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Community Visioning Programs: Processes and Outcomes (Community Development Research and Practice Series)
by Norman Walzer Gisele F. HammCommunity visioning is key in helping local public officials and community leaders create a flourishing future for their cities, and is essential for the effective planning and implementation of these strategies. Visioning involves collaborative goal setting to motivate actions – of planners, citizens, and officials – in order to design and carry out a strategic planning process for the successful development of the community. The use of visioning since the 1980s has led to a wealth of information on the productivity of the paths it has taken. The contributors, all with experience working in the area, review the successes and failures of the strategies, and look at new innovations which are pushing the frontiers of community visioning. This review of the development of visioning focuses on small and medium sized communities in North America. It aims to guide citizens, local leaders and planners on what strategies are best to help them revitalise their communities and ensure a prosperous future.
Como Criar Galinhas no Quintal: O Guia Completo para Tratar desde Pintos até Galinhas Poedeiras
by Isaac Miller Anabela SousaCriar galinhas no quintal é muito mais simples do que você possa pensar, e são muito mais simples de manter do que outros animais de estimação. Bastará controlar as suas galinhas durante uns minutos por dia, e em pouco tempo, você deverá estar recolhendo ovos frescos diários. Neste livro, iremos rever os passos necessários, desde obter e cuidar dos pintos, fazer a transição das suas galinhas de quintal para um galinheiro exterior, e o que esperar pelo meio. Agarre numa bebida e em qualquer coisa para comer, descubra um lugar confortável para se sentar, e juntos vamos descobrir o prazer que as galinhas de quintal podem proporcionar. Neste livro veremos consigo: Espaço Necessário e Tamanho do Galinheiro Escolher uma Raça de Galinha Como Cuidar dos Pintos Quando os deve levar para o Galinheiro Mantendo o Galinheiro e o Cercado Limpos Como Alimentar as Galinhas Tenha uma vida alegre com este livro e os seus novos amigos.
Cómo criar gallinas: la guía completa para cuidar desde pollitos hasta gallinas ponedoras
by Isaac Miller Minerva González QuintanaLa cría de gallinas es mucho más fácil de lo que crees y mucho más fácil que la de otros animales domésticos. Solo con dedicarles unos minutos al día, podrás recoger huevos frescos en muy poco tiempo. En este libro, veremos los pasos necesarios: desde conseguir pollitos y cuidarlos, hasta pasar a tus gallinas a un gallinero exterior y qué esperar mientras tanto. Coge una bebida y algo de picar y busca un lugar cómodo donde sentarte, juntos descubriremos lo divertido que puede ser criar gallinas. Trataremos lo siguiente: Espacio necesario y tamaño del gallinero La elección de una raza El cuidado de los pollitos Cuándo pasarlos al gallinero Mantenimiento del gallinero y del corral La alimentación La puesta de huevos Disfruta del libro y de tus nuevas amigas.
Cómo cuidar de la carpa Koi (Cómo hacer... #1)
by Owen Jones¡Hola! Gracias por comprar este libro electrónico llamado 'Cómo cuidar de la Carpa Koi'. Espero que la información le resulte útil y provechosa. El contenido de este libro electrónico sobre estanques de jardín Koi y otros temas relacionados está agrupado en dieciocho capítulos, que le ayudarán a elegir un sitio para su estanque de carpas Koi, cómo montarlo y mantenerlo durante todo el año. También aprenderá a cuidar de sus valiosos peces durante las diferentes estaciones del año e incluso en condiciones adversas. Le puede ayudar a iniciar una nueva profesión o como mínimo le ayudará a ahorrar cien veces más en asesoramiento profesional. Como incentivo adicional, le doy permiso para usar el contenido en su propio sitio web o en sus blogs y sus boletines, aunque es mejor si lo vuelve a escribir con sus propias palabras primero. También puede dividir el libro y revender los artículos. De hecho, el único derecho del que no puede disfrutar es el de revender o regalar el libro tal como se le entregó. Si tiene algún comentario, por favor, envíelo a la compañía donde compró este libro o envíelo a owen@amiabledragon.com Puede encontrar más libros como este donde lo compró. Gracias de nuevo por comprar este libro electrónico, Atentamente, Owen Jones.
Cómo Cultivar Orquídeas Para Principiantes: Una Guía Para Principiantes en el Cultivo de Orquídeas
by Nancy Ross Romina Piscione¿QUIERE APRENDER TRUCOS Y CONSEJOS DEL CULTIVO DE ORQUÍDEAS PARA PRINCIPIANTES? Aquí hay una vista previa de lo que aprenderá... ¿Por qué debo cultivar orquídeas? Lo que necesita mi orquídea Requisitos importantes de crecimiento para sus orquídeas Replantar las orquídeas Propagación para ayudar a cultivar más orquídeas ¡Y mucho, mucho más!
Cómo no matar tus plantas (How Not to Kill Your Houseplant): Nueva edición
by Veronica PeerlessPor mucho que riegues tus plantas siguen estando débiles: hojas que se caen, amarillean y tienen manchas. ¿Qué ocurre? Esta guía de plantas de interior te explica de manera fácil los problemas que pueden estar sufriendo.Detecta las señales de peligro, aprende cómo puedes rescatarlas y descubre qué planta se adapta mejor a tus necesidades. Puedes colocarlas en espacios muy diferentes: baños, cuartos fríos, encima del escritorio, en el marco de una ventana, en un rincón sombrío o en un solárium caliente. ¡Crea tu propio oasis dónde tú quieras!Este libro de plantas también incluye: Consejos para comprender qué les gusta y qué no.Indicaciones sobre cuánta luz, agua, calor y humedad necesitan.Explicaciones para principiantes de las diferentes etapas de crecimiento de la planta.¡Pasa las páginas y descubre cómo salvar a tus plantas! Identifica qué hay plantado en tu maceta y asegúrate de que crezca sana y fuerte. El regalo perfecto para todo aquel que busca poner una planta en su vida y para amantes de las plantas con poca experiencia que quieren adquirir nuevos conocimientos. -------------------------------Learn all the tips and tricks you need to become a proud plant parent – of more than 100 different plants.Yellowed leaves, drooping leaves, dried leaves, even though you've watered it: what&’s going on? How Not to Kill Your Houseplant will explain – and fix – your houseplant woes. Learn to spot the danger signs and take the proper action to rescue your sick plant. Discover the perfect plant for your unique space and needs. Bathrooms, cold rooms, at a desk, on a windowsill, in a gloomy corner or hot suntrap: there are plants for every location to create your own indoor oasis.This perfect plant book further features: Quick tips to understand what your plant does and doesn't like: How much light, water, food, heat, and humidity. Every stage of plant parenting for beginners, from identifying exactly what's in the pot, to keeping it in check when it grows too well. Proving the idea self-purchase or gift purchase for complete beginners who have no experience with or knowledge of plants, as well as [people who want to increase the amount of greenery in their life with indoor plants.
Cómo Organizar Su Casa Y Su Mente: El Arte De Ordenar, De Limpiar Y De Eliminar El Caos De Su Vida
by Mary AlbrichCómo organizar la casa y la mente: El arte de ordenar y de limpiar, por Mary Albrich Mary Albrich describe su método súperefectivo para limpiar y para organizar el hogar y la mente. ¿Siente como si, sin importar las veces que lo intente, no lograra limpiar y sacar el desorden de su hogar y de los espacios personales? Mary lleva la limpieza y la organización a un completo nuevo nivel con su libro. Esta guía detallada es un método fácil, rápido y eficaz para limpiar el hogar y los espacios personales. Los pasos que describe le permitirán eliminar ese desorden eterno de su vida, limpiar la mente y ser más eficiente mientras se siente ¡menos estresado y feliz!
Como Organizar Sua Casa e Mente: A Arte de Arrumar, Limpar e Remover Bagunças de Sua Vida
by Beatriz dos Santos Maranho Mary AlbrichVoce sente como se seus esforcos para manter sua casa ou espacos pessoais organizados sao ineficazes? Mary eleva os parametros de limpeza e organizacao com sue novo livro. Este guia detalhado é um método rápido, fácil e eficiente para limpar sua casa ou espaços pessoais. Esses passos permitirão que você remova a desordem interminável da sua vida, limpe sua mente e torne-se mais eficiente, sentindo-se menos estressado e mais feliz!
Compact Cabins: Simple Living in 1000 Square Feet or Less; 62 Plans for Camps, Cottages, Lake Houses, and Other Getaways
by Gerald RowanIn the woods, on a mountaintop, or at the water&’s edge, a small cabin can fulfill big dreams. With attention to efficient living and minimizing energy footprints, Gerald Rowan provides 62 designs for compact and creative buildings that are flexible enough to fit whatever your needs may be. Rowan includes detailed floor plans with plenty of modular elements that make the designs adaptable and easy to recreate with cost-effective, low-maintenance materials. Make the most of the cabin you call home, regardless of its size.
Compact Cities: Sustainable Urban Forms for Developing Countries
by Mike Jenks Rod BurgessThis collection of edited papers forms part of the Compact City Series, creating a companion volume to The Compact City (1996) and Achieving Sustainable Urban Form (2000) and extends the debate to developing countries. This book examines and evaluates the merits and defects of compact city approaches in the context of developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Issues of theory, policy and practice relating to sustainability of urban form are examined by a wide range of international academics and practitioners.
The Compact City: A Sustainable Urban Form?
by Mike Jenks Elizabeth Burton Katie WilliamsThis book presents the latest thinking on the benefits and dangers of higher density urban living. It offers diverse opinions and research, from a wide range of disciplines, and gives an insight into both the theoretical debate and the practical challenges surrounding the compact city. Essential reading for anyone with an interest in sustainable urban development.
Compact Farms: 15 Proven Plans for Market Farms on 5 Acres or Less; Includes Detailed Farm Layouts for Productivity and Efficiency
by Josh VolkSmall is beautiful, and these 15 real farm plans show that small-scale farmers can have big-time success. Compact Farms is an illustrated guide for anyone dreaming of starting, expanding, or perfecting a profitable farming enterprise on five acres or less. The farm plans explain how to harness an area&’s water supply, orientation, and geography in order to maximize efficiency and productivity while minimizing effort. Profiles of well-known farmers such as Eliot Coleman and Jean-Martin Fortier show that farming on a small scale in any region, in both urban and rural settings, can provide enough income to turn the endeavor from hobby to career. These real-life plans and down-and-dirty advice will equip you with everything you need to actually realize your farm dreams.
Compact Houses: 50 Creative Floor Plans for Well-Designed Small Homes
by Gerald RowanDiscover the huge possibilities of a small house! Whether you’re building from scratch or retrofitting an existing structure, these 50 innovative floor plans will show you how to make the most of houses measuring 1,400 square feet or less. Gerald Rowan presents creative and efficient layouts that use every inch of space, with tips on fully maximizing closets, porches, bathrooms, attics, and basements. From reorganizing a small storage area to building a brand-new home, you’ll find a detailed design to fit your family’s needs.
Companion Planting: Bob's Basics (Bob's Basics)
by Bob FlowerdewAccording to Flowerdew, the key to successful organic gardening is working with nature, rather than against it, to get your plants to thrive. This practice is called companion planting, and it is explained in this volume with a style that is both no-nonsense and reader-friendly. Topics range from plants that compete for nutrients to plants that enrich their soil for future crops. Gardeners of all levels will learn from Companion Planting and their gardens will benefit from happy and healthy plants.
Companion Planting: Organic Tips and Tricks for Healthier, Happier Plants
by Allison GreerA Practical and Beautiful Guide to Companion Planting for Organic Gardening SuccessCompanion planting techniques have been used for centuries to facilitate better, more nutritious, and more abundant crops. With Companion Planting, you’ll have all the information you need in clear, concise terms and with charts and garden plans you can copy or modify to suit your family’s needs.Starting with the basics of organic gardening, such as how to prepare quality soil and the importance of cover crops and organic fertilizer, author Allison Greer explains the principles of companion planting, how plants interact, and how you can use that information to your garden’s benefit. Fun companion planting facts include:Beets will grow better if surrounded by mint or garlicTomatoes should not be planted near cabbageFlax helps protect some root vegetables from pestsTomatoes will thrive when planted near carrotsYour celery will be happier if it’s far away from cornBroccoli and dill make a terrific garden pairAnd much, much more!Companion Planting is a treasure for gardeners with busy lives who want an easy reference guide for planning their ideal kitchen garden.
Companion Planting for Beginners: Pair Your Plants for a Bountiful, Chemical-Free Vegetable Garden
by Brian LowellIf you want a vibrant, chemical-free vegetable garden, companion planting is the solution.Did you know tomatoes produce a natural insecticide that can help protect carrots against pests? Or that planting mint near lettuce can repel slugs? Every gardener knows that the key to an abundant harvest in their vegetable garden is controlling pests and disease, while still maintaining a healthy growing environment. But it is possible to have a healthy, thriving vegetable garden without using dangerous chemicals? It is, as long as you know how to pair up the right plants. Organic gardeners have known for years that planting the right plants together is the key to minimizing pests, improving soil quality, and increasing the yield of their gardens, and almost any vegetable you can grow likely has a beneficial companion. Companion planting is the ideal way to avoid using chemicals, while still increasing the efficiency of your garden. Expert organic gardener Brian Lowell will teach you how to use plants to create a beautiful, vibrant vegetable garden that will be free of toxic chemicals. Here's what you'll find inside:Handy companion planting pairings for all of the most common garden vegetablesPractical, simple photography and colorful illustrations for dozens of beneficial planting configurations Expert advice from a master gardener that is specifically designed for beginnersLoads of troubleshooting tips for fixing common issues with companion-planted gardensTips for setting up the perfect vegetable garden, including practical advice on watering, soil management, troubleshooting, and more
Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener: Tips, Advice, and Garden Plans for a Healthy Organic Garden
by Allison GreerCompanion planting techniques have been used for centuries to facilitate better, more nutritious, and more abundant crops. Did you know that beets will grow better if surrounded by mint or garlic, but tomatoes should not be planted near cabbage? Flax helps protect some root vegetables from pests, and tomatoes will thrive when planted near carrots (though the carrots may wind up stunted). Your celery will be happier if it's far away from corn, but broccoli and dill make a terrific garden pair. It's a lot to think about, but there's no reason to feel overwhelmed. With Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener, you'll have all the information you need in clear, concise terms and with charts and garden plans you can copy or modify to suit your family's needs.Starting with the basics of organic gardening, such as how to prepare quality soil and the importance of cover crops and organic fertilizer, authors Allison and Tim Greer explain the principles of companion planting, how plants interact, and how you can use that information to your garden's benefit. There is an entire chapter devoted to each of the fifteen most popular vegetables, with charts, diagrams, and descriptions of each-a treasure for gardeners with busy lives who want an easy reference guide for planning their ideal kitchen garden. Full of gorgeous, full-color photographs and easy-to-follow diagrams, this is a beautiful, useful guide for the home organic gardener.
A Companion to Textile Culture (Blackwell Companions to Art History)
by Dana ArnoldA lively and innovative collection of new and recent writings on the cultural contexts of textiles The study of textile culture is a dynamic field of scholarship which spans disciplines and crosses traditional academic boundaries. A Companion to Textile Culture is an expertly curated compendium of new scholarship on both the historical and contemporary cultural dimensions of textiles, bringing together the work of an interdisciplinary team of recognized experts in the field. The Companion provides an expansive examination of textiles within the broader area of visual and material culture, and addresses key issues central to the contemporary study of the subject. A wide range of methodological and theoretical approaches to the subject are explored—technological, anthropological, philosophical, and psychoanalytical, amongst others—and developments that have influenced academic writing about textiles over the past decade are discussed in detail. Uniquely, the text embraces archaeological textiles from the first millennium AD as well as contemporary art and performance work that is still ongoing. This authoritative volume: Offers a balanced presentation of writings from academics, artists, and curators Presents writings from disciplines including histories of art and design, world history, anthropology, archaeology, and literary studies Covers an exceptionally broad chronological and geographical range Provides diverse global, transnational, and narrative perspectives Included numerous images throughout the text to illustrate key concepts A Companion to Textile Culture is an essential resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students, instructors, and researchers of textile history, contemporary textiles, art and design, visual and material culture, textile crafts, and museology.
The Company of Trees: A Year in a Lifetime's Quest
by Thomas Pakenham'The master. Puts all other modern tree-writers in the shade' John Lewis-Stempel, author of MeadowlandThomas Pakenham is an indefatigable champion of trees. In The Company of Trees he recounts his personal quest to establish a large arboretum on the family estate, Tullynally in Ireland; his forays to other tree-filled parks and plantations; his often hazardous seed-hunting expeditions; and his efforts to preserve magnificent old trees and historic woodlands.Whether writing about the terrible storms breaking the backs of hundred-year-old trees or a fire in the peat bog on Tullynally which threatens to spread to the main commercial spruce-woods, his fear of climate change and disease, or the sturdy young saplings giving him hope for the future, his book is never less than enthralling.
Competitive Cities: Succeeding in the Global Economy
by Hazel DuffyCompetitive Citites is an assessment of the way in which `partnership', a word much used by politicians, has helped to shape the economic futures of four cities on both sides of the Atlantic - Atlanta, Toronto, Birmingham and Rotterdam.
The Complete Book of Clean: Tips & Techniques for Your Home
by Toni Hammersley&“Hammersley&’s bible of clean covers every corner of the home from the bathroom to the office…hundreds of tips.&”—The Star From the bestselling author of The Complete Book of Home Organization, this foolproof, eco-friendly guide to cleaning your home provides solutions to help keep every area of your home neat, safe and spotless. Learn the best seasons to tackle home projectsFind storage solutions to simplify the processTeach even the messiest kids to clean up after themselvesKnow what needs a deep-clean—and how oftenSubstitute earth-friendly kitchen supplies for toxic chemicalsTackle every mess, stain and dust-magnet—and keep things from getting out of hand in the future Whether you&’re a neat freak or new to the world of homekeeping, let Toni Hammersley be your guide to establishing routines, learning techniques, and mastering the best home cleaning hacks out there. Soon you&’ll find that no matter the number of pets, kids, or home traffic, maintaining a clean home can be a breeze.
The Complete Book of Ferns: Indoors * Outdoors * Growing * Crafting * History And Lore
by Mobee Weinstein2021 American Horticultural Society Book Award Winner: “A lovely and multifaceted exploration . . . as useful as it is educational.” —Publishers WeeklyThe Complete Book of Ferns is filled with botanical information, indoor and outdoor growing and care information, details on propagation, display ideas, and even craft projects. This gorgeous book is authored by Mobee Weinstein, Foreman of Gardeners at the New York Botanical Garden and a veteran guest on Martha Stewart Living and other shows.From otherworldly Staghorns—mounted like antler trophies in homes throughout the world—to classic Boston Ferns and newer varieties like Crispy Wave, ferns are definitely back in fashion. And to no one’s surprise. After all, ferns are among the very oldest plants on the planet, with a long and storied history. There are tens of thousands of known varieties. In the Victorian Era, ferns were an absolute craze for over fifty years. They re-emerged as integral home décor in the ’50s and ’60s, and decorated the “fern bars” of the ’80s. And they’re back again.This comprehensive reference starts its examination of ferns 400 million years ago, when the first species of this group of spore-reproducing plants appeared on Earth, exploring their evolution and eventual incorporation into human culture, including the powers associated with them and their practical and ornamental uses. Then, after an exploration of fern botany—its parts, how it grows, its variability in size and form, habitats, propagation, etc.—you’ll learn how to green your indoor and outdoor environments with ferns. Every aspect of care is covered: potting/planting, watering, fertilizing, pest and disease control, and more.Finally, you can explore creative planting projects, like terrariums, vertical gardens (living walls), mixed tabletop gardens, and moss baskets, and create pressed fern art, fabric wall hangings with chlorophyll-stained designs, cyanotypes, and handmade fern-decorated paper. You’ll soon understand why this ancient plant class continues to be all the rage.
The Complete Book of Home Organization: 200+ Tips And Projects
by Toni HammersleyA &“super useful&” guide to making your home feel more spacious—and your life feel more manageable (Westchester Magazine). Have you ever wished you had the time and tools to organize your house in a clutter-free, design-conscious, Pinterest-worthy way? From storage solutions and cleaning tips to secret space-saving methods and expert strategies, The Complete Book of Home Organization is packed with the tips and shortcuts you need to effectively organize your home. From small spaces and apartment solutions to how to tackle a big, messy home with a 15-week total home organization challenge, this book covers it all. It spells out everything you need to de-clutter your house, store your belongings, and keep your home—and life—in tip-top shape. Organize the 30 main spaces of your home, including the living and dining spaces, bedrooms and bathrooms, guest areas, baby and kids&’ rooms, utility spaces and garages, entryways and offices, patios and decks, closets and pet areas. Keep track of your pantry, holiday and craft supplies, weekly menu planning, keepsakes, and schedules. From the basement to the attic, this book covers every nook and cranny. With step-by-step instructions, detailed illustrations, and handy checklists, it&’s time to say goodbye to a messy home and wasted storage space!
The Complete Book of Potatoes: What Every Grower and Gardener Needs to Know
by Hielke De Jong Walter De Jong Joseph B. SieczkaThe only comprehensive resource for home gardeners and commercial potato growers, The Complete Book of Potatoes has everything a gardener or commercial potato grower needs to successfully grow the best, disease-resistant potatoes for North American gardens. Includes practical as well as technical information about the potato plant, its origin, conventional and organic production techniques, pest management, and storage practices. The plant profiles include still life photographs of the exterior and interior of the tuber, and a succinct description of each variety’s physical and culinary qualities.
The Complete Chile Pepper Book: A Gardener's Guide to Choosing, Growing, Preserving, and Cooking
by Dave DeWitt Paul W. BoslandThe Complete Chile Pepper Book, by world-renowned chile experts Dave DeWitt and Paul W. Bosland, shares detailed profiles of the one hundred most popular chile varieties and include information on how to grow and cultivate them successfully, along with tips on planning, garden design, growing in containers, dealing with pests and disease, and breeding and hybridizing. Techniques for processing and preserving include canning, pickling, drying, and smoking. Eighty-five mouth-watering recipes show how to use the characteristic heat of chile peppers in beverages, sauces, appetizers, salads, soups, entrees, and desserts.