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Showing 29,001 through 29,025 of 33,935 results

The Tatami Time Machine Blues: A Novel

by Tomihiko Morimi

In the boiling heat of summer, a broken remote control for an air conditioner threatens life as we know it in this reality-bending, time-slipping sequel to The Tatami Galaxy. During a scorching August in Kyoto, our protagonist and his worst friend, Ozu, are locked in a glaring contest in a four-and-a-half-tatami-mat room. Ozu has spilled Coke on the air conditioner’s remote control—the only AC in Shimogamo Yusuisuiso, their famously shabby sweatbox of an apartment building. Vengeful and despairing, our protagonist discusses countermeasures with his secret crush, the reliably blunt Akashi, when Tamura, a strange young man with a bad haircut, appears.Tamura claims to be a time traveler from 25 years in the future, and shows off the time machine he uses to travel. Our protagonist has a brilliant idea: the sweetest revenge would be to go back one day in time and retrieve the functioning remote control. His simple fix is complicated by Ozu and several others who are also eager to take a ride back in time. But in attempting to alter the past, our protagonist foresees the world's extinction. Even more troublingly, Akashi mentions she’s bringing someone to the upcoming bonfire . . . and it's not him. Only one thing remains certain: it's going to be a very long month.Obliteration? Salvation? Coca-Cola? Castella cake? What does the time machine hold for our (not quite) heroes? It all depends on which one gets there first.Translated from the Japanese by Emily Balistrieri

Tatlı Kız

by Dan Alatorre Remzi Bulbul

Bu kitap, potensiyel olarak ölümcül bir kalp rahatsızlığı olan Uzun QT Sendromunu (UQTS) anlatıyor. Hem kendisinin hem de kızının bu hastalığı asemptomatik olarak taşıması ile, yazar Alatorre okuyucuya, ailede olup bitenleri bazen bir mizah içinde bazen de esinlendirici olarak sunuyor. Bunu yaparken de, kendi kızının etkinlikleri ve günlük yaşamı içine, UQTS ile savaşan diğer insanların öykülerini de serpiştirerek süslüyor. Bu insanların UQTS'li olduklarını nasıl öğrendikleri, bu hastalıkla nasıl uğraştıkları ve yaşamlarını nasıl sürdürdükleri akıcı bir dille anlatılıyor. Bu hastalığı taşıyan kimi insanların, hastalığı taşıdıklarının farkına bile varmadan yaşamlarını normal bir şekilde sürdürüyorlar veya bu hastalıktan ölüp gidiyor. Bazılarına tesadüf eseri UQTS tanısı konuyor ve ilaç ve cihazlarla yaşamlarına devam ediyor. Diğer bazılarının da öbür dünyaya çok kısa ziyaret ettikten sonra geri döndürülüyorlar, büyük ızdıraplardan sonra tanılanabiliyor ve devamında yaşamlarını sürdürüyor. Yazar, bütün bunları, insanların bir mayın tarlasından geçip gitmelerine benzetiyor. Yazarın benzetmesine göre insanlar, mayınlı arazide olduklarını bilmeden geçerken, tesadüfen kıllarına zarar gelmeden geçip gidiyor veya bazıları mayına basıp ölebiliyor, diğer bazıları yaralı olarak kurtuluyor ve bazı müdahalelerle yaşamlarını sürdürüyorlar.Bu hastalığı taşıyan insanlara, potensiyel olarak ölümcül bir hastalık olmasına rağmen, UQTS tanısı konmasının bir umut ışığı olduğunu belirterek kendilerinin şanslı olduklarının altı çiziliyor. Bunu, yaşamı sürdürmek için, tanısı konularak sorunun ne olduğunu bilmek hiç bilmemekten çok daha iyi seçim olduğunu belirterek onların daha mutlu bir yaşam sürdürmeleri için cesaret veriyor.

Taxi Driver Wisdom: 20th Anniversary Edition

by Joanne Dugan Risa Mickenberg

Real taxi drivers know more than how to get you there without a GPS. Philosophers all, they know how to get you there in life. This 20th anniversary edition of the wise and hilarious classic, as true now as ever, is a celebration of the witty, philosophical perspective on human nature culled from real quotations from real cab drivers who've been around the block. On reading the signs: "If a man keeps telling you he loves you, over and over, then something is wrong." On vanity economics: "The worse a town's economy is, the better looking the guys who work at the local gas station are." Evocative black and white photos showcase the wisdom in style.

Taxidermy Goes Wild!: The funkiest, freakiest (and outright creepiest) beastly scenes

by Rob Colson

Stuffed with a wonderfully weird collection of taxidermy from across the globe, Taxidermy Goes Wild will leave you both amused and confused. Revel in scenes of musical mice, basket-balling bengals, gun-toting rodents and lawn-mowing moles.Bringing together all the scenes nature never intended, this full-colour volume really does showcase the bizarre taxidermy on sale and on display. From a swearing squirrel in a London antiques shop, to a murderous mouse serving arsenic in a New York store, nothing is off-limits. Taxidermy Goes Wild is the very best - and the very worst - of anthropomorphic wildlife.

Taxidermy Gone Wrong: The Funniest, Freakiest (and Outright Creepiest) Beastly Vignettes

by Rob Colson

Discover the strange and hilariously horrifying world of taxidermy around the globe with this eccentric and darkly humor photographic collection. <P><P>From musical mice and basketball playing bengals to gun-toting rodents and lawnmowing moles, Taxidermy Gone Wrong is a wonderfully weird collection of curiosities that will amuse and astonish. Bringing together scenes nature never intended, this full-color volume showcases a wide range of bizarre creations on display and available for sale around the world. From a swearing squirrel in a London antiques shop to a murderous mouse serving arsenic in a New York storefront, no animal—or macabre tableau—is off-limits. Taxidermy Gone Wrong presents the very best—or perhaps the very worst—of these bizarre anthropomorphic reconstructions.

Taylor Jenkins Reid Ebook Boxed Set: Forever Interrupted, After I Do, Maybe in Another Life, and One True Loves

by Taylor Jenkins Reid

New York Times bestselling author Taylor Jenkins Reid&’s acclaimed novels, One True Loves; Maybe in Another Life; Forever, Interrupted; and After I Do are now available together in this delightful boxed set!From an author who &“writes with wit and true emotion that you can feel&” (Sarah Jio, New York Times bestselling author), this collection features four of Taylor Jenkins Reid&’s most beloved and moving love stories. One True Loves, soon to be a major motion picture, follows a woman who finds herself madly in love once again years after her husband&’s plane goes missing. But what happens when her husband returns—having spent all those years trying to find his way back to her? Maybe in Another Life explores the power of choice as a woman decides whether to go home after a night out on the town with her friend…or her old high school boyfriend, told in riveting, concurrent storylines. Forever, Interrupted proves that there&’s more than one way to live happily ever after when a widow meets her mother-in-law for the first time and together, the two women face grief and healing. After I Do follows a couple struggling with their marriage when they decide to take a year apart to fall back in love. The only catch—they can&’t contact each other. Will they find their way back to one another or is this experiment doomed to fail?

Te invito a un café

by Juliana Riveros S.

¿Tienes idea de lo complicado que es ser un chico guapo y que la mujer que deseas no te preste atención? Tras sufrir un problema amoroso con su exesposa, Nathaniel Brown decide abandonar Madrid y empezar una nueva vida en Londres, trabajando como corrector de estilo para una editorial. Pasados dos años, en los cuales ha tenido que lidiar con los escándalos que le arma su exmujer, conoce a Anne Brooks, una bailarina de ballet llena de fuerza y vitalidad, pero con una condición particular que resulta ser un impedimento para que los métodos de conquista de Nathaniel funcionen. Con el pasar del tiempo y los problemas que le ha traído la pequeña «niñata», como la llama Nathaniel, Anne empieza a sentir una pequeña atracción hacia él. Sin embargo, no quiere ponérselo fácil; ella tiene una idea muy clara de lo que buscan los hombres y sabe que debe mantener la guardia arriba. Aunque la relación entre los dos empieza a mejorar, surgeun nuevo problema: alguien no quiere verlos juntos. Varios atentados en su contra empiezan a llegar, afectando física y emocionalmente a todo aquel que tenga relación con ellos. ¿Cómo enamoras a una mujer que no desea tener nada contigo?, ¿cuántas veces tienes que equivocarte en el amor para aprender la lección?, ¿cómo proteges a la persona que quieres de un peligro que no logras comprender? Nathaniel está dispuesto a narrar su historia, contando los dolores de cabeza que la testaruda Anne Brooks ha traído a su vida y cómo lidiar con ellos ha sido lo mejor que le ha pasado en mucho tiempo.

Te odiaré hasta que te quiera (Bad Boy's Girl #Volumen 1)

by Blair Holden

#BadBoysGirl, el nuevo fenómeno de la plataforma de lectura Wattpad, con más de 130 millones de lecturas, llega a las librerías. Tessa es una chica del montón. Su plan para el último curso del instituto es pasar desapercibida y seguir admirando a su fichaje, Jay Stone, desde la distancia. Pero todo cambia cuando el hermano de Jay, Cole, vuelve al instituto. Desde que Tessa puede recordar, Cole se ha dedicado a hacerle la vida imposible. Aunque también es verdad que si vas a tener un enemigo número uno, mejor que sea como Cole: alto, buenorro como hay pocos y con unos ojos azules que tiran para atrás. Sí, es verdad, ha sido el tormento de Tessa desde que eran pequeños: le ha puesto motes, se ha metido con su manera de hablar, de andar y hasta de respirar. Pero el chico que ha vuelto no se parece en nada al bully de antes. Este chico nuevo la desafía, prueba sus límites, la fuerza a sacar a la chica guay que ella se empeña en esconder bajo una capa de mediocridad y cutrerío... ¡Un momento! ¿Podría ser que quien ella cree que es su peor pesadilla sea en realidad su ángel de la guarda? Ya lo dice el refrán: quien bien te quiere, te hará rabiar. ADVERTENCIA:Incluido en esta historia viene un chico malo, cuyas contraindicaciones son suspiros pronunciados y risa histérica. Los efectos secundarios incluyen alucinaciones y plantearte si podrías encontrar uno igualito en eBay y pagar por él lo que sea necesario. La opinión de los lectores:«Gracias a Dios [que me hice con este libro] porque esta reseña se queda corta para decir lo mucho que he amado a Cole. Te odiaré hasta que te quiera es una lectura juvenil que te engancha y que te hace suspirar cada página por Cole dejándote con un final altamente inesperado.»Blog La chica del mundo perdido «Lo devoré. Lo saboreé lenta y orgullosamente y lo disfruté con ganas. Fui feliz mientras leía. [...] Es una de esas novelas que conseguirá hacerse un huequecito en vuestros corazones a la mínima, capaz de despertaros muchos sentimientos y desenterrar recuerdos enterrados. Altamente recomendable.»Blog El blog de Wendy

¿Te puedo hablar claro?

by Fernando Fabiani

Un libro que desmonta, con grandes dosis de humor, muchos de los mitos sobre salud que anidan en el imaginario popular. «¿Te puedo hablar claro?» es a la relación médico paciente lo que «tenemos que hablar» a las relaciones de pareja. No presagia nada bueno. Es una de esas preguntas que los médicos nunca deberíamos hacer en una consulta. Igual que otras como «¿y eso cómo ha llegado a ese sitio? », «¿es usted la mujer o la madre? » o «¿para qué sirve un piercing ahí?». «¿Te puedo hablar claro?» es una pregunta necesaria antes de que abras el libro. Porque no trae buenas noticias. Ojear estas palabras puede ser ya un punto de no retorno. ¿Estás preparado para abrirlo? Puedes dejarlo cerrado y seguir siendo feliz creyendo en los cortes de digestión, evitando andar descalzo para no resfriarte, echando la cabeza para atrás cuando sangras por la nariz o pensando que si algo te pica es que está sanando. O por el contrario, puedes atreverte a leer estas páginas. Pero, ¿te puedo hablar claro?, este es el libro que tu madre no quiere que leas porque va a tirar por tierra muchos de sus grandes dogmas sobre la salud; y su lectura puede acarrearte acaloradas discusiones con amigos e incluso puede hacer que te expulsen del grupo de wasap de padres del colegio... Tras el éxito de Vengo sin Cita y Vengo de Urgencias, vuelve Fernando Fabiani (@FernandoFabiani), médico de familia, decidido a hablar claro a los pacientes. Y lo hace más directo que nunca y dispuesto a no dejar mito con cabeza utilizando para ello una herramienta infalible, el humor.

¿Te puedo hablar claro?

by Fernando Fabiani

El médico de familia Fernando Fabiani desmonta, con grandes dosis de humor, muchos de los mitos sobre salud que anidan en el imaginario popular. En esta versión ampliada descubrirás nuevos mitos, entre ellos todos los referentes al COVID. «¿TE PUEDO HABLAR CLARO?» es a la relación médico-paciente lo que «tenemos que hablar» a las relaciones de pareja. No presagia nada bueno. Es una de esas preguntas que los médicos nunca deberíamos hacer en una consulta. Igual que otras como «¿y eso cómo ha llegado a ese sitio?», «¿es usted la mujer o la madre?» o «¿para qué sirve un piercing ahí?». «¿TE PUEDO HABLAR CLARO?» es una pregunta necesaria antes de que abras el libro. Porque no trae buenas noticias. Ojear estas palabras puede ser ya un punto de no retorno. ¿Estás preparado para abrirlo? Puedes dejarlo cerrado y seguir siendo feliz creyendo en los cortes de digestión, evitando andar descalzo para no resfriarte, echando la cabeza para atrás cuando sangras por la nariz o pensando que si algo te pica es que está sanando. O, por el contrario, puedes atreverte a leer estas páginas. Pero, ¿TE PUEDO HABLAR CLARO? Este es el libro que tu madre no quiere que leas porque va a tirar por tierra muchos de sus grandes dogmas sobre la salud; y su lectura puede acarrearte acaloradas discusiones con amigos e incluso puede hacer que te expulsen del grupo de WhatsApp de padres del colegio... Tras el éxito de Vengo sin Cita y Vengo de Urgencias, vuelve Fernando Fabiani (@FernandoFabiani), médico de familia, decidido a hablar claro a los pacientes. Y lo hace más directo que nunca y dispuesto a no dejar mito con cabeza utilizando para ello una herramienta infalible, el humor. Abre este libro y... ¡Que no te cuenten mitos!

Tea Cups and Carnage (A Tourist Trap Mystery #7)

by Lynn Cahoon

The quaint coastal town of South Cove, California, is all abuzz about the opening of a new specialty shop, Tea Hee. But as Coffee, Books, and More owner Jill Gardner is about to find out, there's nothing cozy about murder . . .Shop owner Kathi Corbin says she came to South Cove to get away from her estranged family. But is she telling the truth? And did a sinister someone from her past follow her to South Cove? When a woman claiming to be Kathi's sister starts making waves and a dead body is found in a local motel, Jill must step in to clear Kathi's name--without getting herself in hot water. Includes an excerpt from A STORY TO KILL, Lynn Cahoon's BRAND NEW seriesPraise for The Tourist Trap Mysteries"Murder, dirty politics, pirate lore, and a hot police detective: Guidebook to Murder has it all! A cozy lover's dream come true." --Susan McBride, author of The Debutante Dropout Mysteries"Lynn Cahoon has created an absorbing, good fun mystery in Mission to Murder." --Fresh Fiction

Tea for Ruby

by Robin Preiss Glasser Sarah Ferguson

That Ruby! Wherever she goes, table cloths accidentally pull dishes to the floor, flowers get trampled and spaghetti somehow end up in her hair. You can't take Ruby anywhere! One sunny morning, the postman brings Ruby an amazing invitation to have tea with -- the Queen! Ruby had better polish her manners and quickly. Will Ruby really be ready in time? Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, and Robin Preiss Glasser know a thing or two about the importance of manners and poise and being ladylike. In Tea For Ruby, they have created the irrepressible Ruby, whose antics and foibles with touch readers' hearts as she tries her very best to do things correctly. In the end, she knows she is loved for who she is, and that she will always be a princess, royal or not!

The Tea Ladies of St Jude's Hospital

by Joanna Nell

The heartwarming and hilarious new novel by the author of cherished bestsellers, The Single Ladies of Jacaranda Retirement Village and The Great Escape from Woodlands Nursing HomeThe Marjorie Marshall Memorial Cafeteria has been serving refreshments and raising money at the hospital for over fifty years, long after anybody can remember who Marjorie Marshall actually was. Staffed by successive generations of dedicated volunteers, the beloved cafeteria is known as much for offering a kind word and sympathetic ear (and often unsolicited life advice) as for its tea and buns.Stalwart Hilary has worked her way up through the ranks to Manageress; Joy has been late every day since she started as the cafeteria's newest recruit. She doesn't take her role as 'the intern' quite as seriously as Hilary would like but there's no doubt she brings a welcome pop of personality. Seventeen-year-old Chloe, the daughter of two successful surgeons, is volunteering during the school holidays because her mother thinks it will look good on her CV. Chloe is at first bewildered by the two older women but soon realises they have a lot in common, not least that each bears a secret pain. When they discover the cafeteria is under threat of closure, this unlikely trio must band together to save it.'The Tea Ladies is a delight. Warm characters and observations and great pace' AMANDA HAMPSONPraise for the novels of Joanna Nell:'Tender and funny'Woman's Weekly'Whip-smart dialogue, humour and sarcasm ... highly addictive' Sun Herald'Lively and whimsical' Sydney Morning Herald

The Tea Ladies of St Jude's Hospital: The uplifting and poignant story you need in 2022

by Joanna Nell

The heartwarming and hilarious new novel from the bestselling author of THE SINGLE LADIES OF JACARANDA RETIREMENT VILLAGEThree unlikely friends. One chance to save the community. It might just be the perfect blend.... The Marjorie Marshall Memorial Cafeteria is at the heart of St Jude's Hospital. Staffed by successive generations of dedicated volunteers, for over fifty years the beloved cafeteria has been serving up a kind word and sympathetic ear along with tea and scones. Hilary, the stalwart Manageress, has worked her way up through the ranks; Joy, the latest recruit, is driving Hilary mad by arriving late every day; and seventeen-year-old Chloe, the daughter of two successful surgeons, is volunteering in the holidays and bemused by the older women. But when they discover the cafeteria is under threat of closure, the unlikely trio must put aside their differences. As they realise the secrets and sorrows they have in common, the women grow closer - but can they bring the community together and save the day? Full of wisdom and warmth, The Tea Ladies of St Jude's Hospital is a gorgeously poignant, hilarious story about unlikely friendships, growing old disgracefully, and coming together to save the things we love...***Readers love The Tea Ladies... 'A delightful blend of emotion with wit and humour' 'Laugh-out-loud funny from the start''A cosy, happy, joyful book''This novel has the feel-good factor that's left me with a warm glow''An inspired read by the fabulous Joanna Nell - one to tug at the heart strings. Could not put it down''A complete joy'***Praise for Joanna Nell: 'Hugely entertaining . . . funny and heart-warming' - Woman & Home'A gentle, warm-hearted book that had me rooting for all the characters and laughing out loud at points. A book that shows it is never too late to learn how to live, to make new friends and to fall in love.' - Libby Page, author of The Lido'A warm and touching story with a cast of characters who became my friends - I loved The Single Ladies of the Jacaranda Retirement Village with all its wit, wisdom and spirit' - Katie Marsh, author of The Rest of Me

The Tea Ladies of St Jude's Hospital: The uplifting and poignant story you need in 2022

by Joanna Nell

The heartwarming and hilarious new novel from the bestselling author of THE SINGLE LADIES OF JACARANDA RETIREMENT VILLAGE.Three unlikely friends. A lot of scones. And one chance to save the community...The Marjorie Marshall Memorial Cafeteria is at the heart of St Jude's Hospital. Staffed by successive generations of dedicated volunteers, for over fifty years the beloved cafeteria has been serving up a kind word and sympathetic ear along with tea and scones. Hilary, the stalwart Manageress, has worked her way up through the ranks; Jo, the latest recruit, is driving Hilary mad by arriving late every day; and seventeen-year-old Chloe, the daughter of two successful surgeons, is volunteering in the holidays and bemused by the older women. But when they discover the cafeteria is under threat of closure, the unlikely trio must put aside their differences. As they realise the secrets and sorrows they have in common, the women grow closer - but can they bring the community together and save the day? Full of wisdom and warmth, The Tea Ladies of St Jude's Hospital is a gorgeously poignant, hilarious story about unlikely friendships, growing old disgracefully, and coming together to save the things we love...(P) 2022 Hachette Australia

The Tea Ladies of St Jude's Hospital

by Joanna Nell

The heartwarming and hilarious bestseller by the author of treasured novels, The Single Ladies of Jacaranda Retirement Village and The Great Escape from Woodlands Nursing HomeThe Marjorie Marshall Memorial Cafeteria has been serving refreshments and raising money at the hospital for over fifty years, long after anybody can remember who Marjorie Marshall actually was. Staffed by successive generations of dedicated volunteers, the beloved cafeteria is known as much for offering a kind word and sympathetic ear (and often unsolicited life advice) as for its tea and buns.Stalwart Hilary has worked her way up through the ranks to Manageress; Joy has been late every day since she started as the cafeteria's newest recruit. She doesn't take her role as 'the intern' quite as seriously as Hilary would like but there's no doubt she brings a welcome pop of personality. Seventeen-year-old Chloe, the daughter of two successful surgeons, is volunteering during the school holidays because her mother thinks it will look good on her CV. Chloe is at first bewildered by the two older women but soon realises they have a lot in common, not least that each bears a secret pain. When they discover the cafeteria is under threat of closure, this unlikely trio must band together to save it.'Takes readers on a sweet journey. A warm-hearted read from Nell, who tells engaging stories with older protagonists' The Australian'The Tea Ladies is a delight. Warm characters and observations and great pace' AMANDA HAMPSON'Another funny, warm-hearted read' Herald Sun**Contains BONUS EXTRACT from Joanna Nell's novel Mrs Winterbottom Takes a Gap Year**Praise for the novels of Joanna Nell:'Tender and funny' Woman's Weekly'Whip-smart dialogue, humour and sarcasm ... highly addictive' Sun Herald'Lively and whimsical' Sydney Morning Herald

The Tea Party Guide to Being a Real American

by Roland Boyle

This book is on your side. It's not like all the others. Other books are out to get you. You know the ones: Novels that crush your spirit. Celebrity bios that make your life look boring. Sexy books with filthy sex in them. This book, like America, has the answers. Good thing, too, because we are now faced with the most important question ever in the history of mankind. How can we tell who the real Americans are? Now, you may be thinking, "If you have to ask, you're not one, son." And that's a good start. But what we need is a simple answer. Complicated answers are for liars. The truth is as dumb as a box of hammers.

Tea Party Rules

by Ame Dyckman

An award-winning book by a New York Times bestselling author!When he follows his nose through the woods, Cub discovers a backyard tea party…with cookies! He is just about to dig in when the hostess of the tea party shows up. And she has several strong opinions on how Tea Party must be played. Cub tries to follow her rules . . . but just how much can one bear take, even for cookies?A laugh-out-loud funny look at the required give-and-take of playtime, Tea Party Rules is an eventual friendship story that will delight grubby cubs, fancy girls, and cookie lovers everywhere.

Tea Time for the Traditionally Built (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency #10)

by Alexander Mccall Smith

The 10th! instalment in this infinitely enjoyable series finds the ever-charming, ever-resourceful Mma Ramostwe helping people, and vans, with problems in their lives. Mma Ramotswe's tiny white van has developed a disturbing noise. But having made numerous repairs to the van over the years, Mr J. L. B. Matekoni - her estimable husband and mechanic nonpareil - sells it without telling her and presents her with a new, characterless vehicle. So Mma Ramotswe sets out to recover the van. . . . In the meantime, the thoroughly unpleasant, yet glamorous, Violet Sephotho (who earned 50 percent, at most!, in the final examinations of the Botswana Secretarial College) gets herself a job at the Double Comfort Furniture Store. Why? The reason is obvious: to make a play for Mma Makutsi's fiancé, Mr Phuti Radiphuti. And a proprietor of a local football team has enlisted the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency to help explain their dreadful losing streak: surely someone is fixing the games - it can't just be a case of unskilled players . . . This is a job for Charlie, ever-apprentice at the Speedy Motors, to sniff out the competence of the players, as an assistant detective. . . .

Teach Us (I Can Read! #6)

by Peggy Parish

Amelia Bedelia goes to the school to deliver a message, but the principal needs a teacher, and she is good with children. It was a most interesting day at school for the children. A delightful book.

Teach Yourself Good Manners: The classic guide to etiquette

by W S Norman

Originally published in 1958, Teach Yourself Good Manners is a fascinating guide, packed full of both timeless advice and tips that demonstrate just how much life has changed in the 60 years since it published. Indeed, the author, W S Norman, would doubtless be horrified by modern manners and would implore us to study his rather uptight but very funny rules for modern living. Amusing, intriguing and sometimes rather inspiring, this handbook is a window into how life would have looked had we lived in a 'a simpler age' - in which, confusingly, they had rather a lot of strange rules.Since 1938, millions of people have learned to do the things they love with Teach Yourself. Welcome to the how-to guides that changed the modern world.

Teach Yourself Mothercraft

by Sister Mary Martin

Learn how to have a happy baby and a happy home with this charming guide to the essentials of mothercraft. Keep yourself well, share the journey with your partner, and watch your little one with pride, developing every day under your loving care.Since 1938, millions of people have learned to the things they love with Teach Yourself. Welcome to the how-to guides that changed the modern world.FIRST PUBLISHED IN 1950.

Teach Yourself Mothercraft

by Sister Mary Martin

Learn how to have a happy baby and a happy home with this charming guide to the essentials of mothercraft. Keep yourself well, share the journey with your partner, and watch your little one with pride, developing every day under your loving care.Since 1938, millions of people have learned to the things they love with Teach Yourself. Welcome to the how-to guides that changed the modern world.FIRST PUBLISHED IN 1950.

The Teacher from the Black Lagoon (Black Lagoon Adventures Ser.)

by Mike Thaler

It's another scary day at the Black Lagoon. . . .Two popular books from the bestselling Black Lagoon series--TEACHER and LIBRARIAN--are now reissued with fun new covers! Join Hubie once again as he faces his comically horrific fears during his first day of school and his first trip to the school library. Featuring a fire-breathing teacher and a library where all the books are bolted to the shelves, these stories are sure to amuse and quell fears of new experiences at the same time!

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