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No Place for Monsters (No Place for Monsters)

by Kory Merritt

In this spellbinding, lavishly illustrated story that Diary of a Wimpy Kid author Jeff Kinney calls "wildly imaginative and totally terrifying," two unlikely friends face down their worst fears in order to stop their small town—and themselves—from disappearing. <P><P>Levi and Kat are about to discover a very dark side to their neighborhood. <P><P>Nothing ever seems out of place in the safe, suburban town of Cowslip Grove. Lawns are neatly mowed, sidewalks are tidy, and the sounds of ice cream trucks fill the air. But now . . . kids have been going missing—except no one even realizes it, because no one remembers them. Not their friends. Not their teachers. Not even their families. <P><P>But Levi and Kat do remember, and suddenly only they can see why everyone is in terrible danger when the night air rolls in. Now it is up to Levi and Kat to fight it and save the missing kids before it swallows the town whole.

No Rest for the Witches

by Maryjanice Davidson Lori Handeland Cheyenne Mccray Christine Warren

From broomsticks to black magic, leather-clad warriors to love potions gone wrong, four stories of supernatural sex and suspense. Contains The Majicka by Maryjanice Davidson; Voodoo Moon by Lori Handeland; Breath of Magic by Cheyenne McCray; Any Witch Way She Can by Christine Warren.

No Sanctuary

by Richard Laymon

No Sanctuary: Do you dare to go down to the lake?

by Richard Laymon

No one's safe at Fern Lake... Richard Laymon's No Sanctuary is a gripping and chilling horror novel, of three hikers finding more than they bargained for in the wilderness. Perfect for fans of Stephen King and Joe Hill.Rick would do anything for his girlfriend Bert. He'd even spend his vacation in the wilderness, walking the trails around Fern Lake. After what happened last time, it's the one place in the world he'd prefer not to go. But Bert is a woman with a passion for the outdoors - and a passion for other things too. Rick would follow her to hell and back - which is what he's about to do. Gillian is off on vacation too, only her idea of a holiday is a little weird. She likes breaking into people's homes while they are away and living there. Pity that this time she chances on the home of a serial-killer. The kind of guy who likes to take his female victims out into the wilderness for his fun. Rick and Bert are not the only ones heading to Fern Lake... What readers are saying about No Sanctuary: 'Wow - talk about gripping... two stories that end up crashing together spectacularly''No Sanctuary has so many twists and turns that it will hold your interest throughout. Just when you think 'I know what's coming next' something completely different happens! The way these two stories come together is magic''Good, old-fashioned, gory horror with just the right mix of humour and adventure'

No Time At All

by Susan Sallis

Two disabled children love their new bungalow by the sea. It even has its own spectral steam-train which only they can hear each night. The train holds many mysteries which will change their lives.

No Trick-or-Treating!: Superscary Superspecial (You're Invited to a Creepover #9)

by P. J. Night

Halloween is more than haunted in this superscary superspecial addition to Spotlight’s popular tween horror series.When Ashley McDowell’s parents first told her they were moving from the big city to a one-stoplight farm town, she was convinced that she was going to hate living in Heaton Corners. But to Ashley’s surprise, she loves it. Everyone is super welcoming, especially her new friends. Plus, it’s October and there’s the town’s Harvest Festival, and, of course, Halloween. But when Ashley starts making plans for Halloween night, she is shocked to find out that her new friends are forbidden to go trick-or-treating. Ashley convinces them to sleep over at her house and go trick-or-treating anyway, but she soon discovers that Halloween in Heaton Corners isn’t like Halloween anywhere else. For one thing, everything seems so much more real...too real. Ashley can’t help but think that maybe Heaton Corners doesn’t need tricks and disguises to be terrifying on Halloween night…. This exceedingly scary superspecial features a glow-in-the-dark cover and bursts through Level 5 on the Creep-o-Meter.

No vuelvas nunca más

by T. M. Bilderback Héctor Molina

En esta última serie de T.M. Bilderback es presentado un nuevo lugar: El Condado de Sardis. El Condado de Sardis es un sitio único, con personajes coloridos y actitudes humidles.El corazón del Condado de Sardis es el pueblo de Perry, y tiene las usuales cosas que un pequeño pueblo puede ofrecer. Una preparatoria una plaza, estación de policía, y tiendas forman parte de Perry, y La Cámara de Comercio de Perry ha inventado un slogan: "Condado de Sardis - ¡Donde tú haces la magia!" Pero hay algo diferente sobre el Condado de Sardis. Algo que tiene que ver con magia real... Y se encuentra en el sótano de un anciano. Tres estudiantes de preparatoria están a punto de enfrentarse a algo que nunca esperaban: Una puerta abierta hacia el infierno. Y el infierno viene a visitar el condado. Así que presten atención a esta advertencia y lean "No vuelvas nunca más".

Noah McNichol and the Backstage Ghost

by Martha Freeman

&“Will make a theater lover of any young reader.&” —Booklist​​ Perfect for fans of The Wednesday Wars, this raucous and delightful middle grade mystery from Edgar Award–nominated author Martha Freeman is filled with backstage fun, relatable family drama, and maybe even a ghost.Break a leg! That&’s what you say to actors when what you mean is Have a good show!. Anything else is bad luck. When Miss Magnus literally breaks her leg, eleven-year-old Noah McNichol and the rest of the Plattsfield Winklebottom Memorial Sixth-Grade Players are left without a director for their production of Hamlet. Coach Fig comes to the rescue—sort of. He&’ll direct, even though he is clearly more interested in whatever is happening on his phone than in directing. He doesn&’t even know upstage from downstage! But then something weird happens: out of nowhere appears a strangely dressed old guy named Mike. He tells Noah he has theater experience, before disappearing—poof. Noah has some investigating to do and some decisions to make. Like, does he care more that their new director might be a ghost or about getting to make his stage debut? And who is Mike and why has he decided to help? As things get weirder and weirder, one thing becomes clear: The show must go on, and Noah will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.

Una noche con los hombres lobos

by K. Matthew

Un hombre peligroso. Consecuencias que cambian la vida. Un lado diferente de la historia. Taya se ha metido en un buen lío al convertirse en la cautiva del lobo solitario Rex. Las consecuencias de sus actos le cambiarán la vida. Ahora, Taya tiene que enfrentarse a una nueva serie de obstáculos mientras trabaja para terminar su informe con una nueva perspectiva sobre la difícil situación de los hombres lobo. Esta es la serie 4 de 6.

Noche de Nueva York (Jack Nightingale #7)

by Stephen Leather

¿RENUNCIARÍAS A TU ALMA PARA SALVAR UNA CIUDAD? JACK NIGHTINGALE LO HARÍA Varios adolescentes están siendo poseídos y se están convirtiendo en sádicos asesinos. Los sacerdotes no pueden ayudar, ni los psiquiatras. Entonces, ¿quién está detrás de tales posesiones demoníacas? Jack Nightingale es requerido para investigar, y descubre que su propia alma está en juego. Noche de Nueva York es la séptima novela de la serie de detectives sobrenaturales Jack Nightingale.

Noche de San Francisco

by Stephen Leather

Jack Nightingale lucha sus batallas en las sombras, en las zonas grises donde el mundo real se encuentra con lo sobrenatural. Pero cuando llega a San Francisco para enfrentarse a un grupo de satanistas empeñados en abrir una puerta al Infierno, y liberar un demonio, el peligro está a la vista y es demasiado real. Los Apóstoles, un aquelarre satánico que utiliza el asesinato y la tortura para preparar el camino para que un demonio entre en el mundo real, se dan cuenta de que Nightingale les sigue. Y desatan sus propios monstruos para acabar con él. Con la vida de Nightingale, y su propia alma en juego, sólo tiene días para evitar que los Apóstoles traigan muerte y destrucción al mundo entero.

Noche de Tennessee (Jack Nightingale. Detective Sobrenatural #8)

by Stephen Leather

Una oleada de suicidios infantiles tiene lugar en el estado de Tennessee. ¿Se trata de una horrible coincidencia o hay fuerzas oscuras en juego? Cuando Jack Nightingale se entera de que hay una misteriosa lista de niños que están en peligro, toma el caso, estimulado por el hecho de que conoce uno de los nombres y eso lo hace personal. Su investigación le lleva a enfrentarse a un demonio del infierno que está siendo utilizado en una misión de venganza. Pero si Nightingale quiere salvar a los niños, y su propia alma, necesitará la ayuda de un viejo adversario.

La Noche del Festín

by Elaina J. Davidson

La ciudad de Flarant es abandonada a su suerte cada año. Año tras año los ciudadanos de Flarant pierden a sus hijos ante fantasmas y demonios en la Víspera de Todos los Santos. No pueden huir. No tienen esperanza. Entonces un desconocido llega a la ciudad días antes del evento. Este año hay algo diferente en el aire. Este año los niños no están solos. Este relato forma parte de Latticework: 14 Lattices from Space and Time

Una noche en el Cementerio

by Gláucio Imada Tamura

Caio y Wandinha forman una pareja muy exótica. Ella, gótica, él, niño mimado. Sólo que ellos funcionan tan bien en el noviazgo que estas discrepancias — a veces tan abruptas — no marcan diferencia alguna en la relación. Es decir; eso hasta que llega el día de celebrar el cumpleaños número 15 de Wandinha. Basado en la serie 'Wednesday'.


by Cristina Lattaro

Attilio Cocci, aclamado organista de renombre mundial, acusado de asesinato, se encuentra detenido en una prisión de máxima seguridad. Cuando Víctor Strinati, un cínico detective pide la audición para recuperar la partitura preciosa que Cocci tuvo con él antes de la captura, Cocci propone un trato: escuchar su historia a cambio de información. Strinati no cree en la historia insondable y apocalíptica de Cocci y viajará de todas formas Ornello, el lugar de nacimiento del músico, investigó el teatro de fechorías por los Cocci. Habrá de toparse con Albinia, el demonio indicada por Cocci como el verdadero culpable de sus cargos. En un crescendo de giros y revelaciones, un universo diferente tomará forma junto con las leyes que lo rigen no publicados. Strinati se encuentra como un peón en un juego más grande donde los protagonistas del pasado, las sombras y las antiguas profecías se entrelazan con el linaje de Cocci mientras que todo lo domina el poder oculto de la muerte después de la muerte. "No creo que pueda sacarme de aquí", suspiró Attilio. "Si no fuera por esto ... de cuántos asesinatos se le acusa doscientos cincuenta y dos?" -preguntó el detective. "Entonces, ¿por qué Irene pagaría tanto?" disparo Attilio. "Debido a la partitura de Wolfgang Oddio que fue traída de vuelta hasta Ornello."


by Cristina Lattaro

The occult power of death and beyond. Attilio Cocci, world famous glorified organist, accused of mass murder, is detained in a maximum security prison. When Vittorio Strinati, a cynical investigator, asks him an interview to recover the precious sheet which Cocci had with him before the halt, Cocci proposes a deal: listening to his story in exchange for directions. Strinati doesn't believe his unfathomable and apocalyptic story but he'll nonetheless go to Ornello, the birth place of the musician, theatre of misdeeds for which Cocci is investigated. There he'll run into Albinia, a demon indicated by Cocci as the true culprit for his indictments. In a crescendo of plot twists and revelations, a different universe will shape together with unpublished laws that governs it. Strinati will find himself a pawn of a bigger game, where protagonists from the past, shadows and old prophecies are tied in a double string with Cocci's ancestry while occult power of death and beyond dominates everything. "I don't think you can get me out of here" sighed Attilio. "I don't think so many homicides are you accused of, twenty-five?" asked the detective. "So why did Irene pay you so much?" resumed Attilio. "Because of Wolfgang Oddio's sheet which she took to Ornello with her."


by Scott Sigler

Scott Sigler reinvented the alien-invasion story in his bestselling novels Infected and Contagious... rebooted the biotech thriller in, in his most ambitious, sweeping novel to date, he works his magic on the paranormal thriller, taking us inside a terrifying underworld of subterranean predators that only his twisted mind could invent. Homicide detective Bryan Clauser is losing his mind. How else to explain the dreams he keeps having--dreams that mirror, with impossible accuracy, the gruesome serial murders taking place all over San Francisco? How else to explain the feelings these dreams provoke in him--not disgust, not horror, but excitement? As Bryan and his longtime partner, Lawrence "Pookie" Chang, investigate the murders, they learn that things are even stranger than they at first seem. For the victims are all enemies of a seemingly ordinary young boy--a boy who is gripped by the same dreams that haunt Bryan. Meanwhile, a shadowy vigilante, seemingly armed with superhuman powers, is out there killing the killers. And Bryan and Pookie's superiors--from the mayor on down--seem strangely eager to keep the detectives from discovering the truth. Doubting his own sanity and stripped of his badge, Bryan begins to suspect that he's stumbled into the crosshairs of a shadow war that has gripped his city for more than a century--a war waged by a race of killers living in San Francisco's unknown, underground ruins, emerging at night to feed on those who will not be missed. And as Bryan learns the truth about his own intimate connections to the killings, he discovers that those who matter most to him are in mortal danger...and that he may be the only man gifted--or cursed--with the power to do battle with the nocturnals. Featuring a dazzlingly plotted mystery and a terrifying descent into a nightmarish underworld--along with some of the most incredible action scenes ever put to paper, and an explosive, gut-wrenching conclusion you won't soon forget--Nocturnal is the most spectacular outing to date from one of the genre's brightest stars.

Nocturnal Meetings of the Misplaced

by R. J. Garcia

Mystery surrounds the town of Summertime, Indiana, where fifteen-year-old Tommy Walker and his little sister are sent to live with relatives they’ve never met. Tommy soon makes friends with Finn Wilds, a rebellious local who lives with his volatile and abusive stepfather, who also happens to be the town’s sheriff. Finn invites Tommy to late night meetings in the woods, where Tommy gets to know two girls. He forms a special and unique connection with both girls. The meetings become a place where the kids, who don’t fit in at school, or home can finally belong. As the group of friends begin to unravel clues to a cold case murder and kidnapping— they learn the truth is darker and closer than they ever imagined. Even if they live to tell, will anyone believe them?

Nocturnals Omnibus Volume 1

by Dan Brereton

Dan Brereton&’s lush, innovative, action-packed stories of supernatural menace and gritty heroics are finally collected in this first volume omnibus edition, starting with &“Black Planet&”, the Eisner-nominated graphic novel which kicked off years of captivating weird tales of horror and crime.The Nocturnals revolves around the mysterious quest of underworld enforcer and occult figure, Doc Horror; his supernaturally-gifted daughter Evening (aka Halloween Girl) who carries a pumpkin full of haunted toys; the Gunwitch, a silent, two-gun revenant with an itch to kill monsters; the lissome wraith Polychrome, and a host of hard-boiled inhuman players battling hidden evils lurking on the outskirts of human knowledge. Collects the previously published Nocturnals volumes: Black Planet, Witching Hour, Carnival of Beasts, Troll Bridge, and The Dark Forever.

Nocturnals Omnibus Volume 2

by Dan Brereton

Dan Brereton&’s Eisner-nominated lush, innovative, and action-packed stories of supernatural menace and gritty heroics are collected in this second volume omnibus edition, featuring weird tales of horror and crime.The Nocturnals revolves around the mysterious quest of underworld enforcer and occult figure, Doc Horror; his supernaturally-gifted daughter Evening (aka Halloween Girl) who carries a pumpkin full of haunted toys; the Gunwitch, a silent, two-gun revenant with an itch to kill monsters; the lissome wraith Polychrome, and a host of hard-boiled inhuman players battling hidden evils lurking on the outskirts of human knowledge. Collects the previously published Nocturnals volumes: The Dark Forever, Gunwitch: Outskirts of Doom, Spectres, and A Nocturnal Alphabet.


by Christine Johnson

In the sequel to Claire de Lune, a teen girl struggling with her werewolf identity discovers that some secrets are too dangerous to share....After the tragic events of the summer, Claire is looking forward to a new school year. All she wants to worry about is finding the most gorgeous dress to wear to the Autumn Ball with her perfect boyfriend. But as Claire knows all too well, the life of a werewolf is never that simple, or that sweet. When Claire's human and wolf lives start to collide, her worst nightmares come true. She's hurting her best friend. She's caught lying. And then the unthinkable happens: Someone discovers Claire's secret. If Claire's werewolf identity is exposed, everyone she knows will be put at risk. And the pack's response comes at a cost higher than Claire can imagine. Claire will be forced to determine just how far she is willing to go to protect her family, her identity, and her life, before she loses it all....


by Christine Johnson

Some secrets are too dangerous... After the tragic events of the summer, Claire is looking forward to a new school year. All she wants to worry about is finding the most gorgeous dress to wear to the Autumn Ball with her perfect boyfriend.But as Claire knows all too well, the life of a werewolf is never that simple, or that sweet.When Claire's human and wolf lives start to collide, her worst nightmares come true. She is hurting her best friend. She has been caught lying. And then the unthinkable happens: Someone discovers Claire's secret.If Claire's werewolf identity is exposed, everyone she knows will be put at risk. And the pack's response comes at a cost higher than Claire can imagine. Claire will be forced to determine just how far she is willing to go to protect her family, her identity, and her life, before she loses it all...


by John Connolly

Take his hand and follow him into the darkness . . . John Connolly, bestselling author of five brilliantly scary mystery novels, now turns his pen to the short story to give us a dozen chilling tales of the supernatural. In this macabre collection, echoing masters of the genre from M. R. James to Stephen King, Connolly delves into our darkest fears - lost lovers, missing children, subterranean creatures, and predatory demons.Framing the collection are two substantial novellas: The Cancer Cowboy Rides charts the fatal progress of a modern-day grim reaper, while The Reflecting Eye is a haunted house tale with a twist and marks the return of private detective Charlie Parker, the troubled hero of Connolly's crime novels.Nocturnes is a masterly volume to be read with the lights on - menace has never been so seductive . . .


by John Connolly

Take his hand and follow him into the darkness . . .John Connolly, bestselling author of five brilliantly scary mystery novels, now turns his pen to the short story to give us a dozen chilling tales of the supernatural. In this macabre collection, echoing masters of the genre from M R James to Stephen King, Connolly delves into our darkest fears - lost lovers, missing children, subterranean creatures and predatory demons.Framing the collection are two substantial novellas - The Cancer Cowboy Rides charts the fatal progress of a modern-day grim reaper, while The Reflecting Eye is a haunted house tale with a twist and marks the return of private detective Charlie Parker, the troubled hero of Connolly's crime novels. NOCTURNES is a masterly volume to be read with the lights on - menace has never been so seductive . . .(P)2006 ISIS Publishing Ltd

The Noise: A Thriller

by James Patterson J. D. Barker

<P><P>In the shadow of Mount Hood, sixteen-year-old Tennant is checking rabbit traps with her eight-year-old sister Sophie when the girls are suddenly overcome by a strange vibration rising out of the forest, building in intensity until it sounds like a deafening crescendo of screams. <P><P>From out of nowhere, their father sweeps them up and drops them through a trapdoor into a storm cellar. But the sound only gets worse . . . <P><P><b>A New York Times Best Seller</b>

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