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Showing 16,926 through 16,950 of 33,540 results

Introduction to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (Palgrave Philosophy Today)

by Pavlos Kontos

This book provides a balanced and accessible introduction to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. It carefully and comprehensively follows the thread of Aristotle’s argument and sheds light on topics that all too often receive little attention or are entirely ignored in the existing textbooks (such as self-control, legislative science and the legislator, the life of the money-maker, craft-knowledge, comprehension, and beastliness).Its objective is not only to offer an academically reliable presentation of Aristotle’s Ethics but to also defend Aristotle’s main tenets—or, at least, to present them in their most defensible form.It places the Nicomachean Ethics within the study of ethics generally; students are invited to understand Aristotle’s claims in the light of, or in contrast to, other ethical theories or their own intuitions about ethical matters.It follows the reader of the Nicomachean Ethics in action, registering questions, expectations and progress within an insightful exegesis of Aristotle's philosophical argument. It is replete with pedagogical tools including examples from our concrete everyday experience, paintings, films, and literature, end of chapter summaries, internet resources, suggestions for further reading, study questions, and essay questions.

Introduction to Basics of Pharmacology and Toxicology: Volume 3 : Experimental Pharmacology : Research Methodology and Biostatistics

by Gerard Marshall Raj Mageshwaran Lakshmanan Deepak Gopal Shewade

This volume is designed to impart the fundamental concepts in experimental pharmacology, research methodology and biostatistics. Through this book, the readers will learn about different methods involved in drug discovery, experimental animals and their care, equipments and the various bioassays used in experimental pharmacology. This book contains special sections on various drug screening methods involved in the evaluation of different body systems. Certain sections provide the healthcare professionals with the knowledge necessary to interpret clinical research articles, design clinical studies, and learn essential concepts in biostatistics in an expedient and concise manner. Basic principles and applications of simple analytical methods employed in drug analysis are well written under one section. It focuses on the basic and advanced laboratory techniques and also on computer simulated data, written extensively under the Biostatistics section. The methods used for drug analysis have been described in adequate detail with cross-references for further studies and comprehension. Overall, the book is designed systematically with four broad sections with extensive subdivisions for easy tracking, interpretation, and understanding.

An Introduction to Biblical Ethics: Walking in the Way of Wisdom

by Robertson McQuilkin Paul Copan

What should we do or not do? What attitudes, behavior and qualities are good? Can we be good without God? What is the highest good, the purpose of human existence? These are the questions the study of ethics seeks to answer. Unlike many approaches to ethics, this book foundationally turns to Scripture, going only as far as Scripture itself goes. The result is an overview of biblical ethics that not only addresses the life of love and wisdom to be lived out by Christians as virtuous individuals, but also as Christians in community, in society and in a world of God?s creation. Key preliminary considerations of love, law, sin and virtue are given their due in this thoroughly revised and updated text. The bulk of the work is then organized around the Ten Commandments and ethical themes springing from them—loving God (commandments 1-4) and loving others (commandments 6-10). This new edition includes added material on ethical alternatives such as relativism, social contract, utilitarianism and evolutionary ethics the seven deadly sins as well as the cardinal virtues vs. theological virtues end-of-life ethics, stem-cell research, animal rights, sexuality, genetics and technology, and other bioethical issues such as plastic surgery and surrogate motherhood technology and its depersonalizing effects as well as helping the poor the church?s engagement in society and how Christians can make a difference in the media. McQuilkin and Copan stay focused on how we are fulfilling the purposes of God for our lives—a will that is for our good and our well-being. This comprehensive study is the place to begin on the journey of living wisely, faithfully and obediently.

An Introduction to Biblical Ethics: Walking in the Way of Wisdom

by Robertson McQuilkin Paul Copan

What should we do or not do? What attitudes, behavior and qualities are good? Can we be good without God? What is the highest good, the purpose of human existence? These are the questions the study of ethics seeks to answer. Unlike many approaches to ethics, this book foundationally turns to Scripture, going only as far as Scripture itself goes. The result is an overview of biblical ethics that not only addresses the life of love and wisdom to be lived out by Christians as virtuous individuals, but also as Christians in community, in society and in a world of God?s creation. Key preliminary considerations of love, law, sin and virtue are given their due in this thoroughly revised and updated text. The bulk of the work is then organized around the Ten Commandments and ethical themes springing from them―loving God (commandments 1-4) and loving others (commandments 6-10). This new edition includes added material on <P><P> <li>ethical alternatives such as relativism, social contract, utilitarianism and evolutionary ethics <li>the seven deadly sins as well as the cardinal virtues vs. theological virtues <li>end-of-life ethics, stem-cell research, animal rights, sexuality, genetics and technology, and other bioethical issues such as plastic surgery and surrogate motherhood <li>technology and its depersonalizing effects as well as helping the poor <li>the church's engagement in society and how Christians can make a difference in the media. <P><P>McQuilkin and Copan stay focused on how we are fulfilling the purposes of God for our lives―a will that is for our good and our well-being. This comprehensive study is the place to begin on the journey of living wisely, faithfully and obediently.

Introduction to Buddhist Economics: The Relevance of Buddhist Values in Contemporary Economy and Society (Studies in Buddhist Economics, Management, and Policy)

by Ernest C. Ng

Living in a market-driven economy where short-term profit and economic growth appear to be the ultimate goal, this book explores how Buddhist teachings could bridge the divide between our spiritual and material needs and reconcile the tension between doing good for social interest and doing well for financial success. This book serves as a pioneering effort to systematically introduce Buddhist Economics as an interdisciplinary subject to audience with limited background in either Buddhism or economics. It elaborates some core concepts in Buddhist teachings, their relevance to economics, and means of achieving sustainability for individuals, society and the environment with the cultivation of ethical living and well-being. Through scholarly research from relevant fields including Buddhist studies, economics, behavioral finance, cognitive science, and psychology, this book illustrates the relevance of Buddhist values in the contemporary economy and society, as well as the efficacy of Buddhist perspectives on decision-making in daily life.

An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values and Issues

by Peter Harvey

This systematic introduction to Buddhist ethics is aimed at anyone interested in Buddhism, including students, scholars and general readers. Peter Harvey is the author of the acclaimed Introduction to Buddhism (Cambridge, 1990), and his new book is written in a clear style, assuming no prior knowledge. At the same time it develops a careful, probing analysis of the nature and practical dynamics of Buddhist ethics in both its unifying themes and in the particularities of different Buddhist traditions. The book applies Buddhist ethics to a range of issues of contemporary concern: humanity's relationship with the rest of nature; economics; war and peace; euthanasia; abortion; the status of women; and homosexuality. Professor Harvey draws on texts of the main Buddhist traditions, and on historical and contemporary accounts of the behaviour of Buddhists, to describe existing Buddhist ethics, to assess different views within it, and to extend its application into new areas.

An Introduction to Business Ethics, 5th Edition

by Joseph Desjardins

Since its inception, An Introduction to Business Ethics by Joseph DesJardins has been a cutting-edge resource for the business ethics course. DesJardins’ unique multidisciplinary approach offers critical analysis and integrates the perspective of philosophy with management, law, economics, and public policy, providing a clear, concise, yet reasonably comprehensive introductory survey of the ethical choices available to us in business.

Introduction to Business Law

by Jeffrey F. Beatty Susan S. Samuelson Patricia Sánchez Abril

Discover the business law text you'll enjoy reading with Beatty/Samuelson/Abril's INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS LAW, 7E. Students like you explain that this is the best text they have ever read and they had no idea law could be so interesting. This book uses conversational writing to explain complex topics and emerging legal trends in easy-to-understand language. With 75 years of combined teaching experience, these award-winning authors know how to clearly explain topics and keep your interest. Because the authors actually practiced law before they became teachers, they also describe how theories of law work in everyday business practice. This edition is packed with current examples and real-life scenarios relevant to daily life - from marijuana contracts and the research behind executive compensation to the impact of Covid-19 and #MeToo in the workplace. MindTap and Infuse digital resources help clarify concepts with interactive cases and learning tools.

Introduction to Business Law in Russia (Markets And The Law Ser.)

by Vladimir Orlov

This volume provides a comprehensive overview of business law in Russia. It presents an introduction to the Russian legal system in general before going on to provide a thorough analysis of the key aspects such as regulation, taxation, competition, contracts, intellectual property law, among many others. Where appropriate, cases and international comparisons are included to help illustrate the practical workings of this complex system. The book will be an invaluable guide for students, researchers and practitioners who want a clear understanding of legislation relating to business in contemporary Russia.

An Introduction to Catholic Ethics since Vatican II

by Andrew Kim

This introduction provides a comprehensive overview of the development of Catholic ethics in the wake of the Second Vatican Council (1962–5), an event widely considered crucial to the reconciliation of the Catholic Church and the modern world. Andrew Kim investigates Catholic responses to questions of moral theology in all four principal areas: Catholic social teaching, natural law, virtue ethics, and bioethics. In addition to discussing contemporary controversies surrounding abortion, contraception, labor rights, exploitation of the poor, and just war theory, he explores the historical sources of the Catholic worldview. Beginning with the moral vision revealed through the person of Jesus Christ and continuing with elaborations on this vision from figures such as Augustine and Aquinas, this volume elucidates the continuity of the Catholic moral tradition. Its balance of complexity and accessibility makes it an ideal resource for both students of theology and general readers.

Introduction to Catholic Theological Ethics: Foundations and Applications

by Todd A. Salzman Michael G. Lawler

Two renowned, award-winning authors in the field of virtue and sexual ethics introduce and then apply their ethical method to such topics as relativism, ecology, bioethics, sexual ethics, and liberation theology. The result is a foundational text for undergraduate courses in Catholic theological ethics.

Introduction to Chinese Fiscal System

by Lorenzo Riccardi

This user-friendly book aims to summarize the principal topics of Chinese Taxation and offers readers a general overview of the Chinese Taxation and informative updates on tax changes. The book provides a variety of facts, figures, graphs and data in an easy-to read table format. Firstly, the book proposes an introduction to taxation and to the Chinese tax system, secondly, it focuses on direct taxes, indirect taxes and other taxes and, in the end, it covers international taxation. Moreover, the book offers a quick overview of the Chinese M&A taxation and of the Chinese Free Trade Zones.

An Introduction to Christian Ethics: Goals, Duties, and Virtues

by Robin W. Lovin

A few years ago, the first distinction that ethicists drew was the line between Christian ethics and philosophical ethics. However, in our global context, Christian ethicists must now, in addition, compare and contrast various ethics. Christian ethics has become increasingly multivocal not only because of a plurality of faiths but also because of a plurality of Christianities. In light of these new realities, this book will introduce Christian ethics. It will lay out history, methods, and basic principles every student must know. The author also will include case studies for further explanation and application.

Introduction to Christian Ethics: Conflict, Faith, And Human Life

by Ellen Marshall

All Christians read the Bible differently, pray differently, value their traditions differently, and give different weight to individual and corporate judgment. These differences are the basis of conflict. The question Christian ethics must answer, then, is, "What does the good life look like in the context of conflict?" <P><P> In this new introductory text, Ellen Ott Marshall uses the inevitable reality of difference to center and organize her exploration of the system of Christian morality. <P><P> What can we learn from Jesus' creative use of conflict in situations that were especially attuned to questions of power? <br>What does the image of God look like when we are trying to recognize the divine image within those with whom we are in conflict? <br>How can we better explore and understand the complicated work of reconciliation and justice? <P><P> This innovative approach to Christian ethics will benefit a new generation of students who wish to engage the perennial questions of what constitutes a faithful Christian life and a just society.

Introduction to Classical Legal Rhetoric: A Lost Heritage (Applied Legal Philosophy)

by Michael H. Frost

Lawyers, law students and their teachers all too frequently overlook the most comprehensive, adaptable and practical analysis of legal discourse ever devised: the classical art of rhetoric. Classical analysis of legal reasoning, methods and strategy is the foundation and source for most modern theories on the topic. Beginning with Aristotle's Rhetoric and culminating with Cicero's De Oratore and Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria, Greek and Roman rhetoricians created a clear, experience-based theoretical framework for analyzing legal discourse. This book is the first to systematically examine the connections between classical rhetoric and modern legal discourse. It traces the history of legal rhetoric from the classical period to the present day and shows how modern theorists have unknowingly benefited from the classical works. It also applies classical rhetorical principles to modern appellate briefs and judicial opinions to demonstrate how a greater familiarity with the classical sources can deepen our understanding of legal reasoning.

Introduction to Climate Change Management: Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy (Springer Climate)

by John C. Shideler Jean Hetzel

This book provides climate students with the basic scientific background to climate change management. Students will learn about international and national approaches to climate change management defined in voluntary initiatives as well as in national law and international agreements. The book describes mitigation and adaptation measures, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, and strategies for achieving a low-carbon economy, including green finance.This book combines theory and practice, introducing students to the conceptual background but also taking a professional and technical approach with case studies and low carbon toolkits. Filled with didactic elements such as concept schemes, tables, charts, figures, examples, as well as questions and answers at the end of the chapters, this book aims to engage critical thinking and the discussion of important topics of our days.The low-carbon strategy is one of the answers to limiting the greenhouse effect on our planet. This strategy is to minimize the overall carbon consumption in the life cycle of the products we consume, from the extraction of raw materials to the end of their life. The future is being built today. This book will guide its readers along the path of imagining and realizing a low-carbon economy.”

Introduction to Clinical Ethics: Perspectives from a Physician Bioethicist

by Saleem Toro

This textbook offers an introduction to the field of bioethics, specifically from a practicing physician standpoint. It engages a wide range of recent scholarship and emerging research covering many crucial topics in clinical ethics. While there has been increasing attention to the role of bioethics in medicine, the gap between theory and practice still exists, and it continues to impede the dialogue between health care professionals from one side and bioethicists and philosophers of medicine from the other side. This book builds bridges and open channels of connection between different parties in these conversations. It does so from a physician’s practical perspective, engaging recent scholarship and emerging research, to shed light on pivotal ethical dilemmas in contemporary clinical practice.

Introduction to Collaborative Divorce

by Holly J. Wanzer

Help Your Clients Achieve a "Total Family" Settlement Through Collaborative Divorce Contrary to popular myth, the collaborative divorce process does not require the parties to hold hands at the negotiating table or join in a meditation circle or a group sing-along. It does, however, require a collective shift from the "win/lose" paradigm of more traditional divorce process options to the "win/win" paradigm that governs every aspect of the collaborative process. If you are curious about (or, perhaps, skeptical of) the idea of "collaborative" divorce, Holly Wanzer's Introduction to Collaborative Divorce is for you. This book dispels the myths surrounding the collaborative process and offers straightforward how-to advice gleaned from the author's experience. Introduction to Collaborative Divorce answers the questions you and your clients may have about collaborative divorce, and gives you practical tools to help you make the paradigm shift necessary to reach a collaborative settlement. You learn the "who, what, why and how" of collaborative divorce, including: Why is it important to educate every client about the different divorce process options available? What are the core principles that distinguish collaborative divorce from other divorce processes? What are the five core requirements of a collaborative divorce? What are the practical advantages of the attorney withdrawal provision? What are the ethical underpinnings of the attorney withdrawal provision? Other than the spouses and their attorneys, who are the potential "team members" and what role do they play? How does the "team approach" of a collaborative divorce actually work in practice? How do collaborative "interest-based" negotiations differ from "rights-based" negotiations? What kinds of collaborative tools are available to help overcome an impasse in the negotiations?

An Introduction to Comparative Legal Models of Criminal Justice

by Cliff Roberson Dilip K. Das

Updated to reflect changes in the criminal justice systems in several countries, An Introduction to Comparative Legal Models of Criminal Justice, Second Edition explores and illustrates the idea that a country‘s legal model determines the character of its police, corrections, and legal system. It focuses on how law shapes policing, including how it

Introduction to Construction Contract Management

by Brian Greenhalgh

This book is an introduction to construction contract administration and management, covering the delivery and execution stage of a construction project and the various issues which the contract administrator needs to proactively manage. It can therefore be used as a contract administrator’s resource book covering what needs to be done (and why) to keep a construction project on track from a commercial and contractual perspective. It is particularly appropriate for students and new practitioners from varied construction professions and whilst it covers domestic (UK) projects, it will be particularly useful for those studying and working on international projects where terminology, procedures and legal systems may differ from the UK. The content is split into four parts and is subdivided into easy-to-read chapters replicating the timeline of a project during the construction stage: Part A covers initiating the construction stage, project delivery mechanisms, contract administration and health and safety management; Part B covers managing the construction stage, contractor performance and relationship management; Part C covers finalising the construction stage, project completion and close-out; Part D covers claims and disputes. Introduction to Construction Contract Management will be particularly useful for students enrolled on global construction programmes together with international distance learning students and non-cognate graduates starting out on an international career in construction contract administration and quantity surveying.

Introduction to Corporate and White-Collar Crime

by Frank J. DiMarino Cliff Roberson

White-collar crime costs the United States more than $300 billion each year. It is surprisingly common, with one in every three Americans eventually becoming a victim. The criminals often dismiss these crimes as victimless, but those unfortunate enough to fall prey would disagree. An Introduction to Corporate and White-Collar Crime provides readers

An Introduction to Corporate Environmental Management: Striving for Sustainability

by Stefan Schaltegger Roger Burritt Holger Petersen

This book is designed to meet the urgent need for a comprehensive and definitive introduction and teaching text on corporate environmental management. It aims to become the standard textbook for courses examining how business can take the environment into account while also providing an accessible and thorough overview of this increasingly multidisciplinary subject for practitioners.Written by the internationally acknowledged experts Stefan Schaltegger and Roger Burritt (authors of the highly influential Contemporary Environmental Accounting) along with Holger Petersen, the book invites the reader to join in an exploration of the ways in which companies can engage in environmental management and why such engagement can be profitable for business. The reader is invited to: examine whether the contents reflect their own experience, takes their experience further, or opposes their own views; note which of the ideas presented are especially important, add to those ideas, or encourage a reaction (positive or negative); answer questions creatively (based on their own perspective of the issues); encourage themselves to be inspired by questions, which can be investigated further through other written sources of information, such as books you will be guided to through the bibliography, the Internet or the general media; and think about and plan the ways in which the knowledge provided can be implemented in your own situation.The book is organised into four main sections. First, the fundamental ideas and linkages behind business management, the environment and sustainable development are briefly but clearly sketched. The second part of the book outlines the criteria against which environmentally oriented business management can be assessed and the fields of action in which success can be achieved. The third part presents a discussion and examples of strategies for environmental management, which are linked, in the fourth part, to the essential tools of environmental management, especially green marketing, environmental accounting and eco-control.The book is full of case studies and examples related to the main contents of each chapter and each chapter provides a number of questions for the student or reader to address.An Introduction to Corporate Environmental Management is both a textbook and a sourcebook. The reader can either work through the material in a structured way or dip into the content and follow up on specific areas of interest. The materials are designed to be used for understanding and reference, rather than to be learned by heart. The primary aim is for the reader to obtain a practical understanding of the relationship between management and environmental issues which can be applied in day-to-day situations-whether as part of a student's wider view of management or within the practitioner's real-world situation. It will be essential reading for many years to come.

Introduction to Corrections

by David H. McElreath Linda Keena Greg Etter Ellis Stuart Jr.

Millions in our nation are under some type of judicial sanction, with some individuals behind bars but the majority serving their sentences while living and working among us. Introduction to Corrections examines predominant issues related to the system of administering to offenders in the United States. Written in a simple, concise style and enhanc

Introduction to Crime Analysis: Basic Resources for Criminal Justice Practice

by Deborah Osborne Susan Wernicke

Successfully analyze crime at any level of law enforcement! This book is a practical resource guide for the development of crime analysis in local law enforcement. The tragedy of September 11, 2001, has raised awareness on how crucial it is to analyze information and intelligence. Smaller agencies that cannot financially justify hiring a full-time analyst will find strategies and techniques to teach officers the methods of analysis. Introduction to Crime Analysis: Basic Resources for Criminal Justice Practice provides basic tools and step-by-step directions that will improve the skills and knowledge of new crime analysts. From the editors: "Military strategists have used analysis for centuries; it makes sense to know as much as possible about the enemy and about the conditions and causes of a situation if we hope to institute any kind of significant change for the better. Career criminals are the enemies of a community's well being. Now that advances in information technology give us the means and methods to fully examine and find meaningful knowledge in the vast amounts of existing information on crimes and criminals, we have an obligation to use our technological strength to protect innocent people. Systematic crime analysis as a law enforcement and public safety asset has become not only possible, but also truly necessary as a weapon in the war against crime." Along with defining the various roles of the crime analyst, Introduction to Crime Analysis demonstrates how to: improve the personal skills necessary to make you a good crime analyst successfully work through the five stages-collection, collation, analysis, dissemination, and feedback and evaluation-of analysis select the appropriate crime mapping software for your agency evaluate the usefulness of your crime analysis products benefit from email discussion groups and professional associations create a crime analysis unit-including policies and procedures as well as marketing and funding This clearly written resource includes case studies, figures, and appendixes that will simplify the learning process. Links to Internet pages also offer resources and information beneficial to both new and experienced crime analysts. Introduction to Crime Analysis will benefit crime analysts, police officers, intelligence analysts, community groups focused on crime prevention, criminal justice students, and police departments and sheriff&’s agencies.

Introduction to Criminal Investigation

by Michael L. Birzer Cliff Roberson

The manner in which criminal investigators are trained is neither uniform nor consistent, ranging from sophisticated training protocols in some departments to on-the-job experience alongside senior investigators in others. Ideal for students taking a first course in the subject as well as professionals in need of a refresher, Introduction to Criminal Investigation uses an accessible format to convey concepts in practical, concrete terms.Topics discussed include: The history of criminal investigation in Western society Qualifications for becoming an investigator, the selection process, and ideal training requirements Crime scene search techniques, including planning and post-search debriefing Preparing effective field notes and investigative reports Interviewing and interrogating Types of evidence found at the crime scene and how to collect, package, and preserve it The contributions of forensic science to criminal investigations and the equipment used in crime labs Investigative protocol for a range of crimes, including property crimes, auto theft, arson, financial crimes, homicide, assault, sex crimes, and robbery Specialized investigations, including drug trafficking, cybercrime, and gang-related crime Legal issues involved in criminal investigations and preparing a case for trial Bringing together contributions from law enforcement personnel, academics, and attorneys, the book combines practical and theoretical elements to provide a comprehensive examination of today‘s criminal investigative process. The accessible manner in which the information is conveyed makes this an ideal text for a wide-ranging audience.

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