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75 Consells per celebrar el teu aniversari en gran (Sèrie 75 Consells #3)
by María FrisaA la fi arriba el tercer volum d'aquesta exitosa sèrie! Vols celebrar l'aniversari on tu desitgis i que els teus pares et diguin que sí# (Ep! Tampoc no ens passem, no s'hi val a demanar Eurodisney!). Doncs, corre, obre el llibre! Si la teva mare comença un PLA D'ESTALVI just quan s'acosta el teu aniversari, segueix els meus consells. Ja veuràs com te'n sortiràs amb la teva i tindràs un GRAN DIA.
75 consells per sobreviure a las extraescolars (Sèrie 75 #Consells 4)
by María FrisaPer fi arriba la quarta entrega del DIARI MÉS DIVERTIT que s'ha escrit mai! Més CONSELLS, més CHIBIS... NINGÚ NO PODRÀ AMB TU! «Quan els teus pares et "convencen" perquè t'apuntis a una extraescolar, la vida pot ser força penosa. El problema és que tots els pares del món (fins i tot els milionaris) estan convençuts que les seves vides són molt més dures que les nostres. <P><P> Es pensen que és facilíííííííííííííííííííssim sobreviure a cinquanta mil hores de classe fent veure que escoltes el professor i no adormir-te, o sense que t'enxampin xerrant; o que és tan senzill no matar-te en les acrobàcies que t'obliguen a fer a gimnàs (ai, perdó, Educació Física), o pitjor encara: sobreviure a l'hora del pati, als populars, als milions d'exàmens, a tenir un mòbil marca-no-t'hi-fixis, a la gasòfia del menjador... Com que els teus pares pensen que és súper senzill i mai no en tenen prou, pretenen que en acabar les classe t'apuntis a una extraescolar!!! Tu mires d'explicar-los que l'única extraescolar que vols fer és estirar-te al sofà amb el mòbil, la tablet i la tele, però ells se les saben totes per ser molt però molt convincents.» Si els teus pares tenen un atac de «ganes irresistibles que facis alguna cosa útil» i s'encaparren a apuntar-te a una extraescolar... <P> Ràpid, obre aquest llibre. No tens temps per perdre!!! Dins hi ha un munt de consells i trucs perquè no t'enganyin i acabis en un rotllo o, encara pitjor, en una de les que posen deures per a casa.
75 consells per sobreviure a l'escola: Manual patentat per mi mateixa per fer-te la vida més fàcil (Sèrie 75 Consells #Volumen 1)
by María FrisaEl diari més graciós mai escrit. Un manual divertit i irreverent que t'ajudarà a sortir sana i estàlvia dels embolics de l'escola. Ningú no podrà amb tu! La vida als dotze anys pot ser bastant difícil: la teva mare et castiga sense raó, la teva millor amiga s'enfada amb tu, t'enamores d'un noi que no et convé, fiques la pota amb les populars... Per això he patentat aquest manual, que t'ajudarà a sobreviure en els mals moments. Ah!, i mira al final del llibre; hi he posat el millor: uns consellets per aprendre a dibuixar chibis.
75 consells per sobreviure al campament (Sèrie 75 Consells #Volumen 2)
by María FrisaPer fi arriba la segona entrega del DIARI MÉS DIVERTIT que s'ha escrit mai!Més CONSELLS, més CHIBIS i el BLOG de la Sara...NINGÚ NO PODRÀ AMB TU!LA VIDA ALS DOTZE ANYS POT SER BASTANT DIFÍCIL!! Els pares prenen totes les decisions importants per tu i no et consulten res de res. T'obliguen a fer coses absurdes cada dos per tres com ara fer un petó a una persona que et planten al davant, jugar amb els amics dels seus fills, portar-te bé amb els teus germans, obeir una persona qualsevol només perquè és adulta (fins i tot els monitors de menjador)... Però el pitjor del cas és que ni tan sols et deixen decidir què vols fer amb les teves vacances!!! I decideixen que el millor regal per a unes bones notes és un campament d'anglès. No et podrien regalar Tuenti, que és molt més barat? Però, no et preocupis. La Sara ha tornat per donar-te nous consells que t'ajudaran a sobreviure en el campament: com preparar la motxilla «perfecta», com ser popular des del primer dia, com aplicar «l'estratègia de tot el contrari» amb els monitors, com sobreviure a l'hora del menjador i aconseguir provisions... i molts més consells, fins a 75! Llegeix aquest llibre. Hi descobriràs un munt de chibis nous i t'ho passaràs d'allò més bé, encara que estiguis en un campament d'anglès! I NO T'OBLIDIS DE VISITAR EL BLOG DE LA SARA!
75 Consells per sobreviure als examens (Sèrie 75 #Consells 5)
by María FrisaEstàs fart d'estudiar? No t'angoixis! El diari més divertit que mai s'ha escrit et porta 75 solucions per fer-te més suportable el mal tràngol dels exàmens Si estàs cansat d'estudiar, si el teu profe és un "motivat" dels exàmens, si vols treure bones notes sense haver d'esforçar-te gaire... ¡Aquí tens la solució! D'acord, de fer els exàmens no te'n lliuraràs, però de ben segur que amb els meus 75 consells aconseguiràs un munt de temps lliure per dedicar a les coses importants de veritat: Internet, la Nintendo, el mòbil, ser popular... Què no t'ho creus? Doncs va, obre aquest llibre i al·lucina!!
The 776 Stupidest Things Ever Said
by Kathryn Petras Ross PetrasA connoisseur's compendium of Freudian slips, spoonerisms, double-talk, and utter bosh from famous and infamous figures past and present -- a complete course in anti-eloquence by the foot-in-mouth champions of all time.
The 78-Story Treehouse: Moo-vie Madness! (The Treehouse Books #6)
by Terry Denton Andy GriffithsNew York Times bestselling author Andy Griffiths invites readers to come hang out with him and his friend Terry in their 78-Story Treehouse—the sixth book in the illustrated chapter book series filled with Andy and Terry's signature slapstick humor! Andy and Terry live in a 78-story treehouse. (It used to be a 65-story treehouse, but they just keep building more levels!) It has a drive-thru car wash, a courtroom with a robot judge called Edward Gavelhead, a scribbletorium, a combining machine, an ALL-BALL sports stadium, a high-security potato chip storage facility, and an open-air movie theatre with a super-giant screen . . . which is a very useful thing to have now that Terry’s going to be a big-shot movie star! After Andy gets cut out of the movie, he and Terry have a big fight and decide they don’t want to be best friends anymore. But with a herd of sneaky spy cows out to steal all their story ideas, can Andy and Terry make up before it’s too late?
8 Class Pets + 1 Squirrel ÷ 1 Dog = CHAOS
by Vivian Vande VeldeTwitch, the school yard squirrel, has really gotten himself into a bind this time. While trying to escape from a hungry owl, he roused the principal's dog and got chased into the school. Now he's locked in for a dangerous and disastrous night. Can Green Eggs and Hamster, Sweetie the library rat, and the other school pets save Twitch from the crazed dog, Cuddles? In this uproarious chapter book, a group of small animals manages to turn an elementary school into a real zoo.
8 Class Pets + 1 Squirrel ÷ 1 Dog = Chaos
by Vivian Vande Velde Steve BjörkmanTwitch, the school yard squirrel, has really gotten himself into a bind this time. While trying to escape from a hungry owl, he roused Cuddles, the principal's dog, and got chased into the school. Now he's locked in for a disastrous and hilarious night. Can Green Eggs and Hamster, Sweetie the Library rat, and the other school pets save Twitch from the crazed Cuddles? In this laugh-out-loud funny chapter book, a group of small animals manage to turn an elementary school into a real zoo.
8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter, and Other Tips from a Beleaguered Father (Not That Any of Them Work)
by W. Bruce CameronIt seems to happen overnight. One minute your daughter is wearing bunny slippers and demanding bedtime stories. The next, she's wearing a midriff-baring tee shirt and demanding the car keys. 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter takes us shriek by shriek through the process of raising teenage girls, including braces (the most expensive metal on earth), the telephone (seemingly wired to her nervous system), and, of course, dating (Rule #2: Keep your hands and eyes off my daughter's body, or I will remove them).
8 Simple Rules for Marrying My Daughter
by W. Bruce CameronFollowing the stunning success of 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter -- which was adapted into a TV show for ABC -- W. Bruce Cameron returns with an even more hilarious look at fatherhood, capturing the predicament of the forgotten man in the tux at his little girl's wedding. As Cameron explains, modern weddings are much like royal coronations, only more expensive. Aside from the writing of checks, there is not much fathers understand about them. Why can't guests successfully eat, drink, and dance unless the whole event is as carefully choreographed as a Broadway production? With his characteristic wit, Cameron captures the aspects of the wedding that are the most ridiculous to paternal eyes, for example: why the wedding needs a theme (this one is "We're all stressed out") why the wedding has to be photographed as if it will be reviewed by the Warren Commission why the bouquet must include a species of flower found only at the tip of the Himalayas why the wedding dress has to strike the right mood (which, judging from everyone's behavior, might best be summed up as "crabby") Throughout it all, however, a father keeps faith that the wedding -- if not the wedding preparation -- will make his daughter a happy woman. Hilarious yet poignant, 8 Simple Rules for Marrying My Daughter is sure to be a comfort to the legions of fathers (and mothers) who will one day have a daughter walking down the aisle.
806: A Novel
by Cynthia WeilSibling 1 throws blenders and plays guitar. Sibling 2 is allergic to everything and is into magic. Sibling 3 is a varsity swimmer with a group of female fans. Enough said. The only thing they have in common is their biological father, and the only thing they can agree on is that they all want to meet him. With the help of a broken-down, “borrowed” Jeep, KT, Jesse, and Gabe make their way across the country evading police, trying their luck on the slots, and meeting a life-changing pig, all to track down Donor 806, their father. Any hope of success requires smarts, luck, and ingenuity. Good thing they have each other...even if they don't see it that way.
9 Tales of Henghis Hapthorn
by Matthew HughesHere are nine tales of Henghis Hapthorn, foremost freelance discriminator of Old Earth in the planet's penultimate age. Included are the six stories that ran in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (and were previously collected in The Gist Hunter and Other Stories), leading up to the events that began the first Hapthorn novel, Majestrum, plus three more.Praise for Matthew Hughes:"Criminally underrated" - George R.R. Martin"Heir apparent to Jack Vance" - Booklist"Hughes's boldness is admirable"- New York Review of Science Fiction"Hughes effortlessly renders fantastic worlds and beings believable"- Publishers Weekly"A towering talent"- Robert J. Sawyer
9 Tales of Raffalon
by Matthew HughesIn an age of wizards and walled cities, Raffalon is a journeyman member of the Ancient and Honorable Guild of Purloiners and Purveyors. In other words, a thief.His skills allow him to scale walls, tickle locks, defeat magical wards. He lifts treasures and trinkets, and spends the proceeds on ale and sausages in taverns where a wise thief sits with his back to the wall.But somehow things often go the way they shouldn't and then Raffalon has to rely upon his wits and a well calibrated sense of daring.Here are nine tales that take our enterprising thief into the Underworld and Overworld, and pit him against prideful thaumaturges, grasping magnates, crooked guild masters, ghosts, spies, ogres, and a talented amateur assassin.Includes "Inn of the Seven Blessings," from the bestselling anthology, ROGUES, and "Sternutative Sortilege," which appears only in this collection.Praise for Matthew Hughes:"Criminally underrated" - George R.R. Martin"Heir apparent to Jack Vance" - Booklist"Hughes's boldness is admirable"- New York Review of Science Fiction"Hughes effortlessly renders fantastic worlds and beings believable"- Publishers Weekly"A towering talent"- Robert J. Sawyer
$9 Therapy: Semi-Capitalist Solutions to Your Emotional Problems
by Megan Reid Nick GreeneA tongue-in-cheek collection of the tips, tricks, and recipes that will fix your life without busting your budget.$9 Therapy proves that it’s possible to take self-care seriously without taking yourself too seriously. Self-professed lifestyle gurus Nick Greene and Megan Reid know that sometimes it takes as little as spending nine dollars on an act of self-care to turn your day around. While working their first, low-paying jobs out of school, Nick and Meg learned to spend wisely—and fabulously—and firmly came to believe in the radical potential of simple pleasures. In $9 Therapy, they use their hard-won wisdom to show how small, inexpensive treats can elevate your adulting game: whether it’s mindfully repotting a plant to finally drinking from a decent wine glass (even if you can afford only one), to recipes you’ll actually want to cook, to design tips to make even the tiniest spaces look like Instagram-bait.With enthusiasm and sass, (and featuring 30 colorful illustrations), $9 Therapy brings together the lifehacks and mini-upgrades that encourage you to make your life a little bit easier, a little bit less stressful, a little bit better, a little more loving toward yourself and the humans around you.
90% of the Game Is Half Mental: And Other Tales from the Edge of Baseball Fandom
by Emma SpanLifelong baseball aficionado Span offers an irreverent, affectionate look at the frequently obsessive, often irrational, totally committed mindset it takes to be a true baseball fan (Johnette Howard, author of "The Rivals").
The 91-Story Treehouse (The Treehouse Books #7)
by Andy Griffiths Terry DentonNew York Times-bestselling team Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton invite readers to come hang out with them in their 91-Story Treehouse—the seventh book in the illustrated chapter book series filled with Andy and Terry's signature slapstick humor!Andy and Terry live in a 91-story treehouse. (It used to be a 78-story treehouse, but they keep getting ideas for new stories!) It has a submarine sandwich shop that serves sandwiches the size of actual submarines, an air-traffic control tower, a human pinball machine, a spin-and-win prize wheel, a giant spider web—with a giant spider!— and a big red button, which they’re not sure whether to push or not because they can’t remember what it does. Good thing there’s so many fun things to do in the treehouse, because Andy and Terry get stuck babysitting Mr. Big Nose’s three grandchildren for the day. After all, how much trouble could they possibly get into in just one day?
97 Things to Do Before You Finish High School
by Steven Jenkins Erika StalderBeing in high school is about a lot more than going to high school. It's about discovering new places, new hobbies, and new people—and opening your eyes to the world. This book is about the stuff they don't teach you in high school, like how to host a film festival, plan your first road trip, make a podcast, or write a manifesto. Want to make a time capsule? Spend a day in silence? Learn how to make beats like a DJ? Or shut down your house party before the police do? Whatever your creative, social, or academic inclinations, you'll find 97 ways on these pages to amuse, educate, and interest yourself, and your friends. Because your life doesn't stop at 3pm each day—it just gets started. "Make your high school experience the best possible with this brilliant book." –Justine Magazine
97 Things to Do Before You Finish High School
by Steven Jenkins Erika StalderBeing in high school is about a lot more than going to high school. It's about discovering new places, new hobbies, and new people--and opening your eyes to the world. This book is about the stuff they don't teach you in high school, like how to host a film festival, plan your first road trip, make a podcast, or write a manifesto. Want to make a time capsule? Spend a day in silence? Learn how to make beats like a DJ? Or shut down your house party before the police do? Whatever your creative, social, or academic inclinations, you'll find 97 ways on these pages to amuse, educate, and interest yourself, and your friends. Because your life doesn't stop at 3pm each day--it just gets started.
97 Ways to Make a Cat Like You
by Carol KaufmannFrom the publisher of B. Kliban’s Cat, All I Need to Know I Learned from My Cat, and Bad Cat, comes a new book that answers the question all cat lovers ask: How do I make my cat like me?97 Ways to Make a Cat Like You is the perfect interactive guide to these mysterious, fickle, seemingly aloof—yet really, just particular—pets. Paired with a full-color photograph of friendly, extroverted, happy cats (in case you’ve forgotten what a cat looks like when he “likes” you), the 97 inspired, occasionally silly but always behaviorally-based tips and tricks prove that when a cat is treated right, he or she will respond in kind. Within reason. There’s the “Eye on the Ball”—record a tennis match or a Ping-Pong game on TV to play back for your cat when he needs a bit of exercise. “Cat Burrito”—wrap your cat in a towel, burrito-style, which is particularly good for anxious pets or trips to the vet. The “Boing, Boing!”—wind pipe cleaners around a pencil in a spiral shape to create springs. Carefully slide off the pencil so the spirals go “boing” when pressed. The classic “Tickle, Tickle”—tickle Kitty under her chin and softly say “gitchy, gitchy, gitchy” in your highest-pitched voice. And for the cat owner willing to go the distance, the “There’s No Business Like Show Business”—practice your best Ethel Merman by belting out favorite show tunes for your cat. Kitty won’t care if you’re off-key and she’ll enjoy the stimulation.
97 Ways to Make a Dog Smile
by Jenny LangbehnNews for dogs and dog lovers to smile about: The irresistible bestseller is now even more irresistible with a 4-by-6-inch “chunky” format. As quirky, colorful, and giftable as ever, 97 Ways to Make a Dog Smile is now fresher and more appealing. Developed by Jenny Langbehn, a veterinary nurse who has a gift for making dogs happy, here are 97 foolproof methods and tricks for putting any dog into a state of pure pleasure. Enhancing each entry is an adorable, full-color photograph of the guaranteed result—a smiling dog. Give these a try: Lower-Ear Noogies. The Thumper. Lazy Man’s Tetherball. The Hansel and Gretel—“For an afternoon of fun, scamper about the house leaving a trail of plain popped popcorn in your wake.” Or “Subliminal Game,” which works by sneaking a favorite word like “cookie” into otherwise boring jabber.* The tricks require no fancy props or special talents—just a willingness to surrender yourself to sheer silliness. They combine the creative gift of touch— unexpected ways to rub, massage, scratch, tickle, and knead—with imaginative play scenarios that are just loopy enough to ensure your dog will be amused, whether he’s laughing with you or at you. These tricks really work.*Don’t forget to have said cookie on hand.
97 Ways to Train a Dragon #9
by Kate McmullanWiglaf's supposed to be a dragon slayer, but he's more like a dragon babysitter when he finds a baby dragon and decides to keep it! Back in his first new adventure in four years, Wiglaf is as funny and appealing as ever. In keeping with the reissue of the original books in the series, the ninth book is 112 pages long and includes a hilarious bonus yearbook section that will have kids laughing out loud.
The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers
by Adam SassA charming YA rom-com perfect for fans of Red, White, and Royal Blue and What If It&’s Us. Micah Summers runs a popular Instagram full of drawings of his numerous imaginary boyfriends (ninety-nine so far)—though he's never had a real boyfriend before. But when a meet-cute with Boy 100 goes wrong, Micah embarks on a Prince Charming-like quest throughout Chicago to find true love—for real this time.Will Boy 100 be the One? Micah is rich, dreamy, and charming. As the &“Prince of Chicago,&”—the son of local celebrity sports radio host known as the King of Chicago—he has everything going for him. Unfortunately, he&’s also the prince of imaginary meet-cutes, since he&’s too nervous to actually ask boys out. Instead, Micah draws each crush to share on Instagram with a post about their imaginary dates. Ninety-nine &“boyfriends&” later, his account is hugely popular, and everyone is eagerly awaiting Boy 100. So is Micah. He&’s determined that Boy 100 will be different. This time, Micah will sweep the boy off his feet, for real! So when Micah flirts with a hot boy on the L who&’s wearing a vegan leather jacket and lugging a ton of library books, he is sure this is Boy 100. But right before he can make his move and ask for the boy&’s number, the guy rushes off the train, leaving behind his pumpkin-embroidered jacket. The jacket holds clues to the boy&’s identity, so Micah and his friends set off on a quest to return it. Along the way, Micah will discover that the best relationships aren&’t fairy tales. In fact, the perfect fit—and true love—might be closer than he thinks.
99 Dead Snowmen
by Tony De SaullesStan the Snowman does not have the best of luck. In fact, it seems like everyone is out to get him. Beset by enemies on all sides, he is viciously attacked by an extraordinary array of things - old ladies, robins, super models, rabbits, hot water bottles, daffodils, chocolate flakes, evil cannibal snowmen... The list goes on and on in this hilarious cartoon collection of 99 freaky fatalities will leave you crying with laughter. A wintry Christmas present to die for.
99 Dead Snowmen
by Tony De SaullesStan the Snowman does not have the best of luck. In fact, it seems like everyone is out to get him. Beset by enemies on all sides, he is viciously attacked by an extraordinary array of things - old ladies, robins, super models, rabbits, hot water bottles, daffodils, chocolate flakes, evil cannibal snowmen... The list goes on and on in this hilarious cartoon collection of 99 freaky fatalities will leave you crying with laughter. A wintry Christmas present to die for.