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Extending the Protection of Geographical Indications: Case Studies of Agricultural Products in Africa

by Michael Blakeney Thierry Coulet Getachew Mengistie Marcelin Tonye Mahop

The TRIPS Agreement (for trade-related intellectual property rights) provides for the general protection of geographical indications (GIs) of product origin, including for example the special protection of wines and spirits and for the creation of a multilateral register for wines. The African Group of countries has been in the forefront of countries agitating in the World Trade Organization TRIPS Council for the extension of this special protection and of the multilateral register to industries which are of interest to developing countries, primarily agriculture. The so-called "extension question" is the central feature of the Doha Development Agenda at both the WTO and World Intellectual Property Organization. This book provides some empirical evidence and applied legal and economic reasoning to this debate. It provides both a general review of the key issues and a series of case studies from six Anglophone and four Francophone countries in Africa. These focus on major agricultural commodities such as coffee, cotton, cocoa and tea, as well as more specific and local products such as Argan oil and Oku white honey.

The Extension of Coastal State Jurisdiction in Enclosed or Semi-Enclosed Seas: A Mediterranean and Adriatic Perspective (IMLI Studies in International Maritime Law #4)

by Mitja Grbec

The current jurisdictional status of the Mediterranean Sea is remarkable. Nearly 50 per cent of the Mediterranean waters are high seas and therefore beyond the jurisdiction of coastal States. This situation means that there are no points in the Mediterranean Sea where the coasts of two States would be more than 400 nautical miles apart. Such a legal situation generally prevents coastal States from adopting and enforcing their laws on the Mediterranean high seas, in respect of many important fields such as the protection and preservation of the marine environment, as well as the conservation of marine living resources. The jurisdictional landscape of the Adriatic Sea as a sub-sea and sub-region of the Mediterranean, is even more interesting. Croatia has proclaimed an Ecological and Fisheries Protection Zone, Slovenia has proclaimed a Zone of Ecological Protection, while Italy has adopted a framework law for the proclamation of its Zone of Ecological Protection without proclaiming its regime in the Adriatic. It is noteworthy that if all Mediterranean and Adriatic States would proclaim an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), there would not be a single stretch of high seas left in the entire Mediterranean Sea. Both the Adriatic and Mediterranean fall in the category of enclosed or semi-enclosed seas regulated by Part IX of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). This book assesses the legal nature of Part IX of UNCLOS and discusses potential benefits of the extension of coastal State jurisdiction (proclamation of EEZs and/or similar sui generis zones), particularly in light of the recent calls towards an integrated and holistic approach to the management of different activities in the Mediterranean Sea. It examines the actual or potential extension of coastal State jurisdiction in the Adriatic Sea, against the background of similar extensions elsewhere in the Mediterranean and against the background of relevant EU policies. It additionally explores whether Part IX of UNCLOS imposes any duties of cooperation in relation to the extension of coastal State jurisdiction in enclosed or semi-enclosed seas, and puts forward practical suggestions as to how the issue of extension of coastal State jurisdiction could be approached in a way which would enhance States existing cooperation and improve the overall governance in the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas. This book will be of interest to policymakers and academics and students of international law, and the law of the sea.

Exterminate All the Brutes: One Man's Odyssey into the Heart of Darkness and the Origins of European Genocide

by Sven Lindqvist Joan Tate

Chosen as one of the New Internationalist's best books of the year, "Exterminate All the Brutes" is a searching examination of Europe's dark history in Africa and the origins of genocide. Using Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" as his point of departure, Sven Lindqvist takes us on a haunting tour through the colonial past, interwoven with a modern-day travelogue. By retracing the steps of European explorers, missionaries, politicians, and historians in Africa from the late eighteenth century onward, the author exposes the roots of genocide in Africa via his own journey through the Saharan desert.

The External Dimension of Justice and Home Affairs: A Different Security Agenda For The European Union? (Journal Of European Integration Special Issues Ser.)

by Sarah Wolff, Nicole Wichmann and Gregory Mounier

This book proposes to cast some theoretical and empirical light upon the external dimension of Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) which has become a priority in the European Union (EU)’s external relations. Counter-terrorism, visa policy, drug trafficking, organized crime or border controls have indeed become daily business in EU’s relations with the rest of the world. The external dimension of JHA is a persistent policy objective of the EU and its member states, as the 1999 Tampere summit conclusions, the 2000 Coreper report, the 2005 Strategy for the External Dimension of JHA, and the integration of JHA chapters under the European Neighbourhood Policy testify. With an interdisciplinary ambition in mind, this book reflects an attempt to draw together theoretical and empirical insights on the external dimension written by academic scholars that take an interest in questions of JHA and European Foreign Policy (EFP). It does so from an issue-oriented perspective (civilian crisis management, the European Neighbourhood Policy, counter-terrorism policy, visa policy, passenger name record) but also from a geographical perspective with in-depth analysis of the situation in the Western Balkans, Georgia, transatlantic relations and of the Mediterranean neighbourhood. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of European Integration.

The External Environmental Policy of the European Union: EU and International Law Perspectives

by Elisa Morgera

This collection of essays comprehensively and systematically analyzes the various instruments and innovative approaches through which the EU is forging its external environmental policy, the legal implications of its multifaceted practice and interactions with international environmental law. It explains the legal and institutional framework for EU external action on environmental protection and sustainable development, identifying the changes introduced, and challenges posed, by the Lisbon Treaty. It explores key tools and trends in defining and implementing EU external policy across a broad range of environmental issues, as well as linkages with trade and human rights. It also assesses the reciprocal influences between the development and implementation of EU environmental law and of international environmental law.

Extinction and Religion (Religion and the Human)

by Catherine Keller Willis Jenkins Maria Nita Timothy B. Leduc Catherine Rigby James Hatley Lisa H. Sideris

Human-caused extinctions have never been so prominent in our political and cultural landscape. Extinction and Religion is a collection of wide-ranging chapters that explore the implications for religious faith and experience as it relates to a "sixth mass extinction" in Earth's history. Further it seeks to answer the question as to how religious and spiritual practices are shaping responses to the crisis?Edited by Jeremy H. Kidwell and Stefan Skrimshire, this collection aims to set a new postsecular agenda, articulating the questions, challenges, and ways forward for thinking about religion in an age of mass extinction rather than provide responses from world religions in isolation. It covers subjects such as the multitude of challenges posed by mass extinction to beliefs about the future of humanity, death and the afterlife, the integrity of creation, and the relationship between human and nonhuman life.Wide ranging and incisive, Extinction and Religion amply demonstrates the many ways in which the threat of extinction profoundly affects our faith and religious life worlds.

Extinction Governance, Finance and Accounting: Implementing a Species Protection Action Plan for the Financial Markets

by Jill Atkins

The planet is currently experiencing a mass extinction event, with human and business activity being the root cause of species loss and habitat destruction. Industries, companies, banks, investors, accountants and auditors have all played their role. This book explores how they can also provide a solution. The book presents plans, metrics, frameworks, mechanisms and financial innovations that can be, and are being, implemented through the financial markets in order to save and protect species, enhance biodiversity and, at the same time, preserve the financial markets and the business world. This biodiversity handbook addresses the intersection between species extinction and the global capitalist system. With contributions from leading non-governmental organisations such as the Capitals Coalition, Business for Nature, the Ecojustice Foundation, ShareAction and the Endangered Wildlife Trust, plus senior researchers in the field, as well as industry experts from Moody’s, EOS at Hermes Federated Investment Management, BlueBay Asset Management, ODDO BHF Asset Management and OSSIAM (to mention just a few), this book is at the forefront of addressing the crucially important topics of extinction accounting, finance and governance. Drawing on leading research, the book is written in an accessible style and is relevant to researchers and students in the fields of sustainability, governance, accounting, finance, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance. It is essential reading for investors, responsible investors, bankers, business leaders and policy makers in the field of sustainable financial markets. Given the interdisciplinary nature of this book, it is useful to conservationists, ecologists and others involved in species and biodiversity protection.

Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets

by Peter Schweizer

A bombshell investigation reveals how Washington really works: politicians extort money from us, then use it to buy each other’s votes. Best-selling author Peter Schweizer reveals: *Obama’s "Protection Money": How the Obama Administration targeted industries for criminal investigation but chose not to pursue key political donors. *John Boehner’s "Tollbooth": How the Speaker of the House extracts money by soliciting political donations before he will hold crucial votes on the House floor. *The "Slush Fund": How politicians extract "campaign contributions" and then convert them to bankroll lavish lifestyles complete with limos, private jets, golf at five-star resorts, fine wines, and cash for family members. *Capitol Hill’s "Underground Economy": How congressmen use a little-known loophole that allows them to secretly link their votes to cash. Extortion finally makes clear why Congress is so dysfunctional: it’s all about making money, not making law.

Extracting Accountability from Non-State Actors in International Law: Assessing the Scope for Direct Regulation (Human Rights and International Law)

by Lee James McConnell

The human rights of communities in many resource-rich, weak governance States are adversely affected, not only by the acts of States and their agents, but also by powerful non-State actors. Contemporary phenomena such as globalisation, privatisation and the proliferation of internal armed conflict have all contributed to the increasing public influence of these entities and the correlative decline in State power. This book responds to the persistent challenges stemming from non-State actors linked to extractive industries. In light of the intersecting roles of multinational enterprises and non-State armed groups in this context, these actors are adopted as the primary analytical vehicles. The operations of these entities highlight the practical flaws of existing accountability regimes and permit an exploration of the theoretical challenges that preclude their direct legal regulation at the international level. Drawing insights from discursive democracy, compliance theories and the Pure Theory of Law, the book establishes a conceptual foundation for the creation of binding international obligations addressing non-State actors. Responding to the recent calls for a binding business and human rights treaty at the UN Human Rights Council, and the growing influence of armed non-State actors, the book makes a timely contribution to debates surrounding the direction of future developments in the field of international human rights law.


by Michal Rachel Nahman

Michal Nahman traces different kinds of 'extraction': the practices of human egg harvesting in different national contexts; the political economic consequences of such extraction for the women involved and the ways in which this has consequences for nationalism and race or 'Israeli extraction'.

Extractive Relations: Countervailing Power and the Global Mining Industry

by John R. Owen Deanna Kemp

Extractive Relations explores the nature of industrial power and its role in shaping what we understand to be the global mining sector. The authors examine issues at the forefront of contemporary debates: corporate obligations in safeguarding the rights of people displaced by mining, the recognition of community rights and interests in supporting or opposing mining developments, the handling of non-judicial grievances and workability of corporate remedy systems, and the logic of community relations departments in navigating these issues inside and outside of the typical modern mining establishment. The authors develop a unique theoretical approach that highlights the different types and uses of power in these settings. This perspective is supported by the authors' own sustained engagement with the mining sector over many years, drawing on cases from over twenty countries. The analysis of these issues from both 'inside' and 'outside' the sector is a key point of differentiation. For readers seeking to understand how mining companies interpret and interact with the communities and interests around their operations, this book provides invaluable insight and analysis.

Extractive Relations: Countervailing Power and the Global Mining Industry

by John R. Owen Deanna Kemp

Extractive Relations explores the nature of industrial power and its role in shaping what we understand to be the global mining sector. The authors examine issues at the forefront of contemporary debates: corporate obligations in safeguarding the rights of people displaced by mining, the recognition of community rights and interests in supporting or opposing mining developments, the handling of non-judicial grievances and workability of corporate remedy systems, and the logic of community relations departments in navigating these issues inside and outside of the typical modern mining establishment. The authors develop a unique theoretical approach that highlights the different types and uses of power in these settings. This perspective is supported by the authors' own sustained engagement with the mining sector over many years, drawing on cases from over twenty countries. The analysis of these issues from both 'inside' and 'outside' the sector is a key point of differentiation. For readers seeking to understand how mining companies interpret and interact with the communities and interests around their operations, this book provides invaluable insight and analysis.

Extractives Industry Law in Africa

by Damilola S. Olawuyi

The book provides a systematic examination of the legal, fiscal and institutional frameworks for the commercial development of petroleum and solid mineral resources in Africa. First, it considers the values, assumptions, and guiding principles underpinning legislation and governance in Africa’s extractive sector. It then provides detailed and comparative evaluations of regulatory frameworks, pricing, local content, procurement, sales, and contractual arrangements across African extractive industries. Further, the book assesses how questions of business and human rights risks, accountability, corporate social responsibility, waste and pollution control, environmental justice, and participatory development have been addressed to date, and how they could be addressed better in the future. Enhancing readers’ understanding of the geography, sources and scope of extractive resources in Africa, the book explains how corporations can effectively identify, mitigate and prevent legal and business risks when investing in African extractive industries. Lastly, it discusses the innovative legal strategies and tools needed to achieve a sustainable and rights-based extractive industry.Written in a user-friendly style, the book offers a valuable resource for corporations, investors, environmental and human rights administrators, advocates, policymakers, judges, international negotiators, government officials and consultants who advise on, or are interested in, petroleum and solid mineral investments in Africa. It also offers students and researchers an authoritative guidebook to the current state of extractive industry laws and institutions in Africa. Numerous examples of how international legal norms could be used to help revitalize the underlying legal and fiscal regimes in African extractive industries – to make them more robust, accountable, sustainable and rights-based – round out the coverage

Extradition Laws in the International and Indian Regime: Focusing on Global Terrorism

by Ananya Chakraborty

The book examines the international treaty regimes and the Indian laws in depth. It also looks into the landmark cases, decided by both, the domestic courts in India and the international tribunals. The book would give an understanding between the concepts of extradition in relation to terrorism-related cases. It would provide an in-depth understanding of the inter-relatedness of the various branches of International law and the municipal laws as well.

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

by Simon M. Meisenberg Ignaz Stegmiller

This book is the first comprehensive study on the work and functioning of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). The ECCC were established in 2006 to bring to trial senior leaders and those most responsible for serious crimes committed under the notorious Khmer Rouge regime. Established by domestic law following an agreement in 2003 between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the UN, the ECCC's hybrid features provide a unique approach of accountability for mass atrocities. The book entails an analysis of the work and jurisprudence of the ECCC, providing a detailed assessment of their legacies and contribution to international criminal law. The collection, containing 20 chapters from leading scholars and practitioners with inside knowledge of the ECCC, discuss the most pressing topics and its implications for international criminal law. These include the establishment of the ECCC, subject matter crimes, joint criminal enterprise and procedural aspects, including questions regarding the trying of frail accused persons and the admission of torture statements into evidence. Simon M. Meisenberg is an Attorney-at-Law in Germany, formerly he was a Legal Advisor to the ECCC and a Senior Legal Officer at the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Ignaz Stegmiller is Coordinator for the International Programs of the Faculty of Law at the Franz von Liszt Institute for International and Comparative Law, Giessen, Germany.

Extraordinary Evil: A Short Walk To Genocide

by Barbara Coloroso

From best-selling author Barbara Coloroso comes a timely and essential book about genocide. Through an examination of three clearly defined genocides ? the Armenian and Rwandan genocides, and the European Holocaust ? Coloroso deconstructs the causes and consequences, both to its immediate victims and to the fabric of the world at large, and proposes the conditions that must exist in order to eradicate this evil from the world. Coloroso is well known for her best-selling books that explore why children bully. In Extraordinary Evil she builds upon that research to explain why the impulse to bully is mirrored by the act of genocide. By linking the psychology of the bully to the motivation that leads a community to murder, Coloroso provides devastating and vital insight into why people kill their neighbors. Based on the author's 15 years of research and extensive travel, Extraordinary Evil is an urgently needed work in an age when acts of genocide seem to occur more frequently and are in the public's consciousness more than ever before.

Extraordinary Justice: Law, Politics, and the Khmer Rouge Tribunals

by Craig Etcheson

In just a few short years, the Khmer Rouge presided over one of the twentieth century’s cruelest reigns of terror. Since its 1979 overthrow, there have been several attempts to hold the perpetrators accountable, from a People’s Revolutionary Tribunal shortly afterward through the early 2000s Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, also known as the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Extraordinary Justice offers a definitive account of the quest for justice in Cambodia that uses this history to develop a theoretical framework for understanding the interaction between law and politics in war crimes tribunals.Craig Etcheson, one of the world’s foremost experts on the Cambodian genocide and its aftermath, draws on decades of experience to trace the evolution of transitional justice in the country from the late 1970s to the present. He considers how war crimes tribunals come into existence, how they operate and unfold, and what happens in their wake. Etcheson argues that the concepts of legality that hold sway in such tribunals should be understood in terms of their orientation toward politics, both in the Khmer Rouge Tribunal and generally. A magisterial chronicle of the inner workings of postconflict justice, Extraordinary Justice challenges understandings of the relationship between politics and the law, with important implications for the future of attempts to seek accountability for crimes against humanity.

Extraordinary Justice: Military Tribunals in Historical and International Context

by Peter Judson Richards

The Al-Qaeda terror attacks of September 11, 2001, aroused a number of extraordinary counter measures in response, including an executive order authorizing the creation of military tribunals or "commissions" for the trial of accused terrorists. The Supreme Court has weighed in on the topic with some controversial and deeply divided decisions, most recently Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. At this critical moment in time, Extraordinary Justice seeks to fill an important gap in our understanding of what military tribunals are, how they function, and how successful they are in administering justice by placing them in comparative and historical context. Peter Judson Richards examines tribunals in four modern conflicts: the American Civil War, the British experience in the Boer War, the French tribunals of the "Great War," and Allied practices during the Second World War.Richards also examines the larger context of specific political, legal and military concerns, addressing scholarly and policy debates that continually arise in connection with the implementation of these extraordinary measures. He concludes that while the record of the national tribunals has been mixed, enduring elements in the character of warfare, of justice, and the nature of political reality together justify their continued use in certain situations.

The Extraordinary Life of Edwin B. Winans: From the Stampede for Gold in California to the Capitol of Michigan

by Valerie Winans

There was a mystery around the walking stick hidden away in the front hall closet. It was rarely even mentioned. It was revealing to pull it down from the top shelf and slide it out of the sleeve that protected it and into the light of day. The walking stick made of California redwood and topped with a nugget of quartz veined with gold is beautiful and impressive, stopping its observer in his tracks and making him wonder where it came from and who owned such an ornament. Who was the man who had the hubris to stroll down the street swinging such a glorious walking stick? The man, Edwin Winans, is as impressive as his stick. His story is revealed here in stages of his growth, starting as a young man in his quest for gold. He suffered much before he was successful; there's a love story to recount, adventures, and political intrigues. This story of his life presents an insight into the unusual man who left Michigan a better place because he lived, worked, served, and left a legacy.

Extraordinary Rendition and Human Rights: Examining State Accountability and Complicity

by Suzanne Egan

This book explores the potential of international human rights law to resolve one of the gravest human rights violations to have surfaced post 9/11: extraordinary rendition. Although infamously deployed as a counter-terrorism technique, substantial evidence confirms that European states colluded in the practice by facilitating the transportation of suspects through their airspace or airports and in some cases, secret detention on their territories. Despite recent findings of the European Court of Human Rights, difficulties persist in holding many European States accountable for the role they played both at the domestic and international level. Distinguishing between various forms of accountability and interrogating the evolving parameters of international human rights law, this volume will fill gaps in extraordinary rendition literature and influence the policies of European States.

The Extraterritorial Application of the Human Right to Water in Africa

by Takele Soboka Bulto

International human rights law has only recently concerned itself with water. Instead, international water law has regulated the use of shared rivers, and only states qua states could claim rights and bear duties towards each other. International human rights law has focused on its principal mission of taming the powers of a state acting territorially. Takele Soboka Bulto challenges the established analytic boundaries of international water law and international human rights law. By demonstrating the potential complementarity between the two legal regimes and the ensuing utility of regime coordination for the establishment of the human right to water and its extraterritorial application, he also shows that human rights law and the international law of watercourses can apply in tandem with the purpose of protecting non-national non-residents in Africa and beyond.

Extraterritorial Apprehensions for the International Criminal Court: The Duties of Peacekeepers, Occupants and other International Forces

by Jan Altgelt

The starting point of this book is the generally shared observation that in violence-torn areas of limited statehood, the civilian population is often subject to deliberate attacks. This violence often escalates to core crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity and even genocide. The International Criminal Court (ICC) could potentially deter such crimes. In order to do so, it largely depends on the cooperation of the states on the territory of which alleged core criminals operate. Since such states are often unwilling or unable to cooperate, the book explores whether the ICC could instead seek assistance from international forces such as UN peace support operations, UN-mandated missions, and belligerent occupants.The book covers, on the one hand, the law and practice of the UN Security Council with regard to mandating international forces to arrest and transfer alleged offenders to the ICC or to other international courts. On the other, it addresses to what extent international forces may or must hand alleged offenders over to the ICC, regardless of such mandates. More precisely, the book examines whether the duties to prosecute genocide, torture, enforced disappearance, grave breaches and other war crimes apply extraterritorially and – if so – whether international forces can discharge these duties by transferring suspects to the ICC.At the same time, the book addresses the limitations to such extraterritorial action: firstly, to what extent the prohibition of the use of force and the principle of territorial sovereignty restrict extraterritorial deprivations of liberty and transfer to the ICC. Secondly, it explores the restrictions and permissions that the law of occupation and other norms of international humanitarian law impose on such apprehensions and transfers. Finally, it discusses how international forces can uphold the right to liberty and security as well as the principle of non-refoulement when they extraterritorially apprehend ICC suspects. This also reflects the book’s relevance with regard to the more general debate on the extraterritorial application of human rights.

Extraterritoriality of EU Economic Law: The Application of EU Economic Law Outside the Territory of the EU (European Union and its Neighbours in a Globalized World #4)

by Nuno Cunha Rodrigues

This book sheds new light on the potential application of EU law to situations arising outside EU territory, and its consequences. In today’s globalized world, EU law and the ECJ’s decisions have been calling for exceptions and defining new connecting elements that make the traditional approach of EU law, based on the territoriality principle, less straightforward. This is the case with e.g. the effects doctrine in the context of EU competition law, as was fully recognized after the ECJ’s Intel case. Moreover, recently approved rules concerning the EU’s internal market, EU environmental law and EU data protection law have made it more difficult to define the application of EU law in terms of a pure link to the territoriality principle. The book examines these and other problems from the perspectives of various branches of EU economic law. With regard to EU competition law it presents, among others, studies on the evolution of the effects doctrine in the US and the EU; extraterritoriality of competition law; global cartels; merger control; state aid and cooperation between NCAs. Furthermore, it includes several studies concerning extraterritorial issues in trade relations between the EU and China; EU screening regulation of foreign direct investments; EU trade agreements; EU investment law and EU financial services. The twenty-one contributing authors are internationally respected experts on EU law.

The Extraterritoriality of Law: History, Theory, Politics (Politics of Transnational Law)

by Daniel S. Margolies Umut Özsu Maïa Pal Ntina Tzouvala

Questions of legal extraterritoriality figure prominently in scholarship on legal pluralism, transnational legal studies, international investment law, international human rights law, state responsibility under international law, and a large number of other areas. Yet many accounts of extraterritoriality make little effort to grapple with its thorny conceptual history, shifting theoretical valence, and complex political roots and ramifications. This book brings together thirteen scholars of law, history, and politics in order to reconsider the history, theory, and contemporary relevance of legal extraterritoriality. Situating questions of extraterritoriality in a set of broader investigations into state-building, imperialist rivalry, capitalist expansion, and human rights protection, it tracks the multiple meanings and functions of a distinct and far-reaching mode of legal authority. The fundamental aim of the volume is to examine the different geographical contexts in which extraterritorial regimes have developed, the political and economic pressures in response to which such regimes have grown, the highly uneven distributions of extraterritorial privilege that have resulted from these processes, and the complex theoretical quandaries to which this type of privilege has given rise. The book will be of considerable interest to scholars in law, history, political science, socio-legal studies, international relations, and legal geography.

Extreme Justice (The Ben Kincaid Novels #7)

by William Bernhardt

Retired from law, Ben Kincaid is forced to return to the bar when a case--and a corpse--fall in his lapAfter years of struggling, Ben Kincaid shuts down his small legal office and decides to make a living doing something that--compared to practicing law in Tulsa--is easy money: playing jazz piano. He buys a minivan to haul his gear, and gets steady gigs playing in a combo at Uncle Earl's Jazz Emporium. His new career is just starting to take off when a body falls from the Emporium ceiling, knocking the wind out of Kincaid and sending him right back to his old profession. The dead woman is Cajun Lily Campbell, a grand dame of the Tulsa music scene and onetime girlfriend of Uncle Earl himself. And Kincaid must be careful as he readies the old jazzman's defense, because there is a killer on the north side of town who would like nothing more than to hear the piano player's last tune.

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