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Showing 951 through 975 of 34,350 results

Al calor de tu invierno (Amar en Cuatro estaciones #Volumen 1)

by Ángeles Valero Zahara C. Ordóñez

Cuando el amor llega al pintoresco pueblo de Cuatro Estaciones no hay nada que lo frene. «Aunque hacía tiempo que mi corazón sabía lo que quería, en mi cabeza había cientos de interrogantes. Hasta que el calor de su abrazo derritió cualquier duda». Jimena encaja el golpe de una pérdida importante en las peores fechas del año. Se refugia en el trabajo hasta que ha de gestionar unos asuntos familiares en la casa de su infancia, situada en Cuatro Estaciones, un pueblo pintoresco situado en las montañas, aprovechando las vacaciones de Navidad. Rodrigo vive una vida idílica en el pueblo, al frente del negocio de sus padres. Sin embargo, una oportunidad inesperada le hace valorar un cambio. Querer algo más, lejos de allí. Aunque el regreso de Jimena, la chica que lo volvía loco en el instituto, puede que mande al traste sus expectativas. Ella no está pasando su mejor época y si de algo presume él es de saber hacerla reír. Jimena y Rodrigo harán un tándem perfecto. Entre risas y buenos momentos, las dudas de sus corazones se derretirán al calor de un invierno que no será tan frío como pensaban. Pero ¿pueden sus vidas unirse para no volver a separarse? ¿Puede su amor perdurar más allá del deshielo?

Al diablo con la muerte (Morir por amor #Volumen 2)

by Iris Romero Bermejo

Segunda entrega de la serie «Morir por amor» iniciada con Con la muerte en sus tacones. Disfruta una vez más con Pilar, La Muerte, Óscar y un nuevo personaje que no te dejará indiferente, donde nada es lo que parece. ¿Qué harías si te dijeran que te quedas sin cuerpo, porque le pertenece a una muerta capulla que lo «necesita» en el Infierno para no tener que pasar la eternidad en una bolsa de basura con dos agujeros por ojos? Pilar vive en un cuento de hadas con Óscar, el verdadero amor de su vida. Su nuevo pisito, su cuerpo mejorado y el dinero en el banco hacen que su existencia lo tiña todo de color de rosa. Lo último que ella se imagina es que La Muerte sigue sus pasos de cerca, esperando el momento oportuno para avisarle de que hay un pequeño, ridículo, minúsculo problema...: Andrea exije que su cuerpo le sea devuelto para poder pasar la eternidad en el Infierno. La Muerte se lo robó, y lo quiere de vuelta. El inconveniente es que Pilar está utilizando ese cuerpo, no tiene otro. Su suerte se decide en un juicio del que no puede escapar, donde no tiene más remedio que aceptar un juego donde perdería todo lo que ha conseguido hasta ahora. Acepta y vuelve a la vida en un cuerpo totalmente desconocido para ella, en otra vida, con La Muerte como consejera (muy a su pesar) y a la verdadera Andrea de vuelta de entre los muertos, dispuesta a recuperar a Óscar. Será él quien tendrá en sus manos, sin saberlo, el destino de ambas. Los lectores han dicho sobre Con la muerte en sus tacones:«Lo he devorado. Desde que comencé no he parado de leer hasta el final. Es una novela muy divertida y fresca, justo lo que apetece en esta época.» «Una novela de amor que se sale de todos los cánones. Una muerte irreverente que somete a la protagonista a sus deseos. Una protagonista que evoluciona con el tiempo y deja de ser de lo más snob para convertirse en una mujer tierna y valiente. Un protagonista masculino que adoraré para siempre.» «Me ha encantado la historia de principio a fin, es muy entretenida y graciosa. He buscado más tiempos libres para poder terminarlo porque necesitaba seguir leyendo.» «¡¡¡Muy recomendable para pasar unas cuantas horas sin dejar de sonreír!!!»

Al final de la escalera (Juntos y revueltos #Volumen 4)

by Eleanor Rigby

Cuarta entrega de Juntos y revueltos, la serie más desternillante de Eleanor Rigby. ¡No te pierdas al bloque de vecinos más loco y cotilla que puedas imaginar! Cuando el amor llama literalmente a tu puerta... solo puedes invitarlo a pasar. Este libro se puede leer de forma independiente.¿Qué podrían tener en común Alison Bale, la fría pero exitosa psicóloga de la última planta del edificio, y Álvaro Román, el gamer del 2º? En principio, no parece que mucho. Pero los Román llevan años tratando de echar de su casa a Álvaro, que a sus (ya muchos) años sigue parado, divorciado y viviendo con ellos, y solo era cuestión de tiempo que pidieran ayuda a Alison. Lamentablemente, ella tiene planes para sí misma, planes que no puede posponer, porque el reloj biológico no perdona, y que por supuesto no incluyen a Álvaro Román. O al menos no lo incluían hasta que este descubre su secreto y le hace una oferta que no puede rechazar...

Al Franken, Giant of the Senate

by Al Franken

<P>From Senator Al Franken - #1 bestselling author and beloved SNL alum - comes the story of an award-winning comedian who decided to run for office and then discovered why award-winning comedians tend not to do that.This is a book about an unlikely campaign that had an even more improbable ending: the closest outcome in history and an unprecedented eight-month recount saga, which is pretty funny in retrospect. <P>It's a book about what happens when the nation's foremost progressive satirist gets a chance to serve in the United States Senate and, defying the low expectations of the pundit class, actually turns out to be good at it. <P>It's a book about our deeply polarized, frequently depressing, occasionally inspiring political culture, written from inside the belly of the beast.In this candid personal memoir, the honorable gentleman from Minnesota takes his army of loyal fans along with him from Saturday Night Live to the campaign trail, inside the halls of Congress, and behind the scenes of some of the most dramatic and/or hilarious moments of his new career in politics. <P>Has Al Franken become a true Giant of the Senate? Franken asks readers to decide for themselves. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Al Jaffee's Mad Life: A Biography

by Mary-Lou Weisman

“One of the great cartoonists of our time.” –New Yorker cartoonist Arnold Roth The remarkable story of one of America’s most prolific and beloved cartoonists, Al Jaffee, with dozens of original color illustrations. Jaffe’s career in cartooning stretches back to 1941—with early humor pieces for Timely Comics, a precursor to Marvel Comics—but the iconic artist remains best known for the brilliant Fold-In cartoons he invented at Bill Gaines’s Mad magazine in 1964. The cerebral and sardonic illustrations have inspired generations of Mad readers—including Stephen Colbert, R. Crumb, Gary Larson and Charles Shultz—to embrace a firm and healthy irreverence towards the status quo. New York Times columnist and bestselling author Mary-Lou Weisman (My Middle-Aged Baby Book) helps Jaffe tell his remarkable story.

Al Lupo Al Lupo

by Tony Lewis

Il mezzo vampiro Ollie eredita l’agenzia investigativa di suo zio nel paese non morto di Skullenia. Assieme all’agenzia c’è il personale di suo zio: uno zombie che riesce a stento a tenersi assieme, un rianimato delle dimensioni di una cabina telefonica e con un QI a una sola cifra, un professore matto e Ronnie, che ha la capacità di rendersi invisibile. Skullenia sembra essere l’ultimo posto al mondo che avrebbe bisogno di un’agenzia investigativa. Almeno questo è quello che pensa Ollie, fino a quando il Conte Jocular lo incarica di risolvere una serie di inspiegabili sparizioni. Ma Ollie ha trovato pane troppo duro per i suoi denti? Con l’aiuto della sua raffazzonata squadra e alcuni francamente ridicoli personaggi, tenta di risolvere lo sconcertante mistero.

Al Murray The Pub Landlord Says Think Yourself British

by Al Murray

The Pub Landlord says: My last book was all about helping Great Britain get back on her feet by providing an injection of Common Sense to make up for all the balls and waffle we've been subjected to in this once great nation of ours. This time it's personal - I'm offering to step out from behind the taps here and try to show you the way. This time I'm giving you a man to man chat, a chance for you sit yourself down and stand on your own two feet. The first principle of Helping Yourself is this: in order to take one step forward, we must first take two steps backwards. Because you will only truly know that you are moving forwards if you have first seen what it's like to go backwards. This book is designed to equip you to take those crucial backwards steps. In fact, once you have read Think Yourself British you will undoubtedly become one of the most backwards people you know. And because you bought this book, together we can fix Broken Britain.(P)2009 Hodder & Stoughton

Al Murray: The Pub Landlord's Book of British Common Sense

by Al Murray

We live in an age of waffle, mumbo-jumbo and bad thinking. We're forever being fed dodgy information by so-called experts, scientists, opinion-makers, politicians, journalists and jumped-up little graduates. Their combined bad thinking includes: *the idea that no one should win in running races at school, in case the losers get upset*the idea that owning a house in France is a decent way to spend your money *the idea that we should all talk about our feelings and that would make things better*speed cameras*mineral water*hummus*and the fact that everyone reckons they've got asthma. Why do we believe this nonsense? Because, as a nation we've forgotten the basic elements of common sense. Thank God then for Al Murray. Together with the collecting thoughts of hia locals, he's here to put good old-fashioned British common sense back where it belongs.(P)2007 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Al norte de la felicidad: En busca del taco perfecto

by Adi Alsaid

Carlos Portillo siempre ha llevado una vida privilegiada y protegida. Ciudadano dual de México y los Estados Unidos, vive en la Ciudad de México con su familia, donde asiste a una escuela internacional de élite. Siempre ha sido obediente a las normas y un orgullo para sus padres: Carlos está más que feliz de seguir la senda conocida. Siempre ha amado la comida y especialmente cocinar, pero sus padres ven esto como un hobby.Cuando su hermano mayor, Félix -que abandonó la universidad para vivir una vida de viajero- es trágicamente asesinado, Carlos comienza a escuchar la voz de su hermano, aconsejándolo y presionándolo para que se rebele contra el plan de su padre. Preocupado por su salud mental, pero sabiendo que la voz es correcta, Carlos huye a los Estados Unidos y logra asegurarse un trabajo con su chef famoso favorito. Mientras trabaja para mejorar sus habilidades en la cocina y perseguir su sueño, comienza a enamorarse de la hija de su jefe, un hecho que podría terminar su carrera antes de que comience.Finalmente, viviendo para sí mismo, Carlos debe decidir qué es lo más importante para él y dónde está realmente su verdadero camino.

Al Pha's Bet

by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Wonderful things are being invented every day in Al Pha's world-fire, the wheel, even shadows! His big chance to be part of history comes when the King announces that the twenty-six recently invented letters need to be put in order. Al makes a bet with himself that he's the man for the job. Through a series of funny events, he eventually finds the perfect order for the letters, and the king rewards him by naming his creation the "Alphabet." Sure to entertain and engage young readers, this book turns the ABC's inside out. Kids will laugh at the quirky illustrations and clever wordplay, while wondering where the alphabet really did get its order.

Al Simple Compás De La Pasión: Lindo, sorprendente y joven (Al Simple Compás De La Pasión #1)

by Divino B'Atista

Marina es una pequeña ciudad litoral que todos los años se convierte en escenario del gran festival de música "Aguas Sonoras". Durante dos días, la tranquilidad de Marina da lugar a una agitación frenética de jóvenes de la ciudad y alrededores. Daniel Vandres es cantante del grupo "Sound of Silence", atracción principal del festival. Él, por cierto, no imaginaba que se cruzaría en el camino de la soñadora Josy, quien sólo piensa en el trabajo pero es convencida por su hermana de ir al festival y divertirse un poco. Roberta nutre un amor platónico por Daniel desde su infancia y es capaz de cualquier locura con tal de que el cantante la note. Es en medio de una de esas locuras que ellas conocen a Beto y a Miguel, dos jóvenes que harán a Josy repensar un poco sobre su concepto de la diversión.


by Suresh Dalal

બાળક એટલે વિસ્મયની દુનિયાનો વિષ્ણુભગવાન. એની સૃષ્ટિમાં પૂર્ણવિરામનું મહત્ત્વ નથી, પણ આશ્ચર્યચિહ્નોનું સામ્રાજ્ય છે. તમે જો એની દુનિયા તરફ જુઓ તો બાળકાવ્યો કે બાળવાર્તાની ગંગોત્રી શોધવા માટે બહુ દૂર નહીં જવું પડે. ફરિયાદ તો એના હોઠ પર હોય જ. સુરેશ દલાલે એમની આગવી શૈલીમાં એમના ચૌદ બાળકાવ્ય સંગ્રહોમાં રજૂ કર્યા છે.

Alan Partridge: Big Beacon

by Alan Partridge

"Not only has Alan Partridge created an entirely new storytelling structure, it's very funny indeed." Jon Ronson'Partridge... has become the man our time deserves. Aha!' The TimesIn Big Beacon, Norwich's favourite son and best broadcaster, Alan Partridge, triumphs against the odds. TWICE.Using an innovative 'dual narrative' structure you sometimes see in films, Big Beacon tells the story of how Partridge heroically rebuilt his TV career, rising like a phoenix from the desolate wasteland of local radio to climb to the summit of Mount Primetime and regain the nationwide prominence his talent merits. But then something quite unexpected and moving, because Big Beacon also tells the story of a selfless man, driven to restore an old lighthouse to its former glory, motivated by nothing more than respect for a quietly heroic old building that many take for granted, which some people think is a metaphor for Alan himself even though it's not really for them to say.* Leaving his old life behind and relocating to a small coastal village in Kent, Alan battles through adversity, wins the hearts and minds of a suspicious community, and ultimately shows himself to be a quite wonderful man. * The two strands will run in tandem, their narrative arcs mirroring each other to make the parallels between the two stories abundantly clear to the less able reader.

Alan Partridge: Big Beacon

by Alan Partridge

"Not only has Alan Partridge created an entirely new storytelling structure, it's very funny indeed." Jon Ronson'Partridge... has become the man our time deserves. Aha!' The TimesIn Big Beacon, Norwich's favourite son and best broadcaster, Alan Partridge, triumphs against the odds. TWICE.Using an innovative 'dual narrative' structure you sometimes see in films, Big Beacon tells the story of how Partridge heroically rebuilt his TV career, rising like a phoenix from the desolate wasteland of local radio to climb to the summit of Mount Primetime and regain the nationwide prominence his talent merits. But then something quite unexpected and moving, because Big Beacon also tells the story of a selfless man, driven to restore an old lighthouse to its former glory, motivated by nothing more than respect for a quietly heroic old building that many take for granted, which some people think is a metaphor for Alan himself even though it's not really for them to say.* Leaving his old life behind and relocating to a small coastal village in Kent, Alan battles through adversity, wins the hearts and minds of a suspicious community, and ultimately shows himself to be a quite wonderful man. * The two strands will run in tandem, their narrative arcs mirroring each other to make the parallels between the two stories abundantly clear to the less able reader.

Alan Partridge: Nomad

by Alan Partridge

As seen on This Time with Alan Partridge on BBC One. THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERPraise for Nomad: 'Funniest book of the year' Sunday Telegraph'Alan Partridge's Nomad is almost certainly the funniest book ever written' Caitlin Moran'Sensationally funny. What brilliant writing' Richard Osman'Sensational' Jenny Colgan'Hilarious' Jon Ronson'Brilliantly funny' Marcus BrigstockIn ALAN PARTRIDGE: NOMAD, Alan dons his boots, windcheater and scarf and embarks on an odyssey through a place he once knew - it's called Britain - intent on completing a journey of immense personal significance.Diarising his ramble in the form of a 'journey journal', Alan details the people and places he encounters, ruminates on matters large and small and, on a final leg fraught with danger, becomes - not a man (because he was one to start off with) - but a better, more inspiring example of a man. This deeply personal book is divided into chapters and has a colour photograph on the front cover. It is deeply personal. Through witty vignettes, heavy essays and nod-inducing pieces of wisdom, Alan shines a light on the nooks of the nation and the crannies of himself, making this a biography that biographs the biographer while also biographing bits of Britain.

Alan Partridge: Nomad

by Alan Partridge

As seen on This Time with Alan Partridge on BBC One.THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERPraise for Nomad: 'Funniest book of the year' Sunday Telegraph'Alan Partridge's Nomad is almost certainly the funniest book ever written' Caitlin Moran'Sensationally funny. What brilliant writing' Richard Osman'Sensational' Jenny Colgan'Hilarious' Jon Ronson'Brilliantly funny' Marcus BrigstockIn ALAN PARTRIDGE: NOMAD, Alan dons his boots, windcheater and scarf and embarks on an odyssey through a place he once knew - it's called Britain - intent on completing a journey of immense personal significance.Diarising his ramble in the form of a 'journey journal', Alan details the people and places he encounters, ruminates on matters large and small and, on a final leg fraught with danger, becomes - not a man (because he was one to start off with) - but a better, more inspiring example of a man. This deeply personal book is divided into chapters and has a colour photograph on the front cover. It is deeply personal. Through witty vignettes, heavy essays and nod-inducing pieces of wisdom, Alan shines a light on the nooks of the nation and the crannies of himself, making this a biography that biographs the biographer while also biographing bits of Britain.

Alan Partridge: Nomad

by Alan Partridge

Currently co-hosting This Time with Alan Partridge on BBC One.THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERPraise for Nomad: 'Funniest book of the year' Sunday Telegraph'Alan Partridge's Nomad is almost certainly the funniest book ever written' Caitlin Moran'Sensationally funny. What brilliant writing' Richard Osman'Sensational' Jenny Colgan'Hilarious' Jon Ronson'Brilliantly funny' Marcus BrigstockIn ALAN PARTRIDGE: NOMAD, Alan dons his boots, windcheater and scarf and embarks on an odyssey through a place he once knew - it's called Britain - intent on completing a journey of immense personal significance.Diarising his ramble in the form of a 'journey journal', Alan details the people and places he encounters, ruminates on matters large and small and, on a final leg fraught with danger, becomes - not a man (because he was one to start off with) - but a better, more inspiring example of a man. This deeply personal book is divided into chapters and has a colour photograph on the front cover. It is deeply personal. Through witty vignettes, heavy essays and nod-inducing pieces of wisdom, Alan shines a light on the nooks of the nation and the crannies of himself, making this a biography that biographs the biographer while also biographing bits of Britain.

Alan Stoob: A comic novel

by Saul Wordsworth

'A creation of comic genius.' Jon Ronson'Alan Stoob is to Nazis what Inspector Clouseau is to jewel thieves. He's a marvellous comic creation, and deserves his own series of movies.' - Joanne Harris, author of Chocolat. 'The human story at the heart of the tragically comic amid the increasingly surreal plot.' - The TimesAlan Stoob, hero of this hilarious novel has been described as a new member of the great pantheon of British comic characters - genus awkward old bastard - that already includes Mr Micawber, Mr Pooter and Captain Mainwairing.Originally a Twitter sensation, whose fans include India Knight and Dara O'Brien, he now walks the pages of this book finding Nazi conspirators in the most mundane surroundings. Into a very ordinary, domestic setting comes world famous Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, who invites Alan to take on responsibilities for hunting Nazis in hiding in the county of Bedfordshire.Alan agrees and finds that wherever he looks he sees evidence of Nazi conspiracy and he begins to follow a trail of evidence that leads him to members of the UK Cabinet and even the President of the United States.

Alan Stoob: A comic novel

by Saul Wordsworth

'A creation of comic genius.' Jon Ronson'Alan Stoob is to Nazis what Inspector Clouseau is to jewel thieves. He's a marvellous comic creation, and deserves his own series of movies.' - Joanne Harris, author of Chocolat. 'The human story at the heart of the tragically comic amid the increasingly surreal plot.' - The TimesAlan Stoob, hero of this hilarious novel has been described as a new member of the great pantheon of British comic characters - genus awkward old bastard - that already includes Mr Micawber, Mr Pooter and Captain Mainwairing.Originally a Twitter sensation, whose fans include India Knight and Dara O'Brien, he now walks the pages of this book finding Nazi conspirators in the most mundane surroundings. Into a very ordinary, domestic setting comes world famous Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, who invites Alan to take on responsibilities for hunting Nazis in hiding in the county of Bedfordshire.Alan agrees and finds that wherever he looks he sees evidence of Nazi conspiracy and he begins to follow a trail of evidence that leads him to members of the UK Cabinet and even the President of the United States.

Alan Titchmarsh's Fill My Stocking

by Alan Titchmarsh

A great raconteur and entertainer, Alan Titchmarsh gets together every Christmas with family and friends to celebrate the season and performs much-loved anecdotes, stories, poems and sketches - old and new. Fill My Stocking combines these well-known favourites with his own self-penned festive pieces, each beautifully illustrated with his own watercolour vignettes. Collected together for the first time, this is the perfect stocking filler for his legions of fans. Alan Titchmarsh has presented numerous television programmes including the hugely popular How To Be A Gardener and British Isles: A Natural History. He is also a best-selling writer and novelist.

Alanatomy: The Inside Story

by Alan Carr

***If you loved Alan's first memoir - Look Who It Is! - then his follow-up, Alanatomy, will take you further into the hilarious and bizarre world of the country's favourite chatty man.***'As laugh out loud as his TV shows' Daily MirrorIt must seem strange to you that I've called a book Alanatomy . . . For anyone who has taken the time to see my stand-up performances or watched my chat show, 'Chattyman', knows that my body has hardly been kind to me - in fact there've been times when we've actually stopped talking to each other. Balding, myopic, often flaky with psoriasis, back fat that hangs suspended like a cape, a voice that could strip varnish, an increasingly dodgy hip and even dodgier teeth. Why would you draw attention to it? you must ask. Couldn't you just call the book something else? Do you think the Great British Public is ready to pore over your body? Well, as I turn forty and take stock of my showbiz life over the last ten years or so, I have learnt to embrace my flaws and face my shortcomings. In fact, strange as it might seem, the things I hate about myself have become my trademark and I am slowly, begrudgingly learning to, if not love them, to at least live with them. I am ready now to take a long hard look at myself and that's what Alanatomy is. It's the story of my rise to fame: the joys, the traumas, the parties, the disappointments. Hopefully you will find it witty, fun, heartwarming, but more importantly honest, and that it will keep you entertained every time you pick it up. Alanatomy is the chance for you to get beneath my skin and see the real me because, and to continue the anatomical theme if I may, this showbiz existence can sometimes feel like an autopsy - picked at, probed and scrutinized with every inch of your body held up for analysis, but unlike an actual autopsy, you are very much alive. So I give you Alanatomy: The Inside Story. I am laying myself out on the slab for your entertainment; naked, stripped bare. Grab your scalpel, peel back the skin and go deep, have a good old probe around at my life so far. Yes, you are going to find guts, a fair bit of cheek, maybe even a little bit of gristle, but hopefully, you'll find a whole lot of heart.

Alarm at the Farm! #2: A Graphic Novel (Finder's Creatures #2)

by P. Knuckle Jones

In this hilarious graphic novel mystery, detective-in-training Finder and her friends are back on the case, as they investigate what exactly is going on at Old Lady Goose Liver's farm! Perfect for fans of The InvestiGators!Finder and her friends are toad-ally excited for their field trip to Goose-Liver Farm, but when they notice some power outages and other strange shenanigans, they realize they may have a new mystery at hand. It turns out there&’s a secret high-tech headquarters located beneath kind Old Lady Goose-Liver&’s farm that&’s hiding away some sinister creatures. Is the sweet old goose in on it, or is she the victim of fowl play? And how exactly does the great detective Seymour Warts's investigation into his nemesis Smarty Arty connect to Goose-Liver Farm? Only the Creature Finders can figure it out.

The Alarming Career of Sir Richard Blackstone

by Lisa Doan

Twelve-year-old Henry Hewitt has been living by his wits on the streets of London, dodging his parents, who are determined to sell him as an apprentice. Searching for a way out of the city, Henry lands a position in Hampshire as an assistant to Sir Richard Blackstone, an aristocratic scientist who performs unorthodox experiments in his country manor. The manor house is comfortable, and the cook is delighted to feed Henry as much as he can eat. Sir Richard is also kind, and Henry knows he has finally found a place where he belongs.But everything changes when one of Sir Richard’s experiments accidentally transforms a normal-sized tarantula into a colossal beast that escapes and roams the neighborhood. After a man goes missing and Sir Richard is accused of witchcraft, it is left to young Henry to find an antidote for the oversized arachnid. Things are not as they seem, and in saving Sir Richard from the gallows, Henry also unravels a mystery about his own identity.

The Alarming Palsy of James Orr

by Tom Lee

A Kafkaesque and darkly humorous “suburban gothic” that tracks the unraveling of man’s body, mind, and life. James Orr—husband, father, reliable employee and all-around model citizen—awakes one morning to find half his face paralyzed. Waiting for the affliction to pass, he stops going to work and wanders his idyllic estate, with its woodland, uniform streets and perfectly manicured lawns. But there are cracks in the veneer. And as his orderly existence begins to unravel, it appears that James himself may not be the man he thought he was. A deeply unsettling story of creeping horror that consistently confounds expectations, The Alarming Palsy of James Orr introduces a writer of extraordinary and disturbing talents.

Alaskan Catch

by Sue Pethick

A dream job it’s not. But for Emily Prentice, working as a seafood inspector in Ketchikan, Alaska, takes her one step closer to becoming a marine biologist. And it’ll give her a first taste of independence from her overprotective mom and the doctor boyfriend she’s pushing into Emily’s arms. Emily’s certainly not looking for romance . . . until a huge dog knocks her down and sends her flying into fish goo. It’s love at first sight for Emily and Bear, whose handsome owner, Sam, becomes flummoxed when the fallen worker in the hard hat turns out to be a pretty young woman. Emily and Bear begin a beautiful relationship, with Sam in tow. And before long the attraction between the humans becomes undeniable. But separation and a dangerous undertaking soon leave Emily wondering if she’ll lose Sam before she gets to tell him how she really feels . . . Bear wants his humans staying together, and before he’s done, both Emily and Sam will learn one essential canine truth: A dog is the only one on earth who loves you more than you love yourself.Praise for Sue Pethick’s Novels “Quirky characters abound in this gentle romantic comedy with a hint of suspense. But it’s the comic scenes featuring Shep that steal the show. . . . Readers who delight in tales about the bond between people and their dogs will enjoy.” —Booklist on Please Don’t Feed the Mayor“A light, heartwarming read perfect for a wintry afternoon at home or a sunny beachvacation.” —RT Book Reviews on Pet Friendly “Filled with romance, drama, and family love . . . a fun, light hearted read that is sure to give you warm fuzzy feelings. ”—Modern Dog on The Dog Who Came for Christmas “Witty and emotional. . . . Grab a treasured pet and a box of tissues before sitting down to read this endearing tale.” —RT Book Reviews on Boomer’s Bucket List

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