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Had it Coming: Rape Culture Meets #MeToo: Now What? (Sunlight Editions)

by Robyn Doolittle

Had It Coming is not a diatribe or manifesto, but an informed look at how attitudes around sexual behavior have changed and still need to change. "As a culture we aren't very good at having nuanced, complicated discussions," Doolittle writes in her introduction. "The public space is not a safe venue to talk about controversial subjects. Social media has seen to that . . . I've come to embrace the complexities and messiness that comes with those tough conversations."Doolittle brings a personal voice to what has been a turning point for most women: the #MeToo movement and its aftermath. The world is now increasingly aware of the pervasiveness of rape culture in which powerful men got away with sexual assault and harassment for years, but Doolittle looks beyond specific cases to the big picture. The issue of "consent" figures largely: not only is the public confused about what it means, but an astounding number of legal authorities are too.


by Jonathan A. C. Brown

Contrary to popular opinion, the bulk of Islamic law does not come from the Qur'an but rather from hadith, first-hand reports of the prophet Muhammad's words and deeds, passed from generation to generation. However, with varying accounts often only committed to paper a century after the death of Muhammad, Islamic scholars, past and present, have been faced with complex questions of historical authenticity. Informative and accessible, this wide-ranging introduction provides a detailed exploration of the collection and criticism of hadith and examines the controversy surrounding its role in modern Islam. Complete with a glossary, extensive bibliography, and helpful diagrams, Hadith: An Introduction is perfectly suited to students, scholars, and the general reader interested in this critical element of Islam.

Haftungsvermeidung in der Unternehmenskrise: Praxiswissen und Taktik für Geschäftsführer und Vorstände

by Christoph Poertzgen

Dieses Buch richtet sich speziell an Geschäftsführer und Vorstände von Unternehmen, die sich in einer Krise befinden und von Insolvenz bedroht sind. Die Lektüre setzt keine juristischen Kenntnisse voraus. Die besonderen Pflichten und Haftungsrisiken für Manager werden verständlich und praxisnah erläutert. Dazu werden viele systematische Zusammenhänge beleuchtet. Nicht-Juristen lernen die wichtigsten Haftungsfallen kennen und erhalten zahlreiche Tipps zu ihrer Vermeidung.Das Buch dient auch der Vorbereitung und Begleitung einer Beratung durch einen Rechtsanwalt oder sonstigen Krisenberater, und zwar sowohl in der eigentlichen Krise als auch in einem späteren Haftpflichtprozess.

Haftungsvermeidung in der Unternehmenskrise: Praxiswissen und Taktik für Geschäftsführer und Vorstände

by Christoph Poertzgen

Dieses Buch richtet sich speziell an Geschäftsführer und Vorstände von Unternehmen, die sich in einer Krise befinden und von Insolvenz bedroht sind. Die Lektüre setzt keine juristischen Kenntnisse voraus. Die besonderen Pflichten und Haftungsrisiken für Manager werden verständlich und praxisnah erläutert. Dazu werden viele systematische Zusammenhänge beleuchtet. Nicht-Juristen lernen die wichtigsten Haftungsfallen kennen und erhalten zahlreiche Tipps zu ihrer Vermeidung. Das Buch dient auch der Vorbereitung und Begleitung einer Beratung durch einen Rechtsanwalt oder sonstigen Krisenberater, und zwar sowohl in der eigentlichen Krise als auch in einem späteren Haftpflichtprozess.

Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law (Library of Jewish Ideas #2)

by Chaim N. Saiman

How the rabbis of the Talmud transformed everything into a legal question—and Jewish law into a way of thinking and talking about everythingThough typically translated as “Jewish law,” the term halakhah is not an easy match for what is usually thought of as law. This is because the rabbinic legal system has rarely wielded the political power to enforce its many detailed rules, nor has it ever been the law of any state. Even more idiosyncratically, the talmudic rabbis claim that the study of halakhah is a holy endeavor that brings a person closer to God—a claim no country makes of its law.In this panoramic book, Chaim Saiman traces how generations of rabbis have used concepts forged in talmudic disputation to do the work that other societies assign not only to philosophy, political theory, theology, and ethics but also to art, drama, and literature. In the multifaceted world of halakhah where everything is law, law is also everything, and even laws that serve no practical purpose can, when properly studied, provide surprising insights into timeless questions about the very nature of human existence.What does it mean for legal analysis to connect humans to God? Can spiritual teachings remain meaningful and at the same time rigidly codified? Can a modern state be governed by such law? Guiding readers across two millennia of richly illuminating perspectives, this book shows how halakhah is not just “law” but an entire way of thinking, being, and knowing.

Halal Business Management: A Guide to Achieving Halal Excellence

by Marco Tieman

The halal industry is a fast-growing industry due to demographics and industry expansion. Halal certification of products, outlets, and services is essential for doing business in Muslim-majority countries. This book shares the building blocks of professional halal business management, covering halal certification, halal supply chain management, branding and marketing, and halal risk and reputation management. Drawing on years of academic research and advisory experience, the book provides practical advice and guidance on how best to organise and upscale your halal business operations. Successful companies in the halal industry are those that embrace halal excellence by design. Halal excellence is a process – a pursuit of excellence. Halal business management is beyond halal certification, and needs to address supply chain management, branding and marketing, and risk and reputation management. Halal excellence needs measurement through adopting the right key performance indicators, to protecting your halal reputation and licence to operate in Muslim markets. This book gives proven, practical strategies to guide you in the halal industry. The book is for all organisations involved in serving Muslim markets, and also serves as a coursebook for graduate and postgraduate education in halal business management.

A Half Baked Idea: Winner of the Fortnum & Mason’s Debut Food Book Award

by Olivia Potts

WINNER OF THE FORTNUM & MASON'S DEBUT FOOD BOOK AWARD'A tender and beautifully written tour-de-force on love, grief, hope and cake. If this is not the book of the summer, I will eat my wig. An absolute triumph' THE SECRET BARRISTER 'An utterly beautiful, moving, bittersweet book on love and loss. I loved it' DOLLY ALDERTON _____________________________________________________When Olivia Potts was just twenty five, her mother died. Stricken with grief, she did something life changing and rather ridiculous: she gave up a high-flying legal career to study at the notoriously difficult Le Cordon Bleu, despite not being able to cook. No one ever told Olivia you couldn't bake your way to happiness - but could you?_______________________________________________ 'A brilliant, brave and beautiful book: funny and charming; utterly inspiring and life-affirming' Olivia Sudjic'A heart-wrenching yet humorous portrayal of grief, a delicious collection of recipes, an inspirational tale of changing careers, and a feel good love story' Vogue'Funny, sharp and sad. I laughed so much (and I cried)' Ella Risbridger, author of Midnight Chicken'An honest, brave and funny account of what it is to love, to lose love and how to make macarons' Red

The Half Breed Tracts in Early National America: Changing Concepts of Land and Place

by David Ress

In 1824 and 1830, over one hundred thousand acres across Iowa, Minnesota and Nebraska were set aside as a home for descendants of Native American women and white traders and trappers. The treaties that established these so-called Half Breed Tracts left undefined exactly who held claim to the land, and by the end of the 1850s, settlers and speculators had appropriated virtually every acre for themselves. But in an era of ravenous westward expansion, why did the process of dispossession require three decades of debate and legal maneuvering? As David Ress argues, the fate of the Half Breed Tracts complicates longstanding ideas about land tenure and community in early national America.

Halfway House: Prisoner Reentry and the Shadow of Carceral Care (Alternative Criminology #26)

by Liam Martin

An inside look at the struggles former prisoners face in reentering society Every year, roughly 650,000 people prepare to reenter society after being released from state and federal prisons. In Halfway House, Liam Martin shines a light on their difficult journeys, taking us behind the scenes at Bridge House, a residential reentry program near Boston, Massachusetts. Drawing on three years of research, Martin explores the obstacles these former prisoners face in the real world. From drug addiction to poverty, he captures the ups and downs of life after incarceration in vivid, engaging detail. He shows us what, exactly, it is like to live in a halfway house, giving us a rare, up-close view of its role in a dense and often confusing web of organizations governing prisoner reentry. Martin asks us to rethink the possibilities—and pitfalls—of using halfway houses to manage the worst excesses of mass incarceration. A portrait of life in the long shadow of the carceral state, Halfway House lets us see the struggles of reentry through the eyes of former prisoners.

Hambruna roja: La guerra de Stalin contra Ucrania

by Anne Applebaum

La ganadora del Premio Pulitzer Anne Applebaum arroja luz sobre uno de los más atroces genocidios de la historia de Europa. En 1929, la gran colectivización puesta en marcha por Stalin forzó a millones de campesinos a entregar el control de sus tierras consolidando así la explotación estatal y el fortalecimiento del régimen soviético. Esta "política" resultó en una hambruna de proporciones trágicas: al menos 5 millones de personas perecieron entre 1931 y 1933 en la URSS, de la cuales 3 millones eran ucranianas. En Hambruna roja, Anne Applebaum argumenta que esas muertes no fueron accidentales, ni consecuencias colaterales de una mala política pública, sino absolutamente deliberadas y planeadas. Definitivo y devastador, este libro captura el horror de gente ordinaria luchando por sobrevivir un mal extraordinario. Reseñas:«Un vívido testigo que expone los mitos sobre la catastrófica hambruna que sufrió Ucrania entre 1932 y 1933.»The Guardian. «Cómo Stalin mató de hambre a un pueblo: una poderosa historia que deja al descubierto la maldad y la estupidez que acabó con la vida de millones de ucranianos.»Daniel Finkelstein, The Times. «Applebaum ha se ha servido meticulosamente de una enorme selección de fuentes, muchas de las cuales no estaban disponibles cuando el historiador Robert Conquest escribió su pionera historia de la hambruna, La cosecha del dolor, hace ya 30 años.»The New York Times.

The Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs 2011-2013

by Jürgen Basedow Ulrich Magnus Rüdiger Wolfrum

In 2007, the International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs together with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), both based in Hamburg, decided to establish an annual lecture series, the "Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs" - giving distinguished scholars and practitioners the opportunity to present and discuss recent developments in this field. The present volume - the third in the series - collects the lectures held between 2011 and 2013 inter alia by Andrew Dickinson, Yvonne Marie Dutton, Bevan Marten, Andreas Maurer, Irini Papanicolopulu, aslav Pejovic, Juan L. Pulido, Andrés Recalde Castells, Thomas J. Schoenbaum and Rüdiger Wolfrum.

Hamilton and the Law: Reading Today's Most Contentious Legal Issues through the Hit Musical

Since its Broadway debut, Hamilton: An American Musical has infused itself into the American experience: who shapes it, who owns it, who can rap it best. Lawyers and legal scholars, recognizing the way the musical speaks to some of our most complicated constitutional issues, have embraced Alexander Hamilton as the trendiest historical face in American civics. Hamilton and the Law offers a revealing look into the legal community's response to the musical, which continues to resonate in a country still deeply divided about the reach of the law. A star-powered cast of legal minds—from two former U.S. solicitors general to leading commentators on culture and society—contribute brief and engaging magazine-style articles to this lively book. Intellectual property scholars share their thoughts on Hamilton's inventive use of other sources, while family law scholars explore domestic violence. Critical race experts consider how Hamilton furthers our understanding of law and race, while authorities on the Second Amendment discuss the language of the Constitution's most contested passage. Legal scholars moonlighting as musicians discuss how the musical lifts history and law out of dusty archives and onto the public stage. This collection of minds, inspired by the phenomenon of the musical and the Constitutional Convention of 1787, urges us to heed Lin-Manuel Miranda and the Founding Fathers and to create something new, daring, and different.

Hammelsprung: Geschichte und Parlamentspraxis

by Hans-Joachim Berg Michael F. Feldkamp

In diesem Buch wird die historische Entwicklung und Begriffsgeschichte des Hammelsprungs als eines der bemerkenswertesten sichtbaren Instrumente der Parlamentsarbeit seit dem 19. Jahrhundert dargestellt. Ferner wird gezeigt, dass die tatsächliche Handhabung des Hammelsprungs der ursprünglichen parlamentsrechtlichen Intention und modernen Funktionalität nicht mehr gerecht wird. Anträge in den Landesparlamenten von Bayern und Berlin schlagen eine Umkehr des bisherigen Auszählverfahrens vor. Danach soll die Zählung nicht erst bei Wiedereintritt in den Plenarsaal, sondern bereits beim Verlassen erfolgen.

The Hammer of Witches: A Complete Translation of the Malleus Maleficarum

by Christopher S. Mackay

The Malleus Maleficarum, first published in 1486–7, is the standard medieval text on witchcraft and it remained in print throughout the early modern period. Its descriptions of the evil acts of witches and the ways to exterminate them continue to contribute to our knowledge of early modern law, religion and society. Mackay's highly acclaimed translation, based on his extensive research and detailed analysis of the Latin text, is the only complete English version available, and the most reliable. Now available in a single volume, this key text is at last accessible to students and scholars of medieval history and literature. With detailed explanatory notes and a guide to further reading, this volume offers a unique insight into the fifteenth-century mind and its sense of sin, punishment and retribution.

The Hand and the Paw (Four Tails in Revolt)

by Louise Loehndorff Marco Milani

At the foot of the village of Colicchio there is a mysterious laboratory carrying out secret experiments. No one knows what is really going on until an extraordinary fact is revealed that will change reality and reverse the roles of humans and animals. A cat, a monkey, a dog and a mouse lead the revolt. A story that knows how to touch people and make them think. An intense and fast-paced book. A manifesto that is not only antivivisectionist but also antispeciesist, it presents us with a truth too often ignored: revenge is never the right path to take.

Handboek openheid na incidenten in de zorg: Over communicatie, cultuur en peer-support

by Hans Brölmann

Dit boek draagt bij aan de implementatie van open communicatie door zorgverleners na incidenten of bij klachten. Een open en eerlijk gesprek met patiënten en hun naasten helpt bij het sneller en beter verwerken van de traumatische ervaring, door zowel patiënt als zorgverlener. Het brengt de essentie van openheid na incidenten in kaart en bespreekt de kernelementen van het open gesprek. Het is bedoeld voor iedereen in de zorg die met incidenten, calamiteiten en klachten te maken heeft of kan krijgen. En is daardoor ook waardevol voor cliënten, patiënten en hun naasten.

Handbook for Environmental Risk Decision Making: Values, Perceptions, and Ethics

by C. Richard Cothern

This handbook describes the broad aspects of risk management involving scientific policy judgment, uncertainty analysis, perception considerations, statistical insights, and strategic thinking. This book presents all the important concepts to enable the reader to "see the big picture." This ability is extremely important - it allows the decision ma

Handbook for Health Care Ethics Committees

by Linda Farber Post Jeffrey Blustein

How can dedicated ethics committees members fulfill their complex roles as moral analysts, policy reviewers, and clinical consultants?The Joint Commission (TJC) accredits and certifies more than 19,000 health care organizations in the United States, including hospitals, nursing homes, and home care agencies. Each organization must have a standing health care ethics committee to maintain its status. These interdisciplinary committees are composed of physicians, nurses, attorneys, ethicists, administrators, and interested citizens. Their main function is to review and provide resolutions for specific, individual patient care problems. Many of these committees are well meaning but may lack the information, experience, skills, and formal background in bioethics needed to adequately negotiate the complex ethical issues that arise in clinical and organizational settings.Handbook for Health Care Ethics Committees was the first book of its kind to address the myriad responsibilities faced by ethics committees, including education, case consultation, and policy development. Adopting an accessible tone and using a case study format, the authors explore serious issues involving informed consent and refusal, decision making and decisional capacity, truth telling, the end of life, palliative care, justice in and access to health care services, and organizational ethics.The authors have thoroughly updated the content and expanded their focus in the second edition to include ethics committees in other clinical settings, such as long-term care facilities, small community hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and hospices. They have added three new chapters that address reproduction, disability, and the special needs of the elder population, and they provide additional specialized policies and procedures on the book’s website. This guide is an essential resource for all health care ethics committee members.

Handbook for Health Care Ethics Committees

by Linda Farber Post Jeffrey Blustein

How can dedicated health care ethics committees increase their effectiveness and demonstrate their value as essential moral resources for their organizations?Among the most effective and increasingly valued resources in the health care decision-making process is the institutional ethics committee. The Joint Commission (TJC) accredits and certifies more than 19,000 health care organizations in the United States, including hospitals, nursing homes, and home care agencies. As a condition of accreditation, TJC requires health care organizations to have available a standing multidisciplinary ethics committee, composed of physicians, nurses, attorneys, ethicists, administrators, and interested lay citizens. Many of these committees are well meaning but may lack the information, experience, skills, and formal background in bioethics needed to effectively address the range and complexity of the ethical issues that arise in clinical and organizational settings.Handbook for Health Care Ethics Committees was conceived in 2007 to address the myriad responsibilities assumed by ethics committees. Using sample cases and accessible language, Linda Farber Post and Jeffrey Blustein explored applied bioethics, including informed consent and refusal, decision making and decisional capacity, truth telling, care at the beginning and end of life, palliation, justice in and access to health care services, and organizational ethics.In the third edition, Post and Blustein have thoroughly updated and reorganized the content and expanded the scope of the material, with special attention to changes in the health care landscape since the second edition was published in 2015. They also focus on communication between and among patients, care providers, and families, the demands of professionalism, the essential role that ethics committees can and should play, and how their effectiveness and value can be assessed. An entirely new chapter examines research ethics. The book also addresses the challenging ethical issues raised by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This guide remains an essential resource for all health care ethics committee and their members.

Handbook for Marine Radio Communication

by G.D. Lees W.G. Williamson

This bestselling book provides an incomparable reference source for all vessels using maritime radio communication systems, which are now a legislative requirement. It includes exhaustive coverage of all UK and international regulations relating to modern maritime communications, such as the crucial GMDSS, all contained within one singular volume. This sixth edition has been fully updated to take into account major developments over the last five years, in particular the revised regulations introduced by the International Telecommunication Union in 2012. The authors deliver an authoritative guide to the complicated and changing world of radio communications, including: The very latest technological advances in terrestrial and satellite communications Changes to the international VHF channel allocation and channel spacing The major overhaul of the organisational structure of the UK Coastguard service Substantial enhancements to the eLoran services The changing complexities of voyage planning Large diagrams, an extensive index and fully-updated appendices This is a definitive guide for today’s maritime communications industry, including ship owners, ship managers, coast guards, seafarers, students of maritime communications, as well as the recreational sector.

Handbook for Marine Radio Communication

by G.D. Lees W.G. Williamson

Now in its seventh edition, this bestselling Handbook for Marine Radio Communication provides an incomparable reference source for all vessels using maritime radio communication systems, which are now a legislative requirement. It includes exhaustive coverage of all UK and international regulations relating to modern maritime communications, such as the crucial GMDSS, all contained within one singular volume. This edition has been fully updated to account for recent major developments in the field. The authors deliver an authoritative guide to the complicated and changing world of radio communications, including: • Information refl ecting ITU Radio Regulations 2020 • Impending modernisation of the GMDSS • Radical changes to maritime satellite communications and associated distress and safety services • Introduction of VHF data exchange system (VDES) to supplement coastal AIS services • Introduction of navigational data (NAVDAT) to supplement NAVTEX services • Improvements to COSPAS/SARSAT systems • Introduction of AIS facility to EPIRBs • Automatic link establishment (ALE) on HF bands • Updating of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) • UK explanatory memorandum to the Merchant Shipping (Radiocommunications) (Amendment) Regulations 2021. This is a definitive guide for today’s maritime communications industry, including ship owners, ship managers, coast guards, seafarers, students of maritime communications, as well as the recreational sector.

A Handbook for Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement

by Cary D. Rostow Robert D. Davis

While some books about police psychology contain a chapter on the fitness-for-duty question, this is the first comprehensive publication focused exclusively on psychological fitness-for-duty evaluations (FFDEs) for law enforcement personnel. This handbook is ideal for professionals and for coursework designed to prepare individuals for careers as police or municipal officials, psychologists, students, behavioral science specialists, human rights advocates, and attorneys. A helpful glossary makes the book even more useful for students and those who do not have extensive academic or formal training in psychology or public administration. A Handbook for Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement describes in detail the mechanics of setting up a fitness-for-duty methodology and examines the effectiveness of FFDEs in law enforcement. You’ll find clear instructions for developing a FFDE system from the law enforcement executive’s viewpoint (valuable for attorneys, police psychologists, and civil service board members as well), and an extensive bibliography with particular emphasis on laws and cases that provide guidance to psychological and law enforcement professionals. Several appendices provide examples of documentation that can be used in the evaluation process. This book brings you reliable information on: legal precedents, with a review of legal cases (in language appropriate for law enforcement executives and psychologists) the interaction between police culture, psychological assessment, and therapy federal laws that impact FFDEs, including the HIPAA, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act case law and FFDEs, with emphasis on civil rights laws, labor issues, professional ethical dilemmas, and the psychologist as a potential expert witness the proper uses—and the misuses—of the FFDE approach police departmental civil liability and the role that the FFDE plays in addressing legal risks In addition, this book contains a succinct review of psychological testing (psychometrics), and the technicalities of employing a professional psychologist to determine the fitness of commissioned officers. A Handbook for Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluations in Law Enforcement proposes a model law that could be used to improve the utility and effectiveness of FFDEs, and presents a forward-looking discussion of FFDE issues that may become controversial in the near future.

The Handbook for the New Legal Writer (Aspen Coursebook)

by Jill Barton Rachel H. Smith

Buy a new version of this textbook and receive access to the Connected eBook with Study Center on Casebook Connect, including lifetime access to the online ebook with highlight, annotation, and search capabilities. Access also includes practice questions, an outline tool, and other helpful resources. Connected eBooks provide what you need most to be successful in your law school classes.

Handbook For William: A Carolingian Women's Counsel For Her Son (Medieval Texts In Translation Series)

by Dhuoda Carol Neel

So wrote the Frankish noblewoman Dhuoda to her young son William in the middle of the ninth century. Intended as a guide to right conduct, the book was to be shared in time with William's younger brother. Dhuoda's situation was poignant. Her husband, Bernard, the count of Septimania, was away and she was separated from her children. William was by Charles the Bald as a guarantee of his father's loyalty, and the younger son's whereabouts were unknown. As war raged in the crumbling Carolingian Empire, the grieving mother, fearing for the spiritual and physical welfare of her absent sons, began in 841 to write her loving counsel in a handbook. Two years later she sent it to William. Handbook for William memorably expresses Dhuoda's maternal feelings, religious fervor, and learning. In teaching her children how they might flourish in God's eyes, as well as humanity's, Dhuoda reveals the authority of Carolingian women in aristocratic households. She dwells on family relations, social order, the connection between religious and military responsibility, and, always, the central place of Christian devotion in a noble life. One of the few surviving texts written by a woman in the Middle Ages, Dhuoda's Liber manualis was available in only two faulty Latin manuscripts until a third, superior one was discovered in the 1950s. This English translation is based on the 1975 critical edition and French translation by Pierre Riché. Now available for the first time in paperback, it includes an afterword written by Carol Neel that takes into account recent scholarship and the 1991 revised edition of Riché's text.

Handbook Industry 4.0: Law, Technology, Society

by Walter Frenz

The handbook presents an overview of Industry 4.0 and offers solutions for important practical questions. The law and its current challenges regarding data assignment (who owns the data? / EU guidelines), data security, data protection (General Data Protection Regulation), cyberattacks, competition law (right to access vs. monopolists, permissible and prohibited exchanges of information, possible collaborations) is the point of departure. In turn, the book explores peculiarities in specific areas of Industry 4.0 (Internet of Production, mechanical engineering, artificial intelligence, electromobility, autonomous driving, traffic, medical science, construction, energy industry, etc.). The book’s closing section addresses general developments in management, the digital transformation of companies and the world of work, and ethical questions.

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