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Internet Regulation and the International Trade Regime (China Perspectives)

by Sun Nanxiang

In the age of information, an open Internet is a key component for modern economic development. This book analyses the World Trade Organization Agreement for virtual society and explores key questions regarding internet regulation and trade barriers. Information and communication technology has introduced a transformational element to international trade, in the shape of E-commerce. Although internet technology is conceptually neutral, it can be used as a medium that poses severe threats to individual rights, public morals, public order, and national security. World Trade Organization law and jurisprudence, which are the basis of global economic and trade rules, can be applied in the cyberspace but internet regulatory measures can also pose a threat to free trade. This book thus explores the following questions: whether internet regulation constitutes a trade barrier; if so, what form does that take; and whether WTO members can invoke exception clauses to justify their internet regulatory measures? The research provides deep interpretations on treaty law, case law, and draws on additional interdisciplinary approaches to answer these questions. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of law, with a focus on International trade and internet regulation, as well as anyone interested in China’s Cyber law.

Internet Slave Master: A True Story of Seduction and Murder

by John Glatt

John Edward Robinson was a 56-year-old grandfather from rural Kansas. An entrepreneur and Eagle Scout, he was even honored as 'Man of the Year" at a Kansas City charity. To some of the women he met on the Internet, he was known as Slavemaster--a sexual deviate with a taste for sadomasochistic rituals of extreme domination and torture. <p><p> Masquerading as a philanthropist, he promised women money and adventure. For fifteen years, he trawled the Web, snaring unsuspecting women. They were never seen again. But in the summer of 2000, the decomposed remains of two women were discovered in barrels on Robinson's farm, and three other bodies were found in storage units. Yet the depths of Robinson's bloodlust didn't end there. For authorities, the unspeakable criminal trail of Slavemaster was just beginning... Internet Slave Master is a true story of sadistic murder in the Heartland, told by true crime master John Glatt.

The Internet Trap: How the Digital Economy Builds Monopolies and Undermines Democracy

by Matthew Hindman

A book that challenges everything you thought you knew about the online economy <P><P>The internet was supposed to fragment audiences and make media monopolies impossible. Instead, behemoths like Google and Facebook now dominate the time we spend online—and grab all the profits from the attention economy. <P><P>The Internet Trap explains how this happened. This provocative and timely book sheds light on the stunning rise of the digital giants and the online struggles of nearly everyone else—and reveals what small players can do to survive in a game that is rigged against them. <P><P>Matthew Hindman shows how seemingly tiny advantages in attracting users can snowball over time. The internet has not reduced the cost of reaching audiences—it has merely shifted who pays and how. Challenging some of the most enduring myths of digital life, Hindman explains why the internet is not the postindustrial technology that has been sold to the public, how it has become mathematically impossible for grad students in a garage to beat Google, and why net neutrality alone is no guarantee of an open internet. <P><P>He also explains why the challenges for local digital news outlets and other small players are worse than they appear and demonstrates what it really takes to grow a digital audience and stay alive in today’s online economy. <P><P>The Internet Trap shows why, even on the internet, there is still no such thing as a free audience.

The Internet, Warts and All: Free Speech, Privacy and Truth (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law #48)

by Paul Bernal

The Internet, Warts and All asks questions. Why are government digital policies so often out of touch and counter-productive? Why is surveillance law problematic and ineffective - and often defeated in court? Do companies like Google and Facebook really care about freedom of speech? Why are neither laws nor technology companies able to get to grips with trolling? Is 'fake news' something that can be 'dealt with'? Can these issues be addressed more effectively, intelligently and appropriately in the future? To answer these questions, The Internet, Warts and All busts a number of myths and illusions about the internet - about the neutrality of algorithms, the permanence of information, the impact of surveillance, the nature of privacy and more. It shows how trolling and 'fake news' arise - and why current moves to deal with them are doomed to failure. It suggests a way forward - by embracing the unruly nature of the internet.


by Sven Hetmank

Das Internet ist mit seiner nahezu unüberblickbaren Fülle an Informationen und Möglichkeiten das zentrale Medium der globalen Informationsgesellschaft geworden. Indem die Neuerungen der modernen Kommunikationstechnik, wie etwa Digitalisierung und weltweite Vernetzung in allen Lebensbereichen zu tiefgreifenden Veränderungen führen, wird auch das Recht in seiner Funktion als Ordnungsrahmen und Steuerungsinstrument mit völlig neuen Problemen konfrontiert. In dem Buch werden die vielfältigen und bisweilen auch komplexen Zusammenhänge des Internetrechts anschaulich, aber auch umfassend dargestellt. Neben der Darstellung der bei der Nutzung des Internets auftretenden spezifischen Rechtsfragen bietet das Werk Hinweise und Beispiele zu wichtigen Streitfragen und aktuellen Entwicklungen. Schwerpunkte sind insbesondere internetspezifische Rechtsfragen des Vertragsrechts sowie des Marken-, Urheber-, Datenschutz-, Wettbewerbs- und Haftungsrechts.

Internetrecht (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider Severin Riemenschneider Ruben Schneider

Das Buch richtet sich spezifisch an Studierende mit entsprechendem Schwerpunktbereich, eignet sich aber auch als Einführung ins Internetrecht. Es bietet einen Überblick über die privatrechtlichen Rechtsfragen, die bei der Nutzung des Internets auftreten können und vertieft vor allem wichtige Aspekte des Urheberrechts, des Äußerungsrechts, des E-Commerce Rechts und des Domainrechts. Zahlreiche Klausurhinweise und Übungsfälle runden die Darstellung ab.

Interpersonal Criminology: Revisiting Interpersonal Crimes and Victimization

by K. Jaishankar

Based on peer-reviewed articles from the Second International Conference of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology, Interpersonal Criminology investigates the roots of crime and victimization, rather than dissecting criminal behavior after the fact. The book divides crime by type, covering crimes against women, crimes against children and youths, culture conflict and victimization of groups, and interpersonal cybercrimes. Perfect for criminal justice practitioners and advanced human rights, criminology, and victimology students, Interpersonal Criminology explores the complexities of crime and interpersonal events in both established and emerging fields of criminology, including those concerning women and minorities.

The Interplay between Urban Development, Vulnerability, and Risk Management

by Ebru A. Gencer

Natural disasters are increasingly affecting the world, taking lives unexpectedly and leaving many others injured and homeless. Moreover, disasters disrupt local, national and even global economies, instantly changing the direction of development. In the first half of 2011 alone, 108 natural disasters occurred, killing over 23 thousand people, affecting nearly 44 million others and causing more than 253 billion US dollars of economic damages (CRED 2011,1). Large urban settlements have become increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of natural disasters. The concentration of substandard infrastructure and housing, material assets, and inherent socio-economic inequalities increase vulnerability to disasters in large urban areas, especially in developing countries. The size, number, functions, and geographical distribution of large- and megacities create a special concern for disaster risk. Good urban management practices can be a powerful catalyst for reducing losses from natural disasters, while simultaneously helping to develop a sustainable environment. Yet, the existing situation indicates that sustainable planning and risk management measures are not taken into consideration or may not be put into practice for a variety of financial, political, and social reasons. This book argues that, on one hand, socio-economic disparities resulting from unsustainable urban development can increase vulnerability to natural hazards, and on the other hand, when paired with natural hazards this increased vulnerability can negatively affect urban areas, resulting in further inequality. This book will showcase this argument with theoretical reviews and quantitative analyses on the interplay between sustainable development and disaster vulnerability as well as an in-depth case study of the role of urban planning and risk management practices in creating the socio-economic and spatial vulnerabilities and predicted earthquake risk in the megacity of Istanbul.

Interpretation and Application of International Standards on Auditing

by Steven Collings

Written by Steven Collings, winner of Accounting Technician of the Year at the British Accountancy Awards 2011, this book deals with the significant changes auditing has undergone in recent years, due in large part to well-publicised corporate disasters such as Enron and Parmalat, which have shaken the profession. In response, many countries have replaced pre-existing domestic standards with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) in an attempt to ensure that auditors throughout the world apply the same level of standards during all audit assignments, and that audit quality remains consistent on a global basis.International Standards on Auditing are frequently updated to improve and clarify their application throughout the audit and accounting profession. They can be extremely complex and difficult to apply in real life situations. It is essential to apply the standards with sufficient rigor to enable an efficient audit to take place, to satisfy the regulators and ensure that the client receives and audit which is beneficial, cost effective, and which conforms to the prescribed framework; however, auditors are often criticised for failing to do so.Recognising that auditing is not always an exact science, and that in many cases the auditor is called upon to make a judgement in situations open to differing opinions, this book takes a practical and pragmatic approach to following International Standards on Auditing. Steve Collings looks at the full ISAs in their final form, as reissued following the IAASB 'Clarity Project', and give auditors guidance on how to interpret and apply them in real life situations. Each redrafted or rewritten ISA is dealt with in a separate chapter, containing case studies and illustrative examples. The book also covers the regulatory framework of auditing and gives a summary of the five ethical standards applicable to auditors, as mapped by the IAASB. Detailed appendices provide an overview of IFRS and IAS, illustrative audit tests and illustrative financial statements.

Interpretation, Critical Review and Reporting in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA Compendium – The Complete World of Life Cycle Assessment)

by Mary Ann Curran

This book discusses the phase “Interpretation” in an outstanding way. According to the opinio communis within the LCA community, “Interpretation” is classified as fourth phase of the LCA framework. However, referring to ISO 14040, this book defines “Interpretation” according to its function in the LCA framework, and this means that “Interpretation has a much broader influence than generally accepted. It overarches goal and scope, inventory analysis and impact assessment. Conclusions are drawn from the results of the inventory and the impact assessment, and recommendations refer to the objective of the study, the goal and scope phase. Likewise to be considered are the defined framework conditions, the reasons for carrying out the study as well as the context of the intended applications and the target groups of the results). A second highlight of this book concerns “Interpretation” as discussed in conjunction with Critical Review and Reporting, which is an outstanding approach. The relationship between interpretation and critical review can be seen in the fact that interpretation is a kind of structured preparation of a critical review; in practice, the performance of a critical review can be made much easier if the preparers of a life cycle assessment study very carefully follow the requirements that are specifically placed on the interpretation. Because the critical review is the independent quality control of an LCA, the results improve the credibility of reporting. The critical review helps to avoid text weaknesses and potential misunderstandings because these aspects will easier be realized by independent readers from different viewpoints. The reviewers thus also represent the first readership of a study and can help to ensure that the specific requirements for good and clear reporting of life cycle assessments are met. Sound reporting needs clear conclusions.

An Interpretation of Christian Ethics

by Reinhold Niebuhr

This addition to Westminster John Knox Press's Library of Theological Ethics series brings one of Reinhold Niebuhr's classic works back into print. This 1935 book answered some of the theological questions raised by Moral Man and Immoral Society (1932) and articulated for the first time Niebuhr's theological position on many issues. The introduction by ethicist Edmund N. Santurri sets the work into historical and theological context and also assesses the viability of some of Niebuhr's positions for theology and ethics today.

Interpretation of Contracts: Current Controversies In Law

by Catherine Mitchell

This book is a second edition of Interpretation of Contracts (2007). The original work examined various issues surrounding the question of how contracts should be interpreted by courts, in particular focusing on the law of contract interpretation following Lord Hoffmann’s exposition of the principles of contextual interpretation in Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society [1998] 1 WLR 896. As with the original, this new edition provides an overview of the subject, concentrating on elements of controversy and disagreement, rather than a detailed analysis of all the contract law rules and doctrines that might be regarded as interpretative in one sense or another. The book will be concerned with interpretation of contracts generally (following the rule that there are not different rules of interpretation for different kinds of contracts), but with reference to commercial contracts in particular, since this is the area in which the contextual interpretative approach was developed, and where it has most relevance. The overall aim of the second edition remains the same as the first – to produce an accessible and readable guide to contract interpretation for law students, scholars and practitioners.

Interpretation of Law in the Age of Enlightenment

by Yasutomo Morigiwa Jean-Louis Halperin Michael Stolleis

A collaboration of leading historians of European law and philosophers of law and politics identifying and explaining the practice of interpretation of law in the 18th century. The goal: establishing the actual practice in the Age of Enlightenment, and explaining why this was the case. The ideology of the Age was that law, i.e., the will of the sovereign, can be explicitly and appropriately stated, thus making interpretation redundant. However, the reality was that in the 18th century, there was no one leading source of national law that would be the object of interpretation. Instead, there was a plurality of sources of law: the Roman Law, local customary law, and the royal ordinance. However, in deciding a case in a court of law, the law must speak with one voice. Hence, interpretation to unify the norms was inevitable. What was the process? What role did justification in terms of reason, the hallmark of the Enlightenment, play? These are some of the questions addressed.

Interpretation of Law in the Global World: From Particularism to a Universal Approach

by Przemyslaw Miklaszewicz Joanna Jemielniak

The volume examines the impact of applying transnational rules on the repertory, methods and practice of legal interpretation. It scrutinizes how globalization processes in law - those reaching top-down (such as European law), as well as those developing bottom-up (such as the new lex mercatoria and international commercial arbitration) - influence the often highly innovative use of various methods of legal rendition. It also examines to what extent they affect supranational and domestic decision-making. Capturing the current development of universalizing tendencies in legal interpretation, the book offers both an extensive theoretical background and thorough studies on adjudicatory practice in such fields as European and constitutional law, international business law and arbitration or criminal law.

Interpretation without Truth: A Realistic Enquiry (Law and Philosophy Library #128)

by Pierluigi Chiassoni

This book engages in an analytical and realistic enquiry into legal interpretation and a selection of related matters including legal gaps, judicial fictions, judicial precedent, legal defeasibility, and legislation. Chapter 1 provides an outline of the central theoretical and methodological tenets of analytical realism. Chapter 2 presents a conceptual apparatus concerning the phenomenon of legal interpretation, which it subsequently applies to investigate the truth-in-legal-interpretation issue. Chapters 3 to 6 argue for a theory of legal interpretation - pragmatic realism - by outlining a theory of interpretive games, revisiting the debate between literalism and contextualism in contemporary philosophy of language, and underscoring the many shortcomings of the container-retrieval view and pragmatic formalism. In turn, Chapter 7, focusing on comparative legal theory, advocates an interpretation-sensitive theory of legal gaps, as opposed to purely normativist ones. Chapter 8 explores the connection between judicial reasoning and judicial fictions, casting light on the structure and purpose of fictional reasoning. Chapter 9 provides an analytical enquiry into judicial precedent, examining a variety of ideal-typical systems in terms of their normative or de iure relevance. Chapter 10 addresses defeasibility and legal indeterminacy. In closing, Chapter 11 highlights the central tenets of a realistic theory of legislation.

The Interpreter: A Novel

by Brooke Robinson

"In this stellar debut thriller from playwright Robinson, London-based interpreter Revelle Lee considers the consequences of sabotaging a murder investigation." —Publishers Weekly, starred reviewWith the taut psychological drama of The Silent Patient and the propulsive storytelling of The Club, a chilling debut thriller about a London-based interpreter with dark secrets—and the enemy determined to take her down.Innocent or guilty: it all hinges on a single word . . .Thanks to a nomadic childhood, Revelle Lee is fluent in ten languages, which she puts to use at crime scenes and in courtrooms across London. Being a court interpreter is a stressful job, one that makes her privy to the most personal and often dark details of others’ lives.In the meantime, she’s close to adopting a six-year-old boy named Elliot from foster care. Revelle is determined to be the mother she never had, and to make up for a terrible mistake she made years ago. Though the sweet, loving little boy is learning to trust her, she’s begun receiving disturbing messages which she suspects are from his birth family.When one of her cases involves a murder victim she knew slightly, Revelle fears she’s seeing a miscarriage of justice play out. Putting both the adoption and her career at risk, she deliberately mistranslates a Polish man’s alibi to put his accused friend behind bars, even though he insists he’s innocent.Revelle thinks she’s gotten away with it free and clear. But someone seems to know what she’s done—and about her long-ago error and its terrible consequences. And they intend to destroy Revelle’s life, piece by piece. . .

Interpreter-mediated Police Interviews: A Discourse-Pragmatic Approach

by I. Nakane

This book shows how participation of interpreters as mediators changes the dynamics of police interviews, particularly with regard to power struggles and competing versions of events. The analysis of interaction offers insights into language in the legal process.

Interpreters and War Crimes (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies)

by Kayoko Takeda

Taking an interdisciplinary approach, this book raises new questions and provides different perspectives on the roles, responsibilities, ethics and protection of interpreters in war while investigating the substance and agents of Japanese war crimes and legal aspects of interpreters’ taking part in war crimes. Informed by studies on interpreter ethics in conflict, historical studies of Japanese war crimes and legal discussion on individual liability in war crimes, Takeda provides a detailed description and analysis of the 39 interpreter defendants and interpreters as witnesses of war crimes at British military trials against the Japanese in the aftermath of the Pacific War, and tackles ethical and legal issues of various risks faced by interpreters in violent conflict. The book first discusses the backgrounds, recruitment and wartime activities of the accused interpreters at British military trials in addition to the charges they faced, the defence arguments and the verdicts they received at the trials, with attention to why so many of the accused were Taiwanese and foreign-born Japanese. Takeda provides a contextualized discussion, focusing on the Japanese military’s specific linguistic needs in its occupied areas in Southeast Asia and the attributes of interpreters who could meet such needs. In the theoretical examination of the issues that emerge, the focus is placed on interpreters’ proximity to danger, visibility and perceived authorship of speech, legal responsibility in war crimes and ethical issues in testifying as eyewitnesses of criminal acts in violent hostilities. Takeda critically examines prior literature on the roles of interpreters in conflict and ethical concerns such as interpreter neutrality and confidentiality, drawing on legal discussion of the ineffectiveness of the superior orders defence and modes of individual liability in war crimes. The book seeks to promote intersectoral discussion on how interpreters can be protected from exposure to manifestly unlawful acts such as torture.

Interpreting Complex Forensic DNA Evidence

by Jane Moira Taupin

Interpreting Complex Forensic DNA Evidence is a handy guide to recent advances—and emerging issues—in interpreting complex DNA evidence and profiles for use in criminal investigations. In certain cases, DNA cannot be connected to a specific biological material such as blood, semen or saliva. How or when the DNA was deposited may be an issue. However, the possibility of generating DNA profiles from touched objects, where there may not be a visible deposit, has expanded the scope and number of exhibits submitted for DNA analysis. With such advances, and increasing improvements in technological capabilities in testing samples, this means it is possible to detect ever smaller amounts of DNA. There are also many efforts underway to seek was to interpret DNA profiles that are sub-optimal—either relative to the amount required by the testing kit and, potentially, the quality of the obtained sample. Laboratories often use enhancements in order to obtain a readable DNA profile. The broad-reaching implications of improving DNA sensitivity have led to this next, emerging generation of more complex profiles. Examples partial profiles that do not faithfully reflect the proposed donor, or mixtures of partial DNA from multiple people. A complexity threshold has been proposed to limit interpretation of poor-quality data. Research is now addressing the interpretation of transfer of trace amounts of DNA. Complex issues are arising in trial that need to be reconciled as such complexity has added challenges to the interpretation of evidence and its introduction or dismissal in certain cases in the courts. Interpreting Complex Forensic DNA Evidence provides tools to assist the criminal investigator, forensic expert, and legal professional when posed with a DNA result in a forensic report or testimony. The result—and any associated statistic—may not reveal any ambiguity, complexity, or the assumptions involved in deriving it. Questions from resolved criminal cases are posed, and the relevant forensic literature, are provided for the reader to assess a DNA result and any associated statistic. Case studies included throughout illustrate concepts and emphasize the need for conclusions in the forensic report that are data-driven and supported by the data.

Interpreting Conflict: A Comparative Framework (Palgrave Studies in Languages at War)

by Marija Todorova Lucía Ruiz Rosendo

This edited book examines the role of interpreting in conflict situations, bringing together studies from different international and intercultural contexts, with contributions from military personnel, humanitarian interpreters and activists as well as academics. The authors use case studies to compare relevant notions of interpreting in conflict-related scenarios such as: the positionality of the interpreter, the ethical, emotional and security implications of their work, the specific training needed to carry out work for military and humanitarian organizations, and the relations of power created between the different stakeholders. The book will be of interest to students and scholars of translation and interpreting, conflict and peace studies, as well as conflict resolution and management.

Interpreting Crimes in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

by Leena Grover

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defines more than ninety crimes that fall within the Court's jurisdiction: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and aggression. How these crimes are interpreted contributes to findings of individual criminal liability, and moreover impacts upon the perceived legitimacy of the Court. And yet, to date, there is no agreed approach to interpreting these definitions. This book offers practitioners and scholars a guiding principle, arguments and aids necessary for the interpretation of international crimes. Leena Grover surveys the jurisprudence of the ICTY and ICTR before presenting a model of interpretive reasoning that integrates the guidance within the Rome Statute itself with Articles 31-33 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

Interpreting Health Benefits and Risks

by Erik Rifkin Andrew Lazris

This timely guide to communication in patient-centered medicine argues for greater clarity in explaining health risks versus benefits of an array of screening tests, procedures, and drug regimens. It reviews the growing trend toward patients' involvement in their own care, particularly in terms of chronic conditions, and details approaches physicians can use to prepare patients (and themselves) for collaborative decision-making based on informed choices and clear, meaningful knowledge. Chapters apply this lens to a wide range of common interventions as contentious as estrogen replacement therapy and antibiotics, and as widely prescribed as the daily aspirin and the annual physical. With this goal in mind, the authors also introduce an innovative decision-making tool that translates risks and benefits into a clear graphic format for fewer chances of miscommunication or misunderstanding. Among the topics covered: Involving the patient in decision making. Towards a universal decision aid. BRCT: the Benefit/Risk Characterization Theater. Breast Cancer Screening--Mammograms. Prostate Cancer Screening. Colon cancer screening with colonoscopy. Screening for and treating dementia. Statins, cholesterol, and coronary heart disease. Physicians in family and internal medicine will find Interpreting Health Benefits and Risks: A Practical Guide to Facilitate Doctor- Patient Communication a valuable resource for communicating with patients and new possibilities for working toward their better health and health education. This book considers several common and important situations where faulty decision-making makes overtreatment a serious risk. Clear, fair, referenced, and useful information is provided. And a powerful intuitive technique is introduced which allows patient and doctor to talk as equals as they work together in the exam room. The authors emphasize that some patients who have been fully educated will still accept high risks of harm for a small chance of avoiding premature death. But as this book is accepted and its ideas and technique are extended, I feel sure that net harm to patients will be curtailed. And what is more, the integrity of the decision-making process will be improved. --Thomas Finucane, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Interpreting Islam, Modernity, And Women’s Rights In Pakistan

by Anita M. Weiss

In Pakistan, myriad constituencies are grappling with reinterpreting women's rights. This book analyzes the Government of Pakistan's construction of an understanding of what constitutes women's rights, moves on to address traditional views and contemporary popular opinion on women's rights, and then focuses on three very different groups' perceptions of women's rights: progressive women's organizations as represented by the Aurat Foundation and Shirkat Gah; orthodox Islamist views as represented by the Jama'at-i-Islami, the MMA government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (2002-08) and al-Huda; and the Swat Taliban. Author Anita M. Weiss analyzes the resultant "culture wars" that are visibly ripping the country apart, as groups talk past one another - each confidant that they are the proprietors of culture and interpreters of religion while others are misrepresenting it.

Interpreting Justice: Ethics, Politics and Language (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies)

by Moira Inghilleri

In this timely study, Inghilleri examines the interface between ethics, language, and politics during acts of interpreting, with reference to two particular sites of transnational conflict: the political and judicial context of asylum adjudication and the geo-political context of war. The book characterizes the social and moral spaces in which the translation of the spoken word occurs in ways that reflect the realities of the trans-nationally constituted, locally and globally informed environments in which interpreters work alongside others. One of the core arguments is that the rather restricted notion of neutrality that remains central to translator and interpreter practices does not adequately reflect the complex and paradoxical nature of these socially and politically inscribed encounters and others like them. This study offers an alternative theoretical perspective on language and ethics to those which have shaped and informed translation and interpreting theory and practice in recent years.

Interpreting Precedents: A Comparative Study (Applied Legal Philosophy #10)


This book contains a series of essays discussing the uses of precedent as a source of law and a basis for legal arguments in nine different legal systems, representing a variety of legal traditions. Precedent is fundamental to law, yet theoretical and ideological as well as legal considerations lead to its being differently handled and rationalised in different places. Out of the comparative study come the six theoretical and synoptic essays that conclude the volume.

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