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Assigning Responsibility for Children’s Health When Parents and Authorities Disagree: Whose Child? (The International Library of Bioethics #90)
by Allan J. JacobsThis book provides a multidisciplinary analysis of the potential conflict between a government’s duty to protect children and a parent(s)’ right to raise children in a manner they see fit. Using philosophical, bioethical, and legal analysis, the author engages with key scholars in pediatric decision-making and individual and religious rights theory. Going beyond the parent-child dyad, the author is deeply concerned both with the inteests of the broader society and with the appropriate limits of government interference in the private sphere. The text offers a balance of individual and population interests, maximizing liberty but safeguarding against harm. Bioethics and law professors will therefore be able to use this text for both a foundational overview as well as specific, subject-level analysis. Clinicians such as pediatricians and gynecologists, as well as policy-makers can use this text to achieve balance between these often competing claims. The book is written by a physician with practical and theoretical knowledge of the subject, and deep sympathy for the parental and family perspectives. As such, the book proposes a new way of evaluating parental and state interventions in children's’ healthcare: a refreshing approach and a useful addition to the literature.
Assistance Benefits in Brazil: Changes and Challenges to the Exercise of a Constitutional Right
by Marco Aurélio Serau Junior José Ricardo Caetano CostaThis edited book focuses on the most controversial aspects of assistance benefits as mandated by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 - and the challenges that have merged since the approval, in 1993, of the Federal Act 8. 742, also known as Organic Law of Social Assistance. This collection of essays allows the reader to understand some important changes in social assistance policies in Brazil in recent years, having the General Theory of Social Security and the Human Rights as references. The tensions between economic principles and affirmative policies for the less advantaged parts of the society are also covered, showing how different interpretations of key concepts - like need, poverty or family - may have an important role on the exercise of fundamental rights.
Assisted Dying: Reflections on the Need for Law Reform (Biomedical Law and Ethics Library)
by Sheila McLeanAssisted Dying explores the law relating to euthanasia and assisted suicide, tracing its development from prohibition through to the laissez faire attitude adopted in a number of countries in the 21st Century. This book provides an in-depth critique of the arguments surrounding legislative control of such practices and particularly looks into the regulatory role of the state. In the classical tradition of libertarianism, the state is generally presumed to have a remit to intervene where an individual’s actions threaten another, rather than harm the individuals themselves. This arguably leaves a question mark over the state’s determined intervention, in the UK and elsewhere, into the private and highly personal choices of individuals to die rather than live. The perceived role of the state in safeguarding the moral values of the community and the need for third party involvement in assisted suicide and euthanasia could be thought to raise these practices to a different level. These considerations may be in direct conflict with the so called right to die espoused by some individuals and groups within the community. However this book will argue that the state’s interests are and should be second to the interests that the people themselves have in choosing their own death. Assisted Dying is winner of the The Minty Prize of the Society of Authors, and winner of the Royal Society of Medicine Book Awards, 2008
Assisted Dying: Who Makes the Final Decision
by Terry Pratchett Jo Cartwright Lesley CloseThe latest developments in the arguments for and against assisted dying, with a foreword by Terry PratchettAssisted dying is perhaps one of the most divisive issues of the modern age, generating endless headlines and moral debates. Published in conjunction with the organization Dignity in Dying, this important book provides a forum for expert commentators in a variety of fields, including religion and medicine, to explore whether the most humane response to the torment and helplessness of certain severely incapacitated individuals is to assist them in their wish to die. This collection is edited by two proponents of greater choice at the end of life, and all the contributors support the need to change the law. Starting from a position that the current legal situation is untenable, detailed case studies shed light on the negative consequences of the current state of the law which forbids assisted dying, and the lack of choices offered to dying people who are suffering intolerably at the moment. The book's case studies punctuate chapters, written by a variety of authors, about different aspects of the subject: these chapters attempt to address the concerns raised by the case studies.
Assisted Reproduction, Discrimination, and the Law: Conceiving a New Interpretation of Equality
by Michelle Weldon-JohnsThe numbers of women undergoing Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) treatments have risen steadily, yet they remain largely outside the scope of equality and employment law protection while undergoing treatment. Assisted Reproduction, Discrimination, and the Law examines this gap in UK law, with reference to EU law as appropriate, and argues that new conceptions of equality are necessary. Drawing from the literature on multidimensional and intersectional discrimination, it is argued that an intersectionality approach offers a more useful analytical framework to extend protection to those engaged in ART treatments. Drawing from Schiek’s intersectional nodes model, the book critically examines two alternative interpretations of existing protected characteristics, namely infertility as a disability, with reference to the social model of disability and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2006, and redefining the boundaries of pregnancy and/or sex discrimination, with reference to attempts to extend associative discrimination to pregnancy. Comparisons are drawn with the US, where infertility has been recognised as a disability under the American’s with Disabilities Act 1990 and as a pregnancy-related condition under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act 1978. A specific right to paid time off work to undergo treatment is also proposed, drawing comparisons with the US Family and Medical Leave Act 1993 and the existing UK work-family rights framework. It is argued that the reinterpretations of equality law and the rights proposed here are not only conceptually possible, but could practically be achieved with minor, but significant, amendments to existing legislation.
The Assisted Reproduction of Race
by Camisha A. RussellA philosopher examines the social implications of assisted reproductive technologies at the intersection of race, medicine, and bioethics.The use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART)—in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, and gestational surrogacy—challenges contemporary notions of what it means to be parents or families. Camisha A. Russell argues that these technologies also bring new insight to ideas and questions surrounding race. She does this in part by reframing ART, as medical technologies that also act as technologies of kinship.Thinking about race in terms of technology brings together the common academic insight that race is a social construction with the equally important insight that race is a political tool used in different contexts for a variety of ends. As Russell explores ideas about race through their role in ART, she brings together social and political views to shift debates from what race is to what race does, how it is used, and what effects it has had in the world.
Assisted Reproduction Policy in Canada: Framing, Federalism, and Failure
by Dave SnowThe world has undergone a revolution in assisted reproduction, as processes such as in vitro fertilization, embryonic screening, and surrogacy have become commonplace. Yet when governments attempt to regulate this field, they have not always been successful. Canada is a case in point: six years after the federal government created comprehensive legislation, the Supreme Court of Canada struck it down for violating provincial authority over health. In Assisted Reproduction Policy in Canada, Dave Snow provides the first historical exploration of Canadian assisted reproduction policy, from the 1989 creation of the Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies to the present day. Snow argues the federal government’s policy failure can be traced to its contradictory "policy framing," which sent mixed messages about the purposes of the legislation. In light of the federal government’s diminished role, Snow examines how other institutions have made policy in this emerging field. Snow finds provincial governments, medical organizations, and even courts have engaged in considerable policymaking, particularly with respect to surrogacy, parentage, and clinical intervention. The result—a complex field of overlapping and often conflicting policies—paints a fascinating portrait of different political actors and institutions working together. Accessibly written yet comprehensive in scope, Assisted Reproduction Policy in Canada highlights how paying attention to multiple policymakers can improve our knowledge of health care regulation.
Assisted Suicide and the European Convention on Human Rights (Biomedical Law and Ethics Library)
by Stevie MartinLocating assisted suicide within the broader medical end-of-life context and drawing on the empirical data available from the increasing number of permissive jurisdictions, this book provides a novel examination of the human rights implications of the prohibition on assisted suicide in England and Wales and beyond. Assisted suicide is a contentious topic and one which has been the subject of judicial and academic debate internationally. The central objective of the book is to approach the question of the ban’s compatibility with the European Convention on Human Rights afresh; freed from the constraints of the existing case law and its erroneous approach to the legal issues and selective reliance on empirical data. The book also examines the compatibility of the ban on assisted suicide with rights which have either been erroneously disregarded or not considered by either the domestic courts or the European Court of Human Rights. Having regard to human rights jurisprudence more broadly, including in the context of abortion, the research and analysis undertaken here demonstrates that the ban on assisted suicide violates the rights of a significant number of individuals to life, to freedom from torture or inhuman or degrading treatment and to private life. Such analysis does not depend on a strained or contrived approach to the rights at issue. Rather, the conclusions flow naturally from a coherent, logical application of the established principles governing those rights. While the focus of the book is the Suicide Act 1961, the conclusions reached have implications beyond England and Wales, including for the other devolved jurisdictions and international jurisdictions. Beyond courts and legislators, it will be a valuable resource for students of human rights and medical law, as well as medical and legal practitioners and academics working in human rights and end-of-life care.
Assistierte Reproduktion mit Hilfe Dritter: Medizin - Ethik - Psychologie - Recht
by Claudia Wiesemann Petra Thorn Katharina Beier Claudia BrüggeSammelband mit Beiträgen von 28 Expertinnen und Experten aus dem Bereich der assistierten Reproduktion.Immer häufiger werden Verfahren der medizinisch assistierten Reproduktion genutzt, die den Beitrag Dritter einschließen, also Samenspende, Eizellspende, Embryospende oder Leihmutterschaft. Diese Formen der Familienbildung mit Hilfe Dritter werfen ein breites Spektrum an medizinischen, ethischen, rechtlichen und lebensweltlichen Fragen auf, die umfassend und im interdisziplinären Kontext diskutiert werden sollten. In diesem Sammelband mit Beiträgen in deutscher und englischer Sprache diskutieren Expertinnen und Experten aus unterschiedlichen fachlichen und lebensweltlichen Perspektiven Probleme und Lösungsansätze. Empirische Analysen aus der internationalen Forschung und Praxisbeispiele aus Großbritannien, USA, Australien und Neuseeland ergänzen die Darstellung.
Assistierter Suizid: Hintergründe, Spannungsfelder und Entwicklungen
by Angelika Feichtner Ulrich Körtner Rudolf Likar Herbert Watzke Dietmar WeixlerDie Legalisierung der Beihilfe zum Suizid bringt tiefgreifende gesellschaftliche Veränderungen mit sich. Das bisherige Selbstverständnis von Medizin und Pflege wird in Frage gestellt und es wird eine neue Auseinandersetzung mit dem Leid am Lebensende erfordern. Das Buch bietet einen Überblick über die ethischen Aspekte und die internationalen Entwicklungen der Suizidassistenz sowie über die Spannungsfelder, die sich durch die Legalisierung der Beihilfe zum Suizid aus der Sicht von Palliative Care ergeben. Die Entwicklungen in anderen Ländern, in denen Suizidassistenz schon länger legal ist, geben Anlass zur Sorge. Es wird entscheidend sein, wie gut es gelingt, Rahmenbedingungen festzulegen, die gewährleisten, dass der Entschluss für einen assistierten Suizid frei von Druck getroffen wird. Das Buch richtet sich an alle Berufsgruppen, die Patienten am Lebensende behandeln oder betreuen und schwierige Entscheidungen treffen müssen, sowie an ethischen Themen Interessierte.
Assistierter Suizid: mit einem Kommentar zum neuen Sterbehilfe-Gesetz (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik der Universitäten Heidelberg und Mannheim #46)
by Jochen Taupitz Ralf J. Jox Gian Domenico Borasio Urban WiesingDas Buch dokumentiert die Beitr#65533;ge des internationalen Symposiums ,,Assistierter Suizid: Der Stand der Wissenschaft" vom 15. Juni 2015 in Berlin. Es bietet einen einmaligen #65533;berblick #65533;ber die aktuellen empirischen Untersuchungen zum Thema, die in der politischen Debatte teilweise schlicht ignoriert wurden und immer noch ignoriert werden. Es enth#65533;lt au#65533;erdem die Transkripte aufschlussreicher Pro-Contra Debatten zwischen Vertretern unterschiedlicher Positionen aus den Fachgebieten Recht, Medizin und Ethik. Am Schluss steht eine ausf#65533;hrliche Kommentierung des neuen Gesetzes ,,zur Strafbarkeit der gesch#65533;ftsm#65533;#65533;igen F#65533;rderung der Selbstt#65533;tung" aus rechtlicher, medizinischer und ethischer Perspektive. Die Autoren und Herausgeber sind international ausgewiesene Experten aus Deutschland und aus anderen Staaten, in denen die T#65533;tung auf Verlangen und/oder der assistierte Suizid gesetzlich geregelt sind (Niederlande, Schweiz, USA).
Assisting Victims of Terrorism: Towards a European Standard of Justice
by Rianne Letschert Antony Pemberton Ines StaigerThe large-scale terrorist attacks on 9/11 resulted in more attention being devoted to victims of terrorist acts. Discussions took place on how their needs could be best accommodated. The Madrid bombings in March 2004 gave further impetus to this process. This development is also part of a recent trend towards general victim of crime policies that branch out into specialized policies devised to meet the needs of particular groups of victims such as victims of trafficking, victims of sexual violence and abuse or victims of traffic accidents. However, although a movement of national and international solidarity relating to addressing the needs of victims of terrorism has developed, political consensus is still fragile. This book provides a thorough analysis of the specific needs of victims of terrorism (using both legal and psycho-social studies), compared to victims of other forms of crime. The study combines different disciplines, enabling to combine the different perspectives leading to synergy in the analysis of the legal and psycho-social needs of victims of terrorism. Furthermore the appropriateness of restorative justice practices in the context of terrorism is included and provides challenging new insights.
The Associate
by John GrishamKyle McAvoy grew up in his father's small-town law office in York, Pennsylvania. He excelled in college, was elected editor-in-chief of The Yale Law Journal, and his future has limitless potential.But Kyle has a secret, a dark one, an episode from college that he has tried to forget. The secret, though, falls into the hands of the wrong people, and Kyle is forced to take a job he doesn't want-even though it's a job most law students can only dream about.Three months after leaving Yale, Kyle becomes an associate at the largest law firm in the world, where, in addition to practicing law, he is expected to lie, steal, and take part in a scheme that could send him to prison, if not get him killed.With an unforgettable cast of characters and villains-from Baxter Tate, a drug-addled trust fund kid and possible rapist, to Dale, a pretty but seemingly quiet former math teacher who shares Kyle's "cubicle" at the law firm, to two of the most powerful and fiercely competitive defense contractors in the country-and featuring all the twists and turns that have made John Grisham the most popular storyteller in the world, THE ASSOCIATE is vintage Grisham.(P)2009 Random House, LLC
The Associate: A Novel
by John Grisham#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • If you thought Mitch McDeere was in trouble in The Firm, wait until you meet Kyle McAvoy, The AssociateKyle McAvoy possesses an outstanding legal mind. Good-looking and affable, he has a glittering future. He also has a dark secret that could destroy his dreams, his career, even his life. One night that secret catches up with him. The men who accost Kyle have a compromising video they&’ll use to ruin him—unless he does exactly what they say. What they offer Kyle is something any ambitious young lawyer would kill for: a job in Manhattan as an associate at the world&’s largest law firm. If Kyle accepts, he&’ll be on the fast track to partnership and a fortune. But there&’s a catch. Kyle won&’t be working for the firm but against it in a dispute between two powerful defense contractors worth billions. Now Kyle is caught between the criminal forces manipulating him, the FBI, and his own law firm—in a malignant conspiracy not even Kyle, with all his intellect, cunning, and bravery, may be able to escape alive.Don&’t miss John Grisham&’s new book, THE EXCHANGE: AFTER THE FIRM!
The Associated Press Guide To Internet Research And Reporting
by Frank BassFrom the editors at the world-renowned Associated Press, a guide to research, writing style, and reporting using the Internet
The Associated Press Stylebook 2017 and Briefing on Media Law
by Associated Press StaffThe style of the Associated Press is the gold standard for news writing. With The AP Stylebook in hand, you can learn how to write and edit with the clarity and professionalism for which they are famous. Fully revised and updated, this new edition contains more than 3,000 A to Z entries--including more than 200 new ones--detailing the AP's rules on grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, and word and numeral usage. You'll find answers to such wide-ranging questions as: � When should the names of government bodies be spelled out and when should they be abbreviated? � What are the general definitions of the major religious movements? � Which companies do the big media conglomerates own? � Who are all the members of the British Commonwealth? � How should box scores for baseball games be filed? � What constitutes "fair use"? � What exactly does the Freedom of Information Act cover? With invaluable additional sections on the unique guidelines for business and sports reporting and on how you can guard against libel and copyright infringement, The AP Stylebook is the one reference that all writers, editors, and students cannot afford to be without.
The Associated Press Stylebook, 57th Edition, 2024-2026
by Associated PressThe spiral-bound Associated Press Stylebook, 57th Edition, includes new chapters on artificial intelligence and criminal justice and a detailed self-editing checklist. Specialized chapters cover sports, business, punctuation, religion, data journalism, inclusive storytelling, health and science, news values, and polls and surveys.
The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law (2011 Edition)
by Associated PressThe style of the Associated Press is the gold standard for news writing. With The AP Stylebook in hand, you can learn how to write and edit with the clarity and professionalism for which they are famous.
Associations and Law: The Classical and Early Christian Stages
by Otto Gierke George HeimanGeorge Heiman has translated the discussion of classical and early Christian laws of association from the major works by Grotto Gierke, Das deutsche Genossenschaftsrecht. This work complements F.W. Maitland's translation of a later part under the title, The Political Theories of the Middle Ages, and E. Barker's translation of the third part, Natural Law and the Theory of Society, 1500-1800. Professor Heiman thus has completed the circle in bringing into English the eminent German jurist's historical analysis of the law. Professor Heiman furthermore has introduced the work with substantial, detailed, and scholarly essays on Gierke's work as a whole. He examines and explains Gierke's concept of the group-person and his organic view of the association, society, and the state, and clearly outlines the conflict between individualist Roman and collectivist Germanic law. This introduction provides the first complete analysis in English of the philosophy of a major representative of the school of historical law and a jurist whose thinking is reflected in the general civil code adopted in Germany at the end of the nineteenth century. The book will interest political and social theorists as well as those concerned with jurisprudence and legal philosophy.
Assume the Worst: The Graduation Speech You'll Never Hear
by Carl Hiaasen Roz ChastThis is Oh, the Places You'll Never Go--the ultimate hilarious, cynical, but absolutely realistic view of a college graduate's future. And what he or she can or can't do about it."This commencement address will never be given, because graduation speakers are supposed to offer encouragement and inspiration. That's not what you need. You need a warning." So begins Carl Hiaasen's attempt to prepare young men and women for their future. And who better to warn them about their precarious paths forward than Carl Hiaasen? The answer, after reading Assume the Worst, is: Nobody. And who better to illustrate--and with those illustrations, expand upon and cement Hiaasen's cynical point of view--than Roz Chast, best-selling author/illustrator and National Book Award winner? The answer again is easy: Nobody. Following the format of Anna Quindlen's commencement address (Being Perfect) and George Saunders's commencement address (Congratulations, by the way), the collaboration of Hiaasen and Chast might look typical from the outside, but inside it is anything but. This book is bound to be a classic, sold year after year come graduation time. Although it's also a good gift for anyone starting a job, getting married, or recently released from prison. Because it is not just funny. It is, in its own Hiaasen way, extremely wise and even hopeful. Well, it might not be full of hope, but there are certainly enough slivers of the stuff in there to more than keep us all going.
Asylum and Sanctuary in History and Law: A Social and Political Approach to Temporary Protections Around the World
by James Biser Whisker Kevin R. SpikerThis book explores the history and evolution of sanctuary and asylum as a legal concept including treaties, laws, and court rulings by major geographic areas around the world, influences of Hebrew [Old Testament], classical sanctuary theory and practices,
Asylum City: A Novel
by Liad ShohamIn this edgy thriller from the #1 international bestselling author of Lineup, which was described by New York Times bestselling author Joseph Finder as "a marvel of tight plotting, spare prose, and relentless pacing," a young police officer's investigation of a murder plunges her into the dark underworld of Tel Aviv.When young social activist Michal Poleg is found dead in her Tel Aviv apartment, her body showing signs of severe violence, officer Anat Nachmias is given the lead on her first murder investigation. Eager to find answers, the talented and sensitive cop looks to the victim's past for clues, focusing on the last days before her death. Could one of the asylum seekers Michal worked with be behind this crime?Then a young African man confesses to the murder, and Anat's commanders say the case is closed. But the cop isn't convinced. She believes that Michal, a tiny girl with a gift for irritating people, got involved in something far too big and dangerous for her to handle.Joined by Michal's clumsy yet charming boss, Anat is pulled deep into a perplexing shadow world where war victims and criminals, angels and demons, idealists and cynics, aid organizations and criminal syndicates intersect. But the truth may be more than Anat can handle, bringing her face to face with an evil she's never before experienced.
Asylum Law in the European Union: From The Geneva Convention To The Law Of The Eu (Routledge Research in Asylum, Migration and Refugee Law)
by Francesco CherubiniThis book examines the rules governing the right to asylum in the European Union. Drawing on the 1951 United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, and the 1967 Protocol, Francesco Cherubini asks how asylum obligations under international refugee law have been incorporated into the European Union. The book draws from international law, EU law and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, and focuses on the prohibition of refoulement; the main obligation the EU law must confront. Cherubini explores the dual nature of this principle, examining both the obligation to provide a fair procedure that determines the conditions of risk in the country of origin or destination, and the obligation to respond to a possible expulsion. Through this study the book sheds light on EU competence in asylum when regarding the different positions of Member States. The book will be of great use and interest to researchers and students of asylum and immigration law, EU law, and public international law.
Asylum Matters: On the Front Line of Administrative Decision-Making (Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies)
by Laura AffolterThis open access book examines everyday practices in an asylum administration. Asylum decisions are often criticised as being ‘subjective’ or ‘arbitrary’. Asylum Matters turns this claim on its head. Through the ethnographic study of asylum decision-making in the Swiss Secretariat for Migration, the book shows how regularities in administrative practice and ‘socialised subjectivity’ are produced. It argues that asylum caseworkers acquire an institutional habitus through their socialisation on the job, making them ‘carriers’ of routine practices. The different chapters of the book deal with what it means to methodologically study administrative practice: with how asylum proceedings work in Switzerland and with the role different types of knowledge play in overcoming the uncertainties inherent in refugee status and credibility determination. It sheds light on organisational socialisation processes and on the professional norms and values at the heart of administrative work. By doing so, it shows how disbelief becomes normalised in the office. This book speaks to legal scholars, sociologists, anthropologists, human geographers and political scientists interested in bureaucracy, asylum law, migration studies and socio-legal studies, and to NGOs working in the field of asylum.
Asylum Policy, Boat People and Political Discourse: Boats, Votes and Asylum in Australia and Italy
by Irial GlynnThis book compares the policies of Australia and Italy towards boat people who have arrived in the two countries since the early 1990s. While the regular and varied inflow of immigrants arriving at national airports, ferry terminals and train stations is seldom witnessed by the public, the arrival of boat people is often played out in the media and consequently attracts disproportionate political and public attention. Both Australia and Italy faced similar dilemmas, but the nature of political debate on the issue, the types of strategies introduced, and the effects that policy changes had on boat people diverged considerably. This book argues that contrasting migration path dependencies, disparate political values within the Left, and varying international obligations best explain the different approaches taken by the two countries to boat people.