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Errol John's Moon on a Rainbow Shawl (The Fourth Wall)

by Lynette Goddard

Errol John wrote Moon on a Rainbow Shawl (1958) after becoming disillusioned about the lack of good roles for black actors on the British theatre scene. While this situation has only slightly improved since, his response has become the most revived black play in Britain, from its original production at the Royal Court in 1958, to the National Theatre in 2012. It depicts the lives of a black community living in poverty in a shared tenement yard in Port of Spain, Trinidad, in the mid-1940s, showing how each of the characters carries dreams of escaping to create better lives for themselves and their families. Lynette Goddard focuses on how the play articulates the narratives of migration that prompted many Caribbean people to uproot from their homes on the islands and move to the England in the post-war era. For some of them, these dreams of a new life became a reality, but they were experienced differently across genders and generations.

Error 404: ¿Preparados para un mundo sin internet?

by Esther Paniagua

Es cuestión de tiempo que la red caiga. ¿Estamos preparados? Error 404 no es una distopía. Es un impactante ensayo que trata de anticiparse a ella antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Es cuestión de tiempo que la red caiga. Internet se vendrá abajo y viviremos oleadas de pánico. ¿Suena apocalíptico? No lo es. En Error 404, Esther Paniagua aborda las múltiples formas en las que internet se está cayendo y cómo podría producirse un gran apagón de la red de redes; el caos que ello podría desatar y lo dependientes que somos de ella. Desvela quiénes son los guardianes de internet y nos abre la puerta al lado más oscuro del ciberespacio para hablar de crimen y adicción; de quién convirtió el beicon con huevos en el desayuno estadounidense por excelencia y qué tiene eso que ver con la manipulación; de desinformación, polarización y odio incendiario online; de cómo se ha automatizado la discriminación así como de censura y represión. En definitiva, nos muestra el funcionamiento oculto de una tiranía digital que George Orwell o Aldous Huxley tan siquiera imaginaron. ¿Cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí? ¿Qué se oculta en las tinieblas de internet?¿Hay esperanza de un nuevo amanecer? ¿Seremos capaces de cambiar el rumbo? Error 404 no es una distopía. Es un impactante ensayo que trata de anticiparse a ella antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Estas páginas analizan los temas de ahora, tan urgentes como cruciales, con una perspectiva crítica y propositiva, pues, tal y como defiende su autora, a pesar de todo aún hay motivos para la esperanza. Reseñas:«Una llamada urgente y necesaria a reimaginar y rediseñar radicalmente internet por el bien global.»María Sefidari, presidenta de Fundación Wikimedia. «Un diagnóstico clarificador, preciso y sintético del presente como herramienta para crear el futuro. Se lee como una novela.»Mario Tascón, socio director de Prodigioso Volcán. «Un terrorífico relato sobre el fin del mundo, tan preciso y bien documentado que ya nunca volverás a ver internet del mismo modo.»Toni García, periodista. «Cuando juntas mentes brillantes suceden cosas brillantes. Pero cuando conectas a Esther Paniagua con las personas que más han cambiado nuestras vidas y el mundo… eclosiona este libro de lectura obligatoria para los que nos proponemos seguirlo cambiando.»Andreu Vèa, el biógrafo de internet.

Error Analysis: Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition (Applied Linguistics and Language Study)

by Jack C. Richards

The eleven essays in this book cover a wide range of topics from the role of 'interlanguage' and the influence of external factors on the process of language learning, to the development of syntax and the methodology of error analysis. Collectively they provide a valuable perspective on the learning process, which both enriches our theoretical understanding of the processes underlying second language acquisition and suggests ways in which teaching practice may best exploit a learner's skills.

Error and the Academic Self: The Scholarly Imagination, Medieval to Modern

by Seth Lerer

How and why did the academic style of writing, with its emphasis on criticism and correctness, develop? Seth Lerer suggests that the answer lies in medieval and Renaissance philology and, more specifically, in mistakes. For Lerer, erring is not simply being wrong, but being errant, and this book illuminates the wanderings of exiles, émigrés, dissenters, and the socially estranged as they helped form the modern university disciplines of philology and rhetoric, literary criticism, and literary theory. Examining a diverse group that includes Thomas More, Stephen Greenblatt, George Hickes, Seamus Heaney, George Eliot, and Paul de Man, Error and the Academic Self argues that this critical abstraction from society and retreat into ivory towers allowed estranged individuals to gain both a sense of private worth and the public legitimacy of a professional identity.

Error and the Academic Self: The Scholarly Imagination, Medieval to Modern

by Seth Lerer

Examining figures from Thomas More to Stephen Greenblatt, from George Hickes to Seamus Heaney, from George Eliot to Paul de Man, this book illuminates the wanderings of exiles, émigrés, dissenters, and the socially estranged as they helped form the modern university disciplines of philology and rhetoric, literary criticism and literary theory.

Error Correction in the Foreign Language Classroom: Reconsidering the Issues

by Mirosław Pawlak

The book aims to dispel some of the myths surrounding the place of oral and written error correction in language education by providing an exhaustive and up-to-date account of issues involved in this area, taking the stance that the provision of corrective feedback constitutes an integral part of form-focused instruction. This account places an equal emphasis on the relevant theoretical claims, the most recent research findings and everyday pedagogical concerns, particularly as they apply to the teaching of additional languages in the foreign language setting. The book will be of relevance and significance not only to specialists in the field of second language acquisition, but also to graduate and doctoral students carrying out research in the area of form-focused instruction and error correction. Many parts of the volume will also be of considerable interest and utility to teachers of foreign languages at different educational levels.

Error humano

by Chuck Palahniuk

Una antología de crónicas, retratos e historias por el autor de El club de la lucha Compendio de crónicas, retratos de estrellas e historias íntimas, Error humano nos permite entrever el insólito mundo del autor y nos invita a destapar algunas de las realidades más sórdidas que alimentan sus novelas. Destacan en este universo el capítulo "Combate de cosechadoras", una crónica sobre la América profunda donde se mezclan el absurdo y la aberración, el retrato de un Marilyn Manson que habla sin tapujos de sí mismo a través de una sesión de tarot o la curiosa descripción del rodaje de El club de la lucha, en la que se habla del potenciador de labios de Brad Pitt. Reseñas: «Tal vez nuestra generación haya encontrado otro Don DeLillo.» Bret Easton Ellis «Como Edgar Allan Poe, Palahniuk es un incansable proveedor tóxico de un creciente horror. En su caso, convierte el nihilismo en diversión.» Henry Alford, Vanity Fair «Palahniuk siempre ha dicho que sus libros son mera observación y, cuando uno lee sobre los lugares a los que va y la gente a la que conoce, es fácil creerlo.» Alice Fisher, Time Out London

Error in Shakespeare: Shakespeare in Error (Palgrave Shakespeare Studies)

by Alice Leonard

The traditional view of Shakespeare’s mastery of the English language is alive and well today. This is an effect of the eighteenth-century canonisation of his works, and subsequently Shakespeare has come to be perceived as the owner of the vernacular. These entrenched attitudes prevent us from seeing the actual substance of the text, and the various types of error that it contains and even constitute it. This book argues that we need to attend to error to interpret Shakespeare’s disputed material text, political-dramatic interventions and famous literariness. The consequences of ignoring error are especially significant in the study of Shakespeare, as he mobilises the rebellious, marginal, and digressive potential of error in the creation of literary drama.

Errors and Intelligence in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Parsers and Pedagogues (Routledge Studies in Computer Assisted Language Learning)

by Mathias Schulze Trude Heift

This book provides the first comprehensive overview of theoretical issues, historical developments and current trends in ICALL (Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning). It assumes a basic familiarity with Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory and teaching, CALL and linguistics. It is of interest to upper undergraduate and/or graduate students who study CALL, SLA, language pedagogy, applied linguistics, computational linguistics or artificial intelligence as well as researchers with a background in any of these fields.

Errors and Reconciliations: Marriage in the Plays and Novels of Henry Fielding (Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature)

by Anaclara Castro-Santana

Henry Fielding is most well-known for his monumental novel Tom Jones. Though not necessarily common knowledge, Henry Fielding started his literary career as a dramatist and eventually transitioned to writing novels. Though vastly different in their approach and subject, there is a common thread in Fielding’s work that spanned his career: marriage. Errors and Reconciliations: Marriage in the Plays and Novels of Henry Fielding explores this theme, focusing on Fielding’s fascination with matrimony and the ever-present paradoxical nature of marriage in the first half of the eighteenth-century, as a state easily attained but nearly impossible to escape.

Errors in Language Learning and Use: Exploring Error Analysis (Applied Linguistics and Language Study)

by Carl James

Errors in Language Learning and Use is an up-to-date introduction and guide to the study of errors in language, and is also a critical survey of previous work. Error Analysis occupies a central position within Applied Linguistics, and seeks to clarify questions such as `Does correctness matter?', `Is it more important to speak fluently and write imaginatively or to communicate one's message?' Carl James provides a scholarly and well-illustrated theoretical and historical background to the field of Error Analysis. The reader is led from definitions of error and related concepts, to categorization of types of linguistic deviance, discussion of error gravities, the utility of teacher correction and towards writing learner profiles. Throughout, the text is guided by considerable practical experience in language education in a range of classroom contexts worldwide.

Ersatz America

by Rebecca Mark

From the popular legend of Pocahontas to the Civil War soap opera Gone with the Wind to countless sculpted heads of George Washington that adorn homes and museums, whole industries have emerged to feed America's addiction to imaginary histories that cover up the often violent acts of building a homogeneous nation. In Ersatz America, Rebecca Mark shows how this four-hundred-year-old obsession with false history has wounded democracy by creating language that is severed from material reality. Without the mediating touchstones of body and nature, creative representations of our history have been allowed to spin into dangerous abstraction.Other scholars have addressed the artificial qualities of the collective American memory, but what distinguishes Ersatz America is that it does more than simply deconstruct--it provides a map for regeneration. Mark contends that throughout American history, citizen artists have responded to the deadly memorialization of the past with artistic expressions and visual artifacts that exist outside the realm of official language, creating a counter narrative. These examples of what she calls visceral graphism are embodied in and connected to the human experience of indigenous peoples, enslaved Africans, and silenced women, giving form to the unspeakable. We must learn, Mark suggests, to read the markings of these works against the iconic national myths. In doing so, we can shift from being mesmerized by the monumentalism of this national mirage to embracing the regeneration and recovery of our human history.

Erzählhorizonte: Inter- und transdisziplinäre Herausforderungen einer narrativen Ethik (Ethik – Mensch –Technik)

by Ettore Barbagallo Ingo Werner Gerhartz Nicole Thiemer

Narrative sind immer schon Grundbestand der menschlichen, kulturellen, sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Verständigungshorizonte. Der Band Erzählhorizonte widmet sich der Auseinandersetzung mit möglichen Formen einer narrativen Ethik, indem aus inter- und transdisziplinärer Sicht dem menschlichen und lebensweltlichen Grundphänomen der Narrativität nachgespürt wird. In Diskursen, die Digitalisierung, Technik, Medizin, Politik, Medientheorie, Anthropologie, Geistesgeschichte, Literaturwissenschaft und auch Theologie umfassen, wird kritisch sowie innovativ und im Gegenwarts- und Zukunftsbezug Narrativität in ihrer tiefen ethischen Dimension beleuchtet.

Erzähltextanalyse [German-language Edition]: Modelle, Kategorien, Parameter

by Meinhard Mair

This comprehensive and systematic text book provides teachers and students alike with a profound, yet concise reference for the analysis of narrative texts. It provides appropriate and differentiated terminological and methodological tools to all the questions that arise when analyzing a narrative text. An advantage of this textbook is that the narrative theory models and concepts are presented in understandable and operational analytical categories and parameters and illustrated by tables and matrices to help make the sophisticated analysis easier to understand and memorize. Exemplary model analyses are provided to present and test the performance of this method.This book is valuable not only to literary scholars but is also suitable to teachers and students.Lehrende und Studierende, die einen Erzähltext analysieren wollen, finden in diesem umfassenden, systematischen, profunden und zugleich übersichtlichen Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk ein geeignetes und differenziertes terminologisches und methodisches Instrumentarium, um alle Fragen, die bei der Analyse eines Erzähltextes auftauchen, beantworten zu können. Ein Vorzug des vorliegenden Handbuches besteht darin, dass die erzähltheoretischen Modelle und Konzepte in verständliche und operative analytische Kategorien und Parameter umgesetzt und durch Tabellen, Matrizen und graphische Darstellung veranschaulicht werden, um die anspruchsvollen analytischen Raster besser fass- und memorierbar zu machen. In exemplarischen Musteranalysen wird die Leistungsfähigkeit der vorliegenden Erzähltextanalyse erprobt. Das Buch wendet sich nicht nur an Literaturwissenschaftler, sondern ist auch für Lehrkräfte und Schüler geeignet

Erzähltheorie: Verhandlungen eines schwierigen Verhältnisses (Deutschdidaktik)

by Sebastian Bernhardt Ina Henke

Der Umgang mit erzählenden Texten und Medien spielt im Deutschunterricht eine zentrale Rolle. Dabei sollen Schüler/innen lernen, deren Darstellungsverfahren wahrzunehmen, sie mithilfe eines adäquaten Begriffsinstrumentariums zu beschreiben und ihre ästhetische Wirkung zu untersuchen. Die Formulierungen der Vorgaben in den Lehrplänen bieten Raum für weitergehende Fragen nach dem Verhältnis von narratologischen Begrifflichkeiten der Literatur- und Medienwissenschaft einerseits sowie der Theorie und Praxis des unterrichtlichen Umgangs mit erzählenden Texten und Medien andererseits. Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen der facettenreichen Frage nach, ob und wie narratologische Fachbegriffe den Deutschunterricht bereichern können.

Erziehungsziel Mehrsprachigkeit: Eine qualitative Studie zu Erziehung und Elternschaft im Kontext von Migration (Inklusion und Bildung in Migrationsgesellschaften)

by Yasemin Uçan

In der Studie wird die Erziehung zur frühkindlichen Mehrsprachigkeit in Familien aus der Türkei untersucht. Anhand von mehrsprachigen qualitativen Interviews mit Müttern und Vätern, differenziert nach Geschlecht, Migrationsgeneration und Schulbildung, werden Erziehungsvorstellungen, familiäre Aushandlungen sowie Erwartungen an Einrichtungen der Frühpädagogik diesbezüglich herausgearbeitet. Als ein wichtiges Ergebnis ist festzuhalten, dass die elterliche Erziehung zur Mehrsprachigkeit in komplexe Planungs- und Reflexionsprozesse eingebettet ist und sich durch ein hohes Maß an (unsichtbarer) Erziehungsarbeit auszeichnet. Gleichzeitig sind vielfache Spannungen festzuhalten, die sich aus normativ gerahmten Erziehungsvorstellungen sowie der konkreten migrations- und minderheitenspezifischen Lebenslage und familiären Dynamiken ergeben.

Esau and Jacob

by Machado De Assis

This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1965.

El escándalo del siglo

by Gabriel García Márquez

Dejó muy claro Gabriel García Márquez que el periodismo siempre fue su principal pasión, la más perdurable y por la que quiso ser recordado: No quiero que se me recuerde por Cien años de soledad, ni por el premio Nobel, sino por el periódico. [...] Nací periodista y hoy me siento más reportero que nunca. Lo llevo en la sangre, me tira. Esta antología pretende ser la muestra más representativa de la tensión narrativa entre periodismo y literatura que recorrió toda su trayectoria como reportero. Cubriendo cuatro décadas, este delicioso viaje a través de medio centenar de textos muestra como el mejor oficio del mundo está en el corazón de la obra del premio Nobel colombiano. Con edición a cargo de Cristóbal Pera y prólogo de Jon Lee Anderson, este volumen contiene piezas tan indispensables como los reportajes escritos desde Roma sobre la muerte de una joven italiana, suceso que permitió al autor pintar un fresco incomparable de las élites políticas y artísticas delpaís en un marco de novela policiaca, crónicas sobre la vida tras el telón de acero, sobre la trata de blancas desde París hasta América Latina o apuntes sobre Fidel Castro o Pío XII. Encontramos también fragmentos tempranos en los que aparecen por primera vez las familias Buendía y Aracataca, junto con artículos que contemplan la política, la sociedad y la cultura bajo la luz sólida, profunda y experimentada de ese gran contador de historias que siempre será maestro de periodistas.

Escape from the Ivory Tower: A Guide to Making Your Science Matter

by Nancy Baron

Most scientists and researchers aren't prepared to talk to the press or to policymakers--or to deal with backlash. Many researchers have the horror stories to prove it. What's clear, according to Nancy Baron, is that scientists, journalists and public policymakers come from different cultures. They follow different sets of rules, pursue different goals, and speak their own language. To effectively reach journalists and public officials, scientists need to learn new skills and rules of engagement. No matter what your specialty, the keys to success are clear thinking, knowing what you want to say, understanding your audience, and using everyday language to get your main points across. In this practical and entertaining guide to communicating science, Baron explains how to engage your audience and explain why a particular finding matters. She explores how to ace your interview, promote a paper, enter the political fray, and use new media to connect with your audience. The book includes advice from journalists, decision makers, new media experts, bloggers and some of the thousands of scientists who have participated in her communication workshops. Many of the researchers she has worked with have gone on to become well-known spokespeople for science-related issues. Baron and her protégées describe the risks and rewards of "speaking up," how to deal with criticism, and the link between communications and leadership. The final chapter, 'Leading the Way' offers guidance to scientists who want to become agents of change and make your science matter. Whether you are an absolute beginner or a seasoned veteran looking to hone your skills, Escape From the Ivory Tower can help make your science understood, appreciated and perhaps acted upon.

Escape into a Labyrinth: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Catholic Sensibility, and the American Way (Routledge Library Editions: The American Novel #12)

by Benita A. Moore

This title, originally published in 1988, examines F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Catholic roots and his repudiation of those roots in pursuit of the American dream. The study aims to suggest that an investigation of Fitzgerald’s basic cultural and religious milieu might illuminate what he wrote, and may also illuminate the situation of Catholicism in America at the time. This title will be of interest to students of both literature and religious studies.

Escape Velocity: American Science Fiction Film, 1950–1982 (Wesleyan Film Ser.)

by Bradley Schauer

Today, movie theaters are packed with audiences of all ages marveling to exciting science fiction blockbusters, many of which are also critically acclaimed. However, when the science fiction film genre first emerged in the 1950s, it was represented largely by exploitation horror films—lurid, culturally disreputable, and appealing to a niche audience of children and sci-fi buffs. How did the genre evolve from B-movie to blockbuster? Escape Velocity charts the historical trajectory of American science fiction cinema, explaining how the genre transitioned from eerie low-budget horror like It Came from Outer Space to art films like Slaughterhouse-Five, and finally to the extraordinary popularity of hits like E.T. Bradley Schauer draws on primary sources such as internal studio documents, promotional materials, and film reviews to explain the process of cultural, aesthetic, and economic legitimation that occurred between the 1950s and 1980s, as pulp science fiction tropes were adapted to suit the tastes of mainstream audiences. Considering the inescapable dominance of today’s effects-driven blockbusters, Escape Velocity not only charts the history of science fiction film, but also gives an account of the origins of contemporary Hollywood.

Escaping Into the Open: The Art of Writing True

by Elizabeth Berg

Both autobiography and primer, Escaping into the Open is an inspiring, practical handbook on the joys and challenges of the writing life. Renowned author and writing instructor Elizabeth Berg interweaves the story of her own journey from working mother to bestselling novelist with encouraging advice on how to create stories that spring from the heart. Continually in print since its original 1999 publication, this invaluable resource is a true and constant friend to all writers, no matter their stage of development. With wit and honesty, Berg provides numerous exercises that will unleash individual creativity and utilize all five senses. Most important, she tells how to fire passion—emotion—into writing itself; to break through personal barriers and reach one's own outer limits and beyond.

Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect

by West Mick

The Earth is flat, the World Trade Center collapse was a controlled demolition, planes are spraying poison to control the weather, and actors faked the Sandy Hook massacre…. All these claims are bunk: falsehoods, mistakes, and in some cases, outright lies. But many people passionately believe one or more of these conspiracy theories. They consume countless books and videos, join like-minded online communities, try to convert those around them, and even, on occasion, alienate their own friends and family. Why is this, and how can you help people, especially those closest to you, break free from the downward spiral of conspiracy thinking? In Escaping the Rabbit Hole, author Mick West shares over a decade’s worth of knowledge and experience investigating and debunking false conspiracy theories through his forum,, and sets forth a practical guide to helping friends and loved ones recognize these theories for what they really are. Perhaps counter-intuitively, the most successful approaches to helping individuals escape a rabbit hole aren’t comprised of simply explaining why they are wrong; rather, West’s tried-and-tested approach emphasizes clear communication based on mutual respect, honesty, openness, and patience. West puts his debunking techniques and best practices to the test with four of the most popular false conspiracy theories today (Chemtrails, 9/11 Controlled Demolition, False Flags, and Flat Earth) — providing road maps to help you to understand your friend and help them escape the rabbit hole. These are accompanied by real-life case studies of individuals who, with help, were able to break free from conspiracism. With sections on:the wide spectrum of conspiracy theories avoiding the “shill” label psychological factors and other complications(and concluding with) a look at the future of debunking, Mick West has put forth a conclusive, well-researched, practical reference on why people fall down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and how you can help them escape.

Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect (Revised and Updated - Includes Information about 2020 Election Fraud, The Coronavirus Pandemic, The Rise of QAnon, and UFOs)

by Mick West

Revised and updated for the first time in 2023—Now includes strategies for debunking conspiracies regarding the coronavirus pandemic, election fraud, QAnon, UFOs, and more. The Earth is flat, the World Trade Center collapse was a controlled demolition, planes are spraying poison to control the weather, and actors faked the Sandy Hook massacre. All these claims are bunk: falsehoods, mistakes, and in some cases, outright lies. But many people passionately believe one or more of these conspiracy theories. They consume countless books and videos, join like-minded online communities, try to convert those around them, and even, on occasion, alienate their own friends and family. Why is this, and how can you help people, especially those closest to you, break free from the downward spiral of conspiracy thinking? In Escaping the Rabbit Hole, author Mick West shares over a decade&’s worth of knowledge and experience investigating and debunking false conspiracy theories through his forum,, and sets forth a practical guide to helping friends and loved ones recognize these theories for what they really are. Perhaps counter-intuitively, the most successful approaches to helping individuals escape a rabbit hole aren&’t comprised of simply explaining why they are wrong; rather, West&’s tried-and-tested approach emphasizes clear communication based on mutual respect, honesty, openness, and patience. West puts his debunking techniques and best practices to the test with the most popular false conspiracy theories today (Chemtrails, The Coronavirus Pandemic, 9/11 Controlled Demolition, Election Fraud, False Flags, Flat Earth, The Rising of QAnon, and UFOs)—providing road maps to help you to understand your friend and help them escape the rabbit hole. These are accompanied by real-life case studies of individuals who, with help, were able to break free from conspiracism. With sections on: the wide spectrum of conspiracy theoriesavoiding the &“shill&” labelpsychological factors and other complications(and concluding with) a look at the future of debunking Mick West has put forth a conclusive, well-researched, practical reference on why people fall down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole and how you can help them escape.

Escenas de pudor y liviandad

by Carlos Monsiváis

Un libro de revelaciones pudorosas del gran cronista mexicano Carlos Monsiváis. Incluye la crónica que convirtió a Juan Gabriel en un mito La sucesión de escenas (cuadros y carros alegóricos) donde el pondos es la forma más ostentosa de la liviandad, y los hombres de pro, y Columnas del Deber, resultan turiferarios de la Santísima Trivialidad. La pequeña historia en el México del siglo XX: el mural disperso y siempre recién inaugurado donde participan María Félix y los chavos banda, Dolores del Río y los chavos punk, las vedettes y los economistas; Juan Gabriel y la pareja cerúlea en el dancing, Celia Montalbán que anima el hoyo fonqui y el cachudo que dirige a María Condesa. El pudor, la liviandad: los sentimientos extintos en la sociedad que no acaba nunca de ser plenamente moderna. Y, ¿qué melodía se le antoja, patrón?

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