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Les ombres de Mabini

by Mariana Kalicanin Richard Stooker

Quand Dan peut enfin retourner à Manille, il se souvient de son amour envers la fille du bar, Lin Lin. Raul est l'indicateur de police. Et les ombres de Mabini. Maintenant, le visage de Lin Lin se compose d'une masse de tissu cicatriciel, de sorte que sa honte la tient éloignée de son ancien amant. Il ne peut plus l'aimer. Ou peut-il? Et puis Raul veut donner un pot-de-vin à la police. Tandis que les ombres de Mabini se trouvent en chemin pour se venger. Quand Dan rencontre Lin Lin pour la première fois sur un trottoir bondé dans le fameux quartier du bar de Manille à Mabini, il ne veut pas de femme pour la nuit. Au moment où il embrasse Lin Lin pour lui dire au revoir avant de monter dans le taxi pour se rendre à l'aéroport, il tombe amoureux. Peu de temps après, le maire Alfredo Lim ferme les bars Mabini, et Lin Lin va travailler dans une zone moins sûre. Elle y rencontre un client qui ne veut pas que les autres hommes voient son joli visage. . . alors il l'entaille avec un couteau. Maintenant Dan retourne aux Philippines, cherchant à épouser Lin Lin. La trouvera-t-elle, quand elle ne veut pas qu'il voie ses cicatrices? Si oui, l'aimera-t-il encore? Les ombres de Mabini, qui n'ont pas oublié les passions de la vie, veulent le savoir. Il en va de même pour un indicateur de police qui espère faire arrêter des étrangers pour être allés avec des prostituées.

Les Péchés du Père: Mantequero livre 3

by Jenny Twist

Rupert fait des rêves très étranges et dérangeants à propos de son père décédé. Dans ses rêves, son père est une silhouette sombre qui s'attaque aux gens pendant leur sommeil. Mais dans sa vie éveillée, Rupert ne sait rien de lui. Sa mère refuse d'en parler. Puis il rencontre Samantha et ensemble, ils décident de découvrir ce qui s'est passé et de retrouver son père.

Les Terreurs du jour

by Jennifer Joffre Sarah Dalton

J'ai toujours cru que mes démons sortaient le jour plutôt que la nuit. Je n'ai jamais eu peur du noir, mais plutôt des choses réelles : tomber malade, qu'on me fasse une piqûre, la douleur physique... Et la mort. Ce sont eux, mes monstres, pas les fantômes ou les vampires, ou toutes ces autres choses qui se cachent sous les lits la nuit. J'imagine que les tueurs en série pourraient effectivement tuer dans le noir, mais ils peuvent tout aussi bien le faire à la lumière du jour. J'avais tort. L'obscurité rend les choses bien pires. Lorsque Mary Hades, 17 ans, est internée par ses parents dans un service psychiatrique, ses pires cauchemars se réalisent. Comment pourrait-elle aller mieux dans un endroit qui la remplit de terreur? Son amitié avec les autres patients - sa coloc' un peu folle, Lacey, son protecteur, Mo, et le mystérieux Johnny aux yeux verts - commence à lui redonner espoir, jusqu'à ce qu'elle réalise que les gens meurent sans explication dans l'hôpital. Quelque chose de sinistre hante les couloirs, et c'est à Mary de l'arrêter ; mais plus elle se rapproche de la réponse, et plus sa situation devient périlleuse... Et Mary découvre que la seule façon de s'en sortir en vie, c'est de faire face à ce qui l'effraie le plus.

L'esercito errante

by Johnn A. Escobar

2500 anni prima della nascita di Cristo, durante l’Età del bronzo, un terrificante mistero si spostava tra deserti e praterie, sempre in agguanto, in attesa costante del momento giusto per rivelarsi.

The Lesley Glaister Collection Volume One: Limestone and Clay, Digging to Australia, and Honour Thy Father

by Lesley Glaister

Three dark and mesmerizing novels from an award-winning writer with the “ability to pull terror and suspense from just about anywhere” (Kirkus Reviews). In Lesley Glaister’s world, the domestic and the bizarre walk hand-in-hand. This haunting collection is a testament to the visionary powers of “a natural storyteller who knows how to keep the reader turning the pages” (The Independent). Limestone and Clay: Nadia is a sculptor driven by a single obsession: to conceive a child. When she learns that her geographer husband has donated his sperm to his former lover, who is now pregnant with his child, it is the ultimate betrayal—and warrants the ultimate payback. “Terrifying . . . Glaister truffles her way down to the grim heart, where we find out what makes people tick like time-bombs.” —The Daily Telegraph Digging to Australia: Twelve-year-old Jennifer Maybee spends most of her time alone with her favorite book, Alice in Wonderland. But a revelation from her parents and an encounter with a strange-eyed man set her hurtling into a “topsy-turvy land” of sinister secrets not even Lewis Carroll could have imagined. “Dangerous secrets and sinister undertones power this uncommon coming-of-age tale. . . . Masterful.” —Publishers Weekly Honour Thy Father: In a decaying house in the lowlands of England, four spinster sisters live in self-imposed isolation. For more than sixty years, Milly, Agatha, and the identical twins Ellen and Esther—“Ellenanesther”—have been trapped together, haunted by the specter of their father. As eighty-year-old Milly reminisces, a gothic mystery takes shape: Why is Milly always counting the knives? How did their mother drown under the dyke? And who is baby George, locked away in the cellar? Honour Thy Father is the winner of the Somerset Maugham and Betty Trask Awards. “Eerie and satisfying—a horror story told with tenderness.” —The Sunday Times

l'esprit de Kendra

by Edward M Wolfe

L’esprit de Kendra par Edward M Wofle Une histoire d’amour logique astrale, caractérisé par une expérience de mort imminente, certains OBE, Paul McCartney, des terroristes, Pink Floyd, des médiums, et certains dauphins sympathiques. Kendra est une jeune journaliste passionnée en mission en Irak pour couvrir la fin de la guerre. Keith chez lui aux Etats-Unis, apprend qu’il y a eu un bombardement suivant une attaque suicide quelque part à Bagdad. Un rapport non confirmé que des journalistes étrangers sont la cible. Quand Keith est incapable de confirmer que Kendra va bien, il commence à s’inquiéter. Comme il envoi plusieurs messages textes et courriels sans réponses, et consulte sa boite courriels à chaque fois qu’il appelle, Keith devient obsédé de l’atteindre. Puis il le fait finalement – tandis qu’il est endormi, entrain de rêver. Les intenses rêves étranges sont si réels, il ne peut pas dire s’ils sont seulement des rêves, où quelque chose de plus. Une fois qu’il découvre la vérité, il entre dans une course contre le temps et dans la résistance à sauver la vie de Kendra.

L’esprit de la magie (Les Triades #1)

by Poppy Dennison Domitille Malin

Les Triades, tome 1Les espèces magiques ne se mélangent pas. D'après les règles, Simon Osborne devrait faire la sourde oreille aux appels au secours de ces enfants. Après tout, ce sont des louveteaux-garous, et lui est un apprenti mage. Mais pour la première fois de sa vie, Simon désobéit et part à la rescousse des petits qu'il sauve d'un démon bien décidé à absorber toute leur magie. Bien entendu, toute action a ses conséquences, alors l'audace de Simon lui vaut la désapprobation de ses pairs et l'attention de l'alpha des louveteaux, un homme du nom de Gray Townsend. La dernière chose dont Gray a besoin, c'est d'un mage dans sa vie, mais Simon a sauvé son fils... Puisqu'il a désormais l'amitié de la meute, Gray n'a pas vraiment le choix, ni d'ailleurs au sujet de cette attirance interdite pour lui qui vient s'ajouter à tout le reste. Malheureusement, il a besoin que Simon l'aide à retrouver le démon responsable de l'enlèvement des enfants. Simon et Gray doivent s'allier pour protéger la meute, tout en luttant contre le désir tentateur qui menace de les détruire tous les deux.

The Lesser Dead

by Christopher Buehlman

"As much F. Scott Fitzgerald as Dean Koontz" (#1 New York Times bestselling author Patricia Briggs), Christopher Buehlman excels in twisting the familiar into newfound dread in his "genre-bending" (California Literary Review) novels. Now the acclaimed author of Those Across the River delivers his most disquieting tale yet... The secret is, vampires are real and I am one.The secret is, I'm stealing from you what is most truly yours and I'm not sorry... New York City in 1978 is a dirty, dangerous place to live. And die. Joey Peacock knows this as well as anybody--he has spent the last forty years as an adolescent vampire, perfecting the routine he now enjoys: womanizing in punk clubs and discotheques, feeding by night, and sleeping by day with others of his kind in the macabre labyrinth under the city's sidewalks.The subways are his playground and his highway, shuttling him throughout Manhattan to bleed the unsuspecting in the Sheep Meadow of Central Park or in the backseats of Checker cabs, or even those in their own apartments who are too hypnotized by sitcoms to notice him opening their windows. It's almost too easy.Until one night he sees them hunting on his beloved subway. The children with the merry eyes. Vampires, like him...or not like him. Whatever they are, whatever their appearance means, the undead in the tunnels of Manhattan are not as safe as they once were.And neither are the rest of us.

The Lesson

by Jesse Ball

A Vintage Short Loring is a widow and chess master who makes her living giving chess lessons; her newest student, who might be a prodigy, bears a striking resemblance to her dead spouse. Has her chess champion husband found a final move beyond the grave? A chess fable from the wildly inventive, immensely talented author of A Cure for Suicide and Silence Once Begun, "The Lesson" is a surprising, poignant, macabre tale of games, children, and the unknowability of the beyond. Channeling the chess masterpieces of Nabokov and Stefan Zweig, Jesse Ball's newest is a fabulous and entertaining novella that astonishes from first move to last. An eBook short.

Lessons from My Grandmother: Every Life is a Guided Journey

by Martha Mutomba

After completing her graduate studies in England, Yeukai returns home to rural Zimbabwe to a jubilant celebration rich in the cultural traditions of the Shona-speaking people. There, she receives life lessons from her beloved grandmother—a wise elder holding sacred knowledge passed down through generations. Though impressed by her grandmother's lessons, Yeukai sets them aside to pursue a corporate career in the biotech industry in California. For years, Yeukai embraces a consumer lifestyle, pretending to live the American dream. However, the busy activities of her life--focused on chasing material delusions--hide the emotional turmoil within, until things come to a head. In search for meaning in her life, Yeukai returns home to Zimbabwe only to be heartbroken by the devastation inflicted by AIDS, rampant corruption, and a near-collapsed economy. In despair, Yeukai turns within in search for answers in her life. And the answers start to be revealed—in the deep meaning of her grandmother's teachings and the rediscovering of her own true nature. And she begins to redefine her relationship with the world. Poems interspersed throughout the novel poignantly capture Yeukai's triumphant journey to the realization that a life of purpose is truly possible if we allow ourselves to be guided by mystic powers. Praise for Lessons From My Grandmother Brilliantly compelling and deeply moving story telling by Martha Mutomba. This book took me to my inextricable attachment to my own grandmother which evoked poignant emotions. The author's ability to draw the reader to the characters throughout the book was powerful and emotional for me as I was able to directly connect with Yeukai's journey and identify with her struggles and victories. This is truly a beautifully written book and I give Martha credit for having hypnotic power to keep a reader glued, making it hard to put the book down. This is a book of rich cultural diversity that triumphantly integrates one's imagination. Lessons From My Grandmother is one of those rare novels that lingers on long after you have put it down, utterly compelling from the very first page. —PAM SAMASUWO-NYAWIRI, Cultural Journalist / Author of Rainbow Soul

Let Him In: A Novel

by William Friend

"Let Him In is a feast of a novel." — Darcy Coates, USA Today bestselling authorAn October Library Reads Pick!"Daddy, there's a man in our room..."Alfie wakes one night to find his twin daughters at the foot of his bed, claiming there's a shadowy figure in their bedroom. When no such thing can be found, he assumes the girls had a nightmare.He isn't surprised that they're troubled. Grief has made its home at Hart House: nine months ago, the twins' mother Pippa died unexpectedly, leaving Alfie to raise them alone. And now, when the girls mention a new imaginary friend, it seems like a harmless coping mechanism. But the situation quickly develops into something more insidious. The girls set an extra place for him at the table. They whisper to him. They say he's going to take them away…Alfie calls upon Julia—Pippa's sister and a psychiatrist—to oust the malignant tenant from their lives. But as Alfie himself is haunted by visions and someone watches him at night, he begins to question the true character of the force that has poisoned his daughters' minds, with dark and violent consequences.Whatever this "friend" is, he doesn't want to leave. Alfie will have to confront his own shameful secrets, the dark past of Hart House, and even the bounds of reality—or risk taking part in an unspeakable tragedy.A horror debut perfect for readers of Catriona Ward's The Last House on Needless Street and The Spite House by Johnny Compton, this emotional, hair-raising story will grip you from the first page, and won't let you go.

Let Me In

by John Ajvide Lindqvist

Set in 1983, Let Me In is the horrific tale of Oskar and Eli. It begins with the grizzly discovery of the body of a teenage boy, emptied of blood. Twelve-year-old Oskar is personally hoping that revenge has come at long last-- a "revenge for all the bad things the bullies at school do to him, day after day. While Oskar is fascinated by the murder, it is not the most important thing in his life. A new girl has moved in next door-- "a girl who has never seen a Rubik's cube before, but who can solve it at once. They become friends. Then something more. But there is something wrong with her, something odd. And she only comes out at night. . . .

Let Me In

by John Ajvide Lindqvist

John Ajvide Lindqvist's vampire novel Let Me In was adapted into an award-winning Swedish movie and made into an American film and is now a TV show available to stream on Showtime! It is autumn 1981 when inconceivable horror comes to Blackeberg, a suburb in Sweden. The body of a teenager is found, emptied of blood, the murder rumored to be part of a ritual killing. Twelve-year-old Oskar is personally hoping that revenge has come at long last---revenge for the bullying he endures at school, day after day. But the murder is not the most important thing on his mind. A new girl has moved in next door---a girl who has never seen a Rubik's Cube before, but who can solve it at once. There is something wrong with her, though, something odd. And she only comes out at night. . . .Sweeping top honors at film festivals all over the globe, Let Me In has received the same kind of spectacular raves that have been lavished on the book. American and Swedish readers of vampire fiction will be thrilled! Following the success in Sweden, this movie was remade in 2010 starring Kodi Smit Mcpheem, Chloe Grace Moretz and Richard Jenkins changing its name from the Swedish Let The Right One In. The story has continued to reach new viewers in a London Musical and John Ajvide Lindqvist's book remains a vampire favorite among its readers.

Let the Dark Flower Blossom: A Novel

by Norah Labiner

Sheldon and Eloise Schell are twins, orphans, and the estranged college companions of the rich, scandalous, celebrated Roman Stone. Now Roman is dead, murdered with a pair of scissors in his living room, and Eloise and Sheldon must separately tease out the secrets--a burning house, a murdered girl--that were the one story they could never tell.<P><P>Moving between the muffled plush of wintry Chicago, the fogbound darkness of a Lake Superior island, and the even darker precincts of memory, Let the Dark Flower Blossom is a book about the pull of the closed door. It is about the small pleasure of being right, the tremendous thrill of doing wrong, and the lengths writers will go to--lie, steal, kill--to get the perfect story.Norah Labiner is the author of three novels: Our Sometime Sister, Miniatures, and German for Travelers. She has received a Minnesota Book Award for Literary Fiction and fellowships from the Minnesota State Arts Board, the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Her work has been recognized by the American Library Association, the Jewish Book Council, and the Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers series.

Let the Dead Sleep

by Heather Graham

An object of desire? Or of fear?It was stolen from a New Orleans grave-the centuries-old bust of an evil man, a demonic man. It's an object desired by collectors-and by those with wickedness in their hearts.One day, its current owner shows up at Danni Cafferty's antiques shop on Royal Street, the shop she inherited from her father. But before Danni can buy the statue, it disappears, the owner is found dead...and Danni discovers that she's inherited much more than she realized. In the store is a book filled with secret writing: instructions for defeating evil entities. She'd dismissed it as a curiosity...until the arrival of this statue, with its long history of evil and even longer trail of death.Michael Quinn, former cop and now private investigator, is a man with an unusual past. He believes that doing the right thing isn't a job-it's a way of life. And the right thing to do is find and destroy this object weighted with malevolent powers. He and Danni are drawn together in their search for the missing statue, following it through sultry New Orleans nights to hidden places in the French Quarter and secret ceremonies on abandoned plantations.Cafferty and Quinn already know that trust in others can be misplaced, that love can be temporary. And yet their connection is primal. Mesmerizing. They also know that their story won't end when this case is closed and the dead rest in peace once again.

Let the Old Dreams Die

by John Ajvide Lindqvist

The follow-up collection to the international vampire bestseller Let the Right One In**Includes the short story Border, now a major film**Whatever happened to Oskar and Eli? And what became of the beleaguered families in Handling the Undead? Find out in Let the Old Dreams Die. In other tales from this collection, a woman finds a dead body and decides to keep it for herself, a customs officer has a mysterious gift that enables her to see what others hide, and a man believes he knows how to deceive death. These are the stories of John Ajvide Lindqvist's rich imagination. They are about love and death, and what we do when the two collide and the monsters emerge.

Let the Old Dreams Die: Stories

by John Ajvide Lindqvist

A classic short story collection from the writer called Sweden's Stephen King that continues the breathtaking story begun in the internationally acclaimed classic, "Let the Right One In." <p><p>Because of the two superb films made of John Ajvide Lindqvist's vampire masterpiece "Let the Right One In," millions of people around the world know the story of Oskar and Eli and of their final escape from Blackeberg at the end of the novel. Now at last, in "Let the Old Dreams Die," the title story in this absolutely stunning collection, we get a glimpse of what happened next to the pair. <p><p>Fans of "Let the Right One In" will have to read the story, which is destined to generate much word of mouth both among fans and online. "Let the Old Dreams Die" is not the only stunner in this collection. In "Final Processing," Lindqvist also reveals the next chapter in the lives of the characters he created in Handling the Undead. "Equinox" is a story of a woman who takes care of her neighbor's house while they are away and readers will never forget what she finds in the house. <p><p>Every story meets the very high standard of excellence and fright factor that Lindqvist fans have come to expect. Totally transcending genre writing, these are world class stories from possibly the most impressive horror writer writing today.

Let the Old Dreams Die: Stories

by John Ajvide Lindqvist

A classic short story collection from the writer called Sweden's Stephen King that continues the breathtaking story begun in the internationally acclaimed classic Let the Right One InBecause of the two superb films made of John Ajvide Lindqvist's vampire masterpiece Let the Right One In, millions of people around the world know the story of Oskar and Eli and of their final escape from Blackeberg at the end of the novel. Now at last, in "Let the Old Dreams Die," the title story in this absolutely stunning collection, we get a glimpse of what happened next to the pair. Fans of Let the Right One In will have to read the story, which is destined to generate much word of mouth both among fans and online."Let the Old Dreams Die" is not the only stunner in this collection. In "Final Processing," Lindqvist also reveals the next chapter in the lives of the characters he created in Handling the Undead. "Equinox" is a story of a woman who takes care of her neighbor's house while they are away and readers will never forget what she finds in the house. Every story meets the very high standard of excellence and fright factor that Lindqvist fans have come to expect. Totally transcending genre writing, these are world class stories from possibly the most impressive horror writer writing today.

Let the Right One In: A Novel (Nhb Modern Plays Ser.)

by John Ajvide Lindqvist

**The international bestseller and the book behind the film and play Let Me In** 'The new Stephen King' The TimesOskar and Eli. In very different ways, they were both victims. Which is why, against the odds, they became friends. And how they came to depend on one another, for life itself. Oskar is a 12-year-old boy living with his mother on a dreary housing estate at the city's edge. He dreams about his absentee father, gets bullied at school, and wets himself when he's frightened. Eli is the young girl who moves in next door. She doesn't go to school and never leaves the flat by day. She is a 200-year-old vampire, forever frozen in childhood, and condemned to live on a diet of fresh blood. John Ajvide Lindqvist's novel, a huge bestseller in his native Sweden, is a unique and brilliant fusion of social novel and vampire legend. And a deeply moving fable about rejection, friendship and loyalty.

Lethal Game: 'The queen of paranormal romance' (Ghostwalker Novel #16)

by Christine Feehan Penguin Publishing Group

'The queen of paranormal romance . . . I love everything she does' J. R. WARD The sparks of unexpected passion ignite in this electrifying GhostWalker novel from No.1 New York Times best-selling author Christine Feehan.When Malichai Fortunes attacks a problem, he does it full force - a habit that earns the GhostWalker a painful injury and a forced vacation in San Diego, California. With nothing but physical therapy on the horizon, Malichai is starting to get restless . . . until a striking blue-eyed blonde makes all his senses come alive. Amaryllis is kind and warm and sees beyond Malichai's rough exterior, but he can tell there's something she's hiding. Her innate healing abilities indicate she might be a GhostWalker - albeit an untrained one. Malichai doesn't think their crossing paths is anything more than coincidence, but he can sense that one wrong word could send Amaryllis running. When strange events at his temporary retreat put Malichai on high alert, he knows he won't be able to deal with the threat and keep his woman safe in his weakened state. But calling in his brothers means telling Amaryllis what he really is, and revealing that he knows the truth about her too . . .Everyone's talking about the Ghostwalker series... '[A] dark and seductive paranormal romance series.''Heart-stopping action. Crazy sexy-time scenes. Tender emotions.' Harlequin Junkie'Hot-blooded . . . intense and thrilling . . . you don't want to miss it!' Joyfully Reviewed'With a Feehan novel you know you will get well-developed characters and...a dose of sizzling unbeatable mix.' RT Book Reviews

Let's Get Invisible! (Goosebumps #6)

by R. L. Stine

In this spooky, middle-grade thriller, Max and his friends discover that being able to be invisible isn't so terrific if you can't make yourself reappear.

Let's Get Invisible! (Classic Goosebumps #24)

by R.L. Stine

“Out of sight, out of mind” takes on a twisted new meaning in this horrific adventure in one of the–bestselling children’s series of all time.On Max’s birthday, he finds a kind of magic mirror in the attic. It can make him invisible. So Max and his friends start playing “now you see me, now you don’t.” Until Max realizes that he’s losing control. Staying invisible a little too long. Having a harder and harder time coming back.Getting invisible is turning into a very dangerous game. The next time Max gets invisible, will it be . . . forever?

Let's Get This Party Haunted!

by R. L. Stine

It's October, and you know what that means . . . well, sure, Halloween, but it's also Max's birthday! Now that a bunch of ghosts have entered Max's life, no birthday celebration will ever be the same! All Max wants for his birthday is a great party-but will he live to see another new year?From the Hardcover edition.

Let's Party! (Fear Street Seniors #1)

by R. L. Stine

Trisha Conrad hosts a party to celebrate the end of junior year. But the fun ends when Trisha has a premonition of the entire senior class dying.

Let's Scare the Teacher to Death! (Graveyard School #8)

by Tom B. Stone

BUT WE WERE ONLY JOKING! Mrs. Cheevy, the new math teacher at Graveyard School, is totally paranoid! She's always looking over her shoulder, her voice continually quavers during math lessons, and she jumps when anyone asks a question. This makes her the perfect target for class clown Bentley Jeste, and soon all the kids get in on the act. Math has never been more hilarious, until one day a practical joker goes too far. Could Mrs. Cheevy's second-period class have scared her to death? Ages 8-12 You'll be dying to go to class at GRAVEYARD SCHOOL Bookshare's library has: #1 Don't Eat the Mystery Meat! #2 The Skeleton on the Skateboard, #3 The Headless Bicycle Rider, #4 Little Pet Werewolf, #5 Revenge of the Dinosaurs, #6 Camp Dracula, #7 Slime Lake, #9 The Abominable Snow Man, #10 There's a Ghost in the Boy's Bathroom, #11 April Ghouls' Day and #12 Scream, Team.

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