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Hitler's Executioner: Roland Freisler, President of the Nazi People's Court

by Helmut Ortner

The biography of the infamous judge who oversaw Nazi justice for the Third Reich as president of the &“People&’s Court.&” Though little known, the name of the judge Roland Freisler is inextricably linked to the judiciary in Nazi Germany. As well as serving as the State Secretary of the Reich Ministry of Justice, he was the notorious president of the &“People&’s Court,&” a man directly responsible for more than 2,200 death sentences; with almost no exceptions, cases in the &“People&’s Court&” had predetermined guilty verdicts. It was Freisler, for example, who tried three activists of the White Rose resistance movement in February 1943. He found them guilty of treason and sentenced the trio to death by beheading; a sentence carried out the same day by guillotine. In August 1944, Freisler played a central role in the show trials that followed the failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler on 20 July that year—a plot known more commonly as Operation Valkyrie. Many of the ringleaders were tried by Freisler in the &“People&’s Court.&” Nearly all of those found guilty were sentenced to death by hanging, the sentences being carried out within two hours of the verdicts being passed. Roland Freisler&’s mastery of legal texts and dramatic courtroom verbal dexterity made him the most feared judge in the Third Reich. In this in-depth examination, Helmut Ortner not only investigates the development and judgments of the Nazi tribunal, but the career of Freisler, a man who was killed in February 1945 during an Allied air raid.

HOAI 2013: Praxisleitfaden für Ingenieure und Architekten

by Heinz Simmendinger

Mit der 7. Novelle der HOAI sind erneut umfangreiche Änderungen in der Honorarermittlung der Ingenieure und Architekten umgesetzt worden. Die Leistungsbilder wurden überarbeitet, den aktuellen Anforderungen angepasst und neue Grundleistungen aufgenommen. In diesem Zuge wurde auch die Bewertung der einzelnen Leistungsphasen angepasst. Darüber hinaus ist die Berücksichtigung der vorhandenen Bausubstanz wieder eingeführt und die Regelungen zum Umbauzuschlag erneut umgestellt worden. Das vorliegende Werk hilft bei der schnellstmöglichen Einarbeitung in die HOAI 2013. Neben einer praxisorientierten Einführung bietet es bewährte Arbeitshilfen sowie den kompletten aktuellen Verordnungstext.

HOAI 2013-Textausgabe/HOAI 2013-Text Edition: Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure vom 10. Juli 2013/Official Scale of Fees for Services by Architects and Engineers dated July 10, 2013

by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

Seit der Öffnung des EU-Binnenmarktes sind ausländische Investoren und ausführende Firmen verstärkt auf dem deutschen Markt tätig. Umgekehrt möchten ausländische Auftraggeber wissen, nach welchen Bestimmungen ihr deutscher Architekt sein Honorar festlegt. Die 6. Auflage der zweisprachigen HOAI-Textausgabe wurde grundlegend überarbeitet. Im 1. Teil finden Sie den Wortlaut der HOAI 2013 in deutscher Fassung, im 2. Teil die englische Übersetzung.

HOAI 2021-Textausgabe/HOAI 2021-Text Edition: Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure in der Fassung von 2021/Official Scale of Fees for Services by Architects and Engineers in the version of 2021

by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

Seit der Öffnung des EU-Binnenmarktes sind ausländische Investoren und ausführende Firmen verstärkt auf dem deutschen Markt tätig. Umgekehrt möchten ausländische Auftraggeber wissen, nach welchen Bestimmungen ihr deutscher Architekt sein Honorar festlegt. Die 6. Auflage der zweisprachigen HOAI-Textausgabe wurde grundlegend überarbeitet. Im 1. Teil finden Sie den Wortlaut der HOAI 2021 in deutscher Fassung, im 2. Teil die englische Übersetzung.

Hoax (Butch Karp and Marlene Ciampi #16)

by Robert K. Tanenbaum

District Attorney Butch Karp resolves the problems of New York City and, at the same time, the problems of his own complex family.

Hoax: A Novel (The Butch Karp-Marlene Ciampi Thrillers #16)

by Robert K. Tanenbaum

The shooting death of a rap mogul is the first link in a sinister chain ensnaring New York District Attorney Butch Karp. With his wife and daughter on a New Mexico retreat, Karp is left to fend for his teenaged sons and himself. Descending into the hip-hop underworld to prosecute a killer, Karp comes head-to-head wih Andrew Kane, a powerful would-be mayor whose corrupt web of influence leads Karp to unveil a shocking church sex-abuse scandal. In a world where secrets can be buried for an often-deadly price, Karp discovers there is no safe haven.

Hobbes and the Law

by Thomas Poole David Dyzenhaus

Hobbes's political thought provokes a perennial fascination. It has become particularly prominent in recent years, with the surge of scholarly interest evidenced by a number of monographs in political theory and philosophy. At the same time, there has been a turn in legal scholarship towards political theory in a way that engages recognisably Hobbesian themes, for example the relationship between security and liberty. However, there is surprisingly little engagement with Hobbes's views on legal theory in general and on certain legal topics, despite the fact that Hobbes devoted whole works to legal inquiry and gave law a prominent role in his works focused on politics. This volume seeks to remedy this gap by providing the first collection of specially commissioned essays devoted to Hobbes and the law.

Hobbes and the Law of Nature

by Perez Zagorin

This is the first major work in English to explore at length the meaning, context, aims, and vital importance of Thomas Hobbes's concepts of the law of nature and the right of nature. Hobbes remains one of the most challenging and controversial of early modern philosophers, and debates persist about the interpretation of many of his ideas, particularly his views about natural law and natural right. In this book, Perez Zagorin argues that these two concepts are the twin foundations of the entire structure of Hobbes's moral and political thought. Zagorin clears up numerous misconceptions about Hobbes and his relation to earlier natural law thinkers, in particular Hugo Grotius, and he reasserts the often overlooked role of the Hobbesian law of nature as a moral standard from which even sovereign power is not immune. Because Hobbes is commonly thought to be primarily a theorist of sovereignty, political absolutism, and unitary state power, the significance of his moral philosophy is often underestimated and widely assumed to depend entirely on individual self-interest. Zagorin reveals Hobbes's originality as a moral philosopher and his importance as a thinker who subverted and transformed the idea of natural law. Hobbes and the Law of Nature is a major contribution to our understanding of Hobbes's moral, legal, and political philosophy, and a book rich in interpretive and critical insights into Hobbes's writing and thought.

Hobbes on Legal Authority and Political Obligation

by Luciano Venezia

Hobbes on Legal Authority and Political Obligation develops a new interpretation of Hobbes's theory of political obligation. According to the account developed in the book, the directives issued by the sovereign as introducing authoritative requirements, so that subjects are morally obligated to obey them.

Hobbesian Applied Ethics and Public Policy (Routledge Research in Applied Ethics)

by Shane D. Courtland

Most philosophers and political scientists readily admit that Thomas Hobbes is a significant figure in the history of political thought. His theory was, arguably, one of the first to provide a justification for political legitimacy from the perspective of each individual subject. Many excellent books and articles have examined the justification and structure of Hobbes’ commonwealth, ethical system, and interpretation of Christianity. What is troubling is that the Hobbesian project has been largely missing in the applied ethics and public policy literature. We often find applications of Kantian deontology, Bentham’s or Mill’s utilitarianism, Rawls’s contractualism, the ethics of care, and various iterations of virtue ethics. Hobbesian accounts are routinely ignored and often derided. This is unfortunate because Hobbes’s project offers a unique perspective. To ignore it, when such a perspective would be fruitful to apply to another set of theoretical questions, is a problem in need of a remedy. This volume seeks to eliminate (or, at the very least, partially fill) this gap in the literature. Not only will this volume appeal to those that are generally familiar with Hobbesian scholarship, it will also appeal to a variety of readers that are largely unfamiliar with Hobbes.

Hobbit Virtues: Rediscovering J. R. R. Tolkien's Ethics from The Lord of the Rings

by Christopher A. Snyder

A response to our fractured political discourse, Hobbit Virtues speaks to the importance of &“virtue ethics&” by examining the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien—with particular attention to his hobbits.Tolkien&’s works resonate with so many readers in part because Bilbo, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin demonstrate Classical, Judeo-Christian, Medieval, and even Hindu and Confucian virtues. Tolkien ennobles the small, the humble, and the marginalized in his Middle-earth writings and presents leaders who are hesitant to exercise power, are courteous, and value wisdom and learning. Each chapter in Hobbit Virtues consists of a wide-ranging discussion of a single virtue, exemplified by a character in Middle-earth, explaining its philosophical or theological roots and how the virtue is still relevant in a modern democracy. It will also include appendices where readers can find passages in Tolkien&’s and Lewis&’s works that discuss virtue ethics, and a glossary of virtues from ancient to modern, East to West. Tolkien&’s readers come from many different religious and secular backgrounds and the pleasure and profundity of Hobbit Virtues is that mutual respect for public virtues is, especially now, necessary for a well-functioning pluralistic society.


by Louis Pahlow Klaus Ferdinand Gärditz

Mit dem Wegfall des Hochschullehrerprivilegs 2002 kommen auf die deutschen Hochschulen neue Aufgaben zu. Forschungsergebnisse müssen nun auf Ihre Verwertbarkeit geprüft, Patentanmeldungen getätigt und zahlungskräftige Abnehmer gefunden werden. Zudem stellen sich ganz neue Fragen in Bezug auf die Lehr- und Forschungsfreiheit, die Einwerbung von Drittmitteln und die Kooperationen mit außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen sowie der Industrie. Das vorliegende Handbuch will die genannten Fragenkreise im Spannungsfeld von öffentlichem Dienstrecht, Hochschulrecht einerseits, dem Recht des Geistigen Eigentums andererseits umfassend beantworten. Das Werk richtet sich an die Praxis in den Hochschulen, aber auch in der Industrie und Rechtsberatung.

Hohes Alter in Deutschland (Schriften zu Gesundheit und Gesellschaft - Studies on Health and Society #8)

by Roman Kaspar Julia Simonson Clemens Tesch-Römer Michael Wagner Susanne Zank

Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.Trotz des schnellen Wachstums des Anteils der Bevölkerung in einem Alter ab 80 Jahren an der Gesamtbevölkerung ist das Wissen über diese Bevölkerungsgruppe bislang gering. Zwar gibt es thematisch, methodisch und regional spezifische Studien, jedoch keine repräsentative Erfassung der Lebenssituation und Lebensqualität dieser Altersgruppe für den gesamtdeutschen Raum. Eine gute Datenlage ist jedoch notwendig: Zum einen, um den besonderen Unterstützungsbedarfen im hohen Alter zukünftig besser gerecht werden zu können. Zum anderen, um Lösungsansätze für sozialpolitische Herausforderungen wie der sozialen Sicherung im Alter sowie im Hinblick auf eine Generationengerechtigkeit entwickeln zu können. Schließlich, um negativen Altersbildern und Vorurteilen über die Lebensqualität im hohen Alter empirisch fundiert entgegenwirken zu können. Die Studie "Hohes Alter in Deutschland“ (D80+) ist eine bundesweit repräsentative Querschnittsbefragung der hochaltrigen Menschen in Privathaushalten und in Heimen. Sie wird vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) gefördert und gemeinsam vom Cologne Center for Ethics, Rights, Economics, and Social Sciences of Health (ceres) und dem Deutschen Zentrum für Altersfragen (DZA) durchgeführt. Die Studie vereint Perspektiven der an den beteiligten Institutionen verorteten Disziplinen wie Soziologie, Psychologie, Versorgungswissenschaften, Gerontologie und Medizin. Im vorliegenden Band werden zentrale Befunde u.a. zu den Themenbereichen Soziale und Digitale Teilhabe, Gesundheit und Versorgung, sowie Werte und subjektives Wohlbefinden vorgestellt.

Hokus Pokus (The Sisterhood, Book #9)

by Fern Michaels

Not Even An Ocean Can Keep The Sisterhood From Helping A Friend In Need... <P> There is no match for the Sisterhood--the seven friends who have taken vigilante justice to a new level--not even the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Although the women foiled former FBI director Mitch Riley's plot to frame their friends Judge Nellie Easter and lawyer Lizzie Fox, now they must remain in exile or risk capture. They can't complain about their opulent digs on a remote, luxurious mountaintop, but the ladies desperately miss home. Their wish to return might come true sooner than they expect when they receive a panicked call from Supreme Court Chief Justice Pearl Barnes, who faces blackmail for her own illegal brand of justice. Now the women must not only sneak back into the United States, but also remain undetected as they investigate. But how do you make seven women disappear? With a nosy reporter on the brink of exposing them, the clock is ticking as the Sisterhood tries to create a little magic--and save the day...

Hold the Line: The Insurrection and One Cop's Battle for America's Soul

by Michael Fanone John Shiffman

An urgent warning about the growing threat to our democracy from a twenty-year police veteran and former Trump supporter who nearly lost his life during the insurrection of January 6th. <p><p>When Michael Fanone self-deployed to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, he had no idea his life was about to change. When he got to the front of the line, he urged his fellow officers to hold it against the growing crowd of insurrectionists—until he found himself pulled into the mob, tased until he had a heart attack, and viciously beaten with a Blue Lives Matter flag as shouts to kill him rang out. <p><p>Now, Fanone is ready to tell the full story of that fateful day, along with exploring our country’s most critical issues as someone who has had firsthand experience with many of them. A self-described redneck who voted for Trump in 2016, Fanone’s closest friend was an informant—a Black, transgender, HIV-positive woman who has helped him mature and rethink his methods as a police officer. <p><p>With his unique insight as an undercover detective and intense desire to do the right thing no matter the cost, Fanone provides a nuanced look into everything from policing to race to politics in a way that is accessible across all party lines. Determined to make sure no one forgets what happened at the Capitol on January 6th, Fanone has written a timely call to action for anyone who wants to preserve our democracy for future generations. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

Hold Your Nose and Vote: Why Do Some Democracies Tolerate Corruption?

by Marco Pani

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Holding Accountants Accountable: How Professional Standards Can Lead to Personal Liability

by Jeffrey G. Matthews

An essential guide for practitioners on avoiding unethical situations in a fraud investigation—provides tips, techniques, and real-life examples Credentialed accountants, auditors, and fraud examiners who fail to identify fraud and misconduct may be in violation of their professional standards. Among these standards are requirements to exercise professional and moral judgment, act in the best interest of the public, maintain integrity, objectivity, and independence, render opinions based on evidence and documentation, and exercise due care in planning and discharging professional activities. Failing to adhere to professional standards and ethical codes have serious consequences for CPAs, CFEs, and CIAs engaged in fraud investigations. Fraud helps readers avoid unethical situations in fraud investigations and stay within the boundaries of professional guidelines and standards. Author Jeffrey Matthews combines real-world techniques and practical advice with personal insights from his experience as a forensic accountant. Detailing how he faced death threats, retaliation, and family hardships during actual fraud investigations, the author shares how despite serious challenges, he never deviated from professional standards. The author demonstrates how accountants can avoid being caught in unethical practices and examines the common tendencies that hinder the ability to detect, deter, and prevent fraud and misconduct. This fascinating, highly-relevant book will help practitioners: Recognize current and emerging trends to identify new areas of weakness Address time and budget constraints with effective delegation and supervision of lower-level staff Maintain a healthy dose of skepticism by ‘testing not accepting’ Understand the effort and expertise required to perform an investigation before accepting engagements Avoid establishing biases and pre-determining outcomes before accepting assignments A full-featured resource, complete with PowerPoint slides and a test bank, Fraud is invaluable for auditors, accountants, and other certified fraud examiners.

Holding Back the Sea: The Struggle on the Gulf Coast to Save America

by Christopher Hallowell

Katrina's arrival on the Gulf Coast was a long time in coming. But it was assured. Since 1965, when Hurricane Betsy struck New Orleans, breached a levee, and flooded part of the city, everyone was waiting and talking about when the Big One would strike and do even more damage. Katrina was that hurricane, predictedand imagined before she struck, but so much worse in her reality.Holding Back the Sea is about the consequences of ignoring the warning signs that nature provides and the struggle to convince the rest of the country that South Louisiana lay in the path of destruction. The signs were not subtle; there were Hurricanes Andrew in 1992, George and Mitch in 1998, and Ivan in 2004, among others. At one time or another in their journeys north, they all threatened New Orleans. Some had headed right for the city before veering to the east and west, sparing the Big Easy and reinforcing the nickname. But the Big Easy ended -- at least in reputation -- on August 29, 2005, when the Big One came ashore as Katrina.

Holding the Calm: The Secret to Resolving Conflict and Defusing Tension

by Hesha Abrams

Holding the Calm is a practical and immediately useful guide that meticulously lays out twenty concrete, easy-to-use tools for defusing tension, settling cases, resolving disputes, and rechanneling arguments.How do you stop conflict? Settle disputes? Handle someone who is yelling at you, crying, or just won't speak? How do you find a solution when a solution seems impossible? Holding the Calm shares the secrets that enable everyone to avoid, minimize, or resolve conflict.Popular master mediator Hesha Abrams has tens of thousands of hours in the trenches mediating human conflict, and she shares her pragmatic wisdom in digestible bites that detail how to improve situations and solve difficult problems between human beings, from family and workplace disputes to complex commercial and global conflicts. Learn how to• Speak into the ears that hear you • Be the grown-up in the room• Listen to what is not said• Create small, winnable victoriesPractical, inspirational, and full of accessible tools you can use right now, Holding the Calm proves that you don't need an advanced degree or certification to minimize challenges and defuse tension between real people, businesses, and countries.

Holding the Line: Inside the Nation's Preeminent US Attorney's Office and Its Battle With the Trump Justice Department

by Geoffrey Berman

"Throughout my tenure as US attorney, Trump's Justice Department kept demanding that I use my office to aid them politically, and I kept declining—in ways just tactful enough to keep me from being fired. I walked this tightrope for two and a half years. Eventually, the rope snapped." - from Holding the Line. <p><p>The gripping and explosive memoir of serving as US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, in the face of the Justice Department’s attempts to protect Trump’s friends and punish his enemies. <p><p> Ascending to the leadership role of US Attorney for the Southern District, which includes Manhattan and several counties to the north, is a capstone to any legal career: it entails guiding a team of the best lawyers in America in selecting and winning cases that often have global import. Geoffrey Berman was honored to be tapped for the job by Donald Trump in 2018. The manner in which Trump had dispatched his predecessor, Preet Bharara, was troubling, but the institution was fabled for its independence. Surely he could manage. So began one of the most tumultuous two-and-a-half-year stretches in the over two-hundred-thirty year history of the office. Almost immediately, Berman found himself pushing back against the Trump Justice Department’s blatant efforts to bring weak cases against political foes and squash worthy cases that threatened to tarnish allies and Trump himself. When Bill Barr became attorney general, Berman hoped and believed things would get better, but instead they got much worse. <p><p>The heart of Holding the Line is his never-before-told account of the lengths Barr went to in corrupting the independence of the office, and the lengths Berman had to go in preserving it. Finally, Trump and Barr, fed up with Berman’s principles, summarily fired him, though he refused to go quietly and prevented Barr from installing someone who might be more compliant. Berman’s determined defense of the values of prosecutorial independence, without fear or favor, made him a hero to everyone who shares those values. <p><p>Holding the Line also relates the remarkable casework of the Southern District in Berman’s time there, including taking down notorious sex traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Lawrence Ray, Big Pharma executives, and vicious criminal syndicates, and repatriating Nazi-looted art. Riveting in themselves, these stories showcase the esprit de corps that makes the Southern District so special, and the stakes Berman felt in protecting its integrity against all foes, up to and including the US attorney general and the president of the United States. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>

Holding Yawulyu: White Culture and Black Women's Law

by Zohl Dé Ishtar

For two years, Zohl dé Ishtar lived in a one-room tin shed with the women Elders of Balgo. As their "Culture Woman", Zohl assisted the Elders in establishing and coordinating the Kapululangu Women's Law and Culture Centre. Holding Yawulyu: White Culture and Black Women's Law tells the amazing story of Zohl's journey as it documents White culture's impact on Indigenous Women's Law. Seventeen years later, Zohl remains at Balgo and provides a new Preface to this edition. Holding Yawulyu is an investigation into the inter-cultural relationship of White and Indigenous societies through successive waves of missionary, bureaucratic and art industry influence.

The Holdout: A Novel

by Graham Moore

One juror changed the verdict. What if she was wrong? <P><P>Fifteen-year-old Jessica Silver, heiress to a billion-dollar real estate fortune, vanishes on her way home from school, and her teacher, Bobby Nock, a twenty-five-year-old African American man, is the prime suspect. The subsequent trial taps straight into America’s most pressing preoccupations: race, class, sex, law enforcement, and the lurid sins of the rich and famous. It’s an open-and-shut case for the prosecution, and a quick conviction seems all but guaranteed—until Maya Seale, a young woman on the jury, convinced of Nock’s innocence, persuades the rest of the jurors to return the verdict of not guilty, a controversial decision that will change all their lives forever. <P><P>Flash forward ten years. A true-crime docuseries reassembles the jury, with particular focus on Maya, now a defense attorney herself. When one of the jurors is found dead in Maya&’s hotel room, all evidence points to her as the killer. Now, she must prove her own innocence—by getting to the bottom of a case that is far from closed. As the present-day murder investigation weaves together with the story of what really happened during their deliberation, told by each of the jurors in turn, the secrets they have all been keeping threaten to come out—with drastic consequences for all involved. <P><P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Holdout: The tense, gripping Richard and Judy Book Club pick for 2021

by Graham Moore

'The most gripping and satisfying thriller I've read in more than a decade' Sophie Hannah'One of the best legal thrillers ... as elegant and gripping as Scott Turow's Presumed Innocent' Daily Mail'Quite the tour de force! Twelve Angry Men meets Chinatown and creates something of its own' Sarah Pinborough'This is a tense, emotionally charged, scary-good, stand-out read' Caroline Kepnes**********MAJOR TV SERIES COMING SOON - FROM THE PEOPLE WHO BROUGHT YOU NETFLIX'S UNBELIEVABLE... One juror changed the verdict. What if she was wrong?'Ten years ago we made a decision together...'Fifteen-year-old Jessica Silver, heiress to a billion-dollar fortune, vanishes on her way home from school. Her teacher, Bobby Nock, is the prime suspect. It's an open and shut case for the prosecution, and a quick conviction seems all but guaranteed. Until Maya Seale, a young woman on the jury, persuades the rest of the jurors to vote not guilty: a controversial decision that will change all of their lives forever.Ten years later, one of the jurors is found dead, and Maya is the prime suspect.The real killer could be any of the other ten jurors. Is Maya being forced to pay the price for her decision all those years ago?**********'Plunge a syringe filled with adrenaline into the heart of Twelve Angry Men and you've got The Holdout: the first legal thriller in thirty years - ever since Presumed Innocent and A Time to Kill electrified readers the world over - to rank alongside those two modern classics.' AJ Finn'A page-turning legal thriller with a twisty and absolutely riveting plot ... plus a strong and compelling female heroine. You won't be able to put this one down!' Lisa Scottoline'Clever, well-written and twistier than a can of silly-string. You absolutely need to read The Holdout!' Emma Kavanagh'Amazing thriller, deserves to be one of the biggest books of 2020' Michelle Davies'Terrific, twisty and well-structured thriller' Adele Geras

Hole in My Life

by Jack Gantos

In the summer of 1971, Jack Gantos was an aspiring writer looking for adventure, cash for college tuition, and a way out of a dead-end job. For ten thousand dollars, he recklessly agreed to help sail a sixty-foot yacht loaded with a ton of hashish from the Virgin Islands to New York City, where he and his partners sold the drug until federal agents caught up with them. For his part in the conspiracy, Gantos was sentenced to serve up to six years in prison. <P><P> Winner of the Sibert Honor

Holes in the Safety Net: Federalism and Poverty

by Ezra Rosser

While the United States continues to recover from the 2008 Great Recession, the country still faces unprecedented inequality as increasing numbers of poor families struggle to get by with little assistance from the government. Holes in the Safety Net: Federalism and Poverty offers a grounded look at how states and the federal government provide assistance to poor people. With chapters covering everything from welfare reform to recent efforts by states to impose work requirements on Medicaid recipients, the book avoids unnecessary jargon and instead focuses on how programs operate in practice. This timely work should be read by anyone who cares about poverty, rising inequality, and the relationship between state, local, and federal levels of government.

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