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Ärztliche Dokumentationspflicht und Einsichtsrecht in Patientenakten: Eine Untersuchung zu den §§ 630f und 630g BGB mit Bezügen zum nationalen sowie europäischen Datenschutzrecht (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht)
by Thomas BayerDieses Buch analysiert die Rechtslage in Bezug auf Patientenakten in Deutschland. Es behandelt schwerpunktmäßig die ärztliche Dokumentationspflicht, das Einsichtsrecht des Patienten in seine Behandlungsunterlagen sowie Fragen zur gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Aufbewahrung und Archivierung. Die Darstellung orientiert sich dabei sowohl am neuen Behandlungsvertragsrecht der §§ 630a ff. BGB als auch an den standesrechtlichen Vorgaben der ärztlichen Berufsordnungen. Daneben diskutiert es Lösungsvorschläge für bisher noch offene Rechtsfragen im Bereich des postmortalen Einsichtsrechts der Erben und Angehörigen sowie zum Umgang mit sensiblen Inhalten, die einer Einsichtnahme durch den Patienten im Einzelfall entzogen sind. Ein weiterer Abschnitt behandelt wesentliche Schnittstellen zum nationalen und europäischen Datenschutzrecht, insbesondere zum Auskunftsanspruch nach Art. 15 DSGVO. Erwähnung finden ferner die sozialrechtlichen Regelungen zur Einführung der elektronischen Gesundheitskarte.
Ärztliche Offenbarungspflichten bei Behandlungsfehlern: Eine Untersuchung des Regelungszusammenhangs des § 630c Abs. 2 Satz 2 und 3 BGB und seiner Auswirkungen (MedR Schriftenreihe Medizinrecht)
by Gesa FrankeIm Zuge der Kodifizierung des Patientenrechtegesetzes im Februar 2013 normierte der Gesetzgeber in § 630c Abs. 2 Satz 2 BGB eine vertragliche Offenbarungspflicht des Behandelnden und ergänzte diese in § 630c Abs. 2 Satz 3 BGB um ein sog. Beweisverwendungsverbot. Dieser Regelungskomplex wurde innerhalb des rechtswissenschaftlichen Diskurses als eine der wenigen sachlichen Innovationen, die mit der Kodifizierung des Patientenrechtegesetzes einhergingen, gewertet. Das vorliegende Buch analysiert die konkrete Ausgestaltung der überaus kontrovers diskutierten Normierung und bettet sie in den Gesamtkontext fehlerbezogener Auskunfts- und Informationspflichten ein. Das Werk beleuchtet zudem die Frage, inwiefern über § 630c Abs. 2 Satz 2 BGB hinausgehende ärztliche (Fehler-)Offenbarungspflichten nach geltender Rechtslage existieren und zeigt rechtspolitische Ideen und Anreize zur Effektivierung der Offenbarungspflicht auf.
Arztrecht: Praxishandbuch für Mediziner
by Karl-Heinz Schnieder Björn Papendorf Hans-Peter Ries Ralf GroßböltingJeder Arzt ist rechtlichen Regelungen unterworfen, die sich häufig ändern, und deren Folgen im Konfliktfall schnell und präzise eingeschätzt werden müssen. Ein Team anerkannter Experten stellt die komplizierte Materie praxisnah, in übersichtlicher Form und anhand zahlreicher Beispiele dar. Das Handbuch enthält Checklisten, liefert Entscheidungshilfen sowie Verteidigungsstrategien. In die 3. Auflage sind alle Änderungen durch das Arzneimittelneuordnungsgesetz (AMNOG), das GKV-Finanzierungsgesetz (GKV-FinG 2011) und das Versorgungsstrukturgesetz 2012 eingeflossen.
Arztrecht: Praxishandbuch für Mediziner
by Karl-Heinz Schnieder Björn Papendorf Hans-Peter Ries Ralf Großbölting Sebastian BergKlare Entscheidungs- und Argumentationshilfe: Ein Team anerkannter Experten, unter ihnen drei Fachanwälte für Medizinrecht, stellt die komplizierte Materie übersichtlich und verständlich dar. Ärzte sind einer Fülle von häufig wechselnden rechtlichen Regelungen unterworfen, deren Folgen sie im Konfliktfall schnell und präzise einschätzen müssen. Zahlreiche Beispiele, Checklisten und Verteidigungsstrategien zur sofortigen Umsetzung bieten hier rasche Orientierung zur Klärung aller relevanten Rechtsfragen. Plus in dieser 2. , aktualisierten und erweiterten Auflage: die aktuelle Rechtsprechung und die anstehenden erheblichen gesetzlichen Änderungen.
As Gods: A Moral History of the Genetic Age
by Matthew CobbThe thrilling and terrifying history of genetic engineering In 2018, scientists manipulated the DNA of human babies for the first time. As biologist and historian Matthew Cobb shows in As Gods, this achievement was one many scientists have feared from the start of the genetic age. Four times in the last fifty years, geneticists, frightened by their own technology, have called a temporary halt to their experiments. They ought to be frightened: Now we have powers that can target the extinction of pests, change our own genes, or create dangerous new versions of diseases in an attempt to prevent future pandemics. Both awe-inspiring and chilling, As Gods traces the history of genetic engineering, showing that this revolutionary technology is far too important to be left to the scientists. They have the power to change life itself, but should we trust them to keep their ingenuity from producing a hellish reality?
As If: Idealization and Ideals
by Kwame Anthony AppiahIdealization is a basic feature of human thought. We proceed “as if” our representations were true, while knowing they are not. Kwame Anthony Appiah defends the centrality of the imagination in science, morality, and everyday life and shows that our best chance for accessing reality is to open our minds to a plurality of idealized depictions.
As If Human: Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
by Nigel Shadbolt Roger HampsonA new approach to the challenges surrounding artificial intelligence that argues for assessing AI actions as if they came from a human being Intelligent machines present us every day with urgent ethical challenges. Is the facial recognition software used by an agency fair? When algorithms determine questions of justice, finance, health, and defense, are the decisions proportionate, equitable, transparent, and accountable? How do we harness this extraordinary technology to empower rather than oppress? Despite increasingly sophisticated programming, artificial intelligences share none of our essential human characteristics—sentience, physical sensation, emotional responsiveness, versatile general intelligence. However, Nigel Shadbolt and Roger Hampson argue, if we assess AI decisions, products, and calls for action as if they came from a human being, we can avert a disastrous and amoral future. The authors go beyond the headlines about rampant robots to apply established moral principles in shaping our AI future. Their new framework constitutes a how-to for building a more ethical machine intelligence.
As It Was: A Memoir
by Robert M. Pennoyer"Robert M. Pennoyer was born into a storied family - his maternal grandfather was the legendary J. P. Morgan. His irresistible memoir traces his sheltered childhood on the Gold Coast of Long Island; an adolescence overshadowed by the gathering clouds of World War II; and a young adulthood that survived one of the decisive engagements of the Pacific Theater - Iwo Jima. The author gives us as well a heartwarming account of a romance that blossomed into a lifelong matrimonial partnership and a close family life, tested nonetheless by crisis. And he chronicles a distinguished career, the early part of which was spent in the service of President Eisenhower and the latter part in private law practice and pro bono work. As It Was begins in an era of unprecedented wealth and privilege for some and great misery and poverty for others, - one that Mark Twain lampooned as the "Gilded Age," and ends, coming in effect full circle, in our own era of the One Per Cent, as the income chasm in America reopens. What divides these periods, and is so impressively portrayed here, is the rise of American Progressivism led by the two Roosevelts. Most importantly, this book is itself a demonstration of the values that boosted America on its path to greatness and for which no finer exemplar could be found than its author. It bespeaks a belief in democracy that is passionate and unshakable, and builds on a deep appreciation of the institutions that enable it. The spirit that flows through these pages may be modest, but it is also filled with an irrepressible optimism and a faith in simple values that are both uplifting and marvelously contagious. As It Was is a lesson in a life well lived, and a tonic for dark and troubled times."-- Scott Horton, author of Lords of Secrecy: The National Security Elite and America's Stealth Warfare (2015), contributing editor,Harper's Magazine.
AS Law
by Mary Charman Bobby Vanstone Liz SherrattThis latest edition of AS Law has been fully updated to meet the requirements of the most recent changes to the specifications of both AQA and OCR examination boards. This title is tailored to the NEW four-module specifications for both AQA and OCR (although also suitable for the existing six-module specifications) includes a new chapter on Contract as part of the section on The Concept of Liability contains coverage of recent legal changes includes the effects of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, especially concerning appointment of judges and the role of senior officers, such as the Lord Chancellor; reform of the powers of the police; recent statutes and cases particularly useful in preparing for questions involving judicial precedent and statutory interpretation. is written by authors who are experienced teachers, writers and examiners for AS/A-level law.
AS Law
by Andrew MitchellWritten for sixth form and college students, AS Law covers the content of AS Law for AQA and OCR students in a lively and reader-friendly style. Topics are broken down into manageable parts, with clear headings and are illustrated throughout with photographs, diagrams, boxes and illustrations. Each chapter includes: an introduction outlining learning objectives relating to the subject specifications 'developing the subject' sections explaining a particularly important or difficult point in more detail, designed to challenge more able students a list of useful websites enabling students to access primary law materials intended to support chapter-by-chapter reading 'it's a fact!' sections highlighting interesting and contemporary applications of the legal principle under discussion dedicated sections providing detailed examination of key cases, within the context of the chapter discussion hints and tips for revision topics and strategies helping students to prepare for the types of questions that are most likely to come up in exams. The book contains a wealth of opportunities to test and apply knowledge, with revision quizzes, quick tests and sample questions and answers within each chapter and there are additional opportunities for self-testing and revision available via the Companion Website. This third edition has been revised and updated to take into account the new 2008 AQA specifications and contains a new chapter on contract liabilities, as well as expanded material on sentencing and court procedures. It also addresses recent legal developments such as the establishment of the Ministry of Justice, changes in the legal profession and the constitution, and the reform of the House of Lords. AS Law provides a stimulating and exciting approach to the subject, profiling famous legal figures and examining law in films, fiction, non-fiction and on the internet whilst offering comprehensive coverage of the AQA and OCR subject specifications fulfilling all syllabus requirements.
As the World Burns: The New Generation of Activists and the Landmark Legal Fight Against Climate Change
by Lee van der Voo&“The story of Juliana v. United States and the committed young people behind it will give you hope in the next generation.&” —Elizabeth Kolbert, author of The Sixth Extinction Do children have a right to inherit a livable planet? Is the government obliged to protect it? That&’s the question posed by Juliana v. United States, one of the most critical lawsuits of our time. Twenty-one young people from across America sued the federal government over climate change, charging that actions promoting a fossil fuel economy violate their constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property. Their trial could be the civil rights trial of the century, but it hasn&’t happened yet. As the World Burns follows the plight of the young plaintiffs, chronicling their legal battle through a year of drought and wildfire, floods and hurricanes, and the most tumultuous political season in modern history. The plaintiffs wrenchingly describe personal experiences with recurring &“thousand-year&” floods, wildfire smoke so thick they can&’t ride a bike to school, drought that threatens family farms, and disappearing coastlines that send waves lapping ominously at their doors. Along the way, journalist Lee van der Voo weaves their experience into a broader narrative of America, where politics and policy threaten the very existence of our youth and our way of life.As the World Burns is climate breakdown like you&’ve never seen it—through the eyes of the young.
As War Ends: What Colombia Can Tell Us About the Sustainability of Peace and Transitional Justice
by James Meernik DeMeritt Jacqueline H. R. Uribe-López MauricioFor decades a bitter civil war between the Colombia government and armed insurgent groups tore apart Colombian society. After protracted negotiations in Havana, a peace agreement was accepted by the Colombian government and the FARC rebel group in 2016. This volume will provide academics and practitioners throughout the world with critical analyses regarding what we know generally about the post-war peace building process and how this can be applied to the specifics of the Colombian case to assist in the design and implementation of post-war peace building programs and policies. This unique group of Colombian and international scholars comment on critical aspects of the peace process in Colombia, transitional justice mechanisms, the role of state and non-state actors at the national and local levels, and examine what the Colombian case reveals about traditional theories and approaches to peace and transitional justice.
Asalto al mundial: Barrabravas, política y negocios. La historia negra de las hinchadas argentinas en la Copa
by Gustavo GrabiaDesde el primer muerto en el Mundial de Uruguay en 1930 hasta el viaje a Rusia 2018, la historia sangrienta y turbia de los barras argentinos en los Mundiales de Fútbol. En todos los países existen barras que explotan la pasión del fútbol para realizar negocios gigantescos. Y para todos, el teatro mayor fueron, son y serán los Mundiales. Allí, nuestros soldados del paravalanchas han causado estragos. En Asalto al Mundial Gustavo Grabia, el mayor experto en el tema, narra como nadie el lado oscuro de la gloria. Desde el iniciático Uruguay 1930 -con la famosa batalla del Río de la Plata- hasta lo que se espera de este Rusia 2018, con La Doce al frente. En el medio, el recibimiento deshonroso a la vuelta de Inglaterra 66 -donde se los apodó Animals-, el reclutamiento para perseguir opositores en el Mundial 78, la excursión fallida a España por la Guerra de Malvinas, los combates contra los hooligans en México 86 y Francia 98, la relación con la camorra napolitana en Italia 90, el safari por Sudáfrica 2010 y las burlas a la Policía Federal y la Justicia que desde Brasil emitían barrabravas con la entrada prohibida. Una historia jamás escrita sobre cómo los violentos de distintos equipos tejen alianzas o se enfrentan salvajemente para llevar los colores de la Argentina, vistiendo una camiseta manchada con sangre.
Asbestos for Surveyors
by Bill SandersonAsbestos for Surveyors is a practical reference guide for all those responsible for identifying and dealing with asbestos in buildings. The book is based upon the Control of Asbestos at Work Act 2002 and is intended to be a guide to the technical aspects of asbestos and why it was originally used. It illustrates where it may be found in buildings, what type of survey is required and how to undertake it. The information that the dutyholder needs from the surveyor to compile an adequate management plan is also detailed. This edition has been fully revised to take account of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/2739), which came into force in November 2006. The regulations, which replaced three existing sets of asbestos regulations with a single set of rules, reduce exposure limits and introduce mandatory training for those working with asbestos.
Asbestos Litigation
by Stephen J. Carroll Elizabeth M. Sloss Deborah R. Hensler Matthias Schonlau Jennifer GrossAsbestos litigation is the longest-running mass tort litigation in U.S. history. Through 2002, approximately 730,000 individuals have brought claims against some 8,400 business entities, and defendants and insurers have spent a total of $70 billion on litigation. Building on previous RAND briefings, the authors report on what happened to those who have claimed injury from asbestos, what happened to the defendants in those cases, and how lawyers and judges have managed the cases.
Ascending to Space: Critical Perspectives from New Zealand and other Nations (Space Law and Policy)
by Maria A. PozzaThis book explores multidisciplinary perspectives on critical issues in space from the viewpoints of New Zealand and other nations. It brings together the topics examined at the Otago Foreign Policy School 2022 by both domestic and international experts in the area of space, and includes the opening address on space policy delivered by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to New Zealand’s growing space sector in conjunction with other nations’ perspectives on space. It encompasses space science, military and defence matters, space tourism and astronaut rescue, and international legal and policy frameworks, while taking into account future considerations. Readers such as academics, students, policy advisers, diplomats, government officials and others engaged in the field of space will find value in this book. It will appeal to think tanks and international institutions grappling with the complexities that are presented by the outer space domain.
The Ascent of Media
by Roger ParryThe Ascent of Media tells the whole story of media from its earliest incarnation in the clay tablets of Gilgamesh, through the Gutenberg press, right up to Google and the unfurling world of digital content. The Ascent of Media is a narrative history of the media in its every form, from theatre to posters to video games, and told with a host of fascinating fact and anecdote. Opening up a whole new forum for debate, Parry argues that contemporary media is not, as the doomsayers suggest, in decline, but on the cusp of a new era - one in which it will adapt, evolve and thrive. History teaches us that media cannot and do not die. This is a startling account of the mediums that inform us, shape us, move us and make us, and a rallying call to innovators of the future.
ASCL Studies in Comparative Law: Comparative Effects on Democracy and the Rule of Law (ASCL Studies in Comparative Law)
by Sudha SettyExcessive government secrecy in the name of counterterrorism has had a corrosive effect on democracy and the rule of law. In the United States, when controversial national security programs were run by the Bush and Obama administrations - including in areas of targeted killings, torture, extraordinary rendition, and surveillance - excessive secrecy often prevented discovery of those actions. Both administrations insisted they acted legally, but often refused to explain how they interpreted the governing law to justify their actions. They also fought to keep Congress from exercising oversight, to keep courts from questioning the legality of these programs, and to keep the public in the dark. Similar patterns have arisen in other democracies around the world. In National Security Secrecy, Sudha Setty takes a critical and comparative look at these problems and demonstrates how government transparency, privacy, and accountability should provide the basis for reform.
ASEAN Consumer Law Harmonisation and Cooperation: Achievements and Challenges (Integration through Law:The Role of Law and the Rule of Law in ASEAN Integration #18)
by Luke Nottage Justin Malbon Jeannie Paterson Caron Beaton-WellsThis is the first Western-language research monograph detailing significant developments in consumer law and policy across the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), underpinned by a growing middle class and implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community from 2016. Eight chapters examine consumer law topics within ASEAN member states (such as product safety and consumer contracts) and across them (financial and health services), as well as the interface with competition law and the nature of ASEAN as a unique and evolving international organisation. The authors include insights from extensive fieldwork, partly through consultancies for the ASEAN Secretariat, to provide a reliable, contextual and up-to-date analysis of consumer law and policy development across the region. The volume also draws on and contributes to theories of law and development in multiple fields, including comparative law, political economy and regional studies.
ASEAN International Law
by Eric Yong Joong LeeThis book consists of updated and refreshed papers written by international law scholars and practitioners from the ASEAN region and published by the Journal of East Asia and International Law, comprehensively covering almost all contemporary international legal issues related to ASEAN.Legal analysis of the ASEAN integration as one community with one vision in this book provides readers with a better understanding of the current social climate and future developments of ASEAN. Each section within the book covers a highly topical issue on ASEAN cooperation and dispute resolution from an international law perspective. ASEAN is one of the biggest economic communities in the world and the ASEAN+3 covers nearly half of global GDP. Given the region’s global impact, this book is of interest to Asia watchers, academics and policymakers alike.
ASEAN Law in the New Regional Economic Order: Global Trends and Shifting Paradigms
by Bryan Mercurio Pasha L. HsiehThe fast-growing last decade of strong economic growth of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has played a critical role in Asia-Pacific regionalism and global trade. This book explores the concept of ASEAN law under the normative framework of the new regional economic order. It examines the roadmap of the new ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 by evaluating the impact of ASEAN trade agreements on domestic legislation on professional services, financial integration, investment disputes and digital trade. More importantly, it sheds light on the legal implications of ASEAN's agreements with China and India and the potential developments of mega-regional trade agreements such as the CPTPP and the RCEP. Hence, the legal analysis and case studies in the book offer a fresh view of Asia-Pacific integration and bridge the gap between academia and practice.
ASEAN Maritime Security: The Global Maritime Fulcrum in the Indo-Pacific
by Khanisa Faudzan FarhanaThis book covers various strategic issues around maritime security in terms of how Indonesia has sought to implement its Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF) vision, evaluating its regional impact within ASEAN. The Global Maritime Fulcrum’ vision was declared by President Joko Widodo to refocus Indonesia’s development paradigm to prioritize its maritime aspect in the Indo-Pacific. Divided across five pillars, namely: maritime culture, maritime resource management, maritime infrastructure and connectivity development, maritime diplomacy and maritime defense, the book presents that the implementation of this vision will doubtless have a significant regional impact, particularly in setting regional maritime agendas. In promoting an understanding of the challenges presented in implementing the Global Maritime Fulcrum and unpacking its multifaceted impact in the region, this book delves into Indonesia’s maritime vision, the existing maritime arrangements within ASEAN, and Indonesia’s interests in terms of its political economy relating to the maritime sector, strategic security issues, maritime diplomacy, and related regional power dynamics. Translated from Bahasa Indonesia into English, the book is relevant to scholars and policymakers in maritime studies, international relations, and regional studies relating to politics and power dynamics in Indonesia, specifically, and ASEAN more broadly.
ASEAN, Sovereignty and Intervention in Southeast Asia
by Lee JonesDrawing on the fields of political economy and historical sociology, Jones dispels the overwhelming consensus among scholars that members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) never interfere in the internal affairs of other states, and pioneers a new approach to the understanding of regional politics in Southeast Asia.
ASEAN Space Programs: History and Way Forward
by Hideaki Shiroyama Quentin Verspieren Maximilien Berthet Giulio Coral Shinichi NakasukaThis book presents the first-ever comprehensive analysis of ASEAN space development programs. Written by prominent actors in the region, it goes beyond a mere exposé of the history, current status and future plans of ASEAN space technology development and utilization programs, by analyzing the conditions in which a space program can be initiated in the region. It does so in two ways: on the one hand, it questions the relevance of and motivations behind the inception of space development programs in developing countries, and on the other hand, it focuses on the very specific context of ASEAN (a highly disaster-prone area shaped by unique political alliances with a distinctive geopolitical ecosystem and enormous economic potential, etc.). Last but not least, after having analyzed established and emerging space programs in the region, it provides concrete recommendations for any regional or extra-regional developing nation eager to gain a foothold in space. As such, this book offers a valuable resource for researchers and engineers in the field of space technology, as well as for space agencies and government policymakers.
Asesinato en el Parque Sinaloa
by Élmer MendozaUna nueva entrega de la saga del Zurdo Mendieta y un relato trepidante en el que la violencia, el narcotráfico, la corrupción y el amor se entretejen en un retrato perfecto del presente de nuestro país. Edgar «el Zurdo» Mendienta ha decidido retirarse de las fuerzas policiales. Desencantado y hastiado por la violencia, parece sucumbir ante el consumo autodestructivo de whisky, cuando Abel Sánchez, viejo amigo y mentor, hace que vuelva como detective por un favor al que El Zurdo no puede negarse: hallar al asesino de su hijo, el abogado Pedro Sánchez Morán, quien fue encontrado muerto en el Parque Sinaloa. La policía de Los Mochis cerró el caso sin investigación alguna, pues dan por hecho que Pedro fue asesinado por su novia, la también abogada Larissa Carlón, cuya muerte reciente fue asumida como suicidio. Elementos de la Marina patrullan Los Mochis; el Perro Laveaga, cabecilla del cártel delPacífico, se ha fugado de la prisión de máxima seguridad de Barranca Plana y todo parece indicar que está escondido en alguna parte de la ciudad. El poderoso narcotraficante está actuando con imprudente descuido; confía demasiado en el Grano Biz, su lugarteniente en la zona, y, además, su obsesión por una mujer lo tiene trastornado. El deseo más grande del Perro es reencontrarse con Daniela K, locutora de gran audiencia, quien ha prometido hacer una radionovela sobre la vida del capo. Asesinato en el Parque Sinaloa es un laberinto de intrigas y complicidades, de senderos que convergen en la pasión y el crimen. Élmer Mendoza nos entrega una obra maestra del género, una novela vertiginosa que nos recuerda que la pregunta fundamental de la literatura policiaca es la misma del amor: ¿quién diablos es el culpable?