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Juice: A Novel

by Stephen Becker

A corporate executive stands accused of a terrible crime in this searing legal drama from the bestselling author of A Covenant with Death The managing director of a popular West Coast television network, Joseph Harrison has everything a man could want: a successful career, a loving family, the promise of a bright and prosperous future. His life is one happy circumstance after another--until the fateful evening he gets behind the wheel after drinking three martinis and hits a pedestrian. Arraigned on charges of manslaughter, Harrison knows that his perfect world is lost forever. But no one seems to think he should pay for his crime. Not the chairman of the network's board of directors, who immediately hires a slick Hollywood attorney to defend Harrison. Not the eyewitnesses to the accident, whose testimonies suddenly change when they step inside the courtroom. Not even the judge, who is pressured by the powerful interests that stand behind the defendant. Only Harrison believes that he should face the consequences--but is he brave enough to proclaim his guilt when the entire system wants to declare him innocent? A dramatic portrait of one man's moral crisis and a blistering indictment of the influence of money and power in America, Juice is a masterful novel of suspense from one of the twentieth century's most original and captivating authors.

El juicio: Crónica de la caída del Chapo

by J. Jesús Esquivel

Narrado con toda crudeza por sus protagonistas, El juicio exhibe la degradante historia de México durante los últimos años, presa absoluta del crimen organizado y la corrupción gubernamental. J. Jesús Esquivel -uno de los periodistas mexicanos que mejor conocen el mundo del narco y el único que ha documentado esta realidad tal y como la enfocan las autoridades norteamericanas- entrega con este libro la más original de las crónicas sobre el proceso judicial que el gobierno de Estados Unidos ejecutó en contra de Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán. No sólo se trata de una descripción completa, fiel y crítica del proceso que muchos han llamado "el juicio del siglo", sino que recurriendo a distintas herramientas periodísticas y narrativas -incluyendo una entrevista exclusiva a Emma Coronel, esposa de Guzmán Loera- el autor ha montado un auténtico thriller legal, al estilo de Scott Turow o John Grisham. Pero la riqueza de contenido del libro trasciende los registros anecdóticos, el desfile de testigos, peritos y policías, así como las evidencias presentadas en contra del inculpado y el exhibicionismo criminal que se dio en la Corte Federal del Distrito Este, en Brooklyn, Nueva York. Lo que también leemos en estas páginas es la hipocresía del sistema penal estadounidense y la perversión de la guerra contra las drogas.

El juicio: Crónica de la caída del Chapo

by J. Jesús Esquivel

Narrado con toda crudeza por sus protagonistas, El juicio exhibe la degradante historia de México durante los últimos años, presa absoluta del crimen organizado y la corrupción gubernamental. J. Jesús Esquivel -uno de los periodistas mexicanos que mejor conocen el mundo del narco y el único que ha documentado esta realidad tal y como la enfocan las autoridades norteamericanas- entrega con este libro la más original de las crónicas sobre el proceso judicial que el gobierno de Estados Unidos ejecutó en contra de Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán. No sólo se trata de una descripción completa, fiel y crítica del proceso que muchos han llamado "el juicio del siglo", sino que recurriendo a distintas herramientas periodísticas y narrativas -incluyendo una entrevista exclusiva a Emma Coronel, esposa de Guzmán Loera- el autor ha montado un auténtico thriller legal, al estilo de Scott Turow o John Grisham. Pero la riqueza de contenido del libro trasciende los registros anecdóticos, el desfile de testigos, peritos y policías, así como las evidencias presentadas en contra del inculpado y el exhibicionismo criminal que se dio en la Corte Federal del Distrito Este, en Brooklyn, Nueva York. Lo que también leemos en estas páginas es la hipocresía del sistema penal estadounidense y la perversión de la guerra contra las drogas.

El juicio

by Robert Whitlow

Un abogado listo para morir acepta su último caso... el juicio de su vida.El abogado Kent Mac McClain ya no tiene motivos para vivir. Nueve años después del terrible accidente que se cobró la vida de su esposa y sus dos hijos, finalmente se da por vencido. Su casa vacía es un espejo de su alma vacía. Parecería que el suicidio es la única salida. Pero suena el teléfono.Angela Hightower, una hermosa heredera, hija del hombre más poderoso de Dennison Springs, fue hallada muerta al pie de un barranco. Peter Thomason, acusado del asesinato, necesita un abogado. Pero Mac ya se enfrentó alguna vez a los Hightower y a sus poderosos y despiadados abogados, y ese encuentro lo dejó con su reputación y su estudio pendiendo de un hilo.Las pruebas que señalan la culpabilidad de Thomason parecen incontestables. ¿El cliente de Mac es un ingenioso psicópata, o alguien ?posiblemente un familiar de la propia víctima? le tendió una trampa a Thomason? Todo se reduce a un último juicio. Thomason se enfrenta a la silla eléctrica; Mac, a su propio pasado tormentoso: un adversario que demostrará ser igual de mortífero.

El Juicio de los ángeles caídos

by James Kimmel Jr.

More information to be announced soon on this forthcoming title from Penguin USA.

Juli Zeh: Text und Engagement (Kontemporär. Schriften zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur #15)

by Erik Schilling

Juli Zeh verbindet zwei öffentliche Rollen: Sie ist Schriftstellerin und Juristin; sie trägt maßgeblich zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur bei, nimmt aber auch aktiv als ‚public intellectual‘ an öffentlichen Debatten teil. Der vorliegende Band untersucht daher gattungs- und literaturgeschichtliche Themen ebenso wie intertextuelle und theoretische Referenzpunkte, etwa zu Recht und Staat oder aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Aushandlungsprozessen.Juli Zehs Werk, für Bühne und Film adaptiert sowie in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt und inzwischen auch Schullektüre, umfasst ein breites Spektrum an Texten: Einige arbeiten mit den Mustern der Spannungsliteratur („Adler und Engel“, „Schilf“), andere lassen sich als dystopische Romane verstehen („Corpus Delicti“, „Leere Herzen“). Jüngst sind mehrere Gesellschaftsstudien zu verzeichnen („Unterleuten“, „Über Menschen“, „Zwischen Welten“). Der Band untersucht dies sowohl in Einzeltextanalysen als auch in systematischen Beiträgen, die Juli Zehs Werke vergleichend sowie im ästhetischen, medialen oder politischen Kontext in den Blick nehmen.

Jumpstart Torts: Reading and Understanding Tort Cases

by Ross Sandler

The JumpStart series supplies the context and prepares students to apply the rules in a litigation context. Titles in the series can be used as a general introduction to law school or as an introduction to torts.

Jung's Ethics: Moral Psychology and his Cure of Souls (Philosophy and Psychoanalysis)

by Dan Merkur

This volume presents the first organized study of Jung's ethics. Drawing on direct quotes from all of his collected works, interviews, and seminars, psychoanalyst and religious scholar Dan Merkur provides a compendium of Jung’s thoughts on various topics and themes that comprise his theoretical corpus—from the personal unconscious, repression, dreams, good and evil, and the shadow, to collective phenomena such as the archetypes, synchronicity, the psychoid, the paranormal, God, and the Self, as well as his contributions to clinical method and technique including active imagination, inner dialogue, and the process of individuation and consciousness expansion. The interconnecting thread in Merkur's approach to the subject matter is to read Jung’s work through an ethical lens. What comes to light is how Merkur systematically portrays Jung as a moralist, but also as a complex thinker who situates the human being as an instinctual animal struggling with internal conflict and naturalized sin. Merkur exposes the tension and development in Jung’s thinking by exploring his innovative clinical-technical methods and experimentation, such as through active imagination, inner dialogue, and expressive therapies, hence underscoring unconscious creativity in dreaming, symbol formation, engaging the paranormal, and artistic productions leading to expansions of consciousness, which becomes a necessary part of individuation or the working through process in pursuit of self-actualization and wholeness. In the end, we are offered a unique presentation of Jung’s core theoretical and clinical ideas centering on an ethical fulcrum, whereby his moral psychology leads to a cure of souls. Jung’s Ethics will be of interest to academics, scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of Jungian studies and analytical psychology, ethics, moral psychology, philosophy, religious studies, and mental health professionals focusing on the integration of humanities and psychoanalysis.

Juno's Aeneid: A Battle for Heroic Identity (Martin Classical Lectures #36)

by Joseph Farrell

A major new interpretation of Vergil's epic poem as a struggle between two incompatible versions of the Homeric heroThis compelling book offers an entirely new way of understanding the Aeneid. Many scholars regard Vergil's poem as an attempt to combine Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey into a single epic. Joseph Farrell challenges this view, revealing how the Aeneid stages an epic contest to determine which kind of story it will tell—and what kind of hero Aeneas will be.Farrell shows how this contest is provoked by the transgressive goddess Juno, who challenges Vergil for the soul of his hero and poem. Her goal is to transform the poem into an Iliad of continuous Trojan persecution instead of an Odyssey of successful homecoming. Farrell discusses how ancient critics considered the flexible Odysseus the model of a good leader but censured the hero of the Iliad, the intransigent Achilles, as a bad one. He describes how the battle over which kind of leader Aeneas will prove to be continues throughout the poem, and explores how this struggle reflects in very different ways on the ethical legitimacy of Rome’s emperor, Caesar Augustus.By reframing the Aeneid in this way, Farrell demonstrates how the purpose of the poem is to confront the reader with an urgent decision between incompatible possibilities and provoke uncertainty about whether the poem is a celebration of Augustus or a melancholy reflection on the discontents of a troubled age.

La jurado 272

by Graham Moore

LA VERDAD ES LA MEJOR DEFENSA, PERO ¿CUÁL ES LA VERDAD? UN THRILLER LEGAL PARA HACER HISTORIA, POR EL GANADOR DEL OSCAR AL MEJOR GUION EN DESCIFRANDO ENIGMA «Descarga una jeringuilla de adrenalina en el corazón de Doce hombres sin piedad y obtendrás La jurado 272»A. J. Finn, autor de La mujer en la ventana Jessica, la hija adolescente del gran magnate de Los Ángeles Lou Silver, desaparece mientras volvía a casa del colegio. Su profesor, Bobby Nock, un afroamericano de veinticinco años, se convierte en el principal sospechoso cuando salen a la luz unos mensajes ilícitos que había intercambiado con la alumna y se halla sangre de la víctima en su coche. El proceso judicial se convierte en el más mediático de la última década. La fiscalía cree estar ante un caso sólido y fácil de ganar, pero Maya Seale, una joven que forma parte del jurado popular, está convencida de la inocencia de Bobby y comenzará a influir en el resto de los miembros para declararlo no culpable. Esta controvertida decisión, que cambiará el destino de todos para siempre, es cuestionada diez años después, cuando el caso se reabre y la carrera de Maya, ahora abogada de prestigio, se tambalea. Y también se verán sacudidas las vidas, llenas de secretos, de los jurados y la de la propia familia Silver, mientras se ha perdido todo rastro de Bobby. Inspirándose en su propia experiencia como miembro de un jurado, el ganador del Oscar al mejor guion por Descifrando enigma nos impacta con «un thriller legal desenfrenado con giros ingeniosos y flashbacks sorprendentes. Moore combina con gran destreza la impecable construcción de personajes con revelaciones cada vez más explosivas en una historia que parece hecha para la gran pantalla» (Library Journal). «El thriller imprescindible del año.»The Sunday Express Reseñas:««Una excelente novela que dirige una mirada mordaz al sistema judicial norteamericano, al escrutinio de los medios, al racismo. Moore ha inventado un nuevo canon para los thrillers legales.»Publishers Weekly «El thriller imprescindible del año.»The Sunday Express «Una trama adictiva y un ritmo vertiginoso.»Booklist «El thriller más apasionante que he leído en más de una década.»Sophie Hannah «El ritmo imparable e hipnótico mantiene al lector pegado a las páginas.»Crime Time «Brillante. [...] La trayectoria de Moore como guionista explica lo bien que está construida la trama y la excelente caracterización de los personajes. Thriller del mes.»The Sunday Times «Descarga una jeringuilla de adrenalina en el corazón de Doce hombres sin piedad y obtendrás La jurado 272.»A. J. Finn «Enormemente entretenido.»The Observer «Un thriller judicial desenfrenado con giros ingeniosos y flashbacks impactantes. [...] Moore combina de manera experta la diestra construcción de personajes con revelaciones cada vez más explosivas en una historia que parece hecha para la gran pantalla.»Library Journal «Enrevesado, rítmico y con un desenlace del que la propia Agatha Christie hubiese estado orgullosa.»Shots E-Mag «Una tensa, emocional, sobresaliente lectura que me enganchó hasta la última página.»Caroline Kepnes

The Juridical Act: A Study of the Theoretical Concept of an Act that aims to create new Legal Facts (Law and Philosophy Library #129)

by H. D. van der Kaaij

This book puts forward a new theoretical concept of the juridical act, this concept is not described from the perspective of a specific national legal system, but instead represents the commonalities and ideas that stem from the Western legal tradition. Since the concept is system-independent, it does not rely on national or state laws.The book begins by detailing those characteristics that distinguish juridical acts from the general group of acts. It offers clear distinctions between the different aspects of juridical acts, such as the power and the competence needed in order to perform the act, the fact that juridical acts are constitutive speech acts, and the rules that connect the act with its consequences. In the process, the book dispels much of the haziness currently surrounding juridical acts.Developed with a mix of theory and practice, this new concept is better equipped to deal with modern trends and practices. Further, since the author has freed the idea of the juridical act from the bonds of history and geography, it is also more suited to facilitating a better understanding of and explaining changes in the legal landscape, such as the rise of computer technology. Accordingly, it offers scholars and practitioners alike a valuable new tool for explaining and theorizing about the law.

Juridical Humanity: A Colonial History

by Samera Esmeir

In colonial Egypt, the state introduced legal reforms that claimed to liberate Egyptians from the inhumanity of pre-colonial rule and elevate them to the status of human beings. These legal reforms intersected with a new historical consciousness that distinguished freedom from force and the human from the pre-human, endowing modern law with the power to accomplish but never truly secure this transition. Samera Esmeir offers a historical and theoretical account of the colonizing operations of modern law in Egypt. Investigating the law, both on the books and in practice, she underscores the centrality of the "human" to Egyptian legal and colonial history and argues that the production of "juridical humanity" was a constitutive force of colonial rule and subjugation. This original contribution queries long-held assumptions about the entanglement of law, humanity, violence, and nature, and thereby develops a new reading of the history of colonialism.

Juridical Perspectives between Islam and the West: A Tale of Two Worlds (Global Issues)

by Federico Lorenzo Ramaioli

This comparative philosophy of law book aims at formulating a new analytical approach to the Islamic legal tradition based on ‘juridical categories’, a concept that facilitates comprehension and understanding of juridical phenomena. Building upon legal comparativism and legal pluralism, this project intends to avoid bias caused by universalizing Western categories when analyzing foreign juridical notions, which inevitably results in the miscomprehension of non-Western ideas and institutions. Unlike existing literature, this project will not focus on substantive comparisons between normative contents, but on the ‘juridical perspectives’ that helped to shape the Islamic and Western legal orders.The book focuses on the most relevant juridical questions regarding the Islamic and Western legal perspectives, such as the different visions regarding juridical spatiality, the role of human reason and the relationship between law, man and the divinity. While contributing to legal philosophy, this work intends also to develop and define a new interdisciplinary approach, aiming to provide a starting point for novel analyses in research fields such as legal comparativism, legal pluralism, and constitutional law. Finally, by formulating a new interdisciplinary approach, it will provide a foundational discussion of a continuously evolving subject that will never be exhaustively explored. As such, it aims at broadening scholarly reflections on the relationship between the West and Islam, eventually placing these concepts within a suitably comprehensive and contextualized framework. "Published in cooperation with gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, Hornchurch, Essex, United Kingdom".

The Juridical Unconscious: Trials and Traumas in the Twentieth Century

by Shoshana Felman

Death, wrote Walter Benjamin, lends storytellers all their authority. How do trials, in turn, borrow their authority from death? This book offers a groundbreaking account of the surprising interaction betweenm trauma and justice.

The Juridification of Business Ethics

by Bart Jansen

This book provides a theory of the juridification of business ethics. Ethical codes pop up everywhere in the business world and increasingly resemble the code of law. A focus on compliance rather than reflection becomes the norm. Legal perspectives replace ethical perspectives, turning ethicists into lawyers without a law degree. This juridification of business ethics conceals a diminishing trust in ethics, as legal reasoning substitutes philosophical thinking. By appealing to the critical study of law, Bart Jansen advocates for a renewed focus on the ethical side of business. This book shows the importance of a good balance between law and ethics in business and is of great interest to both academics and professionals.

Juries and the Transformation of Criminal Justice in France in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

by James M. Donovan

James Donovan takes a comprehensive approach to the history of the jury in modern France by investigating the legal, political, sociocultural, and intellectual aspects of jury trial from the Revolution through the twentieth century. He demonstrates that these juries, through their decisions, helped shape reform of the nation's criminal justice system.From their introduction in 1791 as an expression of the sovereignty of the people through the early 1900s, argues Donovan, juries often acted against the wishes of the political and judicial authorities, despite repeated governmental attempts to manipulate their composition. High acquittal rates for both political and nonpolitical crimes were in part due to juror resistance to the harsh and rigid punishments imposed by the Napoleonic Penal Code, Donovan explains. In response, legislators gradually enacted laws to lower penalties for certain crimes and to give jurors legal means to offer nuanced verdicts and to ameliorate punishments. Faced with persistently high acquittal rates, however, governments eventually took powers away from juries by withdrawing many cases from their purview and ultimately destroying the panels' independence in 1941.

Jurisdiction (Critical Approaches to Law)

by Shaunnagh Dorsett Shaun McVeigh

This book takes its cue from the observation that jurisdiction - as the speech of law - articulates or proclaims law. Without jurisdiction the law would be speechless, without authority and authorisation. So too would be critics who approach the law or want to live lawfully. As a field of legal knowledge and legal practice, jurisdiction is concerned with the modes of authority and the manner of the authorisation of law. It encompasses the broadest questions of the authority and the founding of legal order as well as the minutest detail of the ordering of the business of the administration and adjudication of justice. It gives us both the point of articulation of law and the technological means of the expression of law. It gives us too, the understanding of the limits of the authority of law, as well as the resources for engaging with the plurality of laws, and the means of engaging in lawful behaviour. A critical approach to law through the forms of authority and action in law provides a means of engaging with the quality of relations created and maintained through law and a means of taking responsibility for the practices of jurisdiction (and what is done in the name of the law). This book provides a critical, and historically grounded, elaboration of the key themes of jurisdiction. It does so by offering students and scholars of law a form of critical engagement with the technologies, devices and forms of jurisdictional ordering. It shows how the common has authorised legal relations and bound persons, places, and events to the body of law. It offers a number of resources and engagements of jurisdiction on the basis that a jurisprudence of jurisdiction, if it is anything, engages forms of human relation.

Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea: Limitations on Party Autonomy (Maritime and Transport Law Library)

by Jonatan Echebarria Fernández

Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea focuses on party autonomy and its limitations in relation to jurisdiction and arbitration clauses included in contracts for the carriage of goods by sea in case of any cargo dispute. The author takes the perspective of the shipping companies and the shipowners, as these are the driving forces of the shipping industry due to their strategic importance.The book provides an analysis of the existing law on the recognition and validity of jurisdiction and arbitration clauses in the contracts for the carriage of goods by sea. The author also seeks to provide conclusions and to learn lessons for the future of the non-recognition and the non-enforcement of the clauses in the existing fragmented legal framework at an international, European Union, and national level (England & Wales and Spain). The interface between the different legal regimes reveals the lack of international harmonisation and the existence of ‘forum shopping’ when a cargo interest sues the shipowner or the party to whom the shipowner charters the vessel.This concise book provides a useful overview of existing research, for students, scholars and shipping lawyers

Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in International Commercial Law: Jurisdiction And Arbitration Agreements In International Commercial Law (Routledge Research in International Commercial Law)

by Zheng Sophia Tang

Arbitration and jurisdiction agreements are frequently used in transnational commercial contracts to reduce risk, gain efficacy and acquire certainty and predictability. Because of the similarities between these two types of procedural autonomy agreements, they are often treated in a similar way by courts and practitioners. This book offers a comprehensive study of the prerequisites, effectiveness, and enforcement of exclusive jurisdiction and arbitration agreements in international dispute resolution. It examines whether jurisdiction and arbitration clauses have identical effects in private international law and whether they have been or should be given the same treatment by most countries in the world. By comparing the treatment of these clauses in the US, China, UK and EU, Zheng Sophia Tang demonstrates how, in practice, exclusive jurisdiction and arbitration agreements are enforced. The book considers whether the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements could be treated as a litigating counterpart to the New York Convention, and whether it could work successfully to facilitate judicial cooperation and party autonomy in international commerce. This book breaks new ground in combining updated materials in EU, US and UK law with unique resources on Chinese law and practice. It will be valuable for academics and practitioners working in the field of private international law and international arbitration.

Jurisdiction in Deleuze: The Expression And Representation Of Law

by Edward Mussawir

Jurisdiction in Deleuze: The Expression and Representation of Law explores an affinity between the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and jurisprudence as a tradition of technical legal thought. The author addresses and reopens a central aesthetic problem in jurisprudence: the difference between the expression and the representation of law. Deleuze is taken as offering not just an important methodological recovery of an ‘expressionism’ in philosophy – specifically through Nietzsche and Spinoza – but also a surprisingly practical jurisprudence which recasts the major technical terms of jurisdiction (persons, things and actions) in terms of their distinctively expressive or performative modalities. In paying attention to law’s expression, Deleuze is thus shown to offer an account of how meaning may attach to the instrument and medium of law and how legal desire may be registered within the texture and technology of jurisdiction. Contributing both to a renewed transposition of Deleuze into contemporary legal theory, as well as to an emerging interest in law’s technology, institution and instrumentality in critical legal studies, Jurisdiction in Deleuze will be of considerable interest.

The Jurisdiction of Medical Law (Medical Law And Ethics Ser.)

by Kenneth Veitch

This book offers a critical analysis of some of the guiding principles and assumptions that have been central to the development and identity of medical law. Focusing on several key cases in the field - including the 'Dianne Pretty' and 'Conjoined Twins' cases - the book scrutinizes the notions of autonomy and human rights, and explores the relationship between medical law and moral conflict. It also asks what role, if any, the courts might play in stimulating public debate about the ethics of controversial developments in medicine and biomedical science. This innovative book will be of interest to academics and students working in the areas of medical law, legal theory, bioethics and medical ethics. It will also appeal to those within the medical and health care professions seeking a critical analysis of the development and operation of medical law.

The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court

by Victor Tsilonis

The book provides a holistic examination of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The main focus is placed on the three pillars which form the ICC’s foundation pursuant to the Rome Statute:the preconditions to the exercise of its jurisdiction (Article 12 Rome Statute)the substantive competence, i.e. the core crimes (Article 5-8bis Rome Statute, i.e. genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, crime of aggression) the principle of complementarity (Article 17§1 (a) Rome Statute) The latter governs the ICC's ‘ultimate jurisdiction’, since it is not merely sufficient for a crime to be within the Court's jurisdiction (according to the substantive, geographical, personal and temporal jurisdictional criteria), but the State Party must also be unwilling or unable genuinely to carry out the investigation or prosecution. Finally yet importantly, the main ‘negative preconditions’ for the Court’s jurisdiction, i.e. immunities (Article 27 Rome Statute) and exceptions via Security Council referrals are thoroughly examined.The book is an excellent resource for scholars as well as practitioners and notably contributes to the existing literature.

The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court

by Victor Tsilonis

This book embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and elucidates the three foundational aspects of its jurisdiction as laid out in the Rome Statute: the preconditions for exercising jurisdiction (Article 12 ICCRSt), its substantive competence regarding core crimes (Articles 5-8bis ICCRSt), and the principle of complementarity (Article 17§1(a) ICCRSt).This principle, crucial to understanding the ICC’s ‘ultimate jurisdiction’, is invoked only when a State Party demonstrates an inability or unwillingness to genuinely undertake investigation or prosecution. The book further probes the ‘negative preconditions’ of the Court’s jurisdiction, in particular, immunities (Article 27 ICCRSt) and exceptions through Security Council referrals (Articles 13(b) and 15 ICCRSt).Intended for students, scholars, and practitioners alike, this second edition offers invaluable insights into the ICC’s jurisdiction, making a notable contribution to the existing literature. Importantly, it also navigates emerging fields of international criminal law, addressing topical and thought-provoking subjects such as ecocide, cyber warfare, automated lethal weapons, artificial intelligence, and the legal complexities arising from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over Nationals of Non-States Parties

by Monique Cormier

This book provides a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the ICC's jurisdiction over nationals of non-States Parties. It is within the context of developments at the Court in recent years that this work addresses the overarching question: On what legal basis is the ICC authorised to exercise jurisdiction over nationals of non-States Parties? Engaging with ICC jurisprudence and building upon arguments developed in legal scholarship, this book explores the theory of delegated jurisdiction and critically examines the idea that the Court might alternatively be exercising jurisdiction inherent to the international community. It argues that delegation of territorial jurisdiction and implied consent by virtue of UN membership provide a legal basis to allow the ICC to exercise jurisdiction over nationals of non-States Parties in almost all situations envisaged by the Rome Statute.

Jurisdictional Accumulation: An Early Modern History of Law, Empires, and Capital

by Maïa Pal

The majority of European early modern empires - the Spanish, French, Dutch and English/British - are best characterised as developing practices of jurisdictional accumulation. These practices are distinguished by the three categories of extensions, transports, and transplants of authority, and this book is mostly concerned with various diplomatic and colonial agents which enabled the transports and transplants of their sovereign's authority. Through historical analyses of ambassadors and consuls in the Mediterranean based on primary and secondary material, and on the empires' Atlantic imperial expansions and conquests, the book makes two major analytical contributions. It firstly develops jurisdictional accumulation as a conceptual innovation, based, secondly, on an interdisciplinary mix of methodological angles. These intertwined contributions enable us to go beyond common binaries in both conventional and critical histories of international relations and international law through the use of a Political Marxist framework and its concept of social property relations.

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