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Showing 26,001 through 26,025 of 34,145 results

Public-Nonprofit Collaboration and Policy in Homeless Services: Management, Measurement, and Impact

by Hee Soun Jang Jesús N. Valero

This book examines public-nonprofit collaborations in the context of federal homeless policy. Communities across the U.S. are expected to create local homeless service networks, known as Continuums of Care (CoCs), in order to respond to their incidence of homelessness. It leverages unique, original and national data and applies collaborative governance theories to develop a systematic understanding of network governance and leadership, health care services for those experiencing homelessness, and measuring impact of collaborative activities. The book offers a connected and comprehensive understanding of public-nonprofit collaboration in a homeless policy field and management strategies to lead and assess cross-sector arrangements.

Public Office, Private Interests

by Alexandra Habershon Stephanie Trapnell

"Public Office, Private Interests: Accountability through Income and Asset Disclosure" examines the objectives, design features, and implementation approaches that can contribute to the effectiveness of an income and asset disclosure (IAD) system, and enhance its impact as a prevention and enforcement tool. It draws on detailed case studies that are published in a companion volume: "Income and Asset Disclosure: Case Study Illustrations" The companion volume "Income and Asset Disclosure: Case Study Illustrations" includes case studies of the IAD systems in Argentina, Croatia, Guatemala, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Jordan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Rwanda, Slovenia, and the United States. Case studies were conducted through review of the legal framework, desk research and interviews with practitioners, academics, and representatives of civil society. Each case study outlines the legal framework for the IAD regime, the mandate and structure of the IAD agency, and the resources and procedures of the IAD system. The characteristics of each system are highlighted along with other findings that illuminate the challenges faced in implementing the system, the steps taken, and the progress achieved by the IAD agency in fulfilling its mandate. There are a wide variety of approaches in IAD system design and implementation and a wide variety of challenges faced by different systems. New and emerging IAD systems may face challenges associated with resource and capacity constraints, political resistance to implementation, a lack of public awareness, or limited civil society capacity to support anticorruption efforts. Many established systems may also face the need to revise the legal framework, institutional arrangements, or enforcement mechanisms once it becomes apparent that original assumptions do not deliver expected results or unanticipated challenges emerge. There is no single optimal approach to IAD system design and implementation. Context is essential. These volumes do not, therefore, attempt to lay out a standard approach for IAD administration. Rather, they identify the objectives, features, and mechanisms that can contribute to the effectiveness of an IAD system and enhance its impact as a prevention and enforcement tool.

Public Participation and Legitimacy in the WTO

by Yves Bonzon

The legitimacy of the WTO's decision-making process has always been questioned, and many have advocated public participation mechanisms as a remedy. Yves Bonzon considers the limits and potential of these mechanisms by advancing a conceptual framework which distinguishes the four 'implementation parameters' of public participation: the goal, the object, the modalities, and the actors. He addresses the issue of legitimacy by considering to what extent, and by virtue of which legal developments, one can see implementing the democratic principle as a goal for public participation in the context of the WTO. By analysing the institutional structure of the WTO and its different types of decisions, he then outlines how this goal should influence the object and modalities of public participation, which decision-making procedures should be opened to public participation, and how the mechanisms should be implemented in practice. Finally, he suggests specific amendments to existing WTO arrangements on public participation.

Public Passions: The Trial of Shi Jianqiao and the Rise of Popular Sympathy in Republican China

by Eugenia Lean

In 1935, a Chinese woman called Shi Jianqiao murdered the notorious warlord Sun Chuanfang as he prayed in a Buddhist temple. This work of history examines this crime and the highly sensationalized trial of the killer. In a fascinating investigation of the media, political, and judicial records surrounding this cause celebre, Eugenia Lean shows how Shi Jianqiao planned not only to avenge the death of her father, but also to attract media attention and galvanize public support.

Public Personnel Administration: Functionality and Challenges

by Anupama Puri Mahajan

This book addresses the processes and concerns within the purview of public personnel administration which is the key to success in carrying out governmental responsibilities and duties. With special focus on Indian administrative system, this volume probes into how public personnel administration is a critical aspect of the public sector that involves enhanced management of human resources. It also studies the evolution of public personnel administration in countries like the USA, UK, France, and Germany. Besides discussing the personnel processes in the post pandemic age, the book also examines the challenges that governments face on a global level. This title will be useful to students, researchers and teachers of Public Administration, Public Policy, Political Science, and General Management. The book will also be an invaluable companion to the policymakers in the government sector as it will strengthen their conceptual understanding of the subject.

Public Policy: Preferences and Outcomes (Second Edition)

by Christopher A. Simon

By combining normative and empirical perspectives, Christopher A. Simon's second edition of Public Policy encourages the next generation to of policy makers to think both practically and philosophically throughout the policy process. This second and heavily revised edition covers the historic background, political science, and philosophical values of public policy. Chapters conclude with a case study, engaging students in applying their theoretical knowledge in practical terms, and encouraging them to be informed and active citizens.

Public Policy and Land Exchange: Choice, law, and praxis (Routledge Studies in Environmental Policy)

by Giancarlo Panagia

This original contribution to the field is the first to bring economic sociology theory to the study of federal land exchanges. By blending public choice theory with engaging case studies that contextualize the tactics used by land developers, this book uses economic sociology to help challenge the under-valuation of federal lands in political decisions. The empirically-based, scholarly analysis of federal-private land swaps exposes serious institutional dysfunctions, which sometimes amount to outright corruption. By evaluating investigative reports of each federal agency case study, the book illustrates the institutional nature of the actors in land swaps and, in particular, the history of U.S. agencies’ promotion of private interests in land exchanges. Using public choice theory to make sense of the privatization of public lands, the book looks in close detail at the federal policies of the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service land swaps in America. These pertinent case studies illustrate the trends to transfer federal lands notwithstanding their flawed value appraisals or interpretation of public interest; thus, violating both the principles of equality in value and observance of specific public policy. The book should be of interest to students and scholars of public land and natural resource management, as well as political science, public policy and land law.

Public Policy and Research in Africa

by E. Remi Aiyede Beatrice Muganda

This open access book responds to the need for a specifically African focus on public policy. It outlines the fundamental principles of public policy research, and engages with major issues in the study of public policy from an African perspective, covering essential topics such as the location and centrality of social sciences in relation to public policy, leadership, methodology, institutions, governance, and gender. This book is essential for understanding the various aspects and dimensions of policy making in Africa that underscore quality research and are at the core of excellence in teaching and learning.

The Public Policy Exception in the Judicial Review of International Commercial Arbitral Awards: Lessons from and for China

by Shu Zhang

This book systematically examines how the Chinese arbitration law system responds to the application of the public policy exception in the judicial review of international arbitral awards. The discussion is based on a general understanding of the legal concept of public policy in international arbitration practice and the understanding developed in Chinese arbitration law and judicial practice. In focusing on both international developments and Chinese arbitral and judicial practice, this book provides some lessons from and for China. The book is based on a review of both legislation and cases in China and a comparison with the international trends and consensuses, as well as a systematic assessment of China’s performance in defining and applying public policy in the judicial review of international commercial arbitral awards. Valuable insights are provided on the basis of detailed analysis of the relevant cases. In this context, the author raised and examined a few key questions to be answered by the judicial practice, including: the international/national nature of public policy, the key elements of public policy, and the appropriate boundaries of judicial review. The author also highlighted a few unique legal concepts and approaches adopted in the Chinese context and evaluated its impacts on foreign parties and practitioners dealing with arbitration issues in China. It is proposed that, in the context of China’s recent law reforms, further steps are expected to be taken by the Chinese legal system in order to achieve a more comprehensive view of the public policy exception that is consistent with the globalized trend of a converging understanding of public policy in international arbitration.

Public Policy in the 'Asian Century'

by Sara Bice Avery Poole Helen Sullivan

This volume explores the defining features, critical approaches, challenges and opportunities for public policy in the 'Asian Century'. This is the first book to systematically analyse the key institutions and practices that comprise public policy, administration and governance to investigate how they are changing in the context of increasing Asian influence. Its authors argue that the Asian Century holds the potential to generate a paradigm shift equivalent to the impacts of neo-liberalism and the New Public Management of the late 20th century. Divided into three parts, this volume interrogates the theories underpinning contemporary public policy; explores case studies from different policy arenas across the Asian region; and imagines what a future of globalised public policy might look like. It examines the implementation measures necessary to support policy and administration in an era of transnational governance networks, tightly linked economic markets and progressively fluid cultural exchanges. This book provides the concepts and tools necessary to navigate these shifting sands successfully. It is essential reading for scholars of public policy, public management, international relations, and politics and social sciences, as well as for administrators and public servants.

Public Policy Making in Turkey: Foundational Concepts, Current Practice, and Impact of the New Presidential System

by Fatih Demir

This volume discusses public policy making in Turkey. Using Turkey as an overarching case study, the author presents foundational concepts of public policy analysis. The method followed in the book is from general to specific: in each chapter, the relevant public policy stage or concept is explained and discussions from international literature are provided first. Then, Turkish cases are presented and clarified using theoretical concepts and debates. Additional examples from other municipalities are included for a comparative perspective. This volume will be of use to researchers and students studying public policy, policy analysis, and global public administration as well as professionals, policymakers, and diplomats working in the Turkish public sector.

Public Policymaking in a Globalized World: Revised edition

by Robin J. Lewis

The inexorable advent of globalization has transformed the public policymaking process into a multi-faceted challenge that transcends traditional policymaking boundaries and forces scholars, experts, and practitioners to redefine their field in terms of both theory and practice. While every policy dilemma has a specific location in time and space, most significant policy issues— climate change, food and water, economic development, global pandemics, terrorism and violence, and migration, to name just a few—now require a collective framing of the problem and a collaborative effort to take effective action. The essays in Public Policymaking in a Globalized World offer valuable insights into how policymaking is evolving from a circumscribed field of inquiry into a truly global dialogue that can help stakeholders to focus on key issues that threaten the survival of our planet.

Public Practice, Private Law

by Gary Chartier

Marriage is ordinarily a public practice, supported by, as well as supportive of, society. But it need not fall within the purview of the state. Public Practice, Private Law articulates a conception of marriage as a morally rich and important institution that ought to be subject to private rather than legislative or judicial ordering. It elaborates a robust understanding of marriage that captures what both different-sex and same-sex couples might see as valuable about their relationships. It explains why sexual ethics won't yield a normative model of marriage, and why the kind of marital love worth wanting, can. It goes on to show how an understanding of marriage as rooted in demanding commitments can allow for divorce before arguing that the state should cease to sponsor marriages. It concludes by suggesting that both state and non-state institutions should acknowledge the marriages of same-sex couples.

Public Preferences and Institutional Designs: Israel and Turkey Compared

by Niva Golan-Nadir

This book explores the existence of gaps between public preferences and institutional designs in democracies, and specifically cases in which such gaps are maintained for a long period of time without being challenged by the electorate. Gaps such as these can be seen in the complex relations between the state and religion in Israel and Turkey, and more specifically in their policies on marriage. This line of investigation is interesting both theoretically and empirically, as despite their poles apart policies, Israel and Turkey share a similar pattern of institutional dynamics. Existing explanations for this phenomenon suggested either civil society-based arguments or intra-institutional dynamics, as reasons for the maintenance of such gaps. This book enriches our understanding of policy dynamics in democratic systems by introducing a third line of argument, one that emphasizes the effective role state institutions play in maintaining such arrangements for long periods, often against the public will.

Public Private Partnership Contracts: The Middle East and North Africa (Routledge Research in International Law)

by Mohamed AM Ismail

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the law surrounding PPPs in the Middle East and North African region. The significance of liberalised and integrated Public Private Partnership Contracts as an essential component of the world legal and policy order is well documented. The regulation of PPPs is justified economically to allow for competition in the relevant public service and to achieve price transparency, thus resulting in significant savings for the public sector. In parallel to the economic justifications, legal imperatives have also called for the regulation of PPPs in order to allow free movement of goods and services and to prohibit discrimination on grounds of nationality. The need for competitiveness and transparency in delivering public services through PPPs is considered a safeguard to achieve international standards in delivering public utility services. First, it assesses the compatibility of the current PPPs legislation and regulation in the MENA region with the international standards of legislation and regulation prevalent in many other countries, including the UK, France and Brazil. Secondly, it compares the practices in the MENA region with those of international bodies such as the OECD and World Bank. Comparisons are then made between the MENA countries and those in Europe and Asia with regard to the influence of culture, policy and legal globalization. The book will be of interest to scholars and students in the field of international contract law, public law and state contracts, finance law and private law.

Public Private Partnership for Desertification Control in Inner Mongolia

by Zhongju Meng Xiaohong Dang Yong Gao

In terms of China’s current situation, the prevention and control of land degradation and the development of innovative sustainable land management activities lie within the purview of public works. Further, public-private partnerships (PPPs) hold considerable potential for application in this field. Inner Mongolia is one of the Chinese provinces hardest hit by land degradation. Fortunately, after years of dedicated efforts, meaningful achievements have been made: the increasing participation of the people as a whole, combined with growing investments in land degradation prevention and ecological construction on the part of private enterprises, has to some extent compensated for the lack of government involvement. Further, Inner Mongolia has been a pioneer in the use of PPPs for the prevention and control of land degradation, which has yielded numerous ecological, social and economic benefits. To better promote the development of ecological construction and expand the participation in land degradation control, this book systematically studies the use of PPPs in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, drawing on field investigations and case analyses to do so. Its main goal is to explore a public-private partnership model that can effectively expand the scale of investment in land degradation prevention and sustainable land management.

Public-Private Partnership Projects in Infrastructure

by Jeffrey Delmon

Investment in infrastructure is critical to economic growth, quality of life, poverty reduction, access to education, healthcare, and achieving many of the goals of a robust economy. But infrastructure is difficult for the public sector to get right. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can help; they provide more efficient procurement, focus on consumer satisfaction and life cycle maintenance, and provide new sources of investment, in particular through limited recourse debt. But PPPs present challenges of their own. This book provides a practical guide to PPPs for policy makers and strategists, showing how governments can enable and encourage PPPs, providing a step-by-step analysis of the development of PPP projects, and explaining how PPP financing works, what PPP contractual structures look like, and how PPP risk allocation works in practice. It includes specific discussion of each infrastructure sector, with a focus on the strategic and policy issues essential for successful development of infrastructure through PPPs.

Public Private Partnerships: Construction, Protection, and Rehabilitation of Critical Infrastructure (Competitive Government: Public Private Partnerships)

by Simon Hakim Robert M. Clark

This book discusses Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and their potential to protect and maintain critical infrastructure in a variety of global governmental settings. Critical infrastructure is defined as essential services that underpin and support the backbone of a nation's economy, security, and health. These services include the power used by homes and businesses, drinking water, transportation, stores and shops, and communications. As governmental budgets dwindle, the maintenance of critical infrastructure and the delivery of its related services are often strained. PPPs have the potential to fill the void between government accounting and capital budgeting. This volume provides a survey of PPPs in critical infrastructure, combining theory and case studies to provide a comprehensive view of possible applications. Written by a diverse group of international experts, the chapters detail PPPs across industries such as transportation, social infrastructure, healthcare, emergency services, and water across municipalities from the US to New Zealand to Hong Kong. Chapters discuss objectives and legal requirements associated with PPPs, the potential advantages and limitations of PPPs, and provide guidance as to how to structure a successful PPP for infrastructure investment. This book is of interest to researchers studying public administration, public finance, and infrastructure as well as practitioners and decision makers interested in instituting PPPs in their communities.

Public Private Partnerships: Principles for Sustainable Contracts

by Veronica Vecchi Francesca Casalini Niccolò Cusumano Velia M. Leone

By merging public and private tangible and intangible capitals, Public Private Partnerships contracts (PPP) are fundamental to generate public value and to support economic and social development; in the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic, they prove critical to pave the way for the recovery. This book is intended to support the co-evolution of the main public and private players involved in PPP contracts for infrastructure and service delivery, by providing principles, based on the academic and professional experience of the authors, that can be applied across sectors and jurisdictions. Drawing on the framework of public-private collaborations at macro, meso and micro level, this book provides a practical perspective on the most relevant legal, financial and contractual issues of PPP contracts for infrastructure and service delivery.

Public Private Partnerships and Constitutional Law: Accountability in the United Kingdom and the United States of America

by Nikiforos Meletiadis

Annually, the government commits significant expenditure to a type of public contracts which are known as Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) or the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). These contracts bind the public purse for decades in sectors such as Health, Defence and Detention, and involve the assignment of a significant role to the private sector in the provision of public services. This book explores the controversial subject of the public accountability of these contracts, and the corresponding large sums of public money involved. It explains how public accountability works for PPPs and the PFI, and it argues that it should be provided as part of the Economic Constitution. Drawing comparative understandings from the UK and the USA constitutional legal traditions, the book investigates public accountability from the perspective of the Economic Constitution, focusing on three accountability criteria - legal, accounting and administrative. In doing so, it provides an analysis which informs both from the perspective of academic research and from that of legal and consulting practice.

Public-Private Partnerships and Responsibility under International Law: A Global Health Perspective (Routledge Research in International Law)

by Lisa Clarke

Partnerships between the public and private sectors are an increasingly accepted method to deal with pressing global issues, such as those relating to health. Partnerships, comprised of states and international organizations (public sector) and companies, non-governmental organizations, research institutes and philanthropic foundations (private sector), are forming to respond to pressing global health issues. These partnerships are managing activities that are normally regarded to be within the domain of states and international organizations, such as providing access to preventative and treatment measures for certain diseases, or improving health infrastructure within certain states to better manage the growing risk of disease. In the shadow of the success of these partnerships lies, however, the possibility of something going wrong and it is to this shadow that this book sheds light. This book explores the issue of responsibility under international law in the context of global health public-private partnerships. The legal status of partnerships under international law is explored in order to determine whether or not partnerships have legal personality under international law, resulting in them being subject to rules of responsibility under international law. The possibility of holding partnerships responsible in domestic legal systems and the immunity partnerships have from the jurisdiction of domestic courts in certain states is also considered. The obstacles to holding partnerships themselves responsible leads finally to an investigation into the possibility of holding states and/or international organizations, as partners and/or hosts of partnerships, responsible under international law in relation to the acts of partnerships. This book will be of interest to those researching and working in areas of global governance, especially hybrid public-private bodies; the responsibility under international law of states and international organizations; and also global health. It provides doctrinal clarification and practical guidance in a developing field of international law.

Public-Private Partnerships in Deutschland (essentials)

by Sarah Wolff

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) haben sich in Deutschland und international als wünschenswerte Beschaffungsalternative für die Öffentliche Hand etabliert. Was den privaten Partner antreibt oder antreiben könnte, sich auf eine solche Partnerschaft einzulassen, wird meist nicht thematisiert. Und sind nahezu ,,insolvente" öffentliche Institutionen wirklich attraktive Partner für die Privatwirtschaft? Bedeutet eine PPP-Realisierung nicht auch das Aufschieben staatlicher Zahlungen in die Zukunft? Inwiefern können private Akteure Monopolgewinne abschöpfen, wenn sie ein staatlich geschütztes Monopol bewirtschaften? Sarah Wolff gibt Antworten auf diese und andere Fragen.

Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Economies (Routledge Research in Finance and Banking Law)

by Augustine Edobor Arimoro

Over the years, a shortage of funds has resulted in a huge deficit in government budgets for infrastructure, especially in developing economies. It is no longer feasible for governments to bear the entire burden of funding public infrastructure. Given that an inadequate supply of public infrastructure poses a challenge for the economic development of any country, partnerships with the private sector to fund public infrastructure procurement has started to be relied on as an alternative to traditional public procurement. Public-Private Partnerships are an arrangement that allow private entities to fund, design, manage and operate public infrastructure for a term in exchange for the payment of tolls by users or the government may well be the solution to the infrastructure crisis in many developing economies. This book examines the role of law in the adoption, implementation and regulation of Public-Private Partnership in selected developing economies including Brazil, India, Nigeria and South Africa to address how to deal with overlapping laws and how the law can protect assets invested in PPP in order to attract private sector interests in infrastructure financing in developing market, showing how law can be used to create, sustain and promote PPP frameworks that take into account local circumstances in developing economies.

Public-Private Partnerships in Russia: Institutional Frameworks and Best Practices (Competitive Government: Public Private Partnerships)

by Oleg V. Ivanov Agnessa O. Inshakova

This volume presents the history and current state of the public-private partnership (PPP) sector in Russia. It analyzes the legal and institutional framework of PPPs as well as approaches and best practices for public administrations at federal and regional level to promote PPPs. Special attention is given to the management of PPP projects in different phases of their life cycle and to the legal and financial structuring of PPP projects. In addition, the contributions highlight best PPP practices in various sectors - from transport infrastructure to information technology - and also discuss international aspects of PPP. The volume is aimed at scholars in economics and public administration as well as public decision-makers interested in modern trends in the Russian economy and the development of successful business development.

Public Private Partnerships Renegotiations in Transportation: Case Studies from Portugal (Competitive Government: Public Private Partnerships)

by Carlos Oliveira Cruz Joaquim Miranda Sarmento

There is a growing interest in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), particularly in infrastructure and public services. Under the scope of PPPs, renegotiations are becoming more relevant, as empirical evidence suggests that most PPP projects are inevitably renegotiated, i.e., the original contract needs to be adapted to new and unforeseen circumstances. Renegotiations have a substantial impact on the contract and performance of a PPP and usually represent significant costs for users and taxpayers. However, very little is known about the management and, mainly, the process of renegotiating that will, very likely, occur. This book provides a set of case-studies of PPP renegotiations in the transport sector. The authors illustrate the Portuguese experience, a country that has been using PPP extensively, particularly in transport. The case studies provide an extensive and detailed analysis on each aspect of the project and the renegotiation. What drives renegotiations? Why are some projects more renegotiated than others? What are the results? How can the performance of renegotiation processes be improved? These and other questions provide the basis for the discussions in this book. The novelty and value of the book come mainly from the extent of information available. Each case-study deals with these questions in much more detail than what is common in the case-studies approach.

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