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Showing 19,451 through 19,475 of 33,554 results

Legal Rights for Rivers: Competition, Collaboration and Water Governance (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management)

by Erin O'Donnell

In 2017 four rivers in Aotearoa New Zealand, India, and Colombia were given the status of legal persons, and there was a recent attempt to extend these rights to the Colorado River in the USA. Understanding the implications of creating legal rights for rivers is an urgent challenge for both water resource management and environmental law. Giving rivers legal rights means the law can see rivers as legal persons, thus creating new legal rights which can then be enforced. When rivers are legally people, does that encourage collaboration and partnership between humans and rivers, or establish rivers as another competitor for scarce resources? To assess what it means to give rivers legal rights and legal personality, this book examines the form and function of environmental water managers (EWMs). These organisations have legal personality, and have been active in water resource management for over two decades. EWMs operate by acquiring water rights from irrigators in rivers where there is insufficient water to maintain ecological health. EWMs can compete with farmers for access to water, but they can also strengthen collaboration between traditionally divergent users of the aquatic environment, such as environmentalists, recreational fishers, hunters, farmers, and hydropower. This book explores how EWMs use the opportunities created by giving nature legal rights, such as the ability to participate in markets, enter contracts, hold property, and enforce those rights in court. However, examination of the EWMs unearths a crucial and unexpected paradox: giving legal rights to nature may increase its legal power, but in doing so it can weaken community support for protecting the environment in the first place. The book develops a new conceptual framework to identify the multiple constructions of the environment in law, and how these constructions can interact to generate these unexpected outcomes. It explores EWMs in the USA and Australia as examples, and assesses the implications of creating legal rights for rivers for water governance. Lessons from the EWMs, as well as early lessons from the new ‘river persons,’ show how to use the law to improve river protection and how to begin to mitigate the problems of the paradox.

Legal Rights of Teachers and Students

by Martha M. Mccarthy Nelda H. Cambron-McCabe Stephen B. Thomas

An overview of public school law

Legal Risks in EU Law

by Emilia Mišćenić Aurélien Raccah

This book takes a completely new and innovative approach to analysing the development of EU law. Within the framework of different important areas of EU law, such as the internal market, consumer protection law, social law, investment law, environment law, migration law, legal translation and terminology, it examines the Union's approach to the regulation and management of legal risks. Over the years, the Union has come to a point where it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify its authority to regulate in various areas of law. In managing legal risks deriving from the diversity of Member States' laws, which create barriers to trade and hinder the Union's economy, the Union itself has actually produced new legal risks that now have to be addressed. This failure on the part of EU institutions to manage legal risks has contributed to legal uncertainty for actors operating on the internal market. This book intends to contribute to the Union's smoother functioning and continuing development by proposing effective concrete solutions for managing the legal risks distorting the development of various areas of EU law. It pursues an innovative and effective approach to identify legal risks, their causes at the EU level and their impacts on the functioning of the Union and its Member States. By presenting new approaches in this context, the first book on legal risk management in the EU will actively promote the improvement of the EU lawmaking process and the application of EU law in practice.

Legal Sabotage: Ernst Fraenkel in Hitler's Germany (Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law)

by Douglas Morris

The Jewish leftist lawyer Ernst Fraenkel was one of twentieth-century Germany's great intellectuals. During the Weimar Republic he was a shrewd constitutional theorist for the Social Democrats and in post-World War II Germany a respected political scientist who worked to secure West Germany's new democracy. This book homes in on the most dramatic years of Fraenkel's life, when he worked within Nazi Germany actively resisting the regime, both publicly and secretly. As a lawyer, he represented political defendants in court. As a dissident, he worked in the underground. As an intellectual, he wrote his most famous work, The Dual State – a classic account of Nazi law and politics. This first detailed account of Fraenkel's career in Nazi Germany opens up a new view on anti-Nazi resistance – its nature, possibilities, and limits. With grit, daring and imagination, Fraenkel fought for freedom against an increasingly repressive regime.

Legal Scholarship as a Source of Law

by Fábio P. Shecaira

This book is about the use of legal scholarship by judges. It discusses the possibility that legal scholarship may function as a genuine source of law in modern municipal legal systems. The book advances a number of claims, some conceptual, some empirical, some normative. The major conceptual claims are found in Chapters 2 and 3, where a general account of the notion of a source of law is provided. Roughly, sources of law are documents or practices (e.g. statutes, judicial decisions, official customs) from which norms can be derived that function as sources of content-independent reasons for judges to decide legal cases one way or another. The relevant notion of content-independence is derived (with qualifications) from H.L.A. Hart's jurisprudence. Indeed, the book's analysis of the concept of a source of law relies at various points on Hartian insights about law and legal reasoning. Chapter 4 argues that legal scholarship - or, more precisely, a particular type of legal scholarship that might be described as standard or doctrinal - can be, and indeed is, used as a source of law in modern legal systems. The conclusion that legal scholarship is used as a source of law (and thus as a source of content-independent reasons for action) may come as a surprise to those who associate judicial recourse to legal scholarship with judicial activism. This association is discussed and criticized in Chapters 5 and 6. It is argued that, in spite of a relatively common opinion to the contrary, legal scholarship can be used to mitigate discretion. In fact, it is precisely because it can be used in this way that judges sometimes refer to scholarship deceptively and suggest that it limits discretion in situations in which it really does not. The concluding chapter addresses potential objections not explicitly discussed in earlier chapters.

Legal Scholarship for the Urban Core: From the Ground Up

by Peter Enrich Dyal-Chand Rashmi

The problems of entrenched poverty and economic underdevelopment in American urban cores involve multiple overlapping challenges that have stymied consistent and long-term progress for many decades. Although inadequate and misguided laws are not solely responsible for this state of affairs, good laws - and good lawyering - can contribute enormously to overcoming the challenges of the urban cores. By showcasing a range of scholarly analyses, covering a broad spectrum of legal issues and methodologies, this book demonstrates how law and lawyers can and do respond to the challenges of the urban cores. It provides paths forward at the local level in the face of federal political paralysis and inattention and lays a foundation for new paradigms and new approaches to intransigent problems. Modeling engaged legal scholarship as a pragmatic response to contemporary challenges, this book is for anyone concerned about the current state of American urban cores.

Legal Secretary Federal Litigation

by Pamela Everett Nollkamper

How to file federal pleadings and papers, document completion and filing requirements, and a directory of names, addresses, telephone numbers and more for each federal court.

Legal Services and Digital Infrastructures: A New Compass for Better Governance

by Daniela Piana

This book seeks to provide and promote a better understanding and a more responsive and inclusive governance of the automation and digital devices in public institutions, particularly the law and justice sector. Concerns related to AI design and use have been exacerbated recently with the recognition of the discriminatory potential that can be embedded into AI applications in public service institutions. This book examines issues relating to the assigning of responsibility in a public service produced and delivered on the basis of an automated mechanism. It encourages critical thinking about the legal services and the justice institutions as they are transformed by AI and automation. It raises awareness as to the prospect of transformation we face in terms of responsibility and of agency and the need to design a citizen-centered and human rights compliant system of technology assessment and AI monitoring and evaluation. The book calls for a comprehensive strategy to enable professional practitioners and decision makers to engage in the design of AI driven legal and justice services. The work draws on on-going research and consulting activities carried out by the author across different countries and different systems in the legal and justice sector. The book offers a critical approach to encourage a new mindset among legal professionals and the justice institutions thus empowering and training them to develop the necessary responsiveness and accountability in the justice sector and legal systems. It will also be of interest to researchers and academics working in the area of AI, Public Law, Human Rights and Criminal Justice.

The Legal Singularity: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Law Radically Better

by Abdi Aidid Benjamin Alarie

Law today is incomplete, inaccessible, unclear, underdeveloped, and often perplexing to those whom it affects. In The Legal Singularity, Abdi Aidid and Benjamin Alarie argue that the proliferation of artificial intelligence–enabled technology – and specifically the advent of legal prediction – is on the verge of radically reconfiguring the law, our institutions, and our society for the better. Revealing the ways in which our legal institutions underperform and are expensive to administer, the book highlights the negative social consequences associated with our legal status quo. Given the infirmities of the current state of the law and our legal institutions, the silver lining is that there is ample room for improvement. With concerted action, technology can help us to ameliorate the problems of the law and improve our legal institutions. Inspired in part by the concept of the "technological singularity," The Legal Singularity presents a future state in which technology facilitates the functional "completeness" of law, where the law is at once extraordinarily more complex in its specification than it is today, and yet operationally, the law is vastly more knowable, fairer, and clearer for its subjects. Aidid and Alarie describe the changes that will culminate in the legal singularity and explore the implications for the law and its institutions.

Legal Spaces

by Sabine Müller-Mall

This book is concerned with a central question in contemporary legal theory: how to describe global law? In addressing this question, the book brings together two features that are different and yet connected to one another: the conceptual description of contemporary law on the one hand, and methods of taking concrete perspectives on law on the other hand. The book provides a useful concept for describing global law: thinking of law spatially. It illustrates that space is a concept with the capacity to capture the relationality, dynamics, and hybridity of law. Moreover, this book investigates the role of topological thinking in finding concrete perspectives on law. Legal Spaces offers an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to law.

The Legal Status of the Caspian Sea: Current Challenges and Prospects for Future Development

by Barbara Janusz-Pawletta

This book analyzes the legal and economic situation concerning the removal and allocation of natural resources in the Caspian Sea – the largest enclosed body of salt water in the world, which not only constitutes a fragile ecosystem with tremendous fishery resources, but is also rich in oil and gas deposits. After more than 20 years of negotiations, the five littoral states signed the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea in August 2018.This book investigates whether this long-awaited agreement may pave a way forward for the sustainable and peaceful development of the Caspian region. The newly introduced regulations on the delimitation of the boundaries, on the Caspian Sea’s natural resources (especially its fossil fuels) and on the transport of goods by shipping and submarine pipelines, are of utmost importance for the successful participation of the Caspian states in global markets. In addition to a detailed analysis of the Convention, the book offers an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of the historical background and current status of issues that are of critical importance for the region’s development and security.

Legal Stories: Narrative-Based Property Development in the Modern Copyright Era

by Gregory Steirer

Tracing the emergence of what the media industries today call transmedia, story worlds, and narrative franchises, Legal Stories provides a dual history of copyright law and narrative-based media development between the Copyright Act of 1909 and the Copyright Act of 1976. Drawing on archival material, including legal case files, and employing the principles of actor-network theory, Gregory Steirer demonstrates how the meaning and form of narrative-based property in the twentieth century was integral to the letter and practice of intellectual property law during this time. Steirer’s expansive view of intellectual property law encompasses not only statutes and judicial opinions, but also the everyday practices and productions of authors, editors, fans, and other legal laypersons. The result is a history of the law as improvisatory and accident-prone, taking place as often outside the courtroom as inside, and shaped as much by laypersons as lawyers. Through the examination of influential legal disputes involving early properties such as Dashiell Hammett’s Sam Spade, H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos, and Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian, Steirer provides a ground’s eye view of how copyright law has operated and evolved in practice.

Legal Strategies

by Antoine Masson Mary J. Shariff

Far from regarding the law as supreme, corporations approach law as an element of executive thought and action aimed at optimizing competitiveness. The objective of this book is to identify, explore and define corporate legal strategies that seek advantage in the opportunities revealed when the Law is perceived as a resource to be mobilized and aligned with the firm's business and economic agendas.

Legal Strategies in Childhood Obesity Prevention

by Lynn Parker

Since 1980, childhood obesity rates have more than tripled in the United States. Recent data show that almost one-third of children over 2 years of age are already overweight or obese. While the prevalence of childhood obesity appears to have plateaued in recent years, the magnitude of the problem remains unsustainably high and represents an enormous public health concern. All options for addressing the childhood obesity epidemic must therefore be explored. In the United States, legal approaches have successfully reduced other threats to public health, such as the lack of passive restraints in automobiles and the use of tobacco. The question then arises of whether laws, regulations, and litigation can likewise be used to change practices and policies that contribute to obesity. On October 21, 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) held a workshop to bring together stakeholders to discuss the current and future legal strategies aimed at combating childhood obesity. Legal Strategies in Childhood Obesity Prevention summarizes the proceedings of that workshop. The report examines the challenges involved in implementing public health initiatives by using legal strategies to elicit change. It also discusses circumstances in which legal strategies are needed and effective. This workshop was created only to explore the boundaries of potential legal approaches to address childhood obesity, and therefore, does not contain recommendations for the use of such approaches.

Legal Studies: Terminology and Transcription (5th Edition)

by Wanda Roderick-Bolton

This text provides a basic understanding of legal vocabulary for administrative personnel in a legal office. Over 900 terms commonly used in the legal profession are included. Users will learn to define the terms and use them in a legal context. Keyboarding practice from printed copy will reinforce learning the correct spelling and proper use of each term.

Legal Study on China’s Sovereignty over the Nansha Islands

by Cuibai Yang Qianwen Zhang

This book analyzes and discusses the sovereignty of the Nansha Islands, combining legal and historical perspectives, traditional international law theories, and empirical studies based on an extensive body of historical maps from around the globe to do so. Ultimately, the book argues that China has sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and the surrounding waters, either on the basis of historical claims or modern realities.In recent years, the Nansha disputes have attracted considerable attention. Far from being resolved, they have instead become even more heated. The only reasonable way to solve the problem, as argued here, is on the basis of relevant history and legislation. Addressing this highly topical issue, the book also provides an English-speaking audience with access to essential content on the sovereignty, history, and legislation concerning the Nansha Islands.

Legal Symbolism: On Law, Time and European Identity (Applied Legal Philosophy)

by Jiří Přibáň

Jirí Pribán's book contributes to the field of systems theory of law in the context of European legal and political integration and constitution-making. It puts recent European legislative efforts and policies, especially the EU enlargement process, in the context of legal theory and philosophy. Furthermore, the author shows that the system of positive law has a symbolic meaning, reflecting how it also contributes to the semantics of political identity, democratic power and moral values, as well as the complex relations between law, politics and morality.

The Legal System of Art Auction in China

by Zhen Zheng

This book is the first book to comprehensively and deeply explain and construct the legal system of Chinese art auctions. Based on agency theory in traditional contract law, this book combs the legal relationship between client, auctioneer, and buyer. Aiming at the most difficult problem of art identification, this book shows the obligations that auctioneers must perform and the common methods for auctioneers to avoid these obligations. The purpose of this book is to ease the current situation in which the interests of buyers and auctioneers are too opposed and speed up the legalization process of art auctions through the construction of the legal system of art auctions in China. Additionally, using the method of policy demonstration, this book discusses how public power should intervene in the process of art auctions.

Legal Tech als Motor für die deutsche Wirtschaft: Einflussfaktor der digitalisierten Rechtsdienstleistung auf unternehmerisches Handeln

by Cathleen Hesselbarth

Die Globalisierung und die damit einhergehende Vernetzung der Märkte führt zu einem steigenden Wettbewerbsdruck für Unternehmen. Mit diesem Globalisierungseffekt geht ein Anstieg des juristischen Regelungsbedarfs einher, so dass die Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung stehen, die rechtlichen Blickwinkel sowohl in ihren strategischen als auch in ihren operativen Entscheidungen mit einzubeziehen. Gerade kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen haben strukturell bedingt meist keine eigene Rechtsabteilung oder juristisches Fachpersonal, auf die sie bei der Bearbeitung solcher Themen zurückgreifen können. Somit stehen Sie vor der Wahl, sich stetig rechtlich beraten zu lassen oder tragen das Risiko von Fehlern und möglichen Bußgeldern, was zu einer Verschlechterung der Wirtschaftlichkeit führen kann. Die Unternehmen übertragen damit den steigenden wirtschaftlichen Druck auch auf den juristischen Sektor, der seine Dienstleistungen immer schneller und kostengünstiger anbieten muss. Gerade der juristische Bereich ist durch die Ressource Mensch geprägt, deren Kapazitäten endlich sind. Dr. Cathleen Hesselbarth zeigt, dass Legal-Tech-Anwendungen eine sinnvolle Ergänzung darstellen können, um den Zwiespalt zwischen begrenzten Ressourcen und immer schneller benötigten Informationen zu verringern und schafft gleichzeitig eine fachübergreifende Verbindung zwischen Wirtschaft und Recht.

Legal Tech and the Future of Civil Justice

by David Freeman Engstrom

New digital technologies, from AI-fired 'legal tech' tools to virtual proceedings, are transforming the legal system. But much of the debate surrounding legal tech has zoomed out to a nebulous future of 'robo-judges' and 'robo-lawyers.' This volume is an antidote. Zeroing in on the near- to medium-term, it provides a concrete, empirically minded synthesis of the impact of new digital technologies on litigation and access to justice. How far and fast can legal tech advance given regulatory, organizational, and technological constraints? How will new technologies affect lawyers and litigants, and how should procedural rules adapt? How can technology expand – or curtail – access to justice? And how must judicial administration change to promote healthy technological development and open courthouse doors for all? By engaging these essential questions, this volume helps to map the opportunities and the perils of a rapidly digitizing legal system – and provides grounded advice for a sensible path forward.

Legal Tech and the New Sharing Economy (Perspectives in Law, Business and Innovation)

by Toshiyuki Kono Nikolaus Forgó Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci Shinto Teramoto Erik P. M. Vermeulen

The exponential growth of disruptive technology is changing our world. The development of cloud computing, big data, the internet of things, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and other related autonomous systems, such as self-driving vehicles, have triggered the emergence of new products and services. These significant technological breakthroughs have opened the door to new economic models such as the sharing and platform-based economy. As a result, companies are becoming increasingly data- and algorithm-driven, coming to be more like “decentralized platforms”. New transaction or payment methods such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, based on trust-building systems using Blockchain, smart contracts, and other distributed ledger technology, also constitute an essential part of this new economic model. The sharing economy and digital platforms also include the everyday exchange of goods allowing individuals to commodify their surplus resources. Information and innovation technologies are used in order to then match these resources with existing demand in the market. Online platforms such as Airbnb, Uber, and Amazon reduce information asymmetry, increase the value of unused resources, and create new opportunities for collaboration and innovation. Moreover, the sharing economy is playing a major role in the transition from exclusive ownership of personal assets toward access-based exploitation of resources. The success of online matching platforms depends not only on the reduction of search costs but also on the trustworthiness of platform operators. From a legal perspective, the uncertainties triggered by the emergence of a new digital reality are particularly urgent. How should these tendencies be reflected in legal systems in each jurisdiction? This book collects a series of contributions by leading scholars in the newly emerging fields of sharing economy and Legal Tech. The aim of the book is to enrich legal debates on the social, economic, and political meaning of these cutting-edge technologies. The chapters presented in this edition attempt to answer some of these lingering questions from the perspective of diverse legal backgrounds.

Legal Tech, Smart Contracts and Blockchain (Perspectives in Law, Business and Innovation)

by Marcelo Corrales Mark Fenwick Helena Haapio

There is a broad consensus amongst law firms and in-house legal departments that next generation “Legal Tech” – particularly in the form of Blockchain-based technologies and Smart Contracts – will have a profound impact on the future operations of all legal service providers. Legal Tech startups are already revolutionizing the legal industry by increasing the speed and efficiency of traditional legal services or replacing them altogether with new technologies. This on-going process of disruption within the legal profession offers significant opportunities for all business. However, it also poses a number of challenges for practitioners, trade associations, technology vendors, and regulators who often struggle to keep up with the technologies, resulting in a widening regulatory “gap.” Many uncertainties remain regarding the scope, direction, and effects of these new technologies and their integration with existing practices and legacy systems. Adding to the challenges is the growing need for easy-to-use contracting solutions, on the one hand, and for protecting the users of such solutions, on the other. To respond to the challenges and to provide better legal communications, systems, and services Legal Tech scholars and practitioners have found allies in the emerging field of Legal Design. This collection brings together leading scholars and practitioners working on these issues from diverse jurisdictions. The aim is to introduce Blockchain and Smart Contract technologies, and to examine their on-going impact on the legal profession, business and regulators.

Legal Tech und Legal Robots: Der Wandel im Rechtsmarkt durch neue Technologien und künstliche Intelligenz (essentials)

by Jens Wagner

Dieses Buch beschreibt und systematisiert die Einsatzbereiche von Legal Tech, einschlie#65533;lich k#65533;nstlicher Intelligenz, er#65533;rtert die Auswirkungen auf Kanzleien und Rechtsabteilungen und zeigt die damit einhergehenden strategischen sowie rechtlichen Implikationen auf. Der Autor geht sowohl auf die theoretischen M#65533;glichkeiten als auch auf aktuelle Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis ein.

Legal Tech und Legal Robots: Der Wandel im Rechtswesen durch neue Technologien und Künstliche Intelligenz (Essentials Ser.)

by Jens Wagner

Dieses Buch gibt dem Leser sehr schnell einen tieferen Einblick in das Thema Legal Tech. Es beschreibt und systematisiert in kompakter und leicht verständlicher Form die Einsatzbereiche von Legal Tech und geht auf alle relevanten Aspekte rund um das Thema ein. Behandelt werden dabei sowohl der Kontext, in dem sich Legal Tech entwickelt hat, technische Konzepte und Funktionsweisen als auch die Auswirkungen, u.a. auf Kanzleien und Rechtsabteilungen, sowie damit einhergehende strategische und rechtliche Implikationen. Jens Wagner stellt sowohl theoretische Möglichkeiten als auch aktuelle Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis dar.Für die zweite Auflage wurde das in erster Auflage als Springer essential erschienene Werk vollständig überarbeitet und erweitert. Neu sind insbesondere eigene Abschnitte zu Künstlicher Intelligenz, den Auswirkungen von Legal Tech auf Justiz und Verwaltung, innovativen Überlegungen im Bereich der Gesetzgebung sowie zum Thema Kollaboration. Das Buch wendet sich gleichermaßen sowohl an Juristen als auch an Informatiker, die an der Schnittstelle zum Recht arbeiten oder arbeiten wollen.

Legal Theory and the Legal Academy: Volume III (The\library Of Essays In Contemporary Legal Theory Ser.)

by MaksymilianDel Mar

The third in a series of three volumes on Contemporary Legal Theory, this volume deals with four topics: 1) the role of legal theory in the legal curriculum; 2) the teaching of legal theory; 3) the relationship of legal theory to legal scholarship; and 4) the relationship of legal theory to comparative law. The focus of the first two topics is on the common law world, where the debates over the aims and proper place of legal theory in the study of law have traversed a good deal of ground since John Austin's 1828 lecture, 'The Uses and the Study of Jurisprudence.' These first two parts offer a selection of the most important papers, including surveys, as well as pedagogical viewpoints and particular course descriptions from analytical, critical, feminist, law-and-literature and global perspectives. The last three decades have seen just as many changes for legal scholarship and comparative law. These changes (such as the rise of empirical legal scholarship) have often attracted the attention of legal theorists. Within comparative law, the last thirty years have witnessed intense methodological reflection within the discipline; the results of these reflections are themselves properly recognised as legal theoretical contributions. The volume collects the key papers, including those by Neil MacCormick, Mark Van Hoecke, Andrew Halpin, William Ewald and Geoffrey Samuel.

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