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Showing 14,301 through 14,325 of 34,256 results

Grundlinien einer globalen Ethik: Gerechtigkeit, Politik und Kultur im 21. Jahrhundert

by Peter Rinderle

Die Globalisierung stellt die Ethik vor ganz neue Herausforderungen: Einerseits sind alle Menschen in bestimmten Hinsichten gleich und zunehmend voneinander abhängig; andererseits fühlen sie sich aber verschiedenen politischen und kulturellen Gemeinschaften zugehörig. Aber wie sollen wir dann auf gerechte Art und Weise das Zusammenleben der Menschen auf unserem Planeten gestalten? Die Idee eines kosmopolitischen Suffizientarismus kann darauf eine Antwort geben, die kein Mensch mit guten Gründen zurückweisen kann: Alle Menschen – welcher Gemeinschaft oder Generation sie auch immer angehören – sollen mindestens genug für ihr Leben haben. Die globale und intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit macht also nicht an den Grenzen von Gemeinschaften halt, denn alle Menschen teilen bestimmte Grundbedürfnisse. Sie verlangt aber keine vollständige Gleichstellung aller Menschen, denn damit würde man sowohl die politische Selbstbestimmung von Gemeinschaften als auch die globale Diversität von Kulturen in Frage stellen.

Grundrechte (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Volker Epping

Dieses Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende, die entweder einen Einstieg in den Bereich der Grundrechte suchen oder aber die Grundrechte zwecks Vorbereitung auf die Übungen bzw. das Staatsexamen wiederholen möchten. Das Werk ist konsequent auf die Anforderungen zugeschnitten, mit denen Studierende in Klausuren, Haus- und Studienarbeiten konfrontiert werden. Alle Grundrechte mitsamt ihren europarechtlichen Bezügen sowie die prüfungsrelevanten Grundzüge der Verfassungsbeschwerde werden ausgehend vom Verfassungstext systematisch erschlossen. Die allgemeinen Grundrechtslehren, die in ihrer Abstraktheit gerade für den Einsteiger häufig nur schwer verständlich sind, werden nicht "vor die Klammer" gezogen, sondern am Beispiel einzelner Grundrechte behandelt. Zum besseren Verständnis gibt das Buch außerdem die zentralen Entscheidungen des BVerfG in den relevanten Auszügen wieder. Beispielsfälle, deren Lösungen über das Internet bereitgestellt werden, sowie Zusammenstellungen typischer Klausurprobleme runden das Lehrbuch ab.

Grundrechte (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Volker Epping Sebastian Lenz Philipp Leydecker

Dieses Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende, die entweder einen Einstieg in den Bereich der Grundrechte suchen oder aber die Grundrechte zwecks Vorbereitung auf die Übungen bzw. das Staatsexamen wiederholen möchten. Das Werk ist konsequent auf die Anforderungen zugeschnitten, mit denen Studierende in Klausuren, Haus- und Studienarbeiten konfrontiert werden. Alle Grundrechte mitsamt ihren europarechtlichen Bezügen sowie die prüfungsrelevanten Grundzüge der Verfassungsbeschwerde werden ausgehend vom Verfassungstext systematisch erschlossen. Die allgemeinen Grundrechtslehren, die in ihrer Abstraktheit gerade für den Einsteiger häufig nur schwer verständlich sind, werden nicht "vor die Klammer" gezogen, sondern am Beispiel einzelner Grundrechte behandelt. Zum besseren Verständnis gibt das Buch außerdem die zentralen Entscheidungen des BVerfG in den relevanten Auszügen wieder. Beispielsfälle, deren Lösungen über das Internet bereitgestellt werden, sowie Zusammenstellungen typischer Klausurprobleme runden das Lehrbuch ab.

Grundrechte – Menschenrechte – Polizei: Perspektiven im Spannungsfeld von Sicherheit und Freiheit

by Matthias Lemke Robert Chr. van Ooyen

Die Polizei ist wegen ihrer präventiven und repressiven Aufgaben im Bereich von Gefahrenabwehr und Strafverfolgung eine für moderne Gesellschaften wichtige Institution. Da sie in besonderen Situationen zum Einsatz kommt und tief in die Grundrechte der Bürger*innen eingreifen darf, steht sie zugleich unter kritischer Beobachtung. In den Beiträgen wird „Polizei“ vor dem Hintergrund dieses Spannungsfelds von Sicherheit und Freiheit analysiert. Der Band ist Martin H. W. Möllers als Festschrift anlässlich seines 70. Geburtstages gewidmet.

Grundsätze der Professionalität im Beruf: Praxiswissen für die Führungsaufgabe (essentials)

by Jörg Brenner Angela Budczinski Patrick Schläfle Florian Storch

Dieses essential befasst sich mit den Kriterien und Einflüssen professionellen Handelns im Beruf. Denn dies ist das Ziel dieser Veröffentlichung: den Lesern Material an die Hand zu geben, ihre Professionalität als Führungskraft zu erhöhen. Dafür wird neben dem Konstrukt der individuellen Professionalität auch die organisatorische Professionalität untersucht, sowie beide Einflüsse auf das Führungsverhalten übertragen. Auf Basis wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Erkenntnisse werden in zusammenfassenden Grundsätzen allgemeingültige Ratschläge für die Entwicklung der eigenen Professionalität dargestellt.

Guantanamo and Other Cases of Enforced Medical Treatment

by Mirko Daniel Garasic

This volume presents a number of controversial cases of enforced medical treatment from around the globe, providing for the first time a common, biopolitcal framework for all of them. Bringing together all these real cases guarantees that a new, more complete understanding of the topic will be within grasp for readers unacquainted with the aspects involved in these cases. On the one hand, readers interested mainly in the legal and medical dimensions of cases like those considered will benefit from the explanation of the biopolitical framework within which each case develops. On the other hand, those focusing on only one of the situations presented here will find the parallels between the cases an interesting expansion of the complexity of the problem. Despite the book's ambitious goal, for those willing to use it as supplemental material or interested in only one of the cases, the chapters can function as self-standing pieces to be read separately. This volume will be a valuable tool for both academics and professionals. Bioethicists in both the analytic and continental traditions, will find the book interesting for not only the specific concepts and issues considered, but also for its constructive bridging of the two schools of thought. In addition to philosophers, the structure of this work will also appeal to lawyers, doctors, human rights activists, and anyone concerned in the most disparate way with real-life cases of enforced medical treatment.

The Guantánamo Artwork and Testimony of Moath Al-Alwi: Deaf Walls Speak (Palgrave Studies in Literature, Culture and Human Rights)

by Alexandra S. Moore Elizabeth Swanson

Deaf Walls Speak presents an insider’s view of artmaking in Guantánamo, the world’s most notorious prison, as self-expression and protest, and to stage a fundamental human rights claim that has been denied by law and politics: the right to be recognized as human. The book juxtaposes detainee artist Moath al-Alwi’s testimony and artwork with essays that situate his work within legal, political, aesthetic, and material contexts to demonstrate that artwork at Guantánamo constitutes important forms of material witnessing to human rights abuses perpetrated and denied by the U.S. government.

Guantánamo Diary

by Larry Siems Mohamedou Ould Slahi

An unprecedented international publishing event: the first and only diary written by a still-imprisoned Guantánamo detainee.Since 2002, Mohamedou Slahi has been imprisoned at the detention camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. In all these years, the United States has never charged him with a crime. A federal judge ordered his release in March 2010, but the U.S. government fought that decision, and there is no sign that the United States plans to let him go.Three years into his captivity Slahi began a diary, recounting his life before he disappeared into U.S. custody, "his endless world tour" of imprisonment and interrogation, and his daily life as a Guantánamo prisoner. His diary is not merely a vivid record of a miscarriage of justice, but a deeply personal memoir---terrifying, darkly humorous, and surprisingly gracious. Published now for the first time, GUANTÁNAMO DIARY is a document of immense historical importance and a riveting and profoundly revealing read.

The Guantánamo Lawyers: Inside a Prison Outside the Law

by Jonathan Hafetz Mark P. Denbeaux

Read free excerpts from the book at and explore the complete archive of narratives at the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the United States imprisoned more than seven hundred and fifty men at its naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. These men, ranging from teenage boys to men in their eighties from over forty different countries, were detained for years without charges, trial, and a fair hearing. Without any legal status or protection, they were truly outside the law: imprisoned in secret, denied communication with their families, and subjected to extreme isolation, physical and mental abuse, and, in some instances, torture.These are the detainees' stories, told by their lawyers because the prisoners themselves were silenced. It took habeas counsel more than two years--and a ruling from the United States Supreme Court--to finally gain the right to visit and talk to their clients at Guantánamo. Even then, lawyers were forced to operate under severe restrictions designed to inhibit communication and envelop the prison in secrecy. In time, however, lawyers were able to meet with their clients and bring the truth about Guantánamo to the world.The Guantánamo Lawyers contains over one hundred personal narratives from attorneys who have represented detainees held at "GTMO" as well as at other overseas prisons, from Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to secret CIA jails or "black sites." Mark Denbeaux and Jonathan Hafetz--themselves lawyers for detainees--collected stories that cover virtually every facet of Guantánamo, and the litigation it sparked. Together, these moving, powerful voices create a historical record of Guantánamo's legal, human, and moral failings, and provide a window into America's catastrophic effort to create a prison beyond the law.An online archive, hosted by New York University Libraries, will be available at the time of publication and will contain the complete texts as well as other accounts contributed by Guantánamo lawyers. The documents will be freely available on the Internet for research, teaching, and non-commercial uses, and will be preserved indefinitely as a historical collection.

Guarantees of Non-Repetition in International Human Rights Law and Transitional Justice: Building Peace after Conflict (ISSN)

by Nita Shala

This book examines the understudied, yet increasingly applied, concept of Guarantees of Non-Repetition under international human rights law and transitional justice.Guarantees of Non-Repetition (GNRs) are measures taken to ensure that human rights abuses do not recur. They are especially crucial in post-war contexts marked by severe and systematic violations. However, although they are increasingly invoked, GNRs are not well understood, and they have so far received only limited theoretical and practical analysis. Tracing their development to the influence of international human rights law, this book considers what GNRs are, how and why they have come about, and how GNRs are implemented. Through an explication of the history, law and jurisprudence of GNR’s – in regional mechanisms in Latin America, Europe, and Asia, as well as in international bodies – the book maintains the increasing importance, and as yet unfulfilled potential, of this legal obligation in transitional justice settings.This first book to analyse the development of GNRs and their application will appeal to scholars in the areas of law and transitional justice, public policy, and socio-legal studies, as well as lawyers and policy-makers working in post-conflict situations.

The Guardian of the Constitution: Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt on the Limits of Constitutional Law

by Lars Vinx

This volume provides the first English translation of Hans Kelsen's and Carl Schmitt's influential Weimar-era debate on constitutional guardianship and the legitimacy of constitutional review. It includes Kelsen's seminal piece, 'The Nature and Development of Constitutional Adjudication', as well as key extracts from the 'Guardian of the Constitution' which present Schmitt's argument against constitutional review. Also included are Kelsen's review of Schmitt's 'Guardian of the Constitution', as well as some further material by Kelsen and Schmitt on presidential dictatorship under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution. These texts show Kelsen and Schmitt responding to one another, in the context of a debate focused on a concrete constitutional crisis, thus allowing the reader to assess the plausibility of Kelsen's and Schmitt's legal and constitutional theories.

Los guardianes

by John Grisham

Un hombre inocente fue condenado por asesinato hace veintidós años. Su abogado no parará hasta verle libre. Pero quienes le encerraron ya mataron una vez. Y están preparados para volver a hacerlo. NADIE LO CUENTA MEJOR QUE GRISHAM. En la pequeña ciudad de Seabrook, Florida, un prometedor abogado llamado Keith Russo fue asesinado a tiros una noche mientras trabajaba hasta tarde en su despacho. El culpable no dejó pistas. No hubo testigos, nadie tenía un motivo. Pero la policía pronto sospechó de Quincy Miller, un joven negro que había sido cliente de Russo.Miller fue juzgado y condenado a cadena perpetua. Durante veintidós años languideció en prisión, manteniendo su inocencia sin que nadie lo escuchara. Desesperado, escribe una carta al Ministerio de los Guardianes, una pequeña organización sin ánimo de lucro liderada por el abogado y sacerdote episcopaliano Cullen Post. Post viaja por el país luchando contra sentencias injustas y defendiendo a clientes olvidados por el sistema. Sin embargo, en el caso de Quincy Miller encuentra obstáculos inesperados. Los asesinos de Keith Russo son personas poderosas y despiadadas, y no quieren que Miller sea exonerado. Mataron a un abogado hace veintidós años, y matarían a otro sin pensarlo dos veces. La crítica ha dicho:«Grisham en su mejor, y más apasionada, forma.»Daily Mail «El mejor autor vivo de thriller.»Ken Follett «Estupendo. Conmovedor. Grisham lo ha vuelto a lograr. La longevidad creativa no es inusual en el género de suspense, pero lo que resulta único es la hazaña de mantener el ritmo de una novela al año sin que disminuya el ingenio o la calidad literaria.»The Washington Post «Escrito con su característico estilo sencillo y fluido. Grisham es el gran maestro del arte de crear personajes con destreza y de aumentar con habilidad la tensión en un crescendo sobrecogedor.»Irish Independent «Grisham ha escrito de nuevo un thriller lleno de suspense que se mezcla con temas de peso como las detenciones injustas, la pena de muerte y los prejuicios del sistema legal. Los personajes de esta novela son de primera clase.»Associated Press «Rápido y atrapante.»Daily Mirror Los lectores opinan...«Tiene un estilo narrativo que me ha gustado, muy ágil, unos magníficos personajes y un trama perfectamente documentada.»dragonesylibros en Instagram «Libro entretenido, de fácil lectura y profundizando de lleno en leyes obsoletas y ambiguas. Un diez para Grisham...»sergibooks en Instagram «La trama da vueltas y vueltas y los personajes son MUY interesantes.»subookish en Instagram

The Guardians: The Sunday Times Bestseller

by John Grisham

The Sunday Times bestseller from international bestseller John Grisham.'Grisham at his passionate best' - Daily MailHe was framed for murder.Now he needs a miracle. 22 years ago Quincy Miller was sentenced to life without parole. He was accused of killing Keith Russo, a lawyer in a small Florida town. But there were no reliable witnesses and little motive. Just the fact that Russo had botched Quincy's divorce case, that Quincy was black in a largely all-white town and that a blood-splattered torch was found in the boot of Quincy's car. A torch he swore was planted. A torch that was conveniently destroyed in a fire just before his trial.The lack of evidence made no difference to judge or jury. In the eyes of the law Quincy was guilty and, no matter how often he protested his innocence, his punishment was life in prison.Finally, after 22 years, comes Quincy's one and only chance of freedom. An innocence lawyer and minister, Cullen Post, takes on his case. Post has exonerated eight men in the last ten years. He intends to make Quincy the next.But there were powerful and ruthless people behind Russo's murder. They prefer that an innocent man dies in jail rather than one of them. There's one way to guarantee that. They killed one lawyer 22 years ago, and they'll kill another without a second thought.Praise for John Grisham's THE GUARDIANS:'A canny and engrossing blend of two types of Grisham novel: enough of the familiar formula of a single lawsuit in a single town, mixed with a more picaresque and multistranded approach that has the significant advantage of taking in a wider swathe of America' - The Sunday Times'Delivered with all his signature easy, flowing style. A past master at the art of deft characterisation and the skilful delivery of hair-raising crescendos, Grisham makes this a deceptively easy read' - Irish Independent'This is typical Grisham: speedy, gripping, very good at conveying the complexities of the law in a digestible way' - Sunday Express'Speedy and gripping' - Daily Mirror 350+ million copies, 45 languages, 9 blockbuster films:NO ONE WRITES DRAMA LIKE JOHN GRISHAM

The Guardians: The Sunday Times Bestseller

by John Grisham

He was framed for murder.Now he needs someone on the outside to save him.For 22 years Quincy Miller has sat on Death Row without friends, family or legal representation. He was accused of killing a Keith Russo, a lawyer in a small Florida town. But there were no witnesses and no motive. Just the fact that Quincy was black in an all-white town and that a blood-splattered torch was found in the boot of his car. A torch he swore was planted. A torch that conveniently disappeared from evidence just before his trial.It made no difference. The police photographs of the torch were enough. In the eyes of the law Quincy is guilty and, no matter how often he protests his innocence, his punishment will be death.Finally, after 22 years, an innocence lawyer and minister, Cullen Post, takes on his case. Post has exonerated eight men in the last ten years. He intends Quincy will become number nine.But there were powerful and ruthless people behind Russo's murder. They prefer that an innocent man goes to his death than one of them. They killed one lawyer 22 years ago, and they'll kill another one without a second thought.Praise for John Grisham's latest novel, THE RECKONING:'I couldn't help thinking of Harper Lee's great American novel To Kill a Mockingbird while reading The Reckoning . . . [Grisham] knows how to spin a yarn' - Chicago Sun-Times'May be his greatest work yet' - David Grann, New York Times bestselling author of Killers of the Flower Moon'Beautifully constructed . . . weaves a truly magical spell' - Daily Mail'In this saga of love and war, John Grisham has given us a sprawling and engrossing story about a southern family, a global conflict, and the kinds of secrets that can shape all of us. From the courtrooms and jails of rural Mississippi to the war-torn Pacific, Grisham spins a tale that is at once entertaining and illuminating' - Jon Meacham, New York Times bestselling author of The Soul of America'John Grisham is the master of legal fiction, and his latest starts with a literal bang - and then travels backward through the horrors of war to explore what makes a hero, what makes a villain, and how thin the line between the two might be' - Jodi Picoult, internationally bestselling author of A Spark of Light and Small Great Things'When a master of storytelling and suspense takes on one of the most wrenching stories in history, the result is a book that will break your heart, set your blood pumping and your mind racing, and leave you gasping for breath by the final page. I'm still trying to recover from The Reckoning' - Candice Millard, New York Times bestselling author of The River of Doubt and Destiny of the Republic************THE INNOCENT MAN by John Grisham is now a major six-part documentary series on Netflix************(P) 2019 Penguin Random House LLC

The Guardians: A Novel

by John Grisham

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER • A classic legal thriller—with a twist. • "A suspenseful thriller mixed with powerful themes such as false incarceration, the death penalty and how the legal system shows prejudice.&” —Associated PressIn the small Florida town of Seabrook, a young lawyer named Keith Russo was shot dead at his desk as he worked late one night. The killer left no clues. There were no witnesses, no one with a motive. But the police soon came to suspect Quincy Miller, a young Black man who was once a client of Russo&’s. Quincy was tried, convicted, and sent to prison for life. For twenty-two years he languished in prison, maintaining his innocence. But no one was listening. He had no lawyer, no advocate on the outside. In desperation, he writes a letter to Guardian Ministries, a small nonprofit run by Cullen Post, a lawyer who is also an Episcopal minister. Guardian accepts only a few innocence cases at a time. Cullen Post travels the country fighting wrongful convictions and taking on clients forgotten by the system. With Quincy Miller, though, he gets far more than he bargained for. Powerful, ruthless people murdered Keith Russo, and they do not want Quincy Miller exonerated. They killed one lawyer twenty-two years ago, and they will kill another without a second thought.Don&’t miss John Grisham&’s new book, THE EXCHANGE: AFTER THE FIRM!

Guardians of Public Value: How Public Organisations Become and Remain Institutions

by Arjen Boin Paul ‘t Hart Lauren A. Fahy

This open access book presents case studies of twelve organisations which the public have come to view as institutions. From the BBC to Doctors Without Borders, from the Amsterdam Concertgebouw Orchestra to CERN, this volume examines how some organisations rise to prominence and remain in high public esteem through changing and challenging times. It builds upon the scholarly tradition of institutional scholarship pioneered by Philip Selznick, and highlights common themes in the stories of these highly diverse organizations; demonstrating how leadership, learning, and luck all play a role in becoming and remaining an institution. This case study format makes this volume ideal for classroom use and practitioners alike. In an era where public institutions are increasingly under threat, this volume offers concrete lessons for contemporary organisation leaders.

GUATEMALA: Human Rights and the Myrna Mack Case

by Committee on Human Rights

Two members of the Committee on Human Rights (CHR), NAS member Mary Jane West-Eberhard and NAS/NAE member Morton Panish, undertook a mission to Guatemala to observe the trial of two high-level Guatemalan military officials who were charged with ordering the murder of Guatemalan anthropologist Myrna Mack. She was stabbed to death in 1990, two days after a report for which she was principal researcher, “Assistance and Control: Policies Toward Internally Displaced Populations in Guatemala,” was published by the Georgetown University Press. Ms. Mack had been doing research on and writing about the unjust treatment of the internally displaced people in Guatemala. Thirteen years after Ms. Mack’s murder—after the case had gone through dozens of courts and countless delays—a general and colonel in the Guatemalan military intelligence apparatus were brought to trial, and one was convicted. This marked the first time in Guatemalan history that a high-level military official had been brought to justice for atrocities he committed during Guatemala’s 30-year civil war. This report summarizes the one-month trial proceedings.

Guatemala corrupta

by Henry Bin Edwin Pitán

Pase y juzgue usted estas dieciocho historias tan reales como la vida misma. ¿Será que todos y todas deberíamos repensar el país? Como si se tratara de una novela de suspense por entregas, leemos y escuchamos a diario en distintos medios periodísticos verdaderas historias de corrupción, en las que figuras de la vida pública de este país -léase: diputados, presidentes, alcaldes, ministros, jueces, abogados- son los villanos, por ruines e indignos, de una trama que nos irrita, ofende y avergüenza. Pero ¿qué sucede cuando estos personajes oscuros son personas como nosotros? Nuestra vecina, un ingeniero, un carnicero, una dependiente de farmacia, un profesor de secundaria o catedrático universitario, un profesional de la fotografía, un empleador, el colaborador de una gran cadena de restaurante y su gerente… ¿Reaccionamos de la misma manera o somos permisivos? ¿Lo justificamos porque quizásnosotros también hemos caído en las mismas prácticas? "Punzante y audaz. Eso es Guatemala corrupta. Los lectores van a recorrer desde los pasillos más inhóspitos hasta las oficinas más elegantes con historias cotidianas que nos harán reír y lamentar: la corrupción está en todos lados, y este es un espejo que retrata al país de cuerpo entero." -Claudia Méndez Arriaza, periodista

La guerra de Los Zetas: Viaje por la frontera de la necropolítica

by Diego Enrique Osorno

Al investigar las particularidades de lo que se podría denominar el "enigma Z", Diego Osorno advierte los riesgos que corre el país en los años venideros ante un potencial crecimiento desmedido de esta organización criminal. "Diego Enrique Osorno pertenece a la estirpe de los grandes testigos que presencian la aniquilación y escriben la historia para que no se repita." JUAN VILLORO. En el año 2000, cuando el PRI dejó al fin la presidencia de México, en el noreste del país nacieron Los Zetas, una banda que entonces parecía una anécdota fugaz del mundo del narco. Doce años después, el PRI regresa al poder y Los Zetas parecen eternos mientras libran una guerra contra el cártel de Sinaloa, la organización criminal más fortalecida durante los gobiernos panistas. En esta aproximación inédita a una región fronteriza que a diferencia de Tijuana y Ciudad Juárez ha sido poco documentada, Diego Enrique Osorno recorre los sitios que han padecido los mayores estragos de violencia causados por la guerra declarada por Felipe Calderón. En un itinerario que abarca pueblos y ciudades de Nuevo León y Tamaulipas, el autor habla con pobladores, generales, jóvenes sicarios, alcaldes, periodistas, policías, empresarios, migrantes, familiares de desaparecidos y vendedores de armas. Consigue información reveladora, entre la que destacan las confesiones de Óscar López Olivares, el Profe, quien, junto a Juan Nepomuceno Guerra y Juan García Ábrego, fundó el cártel del Golfo. Su relato en voz propia ofrece claves cruciales para conocer la raíz histórica de lo que sucede hoy en día. Así, a lo largo de este viaje, el lector va conociendo cómo durante la transición democrática fallida ocurrió el colapso de la añeja narcopolítica del PRI con la nueva necropolítica del PAN. En definitiva, La guerra de Los Zetas arroja luz sobre los secretos del lugar donde se libra la batalla más importante del México del inicio del siglo XXI.

La guerra en palabras

by Oswaldo Zavala

Una historia intelectual de la hegemonía que funcionó como la plataforma para lanzar la “guerra contra el narco”: primero desde un plano simbólico y después como una campaña permanente de violencia organizada. Basado en una investigación de archivos oficiales, reportajes periodísticos, estudios académicos y producciones culturales sobre el tráfico de drogas, Oswaldo Zavala revisa el arco histórico del lenguaje en el que se inscriben un relato de guerra con personajes intercambiables en lugares variables que configuran la ilusión sobre el “narco” en nuestra sociedad contemporánea, con atención especial en los productos culturales sobre el tráfico de drogas en general. .

Guerra sin cuartel: Terminar con la inseguridad en la Argentina

by Patricia Bullrich

Patricia Bullrich, ministra de Seguridad del gobierno de Mauricio Macri, cuenta en primera persona los desafíos más importantes que enfrentó en su gestión y brinda su visión sobre la seguridad en la Argentina al tiempo que defiende a la ley y el orden, y a los encargados de hacerla cumplir y mantenerlo, como reaseguros de la democracia. El 10 de diciembre de 2015 Patricia Bullrich, por entonces reconocida por sus posiciones firmes contra la delincuencia, se hizo cargo del Ministerio de Seguridad de la Nación por pedido del presidente electo Mauricio Macri. Ya en funciones, su lucha frontal contra el crimen organizado y su tenaz defensa del papel institucional de las fuerzas de seguridad federales, le valieron el reconocimiento de amplios sectores de la población y, al mismo tiempo, el embate de núcleos radicalizados de organizaciones de derechos humanos y de sectores de opinión autodenominados garantistas. En este libro, Bullrich presenta por primera vez al gran público los desafíos que tuvo que enfrentar en su gestión, y lo hace desde dos perspectivas aunadas: una, estratégica, asociada a la ejecución de política pública propia de su función; la otra, más personal y humana, expresada en infinidad de anécdotas cotidianas. En ese doble registro, estas páginas se ocupan de problemas que van del narcotráfico y el terrorismo a casos como el de la muerte de Santiago Maldonado y la seguridad de la Cumbre del G-20, pasando por las fronteras "calientes" de nuestro país, la presencia policial en las calles y el protocolo de uso de armas por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad. Testimonio indispensable en tiempos en que millones de argentinos claman por seguridad, Guerra sin cuartel es también una defensa valiente y apasionada del valor de la ley y el orden en democracia. «Como ministra de Seguridad de la República Argentina he debido librar una guerra contra el crimen organizado y sus cómplices en la política y en ciertas organizaciones de la sociedad civil; 'sin cuartel' porque no tuve un solo día de tregua y también porque los ataques provenían de los más diversos ángulos, sin una trinchera visible. A pesar de todo, estoy convencida de haber contribuido a devolver el respeto a la ley y a quienes están a cargo de hacerla cumplir en la Argentina».Patricia Bullrich

Guerra y Paz en Irlanda del Norte

by Jacobo Celnik

En 2023 se cumplen 25 años del Proceso de Paz de Irlanda del Norte. Un libro que rememora una época oscura en las voces de quienes lo vivieron El 22 de mayo de 1998, los irlandeses del Norte, sin importar su religión, le dijeron sí a la paz. Ese 71,2?% que refrendó el Acuerdo de Viernes Santo le dio la oportunidad a la provincia del Úlster de dejar atrás treinta años de violencia sectaria para encarar un futuro esperanzador. Perfecta o imperfecta, la paz en Irlanda del Norte ha sido estable, inspiradora y ejemplo para muchas sociedades inmersas en conflictos sociales, políticos, religiosos y territoriales. Guerra y Paz en Irlanda del Norte es una investigación que reconstruye gran parte de la historia de dicho territorio -desde los tiempos de la Conquista británica, pasando por los intentos de independencia delpoder colonial a inicios del siglo XX y por el surgimiento de fuerzas paramilitares que lucharon férreamente por sus intereses, hasta la partición que dio origen a dos países: Irlanda del Norte y la República de Irlanda-, con énfasis en la violencia sectaria de finales de los años sesenta y el proceso de paz. El autor sustenta su investigación con testimonios exclusivos de diversos actores del conflicto norirlandés, como exmiembros del IRA, de los Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) y del Ejército Británico, además de políticos, periodistas, diplomáticos, académicos, artistas y ciudadanos del común, quienes ofrecen su visión y sus recuerdos de una historia que no tiene una única verdad.

Las guerras ocultas del narco

by Juan Alberto Cedillo

Hasta hoy, lo peor de la "guerra antinarco" ha permanecido casi en el silencio o en el terreno del rumor: el grado real de brutalidad, la lógica de los pactos, la crónica de las masacres, la explicación de los ataques... Mediante una investigación documental profundísima y un reporteo riguroso, Juan Alberto Cedillo ofrece una investigación inaudita que trae luz sobre estos fenómenos y aclara preguntas fundamentales de la lucha que desgarra, con saña particular, el norte de México. La base de estas historias son los propios testimonios de los capos, ofrecidos en México y Estados Unidos. Sus relatos explican una de las mayores heridas del país, al tiempo que desmontan algunos de los mitos más arraigados en torno al narcotráfico y los cárteles. "Gracias a que no serían juzgados por los asesinatos que cometieron en México, cuando los capos tuvieron la oportunidad de narrar sus andanzas, se explayaron al grado que los fiscales los tenían que callar..."

Guerrilla Discovery

by Ashley Lipson

Guerrilla Discovery Most litigation and settlement outcomes are determined in quarrelsome discovery fights. Coercion and confrontation are usually necessary to obtain evidence on the hotly-contested issues. To help you win more of these important discovery skirmishes, Ashley Lipson's Guerrilla Discovery offers dozens of clever strategies, novel arguments, direct answers, cautionary instructions, helpful timelines, tactically-annotated rules, and innovative forms that will help you handle even the most defiant deponents. In addition, Guerrilla Discovery: * Offers answers and solid principles on how to propose and oppose virtually every form of evidence. * Provides instant access to cases, statutes and checklists that will help you lay solid foundations, make accurate objections, and effectively examine. * Divides the universe of evidence into four categories -- testimonial, documentary, real and demonstrative -- providing extreme detail in a concise, organized manner.

Guerrilla Marketing: Cutting-edge strategies for the 21st century

by Jay Levinson

The book every small-business owner should ownFirst published in 1983, Jay Levinson's Guerrilla Marketing has become a classic in the field of business, revolutionising marketing for small businesses all over the world and creating a new way to understand market share and how to gain it. In this completely updated and expanded fourth edition of Levinson's first Guerrilla Marketing book, his take-no-prisoners approach to finding clients is on full display, as he offers hundreds of marketing ideas that really work and a new roadmap for small-business success in the global marketplace. Filled with leading-edge strategies for marketing on the Internet, putting new technologies to work, targeting prospects, cultivating repeat and referral business, and managing in the age of telecommuting and freelance employees, among others, Guerrilla Marketing will be the entrepreneur's marketing bible for the twenty-first century.

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