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A punta de pistola: Sueños democráticos e intervenciones armadas
by David Rieff¿Cuándo se debe intervenir militarmente en los asuntos internos de otros países? En este inquietante ensayo, David Rieff plantea una serie de cuestiones fundamentales que no podemos ignorar en esta era global. ¿Cuándo se debe intervenir militarmente en los asuntos internos de otros países? ¿Constituyen los derechos humanos y las cuestiones humanitarias razones legítimas para intervenir o es este asalto a la soberanía nacional una excusa para la recolonización de parte del mundo? ¿Qué papel deberían desempeñar las Naciones Unidas en la solución de las crisis humanitarias? Y sobre todo, ¿se puede imponer la democracia a punta de pistola? Los ensayos aquí reunidos presentan un penetrante retrato de lo que ocurre cuando los grandiosos planes de los políticos y las bienintencionadas ambiciones éticas de los activistas pro derechos humanos descarrilan terriblemente sobre el terreno. La pregunta que surge una y otra vez es ¿se corresponde esta ambición nuestra de proteger a la gente de las masacres y la penuria con nuestros medios y nuestra inteligencia? La respuesta no es optimista. Al contrario, es la desilusionada conclusión de un escritor que una vez abanderó la necesidad de tales intervenciones.
A. S. Byatt: The Essential Guide (Vintage Living Texts #1)
by Jonathan Noakes Margaret ReynoldsIn Vintage Living Texts teachers, students and any lover of literature will find the essential guide to the major works of A. S. Byatt. Also included is an exclusive in-depth interview with A. S. Byatt relating specifically to the novels under discussion. A. S. Byatt's themes, genre and narrative techniques are put under scrutiny and the emphasis is on providing a rich source of ideas for intelligent and inventive ways of approaching the novels. Amongst many other features you'll find inspirational reading plans and contextual material, suggested complementary and comparative reading and an indispensable glossary. Featured texts: Possession, Angels & Insects, and A Whistling Woman.
A. S. Byatt and Intellectual Women: Fictions, Histories, Myths (Palgrave Studies in Contemporary Women’s Writing)
by Leanne BibbyThis monograph is a study of the work of British author A. S. Byatt, exploring the cultural representation of the woman intellectual in her fiction. It argues that Byatt’s representations of this figure show narratives of intellectual women to be inherently mythopoeic, or capable of restructuring the myth of the intellectual as male by default. This mythopoeia is, furthermore, intrinsically feminist in function, thus potentially broadening the conventional, limited view of women in intellectual history. The book will be the first study of Byatt’s work to examine this figure in detail, and the first study of women intellectuals in historical and literary discourse to apply concepts of mythopoeia and sexual difference in ways that allow new readings of women’s status and work in public spheres.
A Spanish Learning Grammar (Essential Language Grammars)
by Mike Thacker Pilar MunozA Spanish Learning Grammar, Third Edition , is an innovative reference grammar and workbook suitable for you, whether you are studying Spanish at intermediate or advanced level.Its straightforward explanations of grammar are supported by examples with contemporary vocabulary, humorous cartoon drawings, and plentiful, varied exercises, helping you to grasp often complex points of grammar in an enjoyable way. Its carefully devised two-part structure mirrors the learning process, allowing you to focus on core knowledge first and enabling you to progress confidently to more advanced knowledge at your own pace.Key features for this third edition include: New drawings which illustrate grammar through real-life scenarios New vocabulary bringing you up-to-date with Spanish in the digital agRe-ordering of the section on verbs, making the tenses easier for you to findOnline interactive exercises with audio answers, providing you with invaluable listening and pronunciation practice. To aid your understanding, this third edition also contains a glossary of grammatical terms, useful verb tables and a key to the exercises.Written in the belief that grammar is the key to real communication, this is an essential textbook for any student of Spanish.
A ti, sí, a ti
by Capitán SagoSi te gusta la prosa poética y la investigación literaria... Este libro está escrito para escritores aficionados. En él se pueden encontrar los recursos necesarios para lograr decidirte a la poesía, para escribir tu propio libro...
A veces un caballero
by Javier MaríasSin alharacas ni presunciones, Javier Marías se ha convertido en uno de los indiscutibles maestros del actual columnismo, como puede comprobarse en los ciento cuatro artículos contenidos en A veces un caballero, escritos entre 1998 y 2001. Casi siempre educado, resulta sin embargo más impertinente que cualquier provocador profesional, sin más adorno que el de la diversión, su prosa es siempre punzante y ágil; dotado para la vehemencia contagiosa, también es capaz de hacer soltar a menudo la carcajada; sin rehuir los asuntos cotidianos, nos lleva a pensar en nuestro tiempo de manera inesperada y profunda; sus rememoraciones ocasionales nunca caen en la excesiva nostalgia, pero logran emocionar sobriamente. Todo ello, cada vez, en el espacio de tres o cuatro páginas tan sólo. El autor consigue crear un estado de ánimo con cada pieza, y, lo que es más importante, hace que sus relatos y sus reflexiones lleguen a afectarnos personalmente, y que tras su lectura veamos un poco más claro y limpio el mundo por el que transitamos. «A veces un caballero... y a veces un rufián», como el propio Javier Marías reconoce en su prólogo, sus impecables razonamientos, sus evocaciones, su inconformidad y su guasa obran como infalible estímulo para la inteligencia.
A ver esa lengua: Cómo el habla se adapta a las nuevas realidades: lenguaje inclusivo y otros asuntos espinosos
by VanfunfunUsando palabras sencillas y argumentos de perroflauta punki de la lengua, defendidos por la lingüística más actual, este influencer de YouTube va a cambiar tu percepción de cómo se habla. ¡Hola! ¿Sabías que hablar mal es imposible? ¿Que la RAE no tiene la razón en muchas ocasiones? ¿Que el lenguaje inclusivo es bueno? ¿Que çe pue eccribî en andalû y no se acaba el mundo? ¿Y que, de hecho, la gente joven no está arruinando la lengua?
A-Z Great Modern Writers (A-Z Great Modern series)
by Caroline TaggartA-Z Great Modern Writers is an essential reference guide to the world's most important contemporary writers, boldly illustrated by Andy Tuohy.Artist and graphic designer Andy Tuohy turns his hand to the world of modern literature in this new instalment of the A-Z series. Rendered in his distinctive style, this new book features portraits of 52 key modern writers significant for their contribution to literature, with a whole host of names from across the world including:-Simone de Beauvoir-F. Scott Fitzgerald-Kazuo Ishiguro-Doris Lessing-Salman Rushdie-Vladimir NabokovBest-selling author Caroline Taggart provides a crib sheet of everything you need to know about each author: why they are important in the field of literature, a list of their must-read books, and a surprising fact or two about them. Alongside Andy's portraits, the book features additional imagery, including book covers and author photographs.A fun, easy guide to some of the best writers of modern times, this is a great gift for anyone who wants to broaden their literary horizons.
The A - Z of Nuclear Jargon (Routledge Revivals)
by Jonathon GreenFirst published in 1986, the purpose of this dictionary is to clarify the technology behind nuclear jargon. The entries deal with all areas of nuclear warfare: its strategies and tactics, personnel and weapons systems, arms control and disarmament talks. The terminology of the nuclear age expands and changes as fast as the weapons and strategies it describes; the dictionary therefore covers a span ranging from the first tentative post-Hiroshima ideas and systems through to the near-fictions of the ‘Star Wars’ initiative. This fascinating reissue will be of particular value to those in need of a comprehensive guide to the vocabulary of nuclear warfare, as well as students of linguistics with a particular interest in slang and jargon.
Aaroh Bhag-1 Vitan Bhag-1 class 11 - Goa Board: आरोह भाग-१ वितान भाग-१ कक्षा ग्यारहवीं - गोवा बोर्ड
by Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Alto Betim Goaयह पुस्तक ग्यारहवीं कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों के लिए तैयार की गई है और भाषा के साथ साहित्यिक समझ विकसित करने पर केंद्रित है। "आरोह" मुख्य पाठ्यपुस्तक है जिसमें आधुनिक और पारंपरिक लेखकों की रचनाएँ शामिल हैं, जैसे प्रेमचंद, मन्नू भंडारी, और कबीर, जो भाषा, संस्कृति, और नैतिक मूल्यों की समझ विकसित करती हैं। इसमें गद्य और काव्य के अलग-अलग खंड हैं, जिनसे साहित्यिक विधाओं का गहरा परिचय मिलता है। "वितान" पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक के रूप में है, जिसमें समाज, कला, और संस्कृति से संबंधित विविध विषयों पर लेखन प्रस्तुत किया गया है। दोनों खंड मिलकर विद्यार्थियों को सृजनात्मकता, आलोचनात्मक सोच और भाषा कौशल में निपुण बनाने का प्रयास करते हैं। इस पुस्तक का उद्देश्य केवल पाठ रटना नहीं बल्कि प्रश्न पूछने, विमर्श करने और स्वयं सीखने की प्रवृत्ति को बढ़ावा देना है। साहित्य को जीवन से जोड़कर प्रस्तुत करना, और हिंदी साहित्य के ऐतिहासिक विकास को समझना इस पुस्तक का मुख्य ध्येय है।
The Abandoners: On Mothers and Monsters
by Begoña Gómez UrzaizAn incisive collection about motherhood and creative life through the lens of mothers—in history, literature, and pop culture—who have abandoned their children. What kind of mother abandons her child? During the pandemic, trapped at home with young children and struggling to find creative space to write, journalist Begoña Gómez Urzaiz became fixated on artistic women who overcame both society’s condemnation and their own maternal guilt to leave their children—at will or due to economic or other circumstances. The Abandoners is sharp, at times slyly humorous, and always deeply empathetic. Using famous examples such as Ingrid Bergman, Muriel Spark, Doris Lessing, and Maria Montessori as well as fictional ones like Anna Karenina and the many roles of Meryl Streep, and interrogating modern trends like “momfluencers,” Gómez Urzaiz reveals what our judgement of these women tells us about our judgement of all women.
Abandoning the Black Hero: Sympathy and Privacy in the Postwar African American White-Life Novel
by John C. CharlesAbandoning the Black Hero is the first book to examine the postwar African American white-life novel--novels with white protagonists written by African Americans. These fascinating works have been understudied despite having been written by such defining figures in the tradition as Richard Wright, Zora Neale Hurston, James Baldwin, Ann Petry, and Chester Himes, as well as lesser known but formerly best-selling authors Willard Motley and Frank Yerby.John C. Charles argues that these fictions have been overlooked because they deviate from two critical suppositions: that black literature is always about black life and that when it represents whiteness, it must attack white supremacy. The authors are, however, quite sympathetic in the treatment of their white protagonists, which Charles contends should be read not as a failure of racial pride but instead as a strategy for claiming creative freedom, expansive moral authority, and critical agency.In an era when "Negro writers" were expected to protest, their sympathetic treatment of white suffering grants these authors a degree of racial privacy previously unavailable to them. White writers, after all, have the privilege of racial privacy because they are never pressured to write only about white life. Charles reveals that the freedom to abandon the "Negro problem" encouraged these authors to explore a range of new genres and themes, generating a strikingly diverse body of novels that significantly revise our understanding of mid-twentieth-century black writing.
Abbasid Belles-Lettres
by Julia Ashtiany T. M. Johnstone J. D. Latham R. B. Serjeant G. Rex SmithThis volume of The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature covers artistic prose and poetry produced in the heartland and provinces of the 'Abbasid empire during the second great period of Arabic literature, from the mid-eighth to the thirteenth centuries AD. 'Abbasid literature was characterised by the emergence of many new genres and of a scholarly and sophisticated critical consciousness. This volume deals chronologically with the main genres and provides extended studies of major poets, prose-writers and literary theorists. It concludes with a comprehensive survey of the relatively unknown literature of the Yemen to appear in a European language since the manuscript discoveries of recent years. To make the material accessible to non-specialist readers, 'Abbasid authors are quoted in English translation wherever possible, and clear explanations of their literary techniques and conventions are provided. With chapters by leading specialists from the Middle East, Europe and America, the volume represents a wide cross-section of current academic opinion.
by Karen Wilkens Cindy Peattie Mike LitwinTitle contained within StartUp Phonic Core Program. Not Sold Separately
ABC: The Alphabet from the Sky
by Benedikt Gross Joey LeeDiscover the alphabet from a bird's-eye view!Geographer and designer duo Benedikt Gross and Joey Lee have taken the alphabet to new heights—literally! Using satellite imagery and computer technology, the pair has discovered "accidental letters" all over the world: in roads, rivers, buildings, lakes, and more. Take a journey around the Earth in 26 letters with this special book.&“A delightful anytime book with hours of entertainment&”—Booklist
ABC Arts Book (STEAM Baby for Infants and Toddlers)
by Hope KnightFuel your child's learning through the power of S.T.E.A.M. with this ABC art book for kids ages 0 to 3 Give your little artist a jump start with this fun, inspiring way to learn their ABCs. From Actor to Zoom Lens, this ABC book introduces young children to the arts with each letter of the alphabet, doubling the learning and fun while giving your toddler a head start on their education. Levels of discovery—Explore a tiered learning approach that grows with your child. Focus first on letters, then on words, and then on understanding concepts. Colorful images—Rich and vibrant illustrations add to learning and keep your child engaged. Full S.T.E.A.M. ahead—Encourage a lifelong love of learning with all the books in the S.T.E.A.M. Baby series.
ABC Book
by C. B. FallsThis classic primer ranges from the familiar Antelope, Bear, and Cat to more unusual creatures ― the graceful Ibis, the aquatic Newt, the legendary Unicorn, and the powerful Xiphius, better known as the swordfish. Originally published in the 1920s, this volume is graced with striking poster art images of every animal. Each letter is represented by a full-page color woodcut illustration. In addition to its value to young learners, the ABC Book will appeal to collectors, bibliophiles, and others who appreciate beautiful books.
ABC Bug Book for Kids
by Jessica Lee AndersonExplore bug facts while practicing the ABCs—for kids ages 1 to 3.From ants to zebra spiders, there's a bug for every letter of the alphabet! Meet a huge variety of our many-legged friends with this colorful book made just for toddlers. They'll dive into awesome trivia about bugs—like what they eat and where they live—all while learning their letters.The ABC Bug Book is an engrossing alphabet book, specially designed with preschoolers in mind, to help them sharpen their reading skills while learning about the fascinating world of bugs. With a plethora of fascinating facts and vibrant pictures, this children's bug book enhances their natural curiosity about these many-legged creatures. Get a preschool bug book that includes:Crawling critters from A to Z—Connect all 26 letters to different bugs to help little ones remember what they learn.Fascinating facts and pictures—Age-appropriate language and tons of vibrant photos will keep kids engaged with every page.A quiet time activity—This book is perfect for adults to read aloud, or for kids and parents to read together.Help kids learn the alphabet and get excited about nature with this big book of bugs.
ABC-Deconstructing Gender
by Ashley Molesso Chess NeedhamBe affectionate, beautiful, courageous, and more in this gender-bending ABC book. <P><P> Daryl is so affectionate. Alex is gentle with the family cat. Sage and Kaylin are super strong. And Ira yearns to do ballet like their older brother. Demystify gender stereotypes while learning your ABCs in this bright, celebratory debut picture book by stationery company Ash + Chess, who bring not only their quirky artistic flavor but also their personal perspectives as a queer couple to this empowering book for younger kids. This hardcover picture book is rendered in bright, bold colors and patterns and uses neon pink hues throughout. <P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>
ABC Dream
by Kim KransThis stunning and innovative alphabet picture book will dazzle little ones and engage the adults who share it with them! Each page is dedicated to a letter, and clever alliterations are packed into each ink-and-watercolor spread. This gem comes to us from Kim Krans, the creator of The Wild Unknown--a lifestyle website offering prints, calendars, and more.
ABC for You and Me
by Meg Girnis Shirley GreenChildren with Down syndrome will be delighted to see a reflection of themselves in this alphabet book. Full color photographs of a multicultural cast of children, most with Down syndrome, illustrate the simple text that helps children learn their ABCs.
ABC-Management, Communication
by Yasser Osman Sara Osman Yara OsmanManagement and managing situations is a day-to-day action that we experience and handle from our childhood and throughout our life. Growing up we have to manage our homework, relationships, exams, applications to college, bosses at work, difficult situations, and finally some of us become project managers. This book aims to set the management processes terminologies with simple explanation into our children's minds through colouring sketches and by parents reading them like some bed time story to their children. Offering a lot of work values, this book presents sketches reflecting teaming up at work, the relationship between employer and employees and the commitment to complete the tasks. The book also highlights family values through sketches of family members gathering around the dining table and emphasizing the importance of reading. This book series presents books nine management processes, Scope, time, Cost, Quality, Human Resources, Communication, Risk, Procurement, and Stakeholders. The tenth remaining process according to the Project management institute PMBOK guide and standard is the Integration process, which is simply a combination of all processes indicated above. Raising our children has become a challenge nowadays; this series of books tries to provide a tool to manage valuable time between parents and children to assure better quality and learning experience that the child will enjoy when he is using the books on his own, while also including a story to allow the parent to build upon and implement an addition to advice and transfer knowledge from parents to children based on their daily behaviour and day-to-day life experience.
ABC-Management, Cost
by Yasser Osman Sara Osman Yara OsmanManagement and managing situations is a day-to-day action that we experience and handle from our childhood and throughout our life. Growing up we have to manage our homework, relationships, exams, applications to college, bosses at work, difficult situations, and finally some of us become project managers. This book aims to set the management processes terminologies with simple explanation into our children's minds through colouring sketches and by parents reading them like some bed time story to their children. Offering a lot of work values, this book presents sketches reflecting teaming up at work, the relationship between employer and employees and the commitment to complete the tasks. The book also highlights family values through sketches of family members gathering around the dining table and emphasizing the importance of reading. This book series presents books nine management processes, Scope, time, Cost, Quality, Human Resources, Communication, Risk, Procurement, and Stakeholders. The tenth remaining process according to the Project management institute PMBOK guide and standard is the Integration process, which is simply a combination of all processes indicated above. Raising our children has become a challenge nowadays; this series of books tries to provide a tool to manage valuable time between parents and children to assure better quality and learning experience that the child will enjoy when he is using the books on his own, while also including a story to allow the parent to build upon and implement an addition to advice and transfer knowledge from parents to children based on their daily behaviour and day-to-day life experience.
ABC-Management, Human Resources
by Yasser Osman Sara Osman Yara OsmanManagement and managing situations is a day-to-day action that we experience and handle from our childhood and throughout our life. Growing up we have to manage our homework, relationships, exams, applications to college, bosses at work, difficult situations, and finally some of us become project managers. This book aims to set the management processes terminologies with simple explanation into our children's minds through colouring sketches and by parents reading them like some bed time story to their children. Offering a lot of work values, this book presents sketches reflecting teaming up at work, the relationship between employer and employees and the commitment to complete the tasks. The book also highlights family values through sketches of family members gathering around the dining table and emphasizing the importance of reading. This book series presents books nine management processes, Scope, time, Cost, Quality, Human Resources, Communication, Risk, Procurement, and Stakeholders. The tenth remaining process according to the Project management institute PMBOK guide and standard is the Integration process, which is simply a combination of all processes indicated above. Raising our children has become a challenge nowadays; this series of books tries to provide a tool to manage valuable time between parents and children to assure better quality and learning experience that the child will enjoy when he is using the books on his own, while also including a story to allow the parent to build upon and implement an addition to advice and transfer knowledge from parents to children based on their daily behaviour and day-to-day life experience.
ABC-Management, Procurement
by Yasser Osman Sara Osman Yara OsmanManagement and managing situations is a day-to-day action that we experience and handle from our childhood and throughout our life. Growing up we have to manage our homework, relationships, exams, applications to college, bosses at work, difficult situations, and finally some of us become project managers. This book aims to set the management processes terminologies with simple explanation into our children's minds through colouring sketches and by parents reading them like some bed time story to their children. Offering a lot of work values, this book presents sketches reflecting teaming up at work, the relationship between employer and employees and the commitment to complete the tasks. The book also highlights family values through sketches of family members gathering around the dining table and emphasizing the importance of reading. This book series presents books nine management processes, Scope, time, Cost, Quality, Human Resources, Communication, Risk, Procurement, and Stakeholders. The tenth remaining process according to the Project management institute PMBOK guide and standard is the Integration process, which is simply a combination of all processes indicated above. Raising our children has become a challenge nowadays; this series of books tries to provide a tool to manage valuable time between parents and children to assure better quality and learning experience that the child will enjoy when he is using the books on his own, while also including a story to allow the parent to build upon and implement an addition to advice and transfer knowledge from parents to children based on their daily behaviour and day-to-day life experience.