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S Is for S'mores: A Camping Alphabet

by Helen Foster James

Next to picnics and fireworks, nothing else says summertime fun as much as the family camping trip. From what to pack, where to go, and what to do when you get there, S Is for S'mores: A Camping Alphabet takes readers on an A-Z trail exploring this outdoor pastime. Veteran camper Helen Foster James tackles topics such as unique camping environments, equipment necessities, famous conservationists, and national parks and other attractions. With the alphabet as a backdrop, beginning readers enjoy simple rhymes while older children discover facts about each letter topic in the accompanying sidebar expository. G is for the Gear you'll need to organize and pack to keep your camping lots of fun and bring you safely back. Whether your idea of 'roughing it' is a blanket in your own backyard or the subarctic ecosystem of Alaska's Denali National Park, S is for S'mores is a fun and informative guide that is sure to help campers of all ages make the most of their 'wilderness' adventures.

S is for Snow

by Ashley Marie Mireles

Snow words from A to Z paired with modern kid-friendly illustrations sure to be a hit with your little snow bunny!

S Is for Sooner: An Oklahoma Alphabet

by Devin Scillian

[From the dust jacket:] "S is for Sooner An Oklahoma Alphabet. The wide-open spaces of Oklahoma are brought alive for readers with lilting rhymes, interesting facts, and enchanting illustrations about rodeos, land runs, and yes, even the musical Oklahoma! The people, places, and landmarks of the Sooner state are thoroughly explored with delightful rhymes and detailed expository text by author Devin Scillian. Artist Kandy Radzinski brings her colorful style of quirky realism to each charming illustration. Sit back and enjoy an armchair tour of the Sooner state with this captivating addition to the Discover America State by State series from Sleeping Bear Press." Satisfy your curiosity about any of the states in the United States by looking in the Bookshare collection for the alphabet books for the state where you live or the states where your family and friends live. Some feature picture descriptions including, P is for Potato, B is for Buckeye, S is for Sunflower, S is for Show Me, and C is for Centennial.

S Is for Space: A Space ABC Primer

by Ashley Marie Mireles

An out-of-this-world ABC primer from astronaut to zenith and beyond!

S Is for Sunflower: A Kansas Alphabet

by Devin Scillian Corey Scillian

S is for Sunflower: A Kansas Alphabet. Nicknamed the "world's breadbasket," the contributions from the great state of Kansas reach out far beyond its borders. Kansas not only leads our nation in wheat production, but has also fueled our Hollywood images of the Wild West (Dodge City) and Dorothy and Toto, as well as giving us leaders in politics (Dwight D. Eisenhower), aviation (Amelia Earhart), and literature (Laura Ingalls Wilder and Langston Hughes). The people, places, and landmarks of the Sunflower State are thoroughly explored with delightful rhymes and detailed expository text by authors Corey and Devin Scillian. Artist Doug Bowles brings a strong and colorful touch to the illustration of each letter. Read and share the delightful history and lore of the Sunflower State with this captivating addition to the Discover America State by State series from Sleeping Bear Press. Satisfy your curiosity about any of the states in the United States by looking in the Bookshare collection for the alphabet books for the state where you live or the states where your family and friends live. Some feature picture descriptions including, P is for Potato, B is for Buckeye, S is for Sooner, S is for Show Me, and C is for Centennial.

S Is For Sunshine: A Florida Alphabet

by Carol Crane Michael Monroe

The Sunshine State gets its own alphabet book! Florida, where "B is for Beaches, P is for Pirates, and V is for Vacationers," comes to life with playful, vivid illustrations by Michael Monroe and a conch shell full of fun facts and poems by Florida author and educator Carol Crane. Do you know which city is the state capitol? Which fragrant blossom is the state flower? Learn all this and more with "S is for Sunshine: A Florida Alphabet."

S. J. Perelman: Critical Essays (Routledge Revivals #Vol. 1274)

by Steven H. Gale

First published in 1992, this book focuses on the oeuvre of S. J. Perelman. Taken together, the essays included serve as an introduction to this important humorist’s work, both in terms of the specific short prose pieces, plays, and films examined and as an overview of his lengthy professional career. They provide insightful and in-depth literary analyses as well. The work encourages a better appreciation for Perelman’s contributions to American literary history.

S. J. Perelman: An Annotated Bibliography (Routledge Revivals #Vol. 1274)

by Steven H. Gale

First published in 1985, this bibliography focuses on the works of S. J. Perelman as a humorist, author, and screenwriter. It is divided into two major sections: "Works by S. J. Perelman" and "Critical Responses". Within each section, there are subdivisions which focus on various areas of S. J. Perelman’s work, including his novel, published plays and film scripts.

S.P.I.R.E.: Workbook Level 7 (Specialized Program Individualizing Reading Excellence)

by Sheila Clark-Edmands

Students can conquer their reading struggles once and for all with research-backed practices made just for them. This workbook covers all the key literacy concepts for S.P.I.R.E. Level 7 in one convenient place.

S.P.I.R.E. Level 5 (Third Edition)

by Sheila Clark-Edmands

This S.P.I.R.E.® Level 3 (spire) decodable reader is perfect for early readers and those who need practice reading simple books with basic phonics concepts. This book includes words with suffix -ed (melted, smelled, winked).

Sabbatai Ṣevi: The Mystical Messiah, 1626-1676

by R. J. Werblowsky Yaacob Dweck Gershom Scholem

Gershom Scholem stands out among modern thinkers for the richness and power of his historical imagination. A work widely esteemed as his magnum opus, Sabbatai Ṣevi offers a vividly detailed account of the only messianic movement ever to engulf the entire Jewish world. Sabbatai Ṣevi was an obscure kabbalist rabbi of seventeenth-century Turkey who aroused a fervent following that spread over the Jewish world after he declared himself to be the Messiah. The movement suffered a severe blow when Ṣevi was forced to convert to Islam, but a clandestine sect survived. A monumental and revisionary work of Jewish historiography, Sabbatai Ṣevi details Ṣevi's rise to prominence and stands out for its combination of philological and empirical authority and passion. This edition contains a new introduction by Yaacob Dweck that explains the scholarly importance of Scholem's work to a new generation of readers.

Saber escribir

by Instituto Cervantes

Las pautas que necesitas para aprender a escribir mejor. Saber escribir expone con claridad, amenidad y rigor las pautas necesarias para escribir lo que pensamos y decimos. ¿Sabe escribir un informe, una carta, el acta de una reunión o un proyecto? ¿Sabe cómo tomar apuntes, contestar a una pregunta de examen o preparar su currículum? ¿Sabe redactar una carta de reclamación, presentar una instancia, dirigirse a la Administración o componer una invitación? Saber escribir no es un manual de estilo o de corrección gramatical ni un diccionario de dudas; no es un manual de creación literaria, aunque enseñe técnicas y recursos de escritura que aparecen en los textos literarios. Es todo lo anterior, y más. Es otro concepto de manual. Es un instrumento imprescindible para los que dudan, para los que tienen pánico a la página o a la pantalla en blanco, para los que tienen necesidad de escribir, en definitiva. Saber escribir expone con claridad, amenidad y rigor las pautas necesarias para escribir lo que pensamos y decimos. Nace con la intención de ayudar a redactar; de ampliar los procedimientos de generación y precisión de ideas, de documentación y de planificación; de seleccionar los elementos de unión adecuados; de relacionar de forma conveniente el contenido del tema con la expresión, el registro y el estilo elegidos, y de aprender a aplicar las técnicas de revisión y corrección para lograr la redacción y la disposición exigidas en cualquier presentación escrita.

Saber hablar

by Instituto Cervantes

Saber hablar explica con claridad, amenidad y rigor las pautas necesarias para expresar lo que pensamos; facilita la comunicación entre los seres; amplía los procedimientos de generación y precisión de ideas, de documentación y de planificación. Vivimos rodeados de palabras, inmersos en un tráfico constante de expresiones en un mundo que es diálogo por naturaleza. ¿Alguna vez se ha parado a pensar en el poder que le confiere el habla? Un buen discurso es la clave del éxito. Saber hablar reivindica el arte de la comunicación oral, motor de las relaciones interpersonales, sociales, económicas y profesionales, en un tiempo donde impera el dominio del verbo. Hoy más que nunca saber hablar bien es una necesidad. Este libro ofrece la posibilidad de emplear el habla de manera adecuada según el momento y la situación, que pueden ser formales -la consulta del médico, el rectorado de la universidad, una entrevista de trabajo, una junta de vecinos, una exposición comercial- o coloquiales -la familia o los amigos-.

Saber hablar

by Instituto Cervantes Marta Albelda Marco Salvador Pons Bordería

Nueva edición revisada y actualizada de un clásico español sobre la comunicación oral Vivimos rodeados de palabras, inmersos en un tráfico constante de expresiones que se producen en un mundo que es diálogo por naturaleza. Sin embargo, pocas veces nos detenemos a pensar en el poder que nos confiere el habla. Un buen discurso es la clave del éxito. Saber hablar es, desde su primera publicación en 2008, un referente entre los libros sobre comunicación oral, concebida esta como motor de las relaciones interpersonales, sociales, económicas y profesionales, en un tiempo en el que impera el dominio de la palabra. Este libro, que ahora se presenta en una edición revisada, actualizada y ampliada, ofrece la posibilidad de emplear el habla de manera adecuada según el momento y la situación, ya sea esta formal -la consulta del médico, el rectorado de una universidad, una entrevista de trabajo, una junta de vecinos, una exposición comercial- o coloquial -un encuentro con la familia o los amigos-, y según se utilice en un ámbito reducido o público y por canales presenciales o virtuales, tan extendidos en los últimos tiempos. Saber hablar explica con claridad, amenidad y rigor las pautas necesarias para expresar lo que pensamos; facilita la comunicación entre las personas, y da pautas para enriquecer los procedimientos de generación de ideas y para expresarlas con una mayor precisión y riqueza.

Saber leer

by Instituto Cervantes

Saber leer se ha convertido en una habilidad imprescindible. Los formatos digitales traen consigo modos de lectura diferentes y desafían al lector a participar en nuevas estrategias en las que es protagonista. La educación recibida y la gran cantidad de comunicaciones escritas que se obtienen a diario en una sociedad globalizada no garantizan que los lectores sean capaces de interpretar los escritos de forma correcta. En su caso ¿está seguro de entender bien lo que lee? ¿Es capaz de recordar lo que ha leído y contarlo con otras palabras? ¿Podría sintetizar los puntos más importantes de un texto? Saber leer completa la trilogía iniciada con Saber escribir y Saber hablar: una obra divulgativa que se dirige a un público amplio, a personas interesadas en los procesos, en la comprensión y en el aprendizaje de la lectura. Gracias a ella aprenderemos las estrategias necesarias para enfrentarnos a todo tipo de textos, cómo desarrollar un pensamiento crítico a través de la lectura y la relación de ésta con la escritura, los procesos de comunicación, el aprendizaje y la memoria. Descubra en estas páginas cómo leer líneas y entrelíneas.

Saber narrar

by Instituto Cervantes

Descubra en estas páginas el arte de la narración periodística, literaria y cinematográfica. Saber comunicar captando la atención de un receptor es imprescindible en una sociedad como la nuestra en la que los medios de comunicación protagonizan nuestras vidas. Además, con los formatos digitales es habitual tener que enfrentarse a la temida hoja en blanco. ¿Cómo ordenamos lo que queremos decir? ¿Qué elementos debo introducir en el texto para que suscite el interés del lector? Si estoy en una reunión, ¿sabré expresar las ideas de un modo ordenado? Saber contar se ha convertido en una destreza imprescindible hoy día. Y hay tres ámbitos fundamentales para comunicarse: narrativa, periodismo y cine. Tres expertos en cada una de estas tres facetas nos darán las claves para poder empezar a narrar en clave periodística, en clave literaria y en clave cinematográfica. Saber narrar completa la colección iniciada con Saberescribir, Saber hablar y Saber leer. Una obra divulgativa que se dirige a un público amplio, a personas interesadas en los procesos narrativos y en el aprendizaje de los diferentes modos de expresión. Gracias a ella y de la mano de los expertos aprenderemos las estrategias necesarias para generar todo tipo de textos, y suscitar el interés por lo que se quiere contar, dentro de los procesos de comunicación, el aprendizaje y la memoria.

Saberes con sabor: Culturas hispánicas a través de la cocina

by Conxita Domènech Andrés Lema-Hincapié

Saberes con sabor: Culturas hispánicas a través de la cocina es un manual avanzado que responde al creciente interés por el estudio de las prácticas culinarias y alimenticias de Ibero-América, sin desatender ni la lengua ni la cultura de esas regiones del mundo. Cada capítulo comprende aspectos vinculados con recetas, lengua, arte y teoría. Los estudiantes son expuestos a temas de geografía, historia, literatura, política, economía, religión, música e, incluso, cuestiones de género que estarían implicadas en la elaboración y en el consumo de ciertas comidas. Y, esto, mientras mejoran sus habilidades en temas esenciales y específicos del español. A lo largo del libro, están incorporados materiales de internet —como vínculos para videos, registros sonoros, referencias históricas, sitios web de cocina y contenidos suplementarios para la investigación. Muy útil en cursos universitarios, Saberes con sabor es un recurso original y único de aprendizaje para estudiantes fascinados por los placeres del paladar y, de igual manera, con una genuina pasión por las culturas hispánicas.

Sabotage in the Sky

by L. Ron Hubbard

Launch into the action with this triumphant tale! Pilot Terry Lee has taught Bill Trevillian everything he knows about flying, enough that Bill's know considered the ace of American test pilots just as war breaks out in World War II Europe. Unknown to Bill, Terry's also taught his own kid sister, Kip, who's now almost as good a pilot as Bill and quite the looker to boot. When France and Great Britain must choose between different American plane designs to outfly the newest and deadliest Nazi fighters, the competing companies send their two best test pilots . . . Kip and Bill. Unfortunately, a spy also has been sent to infiltrate and sabotage the planes to make sure that neither the French nor British will consider them safe enough to fly. Soon Kip and Bill suspect the other of sabotage-- a problem that not only threatens their already electric relationship but their very lives. "Riveting cliff-hanger action." --Midwest Book Review

The Sackett Companion: The Facts Behind the Fiction

by Louis L'Amour

Little did Louis L'Amour realize back in 1960 when he published The Daybreakers, a novel about two brothers who came west after the Civil War, that he had begun creating what would become perhaps North America's most widely followed literary family: the Sacketts. The stories of ten generations of Sackett men and women as they forged westward from tyranny-wracked seventeenth-century England across the American continent have captivated readers for three decades through seventeen novels with nearly forty millions copies in print. The traditions and adventures of this family of rugged individualists who stand indomitably united when any Sackett is in trouble have inspired country songs, a popular television miniseries starring Tom Selleck (as Orrin Sackett) and Sam Elliot (as Tell Sackett), thousands of reader queries--and now, a rare full-length work of non-fiction by the worlds' all-time best-selling frontier novelist.In a 60 Minutes profile in which he hailed Louis L'Amour as "our professor emeritus of how the West was won," correspondent Morley Safer observed that "his plots may be fiction but the details therein are fact." The Sackett Companion is the author's long-savored opportunity to present the research and probe the factors behind his Sackett fiction--novel by novel--and to elaborate on their real and fictional characters, their geography and locales, and their historical eras in encyclopedia-like detail.In this book, subtitled A Personal Guide To The Sackett Novels, L'Amour takes us on a guided tour of his imagination to introduce us to the never-before-told sources and inspirations for these stories and the people and places that populate them. He retraces some of his travels in which he has walked the land the Sacketts walk, reliving such personal memories as the street fight he had on a hot dusty morning in New Mexico that ultimately led to the birth of the Sacketts.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Sacramental Poetics at the Dawn of Secularism

by Regina Schwartz

Sacramental Poetics at the Dawn of Secularism asks what happened when the world was shaken by challenges to the sacred order as people had known it, an order that regulated both their actions and beliefs. When Reformers gave up the doctrine of transubstantiation (even as they held onto revised forms of the Eucharist), they lost a doctrine that infuses all materiality, spirituality, and signification with the presence of God. That presence guaranteed the cleansing of human fault, the establishment of justice, the success of communication, the possibility of union with God and another, and love. These longings were not lost but displaced, Schwartz argues, onto other cultural forms in a movement from ritual to the arts, from the sacrament to the sacramental. Investigating the relationship of the arts to the sacred, Schwartz returns to the primary meaning of "sacramental" as "sign making," noting that because the sign always points beyond itself, it participates in transcendence, and this evocation of transcendence, of mystery, is the work of a sacramental poetics.

Sacraments of Memory: Catholicism and Slavery in Contemporary African American Literature

by Erin Michael Salius

Catholic themes and imagery in the work of writers including Toni Morrison, Leon Forrest, Phyllis Alesia Perry, and Charles Johnson  Sacraments of Memory is the first book to focus on Catholic themes and imagery in African American literature. Erin Michael Salius discovers striking elements of the religion in neo-slave narratives written by Toni Morrison, Leon Forrest, Phyllis Alesia Perry, and Charles Johnson, among others. Examining the emergence of this major literary genre following Vatican II and amidst the Black Power and civil rights movements, she uncovers the presence of Catholic rituals and mysteries—including references to the Eucharist, Augustinian theology, spirit possession, and stigmata. These textual references occur alongside and in tension with criticisms of the Church's political and social policies.  Salius offers a nuanced reading of Beloved that interprets the novel in light of Toni Morrison's affiliation with the religion. She argues that Morrison, and the other novelists in this study, draw on a Catholic countertradition in American literature that resists Enlightenment rationality. She highlights allusions to Catholic tropes such as the connections between spirit possession and the hijacking of Jane's narrative voice in Ernest Gaines's The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. Salius also identifies Augustinian theology on the prescience of God in the flash-forward narrative techniques used in Edward P. Jones's The Known World.  These authors use Catholicism to challenge the historical realism of past slave autobiographies and the conventional story of American slavery. Ultimately, Salius contends that this tradition enables these novelists to imagine and express radically different ways of remembering the past.   Publication of the paperback edition made possible by a Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

The Sacred Act of Reading: Spirituality, Performance, and Power in Afro-Diasporic Literature (New World Studies)

by Anne Margaret Castro

From Zora Neale Hurston to Derek Walcott to Toni Morrison, New World black authors have written about African-derived religious traditions and spiritual practices. The Sacred Act of Reading examines religion and sociopolitical power in modern and contemporary texts of a variety of genres from the black Americas. By engaging with spiritual traditions such as Vodou, Kumina, and Protestant Christianity while drawing on canonical Eurocentric literary theory, Anne Margaret Castro presents a novel, nuanced reading of power through the physical and metaphysical relationships portrayed in these great works of New World black literature.Castro examines prophecy in the dramas of Derek Walcott, preaching in the ethnography of Zora Neale Hurston, and liturgy in the novels of Toni Morrison, offering comparative readings alongside the works of Afro-Colombian anthropologist Manuel Zapata Olivella, Jamaican sociologist Erna Brodber, and Canadian fiction writer Nalo Hopkinson. The Sacred Act of Reading is the first book to bring together literary texts, historical and contemporary anthropological studies, theology, and critical theory to show how black authors in the Americas employ spiritual phenomena as theoretical frameworks for thinking within, against, and beyond structures of political dominance, dependence, and power.

The Sacred Complex: On the Psychogenesis of Paradise Lost

by William Kerrigan

This reading of Milton juxtaposes the poet's theology and Freud's account of the Oedipus complex in ways that yield both new understanding of Milton and a model for psychoanalytic interpretation of literature. The book ranges widely through the art and life of Milton, including extensive discussions of his theological irregularities and the significance, medical and symbolic, he assigned to his blindness. Kerrigan analyzes the oedipal aspect of Milton's religion; examines the nature of the Miltonic godhead; studies Milton's analogies linking human, angelic, and cosmic bodies; and explores Milton's symbolism of home. In a commanding demonstration, Kerrigan delineates how the great epic and the psyche of its author bestow meaning on each other.

Sacred Engagements: Interfaith Marriage, Religious Toleration, and the British Novel, 1750–1820

by Alison Conway

A revelatory reading of the British novel that considers interfaith marriage, religious toleration, and the ethics of sociability.Bringing together feminist theory, novel criticism, and religious studies, Alison Conway's Sacred Engagements advances a postsecular reading of the novel that links religious tolerance and the eighteenth-century marriage plot. Conway explores the historical roots of the vexed questions that interfaith marriage continues to raise today. She argues that narrative wields the power to imagine conjugal and religious relations that support the embodied politics crucial to a communal, rather than state-sponsored, ethics of toleration.Conway studies the communal and gendered aspects of religious experience embedded in Samuel Richardson's account of interfaith marriage and liberalism's understandings of toleration in Sir Charles Grandison. In her readings of Frances Brooke, Elizabeth Inchbald, and Maria Edgeworth, Conway considers how women authors reframe the questions posed by Grandison, representing intimacy, authorship, and women's religious subjectivity in ways that challenge the social and political norms of Protestant British culture. She concludes with reflections on Jane Austen's Mansfield Park and the costs of a marriage plot that insists on religious conformity. By examining the complex epistemologies of the interfaith marriage plot, Sacred Engagements counters the secularization thesis that has long dominated eighteenth-century novel studies. In so doing, the book recognizes those subjects otherwise ignored by liberal political theory and extrapolates how a genuinely inclusive tolerance might be imagined in our own deeply divided times.

Sacred Estrangement: The Rhetoric of Conversion in Modern American Autobiography (G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects)

by Peter A. Dorsey

Sacred Estrangement analyzes certain works by important American writers and thinkers in the context of the "rhetoric of conversion." Such analysis is especially valuable because it provides a reliable index of the relationship between the self and larger communities. Traditionally, "conversion" has served a socializing function, signifying that one has come into alignment with certain linguistic, behavioral, and cultural expectations. The socialization process is particularly apparent in the Christian conversion narratives of the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries: by publicly testifying to a conversion experience, believers became empowered members, not only of God's elect community but also of a local population. As modern autobiography developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Christian pattern was secularized and individualized. Conversion became a model for many kinds of psychological change. With the coming of the twentieth century, however, the authors upon whom Peter Dorsey focuses, including William and Henry James, Henry Adams, Edith Wharton, Ellen Glasgow, Zora Neale Hurston, and Richard Wright, radically revised conversion rhetoric. If conversion had traditionally linked the search for illumination with the search for a defined social role, these writers increasingly used conversion as an index of estrangement from mainstream America. Dorsey documents this profound change in the way American intellectuals defined the "self," not in terms of personal orientation toward or away from a given community, but as a resistance to such an orientation altogether, as if social forces by their "nature" were a threat to personal identity.

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