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The School of Cyrus: William Barker's 1567 Translation of Xenophon's Cryopaedeia (Routledge Revivals)

by James Tatum

Originally published in 1987, this book is a translation of Xenophon's Cyropaedeia (The Education of Cyprus), first published in 1567.

The School of Rome: Latin Studies and the Origins of Liberal Education

by W. Martin Bloomer

This fascinating cultural and intellectual history focuses on education as practiced by the imperial age Romans, looking at what they considered the value of education and its effect on children. W. Martin Bloomer details the processes, exercises, claims, and contexts of liberal education from the late first century BCE to the third century CE--the epoch of rhetorical education. He examines the adaptation of Greek institutions, methods, and texts by the Romans, and traces the Romans' own history of education. Bloomer argues that while Rome's enduring educational legacy includes the seven liberal arts and a canon of school texts, its practice of competitive displays of reading, writing, and reciting were intended to instill in the young social as well as intellectual ideas.

School Recyclers

by Susan Dillon Tara Larsen Chang

NIMAC-sourced textbook

The School Story: Young Adult Narratives in the Age of Neoliberalism (Children's Literature Association Series)

by David Aitchison

The School Story: Young Adult Narratives in the Age of Neoliberalism examines the work of contemporary writers, filmmakers, and critics who, reflecting on the realm of school experience, help to shape dominant ideas of school. The creations discussed are mostly stories for children and young adults. David Aitchison looks at serious novels for teens including Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak and Faiza Guène’s Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow, the light-hearted, middle-grade fiction of Andrew Clements and Tommy Greenwald, and Malala Yousafzai’s autobiography for young readers, I Am Malala. He also responds to stories that take young people as their primary subjects in such novels as Sapphire’s Push and films including Battle Royale and Cooties. Though ranging widely in their accounts of young life, such stories betray a mounting sense of crisis in education around the world, especially in terms of equity (the extent to which students from diverse backgrounds have fair chances of receiving quality education) and empowerment (the extent to which diverse students are encouraged to gain strength, confidence, and selfhood as learners). Drawing particular attention to the influence of neoliberal initiatives on school experience, this book considers what it means when learning and success are measured more and more by entrepreneurship, competitive individualism, and marketplace gains. Attentive to the ways in which power structures, institutional routines, school spaces, and social relations operate in the contemporary school story, The School Story offers provocative insights into a genre that speaks profoundly to the increasingly precarious position of education in the twenty-first century.

School Then and Now

by Marianne Lenihan

NIMAC-sourced textbook

School-University Partnerships in English Language Teacher Education

by Cheri Chan

This book addresses the complex issues that arise in school-university collaborative action research projects. Employing sociocultural perspectives on examining professional practices of in-service teachers, it examines the complexities of negotiating beliefs, identities and interpersonal relations when educators from two different institutional cultures collaborate. Specifically, the book explores issues such as the discourses that are operative in school-university collaboration for English language teacher education; the way in which beliefs, interpersonal relations and identities are negotiated in school-university partnership; what tensions and complexities operate in collaborative action research discourse in an educational context; and how school-university collaboration can be achieved. The book adopts a critical perspective and provides arguments from a non-Western sociocultural perspective.

Schooling in Modernity

by Paola Bonifazio

Between 1948 and the end of the 1950s, Italian and American government agencies and corporations commissioned hundreds of short films for domestic and foreign consumption on topics such as the fight against unemployment, the transformation of rural and urban spaces, and the re-establishment of democratic regimes in Italy and throughout Europe. In Schooling in Modernity, Paola Bonifazio investigates the ways in which these sponsored films promoted a particular vision of modernization and industry and functioned as tools to govern the Italian people.The author uses extensive archival research and various theoretical approaches to examine the politics of sponsored filmmaking in postwar Italy. Among the many topics explored are target audiences and audience response, sources of funding, censorship, debates on cinematic realism, and the connections and differences between American and Italian strategies and styles of documentary filmmaking. Insightful and richly detailed, Schooling in Modernity shows the importance of these under-appreciated films in the postwar modernization process, the transition from Fascism to democracy, and Italy's involvement in the Cold War.

Schoolwide Enrichment Model Reading Framework

by Sally M. Reis Elizabeth A. Fogarty Rebecca D. Eckert Lisa M. Muller

Based on research conducted by The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, this guidebook presents a framework for increasing reading achievement, fluency, and enjoyment. The Schoolwide Enrichment Model Reading Framework (SEM-R) focuses on enrichment for all students through engagement in challenging, self-selected reading, accompanied by instruction in higher order thinking and strategy skills. A second core focus of the SEM-R is differentiating instruction and reading content, coupled with more challenging reading experiences and advanced opportunities for metacognition and self-regulated reading. Chapters cover each of the three phases of the framework, implementation variations, and organization strategies, and the appendices provide handouts, booklists, charts, and more.

Schopenhauer and the Aesthetic Standpoint

by Sophia Vasalou

With its pessimistic vision and bleak message of world-denial, it has often been difficult to know how to engage with Schopenhauer s philosophy. His arguments have seemed flawed and his doctrines marred by inconsistencies; his very pessimism almost too flamboyant to be believable. Yet a way of redrawing this engagement stands open, Sophia Vasalou argues, if we attend more closely to the visionary power of Schopenhauer s work. The aim of this book is to place the aesthetic character of Schopenhauer s standpoint at the heart of the way we read his philosophy and the way we answer the question: why read Schopenhauer - and how? Approaching his philosophy as an enactment of the sublime with a longer history in the ancient philosophical tradition, Vasalou provides a fresh way of assessing Schopenhauer s relevance in critical terms. This book will be valuable for students and scholars with an interest in post-Kantian philosophy and ancient ethics.

Schreiben in der Finanzwelt: Analysen, Methoden, Praxistipps

by Marlies Whitehouse

Das Buch erfasst zuerst den komplexen und dynamischen Kontext, in dem Schreiben in der Finanzwelt geschieht, und untersucht dann am Beispiel einer zentralen Textsorte, was diese Textprodukte tatsächlich leisten. Schließlich entwickelt das Buch forschungsbasierte Werkzeuge, die den Kommunikationserfolg von Finanztexten systematisch und wirksam verbessern können.

Schreiben Sie Charaktere Menschen Schaffen, Die Die Leser Lieben Werden: Schreiben Sie Charaktere Menschen Schaffen, Die Die Leser Lieben Werden

by Susan Palmquist

Schreiben Sie Charaktere Menschen Schaffen, Die Die Leser Lieben Werden Es ist nicht immer die handlung, die den lesern am meisten an Ihrem buch in erinnerung bleibt, sondern eine oder mehrere Figuren, die ihre aufmerksamkeit fesseln; hält ihr Interesse aufrecht und zwingt sie, weiterzulesen, um herauszufinden, was passiert.

Schreiben und Redigieren – auf den Punkt gebracht: Das Schreibtraining für Kommunikationsprofis und Corporate Writer

by Ivo Hajnal Franco Item

Das Buch bietet professionellen Schreiberinnen und Schreibern praxisnahe Anregungen, eigene wie fremde Texte zu optimieren. Ein professioneller Sprachgebrauch hält sich an klare, objektive Vorgaben. Dementsprechend beruht dieses Buch auf empirischen Daten zur Verständlichkeit von Unternehmens- und Medientexten, die in eine leicht umzusetzende Checkliste münden.

Schreiben und Übersetzen zwischen Lokalem und Globalem: Ferdinand Oyono und Ahmadou Kourouma in deutscher Übersetzung

by El-Shaddai Deva

Übersetzer*innen afrikanischer Autoren im deutschen Sprachraum werden oft eurozentrische, kolonialistische und rassistische Absichten unterstellt. Über die Analyse deutscher Übersetzungen ausgewählter Romane von Ferdinand Oyono und Ahmadou Kourouma zeigt El-Shaddai Deva in diesem Buch, dass dies meist zu Unrecht geschieht, da diese Vermittler*innen der afrikanischen Literatur allgemein eine besondere Liebe für den Kontinent, seine Menschen und Kulturen zeigen. Ihre advokatische Haltung geht allerdings mit einer Auffassung der afrikanischen Literatur als Zeitdokument und als Informationsquelle einher. Eine solche Auffassung übt letzten Endes einen Einfluss auf die Ausrichtung der Übersetzung aus: übersetzt wird nicht die Poetik der Originale, sondern ausschließlich deren Inhalt; nicht die lebende Sprache, sondern nur das sprachliche Werkzeug.

Schumann’s Music and E. T. A. Hoffmann’s Fiction

by John Macauslan

Four of Schumann's great masterpieces of the 1830s - Carnaval, Fantasiestücke, Kreisleriana and Nachtstücke - are connected to the fiction of E. T. A. Hoffmann. In this book, John MacAuslan traces Schumann's stylistic shifts during this period to offer insights into the expressive musical patterns that give shape, energy and individuality to each work. MacAuslan also relates the works to Schumann's reception of Bach, Beethoven, Novalis and Jean Paul, and focuses on primary sources in his wide-ranging discussion of the broader intellectual and aesthetic contexts. Uncovering lines of influence from Schumann's reading to his writings, and reflecting on how the aesthetic concepts involved might be used today, this book transforms the way Schumann's music and its literary connections can be understood and will be essential reading for musicologists, performers and listeners with an interest in Schumann, early nineteenth-century music and German Romantic culture.

The Sci-Fi Factor (Literature and Thought)

by Terry Ofner

Teaches critical thinking and focuses on the question "What's the fascination with science fiction?" with selections by Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Ursula K. Le Guin, Fredric Brown, Paul Jennings, Carol Farley, and more. Literature & Thought Series.

Science: A Closer Look [Grade 5], Building Skills, Reading and Writing Workbook

by Macmillan

A 5th grade science workbook that accompanies the textbook "Science a closer look" grade 5

Science and Religion in Neo-Victorian Novels: Eye of the Ichthyosaur (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth Century Literature)

by John Glendening

Criticism about the neo-Victorian novel — a genre of historical fiction that re-imagines aspects of the Victorian world from present-day perspectives — has expanded rapidly in the last fifteen years but given little attention to the engagement between science and religion. Of great interest to Victorians, this subject often appears in neo-Victorian novels including those by such well-known authors as John Fowles, A. S. Byatt, Graham Swift, and Mathew Kneale. This book discusses novels in which nineteenth-century science, including geology, paleontology, and evolutionary theory, interacts with religion through accommodations, conflicts, and crises of faith. In general, these texts abandon conventional religion but retain the ethical connectedness and celebration of life associated with spirituality at its best. Registering the growth of nineteenth-century secularism and drawing on aspects of the romantic tradition and ecological thinking, they honor the natural world without imagining that it exists for humans or functions in reference to human values. In particular, they enact a form of wonderment: the capacity of the mind to make sense of, creatively adapt, and enjoy the world out of which it has evolved — in short, to endow it with meaning. Protagonists who come to experience reality in this expansive way release themselves from self-anxiety and alienation. In this book, Glendening shows how, by intermixing past and present, fact and fiction, neo-Victorian narratives, with a few instructive exceptions, manifest this pattern.

Science and the Creative Spirit

by Harcourt Brown

In the world of today, men on both sides of the science-humanities barrier feel an urgent need for mutual understanding. This symposium sponsored by the American Council of Learned Societies, stressed that it is only in a spirit of disinterested yet sincere evaluation that science and humanism can escape disastrous consequences in the future. Karl W. Deutsch (M.I.T.) deals with the general area of interplay between the sciences and the non-scientific aspects of our culture. F.E.L. Priestley (University of Toronto) discusses the impact of science on English literature. David Hawkins (University of Colorado) surveys the anthropological background of science. Harcourt Brown (Brown University) gives an account of the influence of the scientific outlook in French literary culture, and contributes an introduction explaining how the book came to be written.

Science and the Human Comedy: Natural Philosophy in French Literature from Rabelais to Maupertuis

by Harcourt Brown

New scientific theories, methods, and objectives exert subtle and often unnoticed influences on literary creation. The developments of the attitudes and aspirations of French scientists between the Renaissance and the Revolution and the impact of these new outlooks on French literature form the theme of this book by an authority in the interdisciplinary treatment of science and literature. Implicit in the author's exploration is the view that in the development of the scientific revolution there was no overall design, but rather random growth; human beings turn up at various moments, some of them appropriately, some of them not, so that the record is in part a story of successful endeavour, in part a comedy little short of farce. in the historical panorama of this book, four auhors, each known for his ironic, even comic, insight into the human condition, are chosen to illustrate the theme. As men of letters, Rabelais and Voltaire exhibit well-defined scientific interests, while Pascal and Maupertuis were drawn from their scientific vocations into the discussion of ideas in literary forms. Consideration of their similarities and differences suggested the title, Science and the Human Comedy. This work is a valuable contribution to our understanding of the historical and cultural conditions accompanying the advancement of science in a critical period, as well as of several ways in which the process was reflected, sometimes directly, more often indirectly, in literature. (University of Toronto Romance Series 30)

Science and the Skeptic: Discerning Fact from Fiction

by Marc Zimmer

Fake news, pseudoscience, and quackery have become scourges, spreading through society from social media all the way to Congress. The line between entertainment and reality, between fact and fiction, has become blurred. Some of the most crucial issues of our time—climate change, vaccines, and genetically modified organisms—have become prime targets for nefarious disinformation campaigns. Far too many people have become distrustful of real science. Even those who still trust science no longer know what to believe or how to identify the truth. Not only does this result in the devaluation and distrust of real science, but it is also dangerous: people acting based on false information can hurt themselves or those around them. We must equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills to fight back against all this disinformation. InScience and the Skeptic: Discerning Fact from Fiction, you will learn how science is done, from the basic scientific method to the vetting process that scientific papers must go through to become published; how and why some people intentionally or unintentionally spread misinformation; and the dangers in believing and spreading false information. You'll also find twenty easy-to-follow rules for distinguishing fake science from the real deal. Armed with this book, empower yourself with knowledge, learning what information to trust and what to dismiss as deceit. "We're not just fighting an epidemic; we're fighting an infodemic. . . . This is a time for facts, not fear. This is a time for rationality, not rumors. This is a time for solidarity, not stigma."—Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO "Our deepest beliefs should help navigate reality, not determine it."—Michael Gersen, The Washington Post "Journalism is very much about trying to simplify and distribute information about what's new and where advances have been made. That's incompatible with the scientific process, which can take a long time to build a body of evidence."—Kelly McBride, Poynter Institute

Science Blogging

by Bethany Brookshire Christie Wilcox Jason G. Goldman

Here is the essential how-to guide for communicating scientific research and discoveries online, ideal for journalists, researchers, and public information officers looking to reach a wide lay audience. Drawing on the cumulative experience of twenty-seven of the greatest minds in scientific communication, this invaluable handbook targets the specific questions and concerns of the scientific community, offering help in a wide range of digital areas, including blogging, creating podcasts, tweeting, and more. With step-by-step guidance and one-stop expertise, this is the book every scientist, science writer, and practitioner needs to approach the Wild West of the Web with knowledge and confidence.

Science Communication in the World

by Michel Claessens Shunke Shi Bernard Schiele

This volume is aimed at all those who wonder about the mechanisms and effects of the disclosure of knowledge. Whether they have a professional interest in understanding these processes generally, or they wish to conduct targeted investigations in the PCST field, it will be useful to anyone involved in science communication, including researchers, academics, students, journalists, science museum staff, scientists high public profiles, and information officers in scientific institutions.

Science Communication Practice in China

by Fujun Ren Lin Yin Gauhar Raza

China has made remarkable and rapid progress in the area of science communication, both in theory and practice. This book critically examines all aspects of science communication practices in China. Dealing with major turning points since the introduction of the ‘Science and Technology Popularization Law’ and the ‘Outline of the National Scheme for Scientific Literacy’, the book tells a success story by scrutinizing structural changes in science communication policies, education system, construction and efficacious utilisation of science popularisation facilities, and creative use of a mix of traditional and modern channels of communication. The book also gives an in-depth analysis of the monitoring and evaluation mechanism, which constitutes the backbone of the national science communication project. The historical roots of science communication in China include shifts in methodologies, policy instruments, effectual approaches and resultant practices since the days of initial efforts to popularise modern scientific ideas. However, the primary focus of the book remains on the initiatives launched at the turn of the present century. Without losing sight of the national dimensions, each chapter of the book draws from provincial as well as grassroots level experiences. Quantitative and qualitative methods have been used to analyse strengths, weaknesses, hurdles and the efficacy of corrective measures. This book offers a remarkable insight to anyone who is interested in probing the causal relationship between science communication and China’s transformation into a modern society. The primary objective of the book is to analyse the nature of ‘science communication with Chinese characteristics’ and the specificity of the socio-cultural environment in which Science and Technology is located. Though the book is of particular interest to scholars, researchers, students and practitioners of science communication, the narrative style makes it accessible to the general reader who is interested in science-society relationship.

Science Communication Skills for Journalists: A Resource Book for Universities in Africa

by Charles Wendo

This book has an introduction and 22 other chapters that cover science communication skills. The editor has detailed knowledge of the field and consultation with leading editors and journalists in the region. It provides hands-on guidance together with examples, learning activities, graded and ungraded quizzes to facilitate learning. The content has been tried and tested by lecturers at two universities in Nigeria and Uganda, who used it to successfully train thousands of students in science communication. Each chapter carries hands-on advice on the practice of science journalism, with learning activities to deepen the learner's understanding of the topic. The book also includes five academic systematic review papers, written by university faculty, that that identify, review and synthesize available literature and experiences on science journalism and communication issues in the region. It also includes a case study detailing the experience of Uganda's Makerere University in introducing science journalism and communication into their undergraduate and post-graduate curricula.

Science Communication Through Poetry

by Sam Illingworth

Science Communication Through Poetry aims to explore how we might communicate science effectively both to and with non-scientific audiences across the spectrum of science communication, from dissemination to dialogue, via the medium of poetry. It has been written for scientists, science communicators, public engagement practitioners, and poets, so that they can learn how to use poetry as an effective tool through which to diversify science. As well as containing specific advice and guidance for how to use poetry to communicate science with different audiences, this book contains a number of exercises for the reader to reflect on what has been learnt and to put into practice what is discussed. Further study and additional readings are also provided to help improve knowledge, understanding, and familiarity with both poetry and science communication.

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