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Mr. Shivers

by Robert Jackson Bennett

It is the time of the Great Depression. Thousands have left their homes looking for a better life, a new life. But Marcus Connelly is not one of them. He searches for one thing, and one thing only. Revenge. Because out there, riding the rails, stalking the camps, is the scarred vagrant who murdered Connelly's daughter. No one knows him, but everyone knows his name: Mr. Shivers. In this extraordinary debut, Robert Jackson Bennett tells the story of an America haunted by murder and desperation. A world in which one man must face a dark truth and answer the question-how much is he willing to sacrifice for his satisfaction?

Mr Shivers

by Robert Jackson Bennett

It is the time of the Great Depression. The dustbowl has turned the western skies red and thousands leave their homes seeking a better life. Marcus Connelly seeks not a life, but a death - a death for the mysterious scarred man who murdered his daughter. And soon he learns that he is not alone. Countless others have lost someone to the scarred man. They band together to track him, but as they get closer, Connelly begins to suspect that the man they are hunting is more than human. It is said that he who hunts monsters should take care lest he thereby become a monster, and as the chase becomes increasingly desperate, the scarred man's pursuers are forced to choose between what is right and what is necessary. Having come so far and lost so much, Connelly must decide just how much more he is willing to sacrifice to have his revenge.

Mr Shivers

by Robert Jackson Bennett

It is the time of the Great Depression. The dustbowl has turned the western skies red and thousands leave their homes seeking a better life. Marcus Connelly seeks not a life, but a death - a death for the mysterious scarred man who murdered his daughter. And soon he learns that he is not alone. Countless others have lost someone to the scarred man. They band together to track him, but as they get closer, Connelly begins to suspect that the man they are hunting is more than human. It is said that he who hunts monsters should take care lest he thereby become a monster, and as the chase becomes increasingly desperate, the scarred man's pursuers are forced to choose between what is right and what is necessary. Having come so far and lost so much, Connelly must decide just how much more he is willing to sacrifice to have his revenge.

Mr. X: A Novel

by Peter Straub

For more than two decades Peter Straub has engrossed, entertained, and terrified us with his dazzling blend of cool artistry and mad, spine-tingling imagination. With Mr. X, the bestselling author of Ghost Story, The Talisman(with Stephen King), and The Hellfire Club takes us into the darkest dimensions of the human psyche and proves once again that he is without peer in the realm of psychological suspense and horror, a master storyteller whose unique and powerful gifts qualify him to be called the Edgar Allan Poe of our times. Mr. Xis Straub's original and startling take on the theme of the doppelgänger. Ned Dunstan's birthday is fast approaching, and every year on this date, Ned experiences a paralyzing seizure in which he is forced to witness scenes of ruthless slaughter perpetrated by a mysterious and malevolent figure in black whom Ned calls Mr. X. Ned has been drawn back to his hometown, Edgerton, Illinois, by a premonition that his mother, Star, is dying. Before she loosens her hold on life, she imparts to Ned the name of his father, never before disclosed, and warns him that he is in grave danger. Despite her foreboding, Ned's determination to learn as much as possible about his absent father ignites a series of extraordinary adventures that gradually reveal the heart of both his own identity and that of his entirely fantastic family: He discovers that he is shadowed by an identical twin brother who can pass through doors and otherwise defy the laws of nature; he becomes the lead suspect in three violent deaths; he investigates the secret shadow-world within Edgerton; he learns to "eat time" and remembers the one occasion when he and his sinister brother united into a single being. Finally, at the moment of battle, he must call upon everything he has learned to save his own life. Brimming with the author's trademark wit, understated eloquence, vibrant characters, and brilliant sense of pace, Mr. X displays Peter Straub at the top of his form.

Mrs. God: A Novel

by Peter Straub

A tale of an inspired literary sojourn that turns into something far more sinister. Esswood House. Home and estate of the Seneschal family, aristocratic patrons of the literary arts for well over a hundred years. D. H. Lawrence, T. S. Eliot, Ford Madox Ford, and Henry James were privileged to call themselves guests and Esswood Fellows. Even minor poets such as Isobel Standish found in Esswood a respite from the outer world and its refined atmosphere an inspiration for her work. There was always talk of a hidden secret in Esswood's past, and the Seneschal children were often so pale and sickly, but don't all English manor houses have a few ghost stories to call their own? When Professor William Standish receives the rare honor of an Esswood Fellowship, and the chance to study Isobel's private manuscripts at close hand, he is thrilled beyond his wildest ambitions. But something seems slightly off at Esswood House. He hears faint laughter in the halls, the pitter-pattering of small feet in the night; strange faces appear in the windows of the library, and there are those giant dollhouses in the basement . . . Never before published as a separate volume, Mrs. God is a very different kind of ghost story from one of America's most celebrated authors.

Mrs. Jeepers' Monster Class Trip (The Bailey School Kids Super Special #5)

by Debbie Dadey Marcia Thornton Jones John Steven Gurney

Mrs. Jeepers takes the class to a geology park for a weekend camping trip. But some of the rocks on the site look suspiciously like monsters, and the staff is strangely rocklike. Could Mrs. Jeepers really bring a canyon full of rock monsters to life? Something strange is going on, and the Bailey School kids are going to find out what's hit this creepy park.

Mrs. Jeepers on Vampire Island (Bailey School Kids Super Special #6)

by Debbie Dadey Marcia Thornton Jones

There are some pretty weird grown-ups living in Bailey City. But what happens when the kids get stranded on a creepy island with Mrs. Jeepers? Could the island really be full of vampires? The Bailey School Kids are going to find out. Liza looked absolutely green. So did most of the kids as the boat bounced higher and higher on the waves. The only person who seemed happy was Captain Bela. In fact, she seemed to really enjoy the salty water. She grinned and licked at the salt water that splattered her face. Howie gulped. He dropped his mop to the deck and pulled his friends away from Captain Bela. "I think we may have a problem," he told them. "There is one other liquid on Earth that resembles seawater. Blood." Melody gulped. Liza shivered. Eddie's eyes got big. "Do you mean Captain Bela may be one of Mrs. Jeepers' vampire friends?" Eddie asked.

Much of Madness, More of Sin

by Edward Lineberry

Haunted by the maddening voices of her mind, Robin grasps at Martin Ensley's steadying hand. But far from lifting Robin out of misery, Martin and his wife, Celia, draw her deeper into the darkness of insanity as they satisfy twisted urges kept secret even from each other. Barely able to function beneath the weight of normal life, Robin struggles to escape this killing pair with her mind and life intact.

Mudman (The Golem Chronicles #1)

by Hunter A. James

The author of the Yancy Lazarus series introduces a golem forged from the ashes of WWII in “a dark tale of vengeance and redemption” (Domino Finn, author of the Black Magic Outlaw series). Levi Adams is a soft-spoken, middle-aged Mennonite man—at least he tries to be when he’s not murdering people. Levi’s a golem, a Mudman, crafted from the muck, mire, and corpses of a World War II concentration camp and saddled with a divine commission to dole out judgment on those who shed innocent blood. But now, after seventy years as a cold-blooded murder machine, he’s turned to AA meetings and church services to help change his grisly nature. Until he runs across a wounded girl, Sally Ryder, during one of his “hunting expeditions.” Someone is attempting to revive a pre-Babylonian murder god, and the road to rebirth is paved with dead bodies. Lots and lots of them. Now, Levi must protect Sally—the key to an unspeakable resurrection—and defeat a Nazi mage from his murky past, one who holds a terrible secret about the Mudman’s unorthodox birth. It’s a secret Levi would pay anything to uncover: maybe even Sally’s life. If Levi isn’t careful, he may end up turning into the monster he always imagined himself to be. “A timeless tale of striving against evil . . . Highly recommended if you like paranormal thrillers, psychological thrillers and books such as Jeff Lindsey’s Dexter Morgan series, Thomas Harris’ Hannibal Lecter books, the TV show Supernatural.” —Port Jericho “A mash of styles and creative ideas, blending religious mythology from Jewish and Christian beliefs alongside Nazi atrocities and supernatural ghouls.” —TheBookBeard’s Blog

Muerte en el jardín de la luna

by Martín Solares

Una nueva aventura policiaca del detective Pierre Le Noir, más arrebatadora e inquietante, en la Francia de 1927. La segunda entrega de la trilogía detectivesca de Martín Solares, tras Catorce colmillos. Para horror de los integrantes de la Brigada Nocturna, el mejor amigo y protector de Pierre Le Noir es asesinado con la misma técnica que empleaba Jack el Destripador. Cuando Scotland Yard confirma que dicho asesino se encuentra en Francia y que su siguiente objetivo será Pierre Le Noir, el joven agente debe salir de París mientras sus colegas controlan la situación. Al tiempo que huye por su vida y aprende a dominar los poderes que le confiere el talismán heredado por su abuela, Le Noir vive una serie de episodios fantásticos cada vez más extraños, que lo llevan de un hospital donde se curan las enfermedades sobrenaturales a un encuentro con Robert Desnos, el profeta del surrealismo, y de ahí a una isla misteriosa en el sur de Francia, donde el monstruo que inspiró El conde de Monte-Cristo podría ayudarlo a salir de sus problemas, o acabar con él en siete mordidas.

Muerte subita en tiempo extra: Una historia de hockey y vampiros

by Steve Vernon

Conoce a Sprague Deacon, uno de los jugadores de hockey de antaño más duros que jamás haya patinado sobre una pista de hielo vertido a mano. Sprague nació, se crió y espera morir aquí en la costa norte de Labrador. Lo que no esperaba era un autobús turístico lleno de vampiros, ninguno de los cuales brillaba en lo más mínimo, para entrar en su ciudad y comenzar a reducir el nivel de población, un cadáver a la vez. ¿Sprague y sus tres mejores amigos, un equipo de hockey de la liga Bush del norte de Labrador que nunca dice renunciar, se enfrentan cara a cara con un autobús turístico lleno de vampiros en un enfrentamiento inmortal de hockey callejero? Para obtener la respuesta, arroje el Slapshot de Paul Newman en una licuadora con Steven Niles 30 Days of Night y obtenga éxitos.

La mujer alta

by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón

El relato clásico de Pedro Antonio de Alarcón te sumergerá en lo más profundo del horror extranatural. Al más puro estilo de la literatura de terror gótico, y a la altura de autores clásicos como Edgar Allan Poe o Robert Chambers, Alarcón nos narra, a modo de vivencia personal, el terrible encuentro con un ser sobrenatural que le llevará hasta los límites de la locura. ¿O será su mente que está jugando con él llevándole hasta los límites de la cordura?

La mujer de Huguenin: Cuentos fantásticos

by M. P. Shiel

Seis relatos fantásticos de Shiel, una muestra sobrecogedora del poderoso estilo de uno de los máximos exponentes de este género literario. «Con este volumen se inician las publicaciones del Reino de Redonda, minúscula y deshabitada isla antillana de la que el autor, Matthew Phipps Shiel (1865-1947), fue coronado primer rey en 1880, dando lugar a una curiosa "dinastía literaria" que aún continúa. »Nacido en la vecina isla volcánica de Montserrat, Shiel completó su educación en Inglaterra, donde enseñó Matemáticas, estudió Medicina y se hizo políglota antes de dedicarse por entero a la literatura. Hoy es uno de los más admirados y a la vez más ocultos maestros del género fantástico. Algunas de sus novelas están consideradas como precedentes innegables de lo que más tarde se llamó "ciencia-ficción", y sus cuentos -de los que La mujer de Huguenin es una muestra antológica- fueron elogiados por colegas tan dispares y respetables como Dashiell Hammett, Lovecraft, Arthur Machen y H.G. Wells, quienes vieron en él a uno de los mejores continuadores de Poe, pero también de Julio Verne, de Conan Doyle, del Barón Corvo, de Villiers de l'Isle Adam y hasta de Baudelaire. »La presente edición incluye, a modo de apéndices, las listas completas de los "pares literarios" nombrados por los diferentes reyes de Redonda.»Xavier Marías M.P. Shiel según sus contemporáneos:«Colosal... brillante.»H.G. Wells «Un mago.»Dashiell Hammett «Si por genio entendemos ideas asombrosas, destellos de imaginación verdadera, originalidad desbocada, entonces debemos reconocérselo.»J.B. Priestley «Habla de un mundo maravilloso, mucho más desenfrenado del que Poe soñara.»Arthur Machen «La gente sensata debería tener la obra completa de Shiel.»Rebecca West «Sus relatos me emocionaron. Un erudito, un lingüista, un inventor,un estilista.»Arnold Bennett «Con su genio ardiente, Shiel es el mejor escritor romántico que hay hoy vivo en Inglaterra. En verdad no hay nadie como él.»Hugh Walpole «La curiosa y elaborada belleza de estos cuentos recupera, en cada arabesca frase, los mismísimos acentos de Edgar Allan Poe.»Dorothy L. Sayers

Mummies of the Motorway & Scarborough Fair

by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

Available for the first time as an ebook pairing, these two short stories by author Elizabeth Ann Scarborough serve as an mystical introduction to her work.In MUMMIES OF THE MOTORWAY, a woman and her niece and nephew travel to an English resort where something ancient and bandaged awaits in the mist.SCARBOROUGH FAIR finds the author helping a woman reconnect with her past at the story's namesake fair along the English seaside.

The Mummy (Point Horror Ser.)

by Barbara Steiner

While volunteering at the local museum's Egypt exhibit, Lana Richardson begins to feel haunted by a mummified princeAll her life, Lana has been fascinated by stories of ancient Egypt. So when a new exhibit featuring the mummy of the young Egyptian prince Nefra comes to the town museum, Lana volunteers to give tours to visitors. Inexplicably, Lana feels herself drawn to the tragic story of Nefra, who died on the eve of his wedding to his love, the beautiful princess Urbena. Although Nefra has been dead for thousands of years, Lana cannot get the young man out of her mind. When a priceless treasure is stolen from the exhibit and Lana is the only witness, she knows it's up to her to find the thief. But vivid dreams of Nefra and Urbena have been haunting her sleep, and Lana swears she can hear Nefra's voice calling out to her. Is she going crazy? Or is she more connected to the story of the doomed lovers than she could ever have imagined?

The Mummy (Devil's Advocates)

by Doris V. Sutherland

Released in 1932, The Mummy moved Universal horror away from the Gothic Europe of Dracula and Frankenstein and into a land of deserts, pyramids, and long-lost tombs. In doing so the film continued a tradition of horror fiction that is almost as old as the Western pursuit of Egyptology, as numerous European and American authors from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries had portrayed Egypt as a place of mystery and magic. This book examines the roots of The Mummy. It shows how the film shares many of its motifs with the work of writers such as Bram Stoker, Arthur Conan Doyle, and H. Rider Haggard, whose tales of living mummies, immortal sorcerers, and Egyptian mysticism bear strong resemblances to Universal’s movie. In addition, the book discusses how The Mummy drew upon a contemporary vogue for all things ancient Egyptian: the tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered the decade before the film was released, prompting sensationalistic rumors of a curse. This is the story of what happened when Hollywood horror went to Egypt.

The Mummy (A Junior Novelization)

by David Levithan Stephen Sommers

In the 1920s, adventurer Rick O'Connell and librarian Evelyn Carnahan are searching for an Egyptian artifact when they inadvertently resurrect High Priest Imhotep, a powerful, malevolent mummy seeking revenge.

The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century: A Tale Of The Twenty-second Century; Volume I (Haunted Library Horror Classics)

by Jane Webb

A chilling addition to the acclaimed Haunted Library of Horror Classics series, complete with annotations and extra materialsWithin a decade of the 1818 publication of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, another Englishwoman invented a foundational work of science fiction. Seventeen-year-old Jane Webb Loudon took up the theme of reanimation, moved it three hundred years into the future, and applied it to Cheops, an ancient Egyptian mummy. Unlike Shelley's horrifying, death-dealing monster, this revivified creature bears the wisdom of the ages and is eager to share his insights with humanity. Cheops boards a hot-air balloon and travels to 22nd-century England, where he sets about remedying the ills of a corrupt government.In recounting Cheops' attempts to put the futuristic society to rights, the young author offers a fascinating portrait of the preoccupations of her own era as well as some remarkably prescient predictions of technological advances. The Mummy! envisions a world in which automatons perform surgery, undersea tunnels connect England and Ireland, weather-control devices provide crop irrigation, and messages are transmitted with the speed of cannonball fire. The first novel to feature the concept of a living mummy, this pioneering tale offers an engaging mix of comedy, politics, and science fiction.Other books in the Haunted Library of Horror Classics series:The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston LerouxThe Beetle by Richard MarshVathek by William BeckfordThe House on the Borderland by William Hope HodgsonThe Parasite and Other Tales of Terror by Arthur Conan DoyleOf One Blood by Pauline HopkinsThe King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers

The Mummy or Ramses the Damned: A Novel (Ramses the Damned #1)

by Anne Rice

He was Ramses the Damned in ancient Egypt, but awoke in opulent Edwardian London as Dr. Ramsey, expert in Egyptology. He mixes with the aristocrats and samples their voluptuous lifestyle, but it is for his beloved, Cleopatra, that he longs, and will do anything to be with....From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Mummy, the Will, and the Crypt (Johnny Dixon #2)

by John Bellairs

A clever young man and an eccentric professor search for a missing fortune, in this spooky adventure full of &“marvelous surprises&” (Publishers Weekly) H. Bagwell Glomus built an empire out of cereal. In the 1920s, his Oaty Crisps were the most popular breakfast in the United States, and Mr. Glomus was the wealthiest man in the little town of Gildersleeve, Massachusetts. But he was not a happy man. In 1936, he took his own life and his will was never found. Legend has it that his last will and testament is hidden somewhere in his office, but so far, no one has been able to find it and claim the $10,000 reward. Yet, no one has looked as hard as Johnny Dixon. A precocious young boy who&’s happier reading old books than playing outside, Johnny has a best friend in the eccentric old Professor Childermass, who knows every detail of Mr. Glomus&’s story—except the location of the will. Together, along with a new pal from Boy Scout camp named Fergie, they intend to crack the puzzle—but before they can claim their prize, they must defeat an ancient evil force: a living mummy intent on destroying them. From the award-winning author of The House with a Clock in Its Walls, the Johnny Dixon stories are a refreshingly old-fashioned series of adventure and supernatural mystery. In the world of young adult suspense, few authors have the magic touch of John Bellairs.

The Mummy Walks (Goosebumps Series 2000 #16)

by R. L. Stine

Michael may look like a regular kid, but he's really the leader of a country called Jezekiah, and he's got a computer chip in his head that carries the secret location of an ancient mummy. There's just one problem. Michael doesn't know he's a prince. And his people want their mummy back.

Mummy's Mother

by Tony Johnston

[from the book jacket] "Help! The mummy's mother has been stolen! Ten-year-old mummy Ramose has been peacefully sealed up in a secret Egyptian tomb with his mummy mother for more than four thousand years. Now grave robbers have invaded their hideaway and made off with Ramose's mother, the queen. The robbers are taking her across the desert to a ship, bound for a famous museum far away. How can Ramose find his mother and save her from this terrible fate? Join the fun as award-winning storyteller Tony Johnston weaves a tale filled with high jinks, heroics, and highly unexpected turns. Will the mummy find his mom?"

Los mundos del revés: Visiones de lo extraño

by Sophie Jupillat Posey

Con un trasfondo de magia y subversión en mundos como el nuestro emerge una fascinante, retorcida y completamente cautivadora colección de diez relatos. Un vampiro milenario desesperado por encontrar la forma de alimentarse de los humanos que han cambiado su carne por cuerpos robóticos. Una niña que puede ver la encarnación de la propia Muerte. Un hombre solitario y antisocial que tiene sueños proféticos sobre una inundación apocalíptica. Una nueva plataforma en redes sociales que puede chuparte la vida. Junto con otros cuentos retorcidos, Los mundos del revés estira los límites de nuestra realidad. De la autora de The Four Suitors llega una colección de relatos deliciosamente oscuros. Sophie Jupillat Posey te lleva de viaje por mundos distópicos de ciencia ficción y retorcidos paisajes de realismo mágico. Con fascinación para explorar las partes oscuras más vulnerables de la psique humana, Posey teje historias llenas de pavor con pizcas de cálido optimismo. Sumérgete en estos mundos del revés y encuentra un motivo para tener esperanza incluso en el momento más oscuro.


by Sarah Pinborough

John Connolly raved that "few writers blend mystery and the supernatural as well as Sarah Pinborough, but there are none who do it better. Quite, quite brilliant." In this gripping sequel to the acclaimed Mayhem, author Sarah Pinborough continues the adventures of troubled Victorian forensics expert Dr. Thomas Bond. Haunted by the nerve-shattering events he endured during the Jack the Ripper and Thames Torso Killer investigations, Dr. Bond is trying to reestablish the normal routines of daily life. Aiding in his recovery is the growing possibility that his long-held affections for the recently widowed Juliana Harrington might finally be reciprocated. He begins to allow himself to dream of one day forming a family with her and her young boy. Soon, however, a new suitor arrives in London, challenging the doctor's claims on Juliana's happiness. Worse, it seems the evil creature that Dr. Bond had wrestled with during the Ripper and Torso Killer investigations is back and stronger than ever. As the corpses of murdered children begin to turn up in the Thames, the police surgeon finds himself once again in a life-and-death struggle with an uncanny, inexorable foe.he evil creature that Dr. Bond had wrestled with during the Ripper and Torso Killer investigations is back and stronger than ever. As the corpses of murdered children begin to turn up in the Thames, the police surgeon finds himself once again in a life-and-death struggle with an uncanny, inexorable foe.

Murder: Mayhem and Murder Book II (Mayhem and Murder #2)

by Sarah Pinborough

From the Number One bestselling author of Behind Her Eyes: Jack the Ripper is vanished, but Dr Thomas Bond is back - and this time the trial of murders leads straight to his front door. Dr Thomas Bond, Police Surgeon, is still recovering from the events of the previous year when Jack the Ripper haunted the streets of London - and a more malign enemy hid in his shadow. Bond and the others who worked on the gruesome case are still stalked by its legacies, both psychological and tangible. 'A compulsively readable story that starts as a conventional murder mystery and morphs, by degrees, into a horrifying supernatural thriller' Guardian But now the bodies of children are being pulled from the Thames . . . and Bond is about to become inextricably linked with an uncanny, undying enemy.'Few writers blend mystery and the supernatural as well as Sarah Pinborough. Quite, quite brilliant' says John Connolly

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