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Journal of the Civil War Era, Volume 3, #1 (Spring #2013)

by William A. Blair

The Journal of the Civil War Era<P> Volume 3, Number 1<P> March 2013<P> TABLE OF CONTENTS<P> Editor's Note William Blair<P> Articles<P> Amber D. Moulton<P> Closing the "Floodgate of Impurity": Moral Reform, Antislavery, and Interracial Marriage in Antebellum Massachusetts<P><P> Marc-William Palen<P> The Civil War's Forgotten Transatlantic Tariff Debate and the Confederacy's Free Trade Diplomacy<P><P> Joy M. Giguere<P> "The Americanized Sphinx": Civil War Commemoration, Jacob Bigelow, and the Sphinx at Mount Auburn Cemetery<P><P> Review Essay<P> Enrico Dal Lago<P> Lincoln, Cavour, and National Unification: American Republicanism and Italian Liberal Nationalism in Comparative Perspective<P><P> Professional Notes<P> James J. Broomall<P> The Interpretation Is A-Changin': Memory, Museums, and Public History in Central Virginia<P><P> Book Reviews<P> Books Received<P> Notes on Contributors<P> The Journal of the Civil War Era takes advantage of the flowering of research on the many issues raised by the sectional crisis, war, Reconstruction, and memory of the conflict, while bringing fresh understanding to the struggles that defined the period, and by extension, the course of American history in the nineteenth century.

Journal of the Civil War Era, Volume 3, #2 (Summer #2013)

by William A. Blair

The Journal of the Civil War Era<P> Volume 3, Number 2<P> June 2013<P> TABLE OF CONTENTS <P> Editor's Note <P> William Blair<P> Articles<P><P> Stephen Cushman<P> When Lincoln Met Emerson<P><P> Christopher Phillips<P> Lincoln's Grasp of War: Hard War and the Politics of Neutrality and Slavery in the Western Border Slave States, 1861–1862<P><P> Jonathan W. White<P> The Strangely Insignificant Role of the U.S. Supreme Court in the Civil War<P><P> Review Essay<P> Yael Sternhell<P> Revisionism Reinvented? The Antiwar Turn in Civil War Scholarship<P><P> Professional Notes<P> Gary W. Gallagher<P> The Civil War at the Sesquicentennial: How Well Do Americans Understand Their Great National Crisis?<P><P> Book Reviews<P> Books Received<P> Notes on Contributors <P> The Journal of the Civil War Era takes advantage of the flowering of research on the many issues raised by the sectional crisis, war, Reconstruction, and memory of the conflict, while bringing fresh understanding to the struggles that defined the period, and by extension, the course of American history in the nineteenth century.

Journal of the Civil War Era, Volume 3, #3 (Fall #2013)

by William A. Blair

The Journal of the Civil War Era <P> Volume 3, Number 3 <P> September 2013 <P> TABLE OF CONTENTS <P> Articles <P><P> Robert Fortenbaugh Memorial Lecture <P> Steven Hahn <P> Slave Emancipation, Indian Peoples, and the Projects of a New American Nation-State <P><P> Beth Schweiger <P> The Literate South: Reading before Emancipation <P><P> Brian Luskey <P> Special Marts: Intelligence Offices, Labor Commodification, and Emancipation in Nineteenth-Century America <P><P> Review Essay <P> Nicole Etcheson <P> Microhistory and Movement: African American Mobility in the Nineteenth Century <P><P> Book Reviews <P>Books Received <P><P> Professional Notes <P> Megan Kate Nelson <P> Looking at Landscapes of War <P><P> Notes on Contributors <P><P> The Journal of the Civil War Era# takes advantage of the flowering of research on the many issues raised by the sectional crisis, war, Reconstruction, and memory of the conflict, while bringing fresh understanding to the struggles that defined the period, and by extension, the course of American history in the nineteenth century.

Journal of the Civil War Era, Volume 3, #4 (Winter #2013)

by William A. Blair

The Journal of the Civil War Era<P> Volume 3, Number 4<P> December 2013<P> TABLE OF CONTENTS<P><P> SPECIAL ISSUE: PROCLAIMING EMANCIPATION AT 150<P><P> Articles<P><P> Introduction<P> Martha S. Jones, Guest Editor<P> History and Commemoration: The Emancipation Proclamation at 150<P><P> James Oakes<P> Reluctant to Emancipate? Another Look at the First Confiscation Act<P><P> Stephen Sawyer & William J. Novak<P> Emancipation and the Creation of Modern Liberal States in America and France<P><P> Thavolia Glymph<P> Rose's War and the Gendered Politics of a Slave Insurgency in the Civil War<P><P> Martha Jones<P> Emancipation Encounters: The Meaning of Freedom from the Pages of Civil War Sketchbooks<P><P> Book Reviews<P> Books Received<P> Notes on Contributors

Journal of the Civil War Era, Volume 4, #1 (Spring #2014)

by William A. Blair

The Journal of the Civil War Era<P> Volume 4, Number 1<P> March 2014<P> TABLE OF CONTENTS<P> Articles<P><P> Nicholas Marshall<P> The Great Exaggeration: Death and the Civil War<P><P> Sarah Bischoff Paulus<P> America's Long Eulogy for Compromise: Henry Clay and American Politics, 1854-58<P> Ted Maris-Wolf<P> "Of Blood and Treasure": Recaptive Africans and the Politics of Slave Trade Suppression<P><P> Review Essay<P> W. Caleb McDaniel<P> The Bonds and Boundaries of Antislavery<P><P> Book Reviews<P> Books Received<P> Professional Notes<P> Craig A. Warren<P> Lincoln's Body: The President in Popular Films of the Sesquicentennial<P><P> Notes on Contributors

Journal of the Civil War Era, Volume 4, #2 (Summer #2014)

by William A. Blair

The Journal of the Civil War Era<P> Volume 4, Number 2<P> June 2014<P><P> TABLE OF CONTENTS<P><P> Tom Watson Brown Book Award<P> John Fabian Witt<P> Civil War Historians and the Laws of War<P><P> Articles<P><P> Chandra Manning<P> Working for Citizenship in Civil War Contraband Camps<P><P> Michael F. Conlin<P> The Dangerous Isms and the Fanatical Ists: Antebellum Conservatives in the South and the North Confront the Modernity Conspiracy<P><P> Nicholas Guyatt<P> "An Impossible Idea?" The Curious Career of Internal Colonization<P><P> Review Essay<P> John Craig Hammond<P> Slavery, Sovereignty, and Empires: North American Borderlands and the American Civil War, 1660-1860<P><P> Book Reviews<P> Books Received<P> Professional Notes<P><P> Jill Ogline Titus<P> An Unfinished Struggle: Sesquicentennial Interpretations of Slavery and Emancipation<P><P>

Journal of the Civil War Era, Volume 4, #3 (Fall #2014)

by William A. Blair

The Journal of the Civil War Era<P> Volume 4, Number 3, September 2014<P> TABLE OF CONTENTS<P> Editor's Note, William Blair<P><P> Articles<P><P> Felicity Turner<P> Rights and the Ambiguities of Law: Infanticide in the Nineteenth-Century U.S. South<P><P> Paul Quigley<P> Civil War Conscription and the International Boundaries of Citizenship<P><P> Jay Sexton<P> William H. Seward in the World<P><P> Review Essay<P> Patick J. Kelly<P> the European Revolutions of 1848 and the Transnational turn in Civil War History <P><P> Book Reviews<P> Books Received<P> Notes on Contributors

Journal of the Civil War Era, Volume 4, #4 (Winter #2014)

by William A. Blair

The Journal of the Civil War Era<P> Volume 4, Number 4 -- Coming to Terms with Civil War Military History: A Special Issue<P> December 2014<P><P> TABLE OF CONTENTS<P><P> Articles<P><P> Gary Gallagher & Kathryn Shively Meier<P> Coming to Terms with Civil War Military History<P><P> Peter C. Luebke<P> "Equal to Any Minstrel Concert I Ever Attended at Home": Union Soldiers and Blackface Performance in the Civil War South<P><P> John J. Hennessy<P> Evangelizing for Union, 1863: The Army of the Potomac, Its Enemies at Home, and a New Solidarity<P><P> Andrew F. Lang<P> Republicanism, Race, and Reconstruction: The Ethos of Military Occupation in Civil War America<P><P> Professional Notes<P><P> Kevin M. Levin<P> Black Confederates Out of the Attic and Into the Mainstream<P><P> Book Reviews<P> Books Received<P> Notes on Contributors<P>

A Journal of the Disasters in Afghanistan, 1841-2

by Lady Florentia Wynch Sale

During the First Anglo-Afghan War, Lady Florentia Sale, wife of a British army officer, Sir Robert Henry Sale, was kidnapped in 1842, along with other women and children, as well as soldiers, and detained for nine months. The group were taken hostage by Akbar Khan, following the massacre in the Khurd Karbul Pass. Amongst the hostages with Lady Sale was her youngest daughter Alexandrina, Alexandrina’s husband Lt. John Sturt, and their newborn daughter. Sturt was fatally injured by three dagger wounds to the abdomen, with Lady Sale nursed her son-in-law in his final hours. She bribed the Afghan officers into releasing them, and they were rescued by Sir Richmond Shakespear on 17 September 1842. Her courageous and defiant actions meant that she endangered herself frequently; she was shot in the wrist, with the bullet lodging there.Throughout her time as a captive, Lady Sale kept a diary, detailing the events of the ordeal. A year later, Lady Sale published her journal as A Journal of the Disasters in Afghanistan, 1841-2, which documented her experiences throughout the Afghan War, and the book received critical acclaim.An action-filled story of folly, indecision, treachery and tragedy, all the while testifying to great courage and fortitude.

A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-1499 (Hakluyt Society, First Series #99)

by E. G. Ravenstein

Translated and Edited, with Notes, an Introduction and Appendices. Includes also letters of King Manuel and Girolamo Sernigi, 1499, and early seventeenth-century Portuguese accounts of da Gama's first voyage. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1898. Owing to technical constraints it has not been possible to reproduce the following maps which appeared in the first edition: 'Natal to Malinde', 'The West Coast of India', 'Africa, from the Cantino Chart', 'Africa and India, from Canerio's Chart', and 'The Indian Ocean, according to the "Mohit"'.

Journal of the Indian Wars: The Indian Wars' Civil War

by Michael Hughes

Journal of the Indian Wars, or JIW was a quarterly publication on the study of the American Indian Wars. Before JIW, no periodical dedicated exclusively to this fascinating topic was available. JIW's focus was on warfare in the United States, Canada, and the Spanish borderlands from 1492 to 1890. Published articles also include personalities, policy, and military technologies. JIW was designed to satisfy both professional and lay readers with original articles of lasting value and a variety of columns of interest, plus book reviews, all enhanced with maps and illustrations. JIW's lengthy essays of substance are presented in a fresh and entertaining manner. Most readers of the Civil War and Indian War history know that a small force of Indians participated in the Battle of Pea Ridge; John Pope was banished to Minnesota after his disastorous performance at Second Bull Run to face the rebellious Sioux; Stand Watie and Ely Parker rose to high rank in the Confederate and Union armies, respectively; and a region labeled simply "Indian Territory" existed somewhere in the Trans-Mississippi Theater. All true. Yet the situation of American Indians during the Civil War period was much more complex, their fate more devastating and far-reaching than most students appreciate. Each of the articles in this issue underscore this point. In this edition: Foreword Firm but Fair: The Minnesota Volunteers and the Coming of the Dakota War of 1862 The Most Terrible Stories: The 1862 Dakota Conflict in White Imagination Chiefs by Commission: Stand Watie and Ely Parker Flowing with Blood and Whiskey: Stand Watie and the Battles of First and Second Cabin Creek Nations Asunder: Western American Indian Experiences During the Civil War, 1861-1865, Part I Interview: A Conversation with Battlefield Interpreter Doug Keller Features: Wisconsin's 1832 Black Hawk Trail The Indian Wars: Organizational, Tribal, and Museum News Thomas Online: Daughters of the Lance: Native American Women Warriors Book Reviews Index

A Journal of the Plague Year

by Daniel Defoe

Classic 1722 account of the epidemic that ravaged England nearly 60 years earlier. Defoe used his considerable talents as a journalist and novelist to reconstruct -- historically and fictionally -- the Great Plague of London in 1664-65. Written as an eyewitness report, the novel abounds in memorable and realistic details.

A Journal of the Plague Year

by Daniel Defoe

A London narrator recounts both the personal and the political happenings of a single year during the Great Plague in the seventeenth century.

A Journal of the Plague Year (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Daniel Defoe

First published in 1722, this unabridged edition of Daniel Defoe's A Journal of the Plague Year covers events in London, England, in 1665 as the bubonic plague spread throughout the city. Though a work of historical fiction, the book includes accurate historical details, charts, statistics, and government documents. Defoe's narrator follows the spread of the plague and relates how powerful families and government officials tried to hide the disease to avoid inconvenience and public panic. But as deaths mounted and fear spread, those who could began to flee the city. A Journal of the Plague Year continues to resonate with modern audiences through its parallels to issues caused by modern diseases and the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Journal of the Plague Year: Written By A Citizen Who Continued All The While In London...

by Daniel Defoe

Defoe’s gripping fictionalized account of the plague that racked seventeenth-century London The year is 1665 and the plague has come to London. The air is heavy with death, the body count is rising, and the death carts are filling quickly. Our unflinching eyewitness narrator, HF, recounts the gruesome realities of life in a city overrun by the Black Death. Terror and hysteria seize the city as disease runs rampant. Blending fiction with journalism, Defoe re-creates the plague in all its horrifying detail. First published in 1722, A Journal of the Plague Year is one of the most chilling accounts of the plague ever written. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

A Journal of the Plague Year

by Daniel Defoe

'The most reliable and comprehensive account of the Great Plague that we possess' Anthony Burgess In 1665 the plague swept through London, claiming over 97,000 lives. Daniel Defoe was just five at the time of the plague, but he later called on his own memories, as well as his writing experience, to create this vivid chronicle of the epidemic and its victims. 'A Journal' (1722) follows Defoe's fictional narrator as he traces the devastating progress of the plague through the streets of London. Here we see a city transformed: some of its streets suspiciously empty, some - with crosses on their doors - overwhelmingly full of the sounds and smells of human suffering. And every living citizen he meets has a horrifying story that demands to be heard.

A Journal of the Plague Year / Written by a Citizen Who Continued All the While in London

by Daniel Defoe

This novel is an account of one man's experiences of the year 1665, in which the Great Plague or the bubonic plague struck the city of London. The book is told somewhat chronologically, though without sections or chapter headings. <P> <P> Presented as an eyewitness account of the events at the time, it was written in the years just prior to the book's first publication in March 1722. Defoe was only five years old in 1665, and the book itself was published under the initials H. F. and is probably based on the journals of Defoe's uncle, Henry Foe. In the book, Defoe goes to great pains to achieve an effect of verisimilitude, identifying specific neighborhoods, streets, and even houses in which events took place. Additionally, it provides tables of casualty figures and discusses the credibility of various accounts and anecdotes received by the narrator. The novel is often compared to the actual, contemporary accounts of the plague in the diary of Samuel Pepys. Defoe's account, which appears to include much research, is far more systematic and detailed than Pepys's first-person account.

The Journal of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks During Captain Cook's First Voyage in Endeavour in 1768-71: to Terra del Fuego, Otahite, New Zealand, Australia, the Dutch East Indies, Etc.

by Joseph Banks

Sir Joseph Banks (1743–1820) was a British botanist and one of the most influential scientific patrons of the eighteenth century. After inheriting a fortune on the death of his father in 1761, Banks devoted his life to studying natural history. His fame following his participation in Captain Cook's epic voyage on the Endeavour between 1768 and 1771 led to his election as President of the Royal Society in 1778, a post which he then held until his death. This volume, first published in 1896, contains Banks' account of the voyage of the Endeavour across the Pacific Ocean. Edited by the great botanist Sir Joseph Hooker, it describes in fascinating detail the peoples, cultures and wildlife Banks encountered in Tahiti, New Zealand and Australia. Banks' aptitude as a natural historian and the crucial role he played in cataloguing and illustrating exotic wildlife during the expedition are emphasised in the work.-Print ed.

A Journal of the Russian Campaign of 1812.

by Pickle Partners Publishing Général Raymond-Aymerie-Philippe-Joseph, Duc de Montesquiou-Fézensac General Sir William Thomas Knollys

This ebook is purpose built and is proof-read and re-type set from the original to provide an outstanding experience of reflowing text for an ebook reader. An acclaimed classic of the many memoirs to have survived from the epic, tragic and disastrous Russian Campaign of 1812. This translation is taken from chapters of Fézensac's larger memoir - Souvenirs Militaires de 1804 a 1815 par le duc de Fezensac, Paris, 1863. The author starts the campaign as an aide-de-camp attached to the General Staff, and is slightly more insulated to the horrors of the march to Moscow, although glimpses of the hardships reach even the higher reaches of command. Later, after the fire and sack of Moscow, he takes command of regiment of infantry and it is then that the truly epic struggles the men undertook against their principal nature on the retreat from Moscow. His regiment forms part of Maréchal Ney's dwindling, over-worked, staving rearguard, and is witness to its trials and Homeric travails including the crossings of the Dneiper and Berezina. This edition is introduced by a withy summation of the campaign by General Knollys, who without impinging on the narrative, gives a good overall account of the campaign leaving the details of Fézensac's experiences to be brought out in his own words. Raymond-Aymerie-Philippe-Joseph de Montesquiou-Fézensac, born in Paris in 1784 into an ancient noble family, a cadet branch of the House of Gascony, he volunteered as a private soldier in 1803. He achieved rapid promotion in the campaigns of 1805 and 1806, and later serving as Maréchal Ney's aide-de-camp. His promotion would not have been hampered by his marriage to Mademoiselle Clarke, daughter of the Minister of War, General Clarke who held this post the majority of the Empire, also played a pivotal role in the fall of Paris and Napoleon's abdication in 1814. Created a baron of the empire by Napoleon, he had been promoted to the rank of chef d'escadron by the time of the 1812 Russian campaign. He was promoted to général de brigade in 1813 during the German campaign of 1813 but did not rally to Napoleon during the Hundred Days. He was elevated to the title of comte in 1817 and duc in 1821. The text is taken from the edition published in 1852 by Parker, Furnivall, and Parker, London Author: Raymond-Aymerie-Philippe-Joseph de Montesquiou-Fézensac 1784-1867 Translator and Introduction: General Sir William Thomas Knollys 1797-1883

Journal of the Travels and Labours of Father Samuel Fritz in the River of the Amazons between 1686 and 1723 (Hakluyt Society, Second Series)


Translated from the Evora MS. and edited, with a translation of the Act of Possession of Pedro Teixeira, 1639, and of contemporary references in Portuguese sources to the work of Father Fritz in the Upper Amazon. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1922. Owing to technical constraints it has not been possible to reproduce Fritz's Map of 1707 which was included in the first edition of the work.

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, volume 86 number 1 (2023)

by Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes

This is volume 86 issue 1 of Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes. The Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes is an interdisciplinary forum, uniting scholars specialising in cultural history including the history of art, and intellectual history including the history of ideas. It publishes articles based on new research, normally from primary sources. The subject matter encompasses intellectual themes and traditions, the arts in their various forms, religion, philosophy, science, literature and magic, as well as political and social life, from antiquity to the dawn of the contemporary era. Just as the work of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes is known for crossing cultural borders, the JWCI provides a home for research into the many connections between European cultures and the wider world—especially the Near East, Asia and the Americas.

Journal of the Waterloo Campaign

by Cavalie Mercer

Mercers journal is the most outstanding eyewitness account of the Waterloo campaign ever published. It is a classic of military history. This new, fully illustrated edition, featuring an extensive introduction and notes by Andrew Uffindell, one of the leading authorities on the Napoleonic Wars, contains a mass of additional material not included in the original. As the bicentenary of Waterloo approaches, this beautifully prepared, scholarly edition of Mercers work will be essential reading for anyone who wishes to know what it was really like to fight in the final, great battle against Napoleon.

Journal of the Waterloo Campaign

by Cavalie Mercer

Mercers journal is the most outstanding eyewitness account of the Waterloo campaign ever published. It is a classic of military history. This new, fully illustrated edition, featuring an extensive introduction and notes by Andrew Uffindell, one of the leading authorities on the Napoleonic Wars, contains a mass of additional material not included in the original. As the bicentenary of Waterloo approaches, this beautifully prepared, scholarly edition of Mercers work will be essential reading for anyone who wishes to know what it was really like to fight in the final, great battle against Napoleon.

Journal of the Waterloo Campaign (Journal of the Waterloo Campaign (kept throughout the campaign of 1815) #1)

by Pickle Partners Publishing General Alexander Cavalié Mercer

This ebook is purpose built and is proof-read and re-type set from the original to provide an outstanding experience of reflowing text for an ebook reader. Without doubt, one of the finest accounts of a participant of the Waterloo campaign. Mercer was famously in charge of "G" troop RHA during the campaign, and from the journal he kept at the time, he formed this book. It is written with a jaunty air more often seen in the writings of French cavalry officers memoirs, a certain irreverence to rank and custom (his description of the Duc de Berri is particularly cutting) and a keen eye for detail and the anecdote. This edition is the second volume of a two volume series as originally published. Having been stationed in Belgium for over a month during which time he offers a number of telling remarks on the country and its inhabitants, and their enthusiasm for the conflict, his troop arrived belatedly at the battle of Quatre Bars on the 16th June 1815 as the fighting died down. He was involved in covering the retreat of the Allied forces northward to Waterloo on the 17th. During this retreat Mercer sights Napoleon riding with the vanguard of his advanced forces, as he struggles to cover his retreating comrades, in a moment he refers to as "sublime". During the battle on the 18th his troop is in the thick of the fighting, during which time Mercer's account leaves no detail out, apart from his disobeying Wellington's order to avoid counter-battery fire. As the battle rolls on the magnificent and yet foolhardy charges of the massed French cavalry are recounted with their brave but ultimately futile attempt to break the squares on the ridge, Mercer and his troop pour fire into the horsemen mercilessly. As the Armée du Nord recoils from its final attack in disarray, Mercer is ordered with his men to follow up the retreating hordes, he replies to his superior "How?" as the charnel house surrounding his position contains the dead and dying horses needed to pull his guns. Essential reading. The Text, whole and complete, is taken from 1870 edition, published by William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh Author - General Alexander Cavalié Mercer (1783-1868)

Journal of the Waterloo Campaign (Journal of the Waterloo Campaign (kept throughout the campaign of 1815) #2)

by Pickle Partners Publishing General Alexander Cavalié Mercer

This ebook is purpose built and is proof-read and re-type set from the original to provide an outstanding experience of reflowing text for an ebook reader. Without doubt, one of the finest accounts of a participant of the Waterloo campaign. Mercer was famously in charge of "G" troop RHA during the campaign, and from the journal he kept at the time he formed this book. It is written with a jaunty air more often seen in the writings of French cavalry officers memoirs, a certain irreverence to rank and custom (his description of the Duc de Berri is particularly cutting) and a keen eye for detail and the anecdote. This edition is the second volume of a two volume series as originally published. Having been stationed in Belgium for over a month during which time he offers a number of telling remarks on the country and its inhabitants, and their enthusiasm for the conflict, his troop arrived belatedly at the battle of Quatre Bars on the 16th June 1815 as the fighting died down. He was involved in covering the retreat of the Allied forces northward to Waterloo on the 17th. During this retreat Mercer sights Napoleon riding with the vanguard of his advanced forces, as he struggles to cover his retreating comrades, in a moment he refers to as "sublime". During the battle on the 18th his troop is in the thick of the fighting, during which time Mercer's account leaves no detail out, apart from his disobeying Wellington's order to avoid counter-battery fire. As the battle rolls on the magnificent and yet foolhardy charges of the massed French cavalry are recounted with their brave but ultimately futile attempt to break the squares on the ridge, Mercer and his troop pour fire into the horsemen mercilessly. As the Armée du Nord recoils from its final attack in disarray, Mercer is ordered with his men to follow up the retreating hordes, he replies to his superior "How?" as the charnel house surrounding his position contains the dead and dying horses needed to pull his guns. Essential reading. The Text, whole and complete, is taken from 1870 edition, published by William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh Author - General Alexander Cavalié Mercer (1783-1868)

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