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Guía (inútil) para madres primerizas: Edición ampliada y actualizada (más inútil que nunca)

by Ingrid Beck Paula Rodríguez

Reedición 10º aniversario del best seller argentino más exitoso sobre maternidad: el anti-manual para madres primerizas para sobrevivir al primer año de vida del bebé. Este libro fue el primero en alertar que en la maternidad no todo es color rosa. Tiró por la borda la versión edulcorada que muestra a la mujer en estado de plenitud absoluta. Acá hay dos mujeres reales, profesionales, con una panza que no bajó al mes de parir, como se ve en las revistas; que no duermen, que se constipan, que no tienen tiempo para bañarse, que se convierten en vacas lecheras, que comen sobras, con bebés que las vomitan, con pediatras que no las atienden, con miedos. Pero también madres que ¡volverían a hacerlo! A una década de su primera edición, la Guía (inútil) para madres primerizas sigue siendo un regalo obligado para sobrellevar con humor el primer año de vida de la "pequeña novedad". Se recomienda boca a boca y es, sin duda, uno de los libros más inteligentes que se han escrito sobre ser madre en la actualidad. Su objetivo: desnudar hasta el hueso el discurso dominante de un sistema para el que ni la niñez ni la maternidad están entre las prioridades de las políticas públicas. Hoy, Ingrid Beck y Paula Rodríguez se encuentran menos solas en esta pelea. Los diversos tipos de maternidades y paternidades, junto con la arrolladora fuerza del feminismo, colaboran con la idea de que en esta cuestión no existen verdades religiosas. Esta celebrada y especial edición aniversario es para seguir riéndonos, y también para que los hijos de las autoras, que ahora leen, sepan que fue escrito en su estricta defensa.

Guía (inútil) para madres primerizas 2: La lucha continúa

by Ingrid Beck Paula Rodríguez

Un antimanual para madres primerizas. Con el humor inteligente e incisivo de Ingrid Beck y Paula Rodríguez. Si las decisiones durante el primer año de vida de tu bebé te parecían grandes, entonces las que se avecinan son enormes. Hasta hace poco te ponías loca si tu bomboncito pasaba más de un día sin hacer caca y ahora rogás que pase un rato sin evacuar su vientrecito en cualquier lado que no sea el inodoro. Antes temías que se ahogara en su vómito y hoy te aterroriza que se desnuque en la escalera. Ayer nomás te preocupaba que la chica que lo cuida ande con piercings en la cara y hoy se lo tenés que dejar a un grupo de ¡maestras jardineras! que te dicen "mami" y te obligan a participar de los actos escolares (y vos te preguntás: ¿acaso no les pago para que ellas se ocupen de hacer las escarapelas?). Ahora te llegó el momento de entregarle tu niño/a a la gente. Va a tener que hacer algún deporte, comerá comida chatarra y seguramente conocerá gente con la que no coincidís para nada... Y, encima, todos te aconsejarán: "A este/a nene/a le hace falta un hermanito". Con su humor inteligente e incisivo, Ingrid Beck y Paula Rodríguez redoblan la apuesta en este segundo antimanual para madres primerizas.

Guida alla Disintossicazione Digitale: Sconfiggi le dipendenze dai social media

by Gary Randolph

Sebbene i social media siano un ottimo strumento per comunicare con i tuoi amici, la tua famiglia, cercare conoscenze e informazioni, utilizzarli 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7, non fa bene alla salute mentale. Oggi le persone sono diventate dipendenti dai social media e gli stessi hanno anche ridotto l'attività fisica delle persone. Se sei diventato dipendente dai social media e vuoi cambiare le tue preferenze sulla vita, questa guida fa per te. Questa guida ebook descrive il processo completo di disintossicazione digitale. Se vuoi sbarazzarti dalla dipendenza dai social media, questa guida fa per te. Questa guida ebook ti insegnerà: - I dieci modi migliori per sbarazzarsi della dipendenza dai siti social - Quali account devono essere cancellati - Come mantenere l'account con un utilizzo minimo - Come limitare la tua lista di amici - Come utilizzare al minimo il tuo dispositivo - Il riallineamento delle tue priorità - Come trovare tempo libero per le tue relazioni reali - I passi da compiere - & molto di più!!! --> Scorri fino alla parte superiore della pagina e fai clic su aggiungi al carrello per acquistare immediatamente

Guide de désintoxication numérique: Surmonter les addictions aux réseaux sociaux

by Gary Randolph

Même si les réseaux sociaux constituent d’importants outils de communication avec les amis et la famille et qu’ils sont un moyen indispensable de recherche de savoir et d’informations, leur utilisation 24/7 n’est pas conseillée pour la santé mentale. Aujourd’hui, des personnes sont devenues dépendantes des réseaux sociaux, entraînant une baisse considérable de l’activité physique chez celles-ci. Si vous êtes devenus dépendants des réseaux sociaux et désirez changer vos préférences de vie, le présent guide vous est destiné. Le présent guide électronique décrit le processus complet de désintoxication numérique. Si vous désirez surmonter l’accoutumance aux réseaux sociaux, le présent guide est pour vous. Le présent guide électronique vous apprendra : - Les dix meilleures méthodes pour vaincre l’accoutumance aux sites sociaux - Quels comptes méritent d’être supprimés - À tenir compte de l’utilisation minimale - Comment réduire la liste de vos amis - L’utilisation minimale des appareils - À réorienter vos priorités - À dégager du temps libre pour vos véritables relations - La démarche à suivre - Et plus encore ! --> Défilez vers le haut de la page et cliquez sur ajouter au panier pour acheter instantanément

A Guide to Being Just Friends: A perfect feel-good rom-com read!

by Sophie Sullivan

'A refreshing romance with a strong sense of setting and a charismatic cast' Publishers Weekly on How to Love Your NeighbourA frothy, effervescent rom-com from sparkling romance author Sophie Sullivan.............................................Hailey Sharp has a one-track mind:Get her salad shop off the ground.Do everything possible to make it a success.Repeat. With a head full of entrepreneurial ideas and a bad ex in her rear-view mirror, Hailey's one and only focus is living life the way she wants to. No distractions. For Wes Jansen, companionship, not passion, is the name of the game. After the pain from his parents' angry divorce and a string of lacklustre first dates, he'd much rather find someone who he likes, but won't love. Following a disastrous meet cute that wasn't even intended for them, Hailey and Wes go their separate ways. But when Wes finds Hailey to apologize for his behaviour, they strike up a friendship - and that's all it will ever be. Hailey doesn't want any distractions.Wes doesn't want to fall in love.What could possibly go wrong?............................................Praise for Sophie Sullivan!'Once you start reading, you won't be able to put it down' Lyssa Kay Adams'Impossible to read without smiling - escapist romantic comedy at its finest' Lauren Layne'A funny, sweet rom com from a fresh, sparkling new voice' Andie J. Christopher'Sophie Sullivan's writing feels like a warm hug' Rachel Lynn Solomon'This is a Hallmark movie in book form' Helen Hoang

A Guide to Being Just Friends: A Novel

by Sophie Sullivan

Most Anticipated Romance by Goodreads, Buzzfeed, PopSugar, and more! When Harry Met Sally meets 500 Days of Summer in A Guide to Being Just Friends, a playful and emotional romantic comedy from the author of Ten Rules for Faking It."Sophie Sullivan’s writing feels like a warm hug.” —Rachel Lynn Solomon, bestselling author of The Ex TalkHailey Sharp has a one-track mind. Get By the Cup salad shop off the ground. Do literally everything possible to make it a success. Repeat. With a head full of entrepreneurial ideas and a bad ex in her rearview, her one and only focus is living life the way she wants to. No distractions.Wes Jansen never did understand the fuss about relationships. With a string of lackluster first dates and the pain from his parents’ angry divorce following him around, he’d much rather find someone who he likes, but won’t love. Companionship, not passion, is the name of the game.When Hailey and Wes find each other in a disastrous meet cute that wasn’t even intended for them, they embarrassingly go their separate ways. But when Wes finds Hailey to apologize for his behavior, they strike up a friendship. Because that’s all this can be. Hailey doesn’t want any distractions. Wes doesn’t want to fall in love.What could possibly go wrong? "A joyful, swoony romance full of heart and humor!" —Sarah Adams, author of The Cheat Sheet

A Guide to Midwestern Conversation

by Taylor Kay Phillips

Learn (and love) the language of the landlocked in this bitingly funny illustrated guide to the common phrases and sentiments of the American Heartland, from the author of the McSweeney&’s series &“A Guide to Midwestern Conversation.&”If you end an evening by slapping your thighs and saying, &“Welp, I&’ll go ahead and get outta your hair,&” then you don&’t need this guide, but you sure as heck might like it. Full of common Midwestern phrases (and what they really mean behind the friendly facade), A Guide to Midwestern Conversation is an affectionate, self-deprecating look at the language of a people long defined by their kindness and reduced to their voting patterns. Written by born-and-bred Midwesterner Taylor Kay Phillips, it&’s a wink, a hug, and a firm handshake (with eye contact) to the millions of Americans who say soda and pop interchangeably and grew up doing tornado drills in school.Discover Midwestern conversational staples like: How to announce that you hate something beyond comprehension (&“I didn&’t really care for it&”) What counts as &“a short drive&” (less than eight hours) Sports talk (starts early, doesn&’t end till we&’re six feet under)Describing the ultimate dream home (&“It&’s got a finished basement&”)An ode to the Garage FridgeIncluding an array of guides, tips, and profiles of all the states included, A Guide to Midwestern Conversation is guaranteed to make Midwesterners (and their friends) laugh out loud, nod their heads, and ask if &“anyone needs anything real quick while I&’m up.&”

The Guide to Picking Up Girls

by Gabe Fischbarg

You're at a party. You see a sexy, beautiful woman standing by herself in the corner. How do you approach her? What do you say? How do you get her attention--and keep it? Packed with useful information, practical advice, and proven techniques for successfully picking up women any time, anywhere, this essential handbook tells men everything they need to know to score with the opposite sex. The Guide to Picking Up Girls includes tips on how to: Pick the right "wingman" Develop a "master rap" for getting and keeping her interest (sample dialogues included) Deal with guys who try to blow your rap Build confidence--being nervous is not an option Overcome the fear of rejection--no girl is too pretty to talk to Learn to analyze a woman's body language and signals ...and much more! Whether it's a crowded bar or a noisy party, a club or a wedding, a supermarket or a coffee shop...from breaking the ice with surefire opening lines to finding out whether she has a boyfriend, The Guide to Picking Up Girls gives men the rules to make it with today's women. Lively and engaging, it's the authoritative resource for meeting that major babe.

A Guide to the Birds of East Africa: A Novel

by Nicholas Drayson

&“A charming love triangle in Nairobi, Kenya, forms the center of a novel that manages to be both sweet and gripping.&” —Publishers Weekly For the past three years, Mr. Malik, a widower and avid birdwatcher, has been secretly in love with Rose Mbikwa, the lovely woman who leads the Tuesday morning bird walk sponsored by the East African Ornithological Society. Beneath his unassuming exterior and carefully sculpted comb-over lies a warm and passionate heart. But just as he gets up the nerve to ask Rose to the annual Nairobi Hunt Club Ball—Nairobi&’s social event of the season—a boyhood nemesis arrives and becomes equally enraptured with Rose. Rather than force her to choose between them, the two men agree to a clever solution: whoever can identify the most species of birds in one week&’s time will win the privilege of asking Ms. Mbikwa to the ball. Set against a lush Kenyan landscape rich with wildlife and political intrigue, this humorous novel is a &“welcome respite from our crazy world&” (USA Today). &“This charming novel . . . If you are a fan of Alexander McCall Smith&’s, you&’ll find Drayson&’s knowing, sprightly writing just as entertaining.&” —People &“[This book is] a sheer delight for birders and nonbirders alike.&” —Minneapolis Star-Tribune &“As bright and perky as a purple-backed sunbird.&” —TheNew York Times Book Review

Guide to the Good Life (Pokémon)

by Simcha Whitehill

Are you living your best life? Learn life lessons from your favorite Pokémon in this hilarious guide!Let Pokémon show you how to master the fine art of living well -- just like they do! These hilarious tips and life hacks feature your favorite Pokémon, and impart life lessons about everything from embracing your style and exploring your hobbies to catching a Pokémon with a sandwich.With over 90 pages of sweet, funny, and inspirational Poké-moments, this Guide to the Good Life is packed with precious Pokémon wisdom and humor!

Guide to Troubled Birds

by Mockingbird The Mincing

A humorous, illustrated, pocket field guide describing where to find—or where to avoid—the most disturbed North American birds. The Mincing Mockingbird Guide to Troubled Birds allows anyone to quickly identify psychotic, violent or mentally unstable bird species—and provides the perfect gag gift for your bird loving (or fearing) friends and family. Throughout the book the reader will discover tales of murder, assault, mental breakdowns, obesity, drug abuse and infidelity among the birds. This guide is used and recommended by law enforcement agencies and ignored by leading ornithologists.We are only just discovering the reality of our avian adversaries, with their reptilian brains, their appetites for mayhem and the fact that they fly mostly to spite us. To ignore the information found within this volume may be at the peril of your very life.Perfect for: • White elephant gifts • Animal lover gifts • Bird lovers gift • Gag gifts • Funny gifts • Christmas gifts

The Guilty Feminist: You Don't Have to Be Perfect to Overthrow the Patriarchy

by Deborah Frances-White

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Times New Roman'} A witty take on feminism for every woman who wants equality but sometimes wants a day off from fighting for it p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Times New Roman'} p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Times New Roman'; min-height: 15.0px} Sometimes we feel a bit like "I'm a feminist, but..." As in, "I'm a feminist, but I skipped the Women's March to buy face cream." As in, "I'm a feminist, but I've never found time to read Sylvia Plath (but I have watched fifteen seasons of Keeping Up with the Kardashians)." In The Guilty Feminist, Deborah Frances-White reassures us that we don't have to be perfect to be a force for meaningful change. Exploring big issues of identity, equality, intersectionality, and the current feminist agenda, she explodes the myth of the model activist and offers a realistic path toward changing the world.

The Guilty Feminist: The Sunday Times bestseller - 'Breathes life into conversations about feminism' (Phoebe Waller-Bridge)

by Deborah Frances-White

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Breathes life into conversations about feminism' PHOEBE WALLER-BRIDGE'Very funny, very clever, very thoughtful and very relevant' DOLLY ALDERTONWhy do we find it so hard to say 'No'?How can feminism be more inclusive?What can rom-coms tell us about taking charge?The Guilty Feminist will challenge you, reassure you and empower you to see the world differently.From inclusion to intersectionality, #MeToo to men's rights, rom-coms to pornography, Deborah Frances-White tackles urgent questions for the modern woman. Featuring interviews with activists, businesswomen and all-round inspirations, The Guilty Feminist examines how women can abandon their guilt, say No (when they mean it), say Yes (when they want to), and to change the world - and ourselves - for the better.Includes interviews with Jessamyn Stanley * Zoe Coombs Marr * Susan Wokoma * Phoebe Waller-Bridge * Hannah Gadsby * Reubs Walsh * Bisha K. Ali * Becca Bunce * Mo Mansfield * Leyla Hussein * Amika George'Genius' Sunday Times'Funny, fresh, thought-provoking' Observer'Everything you wanted to know about feminism but were afraid to ask' EMMA THOMPSON'Quite possibly the defining feminist of our generation' ELIZABETH DAY'Encouraging every woman to say: "I get to be heard. I deserve to be seen" ' Daily Express'A passionate and engaging manifesto, reminding readers that feminism isn't one-size-fits-all' I

The Guilty Feminist: The Sunday Times bestseller - 'Breathes life into conversations about feminism' (Phoebe Waller-Bridge)

by Deborah Frances-White

THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Breathes life into conversations about feminism' PHOEBE WALLER-BRIDGE'Very funny, very clever, very thoughtful and very relevant' DOLLY ALDERTONWhy do we find it so hard to say 'No'?How can feminism be more inclusive?What can rom-coms tell us about taking charge?The Guilty Feminist will challenge you, reassure you and empower you to see the world differently.From inclusion to intersectionality, #MeToo to men's rights, rom-coms to pornography, Deborah Frances-White tackles urgent questions for the modern woman. Featuring interviews with activists, businesswomen and all-round inspirations, The Guilty Feminist examines how women can abandon their guilt, say No (when they mean it), say Yes (when they want to), and to change the world - and ourselves - for the better.Includes interviews with Jessamyn Stanley * Zoe Coombs Marr * Susan Wokoma * Phoebe Waller-Bridge * Hannah Gadsby * Reubs Walsh * Bisha K. Ali * Becca Bunce * Mo Mansfield * Leyla Hussein * Amika George'Genius' Sunday Times'Funny, fresh, thought-provoking' Observer'Everything you wanted to know about feminism but were afraid to ask' EMMA THOMPSON'Quite possibly the defining feminist of our generation' ELIZABETH DAY'Encouraging every woman to say: "I get to be heard. I deserve to be seen" ' Daily Express'A passionate and engaging manifesto, reminding readers that feminism isn't one-size-fits-all' I

Guilty Pleasure (Blind Item #2)

by Kevin Dickson Jack Ketsoyan

Named a “Great Beach Read” by People Magazine “When you're packing your beach bag this summer, no doubt you'll want a copy of Guilty Pleasure tucked inside.” —E! OnlineIn this jaw-dropping sequel to Blind Item, three young Hollywood professionals strive to keep the industry’s most salacious scandals under wraps during awards season. Nicola faces her biggest challenge as a publicist when she is forced to represent her superstar ex-boyfriend, Seamus, when he returns from rehab. Her boss Gaynor is struggling to keep the PR agency afloat, and Seamus is one client who definitely won’t leave as long as Nicola is around. He’s willing to do anything to win her back—even start a fake relationship for some badly needed good publicity. Meanwhile, tabloid journalist Billy’s integrity is tested when he’s asked to print the inside scoop on a troubled star. And as for their bestie Kara? Miss Reality Show may have a sex tape on the market. With everyone's career and relationships in jeopardy, the three friends must trust each other again—before all their dirty secrets spill.An Imprint BookPraise for Guilty Pleasure:Named a “Summer Must-Read” by Life & Style MagazineAn A grade from InTouch Magazine “Hollywood insiders … pull back the curtain on celebrity scandals in this dishy sequel.” —People Magazine“Written by Hollywood insiders, this jaw-dropping novel is ripped from the headlines, and from the scandalous secrets that never made print!” —InTouch Magazine“Grab a bottle of wine, and let Dickson and Ketsoyan take you on a new dark yet refreshing Hollywood adventure. … an A rating.” —Digital JournalNamed one of the 10 Books You Must Add to Your Summer Reading List Right Now by Her Campus

Guinea Dog 2

by Patrick Jennings

When his classmates learn about Fido, the guinea pig that acts like a dog, they all want a piece of Rufus, her owner. But Rufus hates the attention, the demands, the "celebrity." So he decides to make Fido learn how to be an actual guinea pig. But when she goes missing, he feels terrible. Was she lost, "dognapped," or did she run away, because he no longer liked her just the way she was? Offering the same offbeat humor and pacing of the first Guinea Dog, this novel will prove to be a reader's best friend.

Guinea Dog 2

by Patrick Jennings

Readers who loved Guinea Dog have been sitting, begging, and rolling over for a sequel. The beloved Patrick Jennings returns with the follow up to his award-winning and state list hogging title!When his classmates learn about Fido, the guinea pig that acts like a dog, they all want a piece of Rufus, her owner. But Rufus hates the attention, the demands, the "celebrity." So he decides to make Fido learn how to be an actual guinea pig. But when she goes missing, he feels terrible. Was she lost, "dognapped," or did she run away, because he no longer liked her just the way she was? Offering the same offbeat humor and pacing of the first Guinea Dog, this novel will prove to be a reader's best friend

Guinea Dog 3

by Patrick Jennings

An award-winning, hilariously funny middle-grade series about guinea pigs who act like other pets will move its author, Patrick Jennings, into the ranks of much-loved writers, such as Louis Sachar and Andrew Clements.When Rufus, Murphy, Lurena, and their pets go camping, they meet Pedro, a shy boy who seems afraid of just about everything--especially the water. One thing leads to another and the kids go into a nearby town to buy him a pet to cheer him up--a guinea pig, naturally. Yet what they bring home may look like a guinea pig, but it can swim--like an otter!Guinea Dog has appeared not only on many state lists, but on county and school district lists as well. Here are just some of its appearances: Hawaii NeNe Award Nominee, Washington State Sasquatch Award Nominee, Massachusetts Children's Book Award Honor, Florida Sunshine State Master List, Kansas Winner of the William Allen White Award, Colorado Children's Book Award Nominee, New Hampshire Great Stone Face Award Master List, and Texas's Cy-Fair Horned Toad Tales List."Short, manageable chapters; a breezy, conversational style; and indentifiable characters...make this a good choice."--Booklist"Early-chapter book readers will enjoy..."--School Library Journal"The writing is strong, the characters are a lot of fun, and the story just plain enjoyable ...There's a little something everyone can enjoy in this last Jennings number."--Betsy Bird, Fuse8Patrick's website is, or you may follow him on Twiitter @pjenningswrites.

The Guinea Pig Diaries: My Life As An Experiment

by A. J. Jacobs

One man. Ten extraordinary quests. Bestselling author and human guinea pig A. J. Jacobs puts his life to the test and reports on the surprising and entertaining results. He goes undercover as a woman, lives by George Washington's moral code, and impersonates a movie star. He practices "radical honesty," brushes his teeth with the world's most rational toothpaste, and outsources every part of his life to India--including reading bedtime stories to his kids. And in a new adventure, Jacobs undergoes scientific testing to determine how he can put his wife through these and other life-altering experiments--one of which involves public nudity. Filled with humor and wisdom, My Life as an Experiment will immerse you in eye-opening situations and change the way you think about the big issues of our time--from love and work to national politics and breakfast cereal.

Guinea Pigs Online: The Ice Factor (Guinea PIgs Online #6)

by Jennifer Gray Amanda Swift

It's winter in Strawberry Park and the weather outside is cold and snowy. But Fuzzy and Coco are toasty warm in their house, cozied up to watch their favorite TV shows and munch on tasty treats. Fuzzy is all about the cooking shows, but Coco can't get enough of The Ice Factor, a celebrity skating competition and reality show. But some of their furry friends outdoors are not so lucky. It's freezing outside in the forest and somebody has been stealing the animals' food!So the dauntless pair jump at the opportunity to solve a mystery and save the day. Can Fuzzy and Coco use the skills they've learned from their favorite TV shows to help their starving friends?

Guinea Pigs Online: Viking Victory (Guinea PIgs Online #3)

by Jennifer Gray Amanda Swift

In this hilarious adventure for elementary school readers, a team of lovable, fuzzy guinea pigs go online to solve mysteries. "A really amusing story, with irresistible characters, that will delight readers age 5+, in a chunky format that is just right for small hands," says Parents in Touch. "Jennifer Gray and Amanda Swift's comical Guinea Pigs Online series for 5+ brings stories about pets surprisingly up to date," says the Sunday Times. A nasty builder with a huge digger is threatening the guinea pigs' woodland! The furry pals must protect it--but how? Terry wants to tell all his friends online . . . Eduardo thinks a protest song will do the trick . . . While Coco just wants everyone to get on with it! Then they meet Olaf the Viking guinea pig who claims to be over 1,000 years old. Can they use his ancient tactics to help fight the builder?

Guinea Pigs Online: Furry Towers (Guinea PIgs Online #2)

by Sarah Horne Jennifer Gray Amanda Swift

In this hilarious adventure for elementary school readers, a team of lovable, fuzzy guinea pigs go online to solve mysteries. "A really amusing story, with irresistible characters, that will delight readers age 5+, in a chunky format that is just right for small hands," says Parents in Touch. Furry Towers promises the best food and fabulous facilities for guinea pigs--Fuzzy and Coco are so excited! But when they arrive, the friends find themselves in a smelly old hutch with only moldy lettuce to eat. Coco is not impressed! And it soon becomes clear that something terribly sinister is going on at Furry Towers--can the friends save the day again?

The Gulf

by Adam de Souza

Staring down the final days of high school, a group of friends run away from home in order to join a commune in this YA graphic novel for ages 14 and up. Stand by Me meets Catcher in the Rye by way of Skim.Ever since Oli found a pamphlet for a remote island commune as a kid, it's all she can think about. Now that she's nearing the end of high school, feeling frustrated with the mounting pressure to choose a career and follow a path she has no interest in, the desire to escape it all has been steadily increasing.Everything comes to a head when Oli's relationship with her best friend goes south and she claps back at a school bully with more than just words. Oli flees to find the commune on a Gulf Island off the coast of Vancouver, taking with her Milo, who can't help but hide his feelings behind the safety of a video camera, and Alvin, a shy teen who sees more than he lets on. Behind them trails Liam, Oli's ex-best-friend and sometimes love interest, who wants to apologize for the way things went down. All four are grappling with a world that cannot be changed . . . and simply trying to find their place in it.This YA anti-coming-of-age road trip adventure, by talented up-and-coming comic artist Adam de Souza, captures at once the angst and humor of being a teen during a time of great transition.

Gullible Gus

by Maxine Rose Schur

Cowboy Gus is cured of a bad case of gullibility by listening to three tall tales. Poor Cowboy Gus! He believes everything the other cowboys tell him, so he gets teased all the time. To cure his terrible case of gullibility, Gus visits Fibrock, a town full of liars. There he encounters Hokum Malarkey, who tells him three outrageous stories-while relieving him of all his money. But Gus doesn’t mind. If he can honestly say the words "I don’t believe it,” he’ll be cured forever. With extravagant humor and lively language, Maxine Schur presents three tall tales within a frame story, each one just right for the chapter-book audience. Andrew Glass’s hilarious illustrations perfectly depict the hapless hero and the other larger-than-life characters that populate these wild and woolly adventures.

Gullible's Travels: A Comical History of the Trump Era

by Marvin Kitman

How to have fun hating TrumpKitman describes the land of Gulliblesylvania as a democratic country ruled by 34.9 % of the people, "a minority better known as 'the base,' of whom a candidate said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and they would still vote for him." At first Kitman assumed that Trump's candidacy was a publicity stunt. After he realized it was serious, as a satirist he felt very lucky and began to keep a comical journal, modeled after A Journal of the Plague Year which Daniel Defoe described as "Observations of the most remarkable occurrence, which happened in London during the last great visitation in 1665"--which is not to compare the Trump administration to the bubonic plague, Kitman hastens to add. "For one thing, as our POTUS has been telling us, he's made America Great again--AND IT ONLY TOOK A YEAR AND A HALF!" Kitman adds, "And I have never before had such a good time observing and writing about the follies of our country."Gullibles Travels includes 32 "Trumponicles; the debate over the president's intellectual capacity; "That Russian Thing;" "Who is Agent Orange"; and a CODA that asks the question, "How Will It All End?" Impeachment? 25th Amendment sacking? Resignation? Or reelection?

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