotte, incontri clandestini, un figlio perduto ta tempo, ricatti e un tentativo di fuga d'amore, tutti saranno d'accordo che questo ricevimento è stato tutto tranne che intollerabilmente noioso.

I Passi Irrequieti del Fato: L'Ultimo Italiano: una Saga in Tre Parti (L'Ultimo Italiano: una Saga in Tre Parti #2)

by Anthony Delstretto

Si aspettavano una rapida e gloriosa conquista coloniale. Ma Il destino aveva altri piani. I fratelli Gianni e Renzo Como sbarcano con un reggimento Bersaglieri a Tripoli, in Libia, dopo la dichiarazione di guerra del Regno d'Italia all'Impero Ottomano. Renzo, a cui la famiglia aveva affidato la vita del fratello più giovane, mette la propria vita a repentaglio per assolvere il suo compito durante una battaglia piena di insidie e carica di confusione, coraggio e crudeltà. Angelina Scrivatti, nonostante preoccupati ammonimenti, intraprende il viaggio da Catrubello verso l' America per far onorare una promessa di matrimonio. Quando infine arriva in una cittadina mineraria nel Nord Michigan, trova l'uomo che ama in preda alla colpa e alla disperazione. I loro sforzi per costruire una felicità insieme si trovano presto coinvolti in un uragano di violenze etniche che conduce a una notte di inconcepibile tragedia, e a un' ultima occasione di redenzione personale.

I, Pearl Hart

by Jane Candia Coleman

It was while she was awaiting trial for an armed stagecoach robbery that newspaper reporters dubbed Pearl Hart "the Bandit Queen." That was before her desperate escape from jail and her dramatic re-capture. Before she was done, she would earn the dubious honor of being the first woman sent to the infamous Yuma Penitentiary in the Arizona Territory.

I, Pierre Seel, Deported Homosexual: A Memoir of Nazi Terror

by Joachim Neugroschel Pierre Seel

On a fateful day in May 1941, in Nazi-occupied Strasbourg, seventeen-year- old Pierre Seel was summoned by the Gestapo. This was the beginning of his journey through the horrors of a concentration camp.<P> For nearly forty years, Seel kept this secret in order to hide his homosexuality. Eventually he decided to speak out, bearing witness to an aspect of the Holocaust rarely seen. This edition, with a new foreword from gay-literature historian Gregory Woods, is an extraordinary firsthand account of the Nazi roundup and the deportation of homosexuals.

I Pledge Allegiance

by Michael R. Sampson Bill Martin Jr.

Divides the Pledge of Allegiance into words and phrases in order to define its meaning.

I Pray the Lord my Soul, to Keep: A Tale of the Civil War

by Kenneth Tucker

A novel of the Civil War set in Kentucky and Tennessee and the story of a man who did not know who he was. Was Jerry Manning the son of a mad woman? A foundling abandoned by vagrants? Or the supposedly murdered child of a wealthy family? Would he find the answer during the turmoil of the War Between the States?

I, Quantrill

by Max Mccoy

William Clarke Quantrill, more commonly known as Bloody Bill Quantrill, was one of the most notorious and brutal guerrilla fighters for the South in the Civil War, riding with the James brothers and slaughtering his enemies mercilessly. I, Quantrill, is a fictional account of the last few weeks of Quantrill's life, in his own words. He'd been shot in the back by federal guerrillas, and lingered on his deathbed, paralyzed from the waist down, for a month. He took this time to talk about his life, and even converted to Catholicism before he died.

I Refuse to Die: My Journey For Freedom

by Kerry Kennedy Nan Richardson Koigi Wa Wamwere

An extraordinary account of how a laborer's son rose to challenge the power of despots, I Refuse to Die is both the autobiography of one gifted man who rose above the horrors of colonization, and an uncensored history of modern Kenya. The book is infused with the freedom songs of the Kenyan people, as well as dream prophecy and folk tales that are part of Kenya's rich storytelling tradition. Tracing the roots of the Mau Mau rebellion, wa Wamwere follows the evolution and degeneration of Jomo Kenyatta and the rise of Daniel arap Moi.In 1979, wa Wamwere won a seat in the parliament, where he represented the economically depressed Nakuru district for three years. An outspoken activist and journalist, wa Wamwere was framed and detained on three separate instances, spending thirteen years in prison, where he was tortured but not broken. His mother and others led a hunger strike to free him and fellow political prisoners. Their efforts brought about a show trial at which Koigi was sentenced to four more years in prison and "six strokes of the cane," and escaped Kenya--and probably execution--only through the exertions of human rights groups and the government of Norway.

I Remain Yours: Common Lives in Civil War Letters

by Christopher Hager

For men in the Union and Confederate armies and their families at home, letter writing was the sole means to communicate. Taking pen to paper was a new and daunting task, but Christopher Hager shows how ordinary people made writing their own, and how they in turn transformed the culture of letters into a popular, democratic mode of communication.

I Remember Detroit

by John Christian Lodge

Here are the memoirs of a man who has since grown up with Detroit since the first years of the Civil War and who was intimately associated with its business, athletics and government over a long period. Mr. Lodge is now (at the time of writing his memoirs) eighty-seven years old and recalls in his book the tremendous transformation that has occurred in this, the city of his birth, the skyline, the streets, the buildings, the manufactories, the wholesale and retail businesses. He recalls early athletics in Detroit, when the chief sport of the young men was rowing, the organisation of the Detroit Athletics Club—he is one of the founders and the oldest living member—and the beginnings of both amateur and professional baseball—he himself played until late in life., he watched the present city hall being erected in 1871 and has been almost continuously associated with it since, in one way or another, as reporter and city editor of Detroit Free Press, as Alderman and Councilman, as president of the Council and as mayor.I remember Detroit will appeal to all citizens of Detroit and Michigan, for the narrative itself and for the interesting and informative sidelights it throws upon the life of the city and its industrial and political leaders of a by-gone era.

I Remember Sunnyside

by Mike Filey

First published in 1982, I Remember Sunnyside is a mine of golden memories, bringing back to life an earlier Toronto, only hints of which remain today.Like the city itself, Sunnyside was an everchanging landscape from its heady opening days in the early 1920s to its final sad demolition in the 1950s. The book captures the spirit of the best of times a magical era which can only be recaptured in memory and photographs. It also presents the reality of a newer Toronto where change, although necessary, is sometimes regrettable.

I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala

by Rigoberta Menchu

A memoir of a woman born in the mountains of Guatemala into the Quiche people. A discussion of her life and the civil war in Guatemala

I Rode with Jeb Stuart: The Life and Campaigns of Major General J.E.B. Stuart

by Burke Davis H. B. Mcclelland

Major-General J.E.B. Stuart (1833-1864) was one of the Confederacy’s greatest horsemen, soldiers, and heroes. As early as First Manassas (Bull Run) he contributed significantly to the Confederate victory, he subsequently displayed his daring and brilliance in the battles of Second Manassas, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Brandy Station—the most significant cavalry battle of the war, and Stuart’s finest moment. General Lee depended on Stuart for knowledge of the enemy for, as he said, Stuart never brought him a piece of false information. But Stuart was mortally wounded at Yellow Tavern in May, 1864. Not since the death of Stonewall Jackson had the South sustained so great a personal loss, his rollicking, infectious gaiety and hard fighting were sorely missed in the grim last days of Lee’s army.By all accounts, I Rode with Jeb Stuart is the most reliable and persuasive portrait of Stuart offered by a contemporary, and is indispensable for any thorough knowledge of the great Confederate cavalryman.“This book, which is both biography and memoir, is the richest source on the Civil War career of the plumed knight of the Army of Northern Virginia, Major-General James Ewell Brown Stuart. Though it has been out of print for generations, it is still read, and has fairly won its way onto the shelf of ‘classics’ of the war....It is by all odds the most reliable account of Stuart and his horsemen left by Stuart’s intimates....A reader who rides with Stuart through the Gettysburg campaign, until the Confederate infantry is safely south of the swollen Potomac, is not likely to forget the experience. In the light of McClellan’s narrative the ancient, wearying Confederate controversies over Gettysburg seem to lose a great deal of their importance.”—Burke Davis, Introduction, I Rode with Jeb Stuart

I Rode with Stonewall

by Henry Kyd Douglas

Stonewall Jackson depended on him; General Lee complimented him; Union soldiers admired him; and women in Maryland, Virginia, and even Pennsylvania adored him: Henry Kyd Douglas. During and shortly after the Civil War Douglas set down his experiences of great men and great days. In resonant prose, he wrote simply and intimately, covering the full emotional spectrum of a soldier's life. Here is one of the finest and most remarkable stories to come out of any war, written wholly firsthand from notes and diaries made on the battlefield.

I Sailed With Columbus

by Miriam Schlein

Describes Columbus' first voyage of discovery as seen through the eyes of a twelve-year-old ship's boy.

I Saw a Century Blossom

by Frank J Fitzgerald

A Brooklyn plumber born at the turn of the twentieth century looks back on his life in this 1984 memoir.Frank J. Fitzgerald was born in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, in 1902. As a teenager, he took a job as a plumber to support his family, and grew up quickly. His personal life and work gave way to many fascinating and unusual experiences. Now, in I Saw a Century Blossom, Fitzgerald recounts his storied years, tracing a path through pivotal events of the twentieth century and sharing a view of old New York not often seen in history books. Fitzgerald begins his account as the dust is still settling from the Spanish–American War and Theodore Roosevelt has taken office as president of the United States. He concludes with the 1980 presidential election. His perspective allows readers to see what happened in everyday life while countries fought world wars and disasters struck, like the Wall Street bombing of 1920 and the Black Tom explosion. Along the way, he experiences technological advents like modern plumbing. Tag along for his first job as a plumber, back when many employers were unwilling to hire Irish Americans. Meet Fitzgerald&’s interesting family and even see what a boy does for fun in early-twentieth-century Brooklyn, like swim in the East River. With stories that are sure to charm and entertain. I Saw a Century Blossom is a great choice for readers interested in New York City history and daily life during the early 1900s.

I Saw Democracy Murdered: The Memoir of Sam Russell, Journalist (Routledge Studies in Radical History and Politics)

by Colin Chambers Sam Russell

I Saw Democracy Murdered is the memoir of Sam Russell (1915–2010), a communist journalist and a British volunteer with the anti-fascist Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War. The book covers his experiences during the Spanish Civil War, his time as a journalist at The Daily Worker and The Morning Star newspapers, and his later disillusionment with Stalinism. In his capacity as a journalist, Russell travelled extensively and was frequently a front-row spectator at significant historical events, from the formerly occupied Channel Islands at the end of World War II to the show trials of communists in Eastern Europe in the 1950s. His report as Moscow correspondent on Nikita Khruschev’s ‘secret speech’ condemning the crimes of Stalinism was lacerated by his newspaper's editor, as was his interview with the legendary revolutionary leader, Che Guevara. Sam, whose friends included Donald Maclean, the British diplomat who spied for the Soviet Union during the Cold War, also reported from Budapest in 1956 and Prague in 1968 during the Warsaw Pact invasions of Hungary and Czechoslovakia, and from North Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and in 1973 he witnessed the assault on Chilean President Salvador Allende's palace that signalled the start of the CIA-backed military coup. Sam’s story was told to Colin Chambers and Chris Myant and has been edited by Colin Chambers. This autobiographical account of a fascinating life will be essential reading for scholars and activists with an interest in the Spanish Civil War, the history of communism, and British radical history.

I Saw Eternity the Other Night: King's College, Cambridge, and an English Singing Style

by Timothy Day

The sound of the choir of King's College, Cambridge - its voices perfectly blended, its emotions restrained, its impact sublime - has become famous all over the world, and for many, the distillation of a particular kind of Englishness. This is especially so at Christmas time, with the broadcast of the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, whose centenary is celebrated this year. How did this small band of men and boys in a famous fenland town in England come to sing in the extraordinary way they did in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries?It has been widely assumed that the King's style essentially continues an English choral tradition inherited directly from the Middle Ages. In this original and illuminating book, Timothy Day shows that this could hardly be further from the truth. Until the 1930s, the singing at King's was full of high Victorian emotionalism, like that at many other English choral foundations well into the twentieth century.The choir's modern sound was brought about by two intertwined revolutions, one social and one musical. From 1928, singing with the trebles in place of the old lay clerks, the choir was fully made up of choral scholars - college men, reading for a degree. Under two exceptional directors of music - Boris Ord from 1929 and David Willcocks from 1958 - the style was transformed and the choir broadcast and recorded until it became the epitome of English choral singing, setting the benchmark for all other choral foundations either to imitate or to react against. Its style has now been taken over and adapted by classical performers who sing both sacred and secular music in secular settings all over the world with a precision inspired by the King's tradition.I Saw Eternity the Other Night investigates the timbres of voices, the enunciation of words, the use of vibrato. But the singing of all human beings, in whatever style, always reflects in profound and subtle ways their preoccupations and attitudes to life. These are the underlying themes explored by this book.

I Saw Him Die: A Novel

by Andrew Wilson

&“Fiendishly well-plotted, hugely entertaining.&” —Lucy Foley, bestselling author of The Hunting Party In this classic whodunit filled with red herrings and double-crosses, the Queen of Crime returns in the role of sleuth as she investigates a mysterious death in the Scottish Highlands.Bestselling novelist and part-time undercover sleuth Agatha Christie is looking forward to a bit of well-deserved rest and relaxation when her longtime friend John Davison pleads with her to help him protect a retired British agent turned hotelier who has been receiving threatening letters. Together they travel to Dallach Lodge, a beautiful estate on Scotland&’s picturesque Isle of Skye. There they insert themselves among the hotel&’s illustrious guests, including members of the owner&’s family, a leading lady of the theater, a brilliant botanist, a local doctor, and two sisters who coauthor romance novels. After a pleasant first evening, Agatha thinks it unlikely that any of them are capable of evil, much less murder. But early the next morning, the sound of a gunshot rings out and the hotel owner is found dead in the arms of his nephew. At first, it appears to be a simple hunting accident, but as Agatha digs deeper, she discovers that each and every one of the residents has a reason for wanting the late proprietor dead.

I Saw Him Die: A Novel

by Andrew Wilson

The brand new AGATHA CHRISTIE MYSTERY from bestselling author Andrew WilsonWho saw him die? I, said the fly, with my little eye. I saw him die.An astonishingly beautiful setting on the island of Skye. A gathering of fascinating guests at a hunting lodge set to enjoy abundant hospitality. And a double murder. A household in chaos . . . No one is allowed to leave. A tantalising new case for Agatha Christie to solve.Praise for Andrew Wilson and his detective series featuring Agatha Christie:'Fiendishly well-plotted, hugely entertaining – one feels Agatha Christie would have been delighted' – LUCY FOLEY, bestselling author of The Hunting Party 'A heart of darkness beats within this sparkling series. Fizzy with charm yet edge with menace, Andrew Wilson's Christie novels do Dame Agatha proud' A. J. FINN, bestselling author of The Woman in the Window 'Beautifully written. Both lyrical and compelling. I felt as though I was walking by Agatha Christie's side' JANE CORRY 'An affectionate homage to Agatha Christie&’s desert dramas with a cheeky nod to Paul Bowles&’ The Sheltering Sky. A superior blend of fact and fiction . . . A must for connoisseurs of Golden Age crime fiction&’ SEAN O'CONNOR 'There is no reason why this excellent series shouldn&’t run till the sun don&’t shine' EVENING STANDARD 'While Wilson tempts providence by inviting comparison with the real Agatha Christie, on the evidence of this book he succeeds admirably' DAILY MAIL 'He shares with the great Dame the gift of sheer readability' S MAGAZINE 'Five stars . . . Brilliantly plotted, stylishly written. A treat!' AMANDA CRAIG

I Saw Poland Betrayed: An American Ambassador Reports To The American People

by Arthur Bliss Lane

Arthur Bliss Lane was a hugely experienced American Diplomat, having worked all over the world before his posting to the Polish Government in 1944. The Polish Government was then in exile in London and he gained a great deal of respect for the Polish leadership. He followed them back to their homeland in 1945 as the Poles sought to set-up a democratic state from the smashed debris of years of Nazi domination. What transpired was a new form of despotism in Soviets, in this memoir Bliss gives a detailed history of Poland from 1944-1947, the post-war border changes and the Soviet creation of a puppet state in Poland after WWII. In Bliss’ view the Poles were hung out to dry by the Allies after 1945 and his memoir provides compelling evidence of this.

I Saw Ramallah

by Mourid Barghouti

Winner of the prestigious Naguib Mahfouz Medal, this fierce and moving work is an unparalleled rendering of the human aspects of the Palestinian predicament. Barred from his homeland after 1967’s Six-Day War, the poet Mourid Barghouti spent thirty years in exile—shuttling among the world’s cities, yet secure in none of them; separated from his family for years at a time; never certain whether he was a visitor, a refugee, a citizen, or a guest. As he returns home for the first time since the Israeli occupation, Barghouti crosses a wooden bridge over the Jordan River into Ramallah and is unable to recognize the city of his youth. Sifting through memories of the old Palestine as they come up against what he now encounters in this mere “idea of Palestine,” he discovers what it means to be deprived not only of a homeland but of “the habitual place and status of a person. ” A tour de force of memory and reflection, lamentation and resilience,I Saw Ramallahis a deeply humane book, essential to any balanced understanding of today’s Middle East. From the Trade Paperback edition.

I Saw The Russian People

by Ella Winter

This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

I Saw the Angel of Death: Experiences of Polish Jews Deported to the USSR during World War II

by Maciej Siekierski and Feliks Tych

During World War II, several hundred thousand Polish citizens were deported from their homeland by Soviet authorities and sent to the gulag; many died there. For over 60 years, the Hoover Institution Library & Archives has preserved the testimonies of more than 30,000 Polish survivors. Among these are 171 accounts of Polish Jews who suffered both German and Soviet occupation; were transported hundreds or thousands of miles to suffer again in brutal Soviet forced-labor camps; and were eventually released, escaping to the Middle East. Now, these testimonies are collected for the first time in a scholarly English translation. The accounts—recorded shortly after the events they describe, with witnesses' memories still fresh—reveal many of the systematic horrors of World War II, clearly indicating the genocidal essence of the Soviet camp system and illustrating its mechanisms. They offer extraordinary information and insight on the activities of the Polish resistance movement, Jewish religious and community life, working conditions, the experiences of women and children, and more. These testimonies form a vital historical record of systemic human brutality that should never be forgotten. But they also paint a portrait of unwavering perseverance amid the struggle for survival.

I Saw Water: An Occult Novel and Other Selected Writings

by Ithell Colquhoun Richard Shillitoe Mark S. Morrisson

Ithell Colquhoun (1906–1988) is remembered today as a surrealist artist, writer, and occultist. Although her paintings hang in a number of public collections and her gothic novel Goose of Hermogenes (1961) remains in print, critical responses to her work have been severely constrained by the limited availability of her art and writings. The publication of her second novel, I Saw Water—presented here for the first time, together with a selection of her other writings and images, many also previously unpublished—marks a significant step in expanding our knowledge of Colquhoun’s work. Composed almost entirely of material assembled from the author’s dreams, I Saw Water challenges such fundamental distinctions as those between sleeping and waking, the two separated genders, and life and death. It is set in a convent on the Island of the Dead, but its spiritual context derives from sources as varied as Roman Catholicism, the teachings of the Theosophical Society, Goddess spirituality, Druidism, the mystical Qabalah, and Neoplatonism.The editors have provided both an introduction and explanatory notes. The introductory essay places the novel in the context of Colquhoun’s other works and the cultural and spiritual environment in which she lived. The extensive notes will help the reader with any concepts that may be unfamiliar.

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