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Japanese Stone Gardens

by Stephen Mansfield Donald Richie

The Japanese stone garden is an art form recognized around the globe. These gardens provide tranquil settings where visitors can shed the burdens and stresses of modern existence, satisfy an age-old yearning for solitude and repose, and experience the restorative power of art and nature. For this reason the value of the Japanese stone garden today is arguably even greater than when many of them were created.Japanese Stone Gardens provides a comprehensive introduction to the powerful mystique and dynamism of the Japanese stone garden--from their earliest use as props in animistic rituals, to their appropriation by Zen monks and priests to create settings conducive to contemplation and finally to their contemporary uses and meaning. With insightful text and abundant imagery, this book reveals the hidden order of stone gardens and in the process heightens the enthusiast's appreciation of them.

Japanese Washi Paper Crafts

by Robertta A. Uhl

In Japan, paper and paper crafts are held in popular esteem. The originators of origami, the art of paper-folding, and kirigami, the art of paper-cutting, the Japanese also make their own paper, called washi. A colorful printed paper, washi is used to decorate everything from boxes to dolls. Noted for its strength, durability and flexibility, washi paper is available in a rich array of colors, textures, weights and patterns.Japanese Washi Paper Crafts is a selection of seventeen designs for decorating commonly available objects, such as milk cartons, boxes and eggs, which can be used in home decor, as gifts, or for special occasions. Every project is shown with clear, step-by-step diagrams. Color photographs show completed projects, as well as imaginative ways for displaying the finished crafts.

Japan's Master Gardens

by Stephen Mansfield

No two Japanese gardens are ever the same. Each is inimitable, yet embodies commonalities of design and aesthetic taste. Each finds the space for innovation within a tradition that benefits from a thousand years of applied knowledge. Presenting twenty-five master gardens, Japan's Master Gardens explores the ingenuity and range of Japanese landscaping, from the self-imposed confines of courtyard designs to the open expanses of the stroll garden.Japan's Master Gardens illustrates how, through the ministrations of generations of gardeners, original landscapes have maintained their mastery and demonstrates how contemporary landscaping draws from tradition, making ancient gardens relevant to the lives of people in the twenty-first century.This beautifully illustrated book takes readers on an exploration of the outward forms, underpinning principles, complex use of metaphor and allusion, and beauty and depth that set the Japanese garden apart.

Japan's Master Gardens

by Stephen Mansfield

No two Japanese gardens are ever the same. Each is inimitable, yet embodies commonalities of design and aesthetic taste. Each finds the space for innovation within a tradition that benefits from a thousand years of applied knowledge. Presenting twenty-five master gardens, Japan's Master Gardens explores the ingenuity and range of Japanese landscaping, from the self-imposed confines of courtyard designs to the open expanses of the stroll garden.Japan's Master Gardens illustrates how, through the ministrations of generations of gardeners, original landscapes have maintained their mastery and demonstrates how contemporary landscaping draws from tradition, making ancient gardens relevant to the lives of people in the twenty-first century.This beautifully illustrated book takes readers on an exploration of the outward forms, underpinning principles, complex use of metaphor and allusion, and beauty and depth that set the Japanese garden apart.

Jardinage: Réussir son premier potager

by Nancy Ross Romain Boisnault

ÉGALEMENT DISPONIBLE EN VERSION PAPIER ET EN VERSION AUDIO ! (=> also available in paperback and audio) Que vous souhaitiez découvrir les meilleurs légumes à cultiver ou apprendre comment les conserver toute l'année : ce livre est là pour vour aider ! Voici un aperçu de ce que vous aller découvrir... BIEN S'ÉQUIPER UN POTAGER À LA MAISON LE JARDIN COMMUNAUTAIRE COMMENCER SON POTAGER EN QUELQUES ÉTAPES LES MEILLEURS LÉGUMES À CULTIVER CONSERVER VOS LÉGUMES TOUTE L'ANNÉE LES BIENFAITS DU JARDINAGE ET BIEN PLUS ENCORE ! Voici les légumes que je vais vous présenter : MAÏS HARICOTS VERTS TOMATES POIS POIVRONS

Jardinage pour les débutants: Légumes, culture hydroponique, mini agriculture, culture hydroponique et jardinage d'herbes

by Amelie Sampson

Avez-vous déjà voulu vous lancer dans le jardinage, mais vous ne saviez pas par où commencer? Pensez-vous que vous n'avez pas besoin d'espace pour créer un beau jardin, ou avez-vous peur de ne pas vivre dans le bon environnement? Bonnes nouvelles! Tout le monde peut jardiner, peu importe où il habite ou la taille de son espace disponible, et le jardinage peut vous montrer comment! Ce livre révolutionnaire vous guide à travers les bases de la botanique dont vous aurez besoin pour chaque type de jardinage, puis se décompose en quatre sections distinctes sur: Jardinage traditionnel de légumes Jardinage surélevé Jardinage urbain Jardinage en serre Dans ce livre, vous apprendrez: ✓ Sur la botanique de base et être jardinier ✓ Les quatre éléments de la botanique de base ✓ Jardinage traditionnel de légumes ✓ Conception et construction d'un jardin traditionnel ✓ Choisir des graines et des plantes pour les débutants et les novices ✓ Plantation et entretien ✓ Semis et repiquage ✓ Dépannage des mauvaises herbes, des ravageurs et des maladies ✓ Comment prévenir et traiter les problèmes d'insectes et d'agents pathogènes ✓ Comment utiliser la rotation des cultures, le jardinage vertical et la plantation successive pour maximiser l'espace ✓ Comment récolter de la nourriture et des fleurs pour une utilisation à la maison ✓ Comment utiliser la plantation compagnon au profit de votre jardin ✓ Comment attirer des insectes bénéfiques et d'autres organismes vers vos plantes et votre sol ✓ Comment tenir un journal de jardin pour enregistrer vos activités pour la planification future Et beaucoup plus! Donc, si vous êtes prêt à ouvrir les yeux sur une toute nouvelle perspective sur le jardinage et le monde naturel, vous devez ouvrir le jardinage, aujourd'hui. Si vous vo

Jardinagem e Horta Familiar

by Nancy Ross Yeda De Campos

Este livro dá o passo a passo para jardinagem familiar é um excelente guia para principiantes. Dá os benefícios do plantio de vegetais não só para a saúde como também para o sistema nervoso(ervas calmantes). Extremamente recomendado para quem busca uma vida saudável, poderá ter controle sobre a qualidade de seus próprios alimentos.

Jardinagem em Potes sem Complicações: O Guia Essencial para Começar O Seu Jardim Urbano

by Hugo Martins Meg Smolinski

O melhor livro sobre jardinagem em potes do mercado! A autor conseguiu simplificar as dicas básicas de uma atividade que tornará a vida dos praticantes melhor e mais bonita.

Jardinagem Para Iniciantes Coleção 3 em 1

by Nancy Ross Thiago Zoe

Você quer aprender tudo sobre jardinagem para iniciantes? Aqui vai uma prévia sobre tudo que o livro trata quando o assunto é jardinagem em recipientes: •Os Benefícios de Jardinagem em Recipientes •Conseguindo os Recipientes para os seus Jardins •Criando um Bom Ambiente para os Recipientes de Plantas •Escolhendo a Hora Certa Para Plantar •As Melhores Plantas para Plantar no seu Jardim de Recipientes •Como Manter Pestes Longe •Dicas para Ajudar Suas Plantas a Prosperar A segunda parte do livro explica tudo que você precisa saber sobre estufas: •Coisas a Considerar Antes de Começar uma Estufa •As Vantagens da Jardinagem em Estufa •Montando um Jardim de Estufa •Crescendo as Plantas em sua Estufa •Formas de Controlar o Clima na Estufa •Alguns dos Melhores Métodos de Plantação para Estufa •Como se Livrar das Pestes •Algumas Dicas Importantes para Jardinagem em Estufa Na terceira parte do livro você vai aprender tudo sobre jardinagem vertical: •Montando a Base que Você Precisa em seu Jardim •Os Benefícios de um Jardim Vertical •Trabalhando na Manutenção de seu Jardim Vertical •Conseguindo Espaço para as Plantas •Escolhendo as Plantas Certas •Algumas Modificações Extras •Algumas Dicas para seu Jardim Vertical É o livro perfeito pra quem quer aprender tudo que precisa para começar um jardim seja em casa ou apartamento. Cheio de conselhos de especialistas e todas as informações necessárias para suas plantas e flores prosperarem!

Jardiner avec les tulipes: Guide de plantation des tulipes à destination des débutants

by Nancy Ross Traductrice Floriane Ballige

Les tulipes sont des fleurs qui comptent parmi les plus belles et dont les espèces sont les plus variées au monde. Ce guide de plantation des tulipes est une véritable bible pour les débutants désireux d'embellir leur jardin avec ces fleurs sublimes aux couleurs et aux formes éclatantes.

Jardinería de Invernadero

by Nancy Ross

La jardinería de invernadero puede ser una gran forma para extender tu temporada de cosecha y, a la vez, divertirte más con este hobby. Para aquellos que viven en climas norteños, es normal tener que lidiar con ciertos problemas, heladas tardías o temperaturas bajas durante los principios de primavera. A menudo esto implica que las semillas no podrán germinar con facilidad. Con un invernadero adecuado, esto no será un obstáculo, debido a que te proveerá de condiciones aptas para que las plantas puedan florecer. Con esta guía, podrás comenzar un invernadero a tu gusto. Empezaremos explicando lo básico: proceso para plantar, cuánta agua necesitarás para cada planta, la temperatura correcta, cómo elegir la tierra (sustrato), eliminar plagas de forma natural. Cuando estés listo, incluso un principiante podrá comenzar su propio invernadero en poco tiempo. Cuando estés preparado para extender tus temporadas de cultivo y para sacarle el jugo a tu invernadero, mejor lee esta guía, aprenderás todo lo que necesitas para cultivar cualquier planta que quieras, sin importar donde vivas.

Jardinería en macetas o contenedores de manera fácil

by Dahlia Deyanira Romero Castillo Meg Smolinski

La jardinería en macetas o contenedores es divertida, fácil, y es una buena manera de cultivar productos frescos casi todo el año. Esta guía ayudará a tanto principiantes como jardineros experimentados a obtener lo mejor de la jardinería en macetas con increíbles ¡consejos y trucos! Desde muy pequeña amé la jardinería, y siempre he estado fascinada con la idea que, con poco trabajo, buena tierra, agua y luz solar, puedes cultivar tu propia comida. He tomado esa fascinación y la he dejado crecer (juego de palabras) y ahora he creado este libro electrónico con los mejores consejos y trucos sobre la jardinería en macetas para ayudarte a iniciar tu propia jardín urbano hoy mismo. Ya sea que elijas la jardinería en macetas de vegetales o tus propias flores hermosas, puede ser una experiencia gratificante que incluso principiantes pueden iniciar con calma. En este libro aprenderas: 1. Entenderás el concepto de jardinería en macetas y cómo es la mejor forma para las personas de todas partes iniciar-- incluso las personas en ¡departamentos! 2. Seleccionar el tipo correcto de contenedores para tu jardín 3. Consejos de cultivo para asegurar que tus plantas no ¡mueran! 4. El cuidado correcto de un jardín urbano 5. Secretos de como mantener bello y prospero tu jardín en macetas Comienza hoy mismo tu propio jardin en macetas y cultiva tus propias flores, frutas y vegetales. Obten esta guía para iniciar con tu jardín ¡CORRECTAMENTE!

Jardinería en Maceteros

by Nancy Ross

¿QUIERES PARENDER LOS PROS Y CONTRAS DE LA JARDINERÍA EN MACETEROS? Aquí Tienes Una Vista Previa De Lo Que Aprenderás... Consiguiendo Maceteros Para Tu Jardín Creando Un Ambiente Apropiado para las Plantas de Maceteros Escogiendo el Tiempo Apropiado para Plantar Las Mejores Plantas para Crecer en Tu Jardín de Maceteros Tips para Ayudar al Crecimieto de Tus Plantas Y Mucho, Mucho, ¡Más! Aquí Tienes Una Vista Previa De Los Vegetales que Aprenderás a Cultivar... Lechiga Cebollas Tomates Zanahorias Rábanos Pepinos Frijoles (Porotos) Betabeles Vegetales Crucíferos Berenjenas Pepinos Y Mucho, Mucho, ¡Más!

Jardinería Para Principiantes: Todo Lo Que Necesitas Saber Para Comenzar a Cultivar Hortalizas, Aromáticas Flores.

by Susan Wright

¿Quieres saber como cultivar deliciosas hortalizas, aromáticas y hermosas flores en tu jardín? ¿Quieres hacer en jardín en tu patio pero no sabes cómo comenzar? ¿Sabías que la jardinería puede mejorar diferentes aspectos de tu salud? ¿Tienes planes en tu mente para tu jardín pero no sabes cómo concretarlos? ¿Has estado buscando información que te ayude a entender como cultivar plantas, y cómo prepararte para hacerlo bien? Si esto te resuena, ¡sigue leyendo!

Jardinería para Principiantes: Colección 3 en 1 por Nancy Ross

by Nancy Ross

¿DESEAS APRENDER LOS PORMENORES DE JARDINERÍA PARA PRINCIPIANTES? Aquí Está Un Anticipo De Lo Que Aprenderás Sobre La Jardinería De Contenedores… •Conseguir los Contenedores para tu Jardín •Crear un Buen Entorno para las Plantas de Contenedor •Elegir el Momento Correcto para Plantar •Las Mejores Plantas para Cultivar en tu Jardín de Contenedores •Consejos para Ayudar a que tus Plantas Prosperen •¡Mucho, Mucho Más! Aquí Está Un Anticipo De Lo Que Aprenderás Sobre La Jardinería De Invernadero… •Montar un Jardín de Invernadero •Cultivar Plantas en tu Invernadero •Formas de Controlar el Clima en tu Invernadero •Algunos de los Mejores Métodos para Plantar en el Invernadero •Cómo Deshacerse de las Pestes •¡Mucho, Mucho Más! Aquí Está Un Anticipo De Lo Que Aprenderás Sobre La Jardinería Vertical… •Montar la Base que Necesitas en tu Jardín •Trabajo de Mantenimiento de tu Jardín Vertical •Hacer Espacio para las Plantas •Seleccionar las Plantas Correctas •Algunos Consejos para tu Jardín Vertical •¡Mucho, Mucho Más!

Jardines (¡Arriba la Lectura!, Level I #10)

by Heather Hammonds Ben Spiby

NIMAC-sourced textbook. ¡Cuesta mucho trabajo mantener un jardín! Pero los jardines son el hogar de animales e insectos, y son lugares hermosos. ¿Qué trabajos importantes puedes hacer en el jardín?

Los jardines de la abuela

by Hillary Clinton Chelsea Clinton

¿Qué compartes con las personas a las que quieres?Abuela Dorothy compartió su amor por los jardines con su hija Hillary y con su nieta Chelsea. Les enseñó que los jardines son lugares mágicos de aprendizaje, asombrosos espacios para el descubrimiento, puntos de encuentro con la familia y bellas áreas donde compartir historias y celebrar acontecimientos especiales. Pero, sobre todo, les enseñó que en su jardín su amor crecía y florecía.En esta inspiradora y reconfortante historia de madre-hija, Hillary Rodham Clinton y Chelsea Clinton se unen para mostrar a los lectores cómo compartir las cosas que amamos con las personas que queremos puede crear fuertes y eternos vínculos entre generaciones.

Jardinología (The Science of Gardening): La ciencia de la jardinería

by Dr. Stuart Farrimond

Un libro de jardinería diferente que explica la ciencia detrás de la jardinería de forma visual y clara.¿El mundo de la botánica y la jardinería te parecen un misterio? Las guías de jardinería al uso tienden a dar gran cantidad de instrucciones y consejos, pero rara vez aportan explicaciones sobre el por qué. ¡No te preocupes! El Dr. Stuart Farromond arroja luz sobre todas esas preguntas que siempre te has hecho y te explica lo que sucede en tu jardín desde un enfoque científico.La guía botánica definitiva para entender los secretos de la horticultura y la floricultura como un profesional:Escrita con un lenguaje accesible y libre de tecnicismos en formato pregunta y respuesta. Con explicaciones claras, apoyadas por gráficos y esquemas para ilustrar los conceptos de forma visual.Estructurado en torno al ciclo de vida de un jardín, desde los primeros brotes hasta el momento de la poda.Explica los beneficios de la jardinería para la salud mental y el medio ambiente.Un práctico manual de jardinería con explicaciones y consejos avalados por la ciencia, que te ayudará a comprender mejor cómo se comportan las plantas, desmitificar creencias y descubrir las bases y avances de la horticultura moderna. ------------------------The only book to explain the science behind gardening practice in a simple and visually accessible way.The world of gardening can be a mystifying place, with so many instructions to follow and often little explanation as to why. Dr. Stuart Farromond casts his scientific eye over a typical year in the garden to answer all the horticultural questions you&’ve ever wanted the answer to. This great gardening book provides a shortcut to decades of gardening experience by explaining the science behind how a garden grows, featuring: An accessible guide structured around the life cycle of the garden, taking you from first shoots to pruning for renewal. An accessible Q &A format, with stats and infographics to bring the story to life, as well as long-held gardening myths are exploded by new science. Every way to greener fingers has an action point so that you can understand the science, apply your gardening practice, and enjoy a flourishing garden.From hands-on, practical advice, to an exploration of the mental health benefits of gardening, while also covering topics such as the positive impact gardening can have on the earth during a time of climate crisis in between, The Science of Gardening debunks myths and reveals the latest science only taught at horticultural college. As a passionate newcomer to gardening, daunted by the mountain of often conflicting advice in gardening manuals, Dr. Stu has set about testing the scientific basis of so much conventional wisdom and practice so you too can garden like a pro.

Jay Shafer's DIY Book of Backyard Sheds & Tiny Houses: Build Your Own Guest Cottage, Writing Studio, Home Office, Craft Workshop, or Personal Retreat

by Jay Shafer

From the bestselling author of The Small House Book, comes a collection of designs for tiny homes with &“instant curb appeal.&” (The New York Times) From internationally recognized small living expert Jay Shafer, who has been featured on CNN, Oprah, Fine Homebuilding, and This Old House, a revised edition of his bestselling book, Tumbleweed DIY Book of Backyard Sheds and Tiny Houses. Ranging in size from 100 to 120 square feet, these tiny backyard buildings can be used as guest cottages, art or writing studios, home offices, craft workshops, vacation retreats, or full-time residences. This book is filled with photos, elevation drawings, and door/window schedules for constructing six of the handsome little buildings, plus an extensive how-to set of instructions that can be applied to any backyard building project. This revised edition contains many new photos of buildings designed by Jay Shafer. Praise for Jay Shafer and Tumbleweed Tiny Houses: "... guru of the small house movement." —John Blackstone, CBS "Move-in ready gems." —Better Homes and Gardens &“Astounding." —Oprah Winfrey "A visionary designer ..." —Domino Magazine "100 square feet of bliss." —Thelma Guiterrez, CNN

Jekka's Herb Cookbook: Foreword by Jamie Oliver

by Jekka McVicar

Jekka McVicar's passion for herbs has evolved over 40 years. In this, her first cookery book, 'queen of herbs' Jekka offers over 250 original recipes using simple garden herbs, along with tips for growing and maintaining them.Herbs have long been a part of British culinary history, yet few people utilise them to their full potential. Incredibly versatile, not only do herbs impart flavour, aroma and texture to dishes, they are extremely beneficial to our health. Much more than a cookbook, Jekka's Herb Kitchen features 50 herbs with a chapter and recipes devoted to each - Jekka's huge knowledge of each herb's history, cultivation and medicinal and culinary uses is unsurpassed. Her recipes are simple and economical - she shows how herbs can transform a cheap cut of meat, enliven a pasta sauce, and even add delight to desserts. She also offers suggestions for how best to combine herbs and what parts to use, gives ideas for using up a glut of a specific herb, and advises on how to preserve your herbs for the winter months. Moreover, this volume is a family affair - many of Jekka's recipes are inspired by her grandmother and mother, and the stunning illustrations are by Jekka's daughter, Hannah McVicar. With colour photographs throughout, this is a unique and beautiful volume from the UK's foremost authority on herbs.

The Jersey Shore Cookbook: Fresh Summer Flavors from the Boardwalk and Beyond

by Deborah Smith Photography by Thomas Robert Clarke

Coastal cuisine from Asbury Park to Cape May. The warm sand. The salt air. The boardwalk. The food! Summer at the Jersey Shore is unforgettable no matter which seaside destination is yours. And with The Jersey Shore Cookbook, you can have a taste of summer all year long. It features 50 recipes contributed by well-loved shore town restaurants, bakeries, markets, and more. From fresh oysters, scallops, and tilefish to Garden State tomatoes, corn, and blueberries, the perfect New Jersey ingredients shine. Featuring favorites from: Asbury Park Atlantic City Avalon Bay Head Beach Haven Belmar Bradley Beach Brielle Cape May Cape May Point Harvey Cedars Highlands Keyport Lavallette Leeds Point Long Branch Manasquan Monmouth Beach Normandy Beach Ocean City Point Pleasant Beach Sea Bright Sea Girt Sea Isle City Ship Bottom South Seaside Park Stone Harbor Wildwood Wildwood Crest Selected Recipes: BREAKFASTS The Brunchwich: Pork Roll The Committed Pig, Manasquan Grilled Jersey Peaches with Greek Yogurt and Granola Lasolas Market, Normandy Beach STARTERS AND SIDES Allagash Steamers Marie Nicole's, Wildwood Crest Oysters Gratineé Fratello's Restaurant, Sea Girt SOUPS AND SALADS Roasted Tomato and Basil Soup Langosta Lounge, Asbury Park Beach Plum Farm Salad The Ebbitt Room, Cape May MAIN COURSES Golden Tilefish Sandwich Joe's Fish Co., Wildwood Lobster Thermidor Knife and Fork Inn, Atlantic City Spaghetti and Crabs Joe Leone's Italian Specialties, Point Pleasant Beach DESSERTS Blueberry Cobbler Talula's, Asbury Park Key Lime Pie Inlet Café, Highlands

The Jewel Garden

by Monty Don Sarah Don Monty Don & Sarah Don

'TRULY INSPIRING' Mail on SundayNow familiar to millions of Gardeners' World fans as Longmeadow (the home of Nigel & Nellie), this is the story of Monty & Sarah Don's early days there. The Jewel Garden is the story of the garden that bloomed from the muddy fields around the Dons' Tudor farmhouse, a perfect metaphor for the Monty and Sarah's own rise from the ashes of a spectacular commercial failure in the late '80s .At the same time The Jewel Garden is the story of a creative partnership that has weathered the greatest storm, and a testament to the healing powers of the soil. Monty Don has always been candid about the garden's role in helping him to pull back from the abyss of depression; The Jewel Garden elaborates on this much further. Written in an optimistic, autobiographical vein, Monty and Sarah's story is truly an exploration of what it means to be a gardener.

Jewelry Making and Design: An Illustrated Text Book For Teachers, Students Of Design, And Craft Workers In Jewelry

by Antonio Cirino Augustus F. Rose

The ancient, highly skilled craft of manipulating gold, silver, precious, and semi-precious stones into jewelry is here set forth in a practical text. The authors take you through a graded series of problems, progressing from simple to complex pieces, teaching you all you need to know along the way.Making a pierced brooch is the first problem. You learn to affix a tracing of the design to the metal, and to handle a center punch, saw frame and saw, needle file and flat-round file, and emery cloth. This first problem is fully illustrated, as are all the problems, with 53 different design ideas, as well as photographs of the tools and processes involved. Subsequent problems teach you to make brooches set with stones, chased and repoussé brooches, wire pendants, rings with four different types of settings, chains, and cuff links. Executing these pieces teaches you the processes of soldering, pickling, using a gas jet and blow pipe, making a plain and shouldered bezel, annealing, enameling, making a mold for casting, and much more.Following the section on the making of jewelry, the authors turn to a discussion of the aesthetics of jewelry design. They suggest sources in nature and in art for creative ideas and motifs, and give helpful methods for developing these into designs suitable for various types of jewelry pieces.The authors, both formerly of the Rhode Island School of Design, animate every line of the text with the knowledge that only long experience in the craft and in teaching the craft can give. For many years, beginning and experienced crafters have kept this authoritative text beside them, using it to avoid costly mistakes and to save many hours of trial-and-error experimentation.

Jihadists and Weapons of Mass Destruction

by Gary Ackerman Jeremy Tamsett

Explores the Nexus Formed When Malevolent Actors Access Malignant MeansWritten for professionals, academics, and policymakers working at the forefront of counterterrorism efforts, Jihadists and Weapons of Mass Destruction is an authoritative and comprehensive work addressing the threat of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the hands of jihadists,

Job of the Planning Commissioner

by Albert Solnit

A popular and practical guide on how to be an effective planning commissioner. Filled with checklists and outlines, it's both a good introduction and a handy reference. Includes a training checklist for new commissioners, criteria for keeping a master plan in working order, lists of tools to guide growth, advice on how to deal with professional staff, and dos and don'ts for conducting successful public meetings. This edition sharpens the focus on how commissioners and their staffs can operate under four core principles for planning commissioners: citizen involvement, smaller is better, living in a market-driven system, and orderly growth.

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