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Showing 43,151 through 43,175 of 58,017 results

Revisiting Vietnam: Memoirs, Memorials, Museums (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)

by Julia Bleakney

This book explores the memorializing practices of American veterans of the Vietnam War at several of the most significant contemporary sites of memory in the United States and Vietnam. These sites include veterans' memoirs, museum exhibits, replicas of the National Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and tourism to Vietnam. Because war memorializing has, since the late 1960s, shifted focus from national soul searching to personal identity and recovery, I emphasize how contemporary narratives of the war, shaped more by memory than by history, often are detached from the specific history of the war and its political controversies. Drawing on trauma and cultural memory scholarship, as well as empirical data gathered during field research in the U.S. and Vietnam, the author examines how veterans' memorializing practices have become increasingly individualized, commodified, and conservative since the early 1980s.

Revista Aventuras: Aventuras Student Magazine Grade 4 (¡Arriba la Lectura!)

by Gisela O'Brien

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Revista Aventuras: ¡Echa un vistazo! [Grade 1] (¡Arriba la Lectura!)

by Gisela O'Brien

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Revista Aventuras [Grade 2] (¡Arriba la Lectura!)

by Gisela O'Brien

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Revitalising Audience Research: Innovations in European Audience Research (Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education)

by Frauke Zeller Cristina Ponte Brian O'Neill

The revitalisation of audience studies is not only about new approaches and methods; it entails a crossing of disciplines and a bridging of long-established boundaries in the field. The aim of this volume is to capture the boundary-crossing processes that have begun to emerge across the discipline in the form of innovative, interdisciplinary interventions in the audience research agenda. Contributions to this volume seek to further this process though innovative, audience-oriented perspectives that firmly anchor media engagement within the diversity of contexts and purposes to which people incorporate media in their daily lives, in ways often unanticipated by industries and professionals.

Revitalizing Minority Languages: New Speakers of Breton, Yiddish and Lemko (Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities)

by Michael Hornsby

New speakers are an increasingly important aspect of the revitalization of minority languages since, in some cases, they can make up the majority of the language community in question. This volume examines this phenomenon from the viewpoint of three minority languages: Breton, Yiddish and Lemko.

Revival: The Psychology Of The Poet Shelley (1925) (Routledge Revivals #No. 33)

by Edward Carpenter George Barnefield

Late studies in the Psychology of Sex have led to some interesting speculations with regard to the poet Shelley; and it is with pleasure that I write a few lines by way of introduction to the following paper by my friend, George Barnefield, which puts very clearly, as I think, some points in Shelley's temperament which have hitherto been neglected or misunderstood, and which call for renowned consideration. Not having myself made a special study of the Modern Psychology, I do not pretend to certify to the absolute truth of the theories put forward by Mr. Barnefield, but I do certainly think, after due consideration, that they are worthy of very careful study.

Revival: An elementary handbook (Routledge Revivals)

by Henry Butler Clarke

During the time that I have held the Taylorian Teachership of Spanish at Oxford, I have frequently received letters asking what there is to read in Spanish besides Cervantes and Calderon and what editions should be used. The present volume is intended to answer these questions, and to show the position occupied by the great writers in the general scheme of the literature of their country. The various divisions of the great subject have been exhaustively treated up to their several dates by Nicolas Antonio, Ticknor, Amador de los Rios, Schack and Wolf, to whose books I beg to acknowledge my many obligations, hoping at the same time that the present general sketch may be useful to the general reader, and to the beginner, and may serve as an introduction to more extensive works.I am aware that a few short extracts, however well chosen can give no adequate idea of the manner of a great writer or of the merits of a great book, and that translations, even by the most skilful hands, are wont to reproduce the defects rather than the beauties of their original. The extracts here printed are intended to relieve the monotony of a long list of short notices of authors, and to illustrate the development of the language and progress of literary method; they are, as far as possible, characteristically Spanish in subject and, it is hoped, of sufficient interest to induce readers to refer to the books from which they are taken

Revival: With a Critical essay (Routledge Revivals)

by Macneile W Dixon

This book was the first sign of the gorgeous Indian summer which was to diffuse its golden splendours over the remainder of Alfred Tennyson's career, and to end only with his life.

Revival: An unfinished history (Routledge Revivals)

by John Drinkwater

When a Poet writes poetry he can scarcely fail to interest. And the author of this posthumous volume was not only a poet but no mean critic too. As a result, his approach to English Poetry is not a work of merely casual interest: it is illuminating. No one could fail to be enriched and delighted by its discriminating enthusiasms, its happy quotations, and the no less happy judgements, discoveries, definitions and phrases which it gives us. The historical portion is contained in the latter half, which deals with its subject in a discursive way from the beginnings to Elizabethan times - where the author stopped in the middle of a sentence. This premature ending is deepy regretted. But, fortunately for us, the first five chapters are devoted to general and personal observations, and are so full of references to the intervening and modern periods that we can genuinely claim to have here a fair impression of Drinkwater's view of the whole panorama of English Poetry.

Revival: From Minstrels To The Machine (Routledge Revivals)

by Ford Madox Ford

"Provence" may perhaps be described as the crystallisation of the main idea running through the Great Trade Route, which we published a year ago. Of that book Mr A.G. McDonnell wrote in the Observer: "It is an Indictment, a Philipic....I know of no books to compare with this since Winwood Reade's Martyrdom of Man" But if "The Great Trade Route" was the destructive onslaught on dubious aspects of contemporary civilisation, "Provence" is the celebration of what might have been and what, according to Mr. Ford, may still yet be - contrasted with what is. For in that triangle of sun-baked , wind-swept, austere yet generous land, bounded as to its base by the Mediterranean and as to its sides, by the Rhone and the Alps, Mr Ford sees all the pride of past European splendour, the small healthy core of Europe's ailing present, the only promise for her future. How and why he sees all this his book alone can reveal, with its history, its moralisings, its descriptions vitalised and clarified by art.

Revival: New Edition Enlarged by Sir Trelawny Backhouse and Sidney Barton (Routledge Revivals)

by Walter Caine Hillier

Many of the marks attached to the phonetic rendering of the Chinese words in this volume differ from those assigned to them in the dictionaries. These apparent discrepencies are intentional, the tones being given as they are applied, or appear to the ear of the compiler to be applied, by the natives of Peking.

Revival: Selections from his Writings, Translated from the Persian with Introduction and Notes (Routledge Revivals)

by Maulana Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī

To the English reader the mysticism of Rumi opens a new world of spiritual and poetical experience. "God is One but religions are many" runs the Sufi teaching; and the English reader can here enlarge his experience by apprehending the mystic intuition of a great Persian poet. The late author's beautiful and faithful translations are illuminated by Notes on Sufi doctrine and experience. The author did not finish the Introduction, but it has been completed by his old pupil and friend, Professor A. J. Arberry, who has seen the book through the press.

Revival: (French-English) (Routledge Revivals)

by W Knoblauch von

Students and Readers of French Literature, who require a more complete dictionary of Argot than the present volume, should consult these learned and excellent works.

Revival: The Junius Manuscript (1931) (Routledge Revivals)

by George Philip Krapp

This book is the first volume in a collective edition, the plan of which includes all the surviving records of Anglo-Saxon poetry. The main body of Anglo-Saxon poetry as it has come down to us is contained in four important miscellany manuscripts, the Junius Manuscript, the Vercelli Book, the Exeter Book, and the Beowulf Manuscript, each of which will constitute a separate volume in this edition. The remaining minor and more or less scattered examples of Anglo-Saxon poetry will be grouped together, in a volume of volumes of their own.

Revival: A History Of Spanish Literature (1930) (Routledge Revivals)

by Ernest Merimee

The present English version, authorized by the publishers and heirs of M. Merimee, is based on the third French Edition. New material of two sorts has been added, however. First, the translator has been allowed to utlize an annotated, interleaved copy of the Precis, 1922, in which the author, and after his death his son Henri, himself a distinguished Hispanist, had set down material for the next revision. This accounts for many inserted names and phrases, and some paragraphs. Second, the translator has rewritten and added with some freedom.

Revival: A Collection Of Homilies (classic Reprint) (Routledge Revivals)

by John Mirk

This first part contains only the text and a glossary. In the second part, with Introduction concerning the MSS. and the arrangement of the texts, &c. I may therefore, here confine myself to a very few remarks. In addition to the ordinary contraction signs the scribe of the Gough MS. frequently make a stroke over or otherwise adds a a stroke to the last letter of the words.

Revival: A New Collection of His Essays and Papers (Routledge Revivals)

by George Edward Saintsbury

This Memorial Volume is being published to mark the centenary year of George Saintbury's birth. It contains essays, hitherto uncollected in book form, on authors such as Dryden, Herrick, Ben Jonson, Browning, Coleridge; studies of Carlyle, Jane Welsh Carlyle, Shelley, Disraeli; and papers on subjects that range from "The Qualities of Wine" to "Eighteenth Century Poetry". There is a biographical memoir of Saintsbury by Professor A. Blyth Webster and personal portraits by Professor Oliver Elton, Sir Herbert Grierson, and others. Compiled under the co-editorship of Dr John W. Oliver and Mr Augustus Muir (who were students of Saintsbury's at the University of Edinburgh) and of Dr A. M. Clark, lecturer in the English Department at that University, this volume will be welcomed by the steadily increasing number of those who appreciate the richness of Saintsbury's personality and the value of his work as a critic and literary historian.

Revival: Essays and Papers by George Saintsbury (Routledge Revivals)

by George Edward Saintsbury

The Editors of the Saintsbury Memorial Volume have been encouraged by the welcome which that book received to make a final gathering of George Saintbury's writings. From a score of different sources they have chosen essays and papers that have lain uncollected, with their themes ranging from Captain Marryat to Erasmus, from Rosetti to Xenephon, from Swinburne to Balzac's early pot boilers. Included is an entrancing study of the literary associations of the city of Bath; and the editors have followed Saintbury's own example by collecting a Scrap Book more than thirty shorter notes and jeux d'esprit on all kinds of subjects: wigs, sensation novelists, Drummond and Ben Jonson, George Sand, compulsory Greek at Oxford, Shakespeare and Welsh, Laurence Sterne tittle-tattle, Marcel Proust, and much else in true Saintsburian vein.

Revival: Of English Words Used Formerly in Senses Different from their Present (Routledge Revivals)

by Richard Chenevix Trench

This volume is intended to be a contribution to a special branch of the study of our own language. It proposes to trace in a popular manner and for general readers the changes of meaning which so many of its words have undergone; words which, as current with us as they were with out forefathers, yet meant something different on their lips from what they mean on ours.

Revival: Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel (Routledge Revivals)

by Friedrich Froebel

Originally published in 1915, the Autobiography of Fredrich Froebel provides a detailed overview of the life of the eminent German educator Fredrich Froebel, it charts his life and looks at his significant contribution to the field of education, including his Idealist philosophy of early childhood education, and his establishment of the kindergarten, a school for four-and five-year-old children that is found worldwide. The book also looks at the community surrounding Froebel and includes a chapter by Madame Louise Froebel’s providing a reminiscence of her husband’s life.

Revival: Chapters on Old English Literature (Routledge Revivals)

by Edith Elizabeth Wardale

These chapters on Old English Literature are intended to fill the gap between Professor Thomas’s valuable, but all too brief account in his English Literature before Chaucer, and longer works, such as those of Stopford Brooke and the Chapters in the first volume of the Cambridge History of English Literature. My primary object has, of course, been to make the works themselves known to my readers, but I have also tried to trace the development of prose and poetry during the period, showing in the poetry the modifications of the original Germanic character brought about by later influences of all kinds, and noting those forms or features which lead on to Middle English. In dealing with the many unsettled questions, I have given only the views which seem to me most important. Had I wished to do more, it would obviously have been impossible in the space which I have allowed myself; but references to other works are added for a student who may wish to make a more thorough investigation of such points for himself.

Revival: The Facetiae of Poggio and Other Medieval Story-tellers (Routledge Revivals)

by Poggio Bracciolini,

The facetie, as a literary form, has an ancient lineage, while, if we regard it merely as a humorous tale or jocular anecdote, its history must be almost as old as the first laughs and smiles of prehistoric man. To go back no further, we may trace it in a direct line through Latin literature, to the Greek apopthegm. Facetiae, in the literary sense, are also to be found in Oriental literature, espeically the Persian and the Arabian. The Greek apopthegm and its Roman successor had a different character from the Florentine facetia, but the difference is one rather of matter than form. The ribald, licentious note is not so common in the classic facetaie, and the historical anecdotes treating of kings, princes, and persons of high estate were mostly reverent and often adulatory. Satire and disrespect appeared in the humorous tales of Poggio and his peers. The apopthegm was, as a rule, a brief narrative, as often as not enclosing a moral lesson in an historical anecdote. Or else it was the saying of some wise or great man.

The Revival of Antique Philosophy in the Renaissance

by John L. Lepage

This book examines the revival of antique philosophy in the Renaissance as a literary preoccupation informed by wit. Humanists were more inspired by the fictionalized characters of certain wise fools, including Diogenes the Cynic, Socrates, Aesop, Democritus, and Heraclitus, than by codified systems of thought. Rich in detail, this study offers a systematic treatment of wide-ranging Renaissance imagery and metaphors and presents a detailed iconography of certain classical philosophers. Ultimately, the problems of Renaissance humanism are revealed to reflect the concerns of humanists in the twenty-first century.

Revival: On the Study of Words (Routledge Revivals)

by Richard Chenevix Trench

First published in 1904, this book contains the conclusions of a series of lectures exploring the moral and historical value of single words. The author argues that, just as wisdom and knowledge are discoverable in books, so too are these treasures to be found in individual words themselves.

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