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Kissing Cousins: A New Kinship Bestiary
by Frances BartkowskiSince DNA has replaced blood as the medium through which we establish kinship, how do we determine with whom we are kin? Who counts among those we care for? The distinction between these categories is constantly in flux. How do we come to decide those we may kiss and those we may kill?Focusing on narratives of kinship as they are defined in contemporary film, literature, and news media, Frances Bartkowski discusses the impact of "stories of origin" on our regard for nonhuman species. She locates the role of "totems and taboos" in forming and re-forming kinship categories-groupings that enable us to tie the personal to the social-and explores the bestiary, among the oldest of literary forms. The bestiary is the realm in which we allegorize the place of humans and other species, a menagerie encompassing animals we know as well as human-animal chimeras and other beings that challenge the "natural" order of the world. Yet advances in reproductive technologies, the mapping of genomes, and the study of primates continually destabilize these categories and recast the dynamic between the natural and the cultural.Bartkowski highlights the arbitrariness of traditional kinship arrangements and asks us to rethink our notions of empathy and ethics. She shows how current dialogues concerning ethics and desire determine contemporary attitudes toward issues of care, and suggests a new framework for negotiating connection and conflict.
Kitchen Table Tycoon: How to Make it Work as a Mother and an Entrepreneur
by Anita NaikAre you eager to combine the roles of mother and entrepreneur but wondering how to get started? If so, you are not alone. Many mothers are starting up on their own, eager to cut out the nursery fees and see more of their kids. If that sounds like your dream, this book can help make it a reality. Having worked from home for 16 successful years, Anita Naik can give you the true, nitty-gritty details on what it really means to start and run a business from your kitchen table, including:* How to find out if you're suited to working on your own * How to deal with mummy versus work guilt* How to juggle family, work and YOU time * And where to go for support, help and advice Kitchen Table Tycoon also shows you how to research a business idea, find your start-up costs, and navigate your way through the inevitable ups and downs. With inspiring stories and advice from successful entrepreneurial mothers, even the most nervous of mumpreneurs can learn how to have a great business and a great life.
Kitchen Table Tycoon: How to make it work as a mother and an entrepreneur
by Anita NaikAre you eager to combine the roles of mother and entrepreneur but wondering how to get started? If so, you are not alone. Many mothers are starting up on their own, eager to cut out the nursery fees and see more of their kids. If that sounds like your dream, this book can help make it a reality. Having worked from home for 16 successful years, Anita Naik can give you the true, nitty-gritty details on what it really means to start and run a business from your kitchen table, including:* How to find out if you're suited to working on your own * How to deal with mummy versus work guilt* How to juggle family, work and YOU time * And where to go for support, help and advice Kitchen Table Tycoon also shows you how to research a business idea, find your start-up costs, and navigate your way through the inevitable ups and downs. With inspiring stories and advice from successful entrepreneurial mothers, even the most nervous of mumpreneurs can learn how to have a great business and a great life.
KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps
by Nikolaus WachsmannThe “deeply researched, groundbreaking” first comprehensive history of the Nazi concentration camps (Adam Kirsch, The New Yorker).In a landmark work of history, Nikolaus Wachsmann offers an unprecedented, integrated account of the Nazi concentration camps from their inception in 1933 through their demise, seventy years ago, in the spring of 1945. The Third Reich has been studied in more depth than virtually any other period in history, and yet until now there has been no history of the camp system that tells the full story of its broad development and the everyday experiences of its inhabitants, both perpetrators and victims, and all those living in what Primo Levi called “the gray zone.”In KL, Wachsmann fills this glaring gap in our understanding. He not only synthesizes a new generation of scholarly work, much of it untranslated and unknown outside of Germany, but also presents startling revelations, based on many years of archival research, about the functioning and scope of the camp system. Closely examining life and death inside the camps, and adopting a wider lens to show how the camp system was shaped by changing political, legal, social, economic, and military forces, Wachsmann produces a unified picture of the Nazi regime and its camps that we have never seen before.A boldly ambitious work of deep importance, KL is destined to be a classic in the history of the twentieth century.Praise for KLA Wall Street Journal Best Book of 2015A Kirkus Reviews Best History Book of 2015Finalist for the National Jewish Book Award in the Holocaust category“[A] monumental study . . . a work of prodigious scholarship . . . with agonizing human texture and extraordinary detail . . . Wachsmann makes the unimaginable palpable. That is his great achievement.” —Roger Cohen, The New York Times Book Review“Wachsmann’s meticulously detailed history is essential for many reasons, not the least of which is his careful documentation of Nazi Germany’s descent from greater to even greater madness. To the persistent question, “How did it happen?,” Wachsmann supplies voluminous answers.” —Earl Pike, The Plain Dealer (Cleveland)
Klimaschutz und Gewalt: Wann sich Aktivisten strafbar machen und wie wir die Welt wirklich retten (essentials)
by Jochen TheurerKlimaschützer schlagen Alarm: Statt die Erderwärmung auf maximal 1,5 Grad zu begrenzen, befindet sich die Welt aktuell auf einem 2,7-Grad-Pfad. Was nun? Hilft jetzt nur noch der Einsatz von Gewalt? In diesem essential analysiert Jochen Theurer die aktuelle Rechtslage und zeigt, wie sich das 1,5-Grad-Ziel mit Hilfe von drei frischen Strategien besser erreichen lässt – rechtzeitig, gewaltfrei und legal.
Klimaschutzrecht im betrieblichen Fokus: Klimaschutzbezogenes Immissionsschutzrecht und Umweltenergierecht aus Unternehmenssicht (essentials)
by Peggy SommerPeggy Sommer vermittelt Mitarbeitern in Unternehmen einen Überblick über das Spektrum des Klimaschutzrechts, seine Kernvorschriften und die darin formulierten Handlungspflichten und bietet somit Orientierung für die Abschätzung der betrieblichen Relevanz. Klimaschutz ist nicht mehr alleinige Aufgabe weniger emissionsintensiver Unternehmen, die beispielsweise zur Teilnahme am europäischen Emissionshandel verpflichtet sind. Auch kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen können von Regelungen des produkt- und/oder gebäudebezogenen Umweltenergierechts betroffen sein.
Klimaverantwortung: Gesellschaftsaufgabe und Bildungsauftrag
by Meike NeuhausDer Klimawandel ist eine der größten – wenn nicht sogar die größte – Herausforderung unserer Zeit. Bereits heute sind deutliche Auswirkungen auf Ökosysteme, Wirtschaft und soziokulturelle Strukturen spürbar, und es ist zu erwarten, dass diese in Zukunft weiter zunehmen werden. Dass wir Menschen maßgeblich zu diesem Problem beigetragen haben, ist inzwischen überwiegender Konsens. Auch sind sich die meisten Menschen darüber bewusst, dass Maßnahmen ergriffen werden müssen, um dem fortschreitenden Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken. Doch welche konkreten Schritte sind erforderlich? Und wer trägt dafür die Verantwortung? Diesen und anderen Fragen widmen sich die interdisziplinären Beiträge in diesem Buch. Die Diskussion wird ergänzt durch praxisnahe Unterrichtsbeispiele sowie Vorschläge für die Implementierung einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) in der Lehrkräfteausbildung.
Klimawandel in der Wirtschaft: Warum wir ein Bewusstsein für Dringlichkeit brauchen
by Alexandra HildebrandtErfahren Sie, was Unternehmen und Privatpersonen aktiv für den Klimaschutz tun könnenDas Buch widmet sich der Frage, warum wir ein Bewusstsein für Dringlichkeit brauchen und plädiert für einen bewussteren Umgang mit unserer Zukunft. Es sollen keine weiteren Ängste geschürt werden, sondern verdeutlicht werden, dass die Krise eine enorme Chance ist, weil sie dazu führt, das Leben wieder bewusster wahrzunehmen und zu erkennen, dass ein „Weiter so“ nicht möglich ist. Folgende Themenschwerpunkte stehen im Fokus der Beiträge: Der Klimawandel: Einfluss auf Wirtschaft und GesellschaftKlimawandel der GenerationenUnternehmerische Nachhaltigkeit - aus der Praxis für die PraxisÖkonomie und Nachhaltigkeit - Management und NachhaltigkeitsberichterstattungWissen als Basis für VeränderungenEs wird gezeigt, warum uns nur eine ganzheitliche Verbindung hilft, Antworten auf die großen existenziellen Fragen zu finden, die sich angesichts globaler Bedrohungen auftun. Die Beiträge wurden durch die Fridays-for-Future-Bewegung beeinflusst, die belegt, wie wichtig es ist, dass sich nicht nur Wirtschaft, Wissenschaften und Kultur ergänzen, sondern auch alle Generationen wertschätzend miteinander kooperieren.Das Buch richtet sich an Manager und Führungskräfte, Wissenschaftler und Journalisten, Wirtschafts- und Umweltverbände sowie die Fridays-for-Future-Bewegung und zeigt neue, praxisorientierte Perspektiven auf die Herausforderung des Umweltschutzes auf.Dieses Buch zeigt auf, wie jeder Einzelne zum Umweltschutz beitragen kann, indem er bewusste und klimafreundliche Entscheidungen trifft.stellt umfassende Maßnahmen und Programme für Unternehmen vor, die sie beim Klimaschutz unterstützen.schlägt die Brücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis, indem gezeigt wird, wie Absichten und Denkweisen in konkrete Handlungen umgesetzt werden können.weist nach, dass Nachhaltigkeit nichts Gestriges ist, sondern etwas Dringliches, bei dem es auch um vernetzte Ansätze, um fähige Könner und Meister, Praktiker, Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure, Techniker und Kreative geht, die gemeinschaftlich Lösungen für die Herausforderungen der Gegenwart finden.Anhand von Generationenkonzepten, konkreten Handlungsmaßnahmen, zahlreichen Erfahrungsberichten und Praxisbeispielen wird dargestellt, dass die verschiedenen Generationen aufeinander angewiesen sind und gesellschaftliche Probleme nur gemeinsam gelöst werden können.
Klinisch-forensische Medizin
by Elisabeth E. Türk Martin Grassberger Kathrin YenDie Anforderung im medizinischen Alltag rechtlich relevante Sachverhalte, etwa nach Gewalt im häuslichen Umfeld zu erkennen und zeitgemäß richtig zu handeln ist in den letzten Jahren stark gestiegen. Es sind in der Regel klinisch tätige Ärzte, Angehörige der Pflegeberufe und nichtmedizinische Laien wie Polizeibeamte und Mitarbeiter von Opferschutzeinrichtungen, die als erste mit Opfern in Kontakt treten und so einen wesentlichen Anteil an der Erkennung sowie an Verlauf und Ausgang der interdisziplinären Betreuung haben. Die Herausgeber, klinisch-forensisch erfahrene Rechtsmediziner, legen mit diesem Buch gemeinsam mit einem interdisziplinären Autoren-Team einen umfassenden Praxisleitfaden für Ärzte aller Fachrichtungen, Pflegeberufe sowie andere Berufsgruppen mit Kontakt zu Betroffenen vor. Der Praxisleitfaden beleuchtet unter anderem die Themenkomplexe Gewalt gegen Kinder, Erwachsene und ältere Personen, Sexualdelikte, Dokumentation und Beweismittelsicherung, Bildgebende Verfahren, Toxikologie, Selbstbeschädigung sowie zahlreiche weitere klinisch-forensisch relevante Aspekte.
Klinische Entscheidungsfindung mit Künstlicher Intelligenz: Ein interdisziplinärer Governance-Ansatz (essentials)
by David Samhammer Susanne Beck Klemens Budde Aljoscha Burchardt Michelle Faber Simon Gerndt Sebastian Möller Bilgin Osmanodja Roland Roller Peter DabrockDieses Open-Access-essential schafft Orientierung, wenn Künstliche Intelligenz im klinischen Alltag eingesetzt wird. Die Herausforderungen werden anhand zweier Beispiele aus dem Bereich der Nephrologie erläutert, die ethisch und rechtlich reflektiert werden. Ein umfangreicher Empfehlungsteil schließt diesen durchweg interdisziplinär erarbeiteten Band ab.
The Knight and Devlin Collection (Knight and Devlin)
by John F. DobbynThese five novels in the Knight and Devlin series prove the Perry Mason spirit is alive and well.From Chinatown and the brutal Tongs in Neon Dragon to international stolen art in Frame-Up, to the warring Boston Irish mob and Italian Mafia in Black Diamond, to the diamond trade in Sierra Leone in Deadly Diamonds, and to the Amazon rainforest’s exotic animals in Fatal Odds, Knight and Devlin are relentless in their pursuit of truth and justice. Dobbyn is a master of the game—legal thrillers that are topical and timeless.
Knight's Forensic Pathology
by Pekka Saukko Bernard KnightThe fourth edition of Knight's Forensic Pathology continues to be the definitive international resource for those in training and in practice, covering all aspects of the medico-legal autopsy, including the cause and time of death, interpretation of wounds and every other facet of the investigation of a fatality.The contents are intended to lead th
A Knock at Midnight: A Story of Hope, Justice, and Freedom
by Brittany K. BarnettAn urgent call to free those buried alive by America&’s legal system, and an inspiring true story about unwavering belief in humanity—from a gifted young lawyer and important new voice in the movement to transform the system.NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE SUMMER BY USA TODAY AND NEWSWEEK • &“An essential book for our time . . . Brittany K. Barnett is a star.&”—Van Jones, CEO of REFORM Alliance, CNN Host, and New York Times bestselling author Brittany K. Barnett was only a law student when she came across the case that would change her life forever—that of Sharanda Jones, single mother, business owner, and, like Brittany, Black daughter of the rural South. A victim of America&’s devastating war on drugs, Sharanda had been torn away from her young daughter and was serving a life sentence without parole—for a first-time drug offense. In Sharanda, Brittany saw haunting echoes of her own life, both as the daughter of a formerly incarcerated mother and as the once-girlfriend of an abusive drug dealer. As she studied this case, a system came into focus: one where widespread racial injustice forms the core of America&’s addiction to incarceration. Moved by Sharanda&’s plight, Brittany set to work to gain her freedom. This had never been the plan. Bright and ambitious, Brittany was a successful accountant on her way to a high-powered future in corporate law. But Sharanda&’s case opened the door to a harrowing journey through the criminal justice system. By day she moved billion-dollar deals, and by night she worked pro bono to free clients in near-hopeless legal battles. Ultimately, her path transformed her understanding of injustice in the courts, of genius languishing behind bars, and the very definition of freedom itself.Brittany&’s riveting memoir is at once a coming-of-age story and a powerful evocation of what it takes to bring hope and justice to a system built to resist them both.
Knock-for-Knock Indemnities and the Law: Contractual Limitation and Delictual Liability (Contemporary Commercial Law)
by Kristoffer Svendsen Endre Stavang Greg GordonThis book examines contractual limitation, principles and practice through the use of knock-for-knock indemnity clauses. In using such clauses, the parties agree that for certain forms of potential liability – typically property damage, personal injury to employees, and sometimes other heads of claim such as consequential loss – any loss arising will be absorbed by the party who suffers it: "you look after your losses, I’ll look after mine." It is an apparently simple, pragmatic and neat solution to the question of who bears liability: a risk allocation model so straightforward that it was described by one experienced English judge, Honorable Mr. Justice Morison, as "crude". A specialist contributor team of international experts, examine the origin, application and effect of these clauses in important jurisdictions, their impact in different industries such as oil & gas, shipping, construction and insurance, through the lenses of both economic and legal analyses. The book is of use for lawyers, economists and businesspeople who draft, negotiates or manage contracts in all industries where liability is dealt with in this way. It is also of interest to students, academics, and policy makers.
Knocking on the Door: The Federal Government's Attempt to Desegregate the Suburbs
by Christopher BonastiaKnocking on the Door is the first book-length work to analyze federal involvement in residential segregation from Reconstruction to the present. Providing a particularly detailed analysis of the period 1968 to 1973, the book examines how the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) attempted to forge elementary changes in segregated residential patterns by opening up the suburbs to groups historically excluded for racial or economic reasons. The door did not shut completely on this possibility until President Richard Nixon took the drastic step of freezing all federal housing funds in January 1973. Knocking on the Door assesses this near-miss in political history, exploring how HUD came surprisingly close to implementing rigorous antidiscrimination policies, and why the agency's efforts were derailed by Nixon. Christopher Bonastia shows how the Nixon years were ripe for federal action to foster residential desegregation. The period was marked by new legislative protections against housing discrimination, unprecedented federal involvement in housing construction, and frequent judicial backing for the actions of civil rights agencies. By comparing housing desegregation policies to civil rights enforcement in employment and education, Bonastia offers an unrivaled account of why civil rights policies diverge so sharply in their ambition and effectiveness.
The Knockoff Economy: How Imitation Sparks Innovation
by Kal Raustiala Christopher SprigmanFrom the shopping mall to the corner bistro, knockoffs are everywhere in today's marketplace. Conventional wisdom holds that copying kills creativity, and that laws that protect against copies are essential to innovation--and economic success. But are copyrights and patents always necessary? In The Knockoff Economy, Kal Raustiala and Christopher Sprigman provocatively argue that creativity can not only survive in the face of copying but can thrive. The Knockoff Economy approaches the question of incentives and innovation in a wholly new way--by exploring creative fields where copying is generally legal, such as fashion, food, and even professional football. <p><p>By uncovering these important but rarely studied industries, Raustiala and Sprigman reveal a nuanced and fascinating relationship between imitation and innovation. In some creative fields, copying is kept in check through informal industry norms enforced by private sanctions. In others, the freedom to copy actually promotes creativity. High fashion gave rise to the very term "knockoff," yet the freedom to imitate great designs only makes the fashion cycle run faster--and forces the fashion industry to be even more creative. Raustiala and Sprigman carry their analysis from food to font design to football plays to finance, examining how and why each of these vibrant industries remains innovative even when imitation is common. There is an important thread that ties all these instances together--successful creative industries can evolve to the point where they become inoculated against--and even profit from--a world of free and easy copying. And there are important lessons here for copyright-focused industries, like music and film, that have struggled as digital technologies have made copying increasingly widespread and difficult to stop. <p><p>Raustiala and Sprigman's arguments have been making headlines in The New Yorker, the New York Times, the Financial Times, the Boston Globe, Le Monde, and at the Freakonomics blog, where they are regular contributors. By looking where few had looked before--at markets that fall outside normal IP law--The Knockoff Economy opens up fascinating creative worlds. And it demonstrates that not only is a great deal of innovation possible without intellectual property, but that intellectual property's absence is sometimes better for innovation.
The Know-How of Face Transplantation
by Maria Z. SiemionowThe book is laid out in 6 sections:1. Preclinical Approaches to Face Transplantation2. Clinical Aspects in Preparation to Face Transplantation in Humans3. Approval Process of Face Transplantation in Humans4. Social and Public Relations in Face Transplantation5. World Experience with Face Transplantation in Humans6. Future Directions in Face TransplantationThis book spans the entire process of a face transplantation, from detailing the anatomy of the face to considering the social and ethical challenges of the procedure. This rigorous presentation of face transplantation also includes the anesthesia involved, the role of Institutional Review Boards in approving the operation, the financial aspects and media response. Since the authorship is international, the book considers the different perspectives, approaches and responses from across the world.
The Know-How of Face Transplantation
by Maria Z. SiemionowThe book is laid out in 6 sections: 1. Preclinical Approaches to Face Transplantation 2. Clinical Aspects in Preparation to Face Transplantation in Humans 3. Approval Process of Face Transplantation in Humans 4. Social and Public Relations in Face Transplantation 5. World Experience with Face Transplantation in Humans 6. Future Directions in Face Transplantation This book spans the entire process of a face transplantation, from detailing the anatomy of the face to considering the social and ethical challenges of the procedure. This rigorous presentation of face transplantation also includes the anesthesia involved, the role of Institutional Review Boards in approving the operation, the financial aspects and media response. Since the authorship is international, the book considers the different perspectives, approaches and responses from across the world.
Know Your Rights: A Survival Guide for Non-Lawyers
by Ronald M. BenreyInformation that reduces the panic factor, familiarizes you with legal language, and helps you overcome misconceptions when commonplace legal issues arise.“The first thing we do, we kill all the lawyers”; Shakespeare may have had a point, but the truth is, from time to time, we all could use a good attorney. This survival guide won’t replace legal counsel, but by stating your rights plainly, it can help with some pretty weighty matters—including prenups, breaking apartment leases, immigration, and workplace discrimination. Ronald M. Benrey helps solve basic legal quibbles at home, at work, and even on vacation. He provides an understanding of central legal principles, explains key vocabulary, and helps readers to overcome familiar misconceptions.Topics include:Workplace rightsPrenups and postnupsIdentity theftDisputes with neighborsNew rules of personal bankruptcyYour rights as a tenant—and a landlordLiving wills and power of attorneyPolice searches of your home and carAnd many more
Knowing about Genocide: Armenian Suffering and Epistemic Struggles
by Joachim J. SavelsbergA free open access ebook is available upon publication. Learn more at www.luminosoa.org. This book is freely available in an open access edition thanks to TOME (Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem)—a collaboration of the Association of American Universities, the Association of University Presses, and the Association of Research Libraries—and the generous support of the University of Minnesota. Learn more at the TOME website, available at openmonographs.org. How do victims and perpetrators generate conflicting knowledge about genocide? Using a sociology of knowledge approach, Savelsberg answers this question for the Armenian genocide committed in the context of the First World War. Focusing on Armenians and Turks, he examines strategies of silencing, denial, and acknowledgment in everyday interaction, public rituals, law, and politics. Drawing on interviews, ethnographic accounts, documents, and eyewitness testimony, Savelsberg illuminates the social processes that drive dueling versions of history. He reveals counterproductive consequences of denial in an age of human rights hegemony, with implications for populist disinformation campaigns against overwhelming evidence.
Knowing Better: An Account of Akrasia
by Eunice BelgumOriginally published in 1990, this book deals with the question of akrasia, weakness of will, or knowing better but doing worse. Versions of this principle are presupposed by Socrates and Plato, articulated as the ‘practical syllogism’ in Aristotle and play a central role in modern decision theory. The book considers the psychological explanation for this and different responses to the problem. The work is of interest not only as a piece of classical scholarship, action theory and moral psychology, but as a piece of meta-philosophy, and the philosophy about the methodology of philosophical disputes. It has enduring relevance as the problem of akrasia continues to be the object of much philosophical argument.
Knowing Christ Today: Why We Can Trust Spiritual Knowledge
by Dallas WillardAt a time when popular atheism books are talking about the irrationality of believing in God, Willard makes a rigorous intellectual case for why it makes sense to believe in God and in Jesus, the Son.
Knowing Sin: Seeing a Neglected Doctrine Through the Eyes of the Puritans
by Mark JonesThe first rule of combat is: know your enemy.We don&’t talk a lot about sin these days. But maybe we should. The Puritans sure did—because they understood sin&’s deceptive power and wanted to root it out of their lives. Shouldn&’t we want the same?Though many books have been written on the &“doctrine of sin,&” few are as practical and applicable as this one. In Knowing Sin, Mark Jones puts his expertise in the Puritans to work by distilling the vast wisdom of our Christian forebears into a single volume that summarizes their thought on this vital subject. The result isn&’t a theological tome to sit on your shelf and gather dust, but a surprisingly relevant book to keep by your bedside and refer to again and again. You&’ll come to understand topics like:Sin&’s OriginSin&’s GriefSin&’s ThoughtsSin&’s TemptationsSin&’s MiserySin&’s Secrecyand of course . . . Sin&’s Defeat!None of us is free from the struggle with sin. The question isn&’t whether we&’re sinful, it&’s what we&’re doing about it. Thanks be to God, there is a path to overcoming sin. And the first step on that path to victory is knowing what we&’re up against. Start Knowing Sin today!
Knowing Sin: Seeing a Neglected Doctrine Through the Eyes of the Puritans
by Mark JonesThe first rule of combat is: know your enemy.We don&’t talk a lot about sin these days. But maybe we should. The Puritans sure did—because they understood sin&’s deceptive power and wanted to root it out of their lives. Shouldn&’t we want the same?Though many books have been written on the &“doctrine of sin,&” few are as practical and applicable as this one. In Knowing Sin, Mark Jones puts his expertise in the Puritans to work by distilling the vast wisdom of our Christian forebears into a single volume that summarizes their thought on this vital subject. The result isn&’t a theological tome to sit on your shelf and gather dust, but a surprisingly relevant book to keep by your bedside and refer to again and again. You&’ll come to understand topics like:Sin&’s OriginSin&’s GriefSin&’s ThoughtsSin&’s TemptationsSin&’s MiserySin&’s Secrecyand of course . . . Sin&’s Defeat!None of us is free from the struggle with sin. The question isn&’t whether we&’re sinful, it&’s what we&’re doing about it. Thanks be to God, there is a path to overcoming sin. And the first step on that path to victory is knowing what we&’re up against. Start Knowing Sin today!
Knowing the Score: What Sports Can Teach Us About Philosophy (And What Philosophy Can Teach Us About Sports)
by David PapineauIn Knowing the Score, philosopher David Papineau uses sports to illuminate some of modern philosophy's most perplexing questions. As Papineau demonstrates, the study of sports clarifies, challenges, and sometimes confuses crucial issues in philosophy. The tactics of road bicycle racing shed new light on questions of altruism, while sporting family dynasties reorient the nature v. nurture debate. Why do sports competitors choke? Why do fans think God will favor their team over their rivals? How can it be moral to deceive the umpire by framing a pitch? From all of these questions, and many more, philosophy has a great deal to learn.An entertaining and erudite book that ranges far and wide through the sporting world, Knowing the Score is perfect reading for armchair philosophers and Monday morning quarterbacks alike.