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Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age

by David Zeltser

A hilarious middle-grade novel about a misunderstood caveboy perfect for fans ofIce Age, Happy Feet, The Time Warp Trio, and Platypus Police Squad. Lug is a caveboy who would rather paint than club other caveboys. The clan even mocks him, calling him "Little Slug." Like all the other caveboys, Lug must enter the contest to become the clan's next Big Man and attempt to catch the Biggest Beast--even though he would much rather spend his days painting in his secret art cave. When Lug is banished for failing to catch a jungle llama, he thinks he is alone in the world but finds others who believe in him: his clanmate Stony and a new friend, Echo, a girl from a rival clan who can talk to animals and just may be prehistory's first vegetarian/animal rights activist. Together they face even bigger challenges--Lug discovers the Ice Age is coming and he has to bring the warring clans together to save them not only from the freeze but also from a particularly unpleasant migrating pride of saber-toothed tigers. It's no help that the elders are cavemen who can't seem to get the concept of climate change through their thick skulls. With both funny, anachronistic humor, charming characters, and strong themes, Lug, Dawn of the Ice Age is sure to be a hit with many readers.Illustrated with black and white line art throughout.

Luigi, Luigino, Superluigi

by A. P. Hernández

Descrizione del libro: SINOSSI: Luigi è un bambino di nove anni. Classe IV della Scuola Primaria e il suo banco di classe è unico al mondo (non a caso lo chiama il banco ‘luisunico’). Al mondo ci sono molte cose che gli piacciono, come ad esempio i videogiochi e i fumetti… ma ci sono molte altre cose che detesta profondamente come i fantasmi, i cani rabbiosi e (soprattutto) Pedro e la sua combriccola. Luigi con gli anni ha imparato a nascondersi e a fuggire da tutto quello di cui ha paura finché, grazie un fumetto che gli capita fortuitamente tra le mani, decide di affrontare le sue paure e trasformarsi in Superluigi. Un libro per bambini e una grande risorsa educativa per madri, padri, educatori, insegnanti e psicologi. Progettato per ampliare il lessico e sviluppare l’autostima e l’intelligenza interpersonale.

Luis, Luisito, Superluis (or how a pair of pink boxers can save the world)

by A. P. Hernández

Book Description: Luis is a nine-year-old boy. He is in the fourth grade of his primary education, and his desk in class is unique in the universe (it is not in vain that he calls it “luinique”). There are many things in the world that he likes, such as videogames and comic books… but there are other things that he deeply despises, such as ghosts, angry dogs, and (especially!) Pedro and his gang. As the years went by, Luis learnt to hide and run away from everything that frightened him, until in a sudden strike of fortune, a comic comes into his possession. Thanks to this, he decides to confront his fears and become Superluis. This book is a great educational resource for mothers, fathers, pedagogues, teachers, and psychologists. It is designed to foster vocabulary and help increase self-esteem, and emotional intelligence.

Luis, Luisschätzchen, Superluis: oder wie rosa Unterhosen die Welt verändern können

by A. P. Hernández

Luis ist ein Kind von neun Jahren. Er geht in die vierte Klasse und sein Tisch in der Schule ist einzigartig auf dieser Welt (nicht ohne Grund nennt er ihn »luiseinmalig«). Für ihn gibt es viele Dinge, die ihm gefallen: Videospiele, Comics, aber auch sehr viele Dinge, die er abgrundtief hasst wie zum Beispiel Gespenster, wütende Hunde und (ganz besonders!) Pedro und seine Bande! Mit der Zeit hat Luis es gelernt sich zu verstecken und vor allem was er fürchtet wegzulaufen …, bis ihm eines Tages zufällig ein Comic in die Hände fällt und er sich entscheidet, seine Ängste zu konfrontieren und sie zu besiegen. Und so wird er zu Superluis Ein Buch für Kinder und eine große pädagogische Ressource für Mütter und Väter, Pädagogen, Lehrer und Psychologen. Entwickelt, um den Wortschatz zu erweitern und an Selbstwertgefühl und interpersoneller Intelligenz zu arbeiten.

Luis, P'titLuis, SuperLuis (ou comment un slip rose peut changer le monde)

by A. P. Hernández

Louis est un enfant de neuf ans. Il est en cours élémentaire deuxième année à l'école primaire et son pupitre est unique dans l'univers (ce n'est pas en vain s'il l'appelle pupitre "luisunique"). Dans le monde, il y a beaucoup de choses qui lui plaisent, comme par exemple les jeux vidéos et les bandes dessinées… bien qu'il y en ait beaucoup d'autres qu'il déteste profondément, tels que les fantômes, les chiens enragés et (surtout !) Pedro et sa bande. Luis, au fil des ans, a appris à se cacher et à fuir de tout ce qu'il craint jusqu'à ce que, à cause d'une bande dessinées inespérée qui arrive entre ses mains, il décide d'affronter ses peurs et de se transformer en Superluis.

Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books: A Novel

by Kirsten Miller

“Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books is shaping up to be this summer’s Big Read. Kirsten Miller has that rare ability to take a serious subject and make it very, very funny. I enjoyed this novel and you will too.”--James PattersonThe provocative and hilarious summer read that will have book lovers cheering and everyone talking! Kirsten Miller, author of The Change, brings us a bracing, wildly entertaining satire about a small Southern town, a pitched battle over banned books, and a little lending library that changes everything.Beverly Underwood and her arch enemy, Lula Dean, live in the tiny town of Troy, Georgia, where they were born and raised. Now Beverly is on the school board, and Lula has become a local celebrity by embarking on mission to rid the public libraries of all inappropriate books—none of which she’s actually read. To replace the “pornographic” books she’s challenged at the local public library, Lula starts her own lending library in front of her home: a cute wooden hutch with glass doors and neat rows of the worthy literature that she’s sure the town’s readers need.What Lula doesn’t know is that a local troublemaker has stolen her wholesome books, removed their dust jackets, and restocked Lula’s library with banned books: literary classics, gay romances, Black history, witchy spell books, Judy Blume novels, and more. One by one, neighbors who borrow books from Lula Dean’s library find their lives changed in unexpected ways. Finally, one of Lula Dean’s enemies discovers the library and decides to turn the tables on her, just as Lula and Beverly are running against each other to replace the town’s disgraced mayor.That’s when all the townspeople who’ve been borrowing from Lula’s library begin to reveal themselves. That's when the showdown that’s been brewing between Beverly and Lula will roil the whole town...and change it forever.

Lulu and the Brontosaurus

by Lane Smith Judith Viorst

It's Lulu's birthday and she's decided she'd like a pet brontosaurus as a present. <P><P>When Lulu's parents tell her that's not possible, Lulu gets very upset. She does not like it when things don't go her way. <P><P>So she takes matters into her own hands and storms off into the forest to find herself a new pet, all the way singing: I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, gonna, get a bronto-bronto-bronto-bronto-saurus for a pet! <P><P> In the forest Lulu encounters a number of animals; a snake, a tiger, a bear, all of whom don't particularly impress her. And then she finds him...a beautiful, long-necked, gentle, graceful brontosaurus. And he completely agrees with Lulu that having a pet would be a wonderful thing, indeed! <P><P>Lulu thinks she's gotten her birthday wish at last. Until she realizes that Mr. Brontosaurus thinks that she would make an ideal pet for him! How will Lulu ever get out of this sticky situation without throwing a fit (Mr. B does not respond well to those), or using force (Mr. B is much to tall to bonk on the head with her suitcase), or smushing her pickle sandwich?

Lulu Dark and the Summer of the Fox

by Bennett Madison

The last thing Lulu Dark needs is a mystery getting in the way of her Important Summer Plans which include snacking, sunbathing, and trash TV. But when Lulu's mother, B-list celebrity Isabelle Dark, drops into town to shoot a movie -- and disappears -- Lulu gets just that.

Lulu Dark Can See Through Walls

by Bennett Madison

Lulu Dark is a chic, tough-talking city girl, who never meant to get involved in a mystery. But when her favorite purse is stolen during a rock concert, Lulu Dark and her friends discover a twisted mystery involving a rock star, a rich socialite, and a serious case of mistaken identity.

Lulu Is Getting a Sister: (Who WANTS Her? Who NEEDS Her?) (The Lulu Series)

by Judith Viorst Kevin Cornell

Lulu is getting the sister she never asked for in this hilarious illustrated chapter book filled with hilarious hijinks and fiesty twists from Judith Viorst.Lulu has received the worst. News. EVER. She’s getting…a baby sister. No one ever asked HER opinion on this debacle. But she’ll tell you anyway, because she no how, no way, no thank you wants a sibling. Undeterred, and to prepare Lulu for big sisterhood, her parents bribe—AHEM, ask—Lulu to attend Camp Sisterhood, a.k.a. big sister training camp. As a Sister-in-Training (SIT), Lulu is assigned a variety of temporary little “siblings” who are supposed to be so much fun Lulu will become excited to have a permanent sibling of her own. Well, no one ever said Camp Sisterhood was supposed to teach Lulu how to be a good big sister, so Lulu resolves to be a bad big sister. She insults her little siblings. She taunts them with secrets. She even tricks one of them into carrying both of their backpacks up a mountain! But no matter what Lulu does, she can’t shake the little terrors. Then some BITs (brothers-in-training) from the neighboring Camp Brotherhood start picking on Lulu’s siblings, and Lulu responds by doing her red-faced, steam-coming-out-of-her-ears thing and showing those BITs who’s boss! After all, Lulu’s siblings may be duds, but they’re her duds, and sisters have to stick together. Besides, in the end, Lulu figures that having a little sister probably won’t be as bad as a getting a tooth pulled. Probably.

Lulu Meets God and Doubts Him

by Danielle Ganek

A gallery girl's cannily observed and whimsically acerbic romp through the glamorous Chelsea art sceneWhen figurative painter Jeffrey Finelli is run over by a cab in front of the Simon Pryce Gallery on the night of his first opening, the art world falls all over itself for a piece of the instantly in-demand work by the late "emerging artist. " At the center of the show is an enormous painting called Lulu Meets God and Doubts Himthat becomes the object of most desire. As the artist philosophically muses before meeting his untimely end, "It represents the creative endeavor. " After Finelli's death, the gallery receptionist, aspiring artist and protagonist Mia McMurray, finds herself at the center of the art world's most sensational story. For suddenly everyone wants Lulu. Mia, in her clever, clear-headed voice tells the ensuing tale, the details of which she finds endlessly amusing and unavoidably alluring. While she watches a Birkin-toting wannabe collector, a well-muscled Irish artist, a real estate baron, and niece/muse of the artist, Lulu Finelli, duke it out over the oversized piece, Mia, à la Holly Golightly, finds her own creative outlet and artistic identity, not to mention love. As The Devil Wears Pradademystified the world of high fashion, Danielle Ganek's delightfully funny and insightful first novel paints the oddly captivating New York City art scene as it exists today.

Lulu Poole's School for Ghouls

by Joanne Lamond

Culpepper is a little ghost who isn’t very scary. He takes his friend’s advice and decides to go to Lulu Poole’s School for Ghouls for lessons! Will Culpepper be ready for Halloween?

Lulu Walks the Dogs

by Lane Smith Judith Viorst

Feisty Lulu sets out to earn some cash in this illustrated chapter book from children's book legends Judith Viorst and Lane Smith.The stubbornly hilarious Lulu has decided it's time to buckle down and earn some cash. How else can she save up enough money to buy the very special thing that she is ALWAYS and FOREVER going to want? After some failed attempts at lucrative gigs (baking cookies, spying, reading to old people), dog walking seems like a sensible choice. But Brutus, Pookie, and Cordelia are not interested in making the job easy, and the infuriatingly helpful neighborhood goody-goody, Fleischman, has Lulu at the end of her rope. And with three wild dogs at the other end, Lulu's patience is severely tested. Will she ever make a friend--or the money she needs?In this standalone sequel to Lulu and the Brontosaurus, industry legends Judith Viorst and Lane Smith once again prove that even the loudest, rudest, and most obstinate of girls can win us over.

Lulu Walks the Dogs

by Judith Viorst Lane Smith

Feisty Lulu sets out to make some dough in this illustrated chapter book with "plenty of appeal" (Kirkus Reviews) from children's book legends Judith Viorst and Lane Smith.The stubbornly hilarious Lulu has decided it's time to buckle down and earn some cash. How else can she save up enough money to buy the very special thing that she is ALWAYS and FOREVER going to want? After some failed attempts at lucrative gigs (baking cookies, spying, reading to old people), dog walking seems like a sensible choice. But Brutus, Pookie, and Cordelia are not interested in making the job easy, and the infuriatingly helpful neighborhood goody-goody, Fleischman, has Lulu at the end of her rope. And with three wild dogs at the other end, Lulu's patience is severely tested. Will she ever make a friend--or the money she needs? In this standalone sequel to Lulu and the Brontosaurus, children's book legends Judith Viorst and Lane Smith once again prove that even the loudest, rudest, and most obstinate of girls can win us over.

Lulu's Mysterious Mission

by Judith Viorst Kevin Cornell

This irresistible third illustrated chapter book starring Judith Viorst's Lulu is full of hilarious hijinks, delightful twists, and a top-secret mission!Eeny meeny miney mo,That babysitter's got to go. Lulu has put her tantrum-throwing days behind her. That is, until her parents announce that they are going on vacation--WITHOUT LULU. Not only that, but they are leaving her with the formidable Ms. Sonia Sofia Solinsky, who says hello by bellowing, "The Eagle has landed," and smiles at you with the kind of smile that an alligator might give you before eating you for dinner. The second her parents are out of the house, Lulu tries out several elaborate schemes to bring them straight back. But just when she seems to finally be making some headway, her babysitter reveals an astonishing that has Lulu crossing her fingers that her parents will go on vacation all the time--without her!

The Lumby Lines

by Gail Fraser

Nestled in the Northwest is a quaint little town that its quirky residents are proud to call home. With charming shops lining its one main thoroughfare, Lumby is home to the oldest apple tree in the county and the smallest bank in the state. And though it's hours from the nearest big city, readers will always find Lumby close to their hearts. When Mark and Pam Walker, a vacationing couple from the East Coast, decide to restore Lumby's ramshackle Montis Abbey and turn it into an inn, it takes a while for the locals to warm up to them. Especially the irascible William Beezer, owner of The Lumby Lines-the newspaper "worth the paper it's printed on. " At every turn, he tries to hinder the Walkers' efforts. But the couple soon learns that for every citizen like William, there are many more willing to lend a hand-and that Lumby isn't just a place, it's a way of life. .

Lumby on the Air

by Gail Fraser

Fifth in the acclaimed series set in the enchantingly offbeat town of Lumby. Pam and Mark Walker are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary with a week-long family reunion and a ceremony renewing their vows. But when Mark's brother-in-law starts broadcasting his radio talk show from Montis Inn, his disparaging remarks about small-town life cause immediate rifts that only widen when he sides with a real estate developer who wants to turn Lumby into an asphalt Aspen. As the controversy pits family against family, and neighbor against neighbor, will the spirit that defines Lumby triumph once again? .

Lumby's Bounty

by Gail Fraser

Tucked into the foothills of the Rockies lies the charming village of Lumby, where quirky but tolerant townsfolk usually make the best of any situation. Not a week goes by without some humorous mayhem occurring under the watchful eyes of the mayor, sheriff, and, of course, the town mascot, Hank, a pink flamingo who thinks he's a bald eagle. . . How Lumby has come to host a hot air balloon festival is a long story, but the town's residents are jumping right into preparations. But in the Lumby tradition, it won't all be blue skies and smooth sailing. . . .

The Lumley Autograph

by Susan Fenimore Cooper

A satirical work concerning the autograph collecting mania of the mid-nineteenth century.


by Robert T. Jeschonek Ben Baldwin

A twisted modern fable from award-winner Robert T. Jeschonek, author of the Booklist Top Ten First Novel for Youth My Favorite Band Does Not Exist. Meet a kid so bad, he gets a lump of coal for Christmas every year...and likes it! Neighborhood bully Buzz Scanlan takes pride in his annual lump, which he sees as a black badge of badness. But this year, when the coal doesn't come, the ten-year-old holy terror becomes a bad boy on a mission. He roams from one victim of his wicked mischief to the next, digging for dirt on the one nice thing he must have done to deserve no coal. When everyone agrees he's been nothing but naughty, he nearly gives up the hunt...until he stumbles onto the shocking truth behind his lumps of coal, an incredible secret that just might change his life forever. Will Buzz get his lump after all, sealing his fate as the ultimate bully? Or will solving the mystery lead to a fate worse than death for the naughtiest boy, an unexpected good deed that breaks his not-nice record? Don't miss this fun and funny tale with a twist from award-winning author Robert T. Jeschonek.


by Nathan Whitlock

A dark, satiric novel about a woman whose attempt to escape crises in her health and marriage ends up causing more chaos.Cat's career has stalled, her marriage has gone flat, and being a stay-at-home mom for two young kids has become a grind. When she finds out, all within a few days, that she is pregnant, that a lump in her breast is the worst thing it could be, and that her husband has done something unforgivably repulsive, she responds by running away from her marriage and her life — a life that, on the outside, looks like middle-class success. Her actions send waves of chaos through the lives of multiple characters, including a struggling house cleaner, a rich and charismatic yoga guru, and even an ailing dog. What follows is a dark comedy about marriage, motherhood, privilege, and power.A RARE MACHINES BOOK

Lump It or Leave It

by Florence King

Lump It or Leave It, Florence King's latest volume of rapier-edged contemplations on American tomfoolery--er, values--takes on everything from the hazards of fame to the joys of menopause, with all of the bile and brio that has made her the nation's most beloved misanthrope. From college professors ("incapable of earning a living with either their minds or their hands") to the South ("if at first you don't secede, try, try, again") to the U.S. government ("the crude leading the crud"), few fools remain unskewered by the reigning Queen of Spleen.

Luna Howls at the Moon

by Kristin O'Donnell Tubb

The award-winning author of A Dog Like Daisy returns with a moving middle grade novel from the point of view of Luna, a Labrador therapy dog who accompanies her group therapy kids when they set off on an adventure across Austin, Texas. Luna has always wanted to be a therapy dog at Therapy Dogs Worldwide. Now she’s a whisker away from reaching her fifty-visit pin that will make it official. But when her “clients”—the children who visit her—are put into a therapy group, Luna’s routine is upended. Like the moon, Luna shows different faces at different times. And her clients each have different needs—Beatrice is tangled in knots of anger, Caleb rushes like a waterfall, Amelia carries fear heavy like a shadow, and Hector is quiet as a rock. To comfort the kids, Luna can be what they need her to be, but can she be everything to them all at once? When Hector doesn’t show up to a session one day, the kids set off on an unexpected quest to find him. Luna joins to keep them safe, and they must work together to almost learn the truth.

Lunar Love

by Lauren Kung Jessen

This sweet, enemies-to-lovers debut rom-com filled with Chinese astrology will undoubtedly prove to be a perfect match with readers of Helen Hoang, Jasmine Guillory, and Sarah Adams. Always a matchmaker, never a match... Olivia Huang Christenson is excited-slash-terrified to be taking over her grandmother&’s matchmaking business. But when she learns that a new dating app has made her Pó Po&’s traditional Chinese zodiac approach all about &“animal attraction,&” her emotions skew more toward furious-slash-outraged. Especially when L.A.&’s most-eligible bachelor Bennett O&’Brien is behind the app that could destroy her family&’s legacy . . . Liv knows better than to fall for any guy, let alone an infuriatingly handsome one who believes that traditions are meant to be broken. As the two businesses go head to head, Bennett and Liv make a deal: they&’ll find a match for each other—and whoever falls in love loses. But Liv is dealing with someone who&’s already adept at stealing business ideas . . . so what&’s stopping him from stealing her heart too?

Lunarbaboon: The Daily Life of Parenthood

by Christopher Grady

Lunarbaboon shares life's parenting moments from the perspective of a 30-something dad/husband/chaos survivor. Together with the savvy, laid back Mom, wild child Moishe, baby Matilda, and a former Julliard student (their cat), Lunarbaboon must navigate the family and social dynamics of everyday life. Ranging from the hilarious (defeating closet monsters with a &“stun&” blaster that offers surprising facts about bears, Mars, and cats) to the sweet (the gray scale-to color transition out of depression at the touch of a loved one), this collection explores the bonds within a family and all the characters who bring both order and chaos to life.Lunarbaboon&’s perfect meld of crabby humor and moments of impactful honesty give these comics a wide range and distinctive voice that&’s both comical and sincere.

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