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Come Back for Me

by Sharon Hart-Green

Loss, trauma, memory, and, above all, the ties of family and being Jewish are the elements that weave together this panoramic story. Come Back for Me travels through time and place only to bring us, ultimately, to the connections between generations. Artur Mandelkorn is a young Hungarian Holocaust survivor whose desperate quest to find his sister takes him to post-war Israel. Intersecting Artur's tale is that of Suzy Kohn, a Toronto teenager whose seemingly tranquil life is shattered when her uncle's sudden death tears her family apart. Their stories eventually come together in Israel following the Six-Day War, where love and understanding become the threads that bind the two narratives together. Like Sarah's Key, Come Back for Me deals evocatively with the scars left by tragedy and the possibilities for healing.

Come diventare scrittore freelance

by Susan Palmquist

Che sia per guadagnare un piccolo extra, per renderlo un lavoro full-time, per avere un trampolino di lancio prima di iniziare a scrivere libri… Hai mai pensato di diventare uno scrittore freelance? Se la risposta è sì, questo libro è fatto apposta per te. Imparerai: come creare un portfolio; come procurarti i primi agganci senza esperienza pregressa; l’importanza dello studio del tuo mercato d’interesse e il modo in cui farlo perché ti sia d’aiuto; i tipi di scrittura freelance; come raccogliere le idee; come fare il primo passo nel modo giusto; a lavorare con i redattori; cosa fare una volta ottenuto l’incarico; come trovare e intervistare gli esperti giusti per il tuo articolo; come fare per continuare a ricevere incarichi; a gestire tempo e introiti.

Come Diventare Uno Scrittore Felice Senza Spendere Un Soldo

by Prasenjeet Kumar Dino De Maio

Da Prasenjeet Kumar, l’autore di bestseller # 1 della serie “Autopubblicazione SENZA SPENDERE UN SOLDO” un vero e proprio manuale per vivere felicemente la professione di scrittore. Da come trovare la fonte d'ispirazione alla necessità di essere indulgenti con se stessi e lasciar da parte la critica a favore dei sogni, lo scrittore ci mostra come diffidare di corsi di scrittura creativa, editor e agenti letterari e dar sfogo alla propria creatività senza timori. Nella logica del SENZA SPENDERE UN SOLDO ci insegna a come farci creare una splendida copertina per il nostro libro a soli 5 dollari e ci invita a non diventare schiavi del controllo delle vendite. Passa poi a parlare della promozione che è necessaria, ma non deve diventare un'ulteriore fonte d'angoscia e di come stare alla larga dai truffatori in rete e fuori. Ci parla poi dei miracolosi risultati che si ottengono con il cosiddetto Effetto Composto ovvero di come tanti piccoli passi portino alla lunga ai risultati sperati. Alla fine della lettura avrai imparato molti segreti importanti sull'arte dello scrivere ma, soprattutto, se li metterai in pratica potrai diventare UNO SCRITTORE PIÙ FELICE!

Come Essere Femminista: Una Guida per Donne alla Lotta per Diritti e Uguaglianza

by Lauren Alexa

Sei mai stata vittima di violenza, odio, molestie e sofferenza dovuti al tuo sesso di appartenenza? Essere femminista e praticare gli ideali femministi significa combattere per cose importanti. Parità di salario, essere trattate con rispetto, tutela del congedo di maternità, diritti riproduttivi, violenza domestica e molto altro. Se desideri saperne di più sulla lotta per i tuoi diritti e per aiutare le donne di tutto il mondo a combattere per i propri, allora questa guida fa al caso tuo. - Impara a essere femminista. - Impara a combattere per i tuoi diritti. - Lotta per l’uguaglianza e per la parità di salario. - E Molto Altro! Scopri come fare per stare dalla parte giusta della nostra storia, aiutando l’umanità dov’è più necessario! --> Scorri verso la parte alta della pagina e clicca su “aggiungi al carrello” per effettuare immediatamente l’acquisto Disclaimer: L’autrice e/o i titolari dei diritti non avanzano pretese, promesse o garanzie relativamente all’accuratezza, alla completezza o all’adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro, e declinano espressamente qualsiasi responsabilità legata a eventuali errori od omissioni presenti. Il prodotto va inteso solo come riferimento. Si prega di consultare un/una professionista prima di agire sulla base dei contenuti ivi compresi.

Come gestire un blog, Come far soldi con un blog.

by Ylenia Patuzzi Richard G Lowe Jr

C'è un'arte nello scrivere un articolo che ha la proprietà di invogliare il lettore ad agire. Questo è il filo conduttore del libro che state leggendo sul vostro Kindle proprio ora. Qui, imparerete come si crea un articolo che ottenga l'interesse del lettore, lo affascini, lo informi e lo spinga a prendere una decisione entro la fine della lettura. Il libro che state leggendo descrive i metodi che uso per creare articoli per blog che hanno lo specifico obiettivo di operare su una persona dal momento in cui clicca sul link fino a che preme il bottone compra o sottoscrivi sul fondo della pagina. Imparerai: * Come creare un titolo che attira il lettone nel tuo articolo * Cosa mettere "sopra la piega" * Aggiungere innesti emozionali * Connetterti coi tuoi lettori * Cos'altro aggiungere al tuo articolo * Far si che premano "Compra" * Quanto sono importanti le immagini? * E i video?

Come registrare il tuo audiolibro per Audible, iTunes, ed altre piattaforme

by Mattia Baratto George Smolinski

Questa è una guida completa con istruzioni video che vi permetterà di registrare il vostro audiolibro. Lo so perchè ho utilizzato QUESTE STESSE TECNICHE per registrare questo stesso libro per Audible! Gli audiolibri sono la più grande novità nell'ambito delle pubblizazioni oggigiorno. C'è stata una crescita esplosiva di vendite di audiolibri negli ultimi 4 anni, e voi dovete avere il vostro libro in formato audio. Questa guida vi insegnerà gli ingressi e le uscite della registrazione di audiolibri, anche se lo volete fare da soli! Argomenti discussi in questa guida: 1. L'equipaggiamento necessario per registrare audiolibri e narrazioni 2. Come iniziare a registrare audiolibri con GarageBand e Audacity 3. Consigrli e trucchi per aiutarvi partire con il piede giusto nella narrazione di audiolibri 4. Come caricare il vostro libro finito su Audible e iTunes libri 5. Risorse utili per far produrre il vostro audiolibro se non siete bravi con il fai-da-te

Come scrivere i tuoi racconti

by Miguel D'Addario

CONTENUTI - Obiettivi Narrare distinti testi letterari.Punti di vista, dialoghi, spazio, tempo. Conoscere le basi del racconto come genere letterario. Scoprire la struttura d’approccio, il nodo e la soluzione. - Metodologia Proposta d’analisi di determinati racconti. Partecipazione attiva inerente alle proposte offerte. Le proposte di lavoro vengono intese da un punto di vista descrittivo in modo da poter analizzare diversi tipi di testo. Il corso è suddiviso nelle seguenti parti: analisi del racconto, struttura, genere, spazio e tempo, personaggi, esercizi scritti per gli alunni del corso, scrittura e produzione di un testo personale. - Programma Primo avvicinamento al concetto di racconto. Lo scrittore come ricettore ed emittente. Lettura ed analisi di un racconto. L’invenzione di un mondo possibile. Elaborazione della finzione a partire da una situazione quotidiana. Proposta di scrittura. L’importanza della propria esperienza intesa come impulso per una scrittura creativa. La consistenza dei ricordi (riguardanti i vicini o i conoscenti). Proposta di scrittura. La manipolazione della realtà e della propria esperienza: elaborazione dei racconti. Proposta di scrittura. I punti di vista e la persona narrativa. Analisi dei racconti. Proposta di scrittura. Il racconto, il racconto breve. Proposta di scrittura. Linee guida per la creazione di racconti. Quadri riassuntivi.

Come scrivere un romanzo d'amore - Guida per principianti per scriverlo e pubblicarlo

by Susan Palmquist Maria De Bonis

Hai mai sognato di scrivere un romanzo d’amore? In questa seconda edizione di “Come scrivere un romanzo d’amore”, imparerai suggerimenti e trucchi per cominciare a scrivere la tua storia, completarla e proporla a un editore o agente. Imparerai: -Come inventare idee per delle storie -Come pianificare il tuo romanzo -L’importanza dei primi tre capitoli -Come creare il conflitto -Come aumentare l’emozione nella storia -Come creare personaggi e dialoghi che affascinano il lettore -Come creare la tensione sessuale -Come preparare una proposta che si faccia notare -Luoghi dove proporre le tue storie -Suggerimenti di scrittura per trovare l’ispirazione Se hai mai voluto imparare il mestiere dello scrittore ma non hai mai avuto il tempo o il budget necessario per frequentare un seminario, questo libro ti offre tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per cominciare.

Come scrivere un romanzo - Superare il blocco dello scrittore

by Clara Tiscar Corrado Pastore

Vuoi scrivere ma soffri di una sorta di blocco? Provi una sensazione di panico di fronte alla pagina bianca? Se ti identifichi con le seguenti affermazioni, questo libro fa proprio al caso tuo: Voglio incominciare a scrivere ma non trovo il momento giusto Sono bloccato con il mio romanzo e non so come uscirne Ho chiara la storia che voglio raccontare ma non riesco a scriverla Non sono bloccato ma mi manca la motivazione per andare avanti a scrivere il mio romanzo Se applichi correttamente le tecniche, superare il blocco sarà molto più facile e divertente di quanto credi. Inoltre, imparerai nuovi metodi di lavoro che faranno sì che tu non ti permetteranno di non sentirti più bloccato in futuro.


by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare forged his tremendous art in the crucible of his comic imagination, which throughout his life enveloped and contained his tragic one. His early comedies, with their baroque poetic exuberance, intense theatricality, explosive bursts of humor, and superbly concrete realizations of the dialects of love, capture as in a chrysalis all that he was to become. They provide a complete inventory of the mind of our greatest writer in the middle of his golden youth. This volume contains The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Love's Labor's Lost, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and its companion piece, Romeo and Juliet, which Tony Tanner describes in his introduction as "a tragedy by less than one minute." The texts, authoritatively edited by Sylvan Barnet, are supplemented with textual notes, bibliographies, a detailed chronology of Shakespeare's life and times, and a substantial introduction in which Tanner discusses each play individually and in the context of Shakespeare's oeuvre.

The Comedies

by Terence Betty Radice

The Roman dramatist Terence (c. 186-159 BC) adapted many of his comedies from Greek sources, rendering them suitable for audiences of his own time by introducing subtler characterization and more complex plots. <p><p>In his romantic play, The Girl from Andros, Terence portrays a love affair saved by a startling discovery. The Self-Tormentor focusses on a man's remorse after sending his son to war, and The Eunuch depicts a case of mistaken identity. Phormio is as rich in intrigue as a French farce, while The Mother-in-Law shows two families striving to save a marriage and The Brothers contrasts strict and lenient upbringings. <p><p>With their tight plots and spare dialogue, Terence gave his plays a sense of humanity that became a model in the Renaissance and greatly influenced Molière.

Comedies, Volume 2

by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare's later comedies were written at the astonishing pace of about two plays a year. In them, he moves beyond the farce of his earlier comedies to richer and more varied dramas. These range from the famous "problem plays," which blend humor with tragedy, to the idyllic romances set in such timeless locales as the Forest of Arden. They contain some of his wittiest and most memorable characters, from cross-dressing heroines, bantering lovers, and wisecracking fools to the villainous but sympathetic Shylock and the boisterous and bawdy Falstaff. This volume contains The Merchant of Venice, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, All's Well That Ends Well, and Measure for Measure. The authoritatively edited text of the plays is supplemented with footnotes, bibliographies, a detailed chronology of Shakespeare's life and times, and a substantial introduction in which Tony Tanner discusses each play individually and in the context of Shakespeare's work.

Comedy (The Critical Idiom Reissued #20)

by Moelwyn Merchant

First published in 1972, this work pursues the question ‘what is comedy?’ In its quest for an answer it explores critical theory, psychology, sociology and metaphysics. It also examines the classical origins of comedy, different kinds of comedy, the rituals of comedy, its relationship with other idioms such as ‘satire’, irony’ and ‘farce’, and compares two major traditions: ‘Aristophanic’ and ‘Shakesperean’ comedy. In doing so, the book demonstrates the indefinable and flexible nature of comedy. This work will be a valuable resource to those studying drama, and in particular, those focusing on classical and Shakespearean plays.

Comedy: An Essay on Comedy

by George Meredith Henri Bergson Wylie Sypher

When she has frolicked through her five Acts to surprise you with the information that Mr. Aimwell is converted by a sudden death in the world outside the scenes into Lord Aimwell, and can marry the lady in the light of day, it is to the credit of her vivacious nature that she does not anticipate your calling her Farce.

Comedy: The European Heritage (Routledge Library Editions: Comedy)

by L. J. Potts

Originally published in 1949 this book is a study of comedy based on representative works of drama and narrative, mainly in English, from Chaucer to Bernard Shaw. The theme is that comedy implies a philosophy of life that is fairly constant, despite the changes in social conditions and fashions of thought. There is a bibliographical index and the book is illustrated fully and widely by quotations from English comic writers.

Comedy (The New Critical Idiom)

by Andrew Stott

This new edition of Andrew Stott’s Comedy builds on themes presented in the first edition such as focusing on the significance of comic 'events' through study of various theoretical methodologies, including deconstruction, psychoanalysis and gender theory, and provides case studies of a number of themes, ranging from the drag act to the simplicity of slipping on a banana skin. This new edition features: updates to reflect new research the field new chapters on Women in Comedy and Race and Ethnicity a broader range of literary and cultural examples. Written in a clear and accessible style, this book is ideal introduction to comedy for students studying literature and culture.

A Comedy & A Tragedy

by Travis Hugh Culley

In this powerful memoir, former bicycle messenger and acclaimed author of The Immortal Class recounts his difficult journey to literacy. A Comedy & A Tragedy is the story of one young man's effort to teach himself to read. Complex and many-leveled, this book is also a manifesto about the acquisition of intellectual independence. It is a plea for better understanding of the impact of dysfunctional family dynamics in education, and a passionate indictment of a broken school system that lets so-called problem kids slip through the cracks.When Travis Hugh Culley moves with his family to Miami in the spring of 1980, the bright six-year-old hopes things will be easier for him. Instead, he is dubbed "Birdbrain" by his older brother and classified by his new teachers as a discipline problem. Travis fakes his way through tests and homework assignments, mimicking his fellow students and pretending to know how to read. When his music teacher suggests that he audition for an acting program, Travis begins an unlikely path toward literacy.The moment Travis begins to perform, he is confronted by his angry father, who is threatened by the transformation in his son. Unsure of how to make sense of what has happened, Travis grabs a pen and writes his experience down. Suddenly, everything can be seen in a new light. Having written, he begins to understand in a new way the relationship between words and actions.When his parents separate and his grades fall, Travis clings to a journal in which he notes the details of his changing life. Having no place else to turn to process his emotions, Travis lays claim to the project of his own emancipation. This troubled student runs away from home but does not drop out of school. With pen in hand, he commits to an education in the theater and begins to fully realize the power and importance of literacy. Travis discovers that only through the mastery of writing can he determine his place in the world. Eventually, he will become an accomplished author--with a triumphant story to tell. A Comedy & A Tragedy is an important and inspired memoir that will touch the hearts of parents, teachers, students, and anyone who has struggled with traumatic experiences in education. It is a work of love, of friendship, and of confidence in one young scholar's infinite belief in language.

Comedy and Culture: Cecco Angiolieri's Poetry and Late Medieval Society (Italian Perspectives Ser. #Vol. 8)

by Fabian Alfie

"This work examines the ways in which the culture and society of the Middle Ages impacted on the works of the Sienese poet, Cecco Angiolieri (c.1260-1312). It analyzes how Angiolieri's poetry conformed to medieval notions and practices of comicality. The study explores the means by which Cecco satirized important cultural movements of the late 13th and early 14th centuries, such as love literature and the ascendant Franciscan order. In addition, it looks at his relations with other writers of the day, including three insulting sonnets addressed to Dante Alighieri. The text shows that Angiolieri was not an isolated, ""bizarre"" figure, as some early 20th century scholars have described him, but rather an author in step with his times."

Comedy and the Feminine Middlebrow Novel: Elizabeth von Arnim and Elizabeth Taylor (Literary Texts and the Popular Marketplace #3)

by Erica Brown

Elizabeth von Arnim and Elizabeth Taylor wrote witty and entertaining novels about the domestic lives of middle-class women. Widely read and enjoyed, their work was often dismissed as middlebrow. Brown argues their skilful use of comedy and irony provided the receptive reader with subversive commentary on the cruelties and disappointments of life.

Comedy and the Woman Writer: Woolf, Spark, and Feminism

by Judy Little

Recent critics have affirmed the difficulty—perhaps the impossibility—of defining modern comedy; at the same time, some feminist scholars are seeking to understand the special comedy often present in literature written by women. Comedy and the Woman Writer responds to both these concerns of recent criticism: feminist literary theory and theories of comedy. Judy Little develops a critical apparatus for identifying feminist comedy in recent fiction, especially the radical political and psychological implications of this comedy, and then applies and tests her theory by examining the novels of Virginia Woolf and Muriel Spark. Despite recent scholarly attention to Woolf, the profound comedy of her work has been largely overlooked, and the comic fiction of Spark has seldom had the responsible and attentive criticism that it deserves. The introductory chapter draws upon anthropology and sociology, as well as literary criticism and the fiction of feminist writers such as Woolf, Doris Lessing, and Monique Wittig, to define a modern feminist comedy. Four central chapters then explore the implications of this comedy in the novels of Woolf and Spark. Little distinguishes between, on the one hand, several varieties of traditional comedy and satire and, on the other, the festive or “liminal” comedy to which feminist comedy belongs. Both Woolf and Spark mock centuries-old mythic patterns and behaviors deriving from basic social norms, as well as the values emerging from these norms. It is one thing, the author points out, to find “manners” amusing, to scourge vices, or to mock the follies of lovers; it is a much more drastic act of the imagination to mock the very norms against which comedy has traditionally judged vices, follies, and eccentricities. While the comedy of Woolf and Spark has some precedent in festive or liminal celebrations, during which even basic values and behavior are abandoned, feminist comedy displays its radical nature by implying that there is no resolution to the inverted overturned world, the world in revolutionary transition.The final chapter considers briefly, in the light of the critical model of feminist comedy, the work of several other twentieth-century writers, including Jean Rhys, Penelope Moritmer, and Margaret Drabble. The presence of radical comedy in the fiction of these and other writers suggests the need for continuing attention to the theory of feminist comedy proposed in this study.

The Comedy Bible: From Stand-up to Sitcom--the Comedy Writer's Ultimate "How To" Guide

by Judy Carter

Do you think you're funny? Do you want to turn your sense of humor into a career? If the answer is yes, then Judy Carter's The Comedy Bible is for you. The guru to aspiring stand-up comics provides the complete scoop on being -- and writing -- funny for money. If you've got a sense of humor, you can learn to make a career out of comedy, says Judy Carter. Whether it's creating a killer stand-up act, writing a spec sitcom, or providing jokes for radio or one-liners for greeting cards, Carter provides step-by-step instructions in The Comedy Bible. She helps readers first determine which genre of comedy writing or performing suits them best and then directs them in developing, refining, and selling their work. Using the hands-on workbook format that was so effective in her bestselling first book, Stand-Up Comedy: The Book, Carter offers a series of day-by-day exercises that draw on her many years as a successful stand-up comic and the head of a nationally known comedy school. Also included are practical tips and advice from today's top comedy professionals -- from Bernie Brillstein to Christopher Titus to Richard Lewis. She presents the pros and cons of the various comedy fields -- stand-up, script, speech and joke writing, one-person shows, humor essays -- and shows how to tailor your material for each. She teaches how to find your "authentic" voice -- the true source of comedy. And, perhaps most important, Carter explains how to take a finished product to the next level -- making money -- by pitching it to a buyer and negotiating a contract. Written in Carter's unique, take-no-prisoners voice, The Comedy Bible is practical, inspirational, and funny.

The Comedy of Entropy: Humour/Narrative/Reading (The Royal Society of Canada Special Publications)

by Patrick O'Neill

Entropic comedy is the phrase coined by Patrick O'Neill in this study to identify a particular mode of twentieth-century narrative that is not generally recognized. He describes it as the narrative expression of forms of decentred humour, or what might more loosely be called 'black humour.'O'Neill begins his investigation by examining the rise of an essentially new form of humour over the last three hundred years or so in the context of a rapid decay of confidence in traditional authoritative value systems. O'Neill analyses the resulting reorganization of the spectrum of humour, and examines th implications of this for the ways in which we read texts and the world we live in.He then turns from intellectual history to narratology and considers the relationship, in theoretical terms, of homour, play, and narrative as systems of discourse and the role of the reader as a textualizing agent.Finally, he considers some dozen twentieth-century narratives in French, German, and English (with occasional reference to other literatures) in the context of those historical and theoretical concerns. Authors of the texts analysed include Céline, Camus, Satre, and Robbe-Grillet in French; Heller, Beckett, Pynchon, Nabokov, and Joyce in English; Grass, Kafka, and Handke in German. The analyses proceed along lines suggested by structuralist, semiotic, and post-structuraist narrative and literary theory. From his analyses of these works O'Neill concludes they illustrate in narrative terms a mode of modern writing definable as entropic comedy, and he develops a taxonomy of the mode.

The Comedy of Errors: Critical Essays (Shakespeare Criticism)

by Robert S. Miola

This collection of essays and reviews represents the most significant and comprehensive writing on Shakespeare's A Comedy of Errors. Miola's edited work also features a comprehensive critical history, coupled with a full bibliography and photographs of major productions of the play from around the world. In the collection, there are five previously unpublished essays. The topics covered in these new essays are women in the play, the play's debt to contemporary theater, its critical and performance histories in Germany and Japan, the metrical variety of the play, and the distinctly modern perspective on the play as containing dark and disturbing elements. To compliment these new essays, the collection features significant scholarship and commentary on The Comedy of Errors that is published in obscure and difficulty accessible journals, newspapers, and other sources. This collection brings together these essays for the first time.

Comedy of Errors: Critical Essays (Shakespeare Criticism Ser.)

by Robert S. Miola

This collection of essays and reviews represents the most significant and comprehensive writing on Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors .This volume of critical essays also features a comprehensive critical history, a full bibliography, and photographs and reviews of major productions of the play around the world.

The Comedy of Errors: The 30-Minute Shakespeare

by Nick Newlin

The Comedy of Errors: The 30-Minute Shakespeare offers five raucous scenes from this extravaganza of mistaken identity.The abridgement begins with a dramatic physical enactment of the twins' separation at sea. The play continues with a series of foibles featuring Antipholus of Ephesus, Dromio of Ephesus, and their identical twin counterparts from Antipholus.Adriana and Luciana receive hysterically misguided attention from the twins. Emilia and Egeon as the long-lost parents, and the riotous conjurer Dr. Pinch round out the cast of characters in Shakespeare's most uproarious comedy.The edition includes a preface by Nick Newlin containing helpful advice on how to put on a Shakespeare performance in a high school class with novice actors, as well as an appendix with suggestions for the specific play and recommendations for further resources.

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