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Intermodal Freight Transport

by David Lowe

This book provides an introduction to the whole concept of intermodal freight transport, the means of delivering goods using two or more transport modes, recounting both European experience and UK developments and reporting on the extensive political influences on this form of transport. This is placed into context with reference to developments in North America and Asia.Detailed explanations are given of the road and rail vehicles, the loading units and the transfer equipment used in such operations. In particular, the role of the Channel Tunnel in the development of long-haul combined transport operations between the UK and Europe is considered.

International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness (Housing, Planning and Design Series)

by Paul Milbourne Paul Cloke

Drawing on recent academic studies in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, this book is the first international text on homelessness in rural areas. Consisting of fifteen specially commissioned chapters, International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness provides comparative material on the cultural, political and policy contexts of rural homelessness, examining the nature and scale of the issue and the complex local geographies of rural homelessness.

International Perspectives on the Belt and Road Initiative: A Bottom-Up Approach (Planning, Heritage and Sustainability)

by Shannon Morreira Hao Wu Wenqi Lin Sun Sheng Han Bo Qin

International Perspectives on the Belt and Road Initiative investigates the most significant global‐scale international trade expansion and capital investment programme since the Second World War. This book focuses on the multi-national perspectives of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in order to interrogate the Chinese government’s representation of it as a symbol of ‘peace, cooperation, development and mutual benefit.' With specific focus on the interrelationship between geopolitics, infrastructure investments and urban regional development, the book reflects on 12 countries’ experiences in depth, including those of Iran, Pakistan, Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan and Ethiopia, specificly to their economic development levels, political systems, power dynamics and socio-environmental issues. The book clarifies and contributes new knowledge on the nature of BRI concerning its relationship to globalism, neo-colonialism, the notion of developed vs developing countries and their institutions and macro-micro benefits and impacts. In doing so, the book offers a balanced account of the antagonistic geo-political narrative of socio-political conflict and the collaborative framework of real socio-economic flows and development. The book will appeal to academics, researchers and policy-makers with an interest in the BRI and its impacts on politico-economic development and urban, regional and spatial systems in the Indo-Pacific and beyond.

Intimate Metropolis: Urban Subjects in the Modern City

by Vittoria Di Palma Diana Periton Marina Lathouri

Intimate Metropolis explores connections between the modern city, its architecture, and its citizens, by questioning traditional conceptualizations of public and private. Rather than focusing purely on public spaces—such as streets, cafés, gardens, or department stores—or on the domestic sphere, the book investigates those spaces and practices that engage both the urban and the domestic, the public and the private. The legal, political and administrative frameworks of urban life are seen as constituting private individuals’ sense of self, in a wide range of European and world cities from Amsterdam and Barcelona to London and Chicago. Providing authoritative new perspectives on individual citizenship as it relates to both public and private space, in-depth case studies of major European, American and other world cities and written by an international set of contributors, this volume is key reading for all students of architecture.

Into the Garden With Charles: A Memoir

by Clyde Phillip Wachsberger

Set in the tiny village of Orient, Long Island, and in New York City, Into the Garden with Charles is a memoir about falling in love. As a boy in suburban New York in 1940s, Clyde Wachsberger daydreams about storybook gardens where magic happens under the huge leaves. Through the 1960s and 1970s, when most gay men disdained monogamy, the author--an artist and set-designer in New York City--searches unsuccessfully for a soul mate. In 1983, approaching middle-age and having given up on finding love, he moves to a three-hundred-year-old house on a third of an acre, where he channels his passion into creating a garden appropriate to his historical home. Then remarkable circumstances lead him to Charles--a connoisseur of art, a gardener, and the man who will become his life-partner. Together they create a garden of sensuous wild beauty. Into the Garden with Charles is infused with the author's artistic sensibility and is written in a voice that is unaffected, generous, and straightforward. Enriched with the author's paintings--giving it the look and feel of an antique children's book--Into the Garden with Charles is a unique and moving memoir about growing old and falling in love.

The Intrepid Art Collector

by Lisa Hunter

Ready to upgrade your artwork from framed Monet posters but intimidated by what you see in galleries?In The Intrepid Art Collector, Lisa Hunter shows you how to start a fine art collection without spending a fortune. This accessible, jargon-free resource contains up-to-date information on the most popular original art--everything from photography and posters to African art and animation--including where to find it and how to buy it at a fair price. Easy-to-use checklists help you evaluate original art and steer clear of clever fakes. In addition, Hunter has interviewed top dealers, curators, arts lawyers, and appraisers to bring you the best advice on:* Advantages to buying real art instead of reproductions* Determining if a piece of art is fairly priced* Predicting if an artist's work will go up in value* Techniques for negotiating a price with a dealer* Developing your artistic taste, so you'll know if you'll still love your purchase ten years down the road* How to preserve art in your home* Resources, websites, and magazines that will help you learn more about the market and where to find different types of artFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Una introducción a la magia de la bruja verde

by Lucille T. Fryar

Desmitifica los poderes ocultos de la magia antigua con esta sencilla guía de brujería verde. Practicar y experimentar lo sobrenatural con magia verde es lo que cualquier bruja puede infundir en su vida cotidiana. Esta guía fácil y bien escrita lo lleva suavemente al mundo de la bruja verde que nos rodea y, al mismo tiempo, explica las prácticas antiguas en formas fáciles de entender para ayudarlo a comprender y practicar los conceptos básicos de esta forma de magia. . Como bruja verde, debes estar abierta a dejar que el poder de la naturaleza fluya a través de ti; tire y aproveche los poderes de las hierbas, las flores y las piedras para los hechizos. En esta guía, aprenderá métodos simples para cultivar sus plantas mágicas y tipos de plantas y cómo sacar la magia en ellos para elevar su práctica. Con los valiosos consejos sobre el uso exitoso de ingredientes mágicos, avanzará varios pasos para hacerse cargo de su práctica y forjar un vínculo más profundo con la naturaleza. ¡Emprende este increíble viaje con Lucille T. Fryar mientras creas algo mágico que durará para siempre! Las especias y hierbas más omnipresentes en su jardín o en su cocina están llenas de poderes más allá de su imaginación más salvaje que solo pueden desbloquear aquellos que están dotados con el conocimiento de cómo hacerlo. En esta "era del jet", se necesita compromiso para sumergirse profundamente en el descubrimiento del inmenso poder que tiene la naturaleza. ¿Anhelas convertirte en un iniciado? esta guía te abrirá el mundo de la magia verde atemporal. Este libro es único en eso; Proporciona una forma de orientación que no está fácilmente disponible para transformar los poderes del verde desde el exterior en su espacio personal dentro de su hogar. Estudie y practique hechizos, pociones y rituales de magia verde simples y potentes que lo cimienten a uno en esta forma eterna de magia. Dispo

Introduction à la magie verte: Un guide sur les pouvoirs surnaturels des mystérieux secrets de votre jardin

by Lucille T. Fryar

Démystifiez les pouvoirs cachés de la magie ancienne avec ce guide simple sur la magie verte. Toute sorcière peut insuffler dans sa vie de tous les jours la pratique et l'expérience du surnaturel grâce à la magie verte. Ce guide facile à comprendre vous introduit doucement dans le monde de la magie verte qui nous entoure et, en même temps, explique les anciennes pratiques sous des formes faciles à comprendre pour vous aider à saisir et à mettre en pratique les concepts de base de cette forme de magie. En tant que sorcière verte, vous devez être ouverte à la puissance de la nature qui coule à travers vous : tirez et exploitez les pouvoirs des herbes, des fleurs et des pierres pour vos sorts. Dans ce guide, vous apprendrez des méthodes simples pour cultiver vos plantes magiques et les types de plantes qui existent et comment faire ressortir la magie qu'elles renferment afin d'améliorer votre pratique. Grâce aux précieux conseils sur l'utilisation d'ingrédients magiques, vous prendrez plusieurs longueurs d'avance dans la prise en charge de votre pratique et forgerez un lien plus profond avec la nature. Accompagnez Lucille T. Fryar dans cet incroyable voyage et créez quelque chose de magique qui durera toujours ! Les épices et les herbes les plus omniprésentes dans votre jardin ou votre cuisine regorgent de pouvoirs qui dépassent votre imagination la plus folle et qui ne peuvent être libérés que par ceux et celles qui sont dotés des connaissances nécessaires pour y parvenir. À l'ère de la technologie de l'information, il faut s'engager à découvrir l'immense pouvoir que recèle la nature. Si vous souhaitez devenir une initiée, ce guide vous ouvrira le monde de la magie verte intemporelle. Ce livre est unique en son genre : Il fournit une forme d'aide qui n'est pas facilement disponible pour transformer les pouvoirs de la nature venant de l'extérieur dans votre espace person

Introduction to Ergonomics

by R. S. Bridger

The past decade has seen the development and testing of an increasingly large set of ergonomics tools. With new sections in every chapter, the third edition of Introduction to Ergonomics describes a representative selection of tools and demonstrates how to apply them in practice. In fully researched, stand alone sections with worked examples, the book provides useful, practical skills for dealing with real-world ergonomic problems. The author’s approach is based on a professional model in which specialized skills are backed-up by a good general knowledge of ergonomics. This approach is in accordance with International Ergonomics Association guidelines. <p><p> See what’s new in the Third Edition: <p>• Ergonomics Workshop sections in each chapter with worked examples and advice for using problem solving tools <p>• Guidance for the design of questionnaires, rating scales, and the conduct of surveys applicable across all areas of ergonomics <p>• Task analysis examples together with a wide variety of ergonomics checklists and design guidelines <p>• Increased coverage of the role of stress and psychological well-being on the health of workers and on systems safety <p>• New material for course lectures, examinations, and projects—over 200 essays and exercises <p>• Glossary of technical terms <p>• New evidence for the cost-effectiveness of ergonomics in practice <p>• Advice for further study <p>• Updated Instructor’s Manual <p><p>The book’s built-in flexibility allows it to be used in a variety of ways. Reading the main text supplies a general overview of ergonomics in action. Delving deeper, the Ergonomics Workshop sections include tutorials and exercises that provide a basic toolkit for carrying out risk assessments and for solving real-world problems. This multi-level organization allows those studying human factors, psychology, industrial engineering, and occupational ergonomics to get both general knowledge and specialized information. The self-contained chapters are also accessible to non-ergonomics professionals who need to know more about the subject.

Introduction to Horticultural Science (Second Edition)

by Richard N. Arteca

Designed to provide readers with a full appreciation of the wonderful world of horticultural science, the Second Edition of INTRODUCTION TO HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE covers everything the reader needs to know in a comprehensive format that is easy to understand. Coverage includes critical topics such as fundamental concepts, cutting edge research, careers in horticulture, the relationship between horticulture and the environment, classification of plants, and plant anatomy. Readers are also introduced to key concepts such as plant propagation, media, nutrients and fertilizers, plants and the environment, plant growth regulators, post harvest physiology and pest management, greenhouse structures, nursery site selection, development and facilities, producing nursery crops, and floral design. Through enhanced visual aids and the inclusion of recent trends in the field, the second edition has been designed to peak reader interest and improve reader understanding.

Introduction to Horticulture (4th edition)

by Charles B. Schroeder Eddie Dean Seagle Lorie M. Felton John M. Ruter William Terry Kelly Gerard Krewer

The Fourth Edition of Introduction to Horticulture represents a major step forward for horticulture books in agricultural education. The attractive, student-friendly book has been expanded and made much more appealing. Changes from the prior editions have made this book increasingly useful in the hands of students.

An Introduction to Inclusive Healthcare Design

by Denise M. Linton Kiwana T. McClung

An Introduction to Inclusive Healthcare Design is a comprehensive guide to the design and facilitation of safe, healthy, equitable, and inclusive healthcare settings across a variety of scales. The book informs healthcare professionals, healthcare administrators, planners, designers in the healthcare sector, design students, and faculty about best practices and considerations for inclusive design.The primary theme for the book is design for all – considering the design of healthcare spaces through the lenses of inclusivity and social equity. Part 1 presents the reader with an overview of the variety of locations and types of healthcare settings. Part 2 provides a comprehensive overview of the principles of equitable and inclusive healthcare design and considers how these principles can be applied to the range of settings laid out in Part 1. The authors consider inclusivity-supportive infrastructure in primary and ancillary spaces within healthcare settings. Part 3 envisions the future of inclusive healthcare design, considering the integration of virtual reality and artificial intelligence, as well as addressing the ever more relevant issue of healthcare provision in settings at risk of natural disasters.

An Introduction to Landscape and Garden Design

by James Blake

How do you design a landscape book suitable for its intended uses? How can the natural qualities of a landscape be enhanced with new features and focal points? How can you make pedestrians stay on the footpath? What kind of plant, path or wall should you put where, and what sort of contract should you choose for your client's contractor? This refreshingly down-to-earth introduction to the vast subject of landscape design and construction answers all these questions, guiding new students through the many facets of professional practice and welding together the artistic, legal, financial, environmental and management issues which can seem so dauntingly disconnected. Illustrated with original drawings, photographs, sample plans and facsimiles, including a new colour plate section, this readable classic has been fully revised and updated throughout. It opens with a completely new chapter which explains design and aesthetic principles, explores the history of our relationship to landscape, and shows how design principles can be applied to influence reactions to the finished site. The author then considers different elements of hard landscape and their relative merits in different situations. The soft landscape section includes coverage of the effects of mass and form, natural and abstract planting, and the difficult subject of plant selection. A step-by-step guide through all the stages of managing a project, from initial discussions with clients, site inspection, surveying and quoting, through tendering, contracting, contractual agreements, development from concept design to final plans and drawings, as well as maintenance, now includes the current information on CDM regulations and provides readers with a plain-speaking reference on client management and contractual administration. Added to the guide to drawing and lettering is an extensive section on computer-aided design. A bibliography and list of useful organization are also included.

Introduction to Plant Science (Revised edition)

by Rick Parker

This revised text provides a comprehensive introduction to the fascinating world of plant science. From the basic requirements for plant growth, to genetic engineering and biotechnology, this easy- to- understand book is ideal for the high school level agriscience curriculum or college freshman level plant science course. Students will learn about the origins of cultivated plants, structure and anatomy, photosynthesis, respiration, propagation, production of major agronomic crops, and more.

Introduction to Residential Layout

by Mike Biddulph

Introduction to Residential Layout is ideal for students and practitioners of urban design, planning, engineering, architecture and landscape seeking a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of designing and laying out residential areas.Mike Biddulph provides a clear and coherent framework from which he offers comprehensive practical advice for designers of housing developments. Referring to a wealth of international examples, this is a richly illustrated, accessible resource covering the whole range of issues that should be considered byanyone engaging in the planning and design of a new residential scheme.A successful residential development must work on many levels – financial, social and environmental. This book includes analysis of commercial viability, the importance of place making, environmental sustainability and designing accessibility. Mike Biddulph details successful approaches to designing out crime and maximising permeability as part of an integrated approach to urban design.Highly illustrated throughout, this work will show you how to turn design aspirations and principles into practical design solutions. Written without preconceptions, Introduction to Residential Designhighlights the strengths and weaknesses of particular design solutions to encourage both depth of thought and creativity.Mike Biddulph is Senior Lecturer in Urban Design at Cardiff University

Introduction to Social Housing

by Paul Reeves

The provision and management of social housing for those who are unable to access the housing market is essential to the maintenance of the fabric of society. The social housing industry is vast and still growing. There are very few countries in the world where some form of subsidised housing does not exist, and the total number of social homes is likely to grow worldwide, as are the challenges of the sector.Paul Reeves takes a people-centred approach to the subject, describing the themes that have run through provision of social housing from the first philanthropic industrialists in the 19th Century though to the increasingly complex mixture of ownerships and tenures in the present day. The management of housing forms a key part of the book, with an emphasis on the practical aspects of tenant participation and multi-agency working.The book is ideal for students of housing and social policy, and for housing professionals aiming to obtain qualifications and wanting a broad understanding of the social housing sector.

An Introduction to Spatial Planning in the Netherlands

by Patrick Witte Thomas Hartmann

This book provides an introduction to spatial planning in the Netherlands. It explores the academic underpinnings of the discipline and its practical implications, making use of insights on planning practices from the Netherlands. As an academic book with relevance for spatial planning teaching and practice, the relation between planning practice and planning as an academic discipline are discussed. A key analytical concept is introduced to discuss the different dimensions of planning: the planning triangle. This framework helps to bridging the strategic and conceptual elements of planning with its realization. The object, process and context of planning and its relations are discussed. The core of the academic discipline and profession of spatial planning entails looking (far) into the future, stimulating discussion, formulating a desired future direction through an informal and collective planning process and then formalizing and placing current action into that future perspective. In that sense, spatial planning can be understood as the strategic organisation of hopes and expectations. As a study book it is suitable for students of planning at various universities, but also for students in higher professional education. For those involved in the professional field of spatial planning, this book offers a sound foundation.

An Introduction to the Physical Chemistry of Food (Food Science Text Series)

by John N. Coupland

Familiar combinations of ingredients and processing make the structures that give food its properties. For example in ice cream, the emulsifiers and proteins stabilize partly crystalline milk fat as an emulsion, freezing (crystallization) of some of the water gives the product its hardness and polysaccharide stabilizers keep it smooth. Why different recipes work as they do is largely governed by the rules of physical chemistry. This textbook introduces the physical chemistry essential to understanding the behavior of foods. Starting with the simplest model of molecules attracting and repelling one another while being moved by the randomizing effect of heat, the laws of thermodynamics are used to derive important properties of foods such as flavor binding and water activity. Most foods contain multiple phases and the same molecular model is used to understand phase diagrams, phase separation and the properties of surfaces. The remaining chapters focus on the formation and properties of specific structures in foods - crystals, polymers, dispersions and gels. Only a basic understanding of food science is needed, and no mathematics or chemistry beyond the introductory college courses is required. At all stages, examples from the primary literature are used to illustrate the text and to highlight the practical applications of physical chemistry in food science.

Introductory Horticulture (Agriculture Ser.)

by H. Edward Reiley Carroll L. Shry

With the interest in horticulture at an all-time high, a new full-color edition of this popular and broad-based text could not be more timely. Its principal feature remains a full yet accessible exploration of basic horticulture principles and practices, conveniently organized by unit and covering such areas as plant science, greenhouse management, using plants in the landscape, lawn and turfgrass establishment and maintenance, vegetable and fruit gardens, and holiday crafts and floral designs. Readers will find a stronger science focus, including updated research on the use of pesticides and insecticides, integrated pest management, and micro propagation.

Introductory Horticulture

by H. Edward Reiley Carroll L. Shry

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Introductory Horticulture (6th Edition)

by H. Edward Reiley Carroll L. Shry Jr.

This competency-based, introductory horticulture book is now in its sixth edition. Written in an easy-to-read, engaging style, it enables students to measure their progress. Each chapter begins with competencies so that students know what is expected and ends with evaluations to determine whether competencies have been mastered. This text includes numerous illustrations to help reinforce written material. This latest edition includes new chapters on water gardens, dish gardens, and prairie gardens.

Introductory Horticulture (8th Edition)

by Carroll L. Shry H. Edward Reiley

INTRODUCTORY HORTICULTURE, EIGHTH EDITION, is the definitive text for horticulture science. Written in a concise, easy -to -read and logically organized manner, this text covers trend changes in the agricultural industry, principles in landscaping, business operations, and GIS uses in the landscape green industry. INTRODUCTORY HORTICULTURE, EIGHTH EDITION allows teachers to measure their students' progress with competencies, and the highlighted key terms and self evaluations keep the student focused on what they should learn and retain.

Introductory Horticulture (Fifth Edition)

by H. Edward Reiley Carroll L. Shry

With the interest in horticulture at an all-time high, a new full-color edition of this popular and broad-based text could not be more timely. Its principal feature remains a full yet accessible exploration of basic horticulture principles and practices, conveniently organized by unit and covering such areas as plant science, greenhouse management, using plants in the landscape, lawn and turfgrass establishment and maintenance, vegetable and fruit gardens, and holiday crafts and floral designs. Readers will find a stronger science focus, including updated research on the use of pesticides and insecticides, integrated pest management, and micro propagation.

The Invisible Houses: Rethinking and designing low-cost housing in developing countries

by Gonzalo Lizarralde

Winner of the ACSA/AIA Housing Design Education Award! There is an increased interest among architects, urban specialists and design professionals to contribute to solve "the housing problem" in developing countries. The Invisible Houses takes us on a journey through the slums and informal settlements of South Africa, India, Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador, Cuba, Haiti and many other countries of the Global South, revealing the challenges of, and opportunities for, improving the fate of millions of poor families. Stressing the limitations of current approaches to housing development, Gonzalo Lizarralde examines the short-, mid- and long-term consequences of housing intervention. The book covers – among others – the issues of planning, design, infrastructure and project management. It explains the different variables that need to be addressed and the causes of common failures and mistakes, while outlining successful strategies based on embracing a sustained engagement with the complexity of processes that are generally invisible.

An Invitation to the Botanic Gardens

by Charlotte Guillain

Grab your very own VIP access pass and explore the incredible Botanic Gardens.Have you ever wondered what goes on at the Botanic Gardens? It's not all planting and pruning. In fact, the team have a planet-saving mission on their hands – and you can help. Step off the path and follow the Garden crew who will show you behind the scenes of the Botanic Gardens with your very own access-all-areas invitation.Find out how scientists research plants that can cure diseases, watch workers wading in the waterlily pond, and discover the secrets of seeds. Find out why samples of rare and endangered plants are stored in the Herbarium and leave no leaf unturned in the tropical glasshouse. Discover insect-eating plants, zombie fungus, plants pretending to be pebbles, and more.As you turn the pages you'll learn about the importance of insects, the impact of climate change and how plants grow. With beautiful, lush illustrations, you'll discover more wonderful details each time you return to the gardens.Three large gatefolds open up to reveal even more information.

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