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The Kyoto Post-COVID Manifesto For Global Economics: Confronting Our Shattered Society (Creative Economy)

by Stephen Hill Tadashi Yagi Stomu Yamash’ta

This book, The Kyoto Post-COVID Manifesto for Global Economics (KM-PC), is a sequel to our 2018 book, The Kyoto Manifesto for Global Economics (KM-I, 2018). It further exposes the failures of a global economic regime that, based on self-interest, has led to the enormously unequal and fragmented society of today and our decreased ability to respond and recover from the critical worldwide consequences of such a regime over time — notably, climate change. At stake is our very survival beyond the twenty-first century. The fundamental tenet of this book is that our power to heal our currently fractured society lies in the depth of our humanity — in our shared human spirit and spirituality. What is sacred or of imperishable supreme value is what we can be as a human race: empowered, fulfilled individuals, living in harmony, deeply sharing and caring for one another and the environment that sustains us across our distinct cultures and worlds in which we live. Thus, the norms in our economic relations do not have to be those of self-interest that separates us, the ever-watchful distrust represented by “the deal” and immediate economic advantage for me. Instead, we can build an economic frame for our society based on mindfulness, care, mutual human benefit, and trust — on our shared humanity. Our argument was complete and we were ready to publish. But then, suddenly, from the dawning of 2020, everything changed. COVID-19 invaded and the world as we knew it simply stopped. No one saw it coming. As authors, we waited to watch and seek to understand. The result is that the book captures the COVID trauma and, against the fractures based on self-interest already visible in today’s society, assesses the impact of COVID-19 now and for the future. Focusing on a humanity-based economics is even more important now, and this book shows why.Chapter 15 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

The Kyoto Protocol in the EU

by Leonardo Massai

The participation of the European Community and the Member States in the international climate change regimes is a complex issue. In the case of the Kyoto Protocol, this is rendered more complicated by the fact that, for the purposes of Article 4 of the Kyoto Protocol, the membership of the European Community and Member States is frozen at a particular point in time. The result of this is that, under international law, the European Community and a part of the Member States (EU15) have agreed to jointly fulfil some of those obligations, whereas under community law all Member States share a certain degree of responsibility to meet the obligations created by the Kyoto Protocol. This book analyses in great detail the Kyoto Protocol and the obligations established, such as monitoring and reporting obligations, eligibility criteria and reduction commitments.

La Banalità del Male: La Controimmagine di Dio nella Logica Nazista

by Ana Rubio-Serrano

L'obiettivo di questo libro non è mostrare soltanto l'Auschwitz storico, ma piuttosto l'Auschwitz che si è radicato nell'essere umano: la non capacità di distinguere il bene dal male; l'offuscamento per riaffermare la propria identità come la sola umana e l'impossibilità di pensare l'alterità, in modo tale che tutto questo ancora oggi persiste come eredità, della quale il nostro mondo è tanto esecutore testamentario quanto erede. Auschwitz è quindi il punto di partenza ma non il punto di arrivo. È uno studio in cui si mostra il modello di anti-uomo che nasce dall'antropologia nazista contraria al modello di uomo che rivela l'antropologia cristiana. Pubblicazione parziale della sua tesi di dottorato.


by Carlos Ortega Serrano

La España corrupta del siglo XXI es un libro que emerge de la oscuridad con casos de corrupción política ocultos hasta ahora. La España corrupta del siglo XXI es un libro en el cual el autor plasma con total transparencia y llamando a las cosas por su nombre, muchas de las informaciones mediáticas, como también de las experiencias vividas del escritor sobre la corrupción que asola y atraviesa la nueva España democrática, la cual necesita con urgencia una regeneración total de esta enfermedad cancerígena que han implantado individuos tóxicos y corruptos, los cuales quieren seguir propagando la misma por los cuatro puntos cardinales de la geografía española. No es de extrañar la crisis en la que está sumergida esta nación, la cual está siendo saqueada sin escrúpulo alguno por muchos de sus políticos, banqueros y otros.

La inmigracion y usted: Como navegar por el laberinto legal y triunfar (Vintage Espanol Ser.)

by Mario Lovo

La fuente de información inmigratoria más autorizada hasta la fecha, escrita por uno de los abogados más respetados de la nación.Dirigida exclusivamente al mundo hispanoparlante, La inmigración y usted es una guía esencial que resuelve todas las dudas relacionadas con las leyes inmigratorias de Estados Unidos. Desde el ciudadano americano que desea auspiciar a un familiar hasta el inmigrante que necesita legalizar su status, esta obra ofrece a todo el mundo la información necesaria para adentrarse en el complejo mundo de las visas, la residencia permanente y la ciudadanía americana. Escrita por Mario Lovo, el prestigioso abogado inmigratorio del programa "Despierta América", esta obra pone especial énfasis en los asuntos de inmigración más comunes entre la comunidad hispana, tales como: El logro de la residencia a través de un familiarLa obtención de una visa de trabajoLos requisitos necesarios para obtener el asilo La participación en la Lotería de Visas El cumplimiento de los formularios requeridos para cada visa El modo de conseguir la ciudadanía americana La mejor manera de lidiar con la Corte de Inmigración La petición de visa en caso de residir fuera de Estados Unidos Cada uno de los capítulos de La inmigración y usted explica con detalle cómo proceder, paso a paso, durante el proceso de solicitud de visa. En ellos encontrará reproducciones de todos los formularios claves junto con su traducción al español, consejos para evitar los errores más comunes cometidos por los solicitantes y respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes sobre cada visa. Relatado en un lenguaje sencillo y de fácil comprensión, La inmigración y usted es un libro imprescindible para todo inmigrante que sueña vivir mejor y de manera más segura en Estados Unidos.From the Trade Paperback edition.

La Vittima Innocente: 1 & 2

by McDowell Brains

Dopo diciotto anni in carcere, la verità è diventata improvvisamente pubblica. Nicholas non ha ucciso una studentessa universitaria, accusa di omicidio per cui è stato imprigionato. Ora, Nicholas non vuole lasciare la prigione. Dice che è l'unica casa che conoscerà per sempre. Dice che la sua vita è cambiata completamente durante la sua esperienza in prigione. Se dovesse tornare a vivere con la gente comune nella società civile, sarebbe molto pericoloso. Ma lo Stato dice che una volta che non ha più accuse contro una persona, non ha più l'autorità per tenerla in custodia. Lo stato dovrebbe seguire il processo e rilasciare Nicholas pur essendo il peggior incubo della gente? Oppure il diritto di Nicholas di vivere e di scegliere il luogo in cui vorrebbe vivere dovrebbe essere rispettato dallo stato e permettergli di rimanere in prigione?

Lab Manual eBook for Criminalistics: Forensic Science, Crime, and Terrorism - 365-Day Access

by James E. Girard

Lab Manual eBook for Criminalistics: Forensic Science, Crime, and Terrorism is a digital-only eBook lab manual with 365-day access. This Lab Manual eBook consists of 12 related experiments created by James Girard and arranged by chapter. It provides hands-on practice to students, allowing them to apply key concepts presented in the text or eBook.

Labor and Employment Issues for the Safety Professional (Occupational Safety & Health Guide Series)

by Thomas D. Schneid

An examination of the safety laws and regulations, particularly in the areas of labor and employment, this book provides a working knowledge of the impacts, requirements, and implications of safety professionals' actions and inactions as related to state and federal laws. It presents information on an issue-by-issue basis and delineates the basics of the issue; identifies the applicable law or regulation; and presents possible solutions to achieve and maintain compliance while achieving the safety objective. The book covers conflicts between laws and regulations and includes case law and reference points.

Labor and the Constitution: Labor and Property, Privacy, Discrimination and International Relations (Controversies In Constitutional Law Ser. #Vol. 2)

by David L. Gregory

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Labor Disorders in Neoliberal Italy

by Noelle J. Molé

Psychological harassment at work, or "mobbing," has become a significant public policy issue in Italy and elsewhere in Europe. Mobbing has given rise to specialized counseling clinics, a new field of professional expertise, and new labor laws. For Noelle J. Molé, mobbing is a manifestation of Italy's rapid transition from a highly protectionist to a market-oriented labor regime and a neoliberal state. She analyzes the classification of mobbing as a work-related illness, the deployment of preventive public health programs, the relation of mobbing to gendered work practices, and workers' use of the concept of mobbing to make legal and medical claims, with implications for state policy, labor contracts, and political movements. For many Italian workers, mobbing embodies the social and psychological effects of an economy and a state in transition.

Labor Guide to Labor Law

by Bruce S. Feldacker Michael J. Hayes

Labor Guide to Labor Law is a comprehensive survey of labor law in the private sector, written from the labor perspective for labor relations students and for unions and their members. This thoroughly revised and updated fifth edition covers new statutes, current issues, and the latest developments in labor and employment law. The text emphasizes issues of greatest importance to unions and employees. Where the law permits a union to make certain tactical choices, those choices are pointed out. Material is included on internal union matters that tend to be ignored in management texts. Bruce S. Feldacker and Michael J. Hayes cover applicable labor law principles from a union's initial organizing campaign to the mature bargaining relationship, including such subjects as the employee right to engage in protected concerted activity, the duty to bargain, labor arbitration, the use of strikes, picketing and other economic weapons in resolving a labor dispute, the duty of fair representation, internal union regulation, and employment discrimination. This book is also a useful reference and review for full-time union officers and representatives who have a working knowledge of labor law but wish to brush up on certain points as needed in their work. Both authors have extensive experience in the construction field, and they have been careful to include material on those aspects of labor law that are unique to that field. Labor Guide to Labor Law is structured to present an unbiased and comprehensive explanation of labor law principles for anyone interested in the field. Thus, labor relations educators, as well as practitioners in the field representing labor, management, or individual employees, should also find the text suitable for their use. Each chapter includes a summary, review questions and answers, a restatement of "Basic Legal principles" with citations to key cases, and a bibliography for additional research.

Labor in the Age of Finance: Pensions, Politics, and Corporations from Deindustrialization to Dodd-Frank

by Sanford M. Jacoby

From award-winning economic historian Sanford M. Jacoby, a fascinating and important study of the labor movement and shareholder capitalismSince the 1970s, American unions have shrunk dramatically, as has their economic clout. Labor in the Age of Finance traces the search for new sources of power, showing how unions turned financialization to their advantage.Sanford Jacoby catalogs the array of allies and finance-based tactics labor deployed to stanch membership losses in the private sector. By leveraging pension capital, unions restructured corporate governance around issues like executive pay and accountability. In Congress, they drew on their political influence to press for corporate reforms in the wake of business scandals and the financial crisis. The effort restrained imperial CEOs but could not bridge the divide between workers and owners. Wages lagged behind investor returns, feeding the inequality identified by Occupy Wall Street. And labor’s slide continued.A compelling blend of history, economics, and politics, Labor in the Age of Finance explores the paradox of capital bestowing power to labor in the tumultuous era of Enron, Lehman Brothers, and Dodd-Frank.

Labor Justice across the Americas

by Leon Fink Juan Palacio

Opinions of specialized labor courts differ, but labor justice undoubtedly represented a decisive moment in worker 's history. When and how did these courts take shape? Why did their originators consider them necessary? Leon Fink and Juan Manuel Palacio present essays that address these essential questions. Ranging from Canada and the United States to Chile and Argentina, the authors search for common factors in the appearance of labor courts while recognizing the specific character of the creative process in each nation. Their transnational and comparative approach advances a global perspective on the various mechanisms for regulating industrial relations and resolving labor conflicts. The result is the first country-by-country study of its kind, one that addresses a defining shift in law in the first half of the twentieth century. Contributors: Rossana Barragán Romano, Angela de Castro Gomes, David Díaz-Arias, Leon Fink, Frank Luce, Diego Ortúzar, Germán Palacio, Juan Manuel Palacio, William Suarez-Potts, Fernando Teixeira da Silva, Victor Uribe-Urán, Angela Vergara, and Ronny J. Viales-Hurtado.

Labor Law: Cases and Materials (16th Edition) (University Casebook Series)

by Robert A. Gorman Matthew W. Finkin Timothy P. Glynn

<p>The Sixteenth Edition makes a number of significant changes to its predecessor, reflecting the evolution of the law relating to employers, employees, and unions in a dynamic economy. This edition includes new decisions of the National Labor Relations Board appointed by President Obama, which has departed in important ways from the approach of the Board under the prior administration. <p>Moreover, the Board is now actively confronting the role of labor law in the contemporary workplace, addressing emergent issues such as protections for employee electronic communications and social media interactions, accountability for employers in "fissured" enterprises, and potential limitations on other employer restrictions on collective activity. The book also contains judicial decisions addressing these developments as well as reactions in Congress and elsewhere, evincing the growing polarization over the role of labor unions in society.</p>

Labor Law for the Rank & Filer: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law (Pm Press Ser.)

by Staughton Lynd Daniel Gross

Blending cutting-edge legal strategies for winning justice at work with a theory of dramatic, bottom-up social change, this practical guide to workers' rights aims to make work better while reinvigorating the labor movement. A powerful organization model called "solidarity unionism" is explained, showing how the labor force can avoid the pitfalls of the legal system and utilize direct action to win fair rights. The new edition includes new cases governing fundamental labor rights and can be used not only by union workers, but can serve as a guerrilla legal handbook for any employee in this unstable economy.

Labor Law in China

by Zengyi Xie

​The primary aim of this book is to help readers understand the development of the theory and practice of labor law in China, and to familiarize them with major advances and remaining challenges in this field. The author also puts forward suggestions on how to improve labor law in China on the basis of an analysis of key problems and comparative study. The book can also serve as a useful guide, allowing HR experts at companies with Chinese employees or doing business in China to better understand Chinese labor law and regulations. It covers a broad range of labor law issues, including the meaning of labor relations, definition of the employee and employer, the duties of employers and employees, anti-discrimination, labor dispatch, minimum wage, termination of labor contracts, work injury insurance, labor inspections and labor dispute resolution.

Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace (American Casebook)

by Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt Martin H. Malin Roberto L. Corrada Christopher David Ruiz Cameron Catherine L. Fisk

Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace prepares students for the practice of labor law by introducing them to the principles of American labor law and many of the issues that labor attorneys face. The book is organized around contemporary problems as a means of teaching the core principles of labor law. Although the primary focus of the book is the National Labor Relations Act, considerable attention is given to the Railway Labor Act and public-sector labor laws because of their growing importance in contemporary practice. The third edition takes account of changes in the law since the first edition and second editions were published and in particular new interpretations of the National Labor Relations Act by the National Labor Relations Board and recent state restrictions on public sector collective bargaining.

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Private and Public Sectors

by Michael R. Carrell Christina Heavrin

Bring your best case to the table by putting theory into practice with this guide to labor relations, unions, and collective bargaining. Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: Cases, Practice, and Law introduces readers to collective bargaining and labor relations. This text is concerned with application, as well as coverage of labor history, laws, and practices.

Labor Relations in a Globalizing World

by Thomas A. Kochan Alexander J. Colvin Harry C. Katz

Compelled by the extent to which globalization has changed the nature of labor relations, Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan, and Alexander J. S. Colvin give us the first textbook to focus on the workplace outcomes of the production of goods and services in emerging countries. In Labor Relations in a Globalizing World, they draw lessons from the United States and other advanced industrial countries to provide a menu of options for management, labor, and government leaders in emerging countries. They include discussions based in countries such as China, Brazil, India, and South Africa which, given the advanced levels of economic development they have already achieved, are often described as "transitional," because the labor relations practices and procedures used in those countries are still in a state of flux.Katz, Kochan, and Colvin analyze how labor relations functions in emerging countries in a manner that is useful to practitioners, policymakers, and academics. They take account of the fact that labor relations are much more politicized in emerging countries than in advanced industrialized countries. They also address the traditional role played by state-dominated unions in emerging countries and the recent increased importance of independent unions that have emerged as alternatives. These independent unions tend to promote firm- or workplace-level collective bargaining in contrast to the more traditional top-down systems. Katz, Kochan, and Colvin explain how multinational corporations, nongovernmental organizations, and other groups that act across national borders increasingly influence work and employment outcomes.

Labor Transfer in Emerging Economies

by Xiaochun Li

Based on new phenomena appearing in many emerging economies, this book presents a theoretical study on the economic influences of labor transfer from several aspects. In recent years, thanks to the continuous progress of social forms as well as science and technology, there are a large number of new developing trends in emerging nations. Taking China as an example, several economic issues have sprung up with the huge scale of labor transfer, such as development of modern agriculture, environmental protection, privatization of mixed enterprises, training of human capital, and migrant workers' remittances to their hometowns. However, the existing researches on labor transfer pay little attention to them. In order to bridge the gap, this book combines new economic data with basic theories of labor migration, and discusses economic influences of labor transfer in four angles: human capital, migrants' remittances, environmental protection, and development of modern agriculture. Each part is composed of two or three analytical elements. Our conclusions not only enrich existing theoretical researches, but also provide theoretical support for related national economic policies.

Laboratory Biosecurity Handbook

by Reynolds M. Salerno Jennifer Gaudioso Benjamin H. Brodsky

In recognition of the vital need to protect legitimate facilities from the theft and misuse of dangerous pathogens and toxins, the Laboratory Biosecurity Handbook serves as a guide to the implementation of pathogen protection programs. The first sections of the book offer an historical overview of biological weapons activity, key principles of biosecurity and its integration into existing frameworks, as well as a discussion of biosecurity risk. Later sections discuss biosecurity risk assessments, describe detailed components of a biosecurity program, and offer a graded approach to biosecurity through multiple risk levels. The work also covers risk prioritization of biological assets and biosecurity training.

Laboratory of Deficiency: Sterilization and Confinement in California, 1900–1950s (Reproductive Justice: A New Vision for the 21st Century #6)

by Natalie Lira

Pacific Colony, a Southern California institution established to care for the "feebleminded," justified the incarceration, sterilization, and forced mutilation of some of the most vulnerable members of society from the 1920s through the 1950s. Institutional records document the convergence of ableism and racism in Pacific Colony. Analyzing a vast archive, Natalie Lira reveals how political concerns over Mexican immigration—particularly ideas about the low intelligence, deviant sexuality, and inherent criminality of the "Mexican race"—shaped decisions regarding the treatment and reproductive future of Mexican-origin patients. Laboratory of Deficiency documents the ways Mexican-origin people sought out creative resistance to institutional control and offers insight into how race, disability, and social deviance have been called upon to justify the confinement and reproductive constraint of certain individuals in the name of public health and progress.

Laboring for Justice: The Fight Against Wage Theft in an American City

by Rebecca Berke Galemba

Laboring for Justice highlights the experiences of day laborers and advocates in the struggle against wage theft in Denver, Colorado. Drawing on more than seven years of research that earned special recognition for its community engagement, this book analyzes the widespread problem of wage theft and its disproportionate impact on low-wage immigrant workers. Rebecca Galemba focuses on the plight of day laborers in Denver, Colorado—a quintessential purple state that has swung between some of the harshest and more welcoming policies around immigrant and labor rights. With collaborators and community partners, Galemba reveals how labor abuses like wage theft persist, and how advocates, attorneys, and workers struggle to redress and prevent those abuses using proactive policy, legal challenges, and direct action tactics. As more and more industries move away from secure, permanent employment and towards casualized labor practices, this book shines a light on wage theft as symptomatic of larger, systemic issues throughout the U.S. economy, and illustrates how workers can deploy effective strategies to endure and improve their position in the world amidst precarity through everyday forms of convivencia and resistance. Applying a public anthropology approach that integrates the experiences of community partners, students, policy makers, and activists in the production of research, this book uses the pressing issue of wage theft to offer a methodologically rigorous, community-engaged, and pedagogically innovative approach to the study of immigration, labor, inequality, and social justice.

Labour Before the Law

by Judy Fudge Eric Tucker

In this groundbreaking study of the relations between workers and the state, Judy Fudge and Eric Tucker examine the legal regulation of workers' collective action from 1900 to 1948. They analyze the strikes, violent confrontations, lockouts, union organizing drives, legislative initiatives, and major judicial decisions that transformed the labour relations regime of liberal voluntarism, which prevailed in the later part of the nineteenth century, into industrial voluntarism, whose centrepiece was Mackenzie King's Industrial Disputes Investigation Act of 1907. This period was marked by coercion and compromise, as workers organized and fought to extend their rights against the profit oriented owners of capital, while the state struggled to define a labour regime that contained industrial conflict. The authors then trace the conflicts that eventually produced the industrial pluralism that Canadians have known in more recent years.By 1948 a detailed set of legal rules and procedures had evolved and achieved a hegemonic status that no prior legal regime had even approached. This regime has become so central to our everyday thinking about labour relations that one might be forgiven for thinking that everything that came earlier was, truly, before the law. But, as Labour Before the Law demonstrates, workers who acted collectively prior to 1948 often found themselves before the law, whether appearing before a magistrate charged with causing a disturbance, facing a superior court judge to oppose an injunction, or in front of a board appointed pursuant to a statutory scheme that was investigating a labour dispute and making recommendations for its resolution.The book is simultaneously a history of law, aspects of the state, trade unions and labouring people, and their interaction within the broad and shifting terrain of political economy. The authors are attentive to regional differences and sectoral divergences, and they attempt to address the fragmentation of class experience.

Labour Dispute Resolution in Turkey

by Tankut Centel

The book provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in Turkey’s labour dispute resolution system, and helps compare the Turkish system especially with those in European countries. Turkey passed a new Labour Courts Act in 2017, which changed Turkish labour law practice by introducing mandatory mediation for all labour disputes. The main objective behind this measure was to ensure that labour disputes are resolved more quickly and less expensively. The book was written specifically for lawyers around the globe who have to deal with Turkish law, especially those who are seeking to become specialists in dispute resolution law. In addition, it provides stimulating reading for laypersons who wish to learn what 'mediation and arbitration law are all about' in Turkey. Above all, it was prepared with a view to providing foreign investors and companies in Turkey with basic information on Turkish labour legislation.

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