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Llama Oscura

by Alyson Noel

La magia puede ayudarla a salvar su relación con Damen... pero también puede echarlo todo a perder En esta anticipada continuación de la exitosa serie Los inmortales, Ever se esfuerza en ayudar a su mejor amiga Haven a adaptarse a su nueva vida como ser inmortal --tratando de evitar que haga algo que las pueda poner en riesgo. Al mismo tiempo, intenta tomar control sobre su enemigo Roman con el fin de obtener el antídoto que la permitirá estar con su amado para siempre. Pero cuando su hechizo fracasa y la une a Roman en vez de Damen, Ever solicita la ayuda de Jude y de las artes oscuras, arriesgándolo todo --incluso a su amor-- tratando desesperadamente de romper la maldición.

La llamada del crepúsculo

by Sarah Lark

La llamada del crepúsculo es la primera novela juvenil de la autora best seller Sarah Lark. Magníficamente escrita y ambientada en la mágica Irlanda, sumerge al lector en la mitología, la fantasía y el romance. Un lago insondable.Una antigua leyenda del pasado.Un chico rubio con ojos tan azules como el crepúsculo. El verano en que su madre se marcha de viaje, Viola aprovecha para visitar a su padre en Irlanda. Aunque echa mucho de menos a sus seres queridos, pronto hace amigos y se adapta a su nueva vida. Además, un día, cerca del lago, conoce a un apuesto y enigmático chico, Ahi, por quien se siente atraída desde el primer momento. Pero hay algo extraño en él, y Viola siente que no es un ser humano normal. ¿Cuál es el secreto que se esconde tras su magnética personalidad? Viola se adentra cada vez más en la vorágine de este amor imposible y prohibido, un amor que le pone en peligro mortal...

Lo que quieres ver

by L. P. Masters Luigi Morgan

Un astronauta tratando de sobrevivir en Marte. Una mujer atrapada en un ciclo de muerte eterna. Un marinero salvado de ahogarse, ahora atrapado para siempre en un lugar submarino. Esta colección de historias te sorprenderá y te asustará. Pero no te preocupes, no debería asustarte tanto. Después de todo... Es solo lo que quieres ver.

Lo scandalo della vedova (Le Spose dell'Arcano #3)

by Erica Monroe

Lo scandalo si rivela fatale in questo romanzo Regency gotico… Lady Jemma Forster sa fin troppo bene quanto crudeli possano essere le malelingue. Ha sacrificato la felicità per riparare la reputazione della sua famiglia. Il matrimonio di convenienza con un ricco conte è stato il suo addio alla passione, alla possibilità di amare l’affascinante investigatore che le ha incendiato l’anima. Conduce una vita tranquilla e pratica come Contessa di Wolverston, finché non viene assassinato il marito e l’unico che può fare giustizia è l’uomo che ama davvero. L’investigatore di Bow Street Gabriel Sinclair ha trascorso gli ultimi tre anni a cercare di dimenticare la bella e intelligente Lady Jemma, che gli ha spezzato il cuore sposando il suo migliore amico. La morte del Conte di Wolverston spinge Gabriel e Jemma di nuovo insieme, mentre lavorano per scoprire l’assassino. L’indagine li porta negli angoli più bui e pericolosi di Londra, con minacce che arrivano da ogni parte. Sono soci perfetti per risolvere il mistero, ma possono anche diventare compagni di vita?

Lo Sciamano: Il Risveglio

by Vittorio Rossi V. R. Mccoy

Un agente dell’FBI con poteri soprannaturali. Un inafferrabile serial killer. Un mistero nel territorio Navajo. "...storia eccitante che sa cogliere il lato incantevole ma anche quello oscuro delle tradizioni degli Indiani d’America." Cheryl Chatfield, autore di As The Light of Venus Rose. Gli incubi non smettono mai. Fin da bambino ho sempre dovuto lottare per gestirli. Ogni notte si presenta un orrore differente. Li vedo che prendono forma, come se io fossi là. Poi mi risveglio, tutto sudato per quei sogni orribili. Sogno spesso di un altro mondo in cui fuggo, inseguito da strane creature. Creature che possono esistere solo negli incubi, ma che a me appaiono fin troppo reali. Christian Sands è un agente dell’FBI dotato di una particolare capacità. Quando i colleghi dell’unità ViCAP prendono in carico l’indagine su un altro serial killer, si ritrovano ben presto in un mistero ben più fitto di quanto avessero immaginato. Il killer sembra essere irraggiungibile. La ricerca del misterioso killer conduce Christian e la sua unità dal Nuovo Messico fino ai territori dei Navajo. Lo Sciamano: Il Risveglio è un avvincente thriller soprannaturale, ricco di brillanti ed approfondite descrizioni del folclore sciamanistico.

Lo Scrittore

by Roberto López-Herrero

Lo scrittore un tempo famoso William Highworth appare consunto agli occhi del protagonista di questo breve racconto. Non resta niente in lui del fanfarone di un tempo che trionfava nei circoli letterari di Londra. La sua enigmatica moglie, la bella ed eterea Catherine, è il terzo elemento di questo triangolo gotico.R. López-Herrero carica di simbolismo attuale questo racconto di genere gotico.

Lo Spettro Della Bambola

by F. Marion Crawford

Le bambole hanno qualcosa di davvero sinistro. Qualcuno direbbe che ancora più inquietante è un vecchio ossessionato dalle bambole. Questa storia possiede entrambe le componenti. Oltre alla bambola inquietante, ritroviamo anche una bambina scomparsa. Una bambina reale. Non una bambola. Quindi, anche se siamo spaventati dal soprannaturale, la posta in gioco è del tutto concreta.

Lo Squartatore

by Maddalena Sabbatini L. A. Maldonado

Quando un assassino, simile a Jack lo Squartatore, uccide una cameriera a Whitechapel, un giornale del tabloid assume il detective privato Matthew Reid, discendente del detective del caso originale de lo Squartatore. Nel frattempo, quando la figlia di Reid, Chelsea, sopravvissuta ad un terribile assassino che le ha sfigurato il volto, si accorge che un killer sta seguendo un gruppo di Squartatologisti ad una conferenza in Florida, l’investigazione di Reid diventa molto più che un semplice caso. Con l’aiuto dei fantasmi delle vittime originali di Jack lo Squartatore, Chelsea scopre una sadica entità si crede il fantasma dello Squartatore stesso, e quando l’entità inizia a saltare da un corpo all’altro, le strade di Fort Lauderdale si macchiano di sangue.

Loaded for Bear

by Cheyenne Meadows

Shifter Hardball: Book TwoPolar bear shifter Graham Tundra can't believe his bad luck. Not only is he traded to another baseball team midseason, but he's also teamed up with Trigger Mallow: widely considered the best player in the game--but with the worst attitude. Trigger is on the fence about Graham. As a grizzly bear shifter, he's relieved to have another ursine on the team, even if they are different species. The problem is Trigger is in the middle of his natural mating season, and Graham looks too damn good to pass up. What begins as friends with benefits shows potential to grow into a deeper connection. If only they can put aside their differences, learn to trust, listen to their feelings, and realize it's more than just a bear thing.


by Xavier M. Sotelo

La luna llena no es sólo para las historias de amor Diego está listo para dar el siguiente paso en su relación con Paola: le propondrá matrimonio, mientras acampan en un hermoso bosque en compañía de sus mejores amigos. Lo que inicia como la velada perfecta, pronto se convertirá en una pesadilla. Sin saberlo, los jóvenes se han internado en un pueblo en el que la mayoría de sus habitantes no es lo que aparenta, y a la luz de la luna llena sacarán a flote su verdadera personalidad. Sólo los más fuertes podrán sobrevivir a esta noche de terror, en la que el ataque más mortífero vendrá de donde menos lo esperan.

Lobster Johnson Omnibus Volume 1

by Mike Mignola John Arcudi Joe Querio

Collect the adventures of Mignolaverse enigma Lobster Johnson! After years of captivating fans&’ imaginations from the pages of Hellboy and B.P.R.D., the pulp-style adventures of Lobster Johnson took the limelight in his own series of comics adventures. From gangsters to Nazis to an army of monkeys, the Lobster faces classic foes in strange new ways. His adventures are now collected for the first time in a hardcover edition, collecting trade volumes The Burning Hand, Satan Smells a Rat, and Get the Lobster and the short story &“Lobster Johnson: The Empty Chair&” featuring writing by Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and Tonci Zonjic with art by Zonjic, Joe Querido, Sebastián Fiumara, and more!

Lobster Johnson Omnibus Volume 2

by Mike Mignola John Arcudi

Further your collection with the adventures of Mignolaverse enigma Lobster Johnson!After years of captivating fans&’ imaginations from the pages of Hellboy and B.P.R.D., the pulp-style adventures of Lobster Johnson took the limelight in their own series of comics adventures. From gangsters to Nazis to an army of monkeys, the Lobster faces classic foes in strange new ways. His adventures continue in this omnibus hardcover edition, collecting trade volumes The Iron Prometheus, The Pirate's Ghost and Metal Monsters of Midtown, A Chain Forged in Life, and the short story "The Killer in My Skull.&” The second volume of this collection features writing by Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and Tonci Zonjic with art by Zonjic, Ben Stenbeck, Kevin Nowlan, and more!

Lobster Johnson Volume 1: The Iron Prometheus (Lobster Johnson)

by Mike Mignola

After years of captivating fans from the pages of Hellboy and B.P.R.D., the pulp-style adventures of Lobster Johnson take the limelight in this collection of the Lobster's first solo series. Written and featuring a cover by Hellboy creator Mike Mignola, and drawn by Jason Armstrong (Ferro City, The Sensational Spider-Man), Lobster Johnson: The Iron Prometheus is a wild ride full of fearsome monsters, mad scientists, and threats from the world beyond.* Collects Lobster Johnson: Iron Prometheus #1-5, sketchbook section, plus The Secret History of Lobster Johnson. * "This is pure pulp action-adventure fun. It's like Indiana Jones meets the Rocketeer meets the Shadow meets Doc Savage"—Wizard Magazine

Lobster Johnson Volume 2: The Burning Hand (Lobster Johnson)

by Mike Mignola

When a tribe of dead Indians start scalping the policemen in the city, Hellboy's crime-fighting hero Lobster Johnson and his allies arrive to take on these foes and their gangster cronies! Collects Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand #1-#5.* From the pages of Hellboy."Zonjic is putting out crime art that is on par with any of the other fine pulpy comics nominated for Eisners and gaining rave reviews."—Comic Book Resources

Lobster Johnson Volume 3: Satan Smells a Rat (Lobster Johnson)

by Mike Mignola

Hellboy's favorite gun-blazing vigilante takes justice to the skies aboard a Nazi-filled zeppelin and to the gritty alleyways of Chinatown against an army of monkeys. Collects The Prayer of Neferu, Caput Mortuum, Satan Smells a Rat, A Scent of Lotus #1–#2, and "Tony Masso's Finest Hour" from Dark Horse Presents #9. * Featuring art by Tonci Zonjic, Kevin Nowlan, Sebastián Fiumara, and more. "If you have never before read a Lobster Johnson story, this is an awesome place to become acquainted with this character."–Comic Vine

Lobster Johnson Volume 4: Get the Lobster

by Mike Mignola

A Manhattan sporting event goes terribly wrong as the ref is killed in front of a live audience by two crazed--and seemingly bulletproof--wrestlers. Who is behind this new reign of terror?

Lobster Johnson Volume 5: The Pirate's Ghost and Metal Monsters of Midtown

by Mike Mignola Will Perkins IV

The Lobster is at his pulpiest in a pair of three-part stories drawn by veteran Lobster artist Tonci Zonjic. A trio of robots terrorize New York City, and the only thing more mysterious than their origins is their motives. When a pirate ship's ghostly crew appears on the Hudson River out of thin air, the harbor patrol calls on the Lobster!Collects Lobster Johnson: Metal Monsters of Midtown #1-3 and Lobster Johnson: The Pirate's Ghost #1-3.

Lock-In: Willie Plummett (The Misadventures of Willie Plummett #19)

by Paul Buchanan Rod Randall

In honor of the eighth-graders' graduation, Willie's church is holding a Lock-In, including an exciting contest that might also introduce some of the participants to Jesus. Willie, Felix, and Sam find themselves on the same team during a lock-in scavenger hunt at church. Crusher, the neighborhood bully, is on the team too. Can smart thinking and Willie's wacky ideas help them win without getting tagged out by the "secret police" or pulverized by Crusher? The team discovers that winning isn't everything; they learn to share their faith and help each other through inventive creations and important conversations. There are more funny stories about Willie and his friends and their often ridiculous solutions to the problems of life in middle school and those sometimes awkward years between 11 and 14.

Lock-In (Night Fall ™)

by Jonathan Mary-Todd

The Fresh Start Lock-In was supposed to bring the students of Bridgewater closer together. Jackie didn't think it would work, but she didn't think she'd have to fight for her life, either. A group of outsider kids who like to play werewolf might not be playing anymore. Will Jackie and her brother escape Bridgewater High before morning? Or will a pack of crazed students take them down?

Lock In

by John Scalzi

A blazingly inventive near-future thriller from the best-selling, Hugo Award-winning John Scalzi. Not too long from today, a new, highly contagious virus makes its way across the globe. Most who get sick experience nothing worse than flu, fever and headaches. But for the unlucky one percent; and nearly five million souls in the United States alone; the disease causes "Lock In": Victims fully awake and aware, but unable to move or respond to stimulus. The disease affects young, old, rich, poor, people of every color and creed. The world changes to meet the challenge. A quarter of a century later, in a world shaped by what's now known as "Haden's syndrome," rookie FBI agent Chris Shane is paired with veteran agent Leslie Vann. The two of them are assigned what appears to be a Haden-related murder at the Watergate Hotel, with a suspect who is an "integrator"; someone who can let the locked in borrow their bodies for a time. ; If the Integrator was carrying a Haden client, then naming the suspect for the murder becomes that much more complicated. But "complicated" doesn't begin to describe it. As Shane and Vann began to unravel the threads of the murder, it becomes clear that the real mystery; and the real crime; is bigger than anyone could have imagined. The world of the locked in is changing, and with the change comes opportunities that the ambitious will seize at any cost. The investigation that began as a murder case takes Shane and Vann from the halls of corporate power to the virtual spaces of the locked in, and to the very heart of an emerging, surprising new human culture. It's nothing you could have expected.

Locked in Time (Laurel-Leaf Books)

by Lois Duncan

Nore Roberts didn't ask for a new life, but now that her mom is gone and her dad is newly married, she has to settle in at Shadow Grove, the old Civil War mansion her stepfamily calls home. When she meets her stepmother, Lisette, Nore is shocked by her youth and beauty that gives her chills- and a hint of something sinister. There's hope of becoming friends with her stepbrother and sister, until Nore realizes they're hiding something. When she begins to feel like the target of a deadly plan, Nore starts digging into her stepfamily's past. The skeletons in their closet are more real than she ever imagined. Can Nore expose her stepmother's dark secret before an old and evil magic swallows her up?

The Locker

by Richie Tankersley Cusick

A psychic teen senses something terrible in her new high schoolIf you move around enough, every new school starts to look the same. But it doesn&’t take an hour for Marlee Fleming to realize that Edison, Missouri, has a sinister secret. There&’s something strange about Marlee, a power she doesn&’t quite understand. Certain objects make her hear and see things no one else can. This power makes her feel sick, and she wishes she knew how to make it stop. But when she opens her new locker on her first day in Edison, she hears screaming so loud she nearly passes out. Marlee&’s new friends—talkative Noreen, handsome Tyler, and bad-boy Jimmy Frank—say the locker belonged to Suellen Downing, a student who vanished the year before. Marlee doesn&’t want to get involved with small town mysteries; she just wants to keep her head down and do her work. But Suellen calls to her every time she opens her locker, and she cannot ignore the cries of the dead. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Richie Tankersley Cusick including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

The Locker Ate Lucy!: A Branches Book (Eerie Elementary #2)

by Jack Chabert

Sam Graves's school is ALIVE!This series is part of Scholastic's early chapter book line called Branches, which is aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina. Branches books help readers grow!In the second book in the series, Sam Graves's friend Lucy disappears into her locker! Sam and his friend Antonio follow a trail of clues that leads them through the locker and deep inside the school. Will they find Lucy? Will they learn why the school is ALIVE? Sam and Antonio must rescue Lucy from this scary school before it's too late!


by Matteo L. Cerilli

Death is neither the beginning nor the end for the children of Bridlington in this debut trans YA horror book for fans of Rory Power and Danielle Vega.Chuck Warren died tragically at the old abandoned mill, but Paz Espino knows it was no accident — there's a monster under the town, and she's determined to kill it before anyone else gets hurt. She'll need the help of her crew — inseparable friends, bound by a childhood pact stronger than diamonds, distance or death — to hunt it down. But she's up against a greater force of evil than she ever could have imagined.With shifting timeframes and multiple perspectives, Lockjaw is a small-town ghost story, where monsters living and dead haunt the streets, the homes and the minds of the inhabitants. For readers of Wilder Girls and The Haunted, this trans YA horror book by an incredible debut author will grab you and never let you go.

Lockwood & Co.: The Creeping Shadow (Lockwood & Co. #4)

by Jonathan Stroud

After leaving Lockwood & Co. at the end of The Hollow Boy, Lucy is a freelance operative, hiring herself out to agencies that value her ever-improving skills. One day she is pleasantly surprised by a visit from Lockwood, who tells her he needs a good Listener for a tough assignment. Penelope Fittes, the leader of the giant Fittes Agency wants them -- and only them -- to locate and remove the Source for the legendary Brixton Cannibal. They succeed in their very dangerous task, but tensions remain high between Lucy and the other agents. Even the skull in the jar talks to her like a jilted lover. What will it take to reunite the team? Black marketeers, an informant ghost, a Spirit Cape that transports the wearer, and mysteries involving Steve Rotwell and Penelope Fittes just may do the trick. But, in a shocking cliffhanger ending, the team learns that someone has been manipulating them all along. . . .

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