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I Racconti dei Giorni dei Morti

by Ty'Ron W. C. Robinson II

Vivete in un mondo alienante popolato da non morti insieme ai protagonisti di queste tre storie. Gli zombi hanno dato inizio all'apocalisse. Le origini di quest'epidemia sono sconosciute, ma i suoi effetti sono sotto gli occhi di tutti. Non tutti, purtroppo, riescono a sconfiggere l'epidemia, ma nessuno, ciononostante, getta la spugna.

I Racconti del Mantequero (Serie del Mantequero #4)

by Jenny Twist

… Nel sud della Spagna all’inizio del ventesimo secolo, la gente dei villaggi credeva ancora in questa particolare bestia fantastica. Qualche volta la chiamavano mantequero, e qualche volta sacamantecas; era un mostro che sembrava un uomo, ma che viveva in luoghi selvaggi e si nutriva della manteca umana o grasso… Alcune persone ci credono ancora . . . Questo libro è una raccolta dei tre racconti del Mantequero: Mantequero, Scomparsa e I Peccati del Padre, con l'aggiunta di due nuovi: Il Primo Mantequero e L'ultimo Mantequero.

I Racconti della Maschera d'Oro: Libro I: Storia di un'Iniziazione

by Alexa Lynsey e Belle De Ver

Avventure sensuali per scaldare le fredde sere invernali o per stuzzicare le lunghe giornate estive. Ambientata in un mondo di fantasia dove niente è ciò che sembra, questa storia racconta di un libro antico e di una strana maschera d'oro che conferisce potere e piacere. È il primo volume de “I Racconti della Maschera d'Oro”. “I Racconti della Maschera d'Oro” ha vinto l'edizione 2017 degli NN Light Book Awards nella categoria Storie d'Amore Erotiche. Vietato ai minori di anni 18.

I Racconti di Emily

by Carmelo M. Tidona Malcolm R. Campbell

Emily Walters è un'acuta e curiosa quattordicenne del nord della Florida che ama le mappe, la sua vecchia bicicletta arrugginita e la foresta dietro casa sua. A volte i suoi sogni le raccontano il futuro, e a volte le ore di veglia portano saggi uccelli e altri spiriti nella sua vita. Quando la sua famiglia va in vacanza in "Pittrice campestre", un saggio lucherino le dice che deve imparare presto a dipingere i sogni nella realtà per impedire che una passeggiata pomeridiana si trasformi in una tragedia. In "Cartografa" avrà bisogno delle sue abilità, e dell'aiuto di un caprimulgo, per contrastare i piani di un imprenditore edile che intende abbattere la sacra foresta dietro casa sua e sostituirla con una palazzina residenziale. In "La Magnolia di Sweetbay" imparerà i segreti dell'albero preferito di sua nonna, della decadente casa quasipersempre lungo il fiume e del perché alcuni fantasmi visitano piuttosto che infestare.

I racconti di Erana: La maledizione del guerriero

by A L Butcher

Colui che fa patti con i mostri deve prestare attenzione! Un eroe stringe un patto sacrilego con una strega e scopre che la magia non dimentica mai. Storie di miti in una terra di magia proibita. Una novella dark fantasy dei Racconti di Erana.

I Re Immortali: Il Tormento dell'Alba

by Alessia Pinna José Rodrigo Saltò Sàenz

I Re Immortali: Il tormento dell'alba. Di José Rodrigo Saltò Sàenz. In una terra di miti e re, l'umanità è diventata immortale ed i demoni vagano nelle terre. Due fratelli si avventureranno all'inferno per scoprire perché gli Dei abbiano abbandonato gli uomini. Gli dei hanno abbandonato gli uomini, l'immortalità è caduta su di loro e per secoli hanno dovuto convivere con l'ombra dei demoni nascosti nelle foreste occidentali. Tutto è pace e armonia nell'imponente regno di Andromeca, la città forgiata dal primo degli dei, fino al giorno in cui il capitano della guardia reale, Riquel, viene infettato dalla maledizione dei demoni e costretto ad intraprendere un lungo viaggio nella foresta dei non morti per trovare una cura. Nel frattempo suo fratello è costretto a seguire una strada che lo porterà all'inferno per salvarlo.

I reietti

by Erik Hofstatter Paolo Santini

In una terribile notte, gli uomini del Governo strappano dai loro letti un ragazzo e sua sorella, e li trasportano in una fortezza isolata nel cuore della Siberia. I due dovranno stringere nuove amicizie e le loro lealtà verranno messe alla prova mentre cercano di ritrovarsi, ma un destino tragico è in agguato nel gigantesco edificio e non sempre i legami di sangue bastano a definire una famiglia. La trama de I reietti, un romanzo breve di Erick Hofstatter, autore dell'acclamata raccolta Moribund Tales, è un esplosivo intreccio di destini.

I Remember You

by Yrsa Sigurdardottir

A terrifying ghost story from the Queen of Icelandic crime, Yrsa Sigurdardottir, author of the Thora Gudmundsdottir novels.'Yrsa is one of the most exciting new voices in the crime thriller world.' - Peter JamesThe crunching noise had resumed, now accompanied by a disgusting, indefinable smell. It could best be described as a blend of kelp and rotten meat. The voice spoke again, now slightly louder and clearer: Don't go. Don't go yet. I'm not finished.In an isolated village in the Icelandic Westfjords, three friends set to work renovating a derelict house. But soon they realise they are not alone there - something wants them to leave, and it's making its presence felt.Meanwhile, in a town across the fjord, a young doctor investigating the suicide of an elderly woman discovers that she was obsessed with his vanished son.When the two stories collide the terrifying truth is uncovered . . .

I Remember You

by Yrsa Sigurdardottir

A terrifying ghost story from the Queen of Icelandic crime, Yrsa Sigurdardottir, author of the Thora Gudmundsdottir novels.'Yrsa is one of the most exciting new voices in the crime thriller world.' - Peter JamesThe crunching noise had resumed, now accompanied by a disgusting, indefinable smell. It could best be described as a blend of kelp and rotten meat. The voice spoke again, now slightly louder and clearer: Don't go. Don't go yet. I'm not finished.In an isolated village in the Icelandic Westfjords, three friends set to work renovating a derelict house. But soon they realise they are not alone there - something wants them to leave, and it's making its presence felt.Meanwhile, in a town across the fjord, a young doctor investigating the suicide of an elderly woman discovers that she was obsessed with his vanished son.When the two stories collide the terrifying truth is uncovered . . .

I Remember You

by Yrsa Sigurdardottir

A terrifying ghost story from the Queen of Icelandic crime, Yrsa Sigurdardottir, author of the Thora Gudmundsdottir novels.'Yrsa is one of the most exciting new voices in the crime thriller world.' - Peter JamesThe crunching noise had resumed, now accompanied by a disgusting, indefinable smell. It could best be described as a blend of kelp and rotten meat. The voice spoke again, now slightly louder and clearer: Don't go. Don't go yet. I'm not finished.In an isolated village in the Icelandic Westfjords, three friends set to work renovating a derelict house. But soon they realise they are not alone there - something wants them to leave, and it's making its presence felt.Meanwhile, in a town across the fjord, a young doctor investigating the suicide of an elderly woman discovers that she was obsessed with his vanished son.When the two stories collide the terrifying truth is uncovered . . .(P)2018 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

I Saw Zombies Eating Santa Claus: A Breathers Christmas Carol

by S. G. Browne

"One of America's best satiric novelists" (Kirkus Reviews), S. G. Browne seamlessly gift wraps this horrific and hilarious sequel to his "extremely strong" (Publishers Weekly, starred review) zombie novel Breathers. He sees you when you're sleeping . . . he knows when you're undead. How does the leader of a failed zombie civil rights movement from California rescue a group of his undead brethren and help a lonely Breather girl as he hides from a band of medical researchers while disguised as Santa Claus? If you've never believed in Christmas miracles, then you wouldn't understand. Andy Warner has just escaped from a zombie research facility in Portland, Oregon, where he's been subjected to experimental testing for the past year. With Christmas just days away, Andy figures that donning a jolly old St. Nick costume to throw off his would-be captors is just the ticket. But he never expects to encounter a sweet, lonesome nine-year-old girl who not only reminds Andy of the family he's lost but who thinks he's the real Santa. He also doesn't count on being recognized as last year's national quasi-celebrity by a clandestine group of decaying supporters who look to him for leadership. For the living and the undead, this unforgettable holiday tale will truly put on display just who is gnawing and who is nice. . . .

I Saw Zombies Eating Santa Claus

by S. G. Browne

"One of America's best satiric novelists" (Kirkus Reviews), S. G. Browne seamlessly gift wraps this horrific and hilarious sequel to his "extremely strong" (Publishers Weekly, starred review) zombie novel Breathers. He sees you when you're sleeping . . . he knows when you're undead. How does the leader of a failed zombie civil rights movement from California rescue a group of his undead brethren and help a lonely Breather girl as he hides from a band of medical researchers while disguised as Santa Claus? If you've never believed in Christmas miracles, then you wouldn't understand. Andy Warner has just escaped from a zombie research facility in Portland, Oregon, where he's been subjected to experimental testing for the past year. With Christmas just days away, Andy figures that donning a jolly old St. Nick costume to throw off his would-be captors is just the ticket. But he never expects to encounter a sweet, lonesome nine-year-old girl who not only reminds Andy of the family he's lost but who thinks he's the real Santa. He also doesn't count on being recognized as last year's national quasi-celebrity by a clandestine group of decaying supporters who look to him for leadership. For the living and the undead, this unforgettable holiday tale will truly put on display just who is gnawing and who is nice. . . .

I Say Your Name in the Dark Nights: A Story of Kagen the Damned (Kagen the Damned)

by Jonathan Maberry

I Say Your Name in the Dark Nights is Jonathan Maberry's never-before published adventure that blends swordplay, action, adventure and horror.Kagen Vale—disgraced former palace guard, damned by his own gods, on the run from bounty hunters and assassins—discovers that no matter where you try to hide, evil can find you. In this standalone short story, Kagen the Damned squares off against a clan of ferocious supernatural predators in service to the Witch-king."Fantasy readers will be spellbound by the intricate worldbuilding and the delightful cast."—Publishers Weekly

I See You So Close: The Last Ghost Series (The Last Ghost Series #2)

by M Dressler

Emma Rose Finnis has never made peace with her death . . . or with her ghostly afterlife. Finally free from the mansion she haunted for more than a hundred years, she takes on a new, daring form, one that allows her to pass for living among the citizens of the remote Sierra Nevada town of White Bar. But the town is hiding its own deadly truth, buried in its Gold Rush past. As the sleepy town’s secrets come to life, they inevitably bring Emma Rose’s past back to haunt her. <p> In this second book in M Dressler's Last Ghost Series, Emma Rose must unlock the secrets of the living, the dead, and even of time itself, if she hopes to be more than an endless fugitive and outlast the ghost hunter who relentlessly stalks her.

I Shudder at Your Touch: 22 Tales of Sex and Horror

by Michele B. Slung

A sensational anthology of sex, horror, and the supernatural from 21 best-selling authors such as Stephen King, Clive Barker, Ruth Rendell, Stephen J. Donaldson, Patrick McGrath and more.

I So Don't Do Mysteries

by Barrie Summy

Laughs, ghosts, and a lip-gloss-loving teen sleuth! Sherry (short for Sherlock) Holmes Baldwin is spending spring break in California with her best friend, Junie. She can’t wait to hang out in the sun, hit the mall, and spend time with cutie-pie Josh. Then . . . a freaky change of plans. Sherry’s mom, a cop killed in the line of duty, contacts her. Not only is she a ghost, she’s a ghost in danger of flunking out of the Academy of Spirits, and she needs Sherry’s help. Unless she solves an important mystery in San Diego, she’ll be banished to an afterlife for ghost failures! If Sherry wants to be a normal seventh grader (as in, one who doesn’t communicate with ghosts), she can’t tell anybody about her mom—or what she has to do. Not her brother, not Junie, and especially not Josh. It’s up to Sherry alone to save the day. Except . . . shesodoesn’t do mysteries.

I So Don't Do Spooky

by Barrie Summy

Someone’s out to get Sherry’s stepmom. . . . Can she save her before it’s too late? Did you know that the main campus of the Academy of Spirits is at a Dairy Queen in Phoenix? Me either. Until now. Some weird stuff has been happening to my stepmother, Paula, and the Academy has asked me, Sherry Holmes Baldwin, to get to the bottom of it. They think someone’s trying to hurt her. I really don’t want to get involved—my life is way too busy. Josh and I are celebrating two blissful months of togetherness. And my best friend, Junie, is finally showing a teeny bit of interest in clothes and makeup after years of brainiac behavior. But being that my mom is a ghost and all, me, my brother, and my dad rely on Paula a lot. So it’s not like I can just ignore what’s going on. Especially since my mom is competing at the Ghostlympics. If she comes in first place, she earns five minutes of Real Time. And that means I’ve got to get involved in a creepy, freaky mystery. But . . . Isodon’t do spooky. From the Hardcover edition.

I Spy! (The Secret World of Alex Mack #13)

by John Peel

When her family hosts Veronique, a foreign-exchange student, during her stay in the United States, Alex and Annie worry about how to hide Alex's powers from yet another person, until they discover that Veronique is not French at all.

I Sussurri dei Morti: Un thriller di Zoe Delante

by C.L. Roberts-Huth

Nessun riposo per la Wiccan. L'omicidio non era mai qualcosa che Zoë Delante trovava divertente, ma risolvere i casi... Quello lo fa piuttosto bene, ed ha il curriculum per dimostrarlo. Eppure, quando viene chiamata ad un nuovo caso con il Dipartimento di Polizia di Baltimore come la loro chiaroveggente tuttofare, è impreparata all'efferata natura dei crimini. Parte la caccia all'assassino, una caccia che getta Zoë nel bel mezzo di una lotte di potere tra una congrega da incubo ed un serial killer che semina cadaveri in riti cerimoniali nelle parti rurali della periferia di Baltimore. Zoë scoprirà l'identità del maniaco dietro le decapitazioni cruente, oppure perderà qualcuno a cui è affezionata? Una corsa contro il tempo per stanare l'omicida, una corsa che non si concluderà tanto facilmente.

I Text Dead People (Dead Serious #1)

by Rose Cooper

You can't block the dead. Annabel Craven hopes she'll fit in--maybe even be popular--at the Academy. She's worried she'll stay friendless and phoneless (it's true). But when she finds a mysterious phone in the woods near the cemetery, one of her problems is solved . . . and another one is just beginning. Someone won't stop texting her. And that someone seems . . . dead. How is Annabel supposed to make friends when her phone keeps blowing up with messages from the afterlife? And what will happen if she doesn't text back? "Scary--but not too scary."--SLJ"Good, ghostly fun."--Kirkus Reviews From the Hardcover edition.

I, Tituba: Black Witch of Salem

by Maryse Condé Richard Philcox

"Stunning... Maryse Conde's imaginative subversion of historical records forms a critique of contemporary American society and its ingrained racism and sexism." THE BOSTON SUNDAY GLOBE. At the age of seven, Tituba watched as her mother was hanged for daring to wound a plantation owner who tried to rape her. She was raised from then on by Mama Yaya, a gifted woman who shared with her the secrets of healing and magic. But it was Tituba's love of the slave John Indian that led her from safety into slavery, and the bitter, vengeful religion practiced by the good citizens of Salem, Massachusetts. Though protected by the spirits, Tituba could not escape the lies and accusations of that hysterical time. As history and fantasy merge, Maryse Conde, acclaimed author of TREE OF LIFE and SEGU, creates the richly imagined life of a fascinating woman.

I Travel by Night and Last Train from Perdition (I Travel by Night)

by Robert McCammon

Two short novels featuring the vampiric gunslinger who seeks vengeance and justice across the Old West, from the New York Times–bestselling master of horror. He was once a husband, father, lawyer, and Civil War soldier. Now he is a vampire struggling to hold onto his last thread of humanity—and to destroy the one who made him. In I Travel by Night, Trevor Lawson handles matters from his lair at the Hotel Sanctuaire in New Orleans. When a prominent lumber man comes to him for help—to find and free his kidnapped daughter—Trevor senses a trap, for the man who signed the ransom note is one he knows too well. Traveling towards a ghost town in the dark of the swamps, Trevor soon finds himself preparing for a final showdown against the purest form of evil in existence: the Dark Society and its bloodthirsty queen. With his new sidekick, Ann Kingsley, Trevor travels to Montana in Last Train from Perdition. When they try to free a young man from an outlaw gang, an innocent woman is caught in the crossfire. To save her life—and bring their captured fugitives to justice—Trevor and Ann take the train to Helena, never expecting the ambush that awaits them. For an army of the undead has gathered in the snowy darkness with a very special surprise for Ann: a reunion with her father and sister, who no longer resemble the humans she once loved. &“Perfect for Deadwood fans and those who enjoy the American Vampire graphic-novel series by Scott Snyder. Clear a couple of hours, you&’ll want to devour this in one sitting.&” —Booklist

I, Vampire: The Confessions of a Vampire - His Life, His Loves, His Strangest Desires ... (I, Vampire #1)

by Michael Romkey

From yesterday to a hundred years ago, he lives in the world and walks among us. He enjoys the finest things in life, including beautfiul women, well-aged wine, and the finest classical composers. He has no guilt -- he has no need of it. Neither good, nor bad, neither angel nor devil, he is a man, he is a vampire. And this is his story....From the Paperback edition.

I Vampiri Vichinghi

by Vianka Van Bokkem Lidia Pedìo

Quest'inverno nevica così tanto che non è facile trovare umani in giro. Non bevevo sangue da giorni e mi sentivo sempre più debole. Improvvisamente, ho sentito odore di sangue umano e ho visto due umani in lontananza. Uno di loro era ferito e il suo sangue fresco gocciolava lentamente sulla neve bianca. Forse avevano avuto un incidente e si erano persi. La mia vita immortale si è complicata quando Mikael, un bellissimo vampiro vichingo di diciannove anni, ha chiesto il mio aiuto per liberare la Norvegia dai vampiri inglesi. Durante la nostra traversata verso la Norvegia, ho cominciato ad essere attratta dal fratello diciottenne di Mikael, Noak. Il mio nome è Klara e sono un Vampiro Vichingo.

I Want My Mummy (Bloodhounds, Inc. #8)

by Bill Myers

Madcap MYSTERIES With a MESSAGE! Who is the secretive new stranger living in the small town of Midvale? Why are dozens of garage doors suddenly banging open and shut? Can Bloodhounds, Inc. Detective agency stop an angry mob . . . before it's too late? After the priceless mummy of King Tut Tut 33rd disappears from Midvale Museum, Sean and Melissa Hunter, owners of Bloodhounds, Inc., start digging up clues. But when a late-night graveyard chase brings them face-to-face--or face-to-bandages, that is--with the supposed living dead, the kid sleuths need far-out faith to remember that people aren't always what they seem . . . .

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