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Rethinking the Teaching Mathematics for Emergent Bilinguals: Korean Teacher Perspectives and Practices in Culture, Language, and Mathematics (Mathematics Education – An Asian Perspective)

by Ji Yeong I Hyewon Chang Ji-Won Son

This book focuses on the role of cultural background in Korean public schools, and provides essential insights into how Korean teachers perceive and respond to the transition of their classroom situations with Korean language learners. It reveals the perspectives and the practices of Korean teachers, especially with regard to multicultural students who struggle with language barriers when learning mathematics. The information provided is both relevant and topical, as teaching mathematics to linguistically and culturally diverse learners is increasingly becoming a worldwide challenge.

Rethinking the Victim: Gender and Violence in Contemporary Australian Women's Writing (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures)

by Anne Brewster Sue Kossew

This book is the first to examine gender and violence in Australian literature. It argues that literary texts by Australian women writers offer unique ways of understanding the social problem of gendered violence, bringing this often private and suppressed issue into the public sphere. It draws on the international field of violence studies to investigate how Australian women writers challenge the victim paradigm and figure women’s agencies. In doing so, it provides a theoretical context for the increasing number of contemporary literary works by Australian women writers that directly address gendered violence, an issue that has taken on urgent social and political currency. By analysing Australian women’s literary representations of gendered violence, this book rethinks victimhood and agency, particularly from a feminist perspective. One of its major innovations is that it examines mainstream Australian women’s writing alongside that of Indigenous and minoritised women. In doing so it provides insights into the interconnectedness of Australia’s diverse settler, Indigenous and diasporic histories in chapters that examine intimate partner violence, violence against Indigenous women and girls, family violence and violence against children, and the war and political violence.

Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology (Routledge Library Editions: Translation #2)

by Lawrence Venuti

Originally published in 1992 Rethinking Translation makes the translator’s activity more visible by using critical theory. It examines the selection of the foreign text and the implementation of translation strategies; the reception of the translated text, and the theories of translation offered by philosophers, critics and translators themselves. The book constitutes a rethinking that is both philosophical and political, taking into account social and ideological dimensions, as well as questions of language and subjectivity. Covering a number of genres and national literatures, this collection of essays demonstrates the power wielded by translators in the formation of literary canons and cultural identities, and recognises the appropriative and imperialist movements in every act of translation.

Retold British Classics (Retold Tales Series)

by Kathy Myers Beth Obermiller

The Retold British Classics are stories written years ago that continue to entertain or influence today. The tales offer exciting plots, important themes, fascinating characters, and powerful language. They are stories that many people have loved to hear and share with one another. This book presents a collection of eight adapted classics.

Retracing a Winter's Journey: Franz Schubert's "Winterreise"

by Susan Youens

I like these songs better than all the rest, and someday you will too, Franz Schubert told the friends who were the first to hear his song cycle, Winterreise. These lieder have always found admiring audiences, but the poetry he chose to set them to has been widely regarded as weak and trivial. In Retracing a Winter's Journey, Susan Youens looks not only at Schubert's music but at the poetry, drawn from the works of Wilhelm Müller, who once wrote in his diary, "perhaps there is a kindred spirit somewhere who will hear the tunes behind the words and give them back to me!"Youens maintains that Müller, in depicting the wanderings of the alienated lover, produced poetry that was simple but not simple-minded, poetry that embraced simplicity as part of its meaning. In her view, Müller used the ruder folk forms to give his verse greater immediacy, to convey more powerfully the wanderer's complex inner state. Youens addresses many different aspects of Winterreise: the cultural milieu to which it belonged, the genesis of both the poetry and the music, Schubert's transformation of poetic cycle into music, the philosophical dimension of the work, and its musical structure.

Retracing the History of Literary Translation in Poland: People, Politics, Poetics (Routledge Research on Translation and Interpreting History)

by Magda Heydel Zofia Ziemann

This book, the first of its kind for an English-language audience, introduces a fresh perspective on the Polish literary translation landscape, providing unique insights into the social, political, and ideological underpinnings of Polish translation history. Employing a problem-based approach, the book creates a map of different research directions in the history of literary translation in Poland, highlighting a holistic perspective on the discipline’s development in the region. The four sections explore topics of particular interest in current translation research, including translation and cultural borderlands, the agency of women translators, translators as intercultural mediators, and the intersection of translation research and digital methods. The 15 contributions demonstrate the ways in which Polish culture has represented translated work in its own way, informed and shaped by socio-political changes in Polish history. At the same time, the volume situates Polish research in translation within the growing body of work on Central and Eastern European translation studies, as well as looking at them against the backdrop of the international development of the discipline. This collection offers a valuable addition to existing research on Western literary canons, making it key reading for scholars in translation studies, comparative literature, cultural studies, and Slavonic studies.

Retrato de una dama

by Henry James

Los mejores libros jamás escritos Para muchos, la obra maestra de Henry James, que reúne los temas esenciales de su literatura: la psicología femenina, las diferencias entre Europa y América, la educación y el arte. Retrato de una dama es una de las grandes novelas del siglo XIX. Su protagonista es Isabel Archer, una bella joven estadounidense que recibe una sustanciosa herencia y decide emprender un viaje por Europa. La familia quiere que se case pronto, pero ella defiende su independencia, hasta que los acontecimientos se precipitan de un modo inesperado. Retrato especular de Estados Unidos y Europa, y aguda indagación en la psicología femenina, este portentoso libro viene enmarcado por el prefacio que el autor escribió para la edición estadounidense de sus obras de 1908. Seguimos aquí el texto de la novela según lo revisó Henry James para la ocasión, en brillantetraducción de Ana Eiroa. El volumen se cierra con un epílogo y una cronología de Philip Horne, máxima autoridad jamesiana y responsable de la biblioteca del autor en Penguin Classics. «No puedo escapar a la infelicidad.»

Retratos (Biblioteca Truman Capote Ser. #Vol. 320)

by Truman Capote

Es difícil encontrar un observador tan agudo de su época como lo fue Truman Capote. Su increíble ojo para el detalle, ya fuera para describir a la alta sociedad neoyorquina o a los asesinos más despiadados de Kansas, lo convirtió en un maestro del reportaje y de la no ficción. Esta colección reúne, en orden cronológico, todos los ensayos del autor sobre personajes tan emblemáticos como Charlie Chaplin, Pablo Picasso, Elizabeth Taylor, Coco Chanel y Marcel Duchamp. Capote consiguió captar, dentro del ambiente refinado en el que se movía, la vulnerabilidad de los seres con los que trabó amistad: la infinita tristeza de Tennessee Williams, la peculiar relación entre Marilyn Monroe y Arthur Miller, la generosidad del bastardeado Ezra Pound, las andanzas de Marlon Brando en Japón. Honesta, divertida y también desgarradora, la escritura de Capote se vuelve más fresca con el paso de los años. Allí donde otros escritores son sepultados en el olvido, Capote se impone con más fuerza y viene a confirmarnos que fue uno de los más grandes cronistas del siglo XX

Retratos: RETRATOS

by João Calazans Filho

La genialidad literaria del escritor João Calazans Filho, se revela al mezclar estilos en su forma de contar historias y casos. <p><p> Como autor, Calazans logra incluir en el alma de cada crónica, trazos de humor y tragicomedia transformando la lectura en la más pura diversión. <p> El autor refleja en sus textos la gracia y el libertinaje de Ariano Suassuna, asociado a la seriedad de Adonis Hijo e incluye un ápice de la eterna malicia de los cuentos de Jorge Amado. Yo no podría dejar de citar esos grandes autores, por miedo de pecar al hablar del bello contenido desarrollado en este libro. <p> “Retratos” debería ser visto como una radiografía realista de las vidas que llevan las personas en el interior de Brasil. Aunque sabemos lo que representan en el origen de las historias, ya que ganaron vida en una ciudad diferente de la que vivimos, los acontecimientos narrados no nos impiden de compararla con la forma de vivir del pueblo brasileño. <p> No dejé de reír con las historias de cazadores, hombres valientes y simpáticos que usan el estilo bohemio para transformar sus vidas en algo mejor. Y digo más: <p> -El Pueblo de ese inmenso país usa toda su creatividad para sobrevivir frente a ofertas injustas de desarrollo social impuestas muchas veces monocráticamente. <p> “Retratos” va a dejar una huella en la vida de cada persona que dedique un poco de su tiempo para leer este pequeño y a su vez gigante proyecto de comunicación que llegó para marcar una posición definida en el contexto literario nacional. <p> Estoy convencido de que los apasionados por una buena lectura van a encantarse con el libertinaje, jocosidad, perversidad y la experiencia del autor para revelar toda esa rara belleza.

Retratos y encuentros

by Gay Talese

«Algunos de los reportajes más memorables del último medio siglo periodístico. Un clásico moderno.»Babelia Desde que allá por los años sesenta Gay Talese irrumpiera en el mundo del periodismo para revolucionar sus formas y cambiar para siempre la manera de afrontar un reportaje, sus artículos han servido de modelo a generaciones de escritores. Ya se trate de historias cotidianas protagonizadas por gente desconocida que con frecuencia nos resulta curiosamente familiar, o de perfiles de personajes famosos a los que en realidad no conocíamos tanto como creíamos, Talese es capaz de mostrarnos siempre el detalle invisible que nos revela los secretos, de introducirnos en la escena como si la estuviéramos presenciando, de hacernos partícipes de los momentos más inaccesibles. Iconos de la cultura como Frank Sinatra, Ernest Hemingway o Peter O'Toole, de la política como Kennedy o Fidel Castro, o del deporte como Joe DiMaggio, Muhammad Alí o Joe Louis, se alternan en estas páginas con entrañables recuerdos familiares o los humildes inicios del autor en el mundo del periodismo. El nexo de unión es siempre el mismo: el inigualable estilo de Talese. La crítica ha dicho...«Cada pieza está marcada con el elegante estilo de Talese, su exhaustiva investigación, su hábil uso de los diálogos, su característica construcción por escenas y, sobre todo, su infalible ojo para el detalle revelador. Lo que distingue a Talese, lo que él hace mejor que nadie es sencillamente dejarse caer por la escena, observar y escuchar... Es cierto que siempre ha sido un reportero, pero también que tiene la vista y el oído de un artista. Esta antología le devuelve el brillo al término Nuevo Periodismo.»Los Angeles Times Book Review «Los textos que aparecen en esta esperada y maravillosa recopilación son brillantes ejemplos de una época de la historia del periodismo en la que publicar en determinadas revistas era una forma de arte y Talese su Miguel Ángel. Este libro merece ser leído una y otra vez.»Publishers Weekly «La obra monumental de este reportero norteamericano que ha hecho del periodismo un arte.»Babelia «Gay Talese forma parte de un grupo de geniales maleantes de la máquina de escribir, junto a Truman Capote, Tom Wolfe o Norman Mailer... El arte de explicar el mundo a través de los pequeños detalles y convertir cada reportaje en una historia.»Antonio G. Iturbe, Qué Leer «Gay Talese representa la elegancia... Retratos y encuentros reúne piezas maestras de este hombre que hizo del periodismo una manera de vivir.»La Vanguardia «Una reunión extraordinaria de las piezas que convirtieron a Talese en punta de lanza de eso que se llamó Nuevo Periodismo.»Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Letras Libres

Retribution: The Jiling Chronicles

by Yung-P'Ing Li

Retribution opens with the raucous festivities surrounding the annual procession to honor the Bodhisattva Guanyin. Changsheng, the young wife of the local coffin maker Liu Laoshi, is raped while making an offering to Guanyin in the hope of increasing her chances of bearing a son. Changsheng hangs herself following the encounter, and Liu Laoshi exacts bloody vengeance on the rapist's own wife and favorite prostitute. This act of sexual violence and its retribution provide the narrative pivot around which is woven a web of interconnecting stories, whose characters and events provide divergent perspectives on the rape and its aftermath. The result is an unforgettable exploration of the intersections of sexual desire, sadism, folk belief, and the inexorable cycles of karmic retribution.

Retrieving the Human: Reading Paul Gilroy (SUNY series, Philosophy and Race)

by Rebecka Rutledge Fisher; Jay Garcia

In the more than twenty years since the publication of his book The Black Atlantic, Paul Gilroy has become a leading Afro-European intellectual whose work in the cultural studies of race has influenced a number of fields and made the study of black Atlantic literatures and cultures an enduring part of the humanities. The essays in this collection examine the full trajectory of Gilroy's work, looking beyond The Black Atlantic to consider also his work in the intervening years, focusing in particular on his investigations of contemporary black life in the United States, histories of human rights, and the politics of memory and empire in contemporary Britain. With an essay by Gilroy himself extending his longstanding examination of fascism, racial thinking, and European philosophical thought, in addition to an interview with Gilroy, this volume features Gilroy's own words alongside other scholars' alternative conceptualizations and critical rereadings of his works.

Retroland: A Reader's Guide to the Dazzling Diversity of Modern Fiction

by Peter Kemp

The essential companion for lovers of the contemporary novel Over the past fifty years, fiction in English has never looked more various. Books bulkier than Victorian three-deckers appear alongside works of minimalist brevity, and experiments with form have produced everything from verse novels to Twitter-thread narratives. This is truly a golden age. But what unites this kaleidoscopic array of genres and styles? Celebrated writer and critic Peter Kemp shows how modern writers are obsessed with the past. In a series of engaging and illuminating chapters, Retroland traces this novelistic preoccupation with history, from the imperial and the political to the personal and the literary. Featuring famous names from across the United Kingdom, United States, and the wider Anglophone world, ranging from Salman Rushdie to Sarah Waters, Toni Morrison to Hilary Mantel, this is a work of remarkable synthesis and clarity—a wonderfully readable and enjoyably opinionated guide to our current literary landscape.

Retrospect of Western Travel: In Three Volumes, Volume 2 (Cambridge Library Collection - North American History Ser. #Volume 2)

by Harriet Martineau Daniel Feller

This abridged version of Harriet Martineau's narrative of her travels in Jacksonian America preserves her reporting on slavery and other current topics of the day, as well as her insights on women's place in society, and her observations and vignettes of famous people such as John Calhoun.

The Retrospective Imagination of A. B. Yehoshua (Dimyonot: Jews and the Cultural Imagination #9)

by Yael Halevi-Wise

Once referred to by the New York Times as the "Israeli Faulkner," A. B. Yehoshua’s fiction invites an assessment of Israel’s Jewish inheritance and the moral and political options that the country currently faces in the Middle East. The Retrospective Imagination of A. B. Yehoshua is an insightful overview of the fiction, nonfiction, and hundreds of critical responses to the work of Israel’s leading novelist.Instead of an exhaustive chronological-biographical account of Yehoshua’s artistic growth, Yael Halevi-Wise calls for a systematic appreciation of the author’s major themes and compositional patterns. Specifically, she argues for reading Yehoshua’s novels as reflections on the "condition of Israel," constructed multifocally to engage four intersecting levels of signification: psychological, sociological, historical, and historiosophic. Each of the book’s seven chapters employs a different interpretive method to showcase how Yehoshua’s constructions of character psychology, social relations, national history, and historiosophic allusions to traditional Jewish symbols manifest themselves across his novels. The book ends with a playful dialogue in the style of Yehoshua’s masterpiece, Mr. Mani, that interrogates his definition of Jewish identity.Masterfully written, with full control of all the relevant materials, Halevi-Wise’s assessment of Yehoshua will appeal to students and scholars of modern Jewish literature and Jewish studies.

The Retrospective Imagination of A. B. Yehoshua (Dimyonot)

by Yael Halevi-Wise

Once referred to by the New York Times as the “Israeli Faulkner,” A. B. Yehoshua’s fiction invites an assessment of Israel’s Jewish inheritance and the moral and political options that the country currently faces in the Middle East. The Retrospective Imagination of A. B. Yehoshua is an insightful overview of the fiction, nonfiction, and hundreds of critical responses to the work of Israel’s leading novelist.Instead of an exhaustive chronological-biographical account of Yehoshua’s artistic growth, Yael Halevi-Wise calls for a systematic appreciation of the author’s major themes and compositional patterns. Specifically, she argues for reading Yehoshua’s novels as reflections on the “condition of Israel,” constructed multifocally to engage four intersecting levels of signification: psychological, sociological, historical, and historiosophic. Each of the book’s seven chapters employs a different interpretive method to showcase how Yehoshua’s constructions of character psychology, social relations, national history, and historiosophic allusions to traditional Jewish symbols manifest themselves across his novels. The book ends with a playful dialogue in the style of Yehoshua’s masterpiece, Mr. Mani, that interrogates his definition of Jewish identity.Masterfully written, with full control of all the relevant materials, Halevi-Wise’s assessment of Yehoshua will appeal to students and scholars of modern Jewish literature and Jewish studies.

The Retrospective Muse: Pathways through Ancient Greek Literature and Culture (Myth and Poetics II)

by Froma I. Zeitlin

The Retrospective Muse showcases the celebrated work of Froma I. Zeitlin. Over many decades, Zeitlin's innovative studies have changed the field of classics. Her instantly recognizable work brings together anthropology, gender studies, cultural studies, and an acute literary sensibility to open ancient texts and ideas to new forms of understanding. A selection of her luminous essays on topics still timely today are collected for the first time in a volume that shows the full range and flair of her remarkable intellect. Together, these illuminating analyses show why Zeitlin's work on ancient Greek culture has had an enduring impact on scholars around the world, not just in classics but across multiple fields. From Homer to the Greek novel, from religion to erotics, from myth and ritual to theatrical performance, she expounds on some of the most important works of ancient writing and some of modernity's most significant critical questions. Zeitlin's writing still sheds light on the durable aspects of classics as a discipline, and this book encapsulates her achievement.

Retrospective Poe: The Master, His Readership, His Legacy (American Literature Readings in the 21st Century)

by José R. Ibáñez Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan

This book analyzes a range of Edgar Allan Poe’s writing, focusing on new readings that engage with classical and (post)modern studies of his work and the troubling literary relationship that he had with T.S. Eliot. Whilst the book examines Poe’s influence in Spain, and how his figure has been marketed to young and adult Spanish reading audiences, it also explores the profound impact that Poe had on other audiences, such as in America, Greece, and Japan, from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. The essays attest to Poe’s well-deserved reputation, his worldwide legacy, and his continued presence in global literature. This book will appeal particularly to university teachers, Poe scholars, graduate students, and general readers interested in Poe’s oeuvre.

Retrospective Prophecy and Medieval English Authorship

by Kimberly Fonzo

The prescience of medieval English authors has long been a source of fascination to readers. Retrospective Prophecy and Medieval English Authorship draws attention to the ways that misinterpreted, proleptically added, or dubiously attributed prognostications influenced the reputations of famed Middle English authors. It illuminates the creative ways in which William Langland, John Gower, and Geoffrey Chaucer engaged with prophecy to cultivate their own identities and to speak to the problems of their age. Retrospective Prophecy and Medieval English Authorship examines the prophetic reputations of these well-known medieval authors whose fame made them especially subject to nationalist appropriation. Kimberly Fonzo explains that retrospectively co-opting the prophetic voices of canonical authors aids those looking to excuse or endorse key events of national history by implying that they were destined to happen. She challenges the reputations of Langland, Gower, and Chaucer as prophets of the Protestant Reformation, Richard II’s deposition, and secular Humanism, respectively. This intellectual and critical assessment of medieval authors and their works successfully makes the case that prophecy emerged and recurred as an important theme in medieval authorial self-representations.

Retrospectives: Essays in Literature, Poetics and Cultural History

by Neil Kenny

"Terence Cave's work has made a major contribution to the rethinking of the relationship between literature, history and culture over the last half-century. Retrospectives brings together substantially revised versions of studies written since 1970: together they constitute a searching methodological investigation of the practice of reading past texts. How do our ways of reading such texts compare with those practised in the periods when they were written? How do we distinguish between what a text meant in its own time and what it has come to mean over time? And how might reading provide access to past experiences? The book's epicentre is early modern French culture, but it extends to that culture's ancient Greek and Roman models, its European contexts, and the afterlives of some of its themes, from Pascal via George Eliot to Angela Carter."

The Return of England in English Literature

by Michael Gardiner

This lively study provides an account of the 'fall and rise' of the English nation within the British discipline of English Literature between the late eighteenth century and the present day, offering a reconceptualisation of the relationship between English Literature and the formation of English cultural identity.

The Return of Proserpina: Cultural Poetics of Sicily from Cicero to Dante

by Sarah Spence

Sicily and the strategies of empire in the poetic imagination of classical and medieval EuropeIn the first century BC, Cicero praised Sicily as Rome’s first overseas province and confirmed it as the mythic location for the abduction of Proserpina, known to the Greeks as Persephone, by the god of the underworld. The Return of Proserpina takes readers from Roman antiquity to the late Middle Ages to explore how the Mediterranean island offered authors a setting for forces resistant to empire and a location for displaying and reclaiming what has been destroyed.Using the myth of Proserpina as a through line, Sarah Spence charts the relationship Western empire held with its myths and its own past. She takes an in-depth, panoramic look at a diverse range of texts set on Sicily, demonstrating how the myth of Proserpina enables a discussion of empire in terms of balance, loss, and negotiation. Providing new readings of authors as separated in time and culture as Vergil, Claudian, and Dante, Spence shows how the shape of Proserpina’s tale and perceptions of the island change from a myth of loss to one of redemption, with the volcanic Mt. Etna playing an increasingly central role.Delving into the ways that myth and geography affect politics and poetics, The Return of Proserpina explores the power of language and the written word during a period of tremendous cultural turbulence.

Return Of Reader: Reader-response Criticism (New Accents Ser.)

by Elizabeth Freund

First Published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Return of Resentment: The Rise and Decline and Rise Again of a Political Emotion (The Life of Ideas)

by Robert A. Schneider

Charts the long history of resentment, from its emergence to its establishment as the word of the moment. The term “resentment,” often casually paired with words like “hatred,” “rage,” and “fear,” has dominated US news analysis since November 2016. Despite its increased use, this word seems to defy easy categorization. Does “resentment” describe many interlocking sentiments, or is it just another way of saying “anger”? Does it suggest an irrational grievance, as opposed to a legitimate callout of injustice? Does it imply political leanings, or is it nonpartisan by nature? In The Return of Resentment, Robert A. Schneider explores these questions and more, moving from eighteenth-century Britain to the aftermath of the French Revolution to social movements throughout the twentieth century. Drawing on a wide range of writers, thinkers, and historical experiences, Schneider illustrates how resentment has morphed across time, coming to express a collective sentiment felt by people and movements across the political spectrum. In this history, we discover resentment’s modernity and its ambiguity—how it can be used to dismiss legitimate critique and explain away violence, but also convey a moral stance that demands recognition. Schneider anatomizes the many ways resentment has been used to label present-day movements, from followers of Trump and supporters of Brexit to radical Islamicists and proponents of identity politics. Addressing our contemporary political situation in a novel way, The Return of Resentment challenges us to think critically about the roles different emotions play in politics.

The Return of Resentment: The Rise and Decline and Rise Again of a Political Emotion (The Life of Ideas)

by Robert A. Schneider

Charts the long history of resentment, from its emergence to its establishment as the word of the moment. The term “resentment,” often casually paired with words like “hatred,” “rage,” and “fear,” has dominated US news analysis since November 2016. Despite its increased use, this word seems to defy easy categorization. Does “resentment” describe many interlocking sentiments, or is it just another way of saying “anger”? Does it suggest an irrational grievance, as opposed to a legitimate callout of injustice? Does it imply political leanings, or is it nonpartisan by nature? In The Return of Resentment, Robert A. Schneider explores these questions and more, moving from eighteenth-century Britain to the aftermath of the French Revolution to social movements throughout the twentieth century. Drawing on a wide range of writers, thinkers, and historical experiences, Schneider illustrates how resentment has morphed across time, coming to express a collective sentiment felt by people and movements across the political spectrum. In this history, we discover resentment’s modernity and its ambiguity—how it can be used to dismiss legitimate critique and explain away violence, but also convey a moral stance that demands recognition. Schneider anatomizes the many ways resentment has been used to label present-day movements, from followers of Trump and supporters of Brexit to radical Islamicists and proponents of identity politics. Addressing our contemporary political situation in a novel way, The Return of Resentment challenges us to think critically about the roles different emotions play in politics.

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