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Showing 16,076 through 16,100 of 57,130 results

The Enthusiast: Anatomy of the Fanatic in Seventeenth-Century British Culture

by William Cook Miller

The Enthusiast tells the story of a character type that was developed in early modern Britain to discredit radical prophets during an era that witnessed the dismantling of the Church of England's traditional means for punishing heresy. As William Cook Miller shows, the caricature of fanaticism here called the Enthusiast began as propaganda against religious dissenters, especially working-class upstarts, but was adopted by a range of writers as a literary vehicle for exploring profound problems of spirit, soul, and body and as a persona for the ironic expression of their own prophetic illuminations. Taking shape through the public and private writings of some of the most insightful authors of seventeenth-century Britain—Henry More, John Locke, the Third Earl of Shaftesbury, Mary Astell, and Jonathan Swift, among others—the Enthusiast appeared in various guises and literary modes. By attending to this literary being and its animators, The Enthusiast establishes the figure of the fanatic as a bridge between the Reformation and the Enlightenment, showing how an incipient secular modernity was informed by not the rejection of religion but the transformation of the prophet into something sparkling, witty, ironic, and new.

The Enthymeme: Syllogism, Reasoning, and Narrative in Ancient Greek Rhetoric

by James Fredal

Central to rhetorical theory, the enthymeme is most often defined as a truncated syllogism. Suppressing a premise that the audience already knows, this rhetorical device relies on the audience to fill in the missing information, thereby making the argument more persuasive. James Fredal argues that this view of the enthymeme is wrong. Presenting a new exegesis of Aristotle and classic texts of Attic oratory, Fredal shows that the standard reading of Aristotle’s enthymeme is inaccurate—and that Aristotle himself distorts what enthymemes are and how they work.From close analysis of the Rhetoric, Topics, and Analytics, Fredal finds that Aristotle’s enthymeme is, in fact, not syllogistic and is different from the enthymeme as it was used by Attic orators such as Lysias and Isaeus. Fredal argues that the enthymeme, as it was originally understood and used, is a technique of storytelling, primarily forensic storytelling, aimed at eliciting from the audience an inference about a narrative. According to Fredal, narrative rather than formal logic is the seedbed of the enthymeme and of rhetoric more broadly.The Enthymeme reassesses a fundamental doctrine of rhetorical instruction, clarifies the viewpoints of the tradition, and presents a new form of rhetoric for further study and use. This groundbreaking book will be welcomed by scholars and students of classical rhetoric, the history of rhetoric, and rhetorical theory as well as communications studies, classical studies, and classical philosophy.

The Enthymeme: Syllogism, Reasoning, and Narrative in Ancient Greek Rhetoric

by James Fredal

Central to rhetorical theory, the enthymeme is most often defined as a truncated syllogism. Suppressing a premise that the audience already knows, this rhetorical device relies on the audience to fill in the missing information, thereby making the argument more persuasive. James Fredal argues that this view of the enthymeme is wrong. Presenting a new exegesis of Aristotle and classic texts of Attic oratory, Fredal shows that the standard reading of Aristotle’s enthymeme is inaccurate—and that Aristotle himself distorts what enthymemes are and how they work.From close analysis of the Rhetoric, Topics, and Analytics, Fredal finds that Aristotle’s enthymeme is, in fact, not syllogistic and is different from the enthymeme as it was used by Attic orators such as Lysias and Isaeus. Fredal argues that the enthymeme, as it was originally understood and used, is a technique of storytelling, primarily forensic storytelling, aimed at eliciting from the audience an inference about a narrative. According to Fredal, narrative rather than formal logic is the seedbed of the enthymeme and of rhetoric more broadly.The Enthymeme reassesses a fundamental doctrine of rhetorical instruction, clarifies the viewpoints of the tradition, and presents a new form of rhetoric for further study and use. This groundbreaking book will be welcomed by scholars and students of classical rhetoric, the history of rhetoric, and rhetorical theory as well as communications studies, classical studies, and classical philosophy.

Enticing Hard-to-Reach Writers

by Ruth Ayres

In her moving and personal book Enticing Hard-to-Reach Writers. Ruth Ayres weaves together her experience as a mother, teacher, and writer. She explores the power of stories to heal children from troubled backgrounds and offers up strategies for helping students discover and write about their own stories of strength and survival. She shares her own struggles and triumphs and hard-earned lessons from raising a family of four adopted children. Her experience is invaluable to any teacher whose has met children living in poverty, in unstable households, or in fear of abuse. Ayres explores brain research and the ways trauma can change the brain and how encouraging all students to write can help offset some of these effects. She believes that all students benefit from revealing their stories, by communicating information and opinion that allows darkness to turn to light in the lives of children. In the last part of her book she offers up practical suggestions for enticing all writers, regardless of their struggles. Enticing Hard-to-Reach Writers invites you on a journey to become a teacher who refuses to give up on any student, who helps children believe that they can have a positive impact on the world, and who—in some cases becomes the last hope for a child to heal.

El entierro del Che Guevara (Colección Endebate #Volumen)

by Fabrizio Mejía

Dos crónicas: la primera sobre el entierro del Che Guevara, la segunda sobre el asesinato de Brad Will. Dos joyas del que probablemente sea, con su humor y su humanidad, el mejor cronista de su generación. Fabrizio Mejía, que solo conoció al Che «como camiseta y poster», acude a Cuba empujado por la curiosidad de ver cómo se cierra una historia de caballería del siglo XX. De igual modo, nueve años más tarde, Brad Will, un moderno Robinson, encuentra una muerte absurda y trágica en la revuelta de Oaxaca, uno de los surrealistas hitos de la antiglobalización posmoderna mundial. Y allí está Mejía presto a contarnos lo que hay que saber.

Entleerte Räume: Zur literarischen Ästhetik der Absenz bei Thomas Bernhard und Christoph Ransmayr (Kontemporär. Schriften zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur #9)

by Kathrin Schuchmann

Vorstellungen von Absenz wirken in der Gegenwart auf breiter Basis – auch in der Literatur. Doch wie sind diese medial vermittelt? Geht man davon aus, dass Absenz-Phänomene sich nicht in einer primordialen Leere ereignen, sondern dass ihnen eher mit Vorstellungen vom Unbestimmten, Unverfügbaren und Möglichen beizukommen ist, rücken Verräumlichungsformen in den Fokus, die bewegungslogisch zu erklären sind. Um das intrikate Verhältnis von Möglichkeitsformen und ‚Wirklichkeit‘ innerhalb der Grenzen des Sagbaren zu verhandeln, begegnen ihm Thomas Bernhards und Christoph Ransmayrs Erzähltexte mit Verfahren der Verräumlichung. Aus der Perspektive einer Ästhetik der Absenz poetisieren diese Erzähltexte Wahrnehmungsschwellen, indem sie Abwesendes textphänomenal verräumlichen, es jedoch nicht im (topo-)graphischen containment absichern, sondern eine Topologie eröffnen, die auf Strategien des displacement setzt. Die Studie führt raumtheoretische Ansätze unter einer differenztheoretischen Perspektive mit einem Konzept von Virtualität zusammen, um literarische Verfahren der Verräumlichung von Absenz in Erzähltexten von Bernhard und Ransmayr zu untersuchen.

Entranced by Story: Brain, Tale and Teller, from Infancy to Old Age (Children's Literature and Culture)

by Hugh Crago

We live in a world of stories; yet few of us pause to ask what stories actually are, why we consume them so avidly, and what they do for story makers and their audiences. This book focuses on the experiences that good stories generate: feelings of purposeful involvement, elevation, temporary loss of self, vicarious emotion, and relief of tension. The author examines what drives writers to create stories and why readers fall under their spell; why some children grow up to be writers; and how the capacity for creating and comprehending stories develops from infancy right through into old age. Entranced by Story applies recent research on brain function to literary examples ranging from the Iliad and Wuthering Heights to Harold and the Purple Crayon, providing a groundbreaking exploration of the biological and neurological basis of the literary experience. Blending research, theory, and biographical anecdote, the author shows how it is the unique structure of the human brain, with its layering of sophisticated cognitive capacities upon archaic, emotion-driven functions, which best explains the mystery of story.

The Entrapments of Form: Cruelty and Modern Literature

by Catherine Toal

Arguing that cruelty acquires a new meaning in modernity, The Entrapments of Form follows its evolution through exchanges between French and American literature over the contradictions of Enlightenment (slavery, genocide, libertine aristocratic privilege). Catherine Toal traces Edgar Allan Poe’s influence on the Sadean legacy, Melville’s fictional dramatization of Tocqueville, and Henry James’s response to the aesthetic of his French contemporaries, including Flaubert. The result is not simply a work that provides close readings of key literary texts of the nineteenth century—Benito Cereno, The Turn of the Screw, Les Chants de Maldoror—but one that shows how in this era cruelty develops a specific narrative structure, one that is confirmed by the manner of its negation in twentieth-century philosophy. The final chapters address this shift: the postwar French reception of Sade and the relationship between American cultural theory and the rhetoric of the so-called war on terror.

Entre cachacos: Obra periodística, 2 (1954-1955)

by Gabriel García Márquez

Esta segunda entrega de la obra periodística de García Márquez reúne los artículos aparecidos durante los años 1954 y 1955. El segundo volumen de la obra periodística de Gabriel García Márquez, Entre cachacos, reúne -recopilados y prologados por Jaques Gilard- los artículos aparecidos en El Espectador de Bogotá durante los años 1954 y 1955, textos que desentrañan los signos que configuran los temas predilectos del gran novelista colombiano. Aparecen ya las consecuencias de ciertas lecturas, particularmente las de Camus y Hemingway, con reflexiones y análisis de hechos investigados en caliente, donde la forma delata preocupaciones literarias fundamentales y preexistentes y donde el rigor narrativo -la ambición por contar bien- supera al mero afán inicial de información para alcanzar un alto valor literario.

Entre cachacos: Obra periodística, 2 (1954-1955)

by Gabriel García Márquez

Esta segunda entrega de la obra periodística de García Márquez reúne los artículos aparecidos durante los años 1954 y 1955. El segundo volumen de la obra periodística de Gabriel García Márquez, Entre cachacos, reúne -recopilados y prologados por Jaques Gilard- los artículos aparecidos en El Espectador de Bogotá durante los años 1954 y 1955, textos que desentrañan los signos que configuran los temas predilectos del gran novelista colombiano. Aparecen ya las consecuencias de ciertas lecturas, particularmente las de Camus y Hemingway, con reflexiones y análisis de hechos investigados en caliente, donde la forma delata preocupaciones literarias fundamentales y preexistentes y donde el rigor narrativo -la ambición por contar bien- supera al mero afán inicial de información para alcanzar un alto valor literario.

Entre Eternidades: Y otros escritos

by Javier Marias

Una nueva y estimulante colección de textos personales y críticos de Javier Marías, aclamado autor de Los enamoramientos y Corazón tan blanco, que abarcan más de veinte años de su trabajo como escritor. Javier Marías es un incansable examinador del mundo que nos rodea: ensayista, novelista, traductor, lector voraz, refutador implacable de lo pretencioso y erudito entusiasta. Es capaz de descubrir lo que muchos de nosotros no notamos o nunca hemos podido expresar con palabras, y sigue observando cuando la mayoría hemos dejado de hacerlo. Esta nueva colección de ensayos – entre literarios, filosóficos y autobiográficos— viaja desde los decadentes canales de Venecia hasta los amplios horizontes del Salvaje Oeste, y Marías captura cada nuevo panorama con ingenio y una agudeza afilada. Explora, con su característico entusiasmo, temas que van del fútbol al cine clásico, de las historietas y los soldaditos de plomo a la mortalidad y la memoria, de "La ciudad más presumida" a "Por qué casi nadie es de fiar", haciendo brillante e inimitablemente suyo cada uno de ellos. Incisiva e irónica, subversiva y penetrante, Entre eternidades es una colección de deslumbrante curiosidad intelectual que ofrece una amplia visión de la vasta mente del hombre de quien tan a menudo se dice que es el mejor escritor español vivo.

Entre Eternidades: Y Otros Escritos

by Javier Marías

Una nueva y estimulante colección de textos personales y críticos de Javier Marías, aclamado autor de Los enamoramientos y Corazón tan blanco, que abarcan más de veinte años de su trabajo como escritor. Javier Marías es un incansable examinador del mundo que nos rodea: ensayista, novelista, traductor, lector voraz, refutador implacable de lo pretencioso y erudito entusiasta. Es capaz de descubrir lo que muchos de nosotros no notamos o nunca hemos podido expresar con palabras, y sigue observando cuando la mayoría hemos dejado de hacerlo. Esta nueva colección de ensayos entre literarios, filosóficos y autobiográficos viaja desde los decadentes canales de Venecia hasta los amplios horizontes del Salvaje Oeste, y Marías captura cada nuevo panorama con ingenio y una agudeza afilada. Explora, con su característico entusiasmo, temas que van del fútbol al cine clásico, de las historietas y los soldaditos de plomo a la mortalidad y la memoria, de "La ciudad más presumida" a "Por qué casi nadie es de fiar", haciendo brillante e inimitablemente suyo cada uno de ellos. Incisiva e irónica, subversiva y penetrante, Entre eternidades es una colección de deslumbrante curiosidad intelectual que ofrece una amplia visión de la vasta mente del hombre de quien tan a menudo se dice que es el mejor escritor español vivo.

Entre perro y lobo

by Julio Llamazares

Veinte años del mejor periodismo de Julio Llamazares. «Entre chien et loup (entre perro y lobo) es como llaman los franceses a esa luz indecisa del atardecer que se produce cuando el sol ya se ha ocultado pero la noche no se ha adueñado todavía de la tierra. Pero entre perro y lobo es también una situación: la del que está a medio camino entre la domesticación y la libertad, que es en la que yo me he sentido siempre. No sólo en mi vida personal, sino también como escritor y como periodista. De aquí que haya elegido esa expresión para titular esta recopilación de mis artículos de prensa de los últimos veinticinco años. Que son los que, más o menos, llevo viviendo en Madrid dedicado en exclusiva a la literatura y el periodismo. Después de revisar uno por uno, después de releer los artículos, me reafirmo en mi opinión de mi condición ambigua, de escritor que escribe a caballo, tanto en prensa como en una novela, entre la imaginación y la realidad, de viajero, en fin, que mira la vida desde la ventanilla de un tren que cruza el paisaje envuelto en una luz que no es real ni irreal del todo. Esa luz que hace que el mundo no sea blanco ni negro, pese a que aparezca así en los periódicos».JULIO LLAMAZARES

Entre-Textes: Dialogues littéraires et culturels

by Oana Panaïté Vera A. Klekovkina

<p>Entre-Textes introduces advanced students of French to the richness of the Francophone world through literature from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. <p>The course anthology is divided into fourteen modules, each of which pairs a classical text with a modern one. Students are guided to read works from different periods of time and cultural origin and consider how these echo, complement or question each other. Through comparing and contrasting the texts, students will develop a new approach to reading literature while simultaneously reinforcing linguistic and cultural competencies. <p>Suitable for advanced students of French and featuring texts from across the French-speaking world, Entre-Textes is an innovative course anthology with a flexible structure and versatile methodology.</p>

Entrecruzamientos: Interwoven

by Luisa Valenzuela

This work is an essay that finds points of convergence and interweavings in the literary and life trajectories of two of literature’s greatest stars: Julio Cortázar and Carlos Fuentes. Luisa Valenzuela explores paths previously unknown to literary review and historiography, and she does it with an intimate, passionate style, with full knowledge of the facts. An internationally recognized writer, extraordinary conversationalist, and friend to Fuentes and Cortázar, Luisa is above all a great reader, possessed of a perceptive intelligence, and for that reason this work is not just a source of valuable discoveries for those who dedicate themselves to literary studies, but also a tale of anecdotes, moments, and feelings that will certainly be appreciated by all types of readers.

An Entrenched Legacy: How the New Deal Constitutional Revolution Continues to Shape the Role of the Supreme Court

by Patrick M. Garry

An Entrenched Legacy takes a fresh look at the role of the Supreme Court in our modern constitutional system. Although criticisms of judicial power today often attribute its rise to the activism of justices seeking to advance particular political ideologies, Patrick Garry argues instead that the Supreme Court’s power has grown mainly because of certain constitutional decisions during the New Deal era that initially seemed to portend a lessening of the Court’s power. When the Court retreated from enforcing separation of powers and federalism as the twin structural protections for individual liberty in the face of FDR’s New Deal agenda, it was inevitably drawn into an alternative approach, substantive due process, as a means for protecting individual rights. This has led to many controversial judicial rulings, particularly regarding the recognition and enforcement of privacy rights. It has also led to the mistaken belief that the judiciary serves as the only protection of liberty and that an inherent conflict exists between individual liberty and majoritarian rule. Moreover, because the Court has assumed sole responsibility for preserving liberty, the whole area of individual rights has become highly centralized. As Garry argues, individual rights have been placed exclusively under judicial jurisdiction not because of anything the Constitution commands, but because of the constitutional compromise of the New Deal.During the Rehnquist era, the Court tried to reinvigorate the constitutional doctrine of federalism by strengthening certain powers of the states. But, according to Garry, this effort only went halfway toward a true revival of federalism, since the Court continued to rely on judicially enforced individual rights for the protection of liberty. A more comprehensive reform would require a return to the earlier reliance on both federalism and separation of powers as structural devices for protecting liberty. Such reform, as Garry notes, would also help revitalize the role of legislatures in our democratic system.

Entrepreneurial Identity in US Book Publishing in the Twenty-First Century (Elements in Publishing and Book Culture)

by Rachel Noorda

Entrepreneurship underpins many roles within the publishing industry, from freelancing to bookselling. Entrepreneurs are shaped by the contexts in which their entrepreneurship is situated (social, political, economic, and national). Additionally, entrepreneurship is integral to occupational identity for book publishing entrepreneurs. This Element examines entrepreneurship through the lens of identity and narrative based on interview data with book publishing entrepreneurs in the US Book publishing entrepreneurship narratives of independence, culture over commerce, accidental profession, place, risk, (in)stability, busyness, and freedom are examined in this Element.

Entrepreneurial Journalism: How to Build What's Next for News

by Mark E. Briggs

Entrepreneurial Journalism will inspire you with what's possible and show you the mechanics behind building a business. Working through eight clear and concise stages, you'll explore the secrets of successful news startups (including how they're making money) and learn how to be an upstart yourself, building an innovative and sustainable news business from scratch. Each chapter starts with a real entrepreneur's experience, teasing out how savvy and opportunistic journalists found their way to success. Mark Briggs then helps you size up the market, harness technology, turn your idea into a product or service, explore revenue streams, estimate costs, and launch. "Build Your Business" action items at the end of each chapter get you thinking through each step of your business plan.

The Entrepreneurial Journalist’s Toolkit: Manage Your Media

by Sara Kelly

Today's journalism and communication students need the tools to develop and maintain their own media businesses and freelance careers. In addition to mastering the basics of converged journalism practice, they need training in business entrepreneurship, mass communication and business law, and career and reputation management. The Entrepreneurial Journalist's Toolkit provides a solid foundation of multimedia journalism and also teaches readers to create solid business plans and develop funding proposals while maintaining high legal and ethical standards. This book details the process of pitching and working with clients, managing multi-platform communication campaigns to maximize reach, keeping the books, and filing taxes. It is provides everything a new or experienced journalist needs to get started as a media entrepreneur.

Entropy Guided Transformation Learning: Algorithms and Applications

by Cícero Nogueira Santos Ruy Luiz Milidiú

Entropy Guided Transformation Learning: Algorithms and Applications (ETL) presents a machine learning algorithm for classification tasks. ETL generalizes Transformation Based Learning (TBL) by solving the TBL bottleneck: the construction of good template sets. ETL automatically generates templates using Decision Tree decomposition. The authors describe ETL Committee, an ensemble method that uses ETL as the base learner. Experimental results show that ETL Committee improves the effectiveness of ETL classifiers. The application of ETL is presented to four Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks: part-of-speech tagging, phrase chunking, named entity recognition and semantic role labeling. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that ETL is an effective way to learn accurate transformation rules, and shows better results than TBL with handcrafted templates for the four tasks. By avoiding the use of handcrafted templates, ETL enables the use of transformation rules to a greater range of tasks. Suitable for both advanced undergraduate and graduate courses, Entropy Guided Transformation Learning: Algorithms and Applications provides a comprehensive introduction to ETL and its NLP applications.

Ents, Elves, and Eriador: The Environmental Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien (Culture of the Land)

by Matthew Dickerson Jonathan Evans

With a Foreword by John Elder and an Afterword by Tom Shippey Though not often recognized as environmental or agrarian literature, the writings of J. R. R. Tolkien demonstrate a complex and comprehensive ecological philosophy. The ecology of Middle-earth portrayed in The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion brings together three potent and convincing elements of preservation and conservation--sustainable agriculture and agrarianism, horticulture independent of utilitarianism, and protection of unspoiled wilderness. Throughout his work, Tolkien reveals his vision of the natural world and environmental responsibility. Ents, Elves, and Eriador examines the underlying environmental philosophy in Tolkien's major works as well as his lesser-known stories and essays. Matthew Dickerson and Jonathan Evans evaluate Tolkien's writing, especially his Middle-earth legendarium, in the context of modern environmental literature. The authors compare Tolkien's work with that of some of the most important environmental scholars and nature writers of the past century, including Wendell Berry, John Elder, Aldo Leopold, and Scott Sanders, highlighting Tolkien's intellectual depth. A vital contribution to environmental literature and an important addition to Tolkien scholarship, Ents, Elves, and Eriador offers all fans of Tolkien a new way to understand his writings.

Entwicklungspsychologie im Kindes- und Jugendalter: Deutsche Auflage unter Mitarbeit von Sabina Pauen

by Robert Siegler Jenny R. Saffran Elizabeth T. Gershoff Nancy Eisenberg

Dieses Standardwerk bietet allen, die sich beruflich oder privat für die Entwicklung im Kindes- und Jugendalter interessieren, umfassende Einblicke in den spannenden Prozess des Erwachsenwerdens. Die Autor*innen sind renommierte Wissenschaftler und Pädagogen. Sie haben diese Auflage grundlegend überarbeitet und um wichtige neue Informationen zur sozialen und emotionalen Entwicklung ergänzt. Studierende finden hier alles Wichtige für die Prüfung im Modul Entwicklungspsychologie: einen umfassenden Überblick über zentrale Konzepte, Theorien, Methoden und Ergebnisse entwicklungspsychologischer Forschung; geschrieben in einfacher und klar verständlicher Sprache; von Sabina Pauen, Professorin für Entwicklungspsychologie, für den deutschsprachigen Markt angepasst; mit Selbsttest-Fragen und Antworten über die Flashcards-App und mit hilfreichen Zusatzmaterialien über die Begleitwebseite. Eine Vielzahl an Illustrationen, Fallbeispielen und Praxisbezügen helfen dabei, den Stoff zu verstehen, zu strukturieren und zu verinnerlichen. So ist dieses Lehrbuch der Entwicklungspsychologie ein echtes Lese- und Lernvergnügen, auch für Laien. Die Inhalte des Werks gehen dabei weit über den klassischen Lehrstoff für Bachelor-Prüfungen hinaus; sie vermitteln ein vertieftes Verständnis dafür, wie die Entwicklung in unterschiedlichen Bereichen zusammenhängt, von welchen sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen sie abhängt und wie die Entstehung von Problemen verhindert werden kann. Dieses Hintergrundwissen ist entscheidend für vielfältige Anwendungsfelder. Das Lehrbuch dient damit auch als wichtiges Nachschlagewerk im Master-Studium. Auch wenn Sie bereits beruflich oder privat mit Kindern und Jugendlichen zu tun haben, wird Ihnen das Buch Lust machen, mehr über die Prozesse und Mechanismen zu erfahren, die Entwicklung erst möglich machen, sie unterstützen oder auch behindern.

Enumerations: Data and Literary Study

by Andrew Piper

For well over a century, academic disciplines have studied human behavior using quantitative information. Until recently, however, the humanities have remained largely immune to the use of data—or vigorously resisted it. Thanks to new developments in computer science and natural language processing, literary scholars have embraced the quantitative study of literary works and have helped make Digital Humanities a rapidly growing field. But these developments raise a fundamental, and as yet unanswered question: what is the meaning of literary quantity? In Enumerations, Andrew Piper answers that question across a variety of domains fundamental to the study of literature. He focuses on the elementary particles of literature, from the role of punctuation in poetry, the matter of plot in novels, the study of topoi, and the behavior of characters, to the nature of fictional language and the shape of a poet’s career. How does quantity affect our understanding of these categories? What happens when we look at 3,388,230 punctuation marks, 1.4 billion words, or 650,000 fictional characters? Does this change how we think about poetry, the novel, fictionality, character, the commonplace, or the writer’s career? In the course of answering such questions, Piper introduces readers to the analytical building blocks of computational text analysis and brings them to bear on fundamental concerns of literary scholarship. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in Digital Humanities and the future of literary study.

Envelope Poems

by Emily Dickinson Jen Bervin Marta Werner

Another gorgeous copublication with the Christine Burgin Gallery, Emily Dickinson's Envelope Poems is a compact clothbound gift book, a full-color selection from The Gorgeous Nothings. Although a very prolific poet—and arguably America’s greatest—Emily Dickinson (1830–1886) published fewer than a dozen of her eighteen hundred poems. Instead, she created at home small handmade books. When, in her later years, she stopped producing these, she was still writing a great deal, and at her death she left behind many poems, drafts, and letters. It is among the makeshift and fragile manuscripts of Dickinson’s later writings that we find the envelope poems gathered here. These manuscripts on envelopes (recycled by the poet with marked New England thrift) were written with the full powers of her late, most radical period. Intensely alive, these envelope poems are charged with a special poignancy—addressed to no one and everyone at once. Full-color facsimiles are accompanied by Marta L. Werner and Jen Bervin’s pioneering transcriptions of Dickinson’s handwriting. Their transcriptions allow us to read the texts, while the facsimiles let us see exactly what Dickinson wrote (the variant words, crossings-out, dashes, directional fields, spaces, columns, and overlapping planes). This fixed-layout ebook is an exact replica of the print edition, and requires a color screen to properly display the high-resolution images it contains. For this reason, Envelope Poems is not available on devices with e-ink screens, such as Kindle Paperwhite. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Environment: Our Impact on the Earth

by National Geographic Learning

This book covers many issues regarding the planet and humans' contributions to its environmental issues and discusses ways that humans are trying to preserve the planets resources and species, find new ways to recycle those resources, and help each other. .

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