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50 Real Law School Personal Statements: And Everything You Need To Know To Write Yours

by Mary Adkins

Personal statements are of vital importance to any law school application. This book provides expert guidance on what the ideal essay should look like and how to write it. What qualities characterize a winning personal statement? How does a mediocre personal statement become one that leads to acceptance at a top law school? In this one of a kind collection, jdMission's senior consultants review and critique 50 real personal statements by law school applicants. If you've ever wondered what other people are writing in their law school personal statements and how they measure up, this book is for you. If you are looking for a guide on how to write your own personal statement, this book will leave you with 50 key tips coupled with real-world examples. If you are searching for a topic idea, this book has 50 of them.

50 Real Law School Personal Statements: And Everything You Need to Know to Write Yours

by Jdmission Senior Consultants

Proven strategies, practice, and review to ace the SAT Subject Test Biology E/M Getting into a top college has never been more difficult. Students need to distinguish themselves from the crowd, and scoring well on a SAT Subject Test gives students a competitive edge. Kaplan's SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M is the most up-to-date guide on the market with complete coverage of both the content review and strategies students need for success on test day.Kaplan's SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M features:* A full-length diagnostic test* 2 full-length practice tests* Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes* Detailed answer explanations* Proven score-raising strategies* End-of-chapter quizzesKaplan is serious about raising students' scores--we guarantee students will get a higher score.

50 Reasons to Buy Fair Trade

by Miles Litvinoff John Madeley

Fair Trade is a rapidly developing area of business. This book provides 50 reasons why everyone should buy fair trade. It gives an account of how every consumer can play a part in improving the global trade operations.

50 Ways to Support Lesbian and Gay Equality: The Complete Guide to Supporting Family, Friends, Neighbors or Yourself

by Meredith Maran Angela Watrous

Homosexuality has been politicized. But when the issue hits home, whether it involves a family member, colleague, or neighbor who's gay, all that controversy fades in the face of a real, live person who wants and deserves basic human rights and freedoms. Written by gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people and those who care about them, 50 Ways to Support Lesbian and Gay Equality is a compendium of informative, joyful, and poignant essays by well-known experts, activists, and leaders, each promoting understanding while suggesting simple actions. From defining terminology ("What's gay baiting?"), to exploring family issues ("How can I support a lesbian couple who want to have children?"), the book deftly navigates workplace, cultural, and political issues. This timely and much-needed guide demonstrates positive ways to deal with everyday homophobia and heterosexism, or just plain uncertainty at the unfamiliar, offering guidance on issues ranging from the personal--what to say to a closeted friend --to the political--how to support gay rights around the world.

The 500 (Mike Ford)

by Matthew Quirk

Mike Ford was following his father into a life of crime, when he chose to go straight and instead worked his way through Harvard Law School. Now he's landed the ultimate job with the Davies Group, a powerful political consulting firm run by the charismatic Henry Davies. Rubbing shoulders with Washington's heavyweights and with more money and privileges than he's ever imagined, Mike believes that everything has finally come right. But he's about to discover that power comes with a price. Henry Davies is looking for a protégé for a crucial deal and one that must go right no matter what. Mike soon learns that being on the side of the lawmakers doesn't mean your work is legal. And there's no place for a moral code when you're on the devil's payroll. THE 500 is a fast-paced thriller that takes the reader on a journey through the corridors of power to the crack dens of Washington and the corrupt underbelly of American politics.

The 500 (Mike Ford)

by Matthew Quirk

Mike Ford was following his father into a life of crime, when he chose to go straight and instead worked his way through Harvard Law School. Now he's landed the ultimate job with the Davies Group, a powerful political consulting firm run by the charismatic Henry Davies. Rubbing shoulders with Washington's heavyweights and with more money and privileges than he's ever imagined, Mike believes that everything has finally come right.But he's about to discover that power comes with a price. Henry Davies is looking for a protégé for a crucial deal and one that must go right no matter what. Mike soon learns that being on the side of the lawmakers doesn't mean your work is legal. And there's no place for a moral code when you're on the devil's payroll.THE 500 is a fast-paced thriller that takes the reader on a journey through the corridors of power to the crack dens of Washington and the corrupt underbelly of American politics.(P)2012 Headline Digital

501 Practical Ways to Teach Your Children Values

by Bobbie Reed

How to teach your children values from a Biblical perspective

The 57 Bus: A True Story of Two Teenagers and the Crime That Changed Their Lives

by Dashka Slater

Winner of the Stonewall Young Adult Literature AwardOne teenager in a skirt. One teenager with a lighter. One moment that changes both their lives forever.Two teenagers growing up in Oakland, California. One, Sasha, was born male but identifies as agender, wears skirts and attends a private school. The other, Richard, is an African American from a poor part of Oakland who attends a rough public school. They have no reason to meet, except for eight minutes every day, they catch the same bus home. And one day, messing about, Richard spies Sasha napping. He flicks the flame of his lighter to Sasha's skirt, and Sasha wakes up in a ball of flame. What happens next, as the victim, the perpetrator and the community struggle to come to terms with their sadness and shock, is a story of recovery, reconciliation, forgiveness and, above all, hope. It's about the power of being true to yourself, bravery and the good and bad in all of us. And, remarkably, it's all true.

The 57 Bus: A True Story of Two Teenagers and the Crime That Changed Their Lives

by Dashka Slater

Dashka Slater's The 57 Bus, a riveting nonfiction book for teens about race, class, gender, crime, and punishment, tells the true story of an agender teen who was set on fire by another teen while riding a bus in Oakland, California.A New York Times BestsellerStonewall Book Award Winner—Mike Morgan & Larry Romans Children's & Young Adult Literature AwardYALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults Finalist One teenager in a skirt.One teenager with a lighter.One moment that changes both of their lives forever.If it weren’t for the 57 bus, Sasha and Richard never would have met. Both were high school students from Oakland, California, one of the most diverse cities in the country, but they inhabited different worlds. Sasha, a white teen, lived in the middle-class foothills and attended a small private school. Richard, a black teen, lived in the crime-plagued flatlands and attended a large public one.Each day, their paths overlapped for a mere eight minutes. But one afternoon on the bus ride home from school, a single reckless act left Sasha severely burned, and Richard charged with two hate crimes and facing life imprisonment. The case garnered international attention, thrusting both teenagers into the spotlight.

59 Hours (Simon True)

by Johnny Kovatch

Real stories. Real teens. Real consequences. An innocent teen becomes a hostage stuck in the middle of a dangerous drug-fueled feud in this third book in the chilling Simon True series.On Sunday, August 6, 2000, fifteen-year-old Nick Markowitz was grabbed off the street on the orders of a local drug dealer named Jesse James Hollywood. Nick was taken as collateral because his brother Ben owed Jesse money. He was an innocent victim who became a pawn in an increasingly high-stakes feud between the two that ended with Nick’s brutal murder. A dozen or more people saw Nick over the course of the next fifty-nine hours, but no one stepped forward to say anything. No one thought to report the crime to the police. Some of them were scared of Hollywood, while others simply didn’t want to get involved. When the news of Nick’s murder finally broke, they all had to confront what they’d done—or hadn’t done. As for Hollywood, he ordered the hit, but he wasn’t actually there when the murder took place. And once the story came to light, he immediately disappeared and remained a fugitive on the FBI’s Most Wanted List for nearly six years before his eventual capture.

The 7/7 London Underground Bombing: A Selection from The Evolution of the Global Terrorist Threat: From 9/11 to Osama bin Laden's Death (To the Point)

by Bruce Hoffman

This chapter analyzes the July 7, 2005 suicide bomb attacks against four London transportation targets that killed over 50 people and injured hundreds others. It was among the most important operations directed by core al Qaeda leaders in years following the events of September 11th 2001. Initially, the incident was dismissed by the authorities, pundits and the media alike as the work of amateur terrorists——untrained, self-selected and self-radicalized, "bunches of guys" acting entirely on their own with no links to any terrorist organization. Evidence presented here, however, reveals a clear link between the bombers and the highest levels of the al Qaeda senior command, then based in the lawless border area separating Afghanistan and Pakistan.

7 Secrets of Highly Effective Social Impact Communicators: How to Grow Your Influence to Solve Society's Most Pressing Challenges

by Nate Birt

Social impact communication is quickly become a mandatory skill for leaders of modern businesses and nonprofits, at all levels of an organization. Yet using strategy, language and influence to advance game-changing societal breakthroughs isn’t something most people learn in college. This book provides a pathway for empathy, clarity and persuasive communication to advance the social impact work that can help people, their families and society.Too often, workplaces leave these essential capabilities to chance or trust osmosis to do the work. These aren’t skills you can learn in a classroom. They must be learned while actively engaged in the work of social impact leadership. Too many organizations treat social impact communication and programmatic leadership as “just another marketing project.” It’s a tremendous missed opportunity for businesses seeking to add value to society and deepen their client/customer relationships. What’s more, it directly damages other aspects of organizations’ ESG priorities— specifically, their cultivation of a healthy, safe and engaged workplace with team members whose personal values and professional activities are in harmony.Journalist and social impact business executive Nate Birt walks you through the essential mindset shifts and principles needed perform the social impact work that matters and have confidence your headed toward true north. The book includes firsthand insights, how-to strategies and social impact leadership anecdotes, along with insights and tips from dozens of social impact communicators whose perspective will provide you with real-world validation, strategies and encouragement. Each chapter includes a call for personal reflection or action that features a series of question-based prompts to encourage further introspection and journaling. At the end of the book, you'll get access to other resources to continue the conversation and professional development in the area of social impact communication.What You'll LearnUnderstand what makes social impact communication fundamentally different from conventional advertising, journalism or marketingSee why social impact communication requires translational communication capabilities within an organization, across partner stakeholders, and with external audiences, clients and customers.Examine how social impact communication cultivates more engaged leaders and teams by unlocking the power of team members’ individual values and personal purposeWho This Book Is ForSocial-impact executives and their teams in corporate or non-profit settings; non-ESG-focused executives seeking to better understand social impact and associated leadership/management strategies; college or university students seeking to specialize in social impact leadership; think-tank leaders, policymakers or others whose work intersects with social impact disciplines and decision-making.

The 7 Steps to Bar Exam Success: The Strategy Guide For Passing Your Bar Exam With Greater Confidence, In Less Time, and With Less Stress Than The Rest

by Dustin Saiidi

An informational guide based on the author's experiences while preparing for and passing the bar exam.

75 Jahre Grundgesetz: Wie sich die Gewaltenteilung im Lauf der Zeit verändert hat

by Jochen Theurer

Dieses aufschlussreiche Buch beschreibt, wo und wie sich die Macht heute in Deutschland tatsächlich verteilt. Obwohl Art. 20 Abs. 2 GG noch genauso lautet wie 1949, hat sich das Verhältnis zwischen Exekutive, Legislative und Judikative zum Teil stark verändert. Beispielsweise ist das Bundesverfassungsgericht im Verhältnis zum Bundestag tendenziell mächtiger geworden und treibt das Parlament durch bahnbrechende Entscheidungen immer wieder vor sich her – vom Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung über das „3. Geschlecht“ bis hin zum Klimaschutz. Zudem spielen internationale Player eine immer größere Rolle: War das Grundgesetz vor 75 Jahren die höchste Rechtsnorm in Deutschland, bestreitet mittlerweile kein Jurist mehr ernsthaft den Vorrang von EU-Recht vor der deutschen Verfassung. Dieser informative Einblick in die komplexe Welt des Rechts stellt anschaulich dar, wie sich der Inhalt von Gesetzen trotz identischem Wortlaut verändern kann.

8 Ways to Avoid Probate

by Mary Randolph J.D.

8 Ways to Avoid Probate offers simple and effective methods for skipping the probate process so that property goes directly to the intended beneficiaries. Using the simple, plain English instructions, you'll learn how to create a savvy estate plan. Find out about: setting up payable-on-death accounts naming beneficiaries, including children, institutions, and multiple beneficiaries naming beneficiaries for retirement accounts, vehicles, real estate, and stocks and bonds special procedures for small estates holding property in joint ownership, and alternatives to joint ownership using a living trust to avoid probate - making gifts of property and money This edition provides updates to estate and gift tax laws, updated 50-state tables on simplified probate, and additional information on how to bequeath real estate without probate --12 states now offer a special deed for just this purpose.

8 Ways to Avoid Probate

by Mary Randolph

By taking some simple steps now, you can spare your family and beneficiaries a lot of time and money. How much? Probate court proceedings after a death can drag on for a year and cost tens of thousands of dollars--money that would otherwise have gone directly to your loved ones. 8 Ways to Avoid Probate offers easy and effective ways to skip the probate process so that property goes directly to the intended beneficiaries. Using the simple, plain English instructions, you'll learn how to create a savvy estate plan. Find out about: naming payable-on-death beneficiaries for financial accounts owning property jointly leaving real estate with transfer-on-death deeds using a living trust naming the right beneficiaries for IRAs, 401 (k)s, and other retirement plans, and using probate shortcuts for small estates procedures for small estates. This (12th) edition provides updates to 50-state rules on probate, including affidavit procedures for small estates and transfer-on-death registration for vehicles and securities.

8 Ways to Avoid Probate

by Mary Randolph

Want to save your family money and hassle? Read this book! Probate court proceedings after a death can drag out and cost tens of thousands of dollars in attorney and court fees—money that would otherwise have gone directly to your loved ones. This topselling guide shows you the most effective ways to skip the probate process: name payable-on-death beneficiaries for financial accounts own property jointly leave real estate with transfer-on-death deeds use a living trust name the right beneficiaries for IRAs, 401(k)s, and other retirement plans, and use probate shortcuts for small estates. Completely updated, this edition includes the latest state laws on probate avoidance methods, and covers all the estate-related impacts of the recent changes to federal rules on retirement distributions.

8 Ways to Avoid Probate (7th edition)

by Mary Randolph

Eight simple money- and time-saving strategies to avoid probate. Includes a summary of the laws in each state.

The 80/20 Manager: Ten ways to become a great leader

by Richard Koch

A large number of managers - especially in these difficult times - feel completely overwhelmed. Their inboxes are overflowing, they constantly struggle to finish their to-do lists and they stay at work longer than they would like to, leaving little time for the things that really matter.Luckily there is a way for managers to enjoy work and build a successful and fulfilling career without stress or long hours.In his bestselling book The 80/20 Principle, Richard Koch showed readers how to put the 80/20 Principle - the idea that 80 per cent of results come from just 20 per cent of effort - into practice in their personal lives. Now he demonstrates the few things you need to do in the workplace to multiply the results you achieve.By applying the strategies outlined in The 80/20 Manager, you will:- Put in fewer hours than your colleagues yet never be short of time- Learn to focus only on the issues that really matter, and ignore those that don't- Achieve exceptional results by working less hard- Feel successful every day

The 80/20 Manager: Ten ways to become a great leader

by Richard Koch

A large number of managers - especially in these difficult times - feel completely overwhelmed. Their inboxes are overflowing, they constantly struggle to finish their to-do lists and they stay at work longer than they would like to, leaving little time for the things that really matter.Luckily there is a way for managers to enjoy work and build a successful and fulfilling career without stress or long hours.In his bestselling book The 80/20 Principle, Richard Koch showed readers how to put the 80/20 Principle - the idea that 80 per cent of results come from just 20 per cent of effort - into practice in their personal lives. Now he demonstrates the few things you need to do in the workplace to multiply the results you achieve.By applying the strategies outlined in The 80/20 Manager, you will:- Put in fewer hours than your colleagues yet never be short of time- Learn to focus only on the issues that really matter, and ignore those that don't- Achieve exceptional results by working less hard- Feel successful every day

9: and other stories

by John Nicholas Iannuzzi

9:41 and Other Stories is a collection of writings, short stories and a dab of poetry, written at the very beginning of John Iannuzzi's writing career. From his very first steps into the world of fiction, his experimenting in various genres and writing styles, this anthology allows a fascinating glimpse into the actual step-by-step development of a writer in progress.

9/11 and the Rise of Global Anti-Terrorism Law: How the UN Security Council Rules the World (Global Law Series)

by Arianna Vedaschi Kim Lane Scheppele

Twenty years after the outbreak of the threat posed by international jihadist terrorism, which triggered the need for democracies to balance fundamental rights and security needs, 9/11 and the Rise of Global Anti-Terrorism Law offers an overview of counter-terrorism and of the interplay among the main actors involved in the field since 2001. This book aims to give a picture of the complex and evolving interaction between the international, regional and domestic levels in framing counter-terrorism law and policies. Targeting scholars, researchers and students of international, comparative and constitutional law, it is a valuable resource to understand the theoretical and practical issues arising from the interaction of several levels in counter-terrorism measures. It also provides an in-depth analysis of the role of the United Nations Security Council.

The 9/11 Effect: Comparative Counter-terrorism

by Kent Roach

This book critically and comparatively examines the responses of the United Nations and a range of countries to the terror attacks on September 11, 2001. It assesses the convergence between the responses of Western democracies including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada with countries with more experience with terrorism including Egypt, Syria, Israel, Singapore and Indonesia. A number of common themes - the use of criminal law and immigration law, the regulation of speech associated with terrorism, the review of the state's whole of government counter-terrorism activities, and the development of national security policies - are discussed. The book provides a critical take on how the United Nations promoted terrorism financing laws and listing processes and the regulation of speech associated with terrorism but failed to agree on a definition of terrorism or the importance of respecting human rights while combating terrorism.

9/12: The Epic Battle of the Ground Zero Responders

by William H. Groner Tom Teicholz

9/12 is the saga of the epic nine-year legal battle waged by William H. Groner against the City of New York and its contractors on behalf of the more than ten thousand first responders who became ill as a result of working on the Ground Zero cleanup. These first responders—like AT&T Disaster Relief head Gary Acker and New York Police Department detectives Candiace Baker, Thomas Ryan, and Mindy Hersh—rushed to Ground Zero and remained to work on the rescue and recovery mission, which lasted for the next nine months. Their selfless bravery and humanity were rewarded with horrible health issues resulting from the toxic stew of chemicals present in the dust and debris that government officials such as Mayor Rudy Giuliani and EPA chief Christine Todd Whitman had assured them was safe. Groner, a lead attorney in the mass tort litigation, fought for their illnesses to be acknowledged and for them to receive validation and closure, as well as for compensation—an eventual aggregate award of more than $800 million. As detailed in 9/12, the battle for the Ground Zero responders was waged not only in the courtroom but also in the press, in medical and scientific research centers, and among politicians at the local, state, and federal levels, as well as in the halls of Congress to pass the Zadroga Health and Compensation Act. 9/12 weaves together Groner’s firsthand account with glimpses into the first responders’ lives as they try to understand and overcome their illnesses. The result is an intimate look into their battles—physical, mental, and legal—that will leave you cheering for these heroes who, in spite of everything, would do it all again. Told by Groner and journalist Tom Teicholz, 9/12 is the story of the brave public servants who showed up when their country needed them most, of their fight for redress, and of their victory in the face of the seemingly insurmountable.

935 Lies: The Future of Truth and the Decline of America's Moral Integrity

by Charles Lewis

Facts are and must be the coin of the realm in a democracy, for government OC of the people, by the people and for the people, OCO requires and assumes to some extent an informed citizenry. Unfortunately, for citizens in the United States and throughout the world, distinguishing between fact and fiction has always been a formidable challenge, often with real life and death consequences. But now it is more difficult and confusing than ever. The Internet Age makes comment indistinguishable from fact, and erodes authority. It is liberating but annihilating at the same time. For those wielding power, whether in the private or the public sector, the increasingly sophisticated control of information is regarded as utterly essential to achieving success. Internal information is severely limited, including calendars, memoranda, phone logs and emails. History is sculpted by its absence. Often those in power strictly control the flow of information, corroding and corrupting its content, of course, using newspapers, radio, television and other mass means of communication to carefully consolidate their authority and cover their crimes in a thick veneer of fervent racialism or nationalism. And always with the specter of some kind of imminent public threat, what Hannah Arendt called OCyobjective enemies. OCOOCO An epiphanic, public comment about the Bush OC war on terrorOCO years was made by an unidentified White House official revealing how information is managed and how the news media and the public itself are regarded by those in power: OC You journalists live] OC in what we call the reality-based community. But] thatOCOs not the way the world really works anymore. WeOCOre an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality . . . weOCOre historyOCOs actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do. OCO And yet, as aggressive as the Republican Bush administration was in attempting to define reality, the subsequent, Democratic Obama administration may be more so. Into the battle for truth steps Charles Lewis, a pioneer of journalistic objectivity. His book looks at the various ways in which truth can be manipulated and distorted by governments, corporations, even lone individuals. He shows how truth is often distorted or diminished by delay: truth "in time" can save terrible erroneous choices. In part a history of communication in America, a cri de coeur for the principles and practice of objective reporting, and a journey into several notably labyrinths of deception, "935 Lies" is a valorous search for honesty in an age of casual, sometimes malevolent distortion of the facts.

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