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Honour Thy Father: A Novel

by Lesley Glaister

Four English sisters share a terrible family secret in this novel from &“the suspense writers&’ suspense writer&” and author of Trick or Treat (Harper&’s Bazaar). Winner of the Somerset Maugham and Betty Trask Awards In a decaying house along the marshy Fenlands of Eastern England, four sisters—Milly, Agatha, and identical, inseparable twins Ellen and Esther—have lived in self-imposed isolation for more than sixty years. Like good sisters, they bicker, go about their daily routines, and believe the bright myth they&’ve created about their childhood. Sometimes Milly can recall a blessedly unexceptional youth of ordinary days, domestic tranquility, and young love. But what came after is so much more consuming, and so much harder to forget. So are the questions no one dares to answer out loud . . . Why does Milly still count the knives? What was the corruption their father warned them about? Was their mother really swallowed up by the roaring river? And why does no one sing to Baby George anymore, who&’s locked away in the cellar? As a ceaseless rain lashes away at the house, the sisters prepare for a coming storm. With it comes the threat of steadily rising waters that will give up the secrets still holding them in thrall. &“A fairytale gone gruesomely wrong&”, Lesley Glaister&’s debut novel was the recipient of the Somerset Maugham Award, for which she joined the likes of Angela Carter, Doris Lessing, Sarah Waters, and Ian McEwan (The Literary Review). An &“eerily tragic and mesmerizing first novel&” (Publishers Weekly), Honour Thy Father is &“a true original&” (The Sunday Times).


by Ronald L. Smith

&“I loved this book. Told by a narrator you won&’t soon forget, it is filled with myth and legend, danger and bravery. Hoodoo is pure folk magic.&”—Keith Donohue, New York Times bestselling author Twelve-year-old Hoodoo Hatcher was born into a family with a rich tradition of practicing folk magic: hoodoo, as most people call it. But even though his name is Hoodoo, he can&’t seem to cast a simple spell. Then a mysterious man called the Stranger comes to town, and Hoodoo starts dreaming of the dead rising from their graves. Even worse, he soon learns the Stranger is looking for a boy. Not just any boy. A boy named Hoodoo. The entire town is at risk from the Stranger&’s black magic, and only Hoodoo can defeat him. He&’ll just need to learn how to conjure first. Set amid the swamps, red soil, and sweltering heat of small-town Alabama in the 1930s, Hoodoo is infused with a big dose of creepiness leavened with gentle humor. &“What a splendid novel. Reader, be prepared to have your foundations shaken: this is a world that is deeper, more wondrous, more spiritually charged than you may have ever imagined.&”—Gary D. Schmidt, two-time Newbery Honor medalist and author of The Wednesday Wars &“The authenticity of Hoodoo&’s voice and this distinctive mashup of genres make Smith one to watch. Seekers of the scary and &‘something different&’ need look no further.&”—Kirkus Reviews &“The chilling supernatural Southern Gothic plot action is enhanced by atmospheric description of rural life in Depression-era Alabama . . . Readers will particularly enjoy Hoodoo&’s authentic and engaging narrative voice.&”—School Library Journa


by A. J. Marcus Nicole Godfrey

After a run of bad luck, gifted horse trainer Cole Frasier thinks he's lost his touch. When he's offered three times his normal rate to gentle a stallion, he needs the money badly enough he jumps at the opportunity, even if his boss is of questionable morality. Once he meets Midnight Blood, he knows there's something special about the horse, but he doesn't know how special until he begins sharing dreams with the magnificent steed. Derek Dancing Hawk is a horse shifter trapped in his horse form due to guilt over losing the wild herd he was guarding. When he meets Cole, as Midnight Blood, he wants to find a way to be human again. During a fight between Cole and the ranch foreman, he manages to shift and save Cole, but his transformation from horse to human is captured on camera. This not only gives Cole's boss blackmail material, but also creates the need to warn the horse shifter council of the threat to their anonymity. The existence of shifters is a closely guarded secret; one they will go to great lengths to keep.


by Rick R. Reed

After Todd's mother dies from cancer, he moves back to his hometown in the foothills of the Appalachians from Chicago. It's 1997 and he's just been given a death sentence -- an HIV-positive diagnosis.Todd expects his remaining time on earth to be spent alone. But Cal, his handsome next-door neighbor, has other ideas.Cal is not the only surprise in Todd's new life. Todd begins having visions of an older woman, Essie, when he dims the lights. Is she just a figment of his imagination? Or is she a truth teller? When she talks to Todd, she's smart and hopeful.When Todd tells Cal about the ghost, Cal knows her already because Todd's mother spoke with her before her death. Essie was a godsend when Todd's mom was in so much pain.And now, Essie urges Todd to live ... for himself ... for new love. But is she too late?

Hopeless, Maine: New England Gothic & Other Stories (Hopeless, Maine)

by Keith Errington Brynneth Nimue Brown

The Hopeless, Maine project came to life as the collective dream/nightmare of Tom and Nimue Brown. It began as a graphic novel series set on a gothic island lost in time. Since then the creative family has grown and there are many who have come to play on this strange island and now will never leave. "The moon hadn't risen, but starlight showed Annamarie the way. She saw well enough, and the island by night held no terrors for her. She had been running away to its wilder places for as long as she could remember." New England Gothic is the story of Annmarie Nightshade, an orphan who becomes a witch on the island of Hopeless, Maine. There are betrayals, heartbreak, and many dangers to overcome but there are also wonders, near escapes, and strange journeys. You will meet dark sorcerers, a mad inventor in a lighthouse, and the strangest familiar in the history of witchcraft.

A Hora da Morte (S. K. Tremayne)

by S.K. Tremayne

Um hotel isolado. Uma mulher desesperada. Uma ilha da qual não é possível escapar… Um thriller arrepiante e incrivelmente envolvente. O muito aguardado novo livro do autor do bestseller As Gémeas do Gelo. S. K. Tremayne está de regresso com um thriller arrepiante, sinistro e absolutamente viciante. Um hotel de luxo lotado Cercado pelo estuário de Blackwater, o hotel Stanhope ergue-se no centro de uma exuberante ilha remota. É chegada a grande noite de reabertura, e Hannah, a organizadora, tem o coração cheio ao ver todos os convidados. A celebração conduz à tragédia Mas aquilo que deveria ser apenas uma festa animada rapidamente se descontrola quando vários convidados embriagados decidem entrar no mar, alheios às perigosas correntes que surgem durante a Hora da Morte. Alguns nunca mais serão vistos. O medo torna-se fobia Atormentada pelo pavor da água, Hannah vê-se presa na ilha durante o inverno. Os rumores acerca daquela noite começam a surgir. Alguém sabe o que se passou realmente durante a Hora da Morte — e a segurança de Hannah está em risco… SOBRE A HORA DA MORTE:«Arrepiante.» Sunday Times «Esplendorosamente sombrio.» Spectator «Um livro tão viciante que é impossível de pousar.» Sunday Mirror «Envolvente e profundamente inquietante.» Independent on Sunday «Ficamos imediatamente cativados pelo livro. Arrepios garantidos desde a primeira página.» Monique Roffey, autora vencedora do Prémio Costa «Insuportavelmente cativante.» Sophie Hannah, autora bestseller internacional «Absolutamente envolvente.» Lisa Jewell, autora bestseller internacional «Um livro que é própria definição de suspense.» Jeffery Deaver, autor bestseller internacional «Intensamente arrepiante.» Good Housekeeping

La hora de las sombras (Cuarteto de Öland #1)

by Johan Theorin

La hora de las sombras es un thriller sueco de gran calidad literaria que nos transporta a un inquietante paraíso veraniego, un lugar remoto poblado de leyendas y mitos «¿Qué sucedió ese día entre la niebla? ¿Qué pasó, Jens?» 1970, isla de Öland, Suecia El pequeño Jens Davidsson, un niño de seis años que veranea en la isla, desaparece sin dejar rastro. Durante días su familia y la policía no dejan de buscarle, pero sin ningún éxito. Veinte años más tarde Julia, la madre de Jens, recibe una inesperada llamada de su padre, un marinero jubilado que todavía vive en Öland. Le cuenta que esa misma mañana ha recibido por correo postal un paquete que contiene un zapato de niño. A pesar de mostrarse reticente al principio, Julia decide regresar a la isla. Al reanudar la dolorosa investigación, Julia oye hablar por primera vez del legendario Nils Kant, un siniestro y temido delincuente de Öland que supuestamente murió, pero que algunos juran haber visto en el bosque al caer la noche. Poco a poco, lo que parece una idílica isla comienza a revelarse como un lugar misterioso y desapacible... Y Julia se encuentra sumergida en un crimen sin resolver que despertará fantasmas del pasado e incomodará a muchos. La hora de las sombras es el primer volumen de El cuarteto de Öland, una serie que lleva vendidos más de 50.000 ejemplares en España. La crítica ha dicho... «Un debut impresionante [...]. La maestría para recrear una atmósfera misteriosa es sublime.» The Times

El Horla (Flash Relatos)

by Guy De Maupassant

Inquietante, angustioso, sobrenatural, misterioso y demente. Sin lugar a dudas, uno de los mejores relatos de Guy de Maupassant. A modo de diario íntimo, somos testigos del progresivo delirio del protagonista. ¿Qué o quién es el Horla? Una criatura invisible que lo atormenta y lo persigue hasta hacerle perder el dominio de sí mismo. El drama psicológico está servido. «El Horla» aparece enCuentos esenciales de Guy de Maupassant (Penguin Clásicos, 2015)

The Horla: Ball-of-suet, Etc. - V. 2. The Horla, Etc. - V. 3. Little Louise Roque, Etc (The Art of the Novella)

by Guy De Maupassant Charlotte Mandell

Our woe is upon us.This chilling tale of one man's descent into madness was published shortly before the author was institutionalized for insanity, and so The Horla has inevitably been seen as informed by Guy de Maupassant's mental illness. While such speculation is murky, it is clear that de Maupassant--hailed alongside Chekhov as father of the short story--was at the peak of his powers in this innovative precursor of first-person psychological fiction. Indeed, he worked for years on The Horla's themes and form, first drafting it as "Letter from a Madman," then telling it from a doctor's point of view, before finally releasing the terrified protagonist to speak for himself in its devastating final version. In a brilliant new translation, all three versions appear here as a single volume for the first time. The Art of The Novella Series Too short to be a novel, too long to be a short story, the novella is generally unrecognized by academics and publishers. Nonetheless, it is a form beloved and practiced by literature's greatest writers. In the Art Of The Novella series, Melville House celebrates this renegade art form and its practitioners with titles that are, in many instances, presented in book form for the first time.


by Joe Hill

Joe Hill has been hailed as "a major player in 21st-century fantastic fiction" (Washington Post); "a new master in the field of suspense" (James Rollins); "one of the most confident and assured new voices in horror and dark fantasy to emerge in recent years (Publishers Weekly); a writer who "builds character invitingly and plants an otherworldly surprise around every corner" (New York Times). This gifted and brilliantly imaginative author catapulted to bestsellerdom with the chilling Heart-Shaped Box and cemented his reputation with the prizewinning volume of short fiction 20th Century Ghosts. At last, the New York Times bestselling author returns with a relentless supernatural thriller that runs like Hell on wheels. . . . Ignatius Perrish spent the night drunk and doing terrible things. He woke up the next morning with a thunderous hangover, a raging headache . . . and a pair of horns growing from his temples. At first Ig thought the horns were a hallucination, the product of a mind damaged by rage and grief. He had spent the last year in a lonely, private purgatory, following the death of his beloved, Merrin Williams, who was raped and murdered under inexplicable circumstances. A mental breakdown would have been the most natural thing in the world. But there was nothing natural about the horns, which were all too real. Once the righteous Ig had enjoyed the life of the blessed: born into privilege, the second son of a renowned musician and younger brother of a rising late-night TV star, he had security, wealth, and a place in his community. Ig had it all, and more-he had Merrin and a love founded on shared daydreams, mutual daring, and unlikely midsummer magic. But Merrin's death damned all that. The only suspect in the crime, Ig was never charged or tried. And he was never cleared. In the court of public opinion in Gideon, New Hampshire, Ig is and always will be guilty because his rich and connected parents pulled strings to make the investigation go away. Nothing Ig can do, nothing he can say, matters. Everyone, it seems, including God, has abandoned him. Everyone, that is, but the devil inside. . . . Now Ig is possessed of a terrible new power to go with his terrible new look-a macabre talent he intends to use to find the monster who killed Merrin and destroyed his life. Being good and praying for the best got him nowhere. It's time for a little revenge. . . . It's time the devil had his due. . . .


by Joe Hill

Now a major Hollywood film starring Daniel Radcliffe: read it first, if you dare ...Ignatius Perrish spent the night drunk and doing terrible things. He woke up the next morning with one hell of a hangover, a raging headache ... and a pair of horns growing from his temples.Once, Ig lived the life of the blessed: born into privilege, the second son of a renowned American musician, and the younger brother of a rising late-night TV star, Ig had security and wealth and a place in his community. Ig had it all, and more - he had the love of Merrin Williams, a love founded on shared daydreams, mutual daring, and unlikely midsummer magic.Then beautiful, vivacious Merrin was gone - raped and murdered, under inexplicable circumstances - with Ig the only suspect. He was never tried for the crime, but in the court of public opinion, Ig was and always would be guilty.Now Ig is possessed with a terrible new power - with just a touch he can see people's darkest desires - to go with his terrible new look, and he means to use it to find the man who killed Merrin and destroyed his life. Being good and praying for the best got him nowhere. It's time for a little revenge; it's time the devil had his due.


by Joe Hill

Now a major Hollywood film starring Daniel Radcliffe: read it first, if you dare...Ignatius Perrish spent the night drunk and doing terrible things. He woke up the next morning with one hell of a hangover, a raging headache... and a pair of horns growing from his temples.Once, Ig lived the life of the blessed: born into privilege, the second son of a renowned American musician, and the younger brother of a rising late-night TV star, Ig had security and wealth and a place in his community. Ig had it all, and more - he had the love of Merrin Williams, a love founded on shared daydreams, mutual daring, and unlikely midsummer magic.Then beautiful, vivacious Merrin was gone - raped and murdered, under inexplicable circumstances - with Ig the only suspect. He was never tried for the crime, but in the court of public opinion, Ig was and always would be guilty.Now Ig is possessed with a terrible new power - with just a touch he can see people's darkest desires - to go with his terrible new look, and he means to use it to find the man who killed Merrin and destroyed his life. Being good and praying for the best got him nowhere. It's time for a little revenge; it's time the devil had his due.Read by Fred Berman(p) 2010 HarperCollins Publishers

Horowitz Horror

by Anthony Horowitz

Welcome to a strange and twisted world where the spooky, the shocking, and the positively petrifying are lurking just out of sight. A bus ride home ... turns into your worst nightmare. A quaint country cottage ... has a grisly secret.A man returns from holiday ... with bubbling skin and bloodshot eyes.Horowitz Horror. It's all around you. Alive. Waiting. Enter if you dare.

Horowitz Horror (Horowitz Horror #7)

by Anthony Horowitz

Seventeen brilliantly chilling tales from the master of storytelling.Welcome to a strange and twisted world where the spooky, the shocking, and the positively petrifying are lurking just out of sight. A bus ride home ... turns into your worst nightmare. A quaint country cottage ... has a grisly secret.A hot bath ... swirls with blood.Horowitz Horror. It's all around you. Alive. Waiting. Enter if you dare. Horror fans will love these twisted tales from the bestselling author of the Alex Rider books.

Horowitz Horror

by Anthony Horowitz

Welcome to a world where everything seems normal. At least, at first. But the sinister and truly terrifying lurk just beneath the surface. Like a bathtub with a history so haunted, no one dares get in it. . . or an ordinary-looking camera that does unspeakable things to its subjects. . . or a mysterious computer game that has terrible consequences if you lose. . . . From the creator of the blockbuster Alex Rider Adventures and The Diamond Brothers Mysteries, Horowitz Horror is a wicked collection of macabre tales sure to send shivers up your spine. .

The Horrible Bag of Terrible Things #1 (The Horrible Bag Series #1)

by Rob Renzetti

From the creator of My Life As a Teenage Robot comes a middle-grade horror story about a horrible bag, the spine-chilling world hidden within it, and a terrifying adventure into the world of GrahBhag.Perfect for fans of Coraline, the Spiderwick Chronicles, and Small Spaces.When Zenith finds a strange, unsettling bag at his front door, he's not sure where it came from or who sent it to him. He knows better than to expect his overprotective older sister Apogee to help him figure it out, because ever since she became a teenager, she's been acting more like a parent to him than a sibling. But he certainly did not expect for a horrifying spiderlike creature to emerge from the bag, kidnap Apogee, and drag her inside to the equally horrifying and unsettling world of GrahBhag. Zenith sets off into the bag to bring her back but soon finds a bizarre realm where malicious forests, a trio of blood-drinking mouths, and a sentient sawdust-stuffed giant are lurking within the seams. And from every corner of the world come whispers of the Great Wurm, an eldritch horror with a godlike hold over the creatures of GrahBhag, who seems to have a dark, insidious purpose for Apogee. With the help of a greedy, earwax-nibbling gargoyle, Zenith will have to save Apogee from the Great Wurm and help them both escape the horrible bag before it's too late. With a combination of dry, absurdist humor and no-holds-barred horror, Rob Renzetti has crafted a delightfully imaginative fantasy world that will hook readers as surely as it will send chills down their spines.

Horrible Imaginings: Stories

by Fritz Leiber

A collection of fifteen tales of horror by the award-winning Grand Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy and author of the Lankhmar series. In Horrible Imaginings, buckle up for a disturbing ride. Meet a mysterious woman in black, a gun with a score to settle, a man who seeks eternal life, a peculiar painting of a dead woman, and more . . . Assembled from magazine submissions, fanzines, and even &“lost&” manuscripts discovered among the author&’s personal papers, this book features two Nebula Award finalists: &“Horrible Imaginings&” and &“Answering Service,&” as well as the stories &“The Automatic Pistol,&” &“Crazy Annaoj,&” &“The Hound,&” &“Alice and the Allergy,&” &“Skinny&’s Wonderful,&” &“Scream Wolf,&” &“Mysterious Doings in the Metropolitan Museum,&” &“When Brahma Wakes,&” &“The Glove,&” &“The Girl With the Hungry Eyes,&” &“While Set Fled,&” &“Diary in the Snow,&” and &“The Ghost Light.&” Find out why Fritz Leiber is a must-read for any fan of science fiction, fantasy, or horror. Suspense, surprise, wit, and weirdness—they&’re all here for fans both old and new.Praise for Fritz Leiber &“For anyone who loves great literature, Fritz Leiber walked on water.&” —Harlan Ellison, author of I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream &“A master . . . The prose should be savored.&” —Locus &“High quality.&” —The New York Times

The Horribly Haunted School

by Margaret Mahy

Mrs Merryandrew is worried about her son and sends him off to the Brinsley Codd School for Sensible Thought, to get all the ideas of ghosts out of his mind. But the school is haunted too, by the most sensible person in history. Monty has to solve many problems before he can return home.


by Katrina Leno

From the author of You Must Not Miss comes a haunting contemporary horror novel that explores themes of mental illness, rage, and grief, twisted with spine-chilling elements of Stephen King and Agatha Christie.Following her father's death, Jane North-Robinson and her mom move from sunny California to the dreary, dilapidated old house in Maine where her mother grew up. All they want is a fresh start, but behind North Manor's doors lurks a history that leaves them feeling more alone . . . and more tormented.As the cold New England autumn arrives, and Jane settles in to her new home, she finds solace in old books and memories of her dad. She steadily begins making new friends, but also faces bullying from the resident "bad seed," struggling to tamp down her own worst nature in response. Jane's mom also seems to be spiraling with the return of her childhood home, but she won't reveal why. Then Jane discovers that the "storage room" her mom has kept locked isn't for storage at all -- it's a little girl's bedroom, left untouched for years and not quite as empty of inhabitants as it appears . . .Is it grief? Mental illness? Or something more . . . horrid?

Horrid Henry and the Zombie Vampire (Horrid Henry Early Reader #40)

by Francesca Simon

Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey.Henry's class are on a spooky school trip to the local museum, but could there be a terrifying zombie vampire on the loose? Henry soon has his classmates believing Miss Battle-Axe and Miss Lovely might be scarier than they seem . . .A hilarious and horrid Early Reader from bestselling author Francesca Simon, and illustrator Tony Ross.

Horrid Henry and the Zombie Vampire: Book 20 (Horrid Henry Ser. #0)

by Francesca Simon

Four new stories in which Horrid Henry terrorizes his classmates at a school sleepover in the museum; plays with Perfect Peter and tricks him into handing over all his money; gets out of writing his own story for Miss Battle-Axe by adapting one of Peter's; and meets the Nudie Foodie, a celebrity chef, who comes to the school to improve school dinners. No more burgers! No more chips!

Horrid Henry and the Zombie Vampire: Book 20 (Horrid Henry #20)

by Francesca Simon

Four new stories in which Horrid Henry terrorizes his classmates at a school sleepover in the museum; plays with Perfect Peter and tricks him into handing over all his money; gets out of writing his own story for Miss Battle-Axe by adapting one of Peter's; and meets the Nudie Foodie, a celebrity chef, who comes to the school to improve school dinners. No more burgers! No more chips!Read by Miranda Richardson(P)2004 Orion Publishing Group.Ltd

Horrid Tales of An Awaken Mind

by Donnefar Skedar Daniel Victor Cavalcante Gama

When the mind becomes thoughtless during the night, it's a sign that we are looking for something inexplicable to be around us. Horrid Tales of an Awaken Mind brings help for those who love thriller tales and stories that have a touch of mystery and horror in it. Read and surprise yourself with the most surprising and unique endings in each tale. Remember, you're still to be awaken, so open your mind. Horrid Tales of an Awaken Mind is a collection of tales by Donnefar Skedar A complete volume full of frightening stories to hold your attention down until the very end of each of them, where the horror dominates the paragraphs to make your mind imagine and create the most varied sorts of obscure elements. Those are tales that cativate not only for the author's creativity but also because it shows us that there will always be fear in the deepest places of our minds, beyond reasoning, no matter if it takes the shape of an animal, a ghost or even sometimes... death itself.

The Horror

by Seb Doubinsky

When a famous horror writer arrives in a lovely coast town to work on his new novel, he is immediately seduced by its picturesque beauty and friendly locals. It looks like he finally found the ideal place to concentrate after a difficult and stressful period of his life. But when strange and frightening events begin to happen all around him, he begins to wonder if behind the beautiful facade of reality lurk some well-hidden and much darker secrets— or, maybe worse, if he' s purely and simply losing his mind?

The Horror

by Lars Jacobson

Travel with Kurtz and his family as they enter the &“heart of darkness&” on a humanitarian mission for Belgian King Leopold&’s Congo Free State, opening a trading post in the uncharted interior of the Congo jungle to promote free markets and end slavery.With the help of a local tribe, they establish the post, but to survive in this lawless jungle, they must contend with murderous slave traders from Zanzibar, corrupt Belgian officials, evil imperialists, psychotic explorers, and cannibalistic tribes. Along the way, however, they encounter a primordial evil whose origins and mythology date back to the womb of civilization, perverting minds and corrupting souls while preying on the worst instincts of mankind. The locals speak of this insidious evil in fearful whispers, calling it, &“The Horror.&”The Horror provides a prequel to Joseph Conrad&’s &“Heart of Darkness&”, exploring the origins of one of the most enigmatic characters in storytelling while examining one of the worst atrocities and humanitarian disasters ever recorded.

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