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Gunshot Wounds: Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics, and Forensic Techniques, Third Edition (Practical Aspects Of Criminal And Forensic Investigations Ser.)

by Vincent J.M. DiMaio

Written by the nation's foremost authority on gunshot wounds and forensic techniques as they relate to firearm injuries, this third edition of a bestseller provides critical updates to information on gunshot wounds and the weapons and ammunition used to inflict them. The book describes practical aspects of ballistics, wound ballistics, and the classification of various wounds caused by handguns, rifles, and shotguns. It also explains autopsy techniques and procedures and laboratory analyses relating to weapons and gunshot evidence. A much-needed update after nearly 20 years, the third edition of Gunshot Wounds provides the latest and most thorough information on firearms and best practices for examining firearm-related wounds.

Gute Begutachtung?: Ethische Perspektiven der Evaluation von Ethikkommissionen zur medizinischen Forschung am Menschen

by Monika Bobbert Gregor Scherzinger

Die Unverzichtbarkeit der Beratung bzw. Prüfung einer medizinischen Studie durch eine Ethikkommission ist weithin anerkannt. Dennoch sind Forschungsethikkommissionen immer wieder der Kritik, z.B. nach mehr Effizienz, Transparenz oder Konsistenz ausgesetzt. Evaluationsinstrumente für Ethikkommissionen beinhalten oft implizite Vorstellungen „guter“ Qualität. Aus ethischer Sicht sind vor allem der Schutz der Versuchsperson und eine vertretbare Schaden-Nutzen-Bewertung wichtig. Der interdisziplinäre Sammelband geht der Frage auf den Grund, wie sich eine Qualitätsverbesserung aus ethischer Sicht gewährleisten und umsetzen lässt. Der Inhalt· Ethikkommissionen im rechtlichen und ethischen Diskurs· Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Ethikkommissionen in der Schweiz und organisatorische und prozedurale Qualitätskriterien· Forschungs-Ethikkommissionen in der Schweiz: Qualitätsbewertung aus ethischer Sicht· Ethikkommissionen als Patientenschutzkommissionen· Die ethische Aufgabe von Ethikkommissionen angesichts normativer Divergenz von Therapie und Forschung· Ethische Theorien und die Bewertung von Forschungsvorhaben· Kriterien für die ethische Qualität des Begutachtungsprozesses· Schutz der Versuchsperson: Forderungen aus ethischer Sicht zur Struktur-, Prozess- und ErgebnisqualitätDie HerausgeberProf. Dr. Monika Bobbert lehrt und forscht zur Moraltheologie und Medizinethik an der Universität Münster.Dr. Gregor Scherzinger ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Sozialethik der Universität Luzern.

Gute Führung: Ethische Herausforderungen im Nonprofit-Management

by Michael Herzka

Im Spannungsfeld von Ökonomie und Ethik müssen Führungskräfte vielfältigen Erwartungen gerecht werden. Organisationen im Sozial- Bildungs- und Gesundheitswesen erfüllen einen gemeinwohlorientierten und gemeinschaftsbildenden Auftrag, sie begleiten, unterstützen und fördern Menschen in schwierigen Lebenssituationen. Gleichzeitig sollen sie nach betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundsätzen geführt werden. Daraus ergeben sich ethische Fragen, die sich im Management und in der Führung von Mitarbeitenden manifestieren. Fairness, Transparenz und Vertrauen sind unabdingbar. Es wird zunehmend erforderlich, im doppelten Sinne ökonomisch und moralisch ‚gutes‘ Führungshandeln zu reflektieren und neu zu bestimmen. Der Autor zeigt praxisnah, wie das vorhandene professionsethische Instrumentarium im Sinne einer angewandten Führungsethik weiterentwickelt werden kann.

Gute Kinderschutzverfahren: Tatsachenwissenschaftliche Grundlagen, rechtlicher Rahmen und Kooperation im familiengerichtlichen Verfahren

by Jörg M. Fegert Thomas Meysen Heinz Kindler Katrin Chauviré-Geib Ulrike Hoffmann Eva Schumann

In Kinderschutzfällen ist es Aufgabe der Jugendämter und Familiengerichte, im Raum stehende Kindeswohlgefährdungen einzuschätzen und gegebenenfalls durch geeignete Hilfen und Maßnahmen abzuwenden. Diese Einschätzungen und Entscheidungen können den weiteren Lebensweg von Kindern und ihren Eltern stark beeinträchtigen. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass die an familiengerichtlichen Kinderschutzverfahren beteiligten professionellen Akteure sich über ihre eigenen Aufgaben und die der anderen im Klaren sind, damit sie gut zusammenarbeiten können.Das vorliegende Buch vermittelt Grundlagenwissen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen und bietet damit das Fundament für eine gute interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit. Es enthält tatsachenwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Kindeswohlgefährdungen und deren Abwendung Grundlagenwissen zur kindlichen EntwicklungOrientierung zu den beteiligten Akteuren, Vernetzung und Interdisziplinarität Kenntnisse über die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen Grundzüge zum Ablauf von KinderschutzverfahrenDie Publikation orientiert sich am interdisziplinären Online-Kurs „Gute Kinderschutzverfahren“ ( und bietet allen juristischen, sozialpädagogischen, psychologischen und medizinischen Fachkräften die für qualifizierte Kinderschutzverfahren benötigten vertieften Grundlagenkenntnisse. Es handelt sich um eine Open-Access-Publikation mit freiem und uneingeschränktem Zugang zur elektronischen Ausgabe.

The Guyana Court of Appeal

by Bertrand Ramcharan

First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Habeas Corpus: Rethinking the Great Writ of Liberty

by Eric M. Freedman

Habeas Corpus is the process by which state prisoners--particularly those on death row--appeal to federal courts to have their convictions overturned. Its proper role in our criminal justice system has always been hotly contested, especially in the wake of 1996 legislation curtailing the ability of prisoners to appeal their sentences.In this timely volume, Eric M. Freedman reexamines four of the Supreme Court's most important habeas corpus rulings: one by Chief Justice John Marshall in 1807 concerning Aaron Burr's conspiracy, two arising from the traumatic national events of the 1915 Leo Frank case and the 1923 cases growing out of murderous race riots in Elaine County, Arkansas, and one case from 1953 that dramatized some of the ugliest features of the Southern justice of the period. In each instance, Freeman uncovers new original sources and tells the stories of the cases through such documents as the Justices' draft opinions and the memos of law clerk William H. Rehnquist. In bracing and accessible language, Freedman then presents an interpretation that rewrites the conventional view.Building on these results, he challenges legalistic limits on habeas corpus and demonstrates how a vigorous writ is central to implementing the fundamental conceptions of individual liberty and constrained government power that underlie the Constitution.

Habeas Corpus after 9/11: Confronting America’s New Global Detention System

by Jonathan Hafetz

The U.S. detention center at Guantánamo Bay has long been synonymous with torture, secrecy, and the abuse of executive power. It has come to epitomize lawlessness and has sparked protracted legal battles and political debate. For too long, however, Guantánamo has been viewed in isolation and has overshadowed a larger, interconnected global detention system that includes other military prisons such as Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, secret CIA jails, and the transfer of prisoners to other countries for torture. Guantánamo is simply--and alarmingly--the most visible example of a much larger prison system designed to operate outside the law.Habeas Corpus after 9/11 examines the rise of the U.S.-run global detention system that emerged after 9/11 and the efforts to challenge it through habeas corpus (a petition to appear in court to claim unlawful imprisonment). Habeas expert and litigator Jonathan Hafetz gives us an insider's view of the detention of "enemy combatants" and an accessible explanation of the complex forces that keep these systems running. In the age of terrorism, some argue that habeas corpus is impractical and unwise. Hafetz advocates that it remains the single most important check against arbitrary and unlawful detention, torture, and the abuse of executive power.

Habeas Corpus in America: The Politics of Individual Rights

by Justin J. Wert

From the author: During the summer of 2001 I set out to research and write about habeas corpus, the purported Great Writ of Liberty. Like many others before me--and, I hope, many after me--I was first intrigued with Abraham Lincoln's use (or nonuse) of the writ during the first months of his fateful presidency. Speaking before a Congress that he called into special session on 4 July 1861, Lincoln asked those representatives who still remained with Union a question that we today still have not answered adequately: "Are all the laws but one to go unexecuted and the government itself go to pieces, lest that one be violated?" Few questions, I thought, were as important as this one, not only from the perspective of political science, but also from the perspective of all citizens who take seriously a necessary sense of duty to country. I would now go forth and attempt to chart the contours of Lincoln's question, taking as my case study his controversial suspension of habeas during the Civil War years. I was confident that a sustained look at habeas's suspension could yield new perspectives and new ways of understanding this immensely important question.

Habeas Corpus in International Law

by Farrell Brian R.

Habeas Corpus in International Law is the first comprehensive examination of this subject. It looks at the location, scope, and significance of the right to a judicial determination of the legality of one's detention as guaranteed by international and regional human rights instruments. First, it examines the history of habeas corpus and its place in human rights treaties, providing a useful resource for understanding the status and application of this internationally-protected right. The book continues by identifying and analyzing the primary challenges to habeas corpus, in particular its applicability during armed conflict, the possibility of derogation, and its extraterritorial application and procedural shortcomings. The book next addresses the significance of habeas corpus guarantees not just in protecting personal liberty, but in promoting the international rule of law by serving as a unique check on executive action. Finally, it offers suggestions on how this right might be strengthened.

Habeas Data: Privacy vs. the Rise of Surveillance Tech

by Cyrus Farivar

A book about what the Cambridge Analytica scandal shows: That surveillance and data privacy is every citizens’ concernAn important look at how 50 years of American privacy law is inadequate for the today's surveillance technology, from acclaimed Ars Technica senior business editor Cyrus Farivar.Until the 21st century, most of our activities were private by default, public only through effort; today anything that touches digital space has the potential (and likelihood) to remain somewhere online forever. That means all of the technologies that have made our lives easier, faster, better, and/or more efficient have also simultaneously made it easier to keep an eye on our activities. Or, as we recently learned from reports about Cambridge Analytica, our data might be turned into a propaganda machine against us. In 10 crucial legal cases, Habeas Data explores the tools of surveillance that exist today, how they work, and what the implications are for the future of privacy.

Habeas for the Twenty-First Century: Uses, Abuses, and the Future of the Great Writ

by Nancy J. King Joseph L. Hoffmann

For centuries, the writ of habeas corpus has served as an important safeguard against miscarriages of justice, and today it remains at the center of some of the most contentious issues of our time—among them terrorism, immigration, crime, and the death penalty. Yet, in recent decades, habeas has been seriously abused. In this book, Nancy J. King and Joseph L. Hoffmann argue that habeas should be exercised with greater prudence. Through historical, empirical, and legal analysis, as well as illustrative case studies, the authors examine the current use of the writ in the United States and offer sound reform proposals to help ensure its ongoing vitality in today’s justice system. Comprehensive and thoroughly grounded in a modern understanding of habeas corpus, this informative book will be an insightful read for legal scholars and anyone interested in the importance of habeas corpus for American government.

Habeas for the Twenty-First Century: Uses, Abuses, and the Future of the Great Writ

by Nancy J. King Joseph L. Hoffmann

For centuries, the writ of habeas corpus has served as an important safeguard against miscarriages of justice, and today it remains at the center of some of the most contentious issues of our time—among them terrorism, immigration, crime, and the death penalty. Yet, in recent decades, habeas has been seriously abused. In this book, Nancy J. King and Joseph L. Hoffmann argue that habeas should be exercised with greater prudence. Through historical, empirical, and legal analysis, as well as illustrative case studies, the authors examine the current use of the writ in the United States and offer sound reform proposals to help ensure its ongoing vitality in today’s justice system. Comprehensive and thoroughly grounded in a modern understanding of habeas corpus, this informative book will be an insightful read for legal scholars and anyone interested in the importance of habeas corpus for American government.

Habermas: The Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy

by Hugh Baxter

Though many legal theorists are familiar with Jürgen Habermas's work addressing core legal concerns, they are not necessarily familiar with his earlier writings in philosophy and social theory. Because Habermas's later work on law invokes, without significant explanation, the whole battery of concepts developed in earlier phases of his career, even otherwise sympathetically inclined legal theorists face significant obstacles in evaluating his insights. A similar difficulty faces those outside the legal academy who are familiar with Habermas's earlier work. While they readily comprehend Habermas's basic social-theoretical concepts, without special legal training they have difficulty reliably assessing his recent engagement with contemporary legal thought. This new work bridges the gap between legal experts and those without special legal training, critically assessing the attempt of an unquestionably preeminent philosopher and social theorist to engage the world of law.

Habermas and Law

by Hugh Baxter

Habermas and Law makes accessible the most important essays in English that deal with the application to law of the work of major philosophers for whom law was not a main concern. It encompasses not only what these philosophers had to say about law but also brings together essays which consider those aspects of the work of major philosophers which bear on our interpretation and assessment of current law and legal theory. The essays are based on scholarly study of particular philosophers and deal with both the nature and role of law and the application of philosophy to specific areas of law.

Habermas, Foucault and the Political-Legal Discussions in China: A Discourse on Law and Democracy

by Fan Yang

This book revisits the discourse theories of Habermas and Foucault in a Chinese context. After arguing that Habermas’s Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy is too normative and idealistic, it presents Foucault’s Discourse Theory of Power Relations to illustrate the tensions between different Western discourse theories. The book then draws on the normative concept of Confucian Rationality from traditional Chinese cultural sources in order to investigate how adaptable these two discourse theories are to the Chinese society, and to balance the tension between them. Presenting these three dimensions of discourse theory, as well as the relations between them, it also uses empirical descriptions of certain facts of political-legal discussion both in traditional China and in the country’s new media age to explain, supplement and question this theoretic framework.The book asserts that, because of the diverse modes of thinking in specific cultures, there might be different normative paradigms of discorse and different political-legal discussion modes across corresponding cultural contexts. Normative discourse theories provide guidance for the practices of deliberative democracy and legal discussions, which can in turn verify, supplement, improve and challenge the normative discourse theories. In addition to demonstrating the multiple dimensions of discourse theories, this research also promotes an approach to the Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy that combines elements of both Chinese and modern society.

The Habitats Directive in its EU Environmental Law Context: European Nature’s Best Hope? (Routledge Research in EU Law)

by Charles-Hubert Born An Cliquet Hendrik Schoukens Delphine Misonne Geert Van Hoorick

This book analyses the Habitats Directive; one of the most prominent piece of EU environmental legislation of the past decades. Seen by some as the cornerstone of Europe’s nature conservation policy, among other measures the Directive established the so-called "Natura 2000" ecological network, which covers more than 18% of the surface of the EU. However, despite the fact the Directive was adopted over twenty years ago only 17% of the protected habitats and species in Europe are being adequately protected while 10-60 % of animal species remain under threat. In light of the limited success and the contested nature of the Habitats Directive so far this book examines the successes and failures of the Habitats Directive from a legal and political angle. The book brings together international experts to consider the application, implementation and future of the Habitats Directive in order to assess whether the Habitats Directive is resilient enough to tackle biodiversity loss in the twenty- first century. Particular emphasis is put on the legal regime attached to the Natura 2000 network and its possible impact on land development and the relationship between the Habitats Directive and other topics including liability for ecological damage and transboundary nature conservation.

The Habits of Effective Leadership: Discover the essential tools to become an outstanding, successful manager

by Art Markman

In the internationally acclaimed Smart Thinking, leading cognitive scientist Art Markman presented a three-part formula to help you acquire the skills to innovate, think big and outperform your rivals. Now, he's back with more tools and tips to help you get ahead in the workplace. The Habits of Effective Leadership explores the impact of personality and habits on your potential to be a great leader. Great leaders have just the right mix of what Art Markman terms the 'Big 5' characteristics: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness and emotional stability, as well as certain key habits. Using the unique personality profiler provided, you can determine your own strengths and weaknesses and then apply this knowledge to develop your own smart habits using the tips and tools in the book. The potential for greatness is in everyone. The Habits of Effective Leadership will show you how to develop and use your own innate gifts.

Habits of Whiteness: A Pragmatist Reconstruction (American Philosophy)

by Terrance MacMullan

Habits of Whiteness: A Pragmatist Reconstruction, second edition, offers a revised and updated look at the concept of whiteness in the United States. Lauded when it was first published and even more relevant today, Habits of Whiteness offers a distinctive way to talk about race and racism by focusing on racial habits and how to change them.Author Terrance MacMullan examines how the concept of racial whiteness has undermined attempts to create a truly democratic society in the United States. By getting to the core of the racism that lives on in unrecognized habits, MacMullan argues that it is possible for white people to recognize the distance between their color-blind ideals and their actual behavior. Revitalizing the work of W. E. B. Du Bois and John Dewey, MacMullan demonstrates how it is possible to reconstruct racial habits and close fissures between people. This second edition of Habits of Whiteness also contains a new introduction, which looks closely at race relations during the Obama and Trump presidencies, including such recent challenges as police brutality in 2020, white supremacy, and the Capitol insurrection. Its persuasive analysis of the impulses of whiteness ultimately reorganizes them into something more compatible with our country's increasingly multicultural heritage.

Hablemos de Dios: Un diálogo sobre la religión en el siglo XXI

by Victoria Camps

Dos pensadoras clave exploran el lugar de las religiones de nuestro mundo, la tendencia al fundamentalismo y la posibilidad de una moral universal. ¿Una moral sin religión es una moral desprovista de fundamento? ¿Es posible pretender una moral universal que pueda ser compartida por creyentes y no creyentes? ¿Qué cabe esperar de las religiones, para bien y para mal? ¿Satisfacen las creencias religiosas alguna necesidad que no puede ser satisfecha de otra forma? ¿Se pueden acercar las posiciones de los creyentes y los no creyentes que deben convivir en una misma sociedad? Éstas y otras muchas preguntas se plantean Victoria Camps y Amelia Valcárcel en este ameno diálogo epistolar sobre la situación de la religión en el giro del nuevo siglo. Desde el deseo de reflexionar sobre la actual situación de lo religioso y con la base de la filosofía occidental, ambas exploran el lugar de las religiones en nuestro mundo, el poder de losmonoteísmos y su tendencia a desviarse hacia el fundamentalismo, la secularización y la posibilidad de una moral universal. En un momento en que en España muchos reclaman, más que nunca, la salida definitiva de la religión de la vida pública, esta defensa desapasionada pero demoledora de la laicidad está más vigente que nunca. Reseña:«El libro, escrito con mucha chispa y poderosa argumentación" cautiva. Difícil sustraerse a sus tesis.»Reyes Mate, El País

«Hablen con Julio»: Julio De Vido y las historias ocultas del poder kirchnerista

by Diego Cabot Francisco Olivera

A pesar de los ruegos, desalientos y hasta condolencias recibidas, estos dos periodistas se las ingeniaron para desentrañar, con humor y rigor, el modus operandi del ministro y de su particular entorno. ¿El resultado? una joyita de la picaresca nacional. Del periodista que en 2018 destapó la causa de los cuadernos, el escándalo de corrupción política y empresaria más grande de la historia argentina. Los hombres más influyentes de la Argentina tuvieron que aprender el arte de la genuflexión. «Hablen con Julio», se acostumbraron a escuchar de boca del presidente Kirchner tanto empresarios como sindicalistas, intendentes y funcionarios. Era la frase mágica, la contraseña para acceder a la concreción de sus pedidos o aspiraciones. ¿Pero quién es Julio Miguel de Vido, además de superministro y uno de los hombres más poderosos del país? «Obediencia De Vido», bromea de sí mismo el arquitecto devenido brazo derecho de un gobierno que llegó a la Casa Rosada con ínfulas progresistas. ¿Y qué increíbles historias se tejen a su alrededor? Tantas, y tan insólitas que solo el género de las peripecias podía albergarlas. Tantas, y tan ocultas que solo dos valientes como Diego Cabot y Francisco Olivera se animaron a narrarlas.

Hacked (Red Rhino Nonfiction)

by M. G. Higgins

<p>Look out! Your computer data is not safe. There are hackers who will steal it. Sell it. Or destroy it. The hackers are getting smarter. They leave little trace as to their identities. And there are dangerous consequences for individuals, corporations, and governments. <p>Engage your most struggling readers in grades 3-8 with Red Rhino Nonfiction! This new series features high-interest topics in every content area. Visually appealing full-color photographs and illustrations, fun facts, and short chapters keep emerging readers focused. Written at a 1.5-1.9 readability level, these books include pre-reading comprehension questions and a 20-word glossary for comprehension support.</p>

A Hacker Manifesto

by McKenzie Wark

A double is haunting the world—the double of abstraction, the virtual reality of information, programming or poetry, math or music, curves or colorings upon which the fortunes of states and armies, companies and communities now depend. The bold aim of this book is to make manifest the origins, purpose, and interests of the emerging class responsible for making this new world—for producing the new concepts, new perceptions, and new sensations out of the stuff of raw data. A Hacker Manifesto deftly defines the fraught territory between the ever more strident demands by drug and media companies for protection of their patents and copyrights and the pervasive popular culture of file sharing and pirating. This vexed ground, the realm of so-called “intellectual property,” gives rise to a whole new kind of class conflict, one that pits the creators of information—the hacker class of researchers and authors, artists and biologists, chemists and musicians, philosophers and programmers—against a possessing class who would monopolize what the hacker produces. Drawing in equal measure on Guy Debord and Gilles Deleuze, A Hacker Manifesto offers a systematic restatement of Marxist thought for the age of cyberspace and globalization. In the widespread revolt against commodified information, McKenzie Wark sees a utopian promise, beyond the property form, and a new progressive class, the hacker class, who voice a shared interest in a new information commons.

Hacker States (The Information Society Series)

by Luca Follis Adam Fish

How hackers and hacking moved from being a target of the state to a key resource for the expression and deployment of state power.In this book, Luca Follis and Adam Fish examine the entanglements between hackers and the state, showing how hackers and hacking moved from being a target of state law enforcement to a key resource for the expression and deployment of state power. Follis and Fish trace government efforts to control the power of the internet; the prosecution of hackers and leakers (including such well-known cases as Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and Anonymous); and the eventual rehabilitation of hackers who undertake “ethical hacking” for the state. Analyzing the evolution of the state's relationship to hacking, they argue that state-sponsored hacking ultimately corrodes the rule of law and offers unchecked advantage to those in power, clearing the way for more authoritarian rule. Follis and Fish draw on a range of methodologies and disciplines, including ethnographic and digital archive methods from fields as diverse as anthropology, STS, and criminology. They propose a novel “boundary work” theoretical framework to articulate the relational approach to understanding state and hacker interactions advanced by the book. In the context of Russian bot armies, the rise of fake news, and algorithmic opacity, they describe the political impact of leaks and hacks, hacker partnerships with journalists in pursuit of transparency and accountability, the increasingly prominent use of extradition in hacking-related cases, and the privatization of hackers for hire.

Hacking Darwin: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Humanity

by Jamie Metzl

"A gifted and thoughtful writer, Metzl brings us to the frontiers of biology and technology, and reveals a world full of promise and peril." — Siddhartha Mukherjee MD, New York Times bestselling author of The Emperor of All Maladies and The GeneA groundbreaking exploration of genetic engineering and its impact on the future of our species from leading geopolitical expert and technology futurist, Jamie Metzl.At the dawn of the genetics revolution, our DNA is becoming as readable, writable, and hackable as our information technology. But as humanity starts retooling our own genetic code, the choices we make today will be the difference between realizing breathtaking advances in human well-being and descending into a dangerous and potentially deadly genetic arms race. Enter the laboratories where scientists are turning science fiction into reality.In this captivating and thought-provoking nonfiction science book, Jamie Metzl delves into the ethical, scientific, political, and technological dimensions of genetic engineering, and shares how it will shape the course of human evolution.Cutting-edge insights into the field of genetic engineering and its implications for humanity's futureExplores the transformative power of genetic technologies and their potential to reshape human lifeExamines the ethical considerations surrounding genetic engineering and the choices we face as a speciesEngaging narrative that delves into the scientific breakthroughs and real-world applications of genetic technologiesProvides a balanced perspective on the promises and risks associated with genetic engineeringRaises thought-provoking questions about the future of reproduction, human health, and our relationship with natureDrawing on his extensive background in genetics, national security, and foreign policy, Metzl paints a vivid picture of a world where advancements in technology empower us to take control of our own evolution, but also cautions against the pitfalls and ethical dilemmas that could arise if not properly managed.Hacking Darwin is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of science, technology, and humanity's future.

Hacks: The Inside Story Of The Break-ins And Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump In The White House

by Donna Brazile

<P>"This book is a triumph."---Walter Isaacson <P>From Donna Brazile, former DNC chair and legendary political operative, an explosive and revealing new look at the 2016 election: the first insider account of the Russian hacking of the DNC and the missteps by the Clinton campaign and Obama administration that enabled a Trump victory. <P>In the fallout of the Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee--and as chaos threatened to consume the party's convention--Democrats turned to a familiar figure to right the ship: Donna Brazile. Known to millions from her frequent TV appearances, she was no stranger to high stakes and dirty opponents, and the longtime Democratic strategist had a reputation in Washington as a one-stop shop for fixing sticky problems. What Brazile found at the DNC was unlike anything she had experienced before--and much worse than is commonly known. <P>The party was beset by infighting, scandal, and hubris, while reeling from a brazen and wholly unprecedented attempt by a foreign power to influence the presidential election. Plus, its candidate, Hillary Clinton, faced an opponent who broke every rule in the political playbook. Packed with never-before-reported revelations about what went down in 2016, Hacks is equal parts campaign thriller, memoir, and roadmap for the future. With Democrats now in the wilderness after this historic defeat, Hacks argues that staying silent about what went wrong helps no one. Only by laying bare the missteps, miscalculations, and crimes of 2016, Brazile contends, will Americans be able to salvage their democracy. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

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