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Sports Journalism: An Introduction to Reporting and Writing

by Schaffer Stofer

The second edition of Sports Journalism: An Introduction to Reporting and Writing has passed the test of time, been used in classrooms internationally, received approval and praise from professors and students, and now it, too, has moved into the new environment of sports media. New chapters on social media and topical issues in the sports world, as well as fresh examples and new references to current technology fill its pages whether you choose to read from a tablet, a Smartphone, a Chromebook or old-fashioned paper wrapped in a cardboard cover.

Sports Journalism: A History of Glory, Fame, and Technology

by Patrick S. Washburn Chris Lamb

Patrick S. Washburn and Chris Lamb tell the full story of the past, the present, and to a degree, the future of American sports journalism. Sports Journalism chronicles how and why technology, religion, social movements, immigration, racism, sexism, social media, athletes, and sportswriters and broadcasters changed sports as well as how sports are covered and how news about sports are presented and disseminated. One of the influential factors in sports coverage is the upswing in the number of women sports reporters in the last forty years. Sports Journalism also examines the ethics of sports journalism, how sports coverage frequently has differed from that of non-sports news, and how the internet has spawned a set of new ethical issues.

Sports Journalism and Women Athletes: Coverage of Coming Out Stories

by William P. Cassidy

“Women’s sports have typically been grossly under-represented in sports media coverage. Although elite lesbian athletes far outnumber ‘out’ male athletes, media scrutiny of their experiences remains largely non-existent. Largely situated in the context of improved cultural attitudes toward sexual minorities across the West, Bill Cassidy’s Sports Journalism and Women Athletes: Coverage of Coming Out Stories is, therefore, a valuable contribution to the study of sports journalism and media, offering – for the first time – a dedicated and detailed account of the coming out of some of sports’ most high-profile lesbian athletes.”- Dr. Rory Magrath, Solent University, UKThis book examines sports journalism coverage of the coming out stories of three prominent women athletes: tennis legend and feminist icon Billie Jean King, Basketball Hall of Fame Member Sheryl Swoopes and WNBA champion Brittney Griner. When King was outed in 1981 it marked a pivotal moment in which journalists were forced to discuss lesbian athletes in sports for the first time. Swoopes’ 2005 coming out was hailed as a historic moment due to her status as one of the best women’s basketball players of all time, while Griner’s casual public acknowledgment of her sexuality came during what many have called a more receptive environment for gay and lesbian athletes. By directly analysing and comparing the media attention given to these three superstars, Cassidy provides a comprehensive overview of how journalists have historically addressed women and lesbian athletes in professional sports. This book will appeal to readers interested in sports journalism, the role of sport in society, and media coverage of gay athletes.

Sports Media: Transformation, Integration, Consumption (Electronic Media Research Series)

by Andrew C. Billings

Looking toward a future with increasingly hybridized media offerings, Sports Media: Transformation, Integration, Consumption examines sports media scholarship and its role in facilitating understanding of the increasingly complex world of sports media. Acknowledging that consumer demand for sports media content has influenced nearly every major technology innovation of the past several decades, chapters included herein assess existing scholarship while positing important future questions about the role sports media will play in the daily lives of sports fans worldwide. Contributions from well-known scholars are supplemented by work from younger researchers doing new work in this area. Developed for the Broadcast Education Association's Electronic Media Research series, this volume will be required reading for graduate and undergraduate students in media, communication, sociology, marketing, and sports management, and will serve as a valuable reference for future research in sports media.

Sports, Narrative, and Nation in the Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald (Studies in Major Literary Authors)

by Jarom McDonald

This study examines the ways that F. Scott Fitzgerald portrayed organized spectator sports as working to help structure ideologies of class, community, and nationhood. Situating the study in the landscape of late nineteenth/early twentieth-century American sport culture, Chapter One shows how narratives of attending ballgames, reading or listening to sports media, and being a ‘fan,’ cultivate communities of spectatorship. Adopting this same framework, the next three chapters explore how Fitzgerald’s literary representations of sport culture express the complexities of American society. Chapter Two specifically considers the ‘intense and dramatic spectacle’ of college football in ‘This Side of Paradise’ as a means of exploring links between spectatorship, emulation and ideology. Chapter Three continues with college football as its theme, but this time looks at how it is portrayed in Fitzgerald’s short stories, in order to scrutinize the relationship between the performative aspects of sport and the performative aspects of social class. Finally, Chapter Four scrutinizes how The Great Gatsby critiques the romantic nationalist ideology of ‘America’s game’ by revealing the class divisions and tensions of baseball’s spectator culture.

Sports Plays

by Sports Plays

Sports Plays is a volume about sports in the theatre and what it means to stage sports. The chapters in this volume examine sports plays through a range of critical and theoretical approaches that highlight central concerns and questions both for sports and for theatre. The plays cut across boundaries and genres, from Broadway-style musicals to dramas to experimental and developmental work. The chapters examine and trouble the conventions of staging sports as they open possibilities for considering larger social and cultural issues and debates. This broad range of perspectives make the volume a compelling resource for students and scholars of sport, theatre, and performance studies whose interests span feminism, sexuality, politics, and race.

Sports-Talk Radio in America: Its Context and Culture

by Frank Hoffmann Jack M. Dempsey Martin J Manning

An inside look at the hosts, hot spots, and history of sports-talk radioSports-Talk Radio in America looks at major-, medium-, and small-market stations across the United States that feature an all-sports format, with a focus on the unique personalities and programming strategies that make each station successful. Broadcasters, journalists, and academics provide insight on how and why this media phenomenon has become an important influence of American culture, examining the "guy talk" broadcasting approach, the traditional sports-emphasis approach, "HSOs" (hot sports opinions), localism in broadcasting, how sports talk radio builds "communities" of listeners, and how reckless, on-air comments can actually build ratings.For better of worse, millions of (mostly) male listeners indulge their obsession with sports to the exclusion of virtually everything else available on the radio dial-music, news, and political talk. This unique book examines how this "niche of the niche" has formed a bond between its hosts and their rabid, passionate, and loyal audiences, spinning the dial from the largest, best-known stations in big-league markets to smaller stations in Collegetown, USA, including Philadelphia&’s WIP, "The Ticket," KTCK in Dallas, WEEI in Boston, "The Team," WQTM in Orlando, KJR in Seattle, KOZN "The Zone" Omaha, Nebraska, WGR and WNSA in Buffalo, Kansas City&’s WHB, and "The Fan," WFAN in New York, the first all-sports radio station and the blueprint for the format. Sports-Talk Radio in America puts you in the studio with Mike and the Mad Dog, Angelo Cataldi, Howard Eskin, "The Musers" ("Junior" Miller and George Dunham), Norm Hitges, John Dennis and Gerry Callahan, Dan Sileo, Howard Simon, and Art Wander. Sports-Talk Radio in America examines: how stations create an environment in which listeners become part of a social group (social-identity and self-categorization theories) personality-driven programming the station&’s commitment to local teams and their fans how exploring controversial topics beyond sports broadens station&’s appeal and attracts upscale, affluent audience how an abundance of live, play-by-play broadcasting, creating plenty of available content college sports in a town without a major professional sports team how local sports is framed by hosts and callers the conflicted relationship between sports-talk radio and the print media and much more!Sports-Talk Radio in America is a must-read for academics and professionals working in radio-television and popular culture.

The Sports Writing Handbook (Routledge Communication Series)

by Thomas Fensch

Completely revised and updated in a second edition, this volume represents the only book ever written that analyzes sports writing and presents it as "exceptional" writing. Other books discuss sports writers as "beat reporters" in one area of journalism, whereas this book shows aspiring sports writers a myriad of techniques to make their writing stand out. It takes the reader through the entire process of sports writing: observation, interviewing techniques, and various structures of articles; types of "leads;" transitions within an article; types of endings; use of statistics; do's and don'ts of sports writing; and many other style and technique points. This text provides over 100 examples of leads drawn from newspapers and magazines throughout the country, and also offers up-to-date examples of sports jargon from virtually every major and minor sport played in the U.S.

Spot (Primary Phonics #Set 3 Book 3)

by Barbara W. Makar

A systematic, phonics-based early reading program that includes: the most practice for every skill, decodable readers for every skill, and reinforcement materials--help struggling students succeed in the regular classroom

Spotlight on Journalism and Popular Heroism: The Rise from Tabloid Stars to Digital Activists (Routledge Research in Journalism)

by Caryn Coatney

This book offers fresh insights into the central role of journalism in shaping popular memories of community heroism in times of crisis. Further, it challenges familiar assumptions about Hollywood celebrity reporting and shows journalists’ active role in connecting popular culture icons with local communities.This book showcases fresh insights into how audiences collaborated and contributed to these widespread stories. The chapters included show how His Girl Friday, a Hollywood classic about tabloid newsroom stars, became a must-see movie for journalists, inspiring hundreds to choose the profession. Other appearances include Peter Fleming (James Bond creator Ian Fleming’s brother) and Norman Rockwell who helped create heroic characters in the news that became global symbols of community leadership. This offers a look at digital news activists who recreated heroic icons in social media to champion human rights in the Middle East. The historical and contemporary case studies offer insights into larger news trends that have contributed to the enduring popularity of these diverse, heroic identities in journalism.Presenting unique views of community, collaborative and interactive journalism, this book will be a valuable resource to students and scholars of journalism, communication, media and political history, as well as professionals already operating within the field of journalism.

Spotlight on Literacy: Level 11 Units 1-6

by Elaine Mei Aoki

Spotlight on Literacy: Level 11 Units 1-6

Spotlight Student Book: Grade 1 (Spotlight On English Series)

by Santillana

Santillana Spotlight on English: Academic English for Success in Content and Literacy, Book 1

Sprachaneignung bei Geflüchteten: Individuelle und institutionelle Einflussfaktoren sowie die Wirkung von integrationspolitischen Maßnahmen

by Andreea Baier-Klenkert

Geflüchtete verfügen im Vergleich zu anderen Migrationsgruppen über andere Erfahrungen und individuelle Voraussetzungen zur Sprachaneignung, weshalb eine Vielzahl neuer und zielgruppenspezifisch ausgerichteter Angebote von staatlicher Seite zur Sprachförderung geschaffen wurden. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach dem Einfluss von jenen individuellen und institutionellen Faktoren und dem kausalen Effekt zur Wirkung von integrationspolitischen Maßnahmen und Maßnahmenketten auf die Sprachaneignung von Geflüchteten. Das theoretische Fundament der Arbeit bilden der Rational-Choice-Ansatz, der akteurzentrierte Institutionalismus sowie theoriebasierte Evaluationsansätze, die verknüpft und konzeptionell erweitert werden, um der Spezifität des Untersuchungsgegenstandes gerecht zu werden. Die Analysen belegen, dass individuelle Einflussfaktoren die Sprachaneignung von Geflüchteten zwar maßgeblich beeinflussen, aber auch institutionelle Faktoren bedeutende Faktoren darstellen. Weiterhin zeigt sich, dass integrationspolitische Maßnahmen und Maßnahmenketten zur Sprachaneignung bei Geflüchteten kausal wirken.

Sprachbewusstheit: Perspektiven aus Forschung und Didaktik

by Anja Wildemann Lena Bien-Miller

Das Buch verortet das Phänomen Sprachbewusstheit in seiner Vielschichtigkeit und Komplexität. Dabei werden das Themenfeld und der Terminus aus zwei zentralen Perspektiven analysiert und reflektiert: aus der Perspektive des Individuums und seiner sprachlichen und kognitiven Entwicklung und aus der Perspektive der Fachdidaktik und fachlichen Implikationen für den Unterricht. Aspekte von Deutsch als Zweitsprache und Mehrsprachigkeit werden durchgehend berücksichtigt.

Sprache – Klang – Diktion: Deutsch-brasilianische Perspektiven

by Leonhard Herrmann Helmut Paul Erich Galle Tinka Reichmann Magdalena Nowinska

Das interdisziplinäre Buchprojekt widmet sich den klanglichen Dimensionen von Sprache in Literaturwissenschaft, Linguistik und Translatologie.Die Beiträge beschäftigen sich dabei insbesondere mit Übergangsphänomenen zwischen Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit sowie zwischen dem brasilianischen und dem deutschen Sprach- und Kulturraum.

Sprache denkt (fe)male: Intelligente Sprache für selbstbewusste und wertschätzende Kommunikation

by Simone Burel

Dieses Buch hinterfragt grundlegende Sprach- und damit Denkweisen, die unser gesamtes Leben prägen. Sprache ist das primäre Medium, über das wir die Welt und unser Wissen erfahren und vergegenständlichen. Anhand praktischer Beispiele aus über 100 Workshops und Coaching-Einheiten sowie persönlichen Erfahrungen von Dr. Simone Burel erhalten Sie Ratschläge, wie Sie mit unproduktiven Denk- und Sprachmustern umgehen können, um im Business Ihre Frau zu stehen. Zahlreiche Denk- und Schreibübungen regen zur Selbstreflexion an. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sieeigene Denkfallen und Glaubenssätze überwinden,eigene sprachliche (und damit) kognitive Grenzen erweitern,Wörter mit negativem Impact vermeiden,eine höhere Sprachsicherheit und -qualität in der eigenen Kommunikation erlangen,Ihr Image durch einen sicheren Sprachauftritt verbessern,wertschätzend mit anderen kommunizieren.Das Buch ist eine Mixtur aus Erfahrungs- und Fachwissen, das Dr. Simone Burel aus zahlreichen Female-Business-Ratgebern und in Seminaren mit Teilnehmerinnen, Kundinnen sowie Studierende erarbeitet hat. Über zehn Jahre an Sprachforschung, Therapie, Coaching, Fachliteratur und permanenter sprachlicher Selbstarbeit tragen dazu bei. Aktuelle Forschung zum Thema Sprache & Kommunikation unterlegen die Prosa wissenschaftlich.

Sprachentwicklung: Entwicklung – Diagnostik – Förderung im Kleinkind- und Vorschulalter

by Tamara Lautenschläger

Dieses Lehrbuch bietet einen kompakten Gesamtüberblick über das aktuelle Wissen zum Thema Sprachentwicklung, Sprachdiagnostik und Sprachförderung. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Kleinkind- und Vorschulalter. Die Themen des Buches umfassen die Grundlagen und spezifische Aspekte der Sprachentwicklung bei ein- und mehrsprachig aufwachsenden Kindern. Es werden Auffälligkeiten im Spracherwerb und deren Diagnostik, auch in Verbindung zu anderen Entwicklungsbereichen, sowie Möglichkeiten zur Förderung und Therapie sprachlicher Fähigkeiten in verschiedenen Kontexten dargestellt. Alle Kapitel sind einheitlich strukturiert, von erfahrenen Expert*innen aus Wissenschaft, Lehre und Praxis theoretisch fundiert und anschaulich verfasst. Sie enthalten neben aktuellen Studienergebnissen zu zentralen Inhalten auch konkrete Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Fallbeispiele.

Sprachentwicklung im Kontext von Mehrsprachigkeit: Hypothesen, Methoden, Forschungsperspektiven

by Thorsten Klinger Ingrid Gogolin Birger Schnoor

Der Band fasst Ergebnisse einer Studie zusammen, in der die Entwicklung von sprachlichen Fähigkeiten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen untersucht wurde, die mehrsprachig leben. Mehrsprachigkeit ist dabei komponiert aus den Sprachen der Herkunft von Familien mit Migrationsgeschichte, dem Deutschen als umgebender Mehrheitssprache und schulischen Fremdsprachen. Im Fokus der Untersuchung steht die Entwicklung von Instrumenten, mit denen die Entwicklung sprachlicher Fähigkeiten in mehreren Sprachen über die Zeit überprüft werden kann. Vorgestellt werden die Ergebnisse zur Prüfung von verschiedenen Annäherungen an die Frage, wie produktive sprachliche Fähigkeiten (Schreiben) unter diesen Bedingungen getestet oder auf andere Weise valide nachvollzogen werden können. Im Zentrum stehen Ansätze, mit denen die Entwicklung in mehreren Sprachen über die Schulzeit hinweg vergleichend verfolgt werden kann.

Sprachreflexive Praktiken: Empirische Perspektiven auf Metakommunikation (LiLi: Studien zu Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik #4)

by Florian Busch Pepe Droste Elisa Wessels

Mit sprachlicher Reflexivität ist die Möglichkeit von Sprache und Sprachgebrauch gemeint, sich auf sich selbst zu beziehen. Reflexivität ist in der Linguistik aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven in den Blick genommen worden. Der Sammelband macht diese Partikularisierung insofern für ein integratives, multiperspektivisches Verständnis von Reflexivität fruchtbar, als aktuelle empirische Ansätze und Methoden der Untersuchung sprachreflexiver Praktiken zusammengeführt und kontrastiert werden. Die thematischen Schwerpunkte der Beiträge reichen von reflexiven Strukturen, über reflexiv indizierte kommunikative Aktivitäten bis hin zu solchen Sprach- und Kommunikationsideologien, die Reflexivität zugrunde liegen.

Sprachverarbeitung und Sprachübertragung

by Klaus Fellbaum

In dem Standardwerk der Informationsverarbeitung werden nicht nur die elektroakustischen und nachrichtentechnischen Grundlagen dargestellt, auch die Sprache als menschliche Kommunikationsform wird aus linguistischer und physiologischer Perspektive beschrieben. Berücksichtigt wird dabei neben der Theorie stets die Anwendung - auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik. Die 2. Auflage bietet neue Abschnitte zu den Grundzügen der Signalanalyse und zu Sprachdialogsystemen. Audiobeispiele und multimediale Vortragselemente zum Download auf

Sprat Morrison (Caribbean Modern Classics)

by Jean D'Costa

Over the course of one year, through Francis' eyes, we see the cycle of natural change and progression; the daily round of the market, showing the fruits of different seasons, the passage of dry season to rainy and back again to dry, the cane fires as the crop comes to an end, all symbolising the progression of the boy's year. And weaving in and amongst these mundane but intense experiences Francis feels his way to some understanding of adulthood.

Sprat Morrison (Caribbean Modern Classics)

by Jean D'Costa

Over the course of one year, through Francis' eyes, we see the cycle of natural change and progression; the daily round of the market, showing the fruits of different seasons, the passage of dry season to rainy and back again to dry, the cane fires as the crop comes to an end, all symbolising the progression of the boy's year. And weaving in and amongst these mundane but intense experiences Francis feels his way to some understanding of adulthood.

The Spread of Novels: Translation and Prose Fiction in the Eighteenth Century (Translation/Transnation #23)

by Mary Helen McMurran

Fiction has always been in a state of transformation and circulation: how does this history of mobility inform the emergence of the novel? The Spread of Novels explores the active movements of English and French fiction in the eighteenth century and argues that the new literary form of the novel was the result of a shift in translation. Demonstrating that translation was both the cause and means by which the novel attained success, Mary Helen McMurran shows how this period was a watershed in translation history, signaling the end of a premodern system of translation and the advent of modern literary exchange. McMurran illuminates aspects of prose fiction translation history, including the radical revision of fiction's origins from that of cross-cultural transfer to one rooted by nation; the contradictory pressures of the book trade, which relied on translators to energize the market, despite the increasing devaluation of their labor; and the dynamic role played by prose fiction translation in Anglo-French relations across the Channel and in the New World. McMurran examines French and British novels, as well as fiction that circulated in colonial North America, and she considers primary source materials by writers as varied as Frances Brooke, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, and Françoise Graffigny. The Spread of Novels reassesses the novel's embodiment of modernity and individualism, discloses the novel's surprisingly unmodern characteristics, and recasts the genre's rise as part of a burgeoning vernacular cosmopolitanism.

The Spread of Print in Colonial India: Into the Hinterland (Elements in Publishing and Book Culture)

by Abhijit Gupta

This study focuses on the spread of print in colonial India towards the middle and end of the nineteenth century. Till the first half of the century, much of the print production in the subcontinent emanated from presidency cities such as Calcutta, Bombay and Madras, along with centres of missionary production such as Serampore. But with the growing socialization of print and the entry of local entrepreneurs into the field, print began to spread from the metropole to the provinces, from large cities to mofussil towns. This Element will look at this phenomenon in eastern India, and survey how printing spread from Calcutta to centres such as Hooghly-Chinsurah, Murshidabad, Burdwan, Rangpur etc. The study will particularly consider the rise of periodicals and newspapers in the mofussil, and asses their contribution to a nascent public sphere.

Spread the Word: Promote Your Book, Find Your Readers, and Build a Literary Community

by Eleanor C. Whitney

So you've written a book—now what? Your next step is to find your readers and get that book into their hands.Eleanor Whitney, author of Quit Your Day Job, offers perspective, practical advice, and checklists for shepherding your book baby out into the wider world. Traditionally published, self-published, and hybrid authors alike will benefit from these tools and frameworks. No matter what kind of book you've written or where you are in the writing or publishing process, you can always build a community of readers. Whitney interviews other authors and publicists about what worked for them and what they learned the hard way and walks authors through creating and executing a plan to promote their book their way, with whatever resources and time they have available. She provides a timeline of promotional activities to consider before and after publication, and she also reminds us that publicity is a long game that you can begin well before your book is finished and continue well after its release. Ultimately, promoting your book is about connecting with a reader through ideas that inspire you both. And that is something we can all do.

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